Newspaper Page Text
ft Gieisland i>
Official Organ of White
prank NiX, Hditor mnd
Cleveland, G i. April 2,
The Or Jinary Inis received
following circular letter
the Hon. Richard Johnson,
niissitiiu-r of pensions:
“Jn answw to inquiries as
whom new pension claims
1897 will be pa id, the
statement An made:
It is estimated that not
than 125 now claims can he
rolled under the invalid
(act 1897.) There are now
ing if thi, class about COO
applications, and it is hoped
the first of Hay to dispose
them and pay out all that
About 050 now claims can
paid uild« k l lllC «<‘V (l<
181)4) mid more than 25'JO
npphennis are now of life. It
will probably be September
they can be disposed of. No
cise date can. however, be
as new applications continue
come in—though claims filled
ler the examination will be
ferred until those at that time
file are dispos'd of.
Notice will be given the
ry as soon as the claims are
posed of.
Payment of enrolled
of all classes (that is, those
in 189(1) is practically over
We are glad to bear of
tiling excitement in
comity. When the mining
erty is all sold, ivo invito
talists to give us a call and
ine some of the new
mines in White. We claim
we have some of the best
oped mining property in
Jdio State. What about the
discovery that has Ikhmi
within the 1 itst two weeks by
T. "VVliilnei and A. 11.
son, on the Long-street
three miles from Cleveland.
can’t be. bflnt. VCms
from .twelve inches up U* ten
thick, that gold ft»f
l.iivmg" qmiuitv. Pbtci i'
Hot to dpmh'd ill the
Acres and acres of bottom
mining tlint is rich iii gold
in paying qtiauity. Thcrecrc
so acres of hill deposits and
face mining, and the locution
good for hydraulic mid mill
We arc hound to have a
for our mining property
show up its own merits—do'ni
need 110 extra salt to season with.
They will stand the test of any
experienced niinining export.
AYc are on the same belt they
opening up on tho celabratcd 10
lot near Nr.cooehce Valley that
proving to bo equal to
mons tbe Champion. The belt
proving to bo two hundred
wide. Min Ei!.
^ r ' " 1 ~'" LAND TLASTEft. *
A Tall, In Which It I» F.iplaln«d Wlikt tt
lit noil What It Pod.
Thera is probably as much plaster used
*io\v ao ever, but tho common use of it
end familiarity with it makes it
Balked about. Tliero ora sever al popular
errors in regard to land plaster that
ought to bo corrected, says Dural New
Yorker, authority for the following:
First, there is no vegetable or organic
matter in it. St is solely winerul and
contains S 2 J p r cent of lime. 424 of eu!
phttrio acid and 21 of water loosely com
bicod as water of crystallisation.
It is often said that plaster takes water
from tU air and thus supplies tho crept
in r <!ry time. This is not tho CAM. 1.
is not absorbent of water uov moro that
sand ia, and the small quantity ward ui
au acre, generally less than 100 pounds
would bo quite Mgposed to the possiblli
fy Hint it conl l IT- of any aafVtco, ever
If it s hr orbed so,’, rat time* its weight o',
water. W lieu plaster is heated er cal
einod.tho water contained in it is drive:
off, uad It is then able to combine
this water agaiu as piaster for the na
ton's nse, snd make a soft stony sub
Stance. But it costs something to
tho plaster, and this is never done for
use for the land, or if it is it is a
take and a waste of labor.
Third, it has b m said that
should l;e applies! to the crops when
leaves are wet with dew or rain, be
cause then it will be dissolved and
in by tho leaves, and thus do great
to the plants. Now, it is perfectly
iain that plants do not tuko nuy
Blatter or even water or vapor of
tv p the iehvw-j >iu’y air is Usu* tahsu
thNS, sitd the truth is that the
re* if oiMoJYfd i/i the water of the
flf whlrh 4(4) par's dissolve hy o&B of
sum, and is then taken in the
*sd thus its -ffset is often perceived
lot darker green color of tl« ‘J leaves,
fc &ars aftar tito ni-i-fiv uUytt tV
All Kind of News Ken s, |
There is not a flower on i,rim-nor !, u,b !
And the strewn* flaw with a swleli.
