The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, December 03, 1853, Image 3

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g i * generally the misfortoup of the et> ’ : ,<e *- ‘‘''"H-iae, from om 1 pectiiia* ’ f *cv m morni eotts'.rttUnu , to foil to d< g i-i n Hght “ > ; <>f to Hiar the foie, • *we Mitstderitig isiei.*i>i-u>n T s ■ of some characteristtc unfair e> ic<ce w. i.e.i recoils upon it esa uiidictive fling nt Gov. McDonah - f - ‘ ; ; ccer and steiliug woith. p!a<o : e reach of such detractors, and have 1 i-.zq favorite ot the dominant party o! s. a: e. ’ e Chronicle says that Gov. McDonald is \ obnoxious to the great peo 0 - , ‘ ;5 # John A. Dix, of New judgn g >y *ae antecedents of the ‘ h ’ 3nd ;> nmid that a New York •rr, u lio*e ai.ti slavery sentiments called - ykes ‘r*>'n evett his ov.n iiaitv pre>> was In: tears editor of that paper, that a high-toned, Southern ’ - ‘ !‘ ‘-’ -tverv getitietnati should be almost . ntotts— ; .. nioie obnoxious—to it? conductors than John A. Da". Anti . • ‘unile?s, many Ktders of the Chron ’ ‘fnpatliize v\ itL its tic ;i pat hies. But -* v c ‘trameu t♦ consider the insinuation - • that a iiiajoiiiy of the peple oi’Geor - 1:1;; *i_. to i* ok vy ith almost as much - 00,.,*,. M o ’on ?i ; m who, in his zeal for ” •hi r gilts may go too far in he*- defence, > l > zeal to cripple the South ’ ‘ k ‘ :t ipose terms upon her not sane* - l ititution. —Constitutionalist A’ Revuuhc a- romme Savannah Morning News.’ From Wishixgtoa. ” ’ a. z‘ n !nat the Prs.-icent’s Message t ndva: re ot its densely, to ail the principal - ‘ix special mesreneers. d-vcp, rneriy one *t the proprietors of the Republic a r >; t >n.mon ri,filed a Lili in chancery attain?! an for half the profits on the public printing, ‘ I*o aft agieemei t entered into at the ia..-1 eemua ra? ctwe?n ‘ ae VVbig and Democratic parties! Great; Methodist Church case Settled. *’ * “■tr .V * ■-* ‘hod:?* Church controversy. N vv \ m a B(sok concern and . ther prnpeity, - ryail o’ ■'■•ced. ’I! 9 nreci e terms of the :e t • : e mane pubfo un' ; i after the with * ‘• its n* w , ind 1 in the courts [ ‘ ; ders’oed that art cqtia.ivi ion between the and Scuthera churches has Lte>* agieed upon. “srietts Ulness of Mr. Feynolda. * c ’ • ‘ 1 •’-•n ‘ a-on was teceived in this city veeter '■t’ -d that Mr L 0. Reynolds, Preri - “ ‘i West-, nt Railroad, was dying horn an y ‘.'.ope that the information may prove incor rset.- Kosta Art ived. c t ‘ Decenr-er Martin Kosta, the Hungarian * -11 h - recent difficulty occurred at Ssmyr •■ B nye >rday. No popular demon?tra . : .-ok place -a ate occasion. Ddt(3c~it:c r oagressinnal Caucus. -te ‘ he manners t Consre's i? to ••'•rut *i- c y on >aturaay. to nomnutD :’ S-•, ra id ether officers of the new Con- COMMLIKCIAL. ( olumbus, Dec. 3. •: - t scliii jr .ncctive, at a cent, dechne on - t w ‘• iddlinar ba*r. I ii ablsstox. Dee. 1. • - e r Thcr.'dav w j re ■>n;v 5)0 hales. - . . n i-e 5 000 bales a at ri ... i- x 1 it mTf to U cents. Nr,W ! RLE ADec. 1. >n •= mar*. -a -d -s jy aareiy 2.000 ■ we:esold, and the maiket clowd unsettled ;n a.*c*)uuts p ice* have declined ■*• >’,t *. ji- quoted a 4 sic ce- 4 s. ;*4> • n Rrcnnts —1 ‘ie decreasr in tt e receipts • • eorta, as compared with last year, at u 400,000 hales. Savax>*ah, Dec. *2. T . *: ;a twa du! yesterday, and the sales reached iiG ■ - a 4 es latcrina from 8i to 1< * certs. Ci 1 Y OFFIC ERS. * V sr We a-- an’hf'rised to wnonce JOHN F. CLEG* ’ \ c c a te or De y Mar*l a. at the eiection ■ muaiy next. Dec 2-te ’ aL XANDfiR M ROBINSON announces aim ... ‘ . 1 i; idatc t r le-eiection to the office of Deputy ’ - - January next. Oct 29—ide , c Air -err-of JOSEPH -3 a.d.o - tor Ls; -ty VaCaal in the ;■ Ja: ary :.ext. Oct IlwAtwtd - i- - ’ u E vc at ifior.fd to arre-rree Mr JOHN D “NOLO as n cardidate for the office ol City >i ars-dai, • io v ii’ januarv next. ’ \ -gust 17, 1853 ‘ t de * s-s?