The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, November 30, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME I] , THE TIMES & SENTINEL. TENNENT IOMAX & ROaWELL ELLIS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE THI-WEEKLV TIMES SENTINEL i“ published EVERY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY MOR.Y /.Vfi anil SATURDAY EI'E.VJ.YG. THE WEEKLY TIMES & SENTINEL is jitibl'slied every TADS DA Y MORNING. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. TERMS : TRI-VVKUKLY, Five Dollars per annum, in advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum, in advance, c W* Advertisements conspicuously inserted at Onk Dollar per square, (or the first insertion, and fifty ckn is for every sub sequent insertion. Liberal deduction will be made for yearly advertisements. Hales of Land and Nee roes, by Administrators, Executors, o Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the howrs of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in thecounty in which the property is situate. Notices o f these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. JYotices for the sale of Personal Property must be given at 1 east ten days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be publish ed forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days (or Dismission from Administration, monthly six months—tor Distnissirn from Guardianship forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months for establishing lo?t papers, for the full space of three months —for coin >elling titles from Executors or Admin istrators, where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always he continued acc rding to these, the cgal requirements,unit ss otherwise ordered. COM MISSION M ERC HAN TS. G. 0. METCALF & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 34 Poydbas Street, New Orleans. G. D. METCALF, H. B. STONE. REFERENCES: R. Patten. Agent of the Marine and Fire Insurance Company, j John Banks, Agent o. the Augusta Insurance and B’ j 11. IL Epping, Agentoftln Bank of Brunswick. Hall & Deßlois, T. W. Tallman,R.J.Moses. November -it—tw3t&w3t BOSTON VILLA LONGA, COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants, No. 196 Bay Street Savannah, Ga. JOHN BOSTON, JOHN L. VILLALONGA.! REFERENCES 1 John H. Howard, B. T. Chapman, A. W. Chapman, Ruse, Patten &, Cos. October 11—w&twtf WASHBURN, WILDER A CO., FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 114 BAY STREET, JOSEPH WASHBURN, ) JNO. R. WILDER. [ Savannah, Ga. FRANCIS G. DANA. ) Sept. 16 — tw6in 0- S. HARRISQE A UCTION, COM MISSION, RECEIVING; AND; FORWARDING Merch an t. NOS 59 and 61 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. A. K. AYER. AUCTIONEER AND SALESMAN. ! Liberal advances made on Negroes and Merchandise. 1 Columbus, Aug. 20, 1853 w&twly | 11. r. GREENWOOD, JUSIAH MORRIS, J. I. R IDG WAV I GREENWOOD, MORRIS &. RIDGW'AY, I FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Xo. A? Carondelet Street, New ‘rlea’is. Oct 29—w&twly | WM. H. KIMBROUGH, C 031311 SSI O N 31 ERCH AN T , Nov 8 - w&twif SAVANNAH, GA. E. LOCKETT, WM. H. LONG, , T OHN H. VKViS. IDGR IIT, LBKC & 60S, CO M M ISSI O N MERCHA NT S AND SHIPPING AGENTS. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. WILL attend to the telling oah kindsoi Produce. j Strict j attention given to receiving and lot warding goods, and ; seliua orders from the country. Those ot our triends who . iidliie to lavor us with consignments,can make the neces- ; sary arrangements through our triends lvuse, T atteu ec Cos. July 9—w&twly 1, H i! RjRj OiGiHI i> & SON, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MEIICII ANTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Sep24 wk t w3m CARDS. MOSES, JOHN PEABODY, MOSES A PEABODY, ATTORNEYS at LAW, I COLL \IRU>, GEORGIA. WILL practice in Muscogee couity, Ga., and Russel ] county. Ala., and in the Supreme Court ot the State ol Georgia. Columbus, June 29-wtwtt Sam. S. Hamilton, Col mbus Cunningham. j HAMILTON & CUNNINGHAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TROY, Pike County, Ala. April 23. 1653—w&twly. WILLIAMS, OLIVER AND EKOWN, Attorneys at Law, BUENA VISTA, MARION CO. GA. , UlSl P^ ct 'ce in tho counties ot Marum, Maeon,Houston Stewart, Randolph, A-uscogee, Lee, Taylor, and any adjoining counties where tneir services may be required. * WM. f. WILLIAMS, THADUEVS OLIVER, JACK. BROWN. January 28—jwly • * MCOLAS CACHET A T TORNE Y A T LA W I upkegee, Alabama. Oh FILL OV EU POK TEit’S BRICK STORE. WlLLattead the courts of the Ninth Circuit, and Momzoirerr Pike, and Barbour iu the Eighth Circuit. joinery, march 29 wly “the union of THE STATES and the sovereignty OF THE STATES.’’ GEO. S. ROBINSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cuthbert, Georgia. Rkkkrkkcbs Hons. M. J. Wellborn and Alfred Iverso Columbus. Cuthbert, Nov 2—43wtf TUCKER & BEALL, ATTORNEYS AT DAW, , Cpmpki.n, Stkwart County, Gi. V ILL attend regularly the Superior Courts of Stewart, Marion nuaipter and Randolph counties: and will give prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to their care. JOHN A. TUCKER , E. H. BEADI.. Lumpkin, January I*. 