Newspaper Page Text
fte (MM Courier.
j&8" Obitum-tes will be published in
tlieCrr ran at 5 cents per line.
Onr paper is :i (lav bTiinl time!
tl-is • Now we A VC «min«
toll .lo lr..m
hut the truth, Hie ro.istm it is ho
hind we eon! 1 not so:*u"-o our pn- :
per from the ruilroi l. And an- j
ot-horvfttisosi is, wo did not li ivr, I
the money to jnv the express
i-h■ I'ceu Soe. |
Ayvil food.
Suhsordie fi v yimr home.
Mud ! Mud!! MM-esti
if. r f. A. .
Horn to Mr. ^ ’and Mi-, i -A.! (
Allison on liu*39th inet., a hoy.
2 cents tno ,,
i on mn save .) m
dollar hv huv’nt fr V Utr oood.s
firm Henderson & Litdh'tu'ld.
Don’t forget to ih- •' A for
yonr county jinpcf when when you
< i me to court.
Mr. R. K. Reeves, of A lions, -
was the guest of the 1 lenders' ll Thursday night.
Rev. E. It. Cook passed through |
town Wednesday on Ills way j
For Imr^ram* (dothuisr if° ;
in i°
Hondwson UttloficldV cash I
Stole. 1
Dnv.Tiiv,er Eldev, of Athens, was |
the , guest . if ,. 1 . lie ■. I lend" 1 1 sen it Ih’U . c ,
Monday liijrlit.
Jfpsfu-s. Frank Ivenitner nnd
■ •
Otis ,. Henley , made , bus , , tnp
a mess
to Gainesvilc Tuesday.
Rev. Allison, of near 'lhu ks, |
was in town for a few hours Tues
p M V.
Jf ]^ *\ufl jovr.l ( 1 . W. Sloinn,
nf \ ''‘vf'.r rp»<\ was town til
li'st of The week.
II. A. Jnrrard Gfi for A 1 hod.a
I'huivdiiv, where will hny
sonic 1ICU goods.
Hiuip Logan li l¬ just conipl-'
ted seyu-d new wagons winch
arc for fciile.
Mrs. A. E. 1 h! i..:' :
to •> •
last rl.itm-d yy fro-n a i -x*.c A A
visit to her father ami mother,
in ITuirsesviUo.
\Vc gre sorry to chronicle tic
serious illness of Mrs. W . 11 ,
Courtenay We hope she nwv
sno n recover.
Mi.-s Katie Harrison lias 1 m on
confined to her room f s » , v-i-d
days wil h grippe. A e h pe Mu
niav soon recover.
Prof. Laslllev. -ne Ilf m
ing educators of TVa 1 j. ‘ 1
and one who is not d for hi- • o
orositv, greased tae diio ■ palm
with a dollar for a year..suhscri; -
lion Tuesday. !
Led furd and !
Messrs R. A. !
W. 1). Merritt left Mi.nd.-iy for
South G.-t., where they intend to
temdi Hehooi. i hey tire, both
bright young men, anil we pre
diet'success for thetn. j
There will he preaching at the
Methodist ebureh in Cleveland
every second Sunday night at
7:30 o’clock. . 1 his is ;t service
which Mr, 'Nunn gives the
church outsido of the regular 4th
Sunday and 4th. Sunday night
appointments. Let evei t " a!)
Col. Underw; od made a hu-i
ness triu to All nt i and uthei
points the first of the week in be
half of Capt. Eugene Muyne,
managing director of the -British
and , Georgia ., Corpora ,, ion - . .
ted, and ive are informed that he
left to day (Friday) for Dawson*
villc in the interest of Cant
Air. James Adams, of Leo. was
in town Wednesday, and while
in town v;e secured the following
advertisement. Jim says he al
ways likes to help the
FOR SALE.—One cross-eved
dog—a hunter and a setter. Iiis
color is a dapple brindie, not
named. For paitieufars. address,
James Adams, Leo, Ga.
L ) LT.—-0 i' fi - > S' iiS:«a
8 or 9 ye.-nv oft!. with
*rnn\] \vind gall on his left , hind* j
V* HI »■).*; y a Uktu! I’-y.ya rtl
for any infoi'm.-it im,
V. 'V. Gh.D;!ui e l^vil!o!
I ’ 1 ’ !
