Newspaper Page Text
Liver ills
Ulut hl!lou»ne», dyspepala, tieadiaih*, *ob«&
Vati'w, sour (tomacb, Indlg^ntlou are proiu|iUj
eared by Hood’i Tllli. Tliey do Uialr wort
•Mlly and thorouyWy. Bpft 1 ’ * | | I | P tSJ.
Beit after din»M pills. SS-*- O D
96 cents. Ml druy*i»M. H S
Frepared tie by C. 1. Hood Si Co., Lowell, Wa**.
only 1*U1 to take wltli Hood t> BanajparlUa.
Tte Gleveiand Courier.
SffioUl vi olin lit Wtiiw eotfnty
0*o. S. Kytta, Elditop and
Entered fit the Poet-office ut Cleveland
tiecmxl-cJaHS Mail Maile’.Jaa, '52
Cl.'.VI l AND, Ga,, Jiill o til, 1897.
'I he Bond of Education of
>V hi to -ountv met on Dec, 30,
’96, nnd conlinned the lines ns
laid out hv it in November
nd December, of t lie } r sen I
you’*. The Board paid in part
the claim of Mi.-s Carrie V. Wil
Iiott and audited (ho claim of J.
A. Rot orison, both county line
teachers. ’1 ho Hoard also ap¬
proved (lie Fourth Quarterly
Itemized .Statement of the Com¬
missioner which amounted to $19-
85, 'I he Board then passed m sub¬
stance the following i(‘solutions:
That each ami every teacher
shall come before* the County
School Commissioner in person
and exhibit Ins license before con¬
tra ding, and also come in person
to receive the money due him at
any time for services as teacher.
Tint at the next inooFmg>>f tie
Board the body " ill proceed to
appoint trustees for each school
site, as provided for in section 24
of the Common School Laws of
Georgia. Also that I here he
schools taught in the spring of
1897 at the following school sites;
Mossy Creek, Boggs School
House, Bethel, New Bridge,
White Creek, Zion, Cleveland,
Shoal Creek, Fteisant Retreat,
Town Creek, Tesnntco, Antioch,
Yomih, Dukes Creek, Nacoochec,
lUctcory Nut, Union, Laurel Hill,
Brae Creek, (npl.) Cleveland,
(col.) Bean Creek, (col.) an I
Rock Spring, (ml.) Pro¬
vided the people wish t> In vo
selmols nt these places. We are
authorized by tlm Board to say
that after the spring term of ’97
is taught, the district lines ns laid
out by it will be strictly mil ere 1
too, and that no one will he al¬
lowed to send out of his district,
and if he. should (-end out the
teacher in the district from which
he sends will receive the pay in
order to sustain the school in the
district in which lie is located.
Should the people fail in any dis¬
trict to begin to build 01 to build
a school house in any district now
laid out, that has not a sTiool
house, then that district to have
no school until there is enough
money accumulated in the treas¬
ure of the school fund belonging
to that district to build a school
house for the same. This gives
the people of each district a
chance to build themselves, and
then have school as they have
heretofore had. This if the
people would Hunk about
it in the right way and co¬
operate with the Board and go to
work on these school houses they
could have them so they would
do to go into hv October 15, and
the people would have five
mouths school all together. M o
Uopc the iM-ople will think
cusly about the matter uf cducu
ting their children nod get the
idea if they cun that the Board of
Education is acting in good faith
and for the best interest of the
people at large and not for their
own benefit,l>ut for the benefit of
the children of the county. If
the population had been sufficient
to sustain a good school and one
that would have haw life and iu
terest in U, to hate established
school sites all over the county in
a half mile of each other, t he
Board would have done that,
The work the Board nus done on
the line of Education recently has
not been to mar or in any way
rUl'le ihe leeiings of au\ one,
lo u.u\e anyone further from
school house where it whs
hie for him to tcumin close. But
the schools had to be arranged so
.» l nt . liu «cu. " ou , , u - 1
ii ' 1,1 j’
vuut of u school ucui enough foi
w W . . ....