= p y y,, p, ni l LEN ;s a candidate tor Marshal a . • r !roarv electron, and will he supported by i A ; iwm ‘ MA N Y V< vThRS. Handoipli Sherif Sales be-so id or- ‘tie first Tuesday m January next, \\ _ , -QU!t nou e door in the v h co-iutv. within the u?ual hours ei sate the follow* V v to wit: Adam about 10 or I*2 years S r.i 6 o ■ T V -uis old. IrVfd on as the prone, ty of ii ..i:,: ori ov and -on. the Supetior Court oi . , , ,v .• iavor -! VVhioni Morgan and otner?, Va ./V 5 W xShTngTOX JOYCE. Sa T WAM ED. .:-,OCO Acres of land in the Southern part of Georgia. \ y rerson h ving lands tor sale will address me a. *’ - •': \ \ e ,:elae 10 s"k japuffie A CA3P. a . ■ • T * lltf tM of * aoonery. Ivc t %*. 4. ha VV P-*a?e. ret a 3 tua luauk* u-U.e P“ •* pa T .” -aue bestowed |.* htn ar>* aid *mciw h r>Ui ; a r;i :,slt rOi tlu s: Hi ‘ I •* a T* * ’ . iLrirrpr t - . vrms. 8? od a’.d *xte mv ait a^ a-t • c> a...i rtatlcJJcfj. ascaa be touta au> i v. ‘ iar ol\. , , --o. r may ae io-raU aereafter nt the **• > “ he i . or. D. i . VVILLU'A. 1 -*-r wanted TO HIRE. f.t:y aels eodibd negro men T-x ‘ e repairs td the Mu-cogee Railroad during I*. issf; !’.r whom iberai wages will be given, p orr- t- .. . r quait-rlv at Cos ambus -jr on tile line c-t the road. _ . ’ ec- ■ ‘Hi i-v e!‘d'o~, feed-* and furni-hes medicine and ■_ ; - • >■’ .'tokness. :-t ■ i ii’ !■• ~;ply iu E. F. Ki< if'.K, t_'., nximo, v 3Mw ?nper;nvndent NO l U E. VITV - T . D eti.'e -n *4>f.rr-i...ce or a clerk in th* v\ JLIVELH \ *t4 IVA C'H making busier** a . : ru j 1; _,i urs oi off, —ne must fee ol goo i 7 c a iour .Ac. Any miot matron eouieiiinsr th i • ,< aii he . >cuted ov cm .lug upon K 1 tor '’ e t oh-- V>< t ne! A a:;: .ieuiit, nowe\ .- for ap . - t:ce nu w e ui-.-re tiWW a Citt'&aiUp. list of Letters, r> EM A IN TNG in tne P w Office, at Columbus, Ga., on a. the -t ot Decenioe , 1853: \c,nra. ('athfiriae Hoff, W m H Rn*er* M arv B 1 Arb ( ,,ka - l V n eß be, k. John tlibn on. VV :n N ;Je. O. John W H.Misrr.J H R >b. <mi, Francis V Hodz, Ruth Roe. David 2 A cost, Francis M H ad, Ja* ,VI Rob-John 2 4nlni.e, S> . Heller, M Rose, Ann _> *rrey. Patrick Harris, C A Rozers, Nancv >*• ton, Ge* C H. bb-. A B 2 K -Jers. J.tmes R ram N Hill, Thomas Rogers, Martha A -land.J M henry, Lambert Reynold-, John D Be is.e Vlargt. L tiamro-ck.S G Ri hard on.LL B *i-,U Hannah, Wm A Robbins. BC Bell, Fi-anci* Harris, E S Read, Mrs Mary B-'g-. Ma .na Harle, Wai'ichi Rees, Sarah Hut, James G Huff, Sarah XV Rogers, Anna M Bruce, MrsCF H td.-on, J 2 Seab 00k, R W Ball, V\ VV Hume, Terse VV Sander*, TB Br<>wn, S Gen 2 Hamock,.! L Saul', D G Butler, Wm F Hail.Cyntha Saffold, A G R Brocvs, Henry VV Ehen Stubi. efield, MF 2 Brannon, Barbara Jones, G M Sm.-th, J M B -Pingham. G W Johnson. J hr, Skidmore. VVni Beni err. R H Jockl, Na.'taii Smith, Wm B 3 Brown, M -sC Jack- n Adam Smith, Samuel 3 Berry, Miss E Kins, Mis* E 2 Simmons, D M Brown. Zilphia Kidd, Carru Sturd. James Baylis. Isaac Keliar, John Smith. T L Burch, Eliz>h H Keily. John VV” Sanftr,Benj Bentc and. Corbal Key, Camilla Sims, David T Britt, Betheny Kenoal . K -za Stewart, Edmond ; C- -erran. Miss M Knight. Thomas Sikes, John Carter, Charles King, TF 2 Sellers, Emma B I Coco. David _ Lew *, Mr- A B 2 Sutherland, W iG iCieveiar and. Wm Lorimer, Juiia Smart, S Cha e, F T Lewis, VViiev F Si aier, Dr Coper. T A Lyon, C C * Saul-, Mrs C W Clark, GW Lucine, Saffad, WmX Coleman, L C Lewis, Mrs P A Snippy, J J f i>k, VV S Lewis, Miss Mary Stewart. Adams Carter Sarah A Leatt, George Smith, Wm J Cooper, Geo F Loyd, Ann K Smith, Andrew Campbell, JW l.esteraette, Mary Salsberrv, W J C Hi-oy. S J Lohey, Thos K Springer, Joseph Cooper, E F Lewi*, Ca-per 2 Talbot, T R C ark, W H 2 Lester, Missouri A Tillery. John Gamer'ine, B Langford, Wash Thrail 6l Reid Dnffie, H S Mathias. Sidor Towns, Ellen Downing, Wm Morris, Jane Thornton, F D DeF ore-*, T B Matthews, W Thomas, Amanda David. Wm M arphy, Pati ick Taylor, M atthew Duinam. Dr M S Matthew*,Mrs E A Taylor, Chris’?. Day Elerer Moise, J->hn Thompson, S P Doiran, John J/ote, VV m Vinson, C G Duncan, C Miiier, JJ Vrehn, George Downer, M R Morris, VVrn Wynn, Daniel Daw.av, Sabina M*ad, H H Wi!