Newspaper Page Text
trro." ' -"rr—:. — ——
iy C’fifjin ’ C)uri 3 r.
i •< >i >’ 5 i''iu| f ,*f .«f Wlttto Wlnto County. Comity.
jz F'ta; *\ t bt/lt: it t, 1 > , • ■ q a ^ t - ' O ’zb- j, Jj-
1 ..ien.
<’ VKI,VN’l»,(j V. \.II I i ; <'$./ 7 .
Ui^uJiA FAiiMERi
wv • ni. r.i-n T’in tv:iH,T
ru».< It —W ntfsrti'U r v/ouid
fi, a a .v;.'* '(,T Wh.M i
A.v-waa 11. —T.i> i''.viu^ are ail
go ,1 a:'tidz-r< for - .v ! i(‘a!:
1 . 'fotroun vid u -t!. 5 f poartdi; ao><t
p’. «Vi it,, 35) p.-nu!:; munata of pot
|i.| I lid poll II 1,1
& A ud p KMp’.iut',831 pouridi; k titiil,
C ) p an la; nitr.tre of • > i. 8 0 p -uo.i.i,
< L! ml, :;3) ;i n 11<; n. i Into nf p it
r-H, 1.1.) pamtU; a i, pitnsiiyi. 833
po-i id.; nn’pharc of lira •, IT * pm; i l<,
Ajifily br-ndoatt fr • a '} > > t) 6!M
pv.inbi! par acra
(,'O'CI .ll £')1 .Ill'll
(^VKirio; i'i~!Iiiv i i.d- 1 mire m*
ti.-^bum n-Hu?
Avvivii i ! —Tii foItoTi'i-r ta'toa
Irani Hi Sm urn .kook V catraw
tno utitirn p- oiv-.n;
-A tnr mo v-jis - allow tlm a.).',;Iium to
|i- oil t!io t'Uiii sn.Il )i,mtV lou^ to |
fi*y out at fi i an 1 of t n> oHtl.H,
"lltiirina ih'cic, it should lie
turn *d nv .r on t ! i. ur n i l to oxp inp
t id in. o ii p irti is of t.ia t ailing tu tiiiu
or ii.j.t t m i
**t7*ii t' v .»in day’) sun is rafpi r*ii to
d> ■ i: i;> tt-'y to allo v it to bo put
no t'i'o tii • co-'k f as hay ooc’t m it
Via ;i ’not uifi au l t mot in diam t r,
i> - of tiu Hiiaao ,>( an jldfai.iion) 1 bje
“AH th« hiy that ii oo-kot in t’i : s |
m-nnrr »';•> l 1 1 bo Wall ssttin.l a- it ,s |
laid ' o Hi > jibe ‘
-Ai-it n ••;.us oon.-tru-tsl it to it.
p-..p«r hui ra’to tlu luJsn ,a.,r ,:iu n
away from too s.lot, lnari-. i m ;»
pil) o li vy tils’ iv 11 turn ivut'-r in on w
it sKub tniu. Atunv it t . r.ou mi in
this ro nl tiou for two or I .irou nuy.i for
torm mtiitu.u tu tnlca plao.% which i»
tvidaiion.l by the haatlnjf and tho du
po»its of mois-nro up>u tiio imorior
parts of tm co'k. Waoti thorouifliiy
warm a ii ba.ora tha Hay loan* Its nat¬
ural -M oi on .n tha corki and mtpots
th i bay o ..>a- or six liours’ sun, no
no (Vug to the w light of thw crop to llio
war ■ and the si-io o f .in stalks.