The pcnii'n a string!**; hi- lyre. ;
And (hi, liar’s n Mringin* his fish. :
Keep your shirt on. !
Deo ted fillis life on the 1
H ,
in it., Unite, ,,,, H . 111 . i ‘ [
illlt of A . 1’. bed. i‘" 1 * ’ SCI Sei\i(. 1(1-1 ( j
his master for 30 yeti re of more, j
mid his only eoinpensation was !
Ins food, nature, furnished his rai-1
mind tl . w .. s i|J
(ould ... not ... t . se.ik a. imt.sen .......i ,d „
and faithfully, if there ever was on<'! ;
a muriner on his part, no i
heard it, with meekness and pu _
\un<.,h< u,,v..t,: hi* y>f>i umdion \>t ,. 4 ui , |
burdens of life, and at a ripe old
age, hq* joined the innumerable
throng of good hones’ wjn. are
now resting from their labors.
Sleep well -‘Crate.” Tours is a
peaceful sleep.
j the fo!!owin.lf » Mi\'<T*Hllon l)C■- J
I tween County School Coni mis- j
sionerand aide citizens ef ■ :
this county, in (he Clerks iu i
u ' ,! j
i he other day. I
One of I he fellow's said : Ml.
Kytle, 1 want you to stop tin*
ituhofS from having ‘ such ff ov- S
’inncit - school , , hov , do. , i
hi ns t j
doll t Want no monkey 5
chines. j
-1 don’t like no smelt fool'mlme.-s. :
ri-i 1 In-, • lighting , ,. and . twiMnig , • ,. i
thcic.iiu . , t it. j j
,i milt, no S! iilc in
-Mr. Kytle asked the gentle j
man what did he mean. I j
And he said : “In as talking
about this here exercise they call
An EtigUtth Clirf»(taa£»htt«']e Cutitom,
In Staffordshire, England, tb,> childrer,
when tianging up tliair stockings on
Christman eve repeat tho following
shy mo ttdflreseod to the good fairy of |
•Jhristmaa, believing that it will iuftvUi- j
bly insure the bringing of whatever gift
<fe(*y most desire:
Christmas Cay of Ohr.’Omfts day,
mo wUTi wliui wish l muy.
If I think, with love,of you
Vnu Win make my uish vouw true.
Delicate mJnjpci! r i{-»
To feast every virgin;
Capon ami •%
Ibawn and a It of nt n rgt on. ^ ;
From <"Ancient
CarolB” i» t«k«n ‘‘Masters, 1 n TUin Hall’’—j
nnoof thcqiwdntetaiKhao-ti.lcaaiugof '
. live h*y»th« wore auug by-fbo VuJotide
! urtnstrolsm thud»^» j
i • 111, *, i, • l :,.111 Ilia I bey r'\ |,,flMt%liu'r It were
t T
I you pray,
fyd, Nowell, No\teU}
UolpMi «k*j ttU talk On oar (It
By {teiV* bon m 'tltMr.
-M£Te\v QyRmtto Timi\-j-V>cnnxsrat.
Wliet, ClMlat W»» norm
Now, it happened when tho Saviour
Was born that certain wise we i in the
far east had seen a lihir. .
They knew tho vf tiro light, ‘
repmSed nu»n:n b -
and tln?y on eaiaUs oerogu the
aesert to ir.‘» city c»f Joriukilcm.
Arriving at .ho court of Herod they
inquires!, say ire: “Whers .« ho that fa
born king of the J«rs, for wo havo seen ,
his star iu tho east and havo couio to
Its'rsxl Ijsvas sorely troubled by tU» •
Buestion, and he naked of tho wise men
whero thia ruler was born.
“And they said auto him, in Both}*-'
hem of Judtea; for thus it is written b» I
tho prophet.
“And thou, Bethlehem, in the lau l of
Judah are not tho least among the 1
princes of Judah, for out of thee Khali
cctno u governor that shall rule ia> i
people Israel."
Herod was wroth and jealous of this ;
new monarch, who seemed to be des- I
UikxI to overthrow him.
He told Urn wise men to go on to Beth- |
lehem, aul they bail found theSa-i
Hour his whereabonta, to i„ him with the news of j !
