Newspaper Page Text
rfii CMilaM
£ .'.’ OhUunries will 1(4 published
I ho'r i j; at ."> rents per 15 lit.
Cl.KM l.AM), (Jit.,
r /Gd 13^5, ,
“ ■“ ..........
s utAi i u -c
Spurgeon Silver, who is
er Spurgeon. whs ii> town
first of the week.
SheBurnett, the poli¬
n’ ir .-ho-' Salesman, has been
in town : l.i wee!;.
Pete- ) eivd son dr., was in
‘'■v.b- lV for the purpose of
’fmn dnCeg pin,-(.graphicout
* i> «> SC. I well Of lVtsrwell Gow
. r Mfg. Game* le, t ' PCHl
x in l.i v
M. if. M .lcox, a promt net re
]sui i'ic;m ;.n 1 editor of the Pro
t ci ;nt; -, i -1 Mt. Any. spent a
i. w d..ys in the eily this week.
Ye;;.. M -arc 20 cents u. th
iolia; by having y ntr
V;., ., . _; hhi & Lt tleli dd.
t I : t . tv. .1. v. 1.01 ;< y and
v v \’ , I ■ , of l) ihlo is'i, at -
Jt <! : • i 1 s week.
r V *e>\ local editor . f
til (si.inesvii • le> Eagle, was in
1b t /‘v tt;lweek attending
. A ‘ill. hem be made us
) ' :mt e;.'.!.
dlist s.s jt.,i r ition was staing us
in tb ■ face a; u ikn orn gen', h -
man cmi» in hH : Us a ( lollar fo
a ve !!~ sublet it.'U Mow caul
■/me of our deialqueiits conic in ; !
iiiff do ! lie same kind deed.
,r. i). i l 1 (;u;sta Us to
tuie lhal not lu.\ ing' .- hepp. j
tiid i :pies Jit*S i«i h r ijinise’f but is
!v nc . \'A T a.. sit for lb .S. Dor- j
S'* v t GU ii W , M. Kiuuev.
) 1. r VC 1 -It kt’d many times;
if 5 V "r iltg to move ! he pin -y
wo .<! S. i ■(("’ ■r irtU it 11 V not mu I
.of il. J; t • TsS 1 ' l! I s (! |! my I irm.
•ii i cuT i! I:l {e to go (lo‘.\ II
Sunt! 1 mt it i hess for a few
nr. A. W, .Smi h.
V,' .il. O utl came to town
tt few dii ys ng • with a ‘diet >;mk
one Ii .If full oi g-i| i, and ui:i:i y of*
t tie : lin'd ay . 1H o f (];; !■•,
W l it gold ii mi,led ill them,
whirl 1 IV v Ii ifc v , . Sl . t>i| ;
•It ( tt 1 ■iinisey eniovtame.i
t 1it ■ om’iovs c. ' t bar Turn las
1-4 lit . \Y c a v tnforiued that it
wa.. i iisite an c i val.le occasion.
Jud0< ■ ivi'iiscy -a genial genib
m t) ; tud ktmv t how to sal -
id V 13it* a;ipi - of Ins I ;g.'i! I
who ... h nl
1 a;i a
. - to seel wrote
; nd ii Washing City
whe it wonid be advisable to
! rv ii A- m. 1 he friend , re,
i h " neoole ‘ of W:\shin"'- ^
! t: • v. 'I the at root cars
rut |,v electricity, and the
*nu ; : is i n bv jackasses,
f, u . Ip ; flesh here.-Ex.
['ke fol , i; visiting lawciy
;it ended ei mt tlii.s week:
If, If. He . il tf. lXiin, How
.1 T mi nid \V. K. Find
ley oi ' ilie. .Judge C. H.
iSntT.f ). Bowden, J. ('. Ed-j
ward? H, Er vin and C. L.
Hass, t irke ; A V A
Ed y ' ' ’ IVI '
if Iliawai ant Maj. M. P.
[Jowe! of Wailerboro S. C.
The G Examination of
u’ it* j, a C hers license
will be held Cleveland Aeade
my White c atv, on Saturday i
29th of may. VU persons desir
in ’ to teach White county,
ense have expired
land the
l W U I; ectn.
