Newspaper Page Text
Maysville UMC
to host singing
Maysville United Methodist Church is host
ing a southern gospel singing on December
29 at 6:30 p.m. featuring The Chordsman
Watch Night Service
to be held at Baptist
Tabernacle Church
Baptist Tabernacle Church will host its
Watch Night Service on Saturday, January 31.
Fellowship begins at 6 p.m.
Georgia offers free assistance to veterans
through the Georgia Department of Veterans
Service (GDVS), the state government agen
cy established for the purpose of advising,
counseling, and assisting veterans and their
families in receiving their earned benefits
under the vast, frequently changing, and
complex framework of veterans’ laws.
Georgians having problems getting into
the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
healthcare system can contact the staff at
GDVS field service offices to assist them with
their problems. GDVS works with VA to help
Georgia veterans receive their needed care
in a timely manner for new patients, spe
cialty patients, mental health patients, and
returning patients in VA medical facilities.
Veterans and their dependents can receive
personal assistance in filing for VA benefits
and other earned entitlements at any of the
50 GDVS field service offices located across
the state. Each claim submitted is processed
by VA and answered with an explanation
To be listed in the volunteer column, send
information to or mail it
to: Angela Gary, The Banks County News, P.O.
Box 920, Homer, Ga. 30547.
The following are volunteer opportunities in
Banks County and the surrounding area:
• Banks County Head Start & Pre-K: various
opportunities to volunteers will be available in
the upcoming school year. Please contact Jan
Bertrang or Kristy Ayers at 706-677-2963.
•Banks County Community Emergency
Response Team is seeking volunteer partici
pants. For more information, check out the
website or call the Banks
County EMA Office at 706-677-3401.
• The Banks County Literacy Council needs
volunteers to work on projects, help distribute
books and materials, help with clerical work,
and other similar work. For more information,
contact Mellisa Dalton at 706677-3693 and Lisa
Prescott at the Adult Learning Center at 706
• Piedmont CASA volunteers speak for chil
dren who are in foster care. For more informa
tion, call the CASA office at 706387-6375.
•The Banks County Adult Literacy Center
is seeking volunteer teachers. They especial
ly need math tutors, including the areas of
introductory algebra, geometry and Algebra 1.
Tutors are needed on Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 6-8 p.m. For more information, call 706
•Civil Air Patrol: cadets, ages sixth grade
through 18 years old, participate in search and
rescue missions and learn how to fly airplanes.
Senior members teach cadets and students
“If you would like, bring sandwiches
and finger foods,” state leaders.
Following the meal, there will be sing
ing and preaching.
The church is located at Highway 4.41
S., Commerce.
For more information, call 706-757-3403.
Clothes closet open
at Brockton Rd.
Baptist Church
Brockton Road Baptist Church has a
clothes closet that is open from 9 a.m. to
noon on Thursdays. All clothes are free.
as to why it was or was not approved. The
GDVS Claims & Appeals Division, located in
the VA Regional Office Building in Decatur,
monitors VA claims filed and, when needed,
assists with the preparation and presentation
of appeals.
“We exist to serve those who have served, ”
said GDVS Commissioner Pete Wheeler.
“Our job is to explain in detail federal and
state benefits and, if entitled, assist veterans
and their dependents in obtaining them.
We have certified, experienced personnel
whose mission is to do just that — advise
and assist veterans, their dependents, and
Wheeler emphasizes no veterans bene
fit is awarded automatically — all must be
applied for.
“The VA pays a veteran exactly what he or
she is entitled to by the law, and no more,”
he said. “Our ultimate goal is to ensure Geor
gia veterans and their dependents receive all
earned benefits to which they are entitled.”
at middle and high schools and can also
work with emergency services. Contact Luther
McCoy 706677-1490.
•Adult learning center at Lanier Technical
College satellite campus 706335-1931.
•Hope Resource Center: crisis pregnancy
support center, 706367-5304.
•Action: help package and distribute food
to low-income families and the elderly 706
•Christian Outreach Food Bank: work in
warehouse, 335-6084.
• Girl Scouts: needs troop leaders, assistant
leaders, trainers and recruiters. Call Terri Bear,
• Boy Scouts of America, Northeast Georgia
Council: volunteers need to be troop leaders
and assistants, 706548-1435.
•AIDS Coalition of Northeast Georgia: help
with information line, office support, the buddy
program and helping hands, 706542-2437.
•American Red Cross, East Georgia Chap
ter: needs help with disaster relief and blood
drives and needs first aid and CPR instructors,
•American Cancer Society: assistance with
special events, 7065494893.
•American Heart Association: assistance
with special events, 706549-0939.
•Children’s Advocacy Center: assist with
clerical work in office, provide child care during
various group meetings and solicit donations
of snacks, drinks, paper products and various
children’s items. Tina Grubbs, director, 776
• Peace Place: various opportunities at the
Donations of good, used clothes may be
made most days. For more information,
call 706-367-5801.
