The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, November 19, 1853, Image 4

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INSURANCE. Savannah Mutual Insurance Company. TSS* nkmumv ha returned in stock Sixty per cent, of I *! m Smf,nthe“asUwo years. The subscriber hss the •kiu-rin Twenty-five percent, tor the last twelve months and P Scent Lisbon the stock issued for 1852. In surers in this office will bring their stock scrip of 1.852 and receive t he?dividends—they can at the same time receive their scrip olSSSmlsjSiy” atthe USU R. r j. te MOSE3, AgenU_ CALIFORNIA (I NJ $ i BJ A N; C I BY THE KENTUCKY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Apply to JOHN MUNN, Agent, Columbus, Ga. BOSWELL & BILLING, July 9—w&twly Medical Examiners. AGENCY OF THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MEW YORK. H. 11. EPPING, Agent for < olumbus, Ga. l)hS BOSWELL &. BILLING,MedicaI Examiner*. Pamphlets containing tables of Rates and other information may be obtained by application at the office of the Agents. Gojjumus, Noy 23—twitwly MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, WILL receive Deposits—and Checks for sale on New York Maconand Savannah. _ April 24-twtf RICHARD PATTEN. mm INSURANCE COMPANY, Office , No, 10 Wall Street , New York. CASH CAPITAL, $500,000. SIMEON L. LOOMIS, President. CHAS. J. MARTIN, Secretary. E. S. GREENWOOD, : : : : : Agent. Columbus, Georgia. October 1, twtim MEDICAL NOTICES. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERIES, &c. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, m ssr>:e. Dll. R. A. W ARE, IS now’ receiving a much larger supply than ha ever been before offered in this market. All wishing M to purchase pure and unadulterated articles in this line, will do well to call and examine. PURE BRAND Y, OLD PORT AND MADEIRA i WINE, for Medical purposes, to be had at R. A. WARE’S Drug Store. PERFUMERIES AND COSMETICS.— Lubins and Bazins assorted varieties, for sale by R. A. WARE. LONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALE.— Very I best quality. For sale by R. A. WARE. FINE SEGARS AND CHOICE CHEWING TO BACCO, can be had of R. A. WARE. THREE HUNDRED SWEDISH LEECHES, just received and for sale by R. A. WARE. BRUSHES AND BROOMS of every kind, for sale by R. A. WARE. WINDOW GLASS, from 8 by 10 to 20 by 24, for sale by R. A. WARE. Columbus, Ga., April 2,1853-w&twly _ v DR. S. B. LAW, HAS located himself in Columbus, Ga., intending to sue e practice of his profession. Yfl His office is on Jackson street, opposite and directly East AB of the .Methodist Church, the one formerly occupied by Dr Holt, where he may be found at all times, unless absent profes sionally* Columbus, June. 1, 1853—twtf SURGERY. DR. STANFORD has returned to the city, and is now fully prepared to enter into the practice of Surgery. Co'umbug, Sept 17— twtf SURGICAL INFIRMARY. fIRS. WILDMAN * BANAHL HAVE opened, in Savannah, an Infirmary for the treatment of Surgical and Chronic Diseases. The buildings are spacious, with ample grounds attached, and expense has not been spared to provide the latest and most ap prove appliances of the SURGICAL ART, for the benefit of those who may resort to this Institution for relief. The terms lor Board, Nursing, &c., are $1 per day—slo being required in advance. The fees for Surgical operations to be agreed upon, before the operation is performed ; except incase of indigence, when SI per day will cover all expenses, Slaves provided for, in separate building, on the above terms. N. B. No case of Surgical or Chronic disease will be received into this establishment, unless it is believed, after examination, that the case is curable, or admits of relief; but $5 will be in variably charged for Examination and opinion, il the case is rejected. nr Th undersigned would receive into their private offices, on liberal terms, a number of young men, who are desirous es availing themselves of a thorough course of preliminary instruc tion, clinical opportunities and anatomical investigations. P. H. WILDMAN, M. D. Cor. South-Broad and Abercorn sts. CHAS. GANAHL, M. D. South-Broad, 3 doors east of Barnard st. Sept. 10,1853 —w&twtf DRS. M. & S. W. WOODRUFF, PHYSICIANS AND ACCOUCHERS. No. 65 Broad Street, Columbus. Ga. /% DR.S. W. WOODRUFF having returned to Columbus @4 intends to make it his permanent place of residence. UK He respectfully offers his services to the citizens, and flatters himself th it from his opportunities to qualify him self for the duties of his profession, and from his