VOTI 1 11 'T' -
’ '
xv ’te> iniluM.od t» tr •!
oill!i'r Siliiil.’ mV nr.-'ivnpt. : :v-d
I'ome iii ;it. fnoo mi 1 sot tic nt
17 Is'l"; t full o,
A . i I. ! Ii-llfl 0" >U
i\T;i( L. I
A’; bite v . ^ School AV?s! d ! d MuntUronu-vD I
S 1
U TI , , ,,,, ,,,,,,...... f ;
!«•» .lid?, 1 .trs-i-< l iiks on |
'lY-u-liiiv* or «n Out Lino of Me!b
oris will mil nt my of.!,vo. J imv<
them on hand.
Rmp-v! f«'!v,
G. S. Kyt'e, C. 8. C.
• ii .i 'in i ».oc f-a
V ;T 1 O v .
r.Vv^, t^ nio«t iir v • nt o ' all om
r. %s Xeu nva v I uy t-ur
hip! r-. ■- ■: r. u u »io t,
comlitio:! taro . .. i jjool,
IC.vt of : •• .. i i iroiuSM s
midwoli ..... v , . «u.k h-^u M>m<- •
damage :o in.-. : .vu-. mui weaihsa
and lice, has ou ! .if v,-h • too s-i tiii n Tbore has bocu lit r I^ co^plair: t
tyrowih t an moatli >.ri or>r> wioh or too
Acfclti rain, tm \ The \ ro +-r<‘ 's fiiat ov
ery county in th. b.uf a sr> r.r b-A.-s*
blassoti t ■"•• si • e.i jr v .l'-.'r
r With st avett-thi the *.; ".v-.T.-n-.: sh-niiH • •:*•..ring t':« j
si.ian ! . - -.rci mu ...
tluaa-Cottrths ct year's cmp.
TliU VJ.’.cab'c enva v ' ■: -• w.-d
vvea the er.'.te, iHi-i ./ t a few marc
vs sc ail oi nf-asonub'tt w wo v.s ;
lir.vo enough to ip.tfy all or.
.vaats v. t ■■■ • 7 .
stsrsr st..t- s la U:.> !. : s
of tiic fctarc »ht- ■ - u, • a j
"laid by,*’ nn«l t ce> hu t pit W;.
§oo*i be gjv *u ill midd?'* ; -m c;upe/'
Goorffia. ° . :1c. tov! eel-;: s
IS Hllli Sinuii. btu Dt CA Uicol'
nnd with a fi .10 ou-i r.
Vll It •■. T
Whllabci tiv . <. w>’-v>
has dnuci v -r" . :i > < • . '■ \
poi . a ,., 0 ,. ... . .
Little or 110 nut ant 1 : •• n u li
Giiel oat ht. 1 h. y dodara
would b - -ir.v.vl i - m •; t of r
die ana rati it < • : 1 oy w 'lif t
tUoir homo , lt j.,..,. T" , *.0 supply
a v au\ bus hccu
harveatod iu good rOUt
Two sowings of fall ml winter oats
small having beau p'antm) aiile-s, in the tav-'i sprins -.vas 1:7 but tho a j
rliacoara'jcrl fnrin<*rs. i’’.planted, ,
ho-wi.-rer, have gei-.i.r-:!' - imr. w-i! amj
» good crop now i- r.eir ! - the-;-; i'ai-m r i 1
vyiio vmitute-l on piiju-i;. - the'-- coihI, j I
and sumo ova), the thir-l riuie. The
crop is b ii)-{ harvo’i
, po’ATOna.