Clothes closet open
every Thurs. at First
Baptist Church
The Clothes Closet of the First Baptist
Church of Commerce is open to the public
every Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m. All clothing
items are free.
The clothes closet is located in a house
across Scott Street from the church, which
is located at 1345 South Elm Street in Com
In addition to assisting veterans obtain
benefits provided by the federal govern
ment, GDVS also administers a separate
set of benefits offered by Georgia, includ
ing driving licenses, special motor vehicle
license plates, honorary hunting and fishing
licenses, discounts at Department of Natu
ral Resources facilities, and Certificates of
Exemption from payment of certain fees
and taxes.
Wheeler encourages all Georgia veterans,
regardless of when or where they served,
to visit a GDVS field service office for infor
mation concerning their possible eligibility
for earned federal and state benefits and
assistance in applying for them.
“Sometimes you don’t know what might
be available unless you ask,” Wheeler said.
“We’re ready to answer.”
Contact information for GDVS field ser
vice offices is listed at
field-offices; veterans may also call 404-656-
2300 for directory assistance.
shelter for battered women and their children,
Marilyn, 776307-3633.
•Our Daily Bread: Athens urban ministry
soup kitchen, 7063566647.
• Sandy Creek Park: several volunteer oppor
tunities, including monthly hikes and canoeing
trips to pick up trash. The park also needs
volunteers to supervise children during the
monthly special programs and events the park
offers. Sandy Creek Park has volunteer oppor
tunities available for anyone willing to do office
work or help with publications. Contact the park
at 7066163615.
•Athens Area Humane Society: help with
special events and hands-on work in the shel
ter, Lisa Klein, 706353-CATS (2287).
• Community Connection of Northeast Geor
gia: work on information research and data
base and directory updating, 706353-1313.
• Special Olympics: needs assistance for ath
letic events, Kathy Smith, 7065463550.
• State Botanical Gardens of Georgia: needs
tour guides, people to greet guests and work in
the gift shop, greenhouse and at special events,
•Athens Regional Medical Center: help at
information desk, in admissions, at the gift
shop, mailroom and at special events, 706354-
•St. Mary’s Hospital: help at information
desk, in admissions, at the gift shop and at the
mailroom, 706354-3169.
•Athens Area Homeless Shelter: assist with
preparing and serving meals, childcare, and the
shelter is also in need of drivers with a truck,
on blessings
I looked at the journals stacked in a
corner, then I started leafing through the
pages. I have to keep a record of life’s events
because it helps me to thank God for all of
his blessings. As 2016 comes to a close, I
definitely want to reflect.
In January I gave in and had knee sur
gery. I felt God’s hand every step of the
way. I recovered nicely and it worked out
for Chris to take some time off to nurse me
back to health.
February was a first for me. I ended up in
the emergency room. What I thought to be
a heart attack, was a case of pneumonia. I
was grateful for a
wonderful doctor
that night and that
my condition was
On the heels of
that sickness was
a planned trip with
my daughter-in-
law Casey. I was
unsure if I was well
enough to go, but
I thought if I could
make it to the
ocean, I would be
okay. I was better than okay. God touched
my body and I had an awesome trip.
Casey and I were a couple of hours into
the trip and I looked at her and said, “We
need to make this a tradition.” She looked
at me and said, “Let’s get through this trip
first.” I understood that! Guess what? On
our way home it was Casey who brought
that back up. “You are right. We need to
make this a tradition.” So we’ve already
planned our 2017 to adventure.
In March we were blessed to celebrate
my dad’s 80th birthday. Yet again, I was truly
blessed to have my dad around for 55 years,
and for the health he has enjoyed. Every
time I talk to him to this very day he is “happy
and blessed.” I am thankful to God Almighty
for putting such a role model in my life.
In early spring, I attended a church service
at our church, New Beginnings, and literally
had to sit on a bar stool. We were wall to wall
when everyone was on campus. In April
we began to erect a new church. Week by
week I watched trusses, walls, paint, carpet,
lights, and everything else come together.
By September we had our first service in the
new facility. God surely worked a miracle to
get us in our building in such a short amount
of time.
In May my boss asked me to take on a
new position. I’ll confess that I was upset
about the thought of it! I felt God encourag
ing me to take a step by faith. I could hardly
listen. I was busy asking God to deliver
me from this. As the year has progressed,
I must say God knew what he was doing.
By October I realized I was sort of happy.
By November I knew some of the reasons
why God had opened a new door for me.
I’m so thankful we serve a God who wants
the best for us when we don’t even realize
what that is.
These are just a few of the highlights of my
year. I could go on and on and on. God has
given me so many memories of this year. My
prayer is that each of us will take some time
to reflect on God’s blessings during 2016 and
give him the glory for all he continues to do
for each of us.
Sherry Lewis of Maysville is pastor at New
Beginnings Ministry. She can be reached at
bcnscoop@aol. com.
Free veterans assistance offered by state
Area volunteer opportunities available
Worship regularly at a church of your choice! For more
information on\ becoming a church page sponsor, please
contact 706-367-5233.
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