experience in the practice of medicine, that he will be able to give satisfaction to all who may be pleased to employ him; and having associat ed himself with DR. M. WOODRUFF, will practice in connection with him. All calls punctually at tended to by day or night. Their office will be at Dr. M. Wood ruff’s Medicine Store, No. 65 Broad street. .At night he w r ill be found at Dr. M. YVoodruiFs residence nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church. .or Ail cases at a distance punctually attended to, and medi cine sent by mail. Nov 9—twSiu Prof. Alex. C, Barry's Trieopherous, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND, .For Beautifying, Curling, Preserving, Restwing and Strengthening the Hair, Relieving Diseases of the Skin, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and , Healing External Wounds. Rounded by no geographical lines, the reputation of Barry’s Trieopherous pervades the Union. The sales of the arti cle of late years have increased in a ratio that almost exceeds beHef. Professor Barry, after a careful examination of his sales’ book, finds that the number of bottles delivered to order in quantities of from a half gross upward, during the year 1852, was within a trifle ot 9.->O,O(Ht. It is unnecessary to present at length the evidence of the won derful properties ot the Trieopherous, when the public have fur nished such an endorsement as this. The cheapness of the article and the of its chemical action upon the hair the scalp, and in all cases of superficial irritation, ti;st recom mended it to the attention of the people. This was all that the inventor desired. Every bottle advertised itself. The effects <>t the fluid exceeded expectation. It acted like a charm. The ladies would not be without it. Country dealears in every sec tion of the United States found they must have it ; and thus was built up a wholesale trade of an extent hitherto unheard ot as regards articles of this kind. The highest point has not yet been reached, and it is believed the sales this vear will be a million and a half ot bottles. Depot and .Manufactory, No. 137 Broadwav, New Yoik. Re tail price, 25 cents a large bottle. Liberal discount t purchasers by the quantify Sold by all mi YV a ”*ti n h , a , nlß and druggists throughout the United ktwdby ‘ C °’ Weet Il,dlcs - U!eat France, fe Augusts, 1853—vr&twarn. t ARTER ’ GENTLEMEN’S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING OF THE Latest an<l most approved Styles. A lorge assortment of Boy’s and Youth’s Nothing, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Umbrellas, &c., can be found at Clothier and Merchant Tailor, (Next door lo Hill 4’ Dawson, 123 Broad Street, Columbus, 0n.,) Avery lar*e stock of and VESTINGS of the latest importa tions of French and English styles, for sale by the yard ; or manufactured to order, and war ranted, under the direction of unk <&w&s&&s& it. ssßHra who will be pleased to accommodate old friends, and new, iu his line. Columbus, Oct. 21, 1853.—w&twtf LA GRANGE MUSIC STORE, Ml® MFMla* Just opened, in Thornton’s Rock Building, on the West side of th Court House a large and FASHIONABLE MUSIC STOKE. WE WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF MUSIC—SUCH A Sheet Music, Instruction Books, Port Folios, &c, &c, PIAMOI, with and without iEOLIAN ATTACHMENTS fTTfH DOLCE CAMPANOS, Hews’ American Action, and the LEAF TUR NER patent of Knabe, Gachle & Cos., and from many other Factories. Vfc also, 3|l flageolets, cellos, drums, banjos, accordeons, flutinos Music Boxes, of various sizes, and well selected Brass Instruments for BANDS; Italian, Roman Englisfi best, strings for MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds. All of which we pledge ourselves to sell as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere in the South. , . ... Dealers Teachers and Schools, supplied at the lowest rates, and all orders filled with ea’e Italian, old Cremona Violins, Celia strings, Pistols, Colt’s Revolvers, and all other kinds, Powder Flasks, Percussion Caps Port Monias, Ladies’ Cards and Dressing Cases, Portable writing desks, Walkmg Canes, with gold and silver heads, French Baskets and Boxes, latest styles. Large assortment of Stationery. LlGliUfeiil, lAIAIN LR & MJ. P S. All Pianos sold by us will be kept in order tor one year, without charg. Dura bilitv guaranteed by Factors and by us. All new music received as soon as published. Nov. 11, 1852. A 6 —”- BROOKS & CHAPMAN, (SUCCESSORS TO GESNER A PEABODY,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, DYE