S. K . tie, C. S. C.
f GiiinesviHi*,
;.ys in the City
In 3 wt Hunt is a White
•ounty has ninny warm
■nd pei ienis here, wh
’ ' „ him * U(,
t e tom ) rtoue
il, is ),' ) )
A.iA raise ,V their own Util
dviiili of t'Vci y in.iti i£ a nVorai
minty, llioi(‘fore the maihle
is V.iove preferable than the «to
eery business.
Rev. E. U. Cook parsed through
town Wednesday on his way
t »l'«*ned up in the usual
; uuumer Monday morning with
'ludife John J. Ivimsev
I Solicitor Howard I'hontpxm on
i!e, k looking- after the States i; -
The grand jury is composed of
an :| b!e body, who yarded well
the every lnteres! of die county.
Qnite a number of visiting at¬
torneys from Gainesville Clarkes-*
jvil!o, Dahlonogii ;md other points 1
| have t he bemi icg .,1 on battles, hand to participate
j m and quite v
| number of iiitere.-tin<j eus tnve
| bi'en tried and disposed of, » j
jj >!,rtiai !is! of which are given be-j
j [low. ;
Cleveland i* taking on quite a'
(metropolitan airs; we have even
j oeea «ail‘.icted with the medie'n «
| vrnch-rs, county paper soljc
Jclmraetcrs • dors, the gipsies and ail siniila”
coming in from the'
r '»"f eorners witlGa,!'ing of the earth. |
nil this, we!
re alwnts glad for eonrt Week 1
! to mil around The people come 1
I hi togetlitb:- and have a j'llly good '
; I >me. ] hyv d rop i n and see us
ind make its fee! that the is life)
in tlie old laud yet.
i he following eases were dis
losed of; I
A .f (fonrtenay, afs.iii'l and
battery, lined v.'»ti audeostor t£
moll! ’is iit (lie . Imingaug.
John Watkins, ralailing, plea
of gu It v,fined /i0 and cost or six
llioiitbs in I he chain gang.
,Jesse Go s. mi-demeanor, found
guilty and !i icd ^20 and cost, or
month; in Hi/ ehaingang.
KiniseA' Gi^-oti, misdeuicanor.
of guilt . titled . and
A v, *i£i cost,
r 12 months in the el; tingang.
()! is !! ii!”y, misdemeanor,
;>I -1 of guilty, lined '-'10 and eosl,
nr ix III r hi in tl. ■ eliaiiihan
.John l .m. w. ni- leiiieam r,
pie.i of guilty, tilled ‘I'- mid t o.
or six tini bbs in th ■ ciiumg m
d.mna (, o', -v, ni-denvantir,
j>k i o', guilty, tim'd ’*! taudeo-t,
or t In'eo moiit ha in t l.e i Inin mug.
.1 \. f/'df. -!, siin.’ile fill ( i'll% . |
louiid gud.;., and It led $!() and \
urnd er -is monllif, in the chain
- m |
Hob Stcph-'iis mi.< leme.uior. |
pica of guilty, lined *,0 ami cost. |
ntonths in tli; cha (
or 12 n .'an: , j
Horry Aetoy C*o ; . carryingcon
' n ' l|mll b ^ and
<' os! or 12 nmiilby in ill ■ eh.dng Ad'ey, niisdeinei.nor,
^diaiul or three uionlln in the
h liilgalig- t
Stcwaids < 'lass Leaders. Kx
hurt •»% Lo al Preachers and
int'lllbersliip in general of Porter
Hpruig . Mission. ... He ... will n hold i ii
at Mt. Pleasant Chureh on the
the , third o . , baturiay ., . , April, D.
V., a conference of thin work, for i
the put pose of enquiring into the
spiritual and material welfart of
the church and to try and devise
laws for a more aggressive war¬
fare against sin, and fora more
zealous forward movement in the
salvations of souls. I hope all
the official members of this charge
will be present. Ill is is tin
Ivings business and demands ur
gent attention. All who arc in
yorcsted in this work, are cor Hal¬
ly invited tc be present.
The following program will be
observed :
tu 11 U1 - Eovedeast and
experience meeting,
11 to 12 a, m. Sermon on eon
seeratuii. I>y jiastor.