Guided by the star, which hadgonobe
tore them for many weeks, thoy arrived
ut the little home where tho Aoiour was
hogs. i
Don’t forgot the crop, for tho hogs
A pasture of Bermuda grass cannot'be
j excelled; th >a tho sorghum, roasting
, roasting ears, Spanish ground peas,
fluid peas, oto,
; K. T. Nesbitt, Com.
j |
i i ff ! | l JPUJf issi 3 j
l | j mmtff i , *
1 ',YJ
J a 5\ *?itwnr» v - ilv; s «!, j
, - ... — - ---
: •*. 0-0 >73 JSk^-Z „ ft
| 8ubitnlK* for your
THE I SflOST remarkable cures on
record l:*ve been accomplished by
, Hood s Sor»p;ailIa li is unequalled
< >Cts ; io .«.—i i:o a >oa that had pigs
tii« ear.y fait, boou afterwards she
down in the lotus ami I put her op
faitou. She then commenced and
breathing hard, but seemed j I
thrive aud fatten. Upon hi nag her
found the meat full of small lumps,
the size of No. 2 squirrel shot, aud i
of little clear lump water. had The a sack Jumps around all it j j
tiie heart also. Want would )
call the disease and could it have j
An-WKH.—Y our hoft W#s troubled ;
with what is called maas’.-s. “Taisdi«- j
hi hogs resnita from am til internal !
parasites which are embryo forms of the !
tape-worm, U7.,,.,r, being : - -c ■ caused „ n 1 by 1 ,,- I I
eating the '
egg of tUo com,non tape- !
worm of man, Afoastey pork is unfit
for lur human a *®*“ food, Ioou ’ and asiU if 11 eaten e;!t ' 511 without Wltm,3t i i
W,IS '“ ,li r thoroughly cooked, white
a rfl ^cause tapeworms, as the eating
trichina infected porg wi,l cause j
fricluna. trichina. It It is u a a well well know know . i fact tnat ] j
«* “*« ®nhjeottotapo worms, probably |
e»ti« K raw fl, s h. hence they void
egR* of tills parasite, and u swine I
eat their excromout they will bo lmtio ,
to become infected. A iiow a* h W t0 i
eat the excrement of other aniinaU is a
fruitful cause of this disease. Ii« fl . s i,,
such . the .» refuse a from r smu.-htorhr, , w , ei
as tti j
contain i J‘T r m‘dlstT^cIsbri,!^ i*, 1 .*''*. JS *••••? j !
\vi;i bo liable abte to te pr.uia'G me-tsios iu f i:c
boffs that oat ir. This di.-uaflu wldom
evar, taken in the o *ny Ht&gea, om .y
smalt doses of suipiier, sa'np&tre, or rp- j
Bom “alt.s bo civou for iwo or thioo
woekB, with a Ulmritl sa;v,»'.y of wiio'e j
some, nutritious and partly digest -d |
food, tho oxr« might bo p.»«P;t from f.e j
Wonwuh and bowelr, but tills is by sio ,
o#min.” ThofomKotnsfiiitAUoi
W'*’**™*™' *«'«“”. a «'■
eotcflUoiit atiihoflty. Tbo hymx>iom* o*. ;
tfcjB dirtWlW wak «it e.wiy Mn^h. ;
ublc; the auim.vl coti^h-t. in fev rUb, on
csanmiui^ rhfi »kiu wnttry pimples ox;
f“ (lf a ^ will b . found,
Tlsere ta % wonku as o' I he hint
mel somefituos a^a . from . tno
r-yp.* null nose. Any cnv.uivn fwiiluxaat
will bt- u-nl«-e. exoiit in tUo very onrli
e-r -megsof rhn c’k;-a.-*.—suto Agrioal.
!n ‘“ l 0 o P artnw ‘“-.
*T"," 'fi <-,trI* I f**~~
T't |, M’i|*vRA< ! 4.nd
Vo U avu hereby (GAniamVHlc ‘1 io 1 e tivuI
«l.»i <*f\r pcrsomvHy rv l>\ ftiicvviioy, Uk 1
next Siipm im* Court to It! bv'!K hi V. lit it*
v-m kitty Ha,, <m tlvu r-.Gct is! Mi ntlay in
Apt :i 181)7, toiiUbWci' tlic n) <*vn ttflioH for
dofauU iDuwf llm <<mrt
will piits t ■ • ,'sh’c' nIuUI Ap}HTtain.