STUFFS, SURGICAL and DENTAL XIVSX'RUAESIMr'X'iii, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS, FANCY ARTICLES, fyc. &,c. BLUE STORE, SIGN OF THE NEGRO AND MORTAR. No. 77 West side Broad street, Columbus, Ga- THE undersigned would respectfully announce to their friends of Columbus, and to the public generally, that having purchased the entire interest of Messrs. Gesner & Peabody in the store well known as the BLUE DRUG STORE, will continue the business under the name and style as above. This intimate connection with and close application to the business for several years, which has given them much practical experience—united with a determination to he close and vigilant as well as prompt and active in their attention to its duties and requirements—will, they hope, he a sufficient guarantee to the public of their efficiency in the business, and that it will he properly conducted. Determined to deal in none but WARRAJS'IAJILE ARJ ICIjES , they hope by such means to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Physicians and Merchant dealers doing business in the country, will find it greatly to their in terest to call and examine their ample stock before purchasing elsewhere; for,in addition to fresh and well selected articles, they offer inducements in prices, which they are confident will prove perfectly satisfactory. In their extensive arrangements for the proper advancement of the business, they have not been unmindful of what would be to the interest and convenience of the City Physicians, but, in view of their accommodation and for their especial benefit, have fitted up and neatly arranged a room— with all necessary apparatus attached—to be devoted exclusively to Chemical and Pharmaceutical operations. In this effort of theirs to relieve them of the trouble and vexation to which they have been so long subjected, in preparing their own prescriptions, or in having them properly attended to, they think they ought and believe they will sustain them. Both or either of them will be present at all times (except from 10 o’clock A. M. until 2 o’clock P. M. on Sundays) io attend carefully and promptly to this department of the business—and in no instance will any but known extra Medicines he used in the preparation of prescriptions. JNO. W. BROOKS. FOSTER S. CHAPMAN. Columbus, Sept. 14, 1853—tw&w6m Leviathan Air Tight Cooking Stove, FOR HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES. CAPABLE of cooking for one hundred persons, with eight boiler holes. For sale by D. B. THOMPSON &. CO., Columbus, sept 14—2 m No 143 Broad street. The Celebrated IRON YVITCII Cooking Stove—4 sizes—warranted. These stoves have never been known to fail. For sale by Sept 14— D. B. THOMPSON & CO, 143 Broad st. “Iron King.” ENLARGED Cooking Stoves—2 —will receive wood 3 feet in length. YY’arranted to work well. ALSO, Eastern Iron Witch —Pacific Air Tight (an excellent stove) Eastern Premiums Bro. Jonathan, and Lady ot the Lake Cooking Stoves. Latest improvements. Box Stoves, Parlor, Office and Hall Stoves —various varieties and patterns. For sale by I) B THOMPSON & CO., 143 Broad st. Columbus, Sept 14 wfctvwJm — A CARD. TFIE subscriber having soild his stovk of Books, Stationery, A c. to Mr. John YV. Pease, remits his thanks to the public, for the liberal patronage bestowed upon himself, and solicits from his patrons a transfer of the same to his successor, who of fers on reasonable terms, as good and extensive an assortment of Books and fancy and staple Stationery, as can be found any where in this part ol the country . The .subscriber may be found hereafter at the Agency of the Rock island Factory. D. F. YY’ILLCOX. Oct. 1. twtf GUANO. MY second cargo of GUANO will arrive at Apalachicola early in December: persons wishing to purchase, by application to me at Columbus, can be supplied ot any point on the river between this and Apalachicola. I also have some on hand at Greenwood's YY’arehouse of the last shipment. I will make deposits a* Fort Gaines, Georgetown, Eufaula, Florence and Jernigam J. R. JONES Columbus, Oct 25-w &twtf Enquirer and Spirit of the r!oth will copy one mouth. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. HEAVY ARRIVALS OF NEW WHEAT! ¥7'ROM GEORGIA. TENNESSEE AND BALTIMORE, ena- E bles us to furnish the whole country, and Columbus besides, with fresh ground FLOUR from New YV heat, at suffi prices as to allow nil classes to buy. CORN MEAL at 70 cents per bushel. SHORTS for feed at 80 cents per hundred. BRAN do. at 60 cents per hundred. CUSTOM GRINDING done at the shortest notice, better quicker, and a better yield, than at any Mill in Georgia. CASH paid for CORN and WHEAT, the highest mar kef price. L. LIVINGSTON, Agent. 