-on, Wm Davi-, Wm H Marion, A L Vl i!son,S Ewart, Ii J B Mendncim, E&. B Wheler Sc Rose K'iiiigtnn. EG Miller. Sarah Williams, MissCF I - .-.nag n, P H Mahafly.Wm Wiggins, Jasper Fahv, Francis 2 Mortis, Ivey Wood, Wm fiarmer, Ira_ Mat kin? E R. Wooten, James Freeman, Wm VI oot, Silas Whitham, VV O M Freeman, James Moreland, A F William*. Burrell Gill, H McPheian, Wm Whaley, Joshua Gienn. Sarah McCoy. Rob* rt 2 VVagrer.G P Give A. Aohott McKee, Jas M 3 Wii-iams, Eliza Gaffiud.GW Me* alley, C Williams, J Ann Goiham, James J McMullen, John Ward, Eliz’h C Garratd, Jas McGhee. H L W^lch.Lucy Gallops,C T Ne on, Mary J W’iiliams. M D Gan iron, Jas Owen. Sarah D Wood, Lucy Greet wood, J R Oi,v. Caituma Weaver. Wilson Gibson, H A P On al. Maria Vt *st, Madaline Guyger.h.-im, M Ph. Mores Whitby, Mary Hel 1 o re, Jas Perry, Sarah L Wri 2ht, M 2 Harri-on, Ja? Phillips, David Williams, J B Howard. J W Pugh. James L West, Wm W 3 Hore >, James Parr, Lizzy Wimberly, P E H.l brook, H C Pond, John G Wingate. Hez Hays J C Pur ell. L P Watts, Franeis J ar’- horn, S H Pryor. VV.n B Wit ham. VV A 2 Higgins, James Person, N W Wynn, Wm T Hochotadter Carl Pace, Wmfi Waiker, Henry Howard, Mrs A J Pap. A Williams. ‘Mss C Hutchinson, SW Reid, Beni Wever. M B Yamell.D Person* cal ’in g :br any of the above letters, will please sav mey are advetTi ed R. C. FORSYTH,?. M. I.’o-iunt us, Dec 3,1853. —w&twlt vIcLES! MULE'S!! MULES!!! A Rare Chance —Cne not often met with! In AVI. rnOolu ibu ■* at Pitta at Hatchetstable, a select ■ lot vr which I propo-e to -ell tor one third c:eh. the balance ne f ntiab’e •it.#} pav f-!e in Bank the Sr*t <>t Oc-ober te\ -with interest from ■ in'e ?eroi’ that are want ne mu’es, and have not boueht on aeco 01 ot t! e extreme hi-h p-ic *, will do well to call, tori rt,. ; !i < can . them mn’es wblnot iooa larger the day y:-.n g s- j art ego -••pont‘ em than they ever will afterwards, for „ s ;, -d ot beinor ra s dnmh - -in ds'as a treat many are, they wre and :i*>on the prairie- of >lisouri. 1 . .i .-xpeuses are aigb, ind I will be compelled to add hem 011 every day. H. A. KEY. t imbusfji v 23 —tw2t&wlt RAILROAD CIRfIS! rEYSTAIMTI HUT MBS: SFATri'G Fl’ E THOU&AXD PERSONS ITT iTH a ?elefion of Fetlbtrrrr? from European VV at and American Circuses and Flippodr.mes, expressly ti.r thiscolo-a! ent 1 prise, with trote u< velties and talent -; ia ,, ha? ever before bten ofeted by a travelling company, w- i exhibit at CCLradEUS. cn Mcnday. Tuesday, Wednes day f rd 11 tut cay, Tec. sth. €th, 7th, £th. On the corner of Oglethorpe and Bruani Sts. Barnesviiie on Tuesday Nov- -9th, and Forsyth on Wednesday Nov 30th. AT 2 O’CLOCK. AND AT O CLOCK AT NIGHT. Admission 50 cents: Children half price. A*—--p3 the uifdirauiri-'d Artistes, are the *ouowjng, who now"lor the first time make a tour through this coun* **'\pj’ e BO?A, -.he most beaudtui ard expert ir9ma ; e F ii ecrinn the nrot'ession has ever produced. rONXA ISABELLA, rhe ce ebrsreo Spana-n m,stre .'.■"the horse, with her beautiful thoronsta-ojed ryrenian V!v Countess Montelo and Queen Christiana. f F jl NE BURTE,tae Boy Hero, confessedly the most extraordinary e#]uestian on eit.ier cor uiien. — r7T HERR K’IST, Maitre Vaier.tini, and Nlorsieur bin LIE VIE the tamous turooean Hippoaiome penormers, m •hn e most **xcitii g feats of the Hipp* aron e--Le I erche ’ „ n _ ■ - ‘ n . • i-e accomuiirhed gentleman and sktdul nder, and piuua . V,T:t V. Bait , ind Panton:n Troupe, p™tar every nieht the thrilling equestrian pantomime eutiued Bestd^s“ hese mere are H. P_•' J3C^^c 'via*. seelebrrted Btass, Reed and Suing Eand eoust!m* r tv St 1 and of trained Trick ana Manage Horses are . e most heau'Jtui and ootdieut mar have ever oeen seen m ■ h!S Clty * JAMES GRAHAM, Agent. Coirmons. Nov ‘2's *v 4t&l ‘ 1 US E received iresii Malaga Gr. pes. , i “ h igs. - Pre-etved Ginger. Pickles, ’ at-up-. ?aures, ” Mackerei, Salmon and Loostei?, from wm. Underwood. x~o on consignment *25 barrelsln-h Potatoes. A*> cr. -on - .. Qnions. Sot.. 1853-.Wj: F A CLAVTOV FACTORY HANDS WANTED. The Faffle Manufacturing Company. vv .v m .. . tittv hands. Many famiiie- now hvwgw J? A * T t wouldi.d it-TW tly their advantage to en cnun.ry - u. b vTages are pod and constant em gage vMtn :nern. P f> nl^ied the hands jiuynient ‘.eed. „ .nd mo ai person ,tr m re. t. >f.,e bu LRUWNL, wii: e employed. 