Wiiu.-B the If.m, Jutm .!. Kimopy
or -Kikl oouTi. TiiiG Foli, I Ht h !
1 897. \V. R, L’OWKU, <\ S, C: j
i I,it»rl Cor <1ivrt*c«
r..'\vi!dV'y i.#r v.i;.'i-..* i-ihA#tr^ Skr*;*rtMMh ’id,
e> , . , ,
Vtsu m a Hit'rvb;, i.omiiHniiV'iV (o I,,,
^| ^ „ W v m ' W ,. , ' .^ub^.-.* *N'PK- l.yatt.u , -y i. »
i*U~'-Hfp.-*u. - , *■> »>* . ■;)>. ■>;
Wild ( l‘A.& -NV.-lTl M‘>»- ;
AgH) ! ,• ;
to jtfetk't* ;i«
yfss Uic I b*-n. .Joltu .1 . R < D
dtf# l4 ig-M.ltt Ciiltl lv This Krli !!5 h, :
vi, iu BmtK .. ■ ’J,
IlFOUdIA White vuinlv. Vy x 'i-'qi* ■ !'
Ike thir l item . f the wi.i ef K. 8 * : a chi-;
>•■*«. Will he s,*h! I «*fm- the feml i
Ilom-e , 1 :u»r in (’h-wla*vl; Bai*i rcum s’ oa j
the lirot Tuosd.iy in April next, within i
1( , oJ ,„, u ,, s „f wl!o ft , r «.«sh the f..i
j”"’!’’*; *•* , " ” ' * . ^}’ „ > . ' . { '
H" 1 A..-tU m the »ee..n.i d.stn.t ot
..........."dy eoatamiuic S a«ros mo or
l-.-s I s'qii<‘iithed to Jos. A, 1’avhUen
sturiu liis uatuval lifs*. Ey s*itl will
whirl, ineiu.ies tiie dwe!liiij( and out
i;M;Said iantl haa atwui 2 1-2
of y-ixl bottom htn t on it and a
v ’"'- v <'”' 4 or,,, "* rrt S ” W ,;s l ,r ”l'“'" ,
ly of K. S. DaviiUon deed, fin* dietrilui
tion among tlu* heirs. Match S:<1 1 j
IV t. ltrMPiiRir. 8 , E:..';'iitor.
(JKOlHil.Y—Witte county:
It c.ppcaving to mo ->s the or
( ,. ,:,r <’* , • id , ..,,*, i Umt , a !"•'
" v
liliou of Freeholders of tin •J t, |
[ >j Q, ,,{ H; ,nl Cotllli v
, h;U 111 . ” l>et>n llulv filed ... , . 'll this ... (
ofi'ic * a-kmg for an EbvUon in I
. . District, the , question . of ,
saiu on :
Foneo or Stock L:nv’"Jh:it notice i
was (inly published and posted itsf
requited by law, and that dec-;
tion was duly held in said district
<u, the 10, day of March, 1897
nd it appearing that a maj inly
of the, legal voter? id said d, 1 --
trict have voted inr “Slock Law
i hereby declare that tlie re.-ult
at said etc tion in said disinel
was in favor of “Stock i,;nv” and
that the same will go into elfert
on the 5th day of April 1897.
Respectively March 12. 1897.
J. II. Freeman, Otdinary.
7 g t.r; s.s-'-E' pm
cc- n y:
When as. B. R Meades, represents 1'
( . 01a , t j n Uli I!etSt j on -*.u:y iiietl me
, , on reoord, , „ that , ,, ear fnllj „ ,, an
Mrs'Candice Header's egtate.
fids is therefore to cite all persons an l f credit™ s. !<
cause, if any they can, why raid
should not he discharged
his administration and recciv*
of dismission ou tin; first Monday
May 1 S.-7.
J FSMI-iliIN, Ordinary.
Mr, W. W. bj;>iii"i;, drug (ierfc
. , J. A McConnell,
*'* ” ’ . pann ssus
says: I was out all mght ht
wsr.icV am! eontvaeted a set
1 could Ul " r 1 ' ‘- I !
