The Commerce news. (Commerce, Ga.) 1???-current, March 26, 1908, Image 10

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SPRING OPENING =A 'T = Davison-Nicholson Company’s Interest ng Dashing Hints of Interest to the well dressed. Thoughts of the highest quality lead you here The store where people like to trade. The store with something new all the time. The store that jlI always undersells. __ SUIT DEPARTMENT. Tailored Suits made of Panama Serg<s, Brilliantme and Voile $12.50. 15.00,17.50 22.50 25.00. SI.K SUlTS—Princess and Junr er Suits in Solid and Hair- Line Stripes, 110.00, 12.50, 15.00 17 5( 22.50 25.00. WHITE LAWN SUITS-P m ci'ss Styles $2.50 to 15 00. \v VSII SUITS—By April Ist we will how a great line of Wash Suits in White, Black and Colors, Li sen and Poplin Suits $5.00 to 2n.00 each They will to the city. All colors; and kinds; all these wash suits MILLINERY T. wear one of our |Hats will be to wear what the most fashionables are now wearing in Paris $2.50 to 75.0( each. 1 AILORED SKIRTS. YY are now showing the greatest s’oek of Tailored Skirls ever Dt vison-Nicholson Cos., Athens, Georgia. PROGKAHME For the org'imzation of Presbyte rial Missionary Union of the Presbytery of Athens, Com merce, (Jit., April Bth, 1908, 9:00 a m. 1. Address of welcome by rep reselltative of Commerce Society. 2. Response by represenative of Elberton society. 4. Enrollment ol representatives present. 4. Organization, [<s.]' Reading constitution and by-laws- [b] Election ol officers. " 5. Consideration of the local society ; its object, value and feas- ibility. Discussion led by Athens society. General discussion in vited on tins and all other themes presented. 6. Scope of local society’s work, [a] Home missions, [b] Foreign work. Di-'cus sion led by Gaines ville society. - R, cess t° 3:00 p. in. 1. Consideration of Juvenile so cieties; their work, possibilities and limita ions. Led by Elber tou society. 2. Consi ( ration of the Presby terial Union; led M by Mrs. C. P. Crawford, of gener al secreatry of the Presbyterial Union of the JPresbytery of Au gusta. Wednesday evening 8 p. m. 1. Addiess by Rev. Homer Mc- Millan, ci Atlanta, sec retary gniieral assembly’s commit tee on licme mission, —’’The Mission work of our church.” 2, Address by Mr. C. A. Row land, of Athens,—‘‘The F 'reign Missionary work of our church.” Tuesday morning 9 a. in. 1. What women ore doiug in the home mission work of our church. Discussion led by Hart- brought to the city. AH colors; all kinds; all grades; Black, Colors and Fancies; Panamas, Serges, Voiles Brilliantines and Cassimere Effects. $3.50 to 25.00 each. Skirts for Ladies; Skirts for Miss- m es. SPECIAL SKIRTS SALE MONDAY—IOO Fine All Wool Tailored Skirts, made of beautiful Cheviot and Cassimere Effects, Solid Colors, Im arted Serges, made in the latest st. !es by the best tailors in the busine- ; the real value is $7.50 to 8.50. O price during this special sale win e $5.00. SHOES Our shoes main, the gentleman look the gentlema i style, a finish, a leather, a price t suit all. SHOES —all tbj new styles of both high and low cuts for ladies, men and children, SHOES —For comlort, for styles, for durability, you can be suited at our Shoe Store. well society. 2. What women are doing in the Foreign work of our church. Discussion Id by Royston society 3. Missionary zeal the pulse of the church. Led by Toccoa soci ety. 4. Time aud place of next meeting. 5. Adjournment. Warm and Drv To Stay Well. Now is the time when the doctor gets busy and patent medicine man ufacturers reap the harvest, unless great care is taken to dress warmly and keep the feet diy. This is the advice of an old enrnent auth rity who sayp that rheumatism and kid ney trouble weather is here and also tells what to do in case of an attack Get from any good prescription pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Ex tract Dandelion, one ounce Com pound Kargon, three ounces Com pound Syrup SarsaDanlla, Mix by shaking well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful after meals and at bd time. Just try this simple home made mixture at the first sign of rheuma ti-uu or if your back aches or you feel that the kidneys are not acting just right. This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator and al- most certain remedy for all forms of rheumatism, which is caused by uric acid m the blood, which the kidneys fail to filter out. Anyone can easi ly prepare this at home at small cost Druggists in this town and vicini ty when shown the prescription stated that they can either supply these ingredients or if our readers prefer they will compound the mix ture for them. Fold's r/onsy and Tar for cbiHtr ... Vc.sure. No opiate a GLOVES All toe latest in Silk Gloves sbort and Long, White, Black and Colors 50c 75c, SI.OO. 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00. NEW SHIPMENT Ribbons, Laces. Belts, Neckwear, Jewelry, Hair Ornaments, Back Bombs, Purses and shopping Bags. SHIRT WAISTS. Lace waists $2.51) to SIO.OO Lawn waists 78c to 4.50 Lingerie waists $2,50 to ... 