13F* Terms CASH, invariably. Sept. 9, 1853. INK MANUFACTORY. • A few doors above the Market, at No. 158 Broad Street, Columbus, Cia. THE undersigned has just completed his establishment for the Manufactory of Ink, and offers extraordinary induce ments to Merchants, and all others to purchase his superior ar tide. This Ink is of a bright jet black, flows beautifully from the pen, and is so indelible, as many can testify, that even oxalic acid mill not remove it from paper. No other Ink will stand the test of oxalic acid. YY'rite a word with this Ink and the same word with any other Ink contiguous to each other, apply oxalic acid to both, and instantly the word written with the other Ink will disappear, while mine w ill remain. Hence its value for Merchants, Banks, Mortgages, Public Documents, &,c. N<disbouest bookkeeper can erase a figure once made with this Ink. fraud or defalcations from this source will be totally cut off by those wli > use this Ink. I will sell as cheap as such an article can'be bought in New 1 ork. ror sale wholesale and retail by Aug. 27—tw2mwtf JOHN E. LAMAR, Proprietor. Sale at Broken Arrow. ON the 16 December next, if not raining, and if bo the first tair day thereafter, will be sold a quantity of corn and fod der, and stock 0! all kind-, on a credit cf twelve month* with notes of security. LEROY NAPlfc/i. November l—wlds. MEDICINES. HERE IS YOUR REMEDY! HOLLOWA Y'S OINTMENT. A MOST MIRACULOUS CURE OF BAD LEGS. AFTER 43 YEARS’ SUFFERING. Extract of a letter from. Mr. William Galpin, of 70 St. Mary's street, Weymouth, dated \bih May, 1851. To Professor Holloway . Sir: Attheagt of eighteen my wife (who is now sixty one) caught a violent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever since that time they have been more or less sore, and greatly inflamed. Her agonies were distracting, and for months together she was deprived entirely of rest and sleep. Every remedy that medical men advised was tried, but w ithout effect: her health suffered severely, and the state of her legs was terrible. I had often read vour advertisements, and advised her to try your Pills and Oint ment ; and, as a last resource, after every other remedy had prov ed useless,she consented to do so. Bhe commenced six weeks ago, and strange to relate, is now-in good health. Her legsare painless, w ithout seam or scar, and her sleep sound and undis turbed. Could you have witnessed the sufferings of my wife during the last forty three years, and contrast them with her ore sent enjoyment of health, you would indeed feel delighted in having been the means of so greatly alleviating the sufferings of a fellow creature. (Signed) Wii. Calvin. A PERSON 70 YEARS OF AGE CURED OF A BAD LEG, OF THIRTY YEARS STANDING. Copy of a letter from Mr. William Abbs, Builder of Gas Ovens, of Rushcliffe, near Huddersfield, dated May 316-f, 1851. To Professor Holloway : Bir : 1 suffered for a period of thirty years from a bad leg, the result of two or three different accidents at Gas Works; accom panied by scorbutic systems. 1 had recourse to a variety of medical advice, without deriving any benefit, and was even told that the leg must beamputated, yet, in opposition to that opinion, your Pills and Ointment have effected a completecure in soshort a time, that lew Who had not witnessed it w ould credit the fact. (Signed) William Abbs. The truth of this statement can be verified by ,1/r W. P. Eng land, Chemist, thirieen Jl/arket street, Huddersfield. A DREADFUL BAD BREAST CURED IN ONE MONTH. Extract of a letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of Fen hurst, Kent, dated December 13 th, 1850. To Professor Holloway : Dear Bir: My wife bad suffered from Bad Breasts formore than six months, and during the whole period had the best medica attendance, but all to no use. Having before healed an awful wound in my own leg by your unrivalled medicine, I determined again to use your Pills and Ointment, and therefore gavethem a trial in her case, and fortunate it w si did so, for in less than a month a perfect cure was effected, and the benefit that various other branches of my family have derived from flier use is really astonishing. 