A larger cm ti.Hti r n:, ■■ --r n 1
planted in thi; f * dh ,:c ' or- p,
Die proape-.-.r. -U p.DM'Ht la i'OOii i
lariat yieul. ,i. W-mhl hi) W'vii II
farm-rs ivmild fi; a* more care f
hefetoiore iu savin /hv.; this croD thr v
St.A cold V--at her. Tim two csmmi
points i’.'i- !.o !:-?p t ’ee ill
k-.i'i.* ra-au from - ■
i; ..e-ycaa b. ! ;on:. . r ■■ j ■■■ tc
pos-fet ii"•) they w-mlit B *var in*
oi-pi thrutt-jh miglcct or err--!".
n:as, 8 V 0 AH c.v:: 3, so.-.GnUM, iii;-,.'?;
rr. • a |
The rspovrs from those m'a op crops |
aro almost uuir-r -i!y fav .ruble, an j j
paring well for a bonutifui supply of
these pm lasts.
FRUIT. • j
Every section of the **nto has shared |
in one of the rao.Tt: bonmiuil fruir. crop-,
in the history at tho st ito. iierrios of
al* kiad^, as well as other frrncs, have
boon abundant an i of fine quality and
/-•heap enough in price to he within tho
rencti of all. i’iie only drawback in
connection Wfh rho fruit crop has been
tuo r'>7’ioii ; b'p’ jtinf? or* the poar trooH
in riootii ■iborgia and tiio ooasoqu in
*er Gits injury t » fruit. Wo hone
that the pear growers Wiil eventual .y
di 'v c '~ tliimi'wij, and navin^ learned j
to control and destroy the blight, this
industry will soon regain its recent i ,
Most of the reports indicate a ccnsid
crable increase in the number of hour?
in the state with very iittlo disease
-imongst them. The oondition of stock
ot' all icimls is very srooit, with only
here and ther.- a reported ease of cholera
among hogn or r<xi water aniong cattle.
cuttixu a HI DKBOORV.
Qubst;iw U rao how to
cm. a>. d r
>.v?v i -as Farmer and
PYn; f xt iwi-: ,?a take tho following
erooiieal raethod:
“Cut whou it br rin* tosiik aud tauiel
Do this . .irly iu lb - ruorniue, if tavor
able, and let it -wiit m tho awn tiU
««*»• It « throar.-n* to rain, shooknp
and bind tightly around tho top with
corn stalka. If favorable weather,
turn the fodder an 1 et it lie till late in
the af ternoon and thou shock, and ba
inre to mad tha top, or, better, if yon
aace good shelter, where yon can “Cand
it up ami let it care, do so. As little as
the refasostaff at the -a.vmilk will
it will pay anybody to, and an
^ cau - m -* ' “*• With a P r vr'y
prepared rack, an imraens, amount can
^ Unl3d at 0;10 lo3 , i P cnt ri^, ^
ao t cut more than you cau easily taks
tare of each day."
flfSFiTg? „ M i prices ’ L k tills
,vy year.
ef4I Em bowed fift;- L«biu*-t gold a-.-.d ettn
asp, holcinc r ariy • ■r
^ ! m*’i5 iiag ib* n
to i
1! 7"S. oy fit*
'“J g SI fe
fine y«-ar. of 0 \~r SEor- n< w *34 ^ “ -J- Lgs
f'Eo-* »o«ciso P..M. -; Ta *-:? Btelr
m.fl.vJUVEKilr£ liO^KS .«S
4 .-»Q!‘ frffiaiinxr'-i' trs*x*-. S' -
CftrtTftStitQg Look, liiuef :! WvxbWiAY. *'
of our fart ftf-lhut* : .
cQftlHEfc 6 '«■-«- CiBsiaasi i,>
a may eofevn: J. A.. Richardson
• *-vT i.> > ? L 1 a e gu.*u diart-ship • f
;:<:rson and properly
1 ‘ ; 1 ! d , " : ' :i]uu!ltic - !inais,10R ' * n !n
■ '!•' Shite bun .tic Asylum, and
;•> hereby given that sttid appli
will Ik> heard at my office »t 10
'.iick, a. to on tho first Monday in
■■rd next.. This Mai-ch 2nd 3897
.Ji. 1'lwm.iii, Onii.TOi-y and ox officio
John Marlin ^Attachment appH
8t. «„v,
1 1 oii-rr Onmjuttj- | c-teo:-::(Venation
To fir K.lvvln B -\vl -y mi l Kro-lci Oc Hunt
- >f Lori'lniV. T.iin.i- ..I Koo-Uind, V- :i
o.r.c'i of* yon jM.v. hi»’-t*bv ••omnuvtsdod
V>t> <*tn ■■ :i()}wnr !>**toro liis ilur.o!* J. j.