••'fh iu tbifoUsr H ntlp to hurl t<
the baru or bo piuti id In stacks, whore
itiiiaysaio.y bo oxnjorai to rmnain
» tboai aio.dlo^ or Uoadua fur'her."
i S’ ion ii — I hare a mnlo with
m.h)' lamntross. Lin wus 1 aui ) to soma
4‘x.jjji, ml tit last winter, but got past
'• ri-i ibis »j rin r. His xtiUo joint is
rwo'h'ti end hn« the ivppo.irano.o of en-
1. .goi . ii oi tun boito at ptoHent, but
I be’rrr a "i wo |.b w h ni som)
now Piinfor it to Dr. < 'unit an l
1 i H’m mi. ■ or as I ,.m anxious to
t ilia, mm ’f > on,. h:,rj suuins to mid >r
Dtnti 1 fhooasM. I will sir his hip 1<
) away. lio is about 8 or !>
y.':'" 1' an 1 a c o.l mu'o. 1 you (fan
do Bor- iur tor him t will imnrreiaio it
\ojy ii.auu. i to give u;i part oi
Answj v m - ’bls’er .:;ii rep >rt ra
iu!ts Furuiifliig of Hie hip from
«• - ro'Oiv. from’.v., it b? v,. ® of niusolas.
bar i u i! ,a.m u s, ami the atrupity will
b,. . .11) J'U >.
tjlOKsiiis Hi.— I’m In.' ividu d ex
H ■ • o he i , o ,< i tile Hui il.ltif at
th“ <‘o*t-.ii hii' 1 Intern rtiob i) ex
) . it uu Minuted as lata us 8ep‘ l'ol
A.'swl.; if. — V is And I would
urge upo i cvmy eommnnity in the
*• 'e th • tv v *r»ii • • o'gattin-p up those
lui’lv'dnrl and displays. The
Ii toortnin-e ot fudv 'snntinx every
» outm o. our htde cannot bo ovot
• ’..u.ltul. ci its t- .up-, t.
b, Qi'kwuti 18 —Is it lutkl to feed cor
iu '• cut -. • tvicm ?
>v“ >3. Pro!’-.s ir Hmirv, of th
exoartiii in’ st.iiion at V* . siiingtor
t .t'.l rUo vnlu • of c itting corn f d U
by fe tiitf oiij lot o. cows upon whole
<oii>lc. uri:r..t .uni s vmt Ai; .flier 1.
a .gal. mdalll ; ■ .-I til 1 S hast toads .
fr.* . . s-iuio mmv. out into piacw-s a
L It moll Inn.’ He nail tiiat Id oh
f mi • I in i"nob mi k >.|"1 71t pnu’i U
o cut foci i"r as nun o
HU 'll" fold .■ T.v i t i:i s of . i, woa! :
V..u l be worth m >rc tu .u t.iroo ton.
to uu. ut
hill-tie ju tile row do bs V’
tli;,n in l*,c n.i.s; iuscetc uj flat g,c. ii
t ,r work they do in fas' hill. Ai
ter ill! tile <!hu ;. r irolll tnis enure* ir
b .nit past, t thin out each ; hi-.i
j». a', si; three feel from its noigulnc
U is -ivos *■ r.s an iDsls-y i ii lent p vu
ri-aU. This s en-h pl.:V * gets till s .pi. -
i ...rv of t i.e re. a ou the i t. S.ii 'U
tie ,t r' l begin to w . . n i.
rents, tv io*i oh i no t. tsl iiy 1 .
»t .in ic,. v.',i..i, dts-out> i
i. lash, am- en i'.sn i’.t of \v.,‘s.
f. .d put .t I • 1 p • .a'... id’ a mis.
•\ s’:a :c: 1 . <• o hid i.
'Ins even: ;. II—j» - i r.p for 5 " i
«■—r.s oi «v l.l tin l.r t s.l.',;>■> i. .
i e 1. 1 '-■ * d o: . ■ ..1 e.
1 .uds. as 1 ’.iau. tor fa.uil. n- .u.
t...e th' so- i> ol tin* best , yen
ana. ' I if ila.s* a*-xt year. 1 tiso bv.
, one a,-or s ..«.f some 'it tu * vi
i itm ra-’e-. i s. ,.ud i. v.-r- fnl *■
I fnjetoa .. i b, h vs that t
1.. 1s ineUioo 1 c i mi - n niviou l.r
e. si-j' tv.o i.t,ujre f» c ct eroua 1 in th.