1853—3w1y DOUGLASS & DOUGL \SS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ouihbett, Georgia. ITfJLL practice in the counties of the Southwestern Circuit ▼ t aim in Stewart county ol the Chattahoochee circuit. „ EUGENICS J.. DuUGLASS, Nov 30—wly MAKCELLUS DOUGLASS. S s STAFFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Blakely, Early Cos., Ga. &pßwa GEO. COOK ALFORD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. W ILL practice in the counties of the Ninth Judicial Cir cuit—and the Supreme Court of the Stale Crawford, Rus ei co., Ala., Auer. 2, 1853—wly* THOMAS J. NUCKOLLS, ATTO RN E Y A T LAW, Columbus, Georgia. Office, over Dr. Ware’s Drug Store. WILL practice in the counties of this and the adjoining judicial circuit in Alabama. March 15—wly w. c. M’IVER, A T T O R N E Y A T LAW, Tuskegee, Macon co., Ala. Will practice in the counties of Macon, Montgomery 1 l'allapoosa, Pike, Barbour and Russel. , lanuary 22—4wly BOOKS AND STATIONERY. JORD AN L. HOW ELL, Bookseller and Stationer, YT7OULD respectfully inform his friends, and the public gen- ! VV erally, that he lias purchased the extensive stock of looks, Statkrny, & of A. 0. FLEW ELLEN 8z GO., and will endeavor to keep con- i slnntly on hand a complete assortment of SCHOOL, CLASSICAL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AND STATIONERY. I solicit a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to j my predecessors, rnd that of as many now customers as will favor ! me with a call. I will use every exertion to please, both in prices j and articles purchased. CALL AND SEE. Two doors below Mygatt’s Corner, sign of the Blue’and White Fiag, No. 72 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. ■J3P” Bookbindery up stairs. Aug. 3—ls i BCQKS,BCOKS! .TU-T RECEIVED BY JORDAN L. HOWELL. One splendid Illuminated atnily or pujpit Bible, containing 1600 engravings. Abbotts Juvinile Histories, eomple fietts ; If* rings works : Scones in the iife of’the Saviour by the Poets and Painters; Reynolds works; Coopers Novels, 33 vol Library edition ; Maria Edgworths Tales, do do : 10 Voi’s. Abbott’s Young Christian Series : Sher woodsworks complete ; Classical Library complete: Yi nets Pastoral Pheology ; O'ins Travels in the East; Dan iel Wehsters work complete. The Marrying Man,* hy the author oi Lewi- Arundel. Home Influence; Days’of Bruce ; Mother’s Recompense; Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar. ALSO, 4 Few more of Dr. S. S Fitch’s celebrated ABDOMI- A NAL SUPPORTERS. Columbus, May 21—twly Valuable Books! McCulloch’s Universal Gazetteer, a Dictionary, Geo graphical, Statistical and Historical, of the various coun tries, places and principal natural objects in the world. ll lustnited with seven large maps The works of Dr. Stephen Olin, comprising his sermons and lectures. The- Life and Letters of Dr. Olm. Memoirs of the life and ministry of the Rev. John Sum meifield, with an introductory letter, by James Mont gomery. , Men of the Time; or, Sketches ot living Notaoies,by Reafield. , , . . , .- , Private life of Daniel Webster, with two beautiful en gravings of his residence and birth place—also a profile ot Mr. Webster—by Lanman. . ~ , . . Yusef, or the Journey of the l'rangi—a Crusade m the East, by J Ross Browne. Theorv and Practice of Hydropathy—with notes on tne cure of Cholera by Cold Water, by H Francke. Water Cure for children ; a short guide tor the rational treatment of children in health and disease, by Scmeter deeker. , _ . , Pilgrim’s Progress, with Scott s notes, and life of tne au thor ; neatly bound. Price 50. .... . , . Lettersto Young Ladies ; sixteenth edition, revised and enlarged,by Mrs. Sigourney. “A few more ‘For- Leaves’ left of the same sort. \ lso For sale low, .wo large size Letter Presses, at A JORDAN L HOWELLS Columbus, Aug. 31, 1853. Book Store. JUT RECEIVED. TIIE Xllth VOLLML (T GEORGIA REPORTS JORDAN L. HOW ELL LOOK HEKE. I AM prepared to furnish coaiomers with Harper and Far nam's Magazine at the subscription price, i would oe g*ad ignated' 6 BU63CriP,ion9 ’ aUd deHVer JORDAN L Hulv ELU let. 8, twtf New Books! New Books! Law and Testimony, by the amber ol Wide World and Queechy; Memoir 01 Kev. Adoniram Judsoii, D. I)., by f rancia Way land ; Second War with England, by J ;st Life of Sheridan ; liltak House, bv Lharks Bicken* , Art st Wile, by Marv Howitt; Tangle wood lales, by Hawthorn, Y u. 6 Woman's Friend and Guide through lileto immortality, by John Ai James ; Gr. at Truths by treat Authors irom all =,•& and both Hemispheres ; Mrs. Hale’s new Household Receipt Book: Bovs Treasury oi Sports, illustrated; \iciim of Excite ment, bv Mrs Caroli* • Lee Heinz. Also anew supply of to Fern Leaves, Queechy, Wine, U iue World, Beatrice, Lolly snd Lowly, by Mrs M cl. tosh ; Shady thde, Daisy Burrs, -aw* ver’s sStorv, Modern Flirtations, A uFe| h, D'Aubigi es