12 to 1 P* 1,1 ■ dinner hour
( dinnei on giounds.) I
at ii.iinoon rROoi; \ai. i
1. Repo/t front pastor. I
2. Reports from Local preach- |
el's. I
Reports from . exhorters. , ]
j Reports from stewards, j
- Reports from S. 8. Supt. i
^ A general discussion of the!
iVl “^’
E ich official . incmfii'i' i* expect
. e( j j, e j,i T . s< .„t and prepared to
liake u Ivpol . t of hi , , Vor!i J
Hri'tiuen, :f it so hiqipeng shut
.V 011 can Viot bo present,
send in your report,
Please obsevve tins is not
Your * in U “' " m ' k '
i l»h.\.i. II.
Ail wiio am indebted to
t>ith»*r t».v note of amount,
<in,t 1,1 once and settle ;
’ Respectfully,
A. U. lleud;rs<m.
' Jve Sometimes when girdled
nearly around. Nature ever
--bers to repair damage, and
after a time, the wounded sur
he f Icd - Some
persons live and fully recover,
eve '- ^ter consumption 1:33
C30C C...YiiiCS IT) the lungs.
'‘■"y 3 strugg-e vo cart great
v - «*ii na-.urc by giving Lo ot t *S
Gii 'JsS’On of Cod-liver Oil
oil Y'- A Hypcphcsphites. The
supplies needed fat, and
>*56 hypophosphites tope up
the nerVCS. 1 :’‘S cLx’ine in
weight ceases, A positive gain
begins, and again there is
P 1 •: /ou 0 ; iuO and health. If
,s b.-i^vr ioo la s S to try.
r-ntt’s r-s..',v,n . r : f, v irif
V:- .uf <! I''■'<*rt»r /<>■ t rrrr ■ yr,, f c ( yoi i for
*0 •) ! ~ ' n • ,/ ;.t ol prl.itiitflf- always
U .If ’ .V-//.J an the purest horc > i, :au Cua -
t util /.! hvp?>;- b'^.'i.-i'.'t.
) ,it up ”! i , .on si:s. *Thfi smart sift
No unsli
1 V T*
i. f yji\ C
live % Soh
Ofd. \vv ; u ; tre
.. j. ; h. ’
i 'nd; i.
<■ t c .u G/ to ch .'ia:
I. • b~ ■ ir '' /stem "t f .-.scs |
r - -G l - - a \; SCOTT'S
if.\ cf r ’ oi Cci-Ifvcr Oil
-itri l -f.
STF;.-* ~ ’ TO Y.m ftl.cb’7
to. w: At;, ' • 'fits vil.'u lire, it... -xs erw . ..s.h
ani ... SO l - U-.. i : dr 1-J ] G€
c A iL :xi 'Ah, { d.v. SC*
_ .
L.- '■C'\tU/ is «” S FU b ror.
chTl and ! trout;::: In the
r " u [ J ' ' ■*’ C-i K !" -n't's
N’* ‘'T, ' Yv „;; :
il U'z u
A t. t; -j tn /r'; SliS,
i; is f tab- le, acm xujs.v.h
«-■'.<* a/3 ';t-'v ; ta .‘hi
pbu’: oit. udii.-j-.. i’Uv ; mi/; i as O’
m.y* on v'jlgn. ■(,-tij.vtf. Got
a;.-; ^ -,j>i,-a«. 1
t -i it iO'■.ti, >.ni Jj.Cj tv all
:i. .
SCOTT y DOWN!-:. I-Vr v-irk,
asy ta Take
asy to Operate
features poc il’nr to flood's J'JlJs, SniaJJ Jn
UisteVtss, efftcieut, thbrough. Ah one i n
Yon never know you p;ti
takoii it pill till >t is all G
.. r ." m.e. c. i. iio»a&c,..
i-ow-cii. Mum.
only pills to taKe \vii.h Hood's Sarsaparilla
% «
M %
i >>w» *vfi '
. . , .. _, 'j' ;k . *-T
v 'FnFF \ \ T- :>
L 6
v E' X
5r/.k j’no method a-nd rwulte vaeii
Syrup trr*J.4i'g < f 1 ;;j it t!i* ii a Bad f,'. ViU...’ e.ct,
usd r< to ta^ts,
■■runlj y t promptly on the Kiilnsye,
LUtr *ii.l Roweln, cloansvs tvs sys¬
tem eOiretusil'j, rlispeia head j
'iches **.(1 fevers and cures habitual !
const! put-on. Syrup of I igs is the |
only rtn’.edy of i’-» Kind ersr pro
jeptnWs vice;!, pbvniiig the to rtov.rwh, the taste prompt *na r it j 1
ta action and truly benadcu.1 in i'u
ifTc'tl’t, pr~pored only from this mo.
kealtbv'amt agreeaul* subeisacee, it
(;uiy excellent c'Vf.blies emnaneud i r
C all and Lars i»ada it tL* mo;
^,n U l ar xemedj■ know»- rale in 5b«. j
wd'ii Bvrup of Fifs is for
bottlss by till leading time
'W 1 *' Auj rall^Lla cruggi'd «!