1.. !.
At the Cl*h 6 Iao *ii It).' (' :y
tiMileV 'IX 1 v.- ,'p. ) i .-i ear!
, ■■ f , r'v.rii. -
(lr *t I f -a f'fcm i w '*»,* o'« .oh,
C^i tkh nov — I Iihvo 20 r**« of hunt
(h;y yoAra. '
,. i •[ y v., i s.;:
I,...,* rr-\r it wiir in <*«••». mi’i t br>itd
l j ;•» •*' ’•»« i.*»» _*».<»•**>* of the ,
1%1 C.M r i m -V -i YmW V.iVf-m 'fo
the mp© ojj if hv th<* nw of o >0 pounds
triiaU‘»f ttfftl if *>, Uu*v csift i do it ?
. ,V. :-.V-R. -Mw* bt vA - y„U .LoU’riDl
lit Kut * bill* of C- Itto it,
.v,M 1 .**« mu--;, yon
prop ■>••'' »•> «••> proviuftd it W prnporly
pmiariwl an i worko.i aui y >a iiara fair
sea yttiH tjp>}j It-.
T * m n-:o the, r-yp vnn orwt. .ft-st
bi-palc tt:a ’.in i il—'p and fh inmtshiy.
I.ay ^, oif v u/n'.vu fnnr fo st apart, ra i
wVw) w n«a furn.v-r n .
ehuvol plow, t) g.:t well down int > the
ground. In .liar, furriwpat !Y) p m id*
of any g wl B*an lard fm-tniwir. Thou
with ;i loiiy Rs-.Kiter plow mu back mid
forth in the butto n of tills fnrr >w :
wbi-'li wi'l th .r.u thiy mix th® fort ;li
trr with the soil, aui al-so break op t'.e |
iiepeat this pr >eess in the two ai.',, ;•
forr.nvR. purlin? 1.'a pounds of fi.-rthi- ;
#>.r in cacn. thm finish beddi.i;; out !■«.
Th:* nietlusl will necessitate eomi i
ernbie :n ne w irk th vi u-ail boiiorn
tTio p'aiifRt?o£ r’pnbPwtha the crop, bat you wid
bn wo expous:..
As swum y >or crop is up and trill
bear it, pat t i a .stand lauvi ig ouo ctalk
nbout evs-ry 15 to Iff indies.
Cu'.tiviito sliaUsiw anil often, thou
with fair seasons. I will guarantee you
o bale to tho iwro. —iitiito Agricultural
lApurtm* it.
CIiiaa tierriei *»■* an ln'trni K*ti»rra!nator.
<Jtf«mox —Whe: properties as a fs*r
tilixer jiusl tnse. t extormuiaMr, has t'.u
China ben y’
A.xkwkk,—T here f* a eonvideraMn
amount of fs-i tii ■ stii) g muteriat in C tin a
faerie.t, mostly nitrogen, and if they
?ouM bo obtained eh pa; iy and in large
qivmtitias. it wouU. doahtl s-s juy t > u
them. I cannot giv ’ yon a o .md-it-’
analysis of tiic l«or:y, n it Havi.ig if ct
Tim berry, as fur ns t know, d-ies not,
destroy iiiso.'t life, bill tie’ isuiv •* piiveu
am -mg woolen clothes will, by thef
odor, drive away the ninth so sb'-tru'-t
ivo to such s'l.ithiti:’.—State Agrieullt.
lul Depart moot
A 1 ,'port o-.i crop con-l.‘ { nc.s ',n<l urro
ago coinpilisl by t!;u first of iMa/iaia
Dititvy riBppnts incompl t", yi t cmitaim
sufllviiv.t inli uiailii.ii n> I t tt bsnii'Ut ia
arriving nt move ncvuni'o •, nit inter in
the 8,'iisoti.