" ‘
how well ni-fnmcisj
om . , ll)IV HK ,ke C! f Chamber
. , ^ ^medv, , > , 1 { cm,cm
to try it. One-half of a bot ]
cured me nnfirel v.”
J. T A . Van Valzah, . . , fr Uu hesv.lle j
. |
m g.iyg : Cl)ainberi:ii:,’.-jCough ;
has proven so Vabinb!; :
3 do not h .^itntu rccuin- i
Whiger,* |
JHiv F.* * Kphrata Pa.,
“Mr. .J. J>. Klim-, a el ;".r
of this place, r<‘s>o:Ts a j
Clive of Ills cough wile J
50 cent ......... bed tie nl Chamb- rb.r.i j
rented v after lie had 'rich i
h jd fujb.j.” i’ nt
2 ««d , - - , , . :
!i * * -r-i emi.s pci ..
a, .1 .mnd.rsmi ' ' - •,
■( leveiand, u t. i !
O': yi!
Send 6 cU. i t vLa
Li tit*
•‘Ocoi gift's Orcav
'Heme' pprer/
for a sanrplp copy oi
tV.i-iv ?> 1 9 nm.ut h ^ un
dny /Idiiion, oii-l a
dcs,cri;iiion i ( ot f frurt* i~
» ! *0 to iSG p;.gcs 00 cl:
t!V:.t u-.ay give absi>
)utt i 4 (r*:#* to cvci y
tubs' is.g-r.
i.i iddlli ii to the
copy tlic Hkkald
Alt \ 0 Colors
sitit .bk? f*T framing
and that stjiU »u store*
.or half n Aaftik: will he snn.vto *tni tww to cv-o I y ow
*ho srnds r> cettts (&v tbe copy. is
try a = Ncwsfv i*f.u.
\Mrtm, M>tH-vrvp0t>r» Dept., ^
tf&<AU>. Atliuif*,
*• IP b..~,d
118 Peachivee Si. - Atlanta, Ga,
, Or mi) tliisitg eh the music iin<- •
MaiMl<>)in.s, ^4, ^5, !*»?', ^IO, ^ Z a *&« cr
$25, $50, up. C*iii(ai-s, ^*.T5, B 5
8 . 7 S. 5 , «, 8 , SO, 12 ,$ 0 ,g,l I’iM
PO l)L.iT<i» l€ CwPIl’A 1184 15 So 33
Write (or pru ft* l* 5 iss * uni «les(*,rii»i.ft<>xi
$1.50, S QJJ %vh 3 4 , 5 ? 8 , i O, 15 ,
;'S 5 , :i> OKIIERS 150 . will KEt’ESYE
yiolmi’ps. Ssasijos, L 4 mta KiS iters, Cor
ssets, Flutes, Fifes, llageoldx, Meto*
uai-ps, Aceortleons, Drnsns, Bh»w Aceor
ons 5 string) rim ** p a p (I cases for nil
instruments, Music Rolls, Music Stands,
Music Folios, Ocarinas, Music Boxes.
ii*#.sroitii'T Scto^lSS a six
QBLpT UlStLi ral!‘3 uiuDiU T! 'i pi ai i Ii Uu Ji Li -v BUIPC rnll/t
.Write for Lists to T. T. r Js_ r d IS A
L18 Peaclilree 8t. Atlanta, C3-a*$
A T r
In a few week. I will start to the Eastern Markets t o lay in the iav
slick of gi neb of every description that Ins over Ims-h brought
mid i.i order to make room in wv store for these
I begin CUD PRICE SALE. Nearly I
pro-post- now io ,t |
vvthmg wiU will be put down to * m-t. and a g-e tt many things
;i 1 ’!> • -oi-1 at less tiun voM. In;. cost of a great many 4
; i,ig--.viil no’.hing tod.-with the -e’ding pnc<vis they must be
•h.s-.’-d •|>.r-.:-d out out ",i some some uric- price to to make make room room for for my my sin-in-j spring stock. j
.., h„r instance. «nt • of f t bit!r-s <> tl, d * sells w mn , »a«v* ♦ 10 . and ... .1 (
nm.Sy cost ^1 w,d be sola or te. Another suit, tin W U«eM«t , ( l
'‘> id ™ ' Vl1 o:u ,,, this sab-us ,ong as they 4 *
t nt ^ MM). i lii* Will bt‘ solo nt 90, ‘.inti thi- suits u\
Th „ Coats and Vest that -old at *5, von cm get now a,
i and the price will be van down te 4 h In. Nice Cassimer Pants
'.vovth fnmi fit.. *1 Will !>-• eiosai at 7.> cents to ¥2. .leans Pants
worlh K.x*, will o;o at -iBe, aau Uic *\ kin i ;u 8 .b% Ovuvv^a
uust. fsw»
tub :;iM.\rioT and :n:sr s:iobs.