-’n.dyt* of t.ljf; Superior < V.nrt <tl
county, ISJ.itit of (, r .S,A.,
riovotami in said VvhHocounty on Wo
*i-iy of April, ]8d7% and thovo show
'ns i**:*tty von can. why you and each
■ you sluniltl not. ho. made parties i»f tLt».
bovo s: f at(*d odye. an 1 in dof in’t thereof
'iu v.’iil Ih* minlo parties to said c ts-wnd
ro.-e proceed ii« justice nliallor may
j .ytv i-Tain.
V-.'s the ?!on. Ji J. Konsey Jud^o
8 '-I r »*M*t* This the. 10th d:ty of Fo«-
w. n. rowica. cuo k f. p.
rLOR i!A White county: I \V. U
AC M* thdrk of the Sup v.-io;- f’ourt of s lid
-• • t ir v , <lo hereby v-ei-tify that the fore
t« n trie* '-xtiviet from the Record*
File in niv < hlec,
*«".a>! i u elcr o»y hand ;n i otP.-ia! si*r
w T-iio i« JOIh do , of Folnuivy
a W. ROWKR *
It. (h 8. C,
Speed Sly Cure*? by
-AlES'S Cherry Pectoral
“My ‘.rife was q
suffering from a
fearful which the cough, best JJ
^ oj
medical skill pro
wmff ] curable relieve. was uiuv* Wo ^
MW Me to
did not expect
E-Mii that.shecould long
se vivc; but Mr. cw
'i f. Iioyal dop- O:
1 8iirvt*yoi, liaj)*
i ~ end to be stop- OJ £-3
ping with v.:j over tight, and having a J'j
fcotih) gC Ayer’s Cherry 1’t‘ctoral with
him, Tti’-j iiidiieed result* my wife VeneiU’iid, to try this that remedy. she c|
was e<v
kept ou taking it, till she was cured.
She is now mjc-yJag even -nt Imnlth, 01
and vvri..:i.-, luQ ~Tk b. iitL.u :i
Ring, Sn-ussy, CM.
s Cherry P r itcrai OJ
?;rcc”'od Htghart A irrKi
Is about as near perfection as 50 years
s of Lamp-Making can attain to. „ It
burns kerosene, and gives a powerful.
clear,white light, and will neither blow
nor jar out. When out driving with
It the darkness easily keeps about two
hundred feet ahead of your smartest
horse. When you want the very best
Driving Lamp to be had, ask your
dealer for the “ Dietz."
We issue a special Catalogue of this
tamp, and, if you ever prowl around
after night-fall, it will interest you.
’Tis mailed free.
6o Laight St., New Yoqfe.
(if Established - in 1840
f-C' fi
K w 1 % 1 n "m Hi %n
" li/qSte/:’ >* ■*
ptf-ifiA ^
%j it si \/d & C/
In seme conditions the g An
from the use of -Scott 's
Hmulsion of Cod-liver Oil
is ripi (. For this reason we
put up ?, 50c. size, which is
enough for an ordinary cough
or cold, or useful as a trial for
babies and children.
in other conditions gain
n-usi be slow, sometimes
ai.v. ,.„t imperceptible, health
can't be built up in a day. For
this Scott’s Emulsion must be
taken as nourishment, food
rather than medicine, food
prepared for tired and weak
Y“i>7T’A SMULS!0>, r Jlasbeen untuned by
2 £}f>’ 0 ' rrrof.;!*»kin gj% i',ctwen‘ for t wen* c - years. (Ask
ZW :r <* .-etui.) Thi* :» hrc«is« :t i ■ifr:-fes
j UahL >J»y«ae unrfww til'vcy? ofi Oi*.t3!03
i j: -r\ Monvsjriw C T-is »f f :
v : i>:h
■ ■ t? up in go cent dhI ?j.oo b(z' ~, Tho
Kir.. -0 -• : may et enough to Or re ycur
;r aitlj/ your baby.
fiTERlT i., tha • hAjras<i&-.