them to s ■ , i. 0 they wish •
ioo, nnd of sufficient number H
justify a teacher to stay and
teach the school out, without
haying t > stay by himsell. 1 his i
Was the state of affairs ill 1895, 16 j
school sites in the county out of
the 3.3 were without schools for
the full five months, and fourteen
of these were supplied with teach¬
ers and failed for the want of suf
ti 'ient patronage, and the teach¬
ers tpitt thi! schools without com¬
pleting them. As the schools are
now distributed, somepeo'demav
have to send a tittle farther to
‘chool hot there will he a school
for live month-, in reach of every
person in the county, and when
ever you take a i:oi ion to so , ‘he
school w ill ho going ; ,i). it, will
not stop for want of patronage,
because there will always he
enough people that will send in
the district to keep it go¬
ing. My country men! Don’t
think about how far you have to
send to school, so long as therej
a school in three miles of,
hut think how long can I send,
and how n'ueh schooling can J
give my cliiblreii, can I help to
give any body vises child.ten any
education, what encouragement
can I give my children to go,
what good word can I speak to
the teacher that, will encourage
him in his work, what can I do
toward having more comfortable
houses for the children of tin
county to stay in while in school,
t’lease think in this manner
about the cause of education, not
for your own benefit, not for any
benefit, but for the benefit of the
( hildren that (hod has blessed you
with, nnd Unit have mhids that
need training, and Imt for your
co-operation and right thinking
mi the lino of education, will
grow up in ignorance and shame,
and instead of being an honor to
you in your old days, and honor
to the county in which they live,
and a blessing to tin* human race,
will live, but 1o curse you—to your
sorrow, and probably toyour dis¬
grace in your oil days. My!
What, a fearful and awful
cloud of darkness find dispuir
hangs over the head of the man
who has tim or ten children who
ime* -not for the t dmv.tuoil of
them, eitliermoi.dh ■ intellectu¬
ally. Yon ought to think of the
hereafter and read the Bible or
get some one to ren 1 it to you,
and see if you intro any duty to
perform in reference to your ehii
d ren.
We received a twenty five dol¬
lar check from Rev. ,1. W.
Qudlian of'Miuietb-t Ga., on.the
12, instant, winch ho ordered
placed in the common school fund
of White county, for which
ho received our most sincere
thanks in behalf of the Board of
balneation anil also the poor eliil
chen of White, county. This kind
and benevolent act In a man who
lives out of the county and has
no children in the county to edu¬
cate, ought to set some people to
thinking, How many men in
White county have given $25 to
educate some body vises children
directly? How. many men in
While, county has given $25 to
educate his own children? Ilow
many men here where their chil¬
dren arc and w here their interest
arc, have given $25 to build com¬
fortable school houses for the
pm r children of the county?
How many men are there that
always got mad every time any
thing for the public good has to
he done, and will not do any
thing? Every one of us ought o t<>!
• ,
bring tlicw. questions hum,- to j
oui selves and see what, wo have;
done and what we cun do to 1 uild S
up the public school system of j
the county. This man has no
interest hero save that which hi I
has in your children, and can it |
be possible that a man out of tin I
county would or could be more j
interested about the education of
your children than you are. It it)
j children >he duty of to every school man and to send it is his his i
j dut v to help buiU1 gtual school
hats-sin tin c Hilly.
Call and see us when you arc;
in town. Our office is at the
I J m
“t^bt-LA—wint< VtnervasG a. Mr..d« vsonts-1 1 >
- •. .
J the court in ,,5-i amt
eatw-wt ou **o.,u, tL*t u, kaafiii'j- ai
This is therefore Mrs*Candice cite Meader’s estate. j
to all persons j
Kindred and creditors, to j j
cause, if any they can, why said
should not be discharged administration and receive
of dismiesion on the first Monday
May 1857.
J.II. FREHMAN, Ordinary.
GaonoiA, Vtuirn Covs ty:*—
Will lRi Bold Ijffoj’ti the Court
door in < 'iuv'tjJaiul. Haiti county on
ftrnt Tuesday in Kulmary
the legn! hours of sale for cash
following property to wit: bom
one mare mule about 15 yea!s
LUu-.U. known as the 0. W. Oakes
one bay horse mule about 15 years
known us the John iiuiaey mule, on*?
horse mule about 4 years rid,
as the A. IJ. Il»*it<U‘.r& / >n mult; : nd
black borue mule six years *Jd known
the B irney York mule. Levied on as
p»v*y.erty of J. it. Alley to s.atiafv a
in favor of T, J, Gnstlcy 1 d; ! from
Superior court of sad county. Sail
now in poaesuiou of said tlefend
Alley. Notice *>f this levy givcu the
in turms of the law. Jan 5,
K H. BABRLTT, Stiff.
and Receiver,
Roberts Mini fitnvsH ct at. vs The
Goldming& Miilhn; Om auny
Putitionjo fort-lttsv mortgug s m <i nj>
for s rotr-jyor rte. \Vrite Bu
Georgia, October term
‘To Jo bn M-Davis, Allen VV. ElaSvy.