.HUY ret Lar» it on Land vr'U pro
tnrs it promptly for any «r.s whe
»!?’ es to trr it. Do rot accept an
zAUFonm no syrup to,
"U'SirU'Z Kt: IF,, ronx. K.’
Only Or - ne r 'i&r
- nd j
5 5ia
You arid wc may C'.llf: a' to i
mcTi/y st ciff.erenccs r.dnrck a a d c- t d \
out very r <-J may
come. But V e woift dX'cr is g
to toe merits 6i o •« s»ani»«f
emtsSsbn of cod fiver oil.
wen and head its way for
nearly 25 years la the wa?fsf d
mediuac until t:~ciy ft is r. !
most as much the st nd.j in |
all cues of lung trout*.;,, and
every coalition cf wasting g
quinine whether in child or adult as £
ts in mala ta! fevers, i.
CHfier on the money qu» 3 . p if you will, tu when it £
cemrs to a question cf health, if
perhags cf life and death, get
the standard, jfj
You* kS* SccU's Emcbioo,
Y”wo ums W c’i. ani $'.C0
SCO't T Ik BOWNt, K«w York.
’ be AYOl id fiAg
u '"«r known
vasusi sor
-S !&*• GfUiialstod. Sugar,
t )'.3crlo<i eCo Cetfoo.. Quality parantebt)
/■ I.',?. Ssisns
it) *' ). {...lilonlo tVii-oa____ ALL FVtt
: i"i.-.«!> SiiMrc Powder..
K res. Boat Gr’J lilt, p«pp Cr
e las. i.-esi ; ji;*»j
to C.smir. Tic-.________
">s. 3uss....... stares...../Quality a
a id*. Lem.irv gu" r anteBtJ
ti 01 . bcuio Vai.ille UtratJ
We cvit, save you mono-, cot on!? on
■■ ioal wa «w«f from this advoriiae
mvn,;k C< ?N 01 c ,r u 'V “nook of Money
. and of}*, . :1a. , v/holo'.aU* un/>
in,;.: \?u tie re it tree (roadiy sliortlvK
be’sMrtiuoit 0 ° Ur WUolaaaI ° Or*er
^olnfou’ or monej
A. ftl Rothschild & Co.
St«. e a;,'J v,ra Bnren-its., CSiicaflo.
r.artteSua Mt I ‘° Cal WHto for
T ».*-C,5 MARKA,
L ’ t SICN8,
' 5 ’ oopyriqhtq*
A TvvoTk% atiRt’tlTtfi n rV»»t<th ami desoilpMtvn mry
wdWGi'tila, fi.-vtivtubio freo, (’cmiiJUMlujiiiona wJii'iiior r,n icit 4
ItinsotMii otrief-h
Ainorica, Wo havo nposicy Washin^i-m -iig pid.etjii.j utHcf.
I’U^nUi t:iken through Mutui & Co. raocivdi
nolico in the
I fully dloju ryitu,?.. birr.'Ost .clreu’aticn of
i-"> .-oioddi ssinrjtlitv ’c jt.armtl, Hpoclinon \vV:t.kW.t«rw«^V’f.; p llAMSt >'«m .
1* Ct£*ml
Oitf A TENTH fan* fltiO. M-CtUCGbO
MUNN !\ CO.,
3'SI Broad, r •V. M -y Vorh,
flonii Oeoroia
rlGBlVjrai uoilef-"
DtZnSTfuEHT Of Tilf; Uf’i’VER&lTY,
Sjrlu? Trr-i n-'jlns HrV. Mania;’ :: Ttbras-y.
fail Tern kte^lns i-irst Mooujy h; ocfittsatk-r.
WitJi flmpld corpc ..{ TiCLUera.
MiuTfl Ry tf.;' 1 ’ L-n
Under a U, S. Army Cf fleer driaileu
by Secretary of War.