It 1 b Uh: Intention of the sb p rttnont,
ou provided by Ihw umler lUi.-* bi.nich ol
tii« report, to 80,-UM s tut stio., ,.f mu
ftitrlcttUural ____l t «... 1 product* ...--1 for Liter 1 ., .« complin- nn.,,( « . '
lion. With tin:) cm] in view we mjasMt
reruriem who h.ivc ho -ftic.cally
»s rvcil Did step irtincut, to «*>»kv. then
ini;nfrioh as Mtoixle.l tm |h»«“»!i> wit >
iho t)Ull>-)88 Ol' h't.iLiuC.l tRal
V/.ll .... nvuviumm . ....
t >0 ! (*MV« /
Hpocdlly Cured by
“My wife waa ol
suffering from a Of
fearful cough, oj
whii'U tha host
Biflslical curulilo skiff pro- o| ?|
was mui
Uito to roltovo. We os
itlsl not oxpoct o!
hlnitslio ooulU long
^V>,t4 Sj» a, / / se vivo; '■ l!oyal lint Ml', o, Si
- J y survey oi, hap- g
sT /
i “ noil to 1)0 stop- oj
ping with us over *M"ht, and having a j
bottle oj Ayer’s Clieriy Fectoml with 0
1dm, Inducod my vvlfo to try this remedy. o{
Tho result wns so beneficial, that she
kepi, on taking it, till she was cured. 0
She is now enjoy Ins excellent health, ©
and weighs 160 pounds.”—11. S. Huhwi- ®
Uses, Saussy, Ga. <y
Ayer’s Cherry Pr^toral %
Received Highest Ai irds ®
WheiM do you h:iv \ n if >, , i -
''< i r,,\ i iii u* I,i.ia i he iiinn v. In*
1 i Vl’l'l isi-s."
Saved His Life
"When my adopt- 0
ed son wjis seven oS
years of age, he had
as severe a cough of
as 1 ever knew any
©no to suffer from. Oi €
Ii santly, Ho coughed and spit inces- of
ML up
yjl blood. 1 tried every- Oj
tiling I e<*uld think
of, \y but he constant- and o| ®|
grew worse,
little fellow would surely 1 feared die. At the last, poor 1 o] ©s
gave h" ' v him mm iVjVt Ayer’sChevrv s v i\t‘i rj Pectoral, i munu, benrg evmg Si q]
recommended to do so by the physician. oS |
This medicine gjive the child speedy re- c
hef and effected a permanent cure.”-— q 3
Mrs. Ayer's M. E. Derat, Clierry Liberty, Pectoral Texas. ©j
Received Highest Awards
X ?ocooo ooooooooooco o ooo e
Snh-i'fil* ■ ft”.' your <• utuly
•^HE IV50ST remarkable chyc? on
§ n><'onl have been wixxinijili'lH i! by
UoodXSarFa’>;trili;i li i- UBi-«iuali«l
• KoricE. j
1 pIA - VliHcentity-. Wlwivi.*. Si. ’
Miiom*, A i .io; i'iab>r i i XnHu .
*!i • <•<.■:if -hi i’.u
1 J.-.1 »»<1 « i:.-i «*!<•!! >•, c«.r:l i!„> l.u !i:.^ |
u,l > '‘"“'fT t!; « n ' , ' 1 " !
' 1 ,r,H ,H 1 to «to «Ii i»*rs-«*« j
kindr 1 and rn tUtor,?, |i»j
,f Ay 1' h, A •
im w cv . V
i-i .'iialnr Mt* i,!<! m.f b<
io. , i-,
t i«i. 5M n f.i tl-o fir. I :.-<m<*a.v j;i
?„Jy i a fnl ami final m ttlemmil wiiji
,] 1 J <• Jr jis o' fi I ^ i p - Ji,s<!
<h u t d <v . j.II, VV '.csnats,
Is about as near perfection as SO years
of Lamp-Making can attain to.*It
burns kerosene, and gives a powerful,
clear, white light, and will neither blow
nor jar out, V/hen out driving with
It the darkness easily keeps about two
hundred feet ahead of your smartest
horse. When you want the very best
Driving Lamp to be had, ask your
dealer for the “Dietz."