«^ Utle ot HixkI’s 5‘.
ewes even after other prepemitwiSi a*|.
Got Hood’s aad Of^LY ?33CS^
c . !Sr -. Mv-r f”> r Toni- r t ;*eu
'- *'ri- trr • ■ *or vvns'.i: a.ioa
. jj lUvVb Aitr^. L/ije i>lI5 a dost'
i 3
gL '
slid only d.Ssapnos?.
11 i011 Quality a« fair prices
ic.i 1 and only cccmmiy.
i hk Dosuvric tuis alwnvs hern
*ra-Rfe> S % mmt IXl'e-'s el Vis s m
In cvcrv s-misc of ihut term—
BH;I r i'-ii- tli. spent t>< sell, e.s H ..ivc
•W- tii-i in.-si j. otit fin- the. toast, trouble ! >r p,;vi:!iasors '.r-i-.ra .o it g-ivo;..
XU ttifl in 'it p-ilisfiii-iion in uso.
' DOWlS£T:C’’ ttmilM!'I31 V
■ l-'.P . t k h RMS. Smut fi-i- cal:\
ogu -
am in CO.
inmnio.Nik u.
Mines and Mining Lands.
Farms and Farming Lands
Timber and Wild Lands,
Corram admzi Invited.
heart Treiie Quickly Cured.
A caat>B(in« VcbtlmonUt,
fPM W cn
■FFf srF'FndW-^
illfF 1- UuA Kb'l*"*.
•‘For V years* i saffei’Gd fiou; bp«,r<i irou
fclo. r_-1 i Y i * * p-; Lor. t I y*{m t.<-nfe<J »\y
f-ve cUITi iu::;L puy:;:; i :t:h. AU Of thcin
olai.ii*"': ti. il/ X t ould n.-t .V cured. I was
p"--:*'y L‘' d *1 *vl• H f'JTOi tr-r*:;.? t/l
• -E V i |iu t!-e sitl'-L \ \ i V»e
Lhiruo ex.'iiA.oi o.*-.'t'uji luyni-Jf it: tho
U-.-. pa it; »u l;y lAo rv-oame very ar-vc ;.■<:• At
L.Fr.tfw It ,LG'. .'»11/i. *V.lLtt llCillCS «?® « MOOt
in.j idunrmh a-o y-ilc. > 'vo. ‘do- \ iu thu
of In ov iu i.Lcr hist/, t e-:;;,M:0L od taking
and sir*:-.y tl - a l have Improved »te«.dUy
I cft» now sleep on iny iefi> side, something I
bad Liover beoo able to do before* I
vzibiH r- -i i-.dng fat.’plied, audf am
7 oKch,J'WLcr F-ytllii than ever before , 1
f,;. -', - on ;*A mtiTerer.-: from
u/wy Lilli-fi iuS’pIuaiiA- /• medy
dkay.’* KISS F&ijA, K'l&TZ,
£ Mi Yv ri y.hv P t.. m 1L; a ’XI ;cc,
ii di’iiigjj"iLti'&U it, 'di/'Zl, o DOtf'lc -3 for Form, $\ c
Y tiio ii' 1 • HA :G -u zililco *;\t, ^FLLhit', GCf'M.VMl, /AGUiaai 00 o Oo. tOCGiri art d-LvluiUrt., O? ° ? iild
Sif. Heart Care
mo?* cover to cove a
Fvil/ iknuf vtth Uw Ttiu«n.
/^Gk ^ > ssr?in«ito—riMto g
m;0 X
! \
\ ^
t/r triu 4 Kaic:.■ ■A.-.-ini k' l.ii.riir’.
bz-itTged Tite /T 1 -.f..-- tin V/ckyicr"?
IS-U, / .'tosury. . r.-.-ru 1 :*^311 tti
i»r.raui- ‘Tf? too Ci,ciry:-i B L.«.
preyartj' tat-.:ir;riL7r iTIke Revised tutolar«t»n«d. *a4 ia sni
'-a. 'Jictii title, EitUrr-e T<-.r
- t*
tis -fit-at> rj- Webater's late:::,
ilotif ! f 1 (u.l.i-y.
jf-d-tccuil wo k tipus. tJi!a -’ovjsfr.r.
tea lw‘ a In oe-'ivo -.rugj-K a Tot o’.