3 t,'.r: i i.inhuj, Uo t3B“tWXW * ■— NEW GOODS. The *ub9cnoer ha? in Storr a large stock of STAPLE AND FASCY DRY GOODS which are ofiered tor *a!e at pnees CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, for cash approved credit Purcbascr* for Cash will find it to their a<i .antage to examine my stock and prices, before Columbus, App 2tw C. MTGATT. TO THE ladies: MRS DESSAU T\ T OL LD respectfully inform tne Ladies of Columbus y v and vicinity, that she has just returned tri m the North, and is now opening at her residence. Vo 110 Broad street,; a most *p tend id and fa hionabie stock ot FALL AX’D WINTER MILLINERY. ALSO An assortment of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS for ladies’ wear—such as Sills. TALMAS, ttmilLAS, CLOAKS,* RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, and a.! kinds of Goods general iv kept in a Millinery store. In tne DRESS VI A KiNG .li>e, siie is In the possession or the latest European styles and patterns; and her stock of Trimmings tor Drosses cannot be surpassed for beauty •and quality, as special attention was given to this branch of aer stock. A call from her friends and customers is respectfully ?Q'iCited. Columbus, Oct 12—w&twti PRINTS. JL ST received, a fresh supply of French, English and A meric an Print*. Oct 28—tw BROKAW, CLEMONS &. CO. j CASHMERES AND D’LAINES. XTrL trier for the inspection of our customers, a veiy V ▼ arge assortment of French (ail wooi; Printed Mous sedne de Laines and Cashmeres, of beautiful colorings and designs, honght at greatly jess than their intrinsic or market. value, which we will e.l for less than the cost of importa tion. BROKAW, CIEMONS Sc CO. Columbus, Oct 28-tw BLACK SILKS. \.\TE nave now in STORE a splendid assortment of VV PL M N BLACK SILK": among which are the celebrated Bischaffs and Gros de Zunc brands. Also, Plain Black Satin du < nine and Satin La Reine, ’ r MocaxoG. Fig’d., Watered k Rich Brocade SILKS. p Oct 19— } w 4 BROKAW, CLEM< >NS & CO Misses and Children's Shoes. MISSES Gaiters ; .Vor<-cco and Leather Boots; also, alarge iot of Children Shoes, just opet ed. WYNNE i EDWARD. 43 , lolrnnhu*. Nov 4 —w&tw 10:1 Brnau street HATS. a Gentlemen wanting a splendid Dress Hs of the latest si; !e, can be suited by WYNNE s. F, DVT ARDS, Nov 4 -w*twtf No. 103 Rroa-’ tr-.-et. NEGHO BLANKETS. 4 HEAVY iot of BLANKETS,just received, and for .A sale by W. G ANDREWS & CO. Cotrmhus, Oct ‘5,1853 —w&twtf Seivant's Sices, A LL kind* of shoes -uitab e U:t servant’s wear; plantation A bmarans : kip. buftai.d stout call do.; womens kip, bull and Tall L ce Foots. A ftrst rate article of heavy kip boot* for mev. For sale by WYNNE Sc. EDW ARDS Columbus. Nov 4—wAtv 103 Broad street. Gent3 tine Pump Boots. 3 Liijht aid stout Water Pro*t Boots : coniiress Gaiters ftS! w ii bui and Cloth tops: Patent Leather and Cal f*l Broca ns. -<1 WYNNE & EDWARDS, Columbus, Nov 4—w.-ktwtf 103 Broad street. Elegant Ladies” Shces. Kid and Glove Leather Gaiters; Son- Ug Bo* ts and Jenny Lind Shoes; Black, Brown. Tm and Dab Boots; Freuch ■■qjSfrk, Kid. Slios. Black nnl Bronze at WYNNE fc EDWARDS, Ooiumou?. N 4 w&iwtf W. G-. ANDREWS & CO., DEALERS IN STAPLE DRY G OOD S, GR( CFKIES, WEES. LIQUORS. AC., AC. Four Doors below Hill i Dawson’s old Corner) BROAD *TRFFT, COLf MBIS, GA, Columbus, Oct 15,1853.--tw&wtf S HO IS. A A Tair of Extra BROGANS, just received and for OUU sale by W G. ANDREWS k CO. Columbus, Oct 15,1853 wtwtf BY C. S. H \ RRISON. A. K. AYER, Ai-ctioxees. GROCERIES, FURNITURE, AC., AT 4 T 11 o’clock on Tuesday the 6*h December next,! will sell in front of my Stores, a large lot of Groceries and Furniture consisting in part as follows ; 30 Hhds. New Orleans Sugar. 