We Issue a special Catalogue of this
Lamp, and, if you ever prow! around
after night-fall, it will interest you,
’Tis mailed free.
6o Haight St., NewYo'.k,
® Established la 1840
east P5 oo
ii * •' • <11 if <iii r jt a
%*/ Wo hr 11 th“ S\*si it} i f
low j iisr# this yen, r ,
x 10S. el.t«p,*'■ tiftidin" rtA.-uk>.-i ftfiy i-Mep, C»h)5i»*t jtrold wfgfta, ;yten
iit «riy ( ay,}
i*> rs^x-u
t tty t?cil uj (PS9 IP S^TTjfc- t* p RrT KSSi *!XS£H
V"“»» fa p *SJ4|
,.,'v ^
v ........ i -
frornnow vunUU.i 'T K«mU’hi lk*iuui'/.tk f.-c
Lvok. ijttiiti»« cma U,r
Mivithttinc 1 11 •*#•<f *«ri I man
( nnr fa.-t ■* t'uf.ilH Bus-'f DliMY,
PHlHtt & Slct; ! i - )...,, li:.c‘ uat!, *
•t -p |f |ti:f Dt’O OS.ff *
Udn^no^ 4o, r u.v ».
• r-Jj. v Htid
•o^gi u| pjq»|Hu|s;j
■y\io\ M3^|‘P3J}S m^FIOO
‘*0D ZJL3IQ □ d
‘OO'Of '•*!* ‘3318*1 *U J'> uu-an ‘etnitn:.-) to
'S'fl atjj jri ot'pirdaid iq^taji *>i j»At|»f> jija
OM'a.tjoap jm>A jotliuc] siqi lijviqo iVBOtf n»,
w **>v*m „ no.t noA OAia oai 3 J|1M jjiaa aoicop jA|t>op iOO/ inoA ‘aptui
tpooa I j*»q Aj XJ3A 3.\ oqj oqj ZutAtq ZutAcq uodn U«s«» n*-’.( }|
•uo^taqdd* uotln ao»j guui »<» qsjq.w ',>na».qvj¥® ino
jo tutwtu Aq noA »?t>p
•ojiu} o| pttjS »q p|tioA\
9*\ tuof(M oj pue ‘Pitnq
9M ivm , , spooS jt^q ,,
jo Aqtuvj suouuuuj u«
jo Joquiotu auo jnq w| Jf
•cqoi »tnjosq« sj; jo
U03V3I Aq '0^3C}«1U
aiuua noA aa\3 puts
uv > ! |>ui m oqj ojuHap
«D»u}i>nq U| anuijuoo a«o
:opiNjno aqj UK'ij pwvi
•nSa* jq aq «t*a tj
j«o>)»ii9soja?( ijjym jt op
ptiv ladvaip ji op Muicj
Z«;uitiq-sv3 Auc utqj »
»qSq siotu sa\B ^1
'sajdj.-iuua o'j^jusps
oo apvui i;j.« AiqKno
•joip tj puv ..'ssounjtp
j 0 )oo,, joj ajopnuw
uv poisyi*> ij
•savax or dio
aiionaa dninihs v svh
diuc^ Traits 2 '°N
V«f7 \ IISV
T3 I'LL :;g£T. ... n.-'
c2 L.ocn square, ri.y.
r. _fe5S.-K.bJ
----- -. V . . . -sti :•* x '4 ■
; X.’b-i-v. > r.'j. '.'i-rff ffil?, * I-- •
jr-zau. Su’.u'.-'sc.- snjt . . sp? *aj
yn-v*)-*!a c *^3*»*; pus
;n iv••••*!♦• ».*»i: 3 dh
•.* Mite. |
;;p »;>(^A—Wwt« c> ui.fv: |
. f. H Sityititn-K, t .
