Newspaper Page Text
Ov!*}UJ of V» lute 0>uttiy. . t j
__ p-»nk . .«, I*1X. w — Hditof and __, Pa b
Usher. "'"*
CLEVELAND, G a. April 23 1897.
Judin- C. C. Smith, of tlm
. C,.ur», ,, . th<> .,
jtenor time* «.m
nicildation of all Inw-;tbic!ill<r !»«»»
pie fur refusing In interfere in I*<*
liii’f t>f Mt>. Nobles, Would that
we had mmv judges like him.
War has been declared between
Turkey and (Jretro,
An extdi nitre says “pio-.-i d raw
wagon* in Chinn.” The next
thing we know people will be
working frogs and ants,
The mm ntreated in Idaho a
few day* ago, aft Wd! Myers has
proven not to he the “Hon, Wil¬
lie” whom lie Atlanta officials
are apparently •>« niix'o.js to fin I,
Be sure you catch the
advertising feVor. It will do you
good. , I ter ink taken , .
rill a ll
large dose* will ele.m out
shelve* and enuntor* and build
up a healthy trade.—Ex.
•rw w«es
World resides il llaneock eouiit y
Tenn itnii., who wno . is IS n a female -at a
weighs 3<(HoA. ' She is too largo
In io walk ,....11. nliout. ..I,,,,,! I„,» out li,,o (ns in l DeJ ln ,l anu
noils liipior, Several revenue oili
-i. I*.*
the purpose of making an arrest
hut she was too large to handle
and was left at her litila log cab¬
in the mountiimw. — Ex,
Below we give a. list of the
griind and special jurors chosen
for the October term 1897 :
OiiANll JI UOlfS.
M. Q. Keith,
.T. L. Pitrdue,
1). II. Ill ewer,
W. F. Crumhloy,
J. D, Skelton,
U' G. Aloove,
Solomon Palmer,
T, V. Oardrell, Carroll,
S. C. Cantrell,
A. II. Jlei diTson, Sr.
11. A. Allison,
M. J. Autre\,
J, M'. Allison,
W. T- Allison,
I|. F. Milos,
E. It. Utudner,
John J. Head, Sr,
A. H. Stovall,
T. A. Oakes.
O. M. Loti i ridge,
,1. C. lied,
A. C. Cox,
M. B. Moore,
John 1). Hulsey,
l>avid W kite,
K. 1*. West,
A. 0. CanadaV,
A. II. Roper,
si’ECi ai. Ji itoaa.
.1. A. Ute'r,ud.s»m,
E. I>. Potts,
I), II. Warwick,
H, A. .Jarrnrd,
S. S. Crumhley,
K.N. iJttlefied,
Wui. Ilowutl.
C. II. EdwaixP,
W. .1. Etris,
W. A. Tomb!in,
J ones Clark,
T. J. Winkler,
J. L. Nix,
M. G. Nix,
Jesse Wright,
B. 11. Turner,
1). J. W hit field,
W. \V. Watford.
11. L. ’rumor,
J, T. Tatum.
J, W. I'nderwood,
11. II. Underwood,
C. A Thurmond,
J. C. Stovall.
N, II. Skelton,
W- H. Roller's,
W. K, Palmer,
J. E. Norton,
J. \\ . Shuler,
•I. E. Glass.
J. J. McLean,
E. L. Shuler,
A. P. Williams,
C. C. Westmoreland,
W. J. Oakes, St - .,
J. D. Black,
f?xp*Tim«ttU *t tionn t*hc.*r t?i® j
KflVcts id i ott«>n»twl W«aJ.
Qui’-snor—Cun ?' -i giro m* nr.y
infiefflbftory a® to U*o IFig hoga on
orrofcfo iRoet meal? I have
boon told by »onio or my neighbors that
It i« dau^roan; ethers say that if the
^ aro thoroughly W r.t t!n-v arc not iu
}wto«M. *
iMVn — A« the Team* Expert
went Station the report from a tnrifti of
experiment* t* that eottjn«ee<t either
raw. hotted or roost v,l cannot with
*afoty bo fed t > h>gn, evnn v’seit coia
bln ° !l wif!l rt - r 1 k * k !diU:uf thl,m
in ob'-nt eix woik.T. At the Kansas
bltk)U the , olW(M oondusiou was
reaxsliedt That cotto-teecJ moai oven if
fed In email qcnnlttios, or mixed with
other fi'cd. proved pokumow to lmgs.