N. Dementi mi l K la-in )i.
of Plat talmrg- N, ,v York.
toll luvt ra ;! of you are hereby re*
t>* be am! appear before Lie honor
* J. KialSey Judge of th • 8u;t«*rior 0 uir
V Vliitr,County Ur. at { Ifcvelaiel White Co
the 1415 day ofJanuary !S,V7 .ami sltow
any von to Vu why.yoii sbotlld t.ot
mints a parly to Hu* above slntctt Cami
tin- case pro -ml as jostien u.-ey ap
Witness the Hon .1. J iv.iusey
of Maid court. This Nov. 3nt 18i)ti,
W. R. POWER. 0. b. C.
GmoiujU. V’lina Cor ry: -i W. R.
Clr.t-k. ot tin- oUp* rior Court of I
county do h u-.:by c-n tii'y that the
is u tniii eyfratt from Ri> ( -.
at file in my oi!icc. Given umli-i
hafsA Mid og'tiiil signature, This It,
f Novi-nilvi-r 1836.
\v. R. puwn:. c. a c.
Mr. W. W. Kpillen, drug clerk
.i. i\ . McCuinu-it, jmriins. u
Bn., snys: I was nut all night
winter nnd cm-tr.scted u >ot
cold. ! wn> h rav-t- for u
I could lurdlv speak.
viug how wcJl mj: tiuut-t-o
our store spoke of ( 'humber
Ut’iigh Remedy, i eonelu
to try it; One-half of a bo I
cured me entirely.”
,B A. Ytin Valzuli, i IugljesviI it
soys; (/’)i;mih<-i');ii.',’ciL-ongh
has proven so valuable
I do not hesitate to recom¬
it to an v one,”
Dr. F. Wi igcr, Eidirnta, Bn.,
“Mr. ,L I). Kline, n cig-n
of this place, reports :
cure of his ct.ugh will
50 cent bottle of Clminhi rlain s
remetly after he had tried
which had failed.” Fm
nt 25 and 50 cents per bottle
A. 11. Henderson general
(’lei elaitd, tia.
“1 Ih'I'h'VO ChnmborltuuV C'oujrb U> ltuv
irf thi! be«t f.>r ehiMtvn I bvbb ti.scl.
(T<Mip it is . It j> a splcn
kbIIbb with uk.T, M. I'fklDs.Pb . ti..
NVtimpuui Pbannacy, Wampum,
\Y It mi Usui kh soon as the tirsi
appear, that iy nr «o»ni n.s tin
becomes hoarse or even after th*
cough has appeared, it will pre
the attaek. The mothers t'f cT**upy
should bear this in mind ami a!
keep the remedy at hand. It is «1
the bout medicine in the world for
and ay hooping cough. For sale at
nnd 50 cents per bottle by A. H. lb ; -
^neral merchant.
r *i** , , " irvu l vwyv.
Tts« world has I
never fmown I
sadi vafus far
v *i|j| ||
T . D- ts wbat the Mgcest wholesale mejv
can tile concera an earth will do tor yoas
3-^ J&A. C-CrKS3ltStQ{J
© Setste^ Rio Coffee. Quality guarantee*
*0 iA®, .
to CfiHfofth Frans* ALL FOg
? rowdtf
a 6 Has, iss. Baet tasi^io Sr'<? Sik topper ]
K’ Dsfiiise Rice__
S Selia4 0-sts.....
S fte. Nettie i^ja^n Starch IjgukHty gu-’camesd
i? *i, Vanilla iiira
V* e wtll fare you money, sot oaly oa
croctrics; iw wilt a. low hut a uucou^it on everythinp of St- from you ihs need, prtc#
o f any «rnelt guoted in any cutdcgvi anS
{lUS'-cxtts io you tS* tarns orxbcttir good a
. . Toai. w!u> order from this advtrtUe
ment a copy of our new '‘Book of Money
Saving*' and official wtolesije price
gtt\<ie win be aent free vreafly shortly).