..airi ;n' Ms j>yi!i-n ! ,’'y fj..! j
„ , j - •1. ?:i- t ; I,- yi'i
mbX-iUm! Thu* J: !•<*£»'« "< :< ■ S,‘. rJl esUtc. j j
w tin J*) pei'SMis
< ' " ’ ’ " t , ' ' , 1 r '" ,. , ::
'; ’ ‘ • : :
‘ " "/ .....J
■*:< ::». ->r
‘ ‘!\i “ ...... ,. J ,
" "' '
i.ll FP.Kl-’.MAN, r>.ail,: -V.
i"'wTsyillou^in^hokl I
HT' 1 .! 1 .. ......
i’.h, soy- : I W..S mil ..11 IH.J 1
hist WllltiP tt iff! 1 1 ill; l',sitiS.i it sfi ;
] V(T * cs.hj. i IVOS ii fnl :
; "s'l'k 1 , ton!.! , , lu-Mfi.v . ,
! i [\ poU'iii -f Low Weil <'U-t» n < ! .*■ • i
jt.f , t«ur ; .•'poi':* . nf , r ( . i; Hi«>-•: r . ;
| iniho ‘ \ it _*f 1 1 i!** mdy, \ i*«m< iu |
!lied U trv U. ():•<•-!:•»if <T u »..* i
lie «' s-nlil-!i."
' Va'./.aii, Hn-li
A. Van
•'a. t e.*\s: Cliatt.lH fiai'.'s 1 viryls ;
-s i,I SIV Eds | ruvcsi -• ) •. -lit: ,
“1 ,1 i An ,.s t Ill’s'!: !r :,s i ; S’lii
s id! it U< an*, silts*.
Ig 1 . !•'. iViiivrv, I')|shl'ii(ri, l’:;.,
,; •• . 1 : r. .]. i >. Ki ini', u ci.-'i'
.., t\ s' V lif 1 iti> l'S‘. V'jH’Vl.S ;s
csiii/fishc s *tri'sI In-, 1 s*<iig! 1 ivi;!
1 bn tent In-till* nf Cimit'l* r’ciit -
.'s-ilipli s'i';ii *si ’ ;ifl, r l|s- hi! t. ii'!*
■ tin's'- w• i «• n h I hi’i ' ! v
L’lli II.<! ..ilcs-is’.. *)." | 11 . ■ 11 i
l»> .. .1 [. i Ji'ti* 1 ■ I'm at ‘.‘s'!
Send 5 cts. in stamps
to the
j® v i| DAILY
"Georgia's Ureal
‘Heme’ Doper,**
their for a Mammoth sample copy Sun of
day KUition, and a
description (rf ot from if*
1 too its
W> that to they 4H0 pa/fes eaciiy abiti
KiUdy tree give
to every
subsciib?r. -ulciiticn
l.i to it* 1
copy J t he HtfRALD
A Uefltttifui Work ol
Art In 10 Cotora.
suitable for framing,
mui and that that sells **lls in in atorai stores
x’SSa: ent Iroe to eveiy ot^
tin; * • MOST ».),*» • t tfiUKAt. I iii i i . t /.!"> OH i r I k j bVbC bVLk MAW! Ml 1
111 r<s., v uweription Dept.,
fartAl-O, Allan*.*, <1*
m rn -.;»rq
V'X ' • i -■“ *'0 m . : Lfl i, l j ' i > 9 -T-3
-X H * Lx-^ i Ki
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\ n V 3 LJ m f j t *s*Tri LXj
n /.< LJ) £n M p ■:-< n r? 7 T» n
MV ... 1 B „ *
118 Pea entree Si. * i l A : i . a ^ X X * 11
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Or is 2 !h;* imv - r « :
Mtsu i 5 i r; & J C>, ? y 51 u ^ ' ^ \ 3:5.
^ »
3t> u|h Cniiliin*s ? HS.?5 9 3
5, ii, H) BO, B '3 &i; , iCA. ’VWb
PO m&'FOMl' 0 2 jo 33
list ami d vsv dpi I !