f will lean’s w!h !•.' 1 *' i>r< Slious, ( ;iil»>Y)]!? •SSkSF^
• ?• ! ‘ t ■ , 1:1 KINK*
f2 , kin ! 1 sells a I ; M to f y< .'J'; I will > it now f.»r Coo, Winner »
wind I »• (« tirtrsvillu nuke, bin* kh 1 Umt -i lls for ^i, will
i i ;t -t*i *:> ;lV ll‘SS thrill tilst rtrst.
BEST I! AT'—E • \V KST i’HI 'Ed.
\V ii! s 11 t be be, : Hat-eve >-dd in (inincsville for
u;t in ihis eaie at 88c, .,
.hrough llm ha ■ >.mA.
■i N s rd l.rdi b< v*:«',d Jf>-:i' '• tlvershirts. will be p’it
t ; f hst.i : hr ;;■;■( c-vt. H ! 11 ! :uk.»t- worth 7fle wiii be
rlcs d out at .otic; the !•; ami *i.2.j kind at «•>•. Wilt sell a go. d
;it< < ii, vird '.vi : • : Eng. tie- ;kind 1 ♦ • :«>r vartl. ;.l
j.-v j Drc-s (.T a d wili be rt-r!:i<M-rI i:i pre/e ai! along 1 he
I'T.Oiiil :-EGAlt \>iI> CObTEK.
1 he n;;«l Grpcn i% 1 will ! ii;»w <5 poumis to th
dollar- as go. d a.- ‘,'r\b<.dv a poutai ( * ttcc I ,t <; vvp Susfttl* 2^ H
in (ha d ,l!nr, and >H • v.'i ;><; !<b, Eltuiv w\i; i.
I’d*, i, > \ i i • i. V )
One <*! shi* I: 1 ill big in il.i- li< ii-; i !* 1 of S • ’ ! * b.iCCO t hat
ll tve j ist cios: msi wisli^'. .Nor! fit in:., fm lo: \ . 1 , 'oisi llieii
lol : ’■ get i ;; 1 n barjuin aid Will aril 1 1 m w as !>*:ig :ts ii,’’lusts Ht
\u r poui i
(I. F Tl JitXtt.
Wed Side Public qn ,re (i.-iincsv Ga.
A »»»or*« 5 hiy t»ata<4 Rewseify , i
pea all ' > I
Tlrki iet&ai<hr4 r**a*47 bus wi&i •
t»K»d i‘*<r ‘ f*i«r % *n
%o froa* the »rat && i
* •factually driviaf out all ge*a- :
[ (pom tkesyetnot without »■*? C 5>1 »»-*%£t ct t ^ )
Ujuri«tM iiffoots. It is no* tks it oi
a«ranos ar s«.per®tt*iOiA, at'^ bst tV«ros£k it Vi ksfew*
fa oeffioait wbj* at‘« a ;
...... ieifibr-e. it
to li &»!*%•itiVcrev. he enriches %H*V«.-r«r. lies tks t»« ti bleed blectf a j**-*^: *5 *« -
I t«*ic It It rs i -3 without wititsu a iU iij. > j
* l» ite t*sady <AA hesUl tealth-ftivisig jsu.^t-rtj-d
t ii »t«*Utwly in4 c-'WFarici-a w
*>*t wi •4 IS tb- it j.- *
I y*CB,ri.-a f*T upm i i jB^ire.1 i»Bp’xr«.* y uality M* i hr 4 all i|sre*
blood — tlw eorroni •it (yf «-t life; Hie; {aj«k!y <ai«kly <■ <‘ V 7 S
ssarsa£3r«f^i wSu44nSI tizrt J -
| Fematie ..... tvtwi ■
Jfcij^'WiSrSi*, etc.
mvcrri«ATE tcr yoursei.7.