50 Bris. 50 Boxes fine Chewing Tobacco. 10 Qr. Casks old Cognac Brandy. 2 “ “ “ East India Maderia NVine. 2 ,r “ “ London Dock Port “ 2 Br’s. Porter in Betties. 2 “ Tirmants best Ale in Bottles. 30 Coils Rope. 5 Dc-z. Champaigne Cider. 5 “ Brandy Cherries, &.C., kc. -ALSO- — 4 Fine Marble Slab Bureaus ; 3 fine Marble S.ah Wasc;- jrtands ; 2 tine Sideboards ; 3 fine Sofas ; 1 Mahogany Book Case; 3 line Cara Tables; 2 Mahogany Dining Tables; 1 fine Centre Table; 1 Pair Ottomans; 4 fine Wardrobes; *2 fine Tete a Tetes; *2 French Bedsteads ; 5 large Carnets ; 4 doz. Sola Bottom Chairs; 6 dez Cane Bottom Chairs . 3 Mahogany Hocking Chairs ; Cotton Mattresses* ; Bedsteads ; Bath Tabs ; Cooking Stores ; Table ; Crockery ; Drv Goods ; Clothing, Horse,, Wagons, Carriages and Buggies. —ALSO FOR HAD ON ACCOUNT OF ALL CONCERNED. Forty-five Boxes of Tobacco, marked G. Sold to pay Freight, Storage. &e. By order of Messrs Gunby, Daniei t Cos , Columbus, Nov IS —wddiwtds ■ - ■ —. HE copannership heretofore exist mg under ibe name of TRL'AX A PEASE, Is this uav uissoivedby mutuai consent, coituebus. No-'ember i—twu'Nov i6_ A CARD, THE subscriber having *.-id ais merest :n te Mnic Bu siness ;o THL’AA ot VANDEN Bt.Kii, hank-n* the . üblic f<*r the • heral patronage b stowed upon ihe ia:e arm. and solicits from their patrons a transfer ot the same j ~, Iji successors, who have purchased ot Whitteisev A Cos. ;hri entite stock ot ‘H b T. T MU'IC, MUSR.II. I.YSI RL >/1 .VT . now L ife- on re tsona'ie terms it e bes and uj"St -xteusive a-” ‘tment of Musical Merchandise to be found in the soutl.en’. Coiumhus, >- v I—tw"N>wl6 1. VV. PEASE. A CARD. TBB suberriben having s*“Ul m- so ck of JIUSfC. MUSI- C.l L /-V> TH UME.YI ‘ R.YD M MSFro Messrs- TRL'AX a V4XDES BERG, return ih. u-itiks* their Menu? or ;he ioerai t atronaae . xteuded t aim n hat line, and desire the tramfer of the same to tbei ip l-e Vtus.c 3us:uess. Sov l-t<l6 WHTTTF.i -FT k TC, FOUND. / \K the -Sbh inst.. in the pub ic road near the --erdci'ce o ’ ( I'. ,*■ u Th- mi-, ;-sq- a pocket t-ook containing twnitj-o, • i joHars and sixtv-Sve cents, which the ownrreat. get by app.yint u, -he uudtrsigneo and pajing tor This aovert;sement. A. C. FLJEvv hXLEJi, Cos turn Qua v 4, l—wvt MUSICAL. RIANO-FOKTES AND MUSIC. WM 3. CARTER H A V'JNG purciiaae<a the interest ->t Li. F. VVHlcox. has re moved to NO 72, BROAD STREET, at J. L. UowellN Book ‘*fore,y where he will teep constantly on hand a aasi'maent o MUSIC \ND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. I of every variety and price. Patrons and mends are invited to call and examine his stock. ! ‘rtf, rs solicited, and a liberal discount made to Teacner- aud Schools. Pianos to let, tuned, and repaired. October 1. twtf NEW MUSIC STORE. aL *>a? doorx belmc fhn : & J/, .es. BROAD ST REE i COLUiV: 30 S. GA. THE undersigned have assc.Aatec themselves together, under the name and stvle of TRU A X 4 fiA SB, tor the sale of Mu-ical Merchandise, and take thi- method o inform their friends and the public generally, that they will keen constantly on hand a general assortment ol goods in 4 ae above line, among which may be found— pj—br— PIANO FORTFN, *- ejfn • of various styles, from the best MELODEONS, from the celebrated Manufactory ot Prescott i Brothers; Guitars. Vi.dir*. Aeeordeons. Ffuti nas, flutes. Fires, Banjos and Tambonties. Also, Instruction Books of all kinds; together with a fine stock ot SIIEET_ MUSIC, of every variety. Ai! ot tae above goods we offer for sale on terms that cannot tail to please. Purchasers are eordia ly invited to call and examine our stock. Orders soncited, and executed with care and dia patch. J. L TRUAX, Columbus, Sept. 20—w&twly J. W PEASE. Planets for Rent. jiu THE subscribers have just received severs very good second hand Pianos from New J * * i * York, which they wi,i e® : ’ ->r rent at reason able prices. ‘IRUAX i PEASE. Columbus, Sept. 15—twtf New 4 Sheet Music 4 GOOD assortment, just received at the ‘tusic Store of A Columbus, Sept. 16—tw TR> .