Vi >lias Hfi -* A h *X> -Xi A 1 O H s>'
7_J is. f C j 3 s j
"X A c " fix) \ ?! ii ‘"v;. h
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m A 2 i, ^ $ I'if- A if ih v.% v -f ;i UA^J -k is W I J h. ’ • I'4 r. g £ ■*
g»|2 j t Tt C»T A r b’ I' su A a' J -i» X
AiitoSiiu*;^, EpaiNON^n-tyfas ^
? ; i '■* ■ jt yuvtn
15 r i 8*1% *-* k< (lint 1 ! ^ t) b s O ^ < N P > X S '■' ^
i K _ * s . ■
K n ii^aw i -^ee4H
*un*ps e «
iHISe MlS’SU&TS r Frim a:o1 ei : 4 C Ill
1 11 Ad * *s -- 2 .. Sioa O S 2.. SS A - 11 5 ;S I i
I H i r SI HIV i I ? a , 1 *-X | 55 II
Music, Foiias, 'ik'ai'iuas, .MU’Uc
llarsAsroiix vss<*!i
* ;«i»i.a mm ar Bali -is
5 ?
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%1'ritcfbi* IjIsIh to T. ii 111 ni 6 ' iuL pr
. PeachtiMJC ^ AUaiita, A ^ r 4
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u l '* 11 •' )■ i If-s 1'riii I is iV't. h • ct let of a I is; •"
liin-sAviS! im-’. IMS i'ldi-\vi; i, ;!i.-M-:ii!i'.r iirh-'Vts Ut y mud itir
O1 o |iih«n. 1.1 Hi:.!. >'....111 f.v !!.. sjuiiry slock.
clothK s <r i \ll :o viv it,
Tor ;n :u* sij t < >! t *:» :» * **'«» *. - ■ l- • *'•' 1 1 * * ’.* • v. •. •* 5<
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Wtl! x. * i ; j.t 1 m -1 ii.,t~ cv in »j i nv. if!c fiif ill' unit cv
| ;ti < \\ < r ; .:*2 m i il i)i‘ i.-! ii Sill; ill I ....• '-a!;' at Stir, a .,<! m- , ti :.i
iit’uU * 1 1 t ■! '-t -lis- i.
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-■ !;:- *i , ii • , ! ! I ' •! . ;hi;-. X, |h iv.ifli Y.ii' YV
I'lo.-c'i'i titil it -1 'ii'! - -- > il i :•! „( f Vi iL Yt-ii :i
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<),,,. ,-r •• 1 e i ti,:.w f 1 1,, is : i i "i h i; i-n ill i! t
have jii-s! o mil iCO f'lb ' Lv •* if i in c: I l hi-',)'
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bUl 1 Sc V <
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Wi-sl -Side I‘.hi11* •* j < vc (i. Mil Yt (jit.
A thcroughlj
Tirt3 Biaa^ari teis* and ■)
r«t j»u>a vKiUatf?, i-■■■■ ?*r av5 ' ‘*s »» J \
ftremvitt p «5 «- in*. Who a** tt v’**’*^'*
tail* -.isvaryiitg f%t an tt;#%*,-,«« \
fer wLicit it i s rc-.-«asK:--tde«. tt sever !?i « W
to hcteeSit V -..M tac s-.*^ sib si*i ^
oficcfrualty dririnj? out £i! \
fr«m Ut' - vsUfS v.itbout a*t u»ifjw«|cr &
iti.ajfdus t.-Sects. U is a -a t <: y<- \
li.tmti.oe or :-nj>t rr.tiVit--u, aii’C* hat ih; u !lgk !%•-•-> .I AO Cl »'U 1- ^
upon Cf.UilU! v ftiHit'-' y- *•
we« ua’lv bi parixVw Kf-iera ^ ^-ni. t-anrnes .. ■ *-*ow. tk*» W'^i «K -*■ : t- ^ D
fcealt'ia the .utticrer. anvAu.imd
buiidii.E Ui) Wiaic wf konhW-giviaE ii it
iu itu aitaiyw.- Uroi.i t^«ri^ y* «t{« ?*:•*>
U ;tLs»!utt4y o^tfr?d i** pumlic. It a
reme*Iy ever ivj*aired to vitality and a>! ilfS rs
panacea for
ScrcTala. )M«S t SmwHsisic leers. s,«'.)•.•!*a. « Hi,'.')*, !"*»;,« tsy** i-s
bw. >«>■«* ivi u-a'sie, sk.
from tb« siwatwf U *>* *'**«',*<•
peur.—$1 Sf&XS .00 por »* ’.: far * Wte.