Write to our WboX»»uld Order
A. M. Rothschild & Co.
SUto a*4 Vaa !)«.-,•-ot*., Cluca,*,
PfWe want Local Eaportara Writ* tat
B MOST remarkable cares on
reooi-d have been accouiplisbed by
Sarsapariila. It is unequalled
118 Peachtree ML
Ov ttnythm?*' g i3 mn i\ nv>
#2, $d 3 ^5, m
lo; up. C4ailai
3.f5, ft, H, 12, 21}
PODIATO.MC €t1 t !Ta iiS 15 in
Wriltt for prifre- list ;mi!
Violins.$ 1.53), S.5<>, g, 4
*25, ' .....
lo 150.
AiHohar|»s, Banjos,CvniJarKHIsei-s,Cor¬
Flutes. % ' 8 fes , F i a gvt >! ei s , M c ' o
SitiroN, Aeco , Drumn KJ t SSJovv ACC*OI'°
Nlsinsrs, l ;5 ‘’5 Vrlm laiigir and vsisrn aH
iiisf lYaSISIC! ^5, ’Tf « Stalls Music Clauds,
M jsnIc Ocurhm-s, ill :uic ttoXC8,
Harps from So. to <jt!.S5 env
Write for Lists lo V. Ml • WEI
S 5.8 Peachtree St, Atituifu if 1 ■
~~~ 1 J >i" J " :i ...... 1 . I 1 "' 1 ’ r } ii 1 i- N," ____________
C O M PETI T I T 'I ()
’I'll i: LIFE OF ’l EiJRE!
lOlili'-iH'N KoUaMlI-KTITIclx lxl^IiUmU.U>SA« TKKU) I.CAliiFUUl
a non i' t ri >
\ -t
I-y l-'ati-'s ili-nvf* wo all must eat, ah- 1
wo m-.i.Ht. «tu>uM ovor oitr
with all line rasj>eet, »n,l noth
K °f their noeils ne^leot. Pure ginger
flro the of liiiyticino,
I cariy e. .-..--tar! y ft To! Hni>. of
r 1 !?»■' -criei.. They are resh,
clean anu whol.-some, anil at ii>
pi- cea.
hhmr, hams, molfissos. soap. P.s
vinegar rice, sugar, lard, pepper,
coffee hutuw. crackers, -ah. igars,
* r A"Pickle.-, ea-.Vi.ed gmata.
^ omo to H o
y Y,r»‘2'.T %3 XX i*-: ^ Y If -st- s~» r w v* t
X a jLe s t -
Raker anil Meoiioner, |
of liotne-imul* ('an- 1
dies. J^*“Oi\lerd for bread
from out of town placet!
proni|.»t ! y tilled.
- G\.‘
Olevelaud, Ga.
business receives our prompt
f j Ain ;r sekd •. .<cmj
tjpfnm the only in ^•t»* , ml
in the city. Stock €»implvtc ami vai i ■
tiCS PVfi the i*vs\ JJHBYTI.
,Pearl Mill t, German .Millet, Seed
Reif Clover. Wheat. Whit* Clovej,
See,1 Ry„. X,u-. 1-11 Clover. Seed Parley.
elov- e. Seed Data. Orchard
Gra.-,. On,„n Huttons Uhw 1-nn-. * n'-m
-.eta, HenPs «ra»a. Turnip Seeda, Tim,
A ‘ ,> ' ,N 1,1
!>e .u PeialB. Mel-m Seeds. Cab),; ..,.
r '
So ua.s,) . ,, S-,1. . p-et S Vila. Tor-m
to .Semis. ALL Sorts of Seed.-. And
whateve.- I have not in sh ek 1 will t.-ike
1‘Ca-utv in sociuiin; for you at jny
me -
, rl.f,l)8. ,
’ *
I matco a Sf-ioui.rY of Keou St-iffil f -r
Co, ,,u s.-o,l hnlis. cotton .-oe.t
al, tin- in lial -o, -hueUs in hale,., m- *!
erunuoi! f«o-i, |ica8.J—”**' i
I have added to my stock a general line
the styh-a of staple <lnmest : e .t- v
1,. 1 . ^ pt.-as , s y eu . i,. rom
LITTLE store
lilts s 8pace Reserved For
Oainesvilie Marble Works.