-\ Ac PE ASE. New Sheet Music. THE subscribers have this day received a large a* ► -:i • I•< shee; Music; amou*? which are many new and popuisu pieces never before offered in this market. The ladies in parti cuiirare Invited to call ana examine our stock. THU A X & PEASE, riolmubus. March 2— ;w 106 Rroad siroet. PiAJJOS TUKEX) AI-H) REPAIRED. ! ysfgtte— THE undersigned have engaged the serviceao Mr. F. O. RAM M, S uner and P ano Maker,laieh from Erards* Celebrated Establishment a Paris. J * Sr J * Mr. R. is probably ; he ‘ est in his profespioi in th* Southern Country. We are prepared to attend to ail o-ders in the above line, and wiil be responsible to** ail v orkdoue by oui workmen. < >rders atidressed to VVtiirTKLSKX Cos., orTauxx & Psass, will meet with prompt attention, WHITTELSEY k. Cos. Columbue. April A. 1553. TRUAX & PEASE, twtf—Jel4 wtf Instruction in Music. HAVING removed permanently with my family to the city of Columbus, I offer niv professional re. vice-to ! the inhabitant.* oi Co'umbus and its vicinity Havit g taught MUSIC in some -r'the ‘argest citie* in the United States for the last seventeen years, I foe) confident that I can give en fire satisfaction to ail who may favor me with their kind patronage I am kindly permitted to rerer to the followin' 1 gentle men : Dr Henry Lockhait, Chaties Rugger:-. Wm. H, Young, H H. Epping, John F. Hudson, aid others*. All orders left forme at the Boox and Music Store*, or at my tesidence, on Church street will meet with psompt attention T H VAN DEN BERG, Professor ot Vocal and Instrumental Vlusic, EDUCATION. Gleanviile Ftmale BARBOUR COUNTY. ALABAMA REV. D. S. T DOUGLASS, A. M., President. Aided by compete at Assistants. Tne Trustees would am: nce o the renztiis ot Glcnville and i:svicinity, and to ihe public weneraiiy. ti:at they have securetf the services o* h* v. I . s>. T. D* : .iglass, ate Pr* sideuf ot Auburn ! Masonic Female College, under whose aupeivision and dire* t ion lh<* Institute will be re-oigaiuzed oo the first V\ ednesday (the 4lh> of January, i 854. Every preparation will be made, necessar 1 ’ to furnish facili ties ol a high orde’, ‘or the education oi young ladies. The course of instruciion will be thorough and practical in | every department that our Institution nay be free irom the common iniputaiion—‘"Young iadies are accomplished, not ed ucatid.” Spelling, readii ?, geography, ariibnutic, bistort, penmanship wiih the analysis and construction of the Eng! si * ianauatre will receive especial intention, as ihe pre-r< quisites >t a ih!rough and tinisheti education. Funds have been raised, and other necessary arrangements made to commence in med - ateiy aferthelstot X* v* mb* rti e * rectioi ot l eauttfut and on tn* dious i oltege buiidii as with a i h:*j el sal ei 1 t\ b* six ty leel. exclu-iveoi coiioi ade. Ihe j riiioij al id tee ws* Le tw * st> ries hich, aid onstmcod thnnghou: will, -jetiu r- !er ence to the convenience, fomlort ai ts health of ihe pupils. The .■xercises will be conoucteu in the present Institute buildings until ihe comple ion oi tl;e n* w olleae. There wiil Pe no ?tew; rtl’- bail c* nected with ihe Tuatitute. but a citizen oi the village has proposed lo (.pen a plea3am boardingh< use, solely for the e: conrogesneiit ot i! e enitrpri-e. *iuaents from abr* ad may be as-uretf ol rinding un agreeable home wiih us in our quiet, heaiihy village. ihe social and religious advantages >i Glennvil’e. with its churches and -eminaries. ita acceisibiliry, wrtfc daily stages from t -lumbus to Eulauia, where the line is intersect* and b* a j cross line from 1 hunnenuggee. Ala., to Ogiethor; e. Ga., Sfer j areal inducements to those | ersoi 3 -et kit g lavrrt-Die locations ior the education oi their sons and daughters. The means have be* a pledged or the erection of a Male Collegiate Institute, so soon as the Female t olltge shad have been completed. VV . confidently # -oiicit an investigation of our educational advanta ges be ore'choice -hall have'been made elsewhere. Tne -Music Department will bt: under the direction of Mrs. DougJa s. who briars with her an enviable rej utati* n as a vocal arid ins triiuiental pt riormer. as well as a successful and accu ,-ure ;ns4 actor. Ibe scholastic y< ar will consist of two consecu* j tive sessions, of twenty weeks each. Ratei* of Tuition per Session. PR2?