Tli-y died in f**m three to weeks
after boiug put on this foot—fii'l larger
ones holdiiig out tho longest. But i»
tf tho hogs were tako/i off before any
lymptomi of disease sppoaro.1 timro
wore no unfarornble result!. Tho ox
perimont tuiUoatod tWt ho}?) can be fad
for n short time on oottousoed nioai with
tho ticst re/inlts mid without subfcoquout
delete, rioui effect.i.
soda and s.'.ti' o't ct.ov r.n.
Question nif;Ui 2.—A. informs party staying with
mo over mo that ho
knows a good farmor in Ohio who
thinks second crop olovur batter than
tho iirst cutting for horses, when cut
In tl»o aftorouou, half cured and put io
the barn free from dow or rain. Ha
ialts if when packing witli a mixture
I of salt ur.,1 bicarbonate of soda, but
don’t know the Quantity of soda to a
I bushel of salt, lie also says this suan
*alt.i bis stock with salt anil soda,
•alt nloao. «nd ‘ui“!ii‘ He says e .?® tiia 0 suit !‘.,^“ and e T soda
destroy th# do salivating siobbe* properties in the
tiovor and not tbe stock,
lis'ng anxious to try it, ns I am now
| cutting my second crop, will you kindly
I 3 !
visa used to a bushel of salt, and what
j ^ the ohomioa) iffect of tho mixture
onrt Rivo hu opuiiun lu tho mattor a;l S
I will try It at once? If there is our
I thiug iu this it would be worth much
t( , farmers l u making us«of the second
orop, which is often hotter than the
s^ h trs’Sa?j!sys
by an early ropiy.
A.vswrm 2 —Tho bicarbonate of sod*
U used to neutrulln) tho acidity pro¬
duced by fermentation, and prevents It
forming. Have hud no urpcrlonoe with
these to prevent slobbering and don’t
know whether it would ilo tt or not,
Would Hire to know tho result of you*
U» > ' gallon of soda to Lodu 1 bushe! of
•alt No harm iu the hut to*
much waul I giva an uapleasaut last*.
tor Quustiox A—I had aoc,v constipated
balance two days, ki-lucys acting freely,
of her siekuoss, bowels loos*
aud dUoharge from kidney* scant. No
appetite, thirsty, rustless, rU wlr~the
iwti days. What at ooKtagteuW
Hive troatmout Was it ■
3 Another cow, with symptoms very
much like the first, except lu last
sl-ges t he became mad, ruining at any¬
thing that came about her. On cutting
op-iii /ouml in stomhd'.i a hard bail ol
several pounds’ weight, obmpoBcd ul
lough feed, ends of twigs, eto. Whnl
al.'t.l «er and freatmout?
Asswitn IV Your cow died of pori
toultis, which 1* caused liy local in
Jurios, constipation, diarriuBg or irri¬
tation of any character it is not con
Traotment—Hot cloths to abdomen;
Inudnnnm, 1 draohoi every hour for sir
j boor*.
3. tour cow died from impaction oi
gastritis, which, by tho aoenmubirion
Of the pobonoun gasns, ipiuefatad l>y
the audigostoil f>5oil tiff, cte tin' nerveua
; »ystout aud brain, cou-nng tiia auimal
i >j act Itko ouo movt Tills disease is
1 goneraJ.'r caused by tho food. Tread
mcut should be purgative, with a
otiauge of flint. Ceasing to drew tho
«d is ou)y a sympiomof arrested roiui
Llw ou Hn-,,
Qtr.sTtox lice off —-What is tho bost plan to
,,ot of hosaf
Axsvvisa.—Tl-e slriplcst plan to got
rid of lice i- ;o put common korosouo on
jatnr hogs. Tito easiest xvny to do this
ts to feed the hogs in a fanes oorner on
shelled corn, and while they are eating,
by standing ou tho fence yon onu
; i prtnkle them all with k n-oslno from a
common watering ptpa This will n> -t
| ott'y rid them of Ilea, but will eleau
their shins of nil scurf, and dandruff.