History of Reformation sth vol ; Lyards Baby lons and Nei.eveb. N ,vP^r dby OJaifd Street notice. A GENTLEMAN Ofthis city is about to commence a tom through Georgia. Florida and Alabama and will be happy , y. TIXU jiGEJfT lor Merchants a..u others who have unsettled account- aud notes in his route ol travel. Foriurtner inlormaiion apply at this olhct. Columbus. Nov *JS - tw6t Found, A POCKET BOOK belonging to Mr. John A. Hicke, with a note and some cotton receipts. The ownei I can have the same by applying at thtsofhce. I Columbus, Nov 25—twtt COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1853 NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS. THU undersigned own the Water Power and Tow Site ui tiie Falls of the Tallapoosa River, on the west side. The situa tion is 35 miles from Montgomery, 20 miles from Welumpka, | and 14 miles from Notasulga, ou West Point Railroad—with Plank rods connecting with the two former places, and one in course of construction to connect with the latter place. The , Montgomery and West Point Railroad runs within five miles of , the p.aee, and is reached by an excellent na urai road. YVe have | now in operation a Colton’ Mill, which has paid good profit? for . the seven years of its operation, having paid for itself the first ; four years. There is also a Grist and Saw Mill in successful operation. We have nearly completed another large Cotton . Mill, built of the best stone masonry, in the most substantial manner, with a capacity lor 10,000 spindles. V\ e propose to the public to open, on the 2d day of January next, (at pla< es we will hereafter advertise.) books for subscrip : lion to stock in a < ompany stytjd ‘‘Tub Tallapoosa Mancfac ’ Torino Company N0.2,” lor the purpose of mumnacturing cot- I ton or Wool, to be decided by the Stockholders The Charier lor said company is already obtained. We offer the large new building, completed and ready for use, with water ready to turn on the wheel, to drive twelve thousand spindies. and convenient lots sufttcie* t for opentiveß and waiehoues, and other neces sary purposes, at a fair valuation, the amount to betaken in .stock in the above mentioned Company. Ihe necessary amount ot capital to hll the house with ma chinery, and put the whole business in successful operation without incurring debts, we estimate at three hundred thousand dollars. We ff rto capitalists very superior advant.- gas for a profitable investment,as by proper management the Factwrv can be in full operation, turning out < loth, in less than twelve months; and those investing can reasonab y expect quick re turns. Our situation seems especially designed by nature fora large manufsictur: g city. We do not hesitate to say ilia our place possesses greater advantages than any other in the South, and we beln ve greater than any in the Union. Our Dam and Race are built oi rock, laid in hvdraiic cnueot. Y\ y have oily a portion ol our water power cout. oiled, but enough to drive wO.ObO spindles. The first floors of our buildings are 56 to CO feet above the highest tresl tis, ur works not oisturt e by high or low water. The Fall is 50 leet in 00, with immense power and ceitaii.ty oi stream The place is unsurpass< and lbr its health, and ol close proximity to a rich planting country ; in fact, na ture seems to have been lavish with advantages which stand in viting man to improve. We cheeriully invite the public to call and examine for them selves—and any inlonuatnn wantid can be readily obtained by addressing ’ BABNJ TT, G I.MI K & GO. Tallapoosa Post Office, Tallapoosa Cos., Ala. Nov 9 —w&twtlsljan One Hundred Town Lots for Sale. Yl7 E have surveyed and laid off in I.OTF, a portion of our pro- Vt p rty in Tallassee Town, Tallapoosa county, at the tails of Ta.lapoosa river, in >st convenient to the Wa’i r Lower, and offer lor sale at j üblic auction, at Tallasste, on the 2d lutsday in March next, and at private sale till then, < no l.undre*’ > f the most eligible Lots lor business purposes— oiu-thth of u *. neit proceeds ot the sale to lie given as a Fcbool Fund tor the estab tishment ofi chools in thepiace. Terms will be made easy to purchasers. For further particu lars, apply to BARN LIT, GILMER sr, CO. November 9—w&twtds Mexican Mustang Liniment. THIS invaluable preparation has been but a few months before the people of the South, yet many thousands of bottles have been sold and used in a great variety • nisEASES, and it lias given universal satisfaction. VV e h ve heard of none that were dissatisfied with it. We after it as a remedy in the various diseases and com plaints for which it is recommended, with full confidence in curing them, as over four millions of Bottles have been sold and used for a great variety of complaints, both ol men and animals, and it has always given satisfaction, be cause it has performed just what we said it would. It has healed Cancel-Hand scrofulous sores and ulcers that had resisted the treatment of the Medical Faculty'. m~ A child in Frcderickton, N. IJ.. a