DEf’^atr/ ent 9 or
Music and h,
VJo'er conipcteot ar.d thorough InRtrvctdf«.
YOUNG LADIcS have equal advanle
Cai.Jogues aa^ full informal; r.ddrf' 4 Sevrciar
orTrcasurtr o; Uc&ri Trnxtsci.
f oasifler Plata
ai a V RE
A])p;irc;;t henpness does
inane n rum saving of uionc'"'
s 3 rvg
z.T'W ‘ Q
4 '-.-r ;
i 3
j /- S|g S' 3
”g y"'
and only cheapness.
Ilion (-Jr u.itt at fair price i
real and o.di' economy.
Tkk RoMtvnc has always been
BE8 r for the agent to sell, as it gives
bb* the most )> otit for the 1,'ast tvoutile.
for jHii-duisei-s because it gives
t'■'■) i a ' m ist so 1 isfaetioi, in ns: 1 ^
I- -,. AGENTS \V A NTKl).
“DQSVfESTfC”.'uni nu’BniAb pa
p ep r \ K x S. r j'&T Send for cata
UYi 14 CO.
lUC’.IMOM), \ A.
CIjEYI d!, VXD, (JA.
Mines and Mining lands.
Farms and Farming Lands
Timber and Wil'd Lands
Corrssymdsnea Inude l.
-n -rf9»
Hear? Troils (juieklif Ourad,
Jt. Cotl'rfBcllJS XtSlkMIltdi
jcN'M d- hvi' ^p
A') ■ h ■ U'.dA. J ;; - •-> yd-'. , • Ti 2A \ \\ |
V 1
iiitfSH .' EGA Js, E Iu.7 3»
*1 ,?.r* yt j s.tiii'fii( 2 f? fr«;uihearttrou
'T.v.. idufNi;.', ohat ig-.'o l nvUb treated b;,
jvd di'ETR'.-t jahyciciAll of then 1
:kdr!-.'.:d t'•••*•’• i ti-uu/ii nut be c '.>v\. I wa:
gr .v.tiy t. oablc-d with shortness of breath,
,;ai,Tl i: n ?:*fd pair, -a the side. Ii' I he
c-it,c vr.ltod.or v-xwt-d i .y.v If iu the least,
the paia -Ijc- very severe. At
tirnc-d itstxur.aa as though nsedka were shoot*
i:'.',: through my tire. Sonas? f n:o iu tlio month
of Kuvoriiber last, l conn-.-rncod taking
and thou 1 have improved steadily
I can now slc&p on -r.y left side, something I
had never been able, to io tiefore. I can
walk wi.hciit heiny, frMgucd, and am h
much letter health than ever before, 1 would
recommend oJi sufferers from heart trouble
to try Dr. Miles’ invaluable remedy without
delay. 1 ’ MISS ELLA KUBTZ,
CIS Wright-St., r.Jilwaukeo, Wis.
Dr. Miles Heart Cure *f? sold on a positive
I puarantoo All that the first bottle will benefit
it will druggists be sent, sell prepaid, it at $1, 6 bottles receipt for of $5, price or |
j i on i
by the Dr. Aides Medical Go., Elkhart, Ind j
I Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure (
my \r:-. :
■ : A*it;
P; Ffj
% L®
\ T NH’P] iOiNAI 1
xc •-V.' A. M.
A an .Ml- rrinriT
■jt tbo KrjT.Jb . T.LU' b br
iTlift A-- - b.c A ...... EE'FBFif
vri&Z+f * *• Nt, p ■ - * -J-i
/. •t.-'-M 1 * v. >,' c*J S |
o'.'h* ru- - a • • i ! ■>
I r:. r-.■■ : V ■. . • ) 1 ,VrU.,. ::0
**'. .Tuvtiv'o lizidsHi j
c ;
SlTTkVf . this ov.-«5or.
T'X^yTi ?