- - r -. ^,. } i :K'-,i-'-::- -/, _
• teeaczrwfapcait. V.c, nt *tl.. -.rial tals^-rcra i-ov
Ovt»r |30C,0f)ll ezyemiui. 1, it*
cr&y«.S-aiJno ^rLnt*J. hchcr-s ,hu ii::( ;,o P t
Oritictl -•»!;. r,rj«i^v-.ii
TTietjosieu-y isin-ri'e’l, C-tet jj»« £•
6 - * C- t.J-.iii V/Y fe < i aliil.h.r.
to.rl.iftltoVJ,W*.. . f. 8. A *
-■■> .V*if j#-.*ik V , .a £'‘r'-li .r- . I ^,1..- 1 )
You and we cisey differ sa tc
money it.-.nd*rds ftr.d out of
owr wery differences g:<xi m*y ^
ctxne. But we won't difftr *4 %
to the merits of o ,t. i*A?.d±td hi
emulsion of cod liver t ii. N |
won a.nd held its way fas- )|
naady medicine 25 years in the world of f.j
ur.tii to-day ft is al¬
most a* much the. standard to 5ft
all oasc.5 of lung- trouble- and ?;
every conditloo of wasting I*, 1
j j whether in child c-r adult a j
quinine u in malarial fevers, e ;
Differ on the money que;- S
tion If you question will, Lut cf when health, it p
com is to a
| | perhaps the cf tie and death, get 1 0]
I standard.
Your druggist tell* Scott's Francos,
Two sl:c», 50 els. acd J'.03 |jj
, SCO-1 r & BOWKS, Ntw York. ’
’ , (2BHaBBHGRiBaES^aBBS8i
The world has
»iC10f fi- 5WSI
accls vc (os fc.j
PROrCRIFQ utiUus.nlbO
i iiif j.? what the Mg-'est v;'.ole?ale trci**
( ArtUed cauccra. u i eartk will do ior yba?
T*=, GLf.Rtdi-cd Soffftr-.A
5<t «it?. )k», Eei.k‘«,s s»i*,jcs Rio ceftec.. \ Qjjgjify guaranteed
CO ffes, CtiilfsntJo toes. ' J ALL res
! 8.e-i : »g Favv«tef...
S Seei GrV V.U Pwcr.
W E: $ * Ste&Fi* -^Hte Kite......... ..........| Tc-rt___j | k'4 9 D
tht,. Cfit)?
s tbs. isK.ii.-y Var.{[?H stei-cj) fxlraw — /^ueStjiB^rsntcfid
Vi - aave yivi nio&Ry, not 9 rW,v ca
rroconea but ou everything you need.
He iwU cUzvi u iis,:cn<i ‘ of )j% from (hr pric*
yutmnts,- of any article arHett to yvia'd fra nit - .,i. In'em >>■ nnu <
To 0 wc V r yon v0 „ t>, , avie r-rjtetttr gtwiin.
al. w!. order from tula »drefuse.
u-er.t a copy of our a.-w “Boolt : o£ o£ Mono Mor Money
t-aving’’ and o«rial v.-tiole-aio pr.c
siiios wlii Oe ............ rent freo (rout-Tiori!v (ready — shortly). -
Write to our WJtolesel® Oidji
A. M, Rothschild k Co,
Stats ml Vaa Uwoo-at*,, Ckicot-o.
pwSSaw ar ’ t Lo * !a haporlora Writo ror
Aoyrrnt. ftMerttii*, binding n pkofMli whether nnd ddsorlpt1on hivantloii mny
•robfttiiy pq.t«ntable. froe, CoumninfrafloiiH an ntriotly id
•iradontiol, C/!dc.M agency iortocurlny p«itents
. ratnuiR rat". Am unri .v. tali Wh through have u WashlrtgtoU >St)gion Co. ofUr ofrtce.