few days ago burned its legs severely against a stove. The mother im mediately applied Linseed C>i! and Cotton Wool, with a tight bandage over all; in a short time the screams of the child induced the mother to i ernove the bandage, when it was discovered that the cotton wool had taken fire by’ spon taneous combustion and had considerably increased the size of the burn. The mother happened to think that she had part of a bottle of Mustang Liniment in her house, i which she got immediately and applied to the burned j limbs of the iiitle sufferer, and as soon as it was applied, the child ceased its cries and soon alter fcli asleep in its j mother's arms, by the soothing influence of tu s valuable ; preparation. This is to certify that the Mexican Mustang Liniment j has been used quite extensively in the stables of Adams & ! Co.’s Great Southern, Eastern and Western Express, for ; curing Galls, Chafes, Scratches, Sprains and BruL, o,and j it has proved very effectual. Many of their men have j also used it on themselves and their families, and they till ; speak of its healing and remedial qualities in the highest j terms- One of our hostlers got kicked, and badly cut and ! bruised n his knee—as usual, the Muswig Liniment was | resorted to, and the soreness and lameness was soon re- j moved, and it was perfectly well in three or four days.— j We have no hesitation in recommending it as a valuable j preparation, to be used externally on man or beast. J. DUNN. Foreman of Adams 6; Co.'s Express Stable, N.Y. Rheumatism. —Tins is to certify that my wile was af flicted with severe chronic Rheumatism ; she had suffered for months with the most excruciating pains ; she had tried Rheumatic Compounds, Reliefs and almost every thing recommended for this dreadful disease. None ot them relieved her pains in the least. She used a fifty cent bottle of Mustang Liniment, and it cured her entirely; she j s now perfectly well, and recommends all of her friends | o use the Mustang Liniment. (Signed; James L. Oliver. Savannah, Georgia, January Ist, 1853. Principal Offices, 304 Broadway, New York, and St. Louis, Missouri. A. G. BRAGG & CO., Proprietors. Sold in Golumbus, Ga., by GESNER & PEABODY February 5, 1853 twArwlv Prof. Alex. C. Barry’s Tricopherous, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND, Eor Beavtifyi ig, Curling, Preserving, Restoring and j Strengthening the Hair, Relieving Diseases of the Skin, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and Healing External Wounds. _ j TJounded by no geographical, the reputation ot Barry s ! j Tric<>pherous pervades the Union. The sales < f the arti j tie ot late years have inc eased in a ratio that almost exceeds belief. Proiessor Barry, utter a caretul examination of his sales’ book, finds that the number ot bottles delivered to order, in quantities of Iroin a hall gross upward, during the year 652, | was w ithin a trifle ot 950,L00. It is unnecessary to present at length the evidence ol the won j derful properties in the Tricopherous, when the public have lur nished uch an endorsement as this. The cheapness o; the article and the exp anations given ol its chi mica action upon the hair, the scalp, and in all cases of sup, rficial irritation, fiisi rec< m inended it to the attention ot the people. This was all that the inventor desired Every bottle advertised itseli. The eflects ot the fluid exceeded expectation. It acted like a charm. The ladies would not be without it. Country dealears in every sec tion of the-United states found thry must have it : and thus was built up a wholesale trade ol au extent hitherto unheard ol as regards artic es ol this kind. The highest point has not yet been reached, and it is believed the sales this year will be a million an*l a bait oi bottles. Depot and vVanulactcrv, No. 137 Broadway, New York. Re tail price, 25 cents a large bottle. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity ><>Jd by all the principal men hunts and druggists throughout the United States and Canada, .Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain, France, alld R. CARTER, Columbus, Ga. August 9.1853 —w&twfim. INK MANUFACTORY. A few doors above the Market, at No. 158 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. THE undersigned has just completed his establishment for the Manufactory of Ink, and offers extraordinary induce ments to Merchants, and all others to purchase his superior ar “'This Ink iof a bright jet black, flows beautifully from the ,on and is so indelible, as many can testify, that even oxalic acta I in, HOt f mure it fro.a paper. No other Ink will stand the •estot oxalic acid. Write a word with this Ink and the same word with any oilier Ink contiguous to each other, apply’oxalic u-id’o both, and instantly the word written w ith lhe other Ink will disappear, while mine will remain. Hence its value for Merchants Banks, Mortgages, Public Documents, &e. No di-bout st bookkeeper can erase a figure once made w nil ihi* Ink. Fraud or defalcations from this source will be totally , l{ f hv those win use this Ink. , . .. I will sell as cheap a sack an article can be bought iu New ru io- -ale wholesale and retail by Aug. 27—twSmwtf JOHN E. LAMAR, Proprietor. LEGAL NOTICES : p EORGIA, Muscogee County.