E* C. PHARR, Proprietor. *£* [ j
j *
tv tu-es
a lull .tie vt ^ l,r>,Hot-, ii ii: l ,i
Notion.--', i'l-iccs for :!«b-( fiH«taare .i,h
have add.. J j,, a line or irrr
surpiiBsc ! lubricating- machine iiLHthinc oil.-, t,
w ieii 1 call .<■; r alt, utio, sou: • -......*
Me nine Oil :-i S3
gMathmat En ine Oil.'
at!in*!{»r Oil /' yu * r ~' r ""■'**?
a.Si-v j. 51.- -him- Oil. Y £*~~^
1 — •
■ urn Aty» tIs**. RcuBf-j’K .. . , \— *>i; w,t “
Stno ,!il . .... ! !l 1,: whoU-Baie-r , , tetail lot.
1 am a'so making an effort to J1 eeo.:
liendijuar e :. for shoe Hading*. Vee m
for yttur—
Leather. Shoe Tanks. \ ,,,
Aw la. Tin i-ad, pee;-, ■ i
Your cash rlo’Ja s will go as 1 m\
Sued vaioee. You will I-avcU- ~
3 tx Galnaa -Olio.
certificates of remarkafiie *
simplest all known to the renaediea most virulen had i
Uificates Botanic unify Blood w ith Balm no is unserfi
the be
ickeet, greatest and heakh-giving and aumt po m
trifier rem 3 !
n to the world, lit be*tc*fl<««
[»t dose.
per bottle; |5.O0 for * bottle*. 1
PUta are a mild and effort ire
ve and Liver Regulator. One Bill is
Price, 25 et*. per box.
SRTB. IB- Salve is a icporior dressing
and Care for all kinds of sore*, burn*, erup¬
tions, etc. Price, 60 eta. per box.
2L S. B. hnnST, excellent for colda, ca¬
tarrh. eto. Price ftu cts. j#r box. These u.ay
bf* used, when necessary, with ikuaaic
Biwd Balm.
For sale by druggists; if not, eend to ca.
Address, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga.
De ri-st be d eedhred hv td! urlnfl
sc you <aa the beet l
for a mem Buy from t
tn.%i, hav^jT-AifYtxl feremitaclr»fi by ItoncT a;-<M
dvuijfif TJiej-o te non*- in tho world that i-M
p-arv*. o.^’haaloM aneftoM* of eoxunintCtuwj, Bninh, beauty dembtHBc Ut aupe-Jr ^ **
®* n-^Ry improTezseoh?^ fbe Afg - v y A
writs roa
The Hew Hoi
Oharcjs:, Chiv-jm Maw
H W P--' eg
:(| as
:u m.
A stjri, c:y fciKh-'P'ftdc Hexsiag
ZSLachlJ ixa*c> otva*e«*it><4 aij moubifi
ivr,. j,ro'vejx; wits.
Suarmeed Equal to the Best
iTiftm n*ry raasonMfl*. Obtain them
ftoju your logml »lwiiw ami o&ke
1 " S} 1 ij^J 7 ”
vri’I coaV. r.nythisg in any way as
well ^ the best «oai or wood stove, w
BaKo, Oa it Roast, y ;u can Fry, Boil, and do Broil, it all S jg
without heating up your house, w
and vith ’At smoke or smell*
D-znrhis cf air do not effect its
burning, nor make it ;meke.
For the p urpo.^c of Introducing
everywhere, wo will sell ems ro .v,;
at cur rogu' ar wholesale price, * and
deliver free* of charge. Kegalaf.
price of 7k-v* stove, with <
a »d broiler, Special |
coxy $1(5,30, delivered.
The stove :s rrade of case i
r/idi itYtc.-:; iron ci> fount,
wail fro rx ton to twenty yt
O-I f :a*t. : i *■; one gal’ca of oil,
which bam tea hours,
S»«J for bcok ; Fs
V: r-ii
The ist^us^ iur
dent tc y’XJri
ihc -ic' * C-* t fe v -
^pp*yin[( Ch Hi
eSident hr
far «c.*r« is*
bidin», ftr t draj
Tor by
Try Sr, ftsy
XT *jliit ^fli2
Jon. Tonic, bio
For by A . i
me e"*aiit,CIcve'**’