Bo a little careful about the applica¬
tion of tho kerosene, as a too liberal use
of if, wilt kill tho pica The bost way is
t>> apply in m.xlorution and ronow it iu
» week or ten days. A little oil or lard
ttddod to f ile koro oito will prevent any
injurious effect,cy.oji to tbe pig*.--3tut«
Agricultural ijopnrtip -ut.
IU'j*t ftn-ago l*!rt-it For.Cutw.
QtrcsTiox.—I wish to keep up fwt
milch cows and soil them; that is, cut
for thorn green stuff and food them iu
their stalls. What i *ago plant- would
yon recommend for this purpose?
Ans'vkil—F or this purpose I would
unhesitatingly recommend cat tail md-
1 let, called also Pearl millet. Japan niil
: let iied Horse millet. Oi. rich land this
millet nvih's an rstniishi’.igly rapid
f growth, an.! can be cat reroral tiia >s
during tho sc >-'n, fur lishi ig a large
amount of fairly g— d f. rapx Sow its
drills three foot apart .-ui4 cultivate ns
you would corn. Six t' eight p iund« of
eot'd will plant nn a ore. This forage
pi a; it has yielded 15.' r-vis f green fod¬
der, or 18 tons of dry hay to the
•ore.—State Agricultural IV;u meat
THE MOST remarkable cures
■ record have been accomplished
llood's Sarmiparitla. It is
in business at his
old stand. -O-:
lie has the finest line of
» .
millinery goods ever
i brought to Cleveland,
j i lie is too busy to write
ad., ” hut will take time
. • . VOll*
J W 2 ). 3 . C Oil oJ
■ m '■ t
I I I We wiU send you this
| i and the Aflantr C 1
paper oii“
stitafiou for 61 . 50 , This
1 I j 1 » . ■ .
' 0*J| ||CI # j| ||(| | |J|} AIlUHlH
Journal far 61 ,iiO, Ibis pa¬
per and <he ihrice-a-vveek
New York World for
61 . 65 ,This" paper and the
home find farm for 6 8 . 60 .
GFOKfilA—White coun'y; WU-re*B“SL>
H. Moore, A«lniinist?‘ntor of MiUf’R
! > « t-re sent k t„ the court in hispidHion. <lu
! y Ki,,,t '’"'"red, n rrert-rt. that he has
j f " ( lly Hns is si!eI»H ^ r» 'i«m« “ f -
j'- 11 *•«.««. kindrol any; null creditor*, why #a*d do
sl.ioy yn.iae if !U,a ear.
Adwiuist.atersh.i.I.ln.d In-diM-luu g- o
fi'oinTn»5i- J -V nmlrir-.mi en+reertre** *d?
' t- nidi ll mission (In- first MoUil.-iv ill
is <m
.Inly 1S97 n full ittiiijtimil s*;Uli Hicnt with
ail tile li**i iF*of mill i-stsle tirsein-ing lout
op (loitlday. J.Ji, givi wim; t> d.i,v : i-v
(ii^OrniiA NT 1 it** cfnnty:
A'ljtci', { b. i'. It McjcUmfs vrprc»H«'nt« t
I he <*ou n in I ih jmtition 1 iry vw*
j nilcp«il oh lAHNHiI, ItCiJ ]i ■ 'li.v iuU) a !
■ in i:iptcn‘«l Hi t • Citml v*-. &i» u<k > ’ CHtnt.r j
j Tins in UiMcftir^ to cit« kII ji-TS'n j
I ffti GiB'd, rrl'IdH ’if’ <' it tf I
U-how panne, if any tli^y can, why Haiti
' Iniinis?valor i4»onM not be tllscbnrift'tl '
! from Inn ailmiuistiT.tioii i»ml pccf ivt*
! Ii-tters ef ,V : sinission nn the first Mel), lay
ti May Is.’7. j
.1, II KRK1'.M(\N, Otiiinat' '
Mi. W. M’. Spilb-n, ding i-lt-ik
with .!. \V. .Mi-v’imm-ll, j»■ini.-i.-.-u
I’li.. - it\ s: 1 up- t ul HI night
Inst wint p ami emitrnctcfl n set
mtii cnl I. 1 "ns b mix' foi :i
Week 1 cull!,I Speak,
Knowing how well customers
of our store s]k kc of Chitm’-i-r
lain’s Uotigh Remedy, I .conclu
led lo try it. Onc-hnlf of a bo-*
lie cured me col ire! v.”