'A . . ‘j^yl b hay li‘ *_• •»' "ac *
at# ui Inhere Imo.v«
r-r 9. : flj«. i'_.
v i~ Sat i?•:«»?. *7^ i»e
r * u* * ; -Gil ’ •- 1L« fti*st
t 1 - it loA*
* -i- » *r* opJ-'.ovll a*? * »exo_ psMlc€t& veri'Emf oth*'
T ic>v;unar v 'i;;::ivitocL fret ih.: Be.?*
G. fc G. : ?k|-K 5 \;i £ « O VuVilK* «Mw
f. t'iiiyfh V, Yrsi r.rLA. f
^»fvb>' ll Ifals.l; B. -1 F- ’■ ’fsvf Bfawj t ■its:'. I! •>* • ■'-'
f Terrible FteacSaches
ssgvi-Tiwo vno*
Statieved 1*y
**T don’t botStevo cl
ttsej-ti er»*f v a* so
fedod a plh made ^
Ii »i Ayer’s Cathar- u
tta rats. T fc . j ®
will do all you ree
, jo«nmen<l
thefn lor ?
asA (*«5 ipora.
Wfcfet I r %v-J st. ^
av. ;«<. fko *;
Jrom b*#d to lieola, 6. -**S ^
then* run to all tko rA=V(*ajB t-> oj g
««• me rtgW *rita. For UsO/CFt**, tt*y -
new lart. I liaye k«ec t irtotlsi at Hr
r8>le lieadachM, m>« .*'.yi men knuitl
B»jUilEt to reli#T« UjBtH to ;<»l<ik!y &» cf
Afw’i run. fsnee l Logon t#kkrg Uiis
mMifcinc, (ke ouooko k**e Leon loos ar ! cf
!*•* freoueat, ontil, at pr«?*a, ciontiis
taro pa»?r# (luce I liar* kad ono.”—C. ©i
F. Xowman, Flag Spar, Va. *
Bri» Meoal at World’s Fair 21 nj
vo«ooooeoopopooeooo poo r
sy?./ a ^ t *
*H remedy proncftSal erf sterling' Value. It positively
cures Lrcnci'si'i*^ and Affections, Ccir« 2 i. Cold, Cruap,
Dc-,.. BULL’S Grippe. £>Yli>tJP Yo« ten-always rely an it.
COvKill is indispensable to
every UznUy % Price as cU . S him a il substitutes.
Cfc ** WRCK-* ftaaa.'iVi C*t&XvZ3W» AnM*t*aS*.?aea.*.G.#»*«» 6 (So., Ut.lM.
m <***&■> M Q f ••• Bl > ? s 14
‘ 6^^ Tpl ^h.b-h ««ijr pt»a»a.i4 ctfjs txs snake fc*«t m enCidy thirw-e new obhr to live cmr safiscribera, word tr, in
may a u> awmc tim-oag
* ” ^ ieatcnce ;
'pnmsm asm mm is tsmswrat w i
j m m eff zzj:*
! It fa tjtvobtdi (hjm a premmeut writer trrion cronomfc svl ta,,
i :
lit y«BT ftkta* it H nr* natfaiary th wdu mat th» fttlj
■MtlM ii fply vr.fjflt ** My S'-KSis taw no~*:ci,i ward .-#■ fcnftvrf
hf XU Const »'T"f r SON
m HEEKI.j V* * >. v J
&"! vfcossim riri
CLEVELAND courieii
• EGif. M. 5 S.—^
And scfA jnisht j/.wts vitk P, -*;n* vtti nfl U*r vna arni
Vv*'f •
<0 Qn N’l $ Ctees tu M.s TqcJ izmy. >>'
1 COFMSti fVLi! SisM ,;. , i-.p it;"-; (n y, t t.h.r eiimuiv)! nt
will R;>i tv- ?*:-«.? i'i H ie»ey bsj as much il? gA
It mil fcc -*r U.*it oi ail -nd..* nfWjoms that wc, xnci aj/ Uvc
fttSv’cr cfubbmg j**f«crs a- lift T l-.c Con-nit visa, secu-fc m« the montUs of
January and February. If tUe .vubwnptjoJis Veep up * itJr, the record of
b«t year, t*.e !.«:» to we git+n *vl fi.isoo d»»h. Ii the sab
•ci^ytions anr doubled, at t Li-y uvtz in jammy, j««t pau»t TIk; Consti
tatkn wfii pay out about *,». »*+■> hi pretoiiorrs in this contest If
■bow ttna o*w porsan :sa. vs tV p ->per weoi, Uj« auvount w*U Le eawaby
divided Letvr. n t?vr'n.