I on the i & receive
itaclfll ncUco i;i
«. f-k;iy Illustrated, Lrcesifc nirenhttlon ef
y h tionnHc juuruni, v. f-.*Scly, terumit yen r;
'. >'J six lorinthn. Him.ijimii! eoploe- and Hani>
►mi on Eatknts i?ont free. A (id teas
Sf>l Broitd iv* - iNow VocrJt*
ariGiiitorai Lgi?c?
a-rlsj Ter-' ri-r- fiM.lsy lr T'Mr:rr.
du Item ! Iret *lim4 17 1 ..
Wild aiajfic cnrijs *>l Tvftcbiffi*
liatftr 3 ;>. S, Army f .0a* WUi
by Secretary cf Wei 1 .
ccr/ .itmsnts or
ianiansiiip, Music M Y 'i
Uurf^r CT':pe«€*!t cfl'J tfiftfongh ipstmr -‘?5.
YOUNQ LAbliiS jts equal advaotat
riG APEST collegh m mi r
■ CaulojaM o-nl lull Ittonaclts, z<*r
orTre.iurei- of &o«ri: Triiiie:.
Terribla liioodaones
Jtewi«»?vd l? 8 f
‘1 &is3 Itehevc
S?»rti vkv »a w ^
*w>i a j#lli o»«e
as Ajar’a UmImn " !
ns PfiK
tiwra let
uni 5 horu
"®h 6 t 4 ki»'j a
-96 v »« »
tr»Ki bs»4 v> heosg. a Cirf is run *t
W>M« pUli te AS toe ?.<MkK;£ to
s»t oerertsa ne rtj^it I > tare iua. VtoK i.t hmsiuM*, Vat?/» « tit.} £? £J
* W
s*Mo licattacftto, u> v sc.Al taiwit: (.,>
blu* to nUrre tfj.K co ftotoly u
Ator’1 •toldne, Hi;*. tie aUMfca Sisco i ks/un takkig leu toil J53
ure kero ant
to, trequeat, ««ai, at prtofto, toes to, W
1 st* paaaee aiwto I hava tout
r. Xiwmaji, Dug Spar, Vv » eg 1
gSSSOOOOQgOA Modal at World's Pair %.
& 5 E «R phnaBed te make an entirely new offer to tnsr is
whid'a every one may have a chance to name the miscutg wwil h»
5» this >r-«tc:v:c :
"imxitt isu» BBa S3 srasmi •- j
is eeSE m ersiv
Si h tjiwhd from a.ymmiwent -arftter upon cconorsic «• '-Lc’\
fes mj&tinx VOAW iTjttS3 IS Is mt So /it* sms fr^M
sxitiisvo —userapifr writs: f&f guest! foe minaus£ word f«r /AAicCrJ
kfslS i)&3 C ONbip ?,e>er.r r-r—o .uuuK »mr S~\ <ti 1
mccifi v
U ^G£2"0®B Wtna '^~****»e*
m GR^star
«> im mm & ,,.,
And seswi j*w tf»ca wSh ffe wHS JptswJ #!t fee y?r» a«fl
<4 Qvs tms a Ctess ts IM& ^ * 8tav. «» p$.
f —f ■ i 4. " ■" g arrarramg*.- ?" j gg* "r .r!^yta*gfgg£^rr^rr*n-r-r*.-^~~-s.
TS10 CW*STrn.niOH that ^ **rrrtfi
Driii M«»e »• ten# tku 8858 «««s ** w*y .•»
Ii vr3i be «• |«f cent of nil subscriptions that vre, anti iUf ite
oth«r dubbing fw*t>efs with The Conscituaon, secure for the anxifws of
January <usd February. If tbe subwrriprions keep up with tin: record of
last veer, fl#s sure to be g^.'en will E»ce«» li dvr
ecripfioao aw ilmMeil. iis tt-ey wore in J*n«ar\', The Coorti
t'Utkwi wifi pay «wt about I?? n»-<ih preoilunts m this cembsM:
sem toen e« ?*snna naatc tbe proper word, the actons* whli n« eir
dbiG/i theca.
# life© i&mldy ©ssrsfffekttea *» 9» WsnYy Ssun^Epc? r a •
sritha cdicwDvtkwi A 256,00c. It overs the wiaolc wur' ' -ix
sesrsh-e. -arni oc-Aaems the news tb* U'kited Stao-; its
ia jK^es, 7 mimKis *0 the pa^, g 4 fovkvny 3 , gr,v4?