*aATOR- DSPiHTJIIST. First Division, *. Second Division i4 uu COLLBOXATS DkFaSTMSST. Fresh Class, ®® Soobemors class. vv txiSA stt;3lS3. Music on Piano.) - ‘j! - (on Guitar.).. 25 ,J 0 Vo charge for use of Instrument. Ancient and Modern Languages, (each).. SI2 Dr.winu* and Painting L ~ ‘*> W*x work (per lesson,) 1 JU All'he students will be instructed in Vocal Music without cHAxar BUio due is advance. . . For urther parv.cuiars. see ciicuiar?. wnicn may r>e obtained by appiying to the Secretary oftae Board, or the President ot the liatiuite. ... Board of rasters. E. E. Dcß.'sr. Pv.asms>’T. A. C, Mitchsll, A. M. sas7‘>b.d, H. Jiitchka- XVw fi.IEHAIt. i *• M. fctAiyOßP. if. M. ixLxsy. s-ec’y and Trea urer. Glenville. Ner. i. l<t * Masonic Female College. LCXPKIX, STEWART COUNTY, GA. JASi A B reCSTL-V’BAS V J ’A. M. \ ******* P ""’ i P* i I R. Bra-'mla-U, Pmf Muthemanes A Xacura, Science. Jas Augustus Bass, Prof. Belles Lei ties and Moial ienee • VI rs. BivAitA-iM, M -.aern Languages. Mae Mart Gat, Pr nary Department. M-? \r.ELru Bass. M-’sic c; < , *’n • eotal Branches. A - -it:; ir; M - Calendar tor 1*54. Spring Term comm* ;e-? January ilth. Annual examin :ion commences Lily ldth. Commencement day Ju-v 12th. A utnmnai Term commences Set .ember sth. Semi-Annual examination commences Dec. Tin. The Muaica! Department wii i- be under the direction ot 1 P rof Branham. For further intorreatior. address either of the Oi£c*rs or acv member ot the Board ol 1 rustees. Nov ids3.—w*rvtiiFeoJ MALE SC HOC L s jjSti -' r - J ‘ 1 Isbam’* >,.br*ol will wi'mirMi'* ■ 1 ie nr>* M lav ;u (N;; ber. ai.d will e 1 J one 30th. 185 L 1 union p*-r t choiuue * in u*. S-^pf. ~2l—wV -w-r NEW CO PAR J NLR^HIP. I”' HE sunset -bers take gn at pfo&sure in informing their . tner.d.- and the public geceraliy, that they have pur cnased the ei tire-t< cks of _ MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE v Messrs. TRUAX k PEASE aed WHfTTELSEY A, CO.. ;u.d that the\ haver tn*v* dH the rfore hnnierlj uc j copied .y VJ r D F Wiixc x. No. 92, La>t >ule Brood strre', Columbu*. which st re na* been extended and newly fitted up ;or toe punto-e ofcariyingon the BOOK AMD STATIOXERY BUSINESS, at wholesale and retail by Mr. J VV. aud for the sale of Music, Mtuacal Instiuments and Musical Met chard se bv them at who’esa'e and retail, wbeie can be found at all times a spitudid assortment ol PI Aon* O FCRTES. f | manu'acta^b> the m* *t ceieoiated Makers in tne United Stnes aid n Europe, such as LIGHTE k NLWIuN, New Yoik, ii Worcester. “ •• NUNNS A CLARK, FKIIH4POD, I HALLET.DAViS iCO .Boston, RAY EL, Funs Germany, and others; all ot which warrant to he made of tre best seasoned material-, aid winch can, t he su'i asrf-d in regai dto buJliancy of to, delicacy ot touch, finish and : durability. -ALSO MELODEOXS, VIOLINS, GC ITARS, FLUTES, FIFES, CLARION I TS, ACCORF EGNS, BANJOS, MUSICAL BOXES, STRINGS, and the largest aaeoitment ot of all den‘riptfons that can fe tout and ai y wl.eie in the Southern country. We are also piepared to excharge with all who hav old Pianos, ano w i-ling to 01-am itw or ee, arid will all w them a ‘air price tin tiu m. aid to sell oui own on as rea -or'aFie teinis as can he torn and in the l nit* and S ate* Have get gagsd tfeseivices ot ot r f the I est Trrers of New Yoik. we aie prei a ed t. TUNE aid REPAIR Pianos, Chnr* h and I arlor Organs, Meiodeoi ? aidAc coideons in the ven best mai at ri at ihe -h* riest i otn e. N B Ail mder* 1< ft at our Stoie N 92 Ea- i SkV Broad Stieet, Columbus. Ga , w ill meet w ith i*m nipt afei ri* n. I R( AX & VANDI N I fc.R(J. Successors t< Tn ax k Peas* at n V\ hitt. 1-er A Cos. JOHN L TRUAX T H \AN DEN BLKG. Columbus*. Ga .N* v 16—w&twtf REMOVAL. j. n . M l; r r y Has renwveii from his * and star and tc No. 102. next door to J. A J. Kyle. H*. t’as ov land a fve .? rrnupvt of READY MADE CLOTHING, cot sistir g o'* v-r\ artic “ iier era 1} k} t it. a nothin* st*.re. Columbus. N- v 23— wjtttw3m* Comforters! Comforters! THE Eagle Manutaeiurnil Company nave on hand i large number of Com ortere, ireLi nutdp, and <>t GOOD MAT ESI <L. vih'fh they will -ell at a nv ‘derate price.