1 now strongly recommend them to all my friends. (Signed) Frederick Turner. The Pills should be used conjoin )y with the Ointment in most ot the following cases: Bad y.egs Chilblains Fistulas Sore Throats Bad Breasts Chapped hands Gout Skin Diseases Burns Corns (soft) Glandular Scurvy Bunions Cancers Swellings Sore Heads Bite of Mosqui- Contracted and Lumbago Tumors toes and Sand stiff joints Piles Ulcers Flies Elephantiasis Scalds Yaws Chiego-foot Sore Nipples. Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, 244 Strand, (near Temple Bar, London,) and by all respectable druggists and dealers in medicines throughout the British Empire, and those ofthe United States, in Pots at Wholesale by the principal drug houses in the Union, and by JWessrs A B & D S Sands, New York. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N B—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each not. For sale in Columbus, by GESNER & PEABODY. WM. W. LINCOLN, May 3-18\vIt&twlteowly Savannah, Ga. THE ROAD TO HEALTH. & HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. CURE OF A DISORDERED LIVER AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy of a letter from Mr R. W. Kirkus, Chemist,7 Preseot street, Liverpool, dated 6th June, 1851. To Prolessor Holloway : Sir —Your pills and Ointment have stood the highest on onr list of Proprietary Medicines for some years. A customer, to whom I can refer for any enquiries, desires me to let you know the particulars of her case. She had been troubled for years with a disordered liver and bad digestion. On the last occasion, however, the virulence of the attack was so alaiming, and the inflammation setin so severely, that doubts were entertained of her not being able to bear up under it; fortunately she was in duced to try your Pills, and she informs me that after the first, and each succeeding dose, had great relief. She continued to take them, and although she used only three boxes she is now in the enjoyment of perfect health. 1 could have sent you many more cases, but the above, from the severity of the attack, anil the speedy cure, I think speaks much in favor of your astonish ing Pills. ‘ Signed YV. R. KIRKUS. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF RHEUMATIC FEVER IN VAN DIEMAN’S LAND. I Copy ol letter inserted in the Hobart Town Courier, of th \ Ist March, 1851, by Major I- Walch. Margaret McCounigan, nineteen years of age, residing at New Town, had been suffering from a violent rheumatic fever for up wards of two months, which had entirely deprived her ofthe use of her limbs: during this period she was under the care of the most eminent medical men in Hobart Town, and by them her case was considered hopeless. A friend prevailed upon her to try Holloway’s celebrated Pills, which she consented to do, and in an incredible short space of time they effected a perfect cure. Cure of a pain and tightness in the Chest and Stomach of a person 84 years of age. From Messrs. Thaw & Son, Proprietors of the Lynn Ad vertiser, who can vouch lor the following statement August 2d, 1851. To Professor Holloway: Sir: I desire to bear testimony to the good effect of Holloway’s Pills. For some years I have suffered severely irom a pain and tightness in the stomach, which was also accompanied by a short ness of breatn, that prevented me from walking about. lam 84 i years of age, and notwithstanding my advanced state ol life, j these Pills have so relieved me, that I am desirous that others | should he made acquainted with their virtues. 1 am now ren ‘ dered, by their meat s, comparatively active, and can take exer- I cise without inconvenience oi pain, which I could not do before. (Signed) HENRY COE, j North-street Lynn, Norfolk. | These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints : Ague, Asthma, Bilious complaints. Blotches on the Skill, Bow- j el complaints, Colics, Constipation of the Bowels, Consumption, j Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, j Fevers of all kinds, F’its, Gout, Headache,indigestion, inflamma tion, jaundice, liver complaints, lumbago, piles, rheumatism, 1 retention of urine, scrofula, or king’s evil, sore throats, stone and j gravel, secondary symptoms, tic douloureux, ulcers, veneral af fections, worms of all kinds, weakness from whatever cause, &c. i Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, 244 Strand, (near Temple Bar, London) and by all respectable druggists and dealers in medicines throughout the British Empire, and of those of the United States, in boxes at 37}£c. 87, and $1 50 each.— Wholesale by the principal drug nouse in the Union, and bv Messrs. A. B. & D. Sands, New York. There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes.’ N. B.—Directions for the guidance of parents in every disorder i are affixed to each box. Fur sale in Columbus, by GESNER &, PEABODY. „ . WM. W. LINCOLN, May 17-twltAwlteowy Savannah, Ga, t> axt a * $26 Reward. ay from my plantation, in Baker countv .lon the Jth of June last, my negro man WILSON, thirty two orthirty three years ot age, six feet high, weighs about LtM) lbs., dark complexion, and has a very intelligent countenance. Said negro was raised in Talbot county, where he lived until about the Ist of June last, and is now probably in that vicinity. I will give the above reward for bis delivery at any Jail where I can get him- Albany, July 26—wtf WM. YV.JCHEEVER. Ten Dollars Reward. XSL/f RANAYY AY from my plantation in Stewart county Ga near the Hanahatchec poet office, on the 161 h Oeto her last, my negro boy Charles. He is twenty six years about five feet six inches high, weighs about one hundred and sixty lbs., dark complected, lias a scar over one eye and two on the breast. Said boy has formerly belonged 1° John Flin, of Muscogee county; it is likely that he will make his way off, as I learn he has been trying to get a white man to carry him. Iwillptylhe above reward for said boy lodged in any sale Jail so that I can gel him, Nov 8-wlf WILLIAM TATU.V. MEDICINES. r —DR. STRONGS— i COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLS f-- ■ ■ Vi '” These Pills are entirely Vegetable, and are a most superior Medicine in the cure of alt Bilious Complaints , Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, Costive y ness, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Fevers of all kinds, Loss of Appetite, Obstruct ed and painful Menstruation , and all lingering diseases. Asa Female Medicine they act like a charm, and when taken according to the directions, they never fail to curu the worst cases of Piles, after all other remedies fail. They purify the blood, equalize the cir culation, restore the Liver, Kidneys, and other Secretory Organs to a healthy tone and action; and ns an Anti-Bilious Family Medicine they have no equal. Price 25 cents per box. Also, DR. STRONG’S j PECTORAL STOMACH PILLS,’ A remedy for Coughs, Colds , Catarrh, Bronchitis , Croup , Whooping Cough, Asthma, Consumption, Nervous Dis eases, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Erysipelas, Disease of the Heart, Inflammation and Pain in the Chest, Back and Side, and all diseases arising from a deranged state of the Stomach, and to relieve the distress and bad feeling from eating too hearty food, in weak and dyspeptic habits. WARRANTED TO BE PUREI* VEGETABLE. These Pills act as an Expectorant, Tonic, and Aperient. One 25 cent box possesses three times more power to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle of any of the Syrup?, Balsams, or Sarsaparillas that was ever made, and a sim ple trial of only one box will prove this important truth. They promote Expectoration, Loosen the Phlegm, and Clear the Lungs and other Secretory Organs of all morbid matter, and there is not another remedy in the whole Materia Medica capable of imparting such healing properties to the Lungs and Vital Organs as these Pills. Tiiey Cure Costivencss, produce a good, regular Appetite, and Strengthen the System. Price 25 cents per box, containing 25 doses of Call on the Agents w T ho sell the Pills, and get the Planter's Almanac gratis, giving full particulars and cer tificates of cures. Both kinds of the above named Pills aro for wue m Columbus, Ga., bv DANFORTH & NAGL * * GESNER & PEABODY In Girard, Ala , by And on inquiry can be had in every town in Georgia ami Alabama. HULL & SPENCER, April 23-w&tweo2w 12 Ann street, N. Y. HUPP! A SURE REMEDY FOR WORMS This preparation has now been before Ihe public for a quartet of a century. Its great intrinsic merits have steadily advanced tin sale and use of it, and it now enjoys a prominent position in tin public favor. It is mild in its operation and contains no calomel nor otto i dangerous ingredients, and can be given with perfect safety to tin most delicate infant. It costs only 25 cents, per bottle, and sold by nearly all Drug gists and store keepers in the country. For sale by DANFORTH & NAGEL, Columbus, Georgia. And Druggists generally. July 12 —wly DR. GALE’S ANODYNE OF OPIUM. Itisafact well known that many people are accustomed !” buy and use without the advice of a physician, many of the pre parations of Opium, as Laudanum, Paregoric, -Bateman’s Drops, Godfrey’s Cordial and the like. The effect of these