—Will be sold on j (T the first Tuesday in D.-comber next, at the Market House • n the City of Columbus, -.he following property, viz: <>ne lot in the city of Columbus number lour hundred and fifty ‘■ s x with improvements thereon, levied on as tiie property of Patrick tloulihon to satisfy a justice fi la in favor ofTheopulus >tewart, vs said P. Houlihon. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also fifty acres of land in the ninth district of Muscogee coun ty, south west corner of kit number 248 adjoining lands of Ginn on the south and Foutain on the north west ; levied on ; as the property of Win. P. Thompson to satisfy a fi fa in favor j of James Crane, bearer, vs. Wm. 8. Thompson, and also other fi fas. Levy made and returned tome by a constable. Also o-*e lot of land number twenty three in the sixth district of Muscogee county, levied on as the property of \\ m. Janes to satisfy sundry ft fas in favor of Wilson Culpepper, bearer, and other fl las, vs Wm Janes. Property pointed out by defendant. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, a negro man named Harry at out thirty years of age, levied on as ‘he property of AugustusC. Johnson to satisfy a fi la iroinMuscogee In. erior Court in lavor ofJessee M. Rend against said Johnson. Also lot n tuber one hundred and forty six—bounded as fol io • a: commencing at the north east corner, thence west • util it comes to the part sold o Barbntie. then with the division line n< rth to an Intended corner oetween the said Dudney and Bar barie; thence west to a corner between Dudney and Darharie, and thence continued west to a corner made between James M Brooks and he said Du ney and thence north to a corner in <le in the public road upon the west line; t e north tin* running east west and thence I ack to th? norih east, corner, containing one 1 undred and twenty two acres, more or less, levied on as the property of George W. Alford to sat sty two ti fas from Marion -11. erior Court, one in favor of V\ m B. Walker, one in favor of Me W. McLendon against said A! ord. Nov 4 —nis _ A. 8. ItUTHF.BFOKD. Sheriff. Randolph Sheriffs Sale. \T7ILL bo sold <>n tin first Tuesday in December next, before r V the Court House door, in the town of Cuthbert, Randolph county, within the usual hours of sale, the following pr> perty, to-wit: One lot of land number one hundred and torn three, in the 6th district of said county, levi( <1 on as ihc property of Arthur Ma nor t satis ly onefl fa issued from the Superior < ourt of Stewart county, in lavor of Benjamin P. Dikes vs. Arthur A/anor and others. Lot ofland number two hundred and thirty one in the fourth j district of said county, levi- on as the property of Daniel Jf. \ Buggs to satisiy one fi fa issued out ot a justice court of said conn j ty in favor ot William R. Beal, vs Daniel At. Suggs. Levy made j and returned to me by a constable. Two negroes, Matilda a mulatto girl abou twenty two years of ! age and Jack a boy about twenty one years of age, levied on as theproj erty ot Lemmon Dunn to satisfy sundry fi .as is-ued from I the superior court of said county in favor of William Wright and Hamilton \\ right, survivors, vs* saal Dunn and others, an sun (try fi fas issued out of a justic court of s .id county in favor of James Suggs and Edward Preston, vs Lemmon Dunn. Lot ol land number three hundred and iliree in the eighth dis trict ot said county, levied on as the propet ty ot Bryant Alford to satisiy one ti fa issued out of a justice court of sair coumyin ‘a vorot Levi Mercer, vs Bryant Alford and Ira Allord. Levy made and returned to me bv a constable Nov 2 RICHARD DA VIP, Pep. Sheriff. William J Scott, Adin’r, j Scire Facias to make Parties, of Archibald H, Scott, dcc’d. In Muscogee In erior Court. vs. f August Term, 1853. Michael H. Goss. J ft appearing to toe Court that the Defendant in she above cusc, Michael H. Goss is not to be found in this State. It it therefore ordered by the Court, that service be perfected on the said .Wichael 11. Goss by the publication of this rule in some public gazette of this State once a month tor four months before the next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee Inferior Court, August Term 1853, this 25th day of August, 1853. Columbus, sept 6, 1853—w4m A P JONE-", clerk. (il'OittilA, Marion county. Court of Ordinary for said. County, in Vacation, June 27 1853 Present, E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. WHEREAS, Robert Little and Samuel Pei.dry, administra tors upon the estate of John Pendry, deceased, petition this court for letters of dismission Irom their said administration, These are, therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors o’ said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in terms of the law, otherwise letters ofdis missory will be granted said applicants -°.t the January Term next of sa ! d court. Given under my baud and official signature at office, this June ‘ 27th. 1H53. Ju'v 2—m6m E. VV. MILLER, Ordinary. A dmiiiistratorV Bale.