5.00 China Silk Waist, black, white and colors $1.50 to 6 50 HOSIERY. A great collection of blacks, tans fancies and all colors to match the dresses. We have thorn for lilies, Misses and Children, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, $1 00 1 50 and 2.50 pair. HANDKERCHIEFS Greatest values ever offered in Handkerchiefs no.v on sale. JCDUE BRYND ENFORCINU LAW. Hon. C. H. Brand, judge of the Western circuit, passed ’through the city xejenlly, enroute to Caruesville, where he holding Kranklm superior court this week. Speaking of the enforcement of law. Mr. Brand said ?he wns doing his utmost to enforce the prohi bition law. lie called attention to the fact, that at Banks supe* nor court last week, he sent two men to the chaingang for selling liquor. One of these men, he said uad been before him once be fore. charged and convicted with a similar offense, and he was fined and faithfully warned that if he ever appeared before Mr. Brand again for that offense, he would not have the privilege of paying out, but would bi sent to the chaingang. Mr. Brand said that in this instance, there was noth ing left for him to do, but to be true to laia word, and this he did. The other case, he said was a very agrivated one, and deserved the punishment inflicted. Such sen teuces will do more to stop the sale of liquor than all thing-* else combined. When it is known that those people who persist in their illegal business will not huve the privilege of payiug cut, but will be sent to the gang, there will be but little whiskey so'jl in this section. The people of this section are with Judge Brand, and are real glad that we have on the bench, a man who will see to it that the law is enforced. If grand aud special juries will do their duty, Mr. Brand will put thx fin ishing touches on all those who run rough shod over law aud sen timent, and prohibition will pro hibit. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills relievo pain. BANKS COUNTY VETERANS. Resolved that, We the Farmers Educational and Co-operative Union of America, of Batiks coun ty Division, respectfully ask our representative and senator (to use theii influence to have the recent pension law, paying penioners quarterly, repealed aud return to the old system or something bet ter. And we respectfully ask the Banks County Journal to publish this resolution and askjjother pa pers to please copy.—Banks Coun ty Journal, Prof. H. A. Howeli, of Havana, Cuba Recommended Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. “As long as l can remember my mother was a faithful user and friend of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, but never in my life have realized its true value until now,” writes |Prof. 11. A. Howell, of Howell’s American school Havana. Cuba. “On the night of Feb. 31x1 our baby was taken sick with a very severe cold, the next day was wor-e and the following night his con dition was desperate. He could not lie down 1 anu it was necessary to have him in the arms every moment. Even then his breathing was difficult. I did not think he would live until morning At last,l thought of my mother’s rem edy, Chamberlain’s Cough remedy which we gave, and it afforded prompt relief, and now. three duys later he has fully recovered. Under the cir cumstances I would not hesitate a moment in saying that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and that only, saved the life of our denr little boy.” For sale by W. 'B. Hardman A Cos., Com merce, Ga. and Maysville Ga. The Lucky Quarter. Is the one you oay out f r a box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They bring you the health that’s more precious than jewels, "rythemf': headache, biliousness, constipation and malaria. It they disappoint you the price will be cheerfully refunded at W B Hard man A Cos , and L J Sharp A Bro drug stores. Ladies’ Pure Linen Handkerchiefs sc. L idies’ Hemstitched Handker chiefs 5c and 10c. Extra# values. Ladies’ Embroidered Handker chifs 15c, worth 25c. Ladies’ Sheer Thread Cambric Handkerchiefs 25c, worth 85c. Aten’s Handkerchiefs 10c, 15c and 25c. Shool Handkerchiefs 4c, to 150. PARASOLS Just received, a large shipment of all the New Parasols forH.adies and Chijdien in plain and fancy SI,OO o 15.00 each. Silk Umbrellas 93c, worth $1.25 Silk Umbrellas $1.25 worth 1.50. Silk Umbrellas 1.75 worth 2.00. TRUNKS. We carry everything in Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes and Hand Bags; cheap, medium and fine. You want to see our line before buying. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS Do Not Endanger Life When a Com. merce Citizen Shows you the Cure. Why will people continue to suf fer the agonies of kidney complaint, backache, urinary disorders, lame ness, headache, languor, why allow themselves to become chronic inva lids, when a certain cure is offered them? Don’s Kidney Pills is the remedy to use, because it gives to the kid neys the help they need to perforiS their work. If you have any, even one. of the symptoms of B kidney disease, cure yourself now before diabetes, drop sy or Bright s disease sets in. John Harris, collector for insur ance company, living at 1538 Broad St., Augusta, ; Ga., says: “I have used Doan’s JKidney Pills in my family and we found them to be all that is c’aimed for them. They cured both myself and wife of back ache after we hsd tried any number of socalled remedies without finding any relief. My back bothered me for 18 months with a drill heavy pain across the small of it. 1 was attracted to Don’s K'dney Pills by reading what they had done for oth ers, so I obtained a box of them. My wife and I both used the reme dy and no iced that in both cases the backache left.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn|Co., Buffa- 10, New York, sole agents for the Unite 1 States, Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no ozher. * CASTOR IA „ f For Infant* and Children. Tn* Kind lou Have Always Bought Sore Nipples and Chapped lianas Are quickly cured by applying Chamberlain * br-v;. Try It; it U a teacaaa. Price 35 cent*.