, B. B. Wtb RT» a R*S« M,i S'KpcUv)
•urrativeauf t.iv*r I*?»tator. On«Fu,lB
l t U'„'. PrifK*, I r..' 3* W«t. tte. J»«r Irti box. tvt. knwina v
H. B. B. Salt* Salve is ii of of a a ntpc: tejstriM Si <r
au4 Cure f©r ail ail kiadx kiadu koiifs, i*fei>*
rtirns, M«*n8, etc etc. J*ji**». >cr bsiS.
II. Ii. K. S*»S: *vo«I!c*t tlicst for f*r TL*.-.' ca¬ s
tarrh. «ic. Pruai feSei* j**r i«tr swx *»o a lb; SotacU BtaT ^ ^
fa, used, vrkva BecwaEu.i a.ry,
Bioo<l BaIik. 9
r*r sale by i{ »*U *>*° a t» »b.
Address, EL0«3 8ALM CO., Atiaiita, 8a.
MX... .X
•-■M'-i-; m MiX) X r XX
x-t- - ' f if
fur a mc-e myt. J&say fr*& ToUaki* sieitri
thal litivd ITu js«vWiv4arc-^*k5ki*a fet- v«j.*tajttJ *tM rr,*rr<>
tn M ’aliiiff. rntw-hAfiical rS Bs 1st daraKiktc wot rJ «*b« *i^*t
WHiUkcisia, of
pf*rta,i!nfr.ii*s3 iuapr^Ticmeni of fitwr-i), tfc« NEW in t> t**:'•*» HOME. *>b«o, er i»aS»
as many ir«B
The Kew Moise f^wisg Mtciige Co.
F . 'i .
Vi \
<S- A ''-^ ‘ -C ^ \ -Y.V.*) _
m M.-. v
J . ,’i. <
\ ' ' ; **. ) *. i - y.’ l ft ." : I f '
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A >teb * \V b',;»i-Ks adf Tnmiiy Se • tng f
JliithV;**-, i T» ; ) nil uioue-m
ijujn «> veme-ts. vt me* ts.
l‘*io«*s very Obtain mem
fruui your Jot*al dealer <i!id mah©
coin pafisons.
| I n s f
$ || A
« will C: iyfhing in any way as
/» well a> ilie ! _'s| co il or v. • »>ii stove.
/V On it iioU, Croil,
% *a car \i
Hike, Roavf, fry, m..‘ do i ,H
'A V it .t L,• r V. > > '} r hx -U-X,
r: : v - ;«* smoke cr smell. \>
D-an-k 1 r f air dn r -t affect It,
I-. x. ", not lu: il iBiOiS.
5 •* n
- il.'— E
' !> I :>f i.-dr
;*f oi
K.r. Dlol Conjpeny, I
r 1
i xm ; c- n»xT. vrw > ork. |
.. > ; . .;■?.! iso <*s©>3»
mr.i: cv ini iii:
The 5 : 2 : t : in: r.nd snurling i^ci
*: ■ t v -r:>•'*; i; w*e ; : f*er*ni, a»d other
dise.- imW J&kk W *>a*:-*\*Y albye*! a!*4 by
cypiyk-A th* l ye Ek?n
•' a .') >=^ry-bad c.L'ts l«ive i«&«£i
;-rr-'rx-xe***'•' m: .-! t*iW * r Ik 1 ‘ favoriterem- is c-owsUy
efri xicnC ft • : hx ; ; ;m ar-il a
c-; : •: ■ *• x -• chil*
I-kk', » .' r k ibrof > * eyes.
Fur t: I x = :H i'3 c i>X.
Try , they
C r. r ; ■ ncoA’*' ndi*
tin::. ,X.) . ye.