—>VVi)l be sold on the 27th day { oi December next, at the residence <>f Alexander G. Hick- j ey, late ol said county, deceased, a portion of the perishable ! property of the said Alexander G. Hickey, consisting of horses. | mules, oxen and wagons, and other articles for plantation use.— j Terms made known on day of sale. ROBERT C. PATTISON, Adm’r. j MARY <J. IHGKEY. Adm’trx. Nov. 12, w4od ! Admlnitorator’s S*l—Agreeably to an order of the \ court oi Ordinary of ibarion county, will be sold at the i Caurt House in Buena Vista,on the first Tues ay in January next, ] the following negroes, to wit: Jeff, a yellow boy,years old ; Amanda, a woman 2G years I old; I'enlope, a woman 24 years old, and her child Celia 18 J months old. Bold as the property of Jissee L. Bozeman, of Monroe county, deceased, for the purpose o: distribution. Terms twelve months credit. WM. B. MERRITT, Adm’r. Nov. 12. 40<1 Ail minii-t ral ci'N Sale.- W ill be sold on the firs! Tues day in January ne>t in Vuthbert Randolph County, one hundred and sixty acres (m< re or less) or 1- ss ot lot o‘ land No. 218, in the (ith distr ct ol sain c, it being the portion of said lot lying north ol ibe Smochtchi hie cre< k ; sold by an order fr< in the c< uri o’ orclin: ry o: said county loi division among the heirs of Stephen Wether by, decease!. Nov 15— ‘ MAkTIN POLI OCK, Adm’r. Administrator’s * aJe.--\\ in be sold belori the court ; house in Buena Vista, Marion county, on the first Tuesday j in January next, the lollowing named negroes, viz: Spencer a j man fitly live years old, Peggy a woman forty five ytais old, be- j longii g to the estate of John f immons, late of said i cea-enl. Fold by vHue of an order ol ih Inferior Court oisnd j county while sitting for Ordinary purposes. Terms made known j on the day. Nov g—tds A/ L BIVINS. Adm’r. Administrator’s Sale.—Will b sold beioie the lourl house doer in Newt n, Baker county, on the first Tuesday in Dictmber next. Town lot No. 51, in the Town of Aibeiy, agreeab y to an order o: the Court of Ordii.ary ol I arly county, lor the be efit ol the hi irs and creditors of Robert Thompson, deceased. Terms on day ol sa e. Jr HN THOMPSON, Adm’r. October 4th—wtds. with will annexed. Adminisi ratoi’s ‘ y virtue of an order ot the j Court or Oidrnary ol Randoipii ci Unty, will be sold beiore j jhecourt house door iu cuttu.ert, Kaiuiolph county, on the first j Tuesday in January next, the onethiid ol lot of laud number not I known,* but known as the Hardiway .Will Cot, in the e h district j c 1 said cou..ty, and known as that portion of said mill C>t assigned j to Cary Hardiway as dower, f-oid as the property ol Fteth ; llardiway, late of said county, (accused. Nov .9—tds JAMES . MARTiN, Adrn’r. i Administrators’ Sole--hy virtue ol an order of the court of Ordinary of bur y county, will be sold btlore the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in Decent- | her next, between the lawru* hours ol sale, all the real estate < f | Joseph C. Gray, deceased, in said county, consist!, g or two lots ! of land numbers two hundred at and sixty lour and three hundred i and nine in the 28th district of sa.d county, containing two hun dred and tiny acnseach, Fold tor the bcnefli of the neirs and creditors o; said deceased. Terms ot sure made known on the da\ of ale. Oct l —wtds JAMES It BROWN. Adm r. ‘TTiuinislrn t oi>’ So e— By virtue ot an order from the J\ tionoraOre court ot ordinary ot A:anon county, w ill oe so.d i be lire the court house door in the town of Buena Vista in said ! county on Hie first i ues< ay in December next, between the tiw- j ful hourso! sale one hundred and lorty acres ol and off i t int number oik hundred and lorty eight in the 3lst district of origi nate Lee now Marion county, so il as the property of Joshua Davis, deceased, for the benefit of heirs am, creditors. Terms made known on the day 1 1 sale. NICHOLAS H. GEEFLIN, Adm’r. Oct 15—Ids Zli-.PI!A DAVIS, Aum’irx. dmfntstrator’s Sale.—Will be sold before the Court J\_ bouse door in Baiubndge, Decaiur county, on the first Tuesday in December next, Lot oi land o. i4O in tue 19th dis trict ot Decatur countv ; agr eably to a- older ol the Court oi Ordinary oi Early county. Sold lorttie benefit of the hens ot Epsy Dyson deceased, by ABNER D\6UN, Adin r. < ./toiM*r Jth —w tds. ___ . .ml..lMtrators’ rail—m virtue ol an order trom the Honorable court m Ordinary ot Marion county, w ill be sold before’he court house door in the town ot Buena Vista in said county, on the first Tuesday in December next between the luw j j u | hours ot sale, lot Or laiul number one hundred and sixty one, the . tv-t erxl of the south halt of lot number one hundred and sixty, aud 5) acreseff ot the north half of said lot one hundred and