1 Ur **r 1 Yr+& +£ VzHtA atfial
ImlbrautKea. ____ oorteftoiiW# ••rteft* together *i T«Barkabi« with h» * A tii«,
i 1 »rrs.y »j-riy •! tf
tfm the to *he most vrralejst *
i mm fUt alter o*rtifi»At*e o*rtifi»At*t- »u So-itify testify rs*«»« ui:b uith BMCAuu-i >.»* isi.%
itufl. »4. fkat fkat BmUabU Bais* Biiisn i is tks
ikNMt, BMt, kfBi*o4 tniskesr. Maiskesr, B^riiar tr«iU.-st »ad «■« **• aimit i
tbe vr#r!d. u*
•vw h»*vrs t*> It Wi
BMfeMI tApP *” * * iftMimf
Iwi - tiM t*r b*ttU; s> 8 * f*y i
B.B.1. Pilt# wo a Mill &b- 4 -
•«rfatit« doae. Fri»«, a*4 Liv*r * »ta. B^giyaUr. l**.. t>*s F|
» per
E. B. 9. fcnJv® 1 a a s«*er!sr
•ad Care Ur all ki»I- q of sor^s, barae, t f
f4aa», ate. friaa, S4«a«. |tar Wx.
B. BL B. tontf, oxW.Ioat for
larrh. •«. rrioa U ot*. **r Tk ***)
He llacd aead, wkom aeoesawy, with fi-sM
»« 1 »
Ter aaU by 4rai»kt»; if *»f, ooad to I
Ato&tfa, i
Slim taLjr
SfiWSKQ & 8 >.OK?i§
U* %-mxx* smow. I>m* KI&4-4 mf&**vj**M
4o*a«t. gnj g n rf 5*-JW>»* *»•« -src.-id ky twCiJ y_>e; e„.v
ta *■»«'-hardo«a 4Kmi»dHW of
WRITE F©» etifCUs-ASSi.
fit lei Ine S 8 it$| lieWM &
Ci*0O. Vi i. ATi AfTlA, 2.4..
F©» S4Y 80S.
ft. ’I . aa • • bxAIiy.K *
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A ute-i' Dy Ty hi-h-erDi- fdt'h-piade IPcttBlIy T'c »eald
Miw >la e, a!l
t, 7 is.< » :
Sy.^AsiifsEf i-Aiiam t: ii
Triers mey rtfW-fsvs i,htr\h
Xi'Aiafc you. -lonii-r •mli-T
l boas.
Br.LV»Di.s?s:, ILL.
e**^*.* 0 lE.f 2 V'XNriYSs.l
will cook srything in Any way ss
well a., the best tea! or wood -a. c.
On it you can Boii, Lre■ ’,
Cok 3 , g -ait, Fr 1 ia \
without head
an-1 ■ h it
‘A R, LAS?r.?2TAc C. >ir*i s Company, : i' >055X. v I
t-;cV.'.-Avr '“-io **m&*
Th« inter.?* it i-inv gn i &■, Uv 2 -
der.i to eciemr, :-te ardt-r , : • - a. -V
applvinj cire.tetS cf ChjamrerfrtR't Vw *4, i, fe-r-aviJ/ iiisjed dj fey
r ■ jr*d -
Gir.tsjWiL iLiStf r»y bed ci** hr-» l«-ra
pcmsne.Uy cv»l by It, It I* -• wily
efficient for ivhing ; ■:■*? so.? x :V sr.'/ -ear
Weim. «dy for vore nifpte: .A-.rvaji ’*ar A chil
fsvt uivp, s»*« *. n»: t-ves.
For sale by ir;: / ,* ‘ y ,
arejus-; TryBr. ■»!:?*-a C»ip fnartiS they
1 ‘ -rsc-i! -:k ■ ,-A i
Sen. T-tiiir. ' i- ' ; 9*- //-.
I Wo r «--!e by
S i r b !*!•!' V