medicines is generally known, and while they are admitted to possess Anodyne and sedative properties not to be dispensed with they are still liable to serious objection in many cases and doubtless are often mischievous in their ten dency. The new chemical preparation, now submitted to the public. - believed to possess all their virtues, and even more w ihout be ing chargeable with their bad effects—neither is Ibis opinion hastily founded, nor based on limited experience—after a Irit i of some years in which this remedy has been placed \nthe hi nd of eminent physicians, and tried indeed under every variety of circumstance, and in ail appiopriate cases of disease, it is still believed to stand unrivalled, not only for its rare irediciral vir tues as a preparation of Opium, but ior the safety with which it may be administered. B. A. FAHNESTOCK, HULL & CO. New York, Proprietors. Also sold by Druggists generally'. Price 25 cents, per bottle. For sale by DANFORTH & NAGEL, Columbus. Ga. July 12—wly SASH, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOCKS MAN UFA CTU It E D BY E. T. TAYLOR & 00., COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THE subscribers having recently erected extensive additions to their Steam Works for the purpose of manufacturing tin above articles, and furnished themselves with th< latest ;u 1 most approved machinery adapted to that business, are prepar ed to lurnish, at short notice, all work in the above line, <'fa quality and finish equal to the best made in any establishment. PRICE? OF SASIJ. Bby 10 Unglazed, 7 ets.: Primed and Glazed, 13 els -10 by 12 “ 9 “ ‘ “ “ “ 18 “ 12 by 14 “ 10 “ “ “ “ 25 “ 12 by 16 “ 11 “ “ “ “ 27 “ 12 by 18 “ 12 <£ “ “ “ 30 “ 12 by 20 “ 14 “ “ “ “ 35 “ 12 by 22 “ 16 “ “ “ “ 40 “ ]2 by 24 “ 18 “ “ “ “ 45 “ All Sash Primed in the best manner; and when Glazed will be faithfully Tinned : superior French Glass will invariably be used : Lip Fash lurnished when ordered at a reasonable ad ditional cost. Rolling’ Window IJlinds. Prick —Sixty cents per foot per pair measuring the length. i Example: a pair Blinds five feet in length s> CO Panel Poors—Moulding one £ide. li- Inch 2 Panel $3 00; 4 Panel $3 50; fi Panel $3 70; If “ “ “ 3 25; “ “ 375 ; “ “ i 00; 2 “ “ “ 3 50; “ “ 4 00; “ “ 4 25f Fifty cents additional where both sides are Moulded. Patrons in sending their orders should be particular in -jn i fyingsize and number of lights, &c., for Sasli, and the thicker 1 size a nd number of Panels, extent of Moulding, &c., for Door j and the length and width ot Blinds. Doors Painted plain or Grained in the highest style of the :n if desired, at prices to be agreed upon. TERMS —For bills Jess than s'loo 00 cash, on delivery at Rn.i \ road, Steamboat er on Wagon. For bills over SIOO GO, reasonable time will be given to; bankable paper or satisfactory city acceptance, bearing inti rest Large contracts specially agreed upon. All work when delivered to Railroad, Steamboat or >Va£< a will be considered in possession of purchases end at their iM; E, T. TAYLOR & CO. Columbus, Ga.. Aug. 30. 1853.—w4m TROY FACTORY. HARR'IS COUNTY, GEORGIA. Ware Hoorn on West ,side Broad street, next door to P. McLaren. JEFFERSON, lANCE & CO. R. G. JEFFERSON, ) SUCCESSORS \ JL W. NAM'D, J. E. JEFFERSON, ( TO ) W. K. Jl VHRiS. R. G. JEFFERSON & CO. JEFFERSON, NANCE & CO., PROPRIETOR? of the above works, respectluliy itrlbri” the public that they now have on hand for sale, and arc WOT constantly manufacturing ail descriptions of Wooden * ‘ Ware, such as Chairs, Setters, Bedsteads, Buckets Tubs, &c., &c., of the best material, and finished in excelled style under their personal supc-rvirion. They particularly cal! attention to their various styles A; quid’ ties of Chairs, which for neatness, comfort, durability at"* uhkapness, cannot be surpassed in any country : varying “ price from §1(1 to $24 per dozen—specimens of which can ;••• seen at their WARE ROO.I/ one- door above P. Mel ato > Broad Street, Columbus, which the public arc in\iteci toe.'- amine. Every description of Chairs, Buckets, Tubs, &.0., made 1“ der after any fashion desired. They are also prepared to i t uisli Window Ssash and Blinds of all description t<> order- Handsome premiums were awarded to the Troy facte * at the Southern Agricultural Fair at Macon, for the best -•]’ j men of Chair and Wooden Ware. ‘eft at their Ware Room —wesl side Broad =!! directed to Jefferson. Nance & Cos., Columbus will meet 3- prompt attention. Columbus, June Ist. —wly. IN r H ii. r',:"? t. ?! A ‘ o ADULTS.