sixty ; ad of said lanl being inthe 3ist district ot originally now Marion county . Jvdd as the properly of Thomas Ma iors deceased. J Oct 14—tds FIELDING J ACKSON, Adm’r. Administrators’ Sale—v Viii be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the court house door in Cuthbert, Rauuolpli county, the negroes belonging to the estate i of George W Move, deceased. Ort 14 - tds WILLIAM A. MOYE. Adm’r. ; V’ to debtors and cre<titors~Aii perso s in i jN debied io the estate o t-pyrus Britt, late ot Randolph coun ! tv. deceased, are hereby r quest jd to make immediate payment; ! and all persons having demands against said estate wul present • them according to iaw. ALLEN J.IMEF, Adm'r. I Nov 15—wc; SAt All BRITT, Adm’irx. GEOI'GI t, Marion county; Court of Ordinary for said County, July Term, 1853. Present, E. \V. MILLER, Ordinary. | Y\7HKKKAB, David Dunn, administrator up ntheestatcof y y Phil p Halley, deceased, petitions this court or a discharge from his said administration. /t is, therelore, ordered by the court, that all persons con cerned. shew (ause, if any they have, why s*id petitioner should not be discharged ; otherwise letters dismissory will be grant i ed said petitioner at the February Term, 1851, ol said court, and ! he be released from his liability as administrator as aforesaid. A true extract Irom the minutes ol said court, Ju'v 4th. 1853. July 9—in tun _ E. VV. MILLER, Ordinal). GEoRGi \, Marion county. : Court of Ordinary for said County, in Vacation, July Ist. 1853. Present, E. W MILLER. Ordinary. j TT7HFREAS, Jen miah VYi'.cbar. rdininistrator of the estate V> of Thomas J. Parker, deceai-ed, petitions this court lor a discharge from his gad administration, j it is, tHer lore, ordered by the court that all persons co- cem i ed.shew cause, if any lhe> have, why sain petitioner should not , be discharged ; otheiwise leitirs dismissory will be cranlcd ; said petitioi er at the February Term 1854, ol said comt, and he | be released f'n.m his lability as : • ministrator ns aforesaid i A iru<‘ ex'raci from tbe min'-tes ot said court July 1, lt>s3 ! July 9- ii'6m F. VV. > 11.1.EK, Ordinary. (> e or gin, l*'useogee on nl y—Whereas Fnkle ■ lor lent r> oi Gnanuni ship f r the persons and property of Emily F , Susan R and .-elh I \\ alters, orphans oI G.orge Walters, late of said county deceased ; said orphans b. ing under ‘ourteen years ofage. All persons concerned, are hereby notified that at the I'ourt of Ordii ary to be held in and lorsaid county on the flr?t A-oi dv in January next, the ouard-anship of said minor • hildren will be given to said Ezekiel Walters or some other person, unless good cause be shown to the con'rary Given under iny hand this 16ih Novemher, 1853. Nov 18—Im ‘ JNO OiINN Ordinary. FOR GI A, MA R ION f Ol’ NT Y - W herTas, Stephen T T. Murray apr lies tome tor letters of administtation with the Will annexed, upon the estate of John Murray late of said county deceased. These are, cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditois ofsaid cet-eased, to be and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at and official signature at office this 7th of November. 1853. Nov. 15,1853—w6t E. W. MlLLEß,Ordinary. / 1 eorgla, Marlon county.-. Whereas Daniel Janes \ I amt ."-usaii VcKorkh- applies to me for letters ot administra tion upon the estate of Samuel R. McKorkle, late of sa'd county deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kii dree! and creditors ofsaid deceas'd, to be and u| p<-ar a my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, il any they have, m hy said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand and official sici attire, Oct 31st. 1831. Nov 4 wfit ’ E VV. MH,I F.„ Ordinary. Georgia, Stewart county.—Whereas, aesse BtTd and Slim A. Tucker applies lor letters of administration on the real estate ol Aimer Bead, late ol said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tiie heirs and creditors of said deoeased, to shew cause, within the time prescr b< and by law, why said letters should not he grant ed. Given under my hand in office Ibis 31st October. 1853. Nov 8-wfit J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. Georgia, Stewart county .—Whereas Joseph U. Lewis applies for letters ol administration on the estate of jl/artin Lee, late ofsaid county, deceased, These are, therefore, lo cite and admonish all concerned, to shew cause, if any they have, within thetiine prescribed hy law, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand in office the 31st Oct. 1853 Nov 8-wt.t J. I. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. CT EOBGIA, Karly county. Whereas,Thos. B. An il drews applies to me for 1 ein rs ol Guardianship of tbe per sons aid property of Abner, Tl.on as and Fereby Ann Jones, minor heirs of John Jones, late of said com ty deceased. Th se are to notify all nelsons concerned, to make ki own their objec tions. if any they have, why said Letters of Guardianship should not be granted to said applicant. Gnen under my 1 and at of fice, September 23d, 1853. S. S. STAFFORD. Ordinary. October 4ih—wfit. EORGIA, Marion County.