AS A SOEWSfrArK*—Tfce WteAJy C«ivutulR.n lari «u -vjjati <o
<*»or fiu.- wsi.,4, i*»i t!» A.X *)(--».' two £o iw- !v» k ! .
in &e S®out-«o *»4 'Union. s**c-.».
AS A MAOA/j *<l 8—It prt«ui "•»« »i*ck ». ti •*r. 1 , f u-ay Srowl In
BMigtakysi «T She «-cc;i-y mco am t* j»-tnK ?/*« -r.-n -in; V*i ,.
AS AK KPtJCA'fOS—It i> > ukaSmt wttbit. a y-~-r*a rcvS«<; *f ‘
COWSTmmOW fa « klMMJ w#^:aHon » •■-mm..
as a raacMB and cowrA>no*<—u bniw» <j»-« *>vi v»**» ewfe
tpeah, te, /.ClVl &• diLS/vcu -wnf^fu III. KU—U-..11 ,, i* a/v< --
«M aT ‘mtstoxi ia'.-i t9r ovwry ih* !*•»>»-&• «J.
»S*f tlfSSCnAt. FSATUKKK—Af« *0 «« !«*. Vi w 4nuuii ki c *7 oi'wnr !>zfet to
Am eU «eA»t sfcJfs dS*ect’r»a. «ni *n ibpix-j«li(r Ui ibu-,* m w.'/yd (mk e^ v »«r.xrsi9
tJ g «8 Si¥3 ten 8!f98gg**1?5«
Asm! srith it your ^«ea»—for the guess tftn-.-t, in eve<y c.w, Ac.
ocs»paffiy that yearly swbscnpuan west in. You csiwi-!* do with
««t y-a-ar LocaI newspaper, and you CMnot do ,vrViO»*t. 3 fre»t,
ge»!-<*; netrtpaper. in touch with your jectien. We ewver tbe
fccai dettnwsd—TM 6 CON 5 TlTUlion 4 covets tiv- wrhi It yw
ue alreedy » subscriber to oar paper and mao* The
send «i #l.oo, and along with it your guess in t!.e missn?. -ywd
\ &sa 9 s*L w« wiH forward same and duly record y«ur gu» m
! ^SSTif-T
TPri SSJffit K«t3i t» l«1.
i Send us your n»,oe«y and get both parvrrs one yrir, and per¬
I nl debt,
| e> haps hf—fftf- get N'3iW enough t*t money tiiV4i to cle^you Cids.. at buy you a good
l*B -.(l./liri.
A©4fos-se «*J oed-ssa —
Cleveland Conner,
Clov^-laud, Qa.
j ! 1 Space JL Eesarve-l.F c r
Ill TIT,
, . _ at!
‘ is I triiev. the bwt n.ambc.Uh.‘i fur children 1 CtmgV. ever Rnw-g| >:s '• g
; For er ft u]) il nti^n’R ll«*l. n p-pl^n-^j
did seller with uf*.r—Tk M. Erlsl«K.Ph.
yip-nHpPv Wanmiim Puanrarv, ^urapnnt.ta
'Pa.** ufwl rn f»r»nn afi the first,
--yrrrpit mr- *f>p«ar. that in n* 6<»<Tn.«« the
child horomPR hoai’P© nt *ren tiff er th«
cmtipy CAtv r w
▼^nt ♦) e Thr* mo^hw^t cropn^f
children RhouM bear thi* in mind a\ulfcl
,o “ !0 m ^, ;cins 5,1 0i * ™ hl frr
r-njif, .ail whonpiofr cough, Ycr H-fte at
25 nnrl 50 rents per bnfils by A. H. R.n
iif!)’Sftn.^gi’pcrs.l mcrcflant.
■:-ntoq sSjbt JOJ -3?e -3$ *toOTjyjBtf7
nf !-°K vj-noy-i < SC J “cifoteii.vvj
’■>«■> joffaf,
t r.a,
1 (Mil
— — i^sgs -“
wltsua r hLl* s’tsorb h t Ky' ^