— ‘Flie attention ot planters aid thers is called to them. Coliirnhn-, Oi*t *29—wtwigm For 3Me VIV plantation on Upatoie, seven miies South fllif £a-t of this city, ot 5 7 acres. *2BO cleared Also "JLj *ny summer place tour miles north ea t containing 3 4 acres. 130 cleared : well impioved, stood or. hard? and nearly every variety of limit. My house in the city, of superior workmanship. Terms liberal, long cr* bit and gtea* bargains given. Abo, tine furniture, China, dining and tea setts, cut glass, -uperior niver tea sett, waters, knives, tork-, -p one, truit baskets,cantors,egg stand pitchers, dt*.*., dec. PHILIP T. SCHLEY, CVlr>rnHw*. NTv 29 wl'(Sctw*2t a. I*. i, t.Vv i’i i, JEWEL! EB ASD WATCH lEFAIEER. OJSE 1 COS LEI 0 W J EX MS k CO, NO. 99 BROVn -ST., COLI MBI S, OA. FOR SALE,a fre aseorttrent of Hunt- go irg (’ 1‘ id Ft pll: h I t vei Mauler 18 . ‘& h i ji ( 1, wish tety htaty n t *ei4j! it g Vet thire ot tc< S. Ladies’ ( ema V at< 1 os teauliti lly m t with Pi.- n ; k’s ; a full at and eel etal ars< nms r t ot Sihtf M ale, Jbihu'iea Setts,Pit* 1 ers. Cups, &t., drc. Si!vet 1 <1 act u I’oses ar.d Sniff Erxes; Gold ard Sil ver Port Mot.aie-; It t. fine plated Castors ot the n.ost tasty patterns. Silver plated Waiters, ail -izes; Cake Caskets ; Caid Baskets. Silver plated F uks suitable for Boarding Houses and Hotels, best quality. Fine sets ot Jewelry of every fashionable style. Diamond Ear R nss. Gent.- Diamond Breast Pins. Diamond Fit ger Rings, single brilliants and elusive#, beautifully set. Counting House Gold Pens. In ?hort evety variety o! goods generally kept m a Jew elry Stole : all of which are gotten i p with the n Oct ap proved taste, of the best quality, and at prices that will please the c ard prove satisfactorily. P S. WATCHES and CLt CKS lepasred in the fees manner. Columbus, Nov 4 —w&twtt RI.AIA M i.E CLOI’t.I.NG AT SEW YORK COST. I HAVE purct.HseU ti.e n tire -lock <>r ready made Clot! iatrwf my brother John .* n:itl, ai.d o®n it at New Vtirfe < oei, lor Caan. Great nducements *iil be offered to pun hast r*. J. s*. jJIITH. SefW. 27 —w HI Jftn t EEC AD SlE££T HOUSE COLUMBUS, 7_7lj GEORGIA. * = f ;A THE undersigned has taken charge o this est; blishm* nt The hou-e i as been ;; on i *iiiy rei ovated a u tun l si td ant w. The t-iavtstirg p* biic wtl fnd his rt < ms a ry. i eat at and c ean,; tui t :a uib a bouutitui y tu| plied with ev, ry delicacy .he market affords. Otr nibu-es wi I always !>■. in rad ; ness to .-arry passenger? to and irotn the Hotel to the 1 ej-oi a, and 9t< am * oats. L. T. WOODRUFF, Proprietor. Colutnbns.Oct. 11- virw:,*’ — LOST. TFTT- morning, betw eo the Howard Factory and Mews Schley i Johnson # .-tore, t etna;, aj, . :& LbiPflNS WATCH, with a heavy G and FOB : CHAIN aUactied. Ihe n-idei w>.j be ilberaiiv rewarded bvleav ng the -ame at Messrs. Marcus i VV hit-’s. ‘Columhn , Oct 15-twtt FOR S \LE. i dne four hors# Tennessee WAGt i V ano si < set? • ha-nea#* A 4. - .a 3rst rt? e two horse VV.-mnn v"h a 1 exoewet. *c oi ha mess. Apply to VV. G. AN GRE A > 4 CO. • olumb is. \ v i 3 -iwsw notice t . . , , , he tirm of Mi'KEE a. I OWE, tbr ji.he* notes ar. i.i tie hurt* of P 1 n".'.e daMhewore -*L4. AI e. ext P. 1. Pn.u. ~-iu --■_ Col mu bus. iw e-.- we desirs do.,r and 4o .lent - and nose per-ons w ~*-e XIS * Heirs there also, if they w 9h U> make ’ M v ;^rl.n'r>__ ■ notice. I'* SR SI V? who pe?-t to aave neir ordered led at P.IL.K K i) 11/ S. will .et U e cArH acci m| any tueir, *r l