—Whereas, Jonathan H. Jf Purvis applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of James W. Woodall, late ot said county, deceased. These* are therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singu lar the kindred find creditors ofsaid deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday of No vemher next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted Given under my hand at office,this24th September, 1853. Sept. 28. 1853 w7t E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. . eorjiia. Randolph County.—VvTit-rcus. Zndork v.l Sawyer applies tome for letters ol a. ministration on the estate of Frances Sawyer,! te ofsaid county, deceased. These, are therelore, to cite aid admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in December, next, olherwise said letters w ill then and there be granted to the applicant. Given under iny hand tiie seventh day of Oct. 1853. Oct. 8 w7t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. (~T F.ORGIA, Marion County—Whereas, the estate ol ~J Lewi? Taylor, late of said county, deceased, is unrep resentt and at law, by reason of the failure of any person to apply for letters rs Administiation ; These a’e therefore to cite and admonish all,and singular the kindred and credit ors ot said deceased, to shew cause, (if any they have ) with in the time prescribed hy law, why letters of adminhtration should not be granted to the clerk of the Pupeii'T Court (or some other per-on) of said county, according to the statute, in such case made and provided. Given under my hand and official signature, at office, Sept 2f’th, 1853. E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. Sep 28—w7t (’ eorgla, 81 e wart county—Pursuant to the last Will 1 and 1 estament o. James A tao-wel), lau* of said cnunt>, deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Dhhtil cr next, bi-tore the court house door in the town of I umi kin, Sievart county, • a., wthin tbe legal hours otsaie. a certain mgro man by the nan e oi Bill, as the t rot ertj of the said deemsed. ERA PM UP S. B ALL, F-x’r. Oct 14—tds By B. P. WOR II L. GF: ORG IA , MUSCOGEE COUNTY - WhereaP, William N Jones applies for letters of administration de bonis non with the will annexed, on the estate of Randal Jones, late ofsaid county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite .nd admonish all persons concerned, to slew cause, if any they have, why letters of administration as aforesaid.should not be granted to said applicant at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county ori the first Monday in November next. Given under my hand this 6th dav of September, 1853. Sept. 20. 1853. JNO JOHNSON, Oidmary. (Georgia, Marion county—Whereas, Richmond P I LyKsapp ies o me lor letteis of administration on the estate ot C arles Lyles, deceased. These are. ci*e and adu >nish •. 11 and singular the kind re' 1 and creditors ot said dceased. to be mil appear a m> office within the t n.e prescri ed by law, to sh. cause, if ai.y thev have, why said letters should not be granted Given under my hand and official signature, at office,this Sep tember 9th, 1853 in Wst r . VV. MILLER, Ordin.iy. C'l eoigia. Marion count)—Rhfeas, Henry M. Jeter, T Adm’i. upon tin estate oi Jonathan Deason. der’d. applies to me lor letters of dismission Irom his administration o said estate. These are, there'o e. to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred nd credi OtS of said deceased, to file ti eir objections, it any they have. •* terms of the law. othirwise lettt rs Dis inbsory w’i 1 be granted to said Jeter, adin’r. as aforesaid, at thes January Term next of the court of ordinary tor said county. Given under my hand and official signature at office, thi June 28 h. 1853. *nl 2-mfim F, W. MILLER. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Hamlolph Coumv. —Whereas,Fran- cis M. Brown applies to me for letter? of Administra tion on the estate of Mary Fredonia Brown, late ofsaid coun ty deceased. - These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be arid appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, ana sfiow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my \ ne ( \ & \ l ° Septemi'er, 1853. O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. j Sept. 21—w6t. i ? Veorgio, Marfon county--Whereas, Mary Phort, ( T vrlnUtrx upon the estate Ol John U. >hort, deceased, peti- I Oonsthe ordinary court oi .-aid ooun y, for fetters of dismission rom her administration ofsaid estate, , ~ : These are therefore, to cite atiQ admonish all and singular the ; kindred and creditors ofsaid and ceased, to file their objections, i if any thev have, otherwise said letters will he granted (it a legal showing is made hi said adm’trx.) at tiie November Term next, o'the ourt of ordinary for said county Given under my hand and official signuiure at office, this May E- W. -VILLER, Ordlury. [NUMBER 141