% Vw ®ariiSg f im'd ». ifeb k !N, C* * . ; 4 «J tffsvk’y $mry**xr la fl-s
witii a oirculat'patj of 1 0,oc«. !■'. cover# the wlvoic world in its ucv.-»
«arrfc«, bad #*wrr< tf; r»««*a a.” :(*- United States m minute detail, wriS
te (MfM, 7 ooSrroos t-.s the fa Ijyty
A — T’hj': ( «fs.,»UJ:.tfvn Ec.«i r*< ! Rs
IRMWtta i*pm? wo*’ W •• ****??•*>*£, juj? 5 »(« **•© te lit in
WHUp«) 4 s is ti -0 ^b.-TTV MB.) '<«*-.
A.-3 WbI*CsA. 4Wfi—Ii- ntfA'r; : 1 vk'tbs <3^5 ’)‘ly fcstixj iu tAua gsxoiot
of Ckuiz'j * y **t*i f-i-1 »>« i«wt! fvyt liw? *.* ri»c*4.
^5 AN .....It Bf « m itm-U, t wA * y*-«*r'a Ttf-3S
tT5JTfOK « k Stu*.v4b-». te
A. \.i' ty. *t. C-s ) Vt I' > l *'i ' JmK l<t ivfl C- Jl:} of'Oi{>►»',
Vy tl'*;; 0Mk'-'.*frU nib«d-fc»BM! Ulfr.N^ 08C nWififim ia n-|
am irf fcfc'BB .0 Lve. , ir, \ J r fyj uM « ib^l 'Ivwlvr-iix^J.
fg i .-A l* U 1 a *.G—#.• t*ja 7v*i tele k^.*A air y yw?rt?t in
gw »>.; * *
mi; wuma'Cs i.t.VA/rvi.WT. *
I.'.K 1 lit! HHrtt’S I’f.FARTMENT,
A* mU wdAu- aisle dtoxtOn; out o > tundirt u> ;!.u<c w *itjw Ukus®
wra wUb«e«(l.
igf gs cte %% .|fy: Av- if ftitJ
-—-I L L —-..........
And wRhit your for the guts* tmi.t, Jn every we, ac»
oooapasy tb yearly sybec.riptian sent in. Vchi cannot do wfdi
•att y««r l»c»I Bcw.papcr, and you cannot do without a great,
LcaJ feWeraJ stv-vp*;, in touch with your section. We cover the
fa’-AJ'.d—Tt;H CXtfi-snTlM’ION cover* the world. If yoa
M* alrfjdy a swiK-rriher to our paper and want flic Conetttwtion,
send uj ^Ji.oo, and along with it your guess in the missing mid
co»'<M«t We wtil tor-ward same and July record your gweas.
h !&h
Stad UR your n>oa«y ait.i get b:2h papers one year, and pe*
**' hxps get «ao«rh rn s -.ry to c!c^ you at debt, or buy you a rood
bumtt. Wjv <e tA* U.+u t« '*Ui*ttCt'UM6.
A<5dwe;"« rtl ev^ee* ^ *
Olsveland Courier, ^
Cleveland, Ga,
V tm^mer •.*?
iu -sHpuco liesorvcvlFor
7' Gainesville Me
uEuLST Foil!,
mv Tty' ' t eve IxjRt t’liaml fni- cliildrotl orlain’# Cmcrh Rimc- ^ % J-jgM iS
] evi>r "
O 1 J, it ,* Uin ijnaJJcii ii ,n h wplrn- £
snllci- with ns.—T. M. lickW.Pli. G..
Wampuin t"n.u mi • v Wan.jvnm £4
When need as anon ss the first ■fM
a pear. Ilia! is as soon as the ■ «
i.wmi e« hoar.-e or even tier the
any not
" r ” t! o The mothers or ero„nj c«i8i cones* eSrnsvcffiSf?.
should hear this in mind afntaN
• •CJiscptsi 4 Beat Business Collage in the WerldB
. Ayr-.r&d W^ld'* Eip*jlt!*»
II!cfa*B< Hc«*r *t »vr
,i " - , "' st mt'dieme fn the world for
ind whooping. ri, U(t |,, For sale at
and .'.ft 50 cents ,.o, per bottle by .. A. . H. ww H. „ n- • Knt*r »»w.
i-am\ vr*. q Y-. fcin ii h«u-urul *ud facadthful. Foe «tro*ivr
■r;nnq o^Jnf Joj -of,';: .'■U
r J3 . 0 , f -, , r
vHTWS sa-tio g,6 uotuty ji