>1. \. Yn.n Ynlzuli, HnghcsviU '
sa' s: Clmm! <-i lar.’s ( imp
vi'ineflv has on ' so vn
. !ia t I do 1 sit a t<e to i
• ,eml it to am one.”
Dr. F. Winger, I'-phnila, I’a
- i\s: “Mr. J. D. Klin -. a eig-t
maker of this place, reports ;
■Olliplete euro of Ills eon -ll " ill
i 50 font bottle of CltamlM-rlatn s
'ougli remedy after lie had trie
dh, Inch had fail-d.” Fo
-ile at ‘5 ■■ .1 50 ecu’s per butt!
by ,‘v. il. H.-mli rson genera
mei cliant (Cleveland, (In.
j ifiBUSKS® B Vlow puces tUi» year.
x 10S. KmlKYBFfHl itftdtiv'd 0ft) etides*, FtbiuH P wd and ester. tar
si.*r» claup, ladling iunrly (ret»iir. (ret*ki»r N<>
pioturt**. Svut fo- fj.iw . for tor 12 i»
witL*'*ndiujs »'• riff *** imported albums rain*
, 4»- on
fr-'m 15 to 25 ALg«
I' r cent. The
w iM not he ju
in”, enge in o>
•’itr. Our n«‘
A »*<* of hru Sklf
L tt.'N t MING r F**; HniLKS containing
oj4 :u.T note v.-rioons, sro w,i h.o people want.
....v ilUYEKHl until OLrlstnina. B0SU£L-f.r S»»n<i for
xjfents from ni)» Sicout*
aYivassinp ti'< » IHnstrHloxI cirrYilan* r«*« tow i
• *. aos. »o*
.Krevvg f >0.- 05 Ki *-•
■ 1C f * < - J7 1 ;* 1 }
Tti :i fi-iv wi-ek I will start to the ICa-tern M ukeis to Itiy i:: the hu¬
stock of goods of every dosei ii»1 ion licit has ever been brnuy.h
Guiiu-vilte jiticl in order to make room in my store for Ihesi
is, I |>:i>j><>se -low to 1 11 a Cl T I’KK h SALE. Near*. 1
will will be pul down to cost, and a jteul many tbi.»iv>
be sold at less than cost. In fact, lie- cost of a. tyreat linin'
have nolhitig todo with tlie .-idling price,as Ihey must 1>
out at some price to make room for m\ spring slock.
For mslanee. a suit of Cloth's that sells every where &10, nuv
cost ¥') will be sold for t>5. Another suit, the best Cheviot
thitt sold for S8,. will be closed mil in tilts sale as long ns the.'
at %4 90. The *1 suds will' be sold at ^2 90, and the i i suits at
50, The best Coats and Vest that sold at $;>, you can get now at
and t he pi ice will he l ull down te *1 10. Nice Cassinier Pants
from ?! to ?! will ho closed at 75 cents to &>. .leans Psnt.
Coe, will go at 48e, and the tf f kind at 8ae, Over <»atp at less
I niil .-ia, a man's whole s|(iek, Brogan Shoes, Gamesvilla uuiK'
kind III * sells at 8i to $i.2d I "ill sell now for 6,ye, W«.m*n s
io- ; Gainesville make, the kind that soils fur tl, wdl g<
t > ■, Boots at less than first cost.
Will sell the best Hats ever sold in Gainesville for the money
Mats worth * 1.52 will he closed out in this sale at 88c, and so on -a!
through 1 he Hat stock.
; M< n’s and l.adiclierware, and Men’s Overshirts, will be pm
at legs than the Ji* rst rest. Bed Blanket* worth 75<- will he
closed out at aOc; th* il and *1.25 kind at e8e. Will sell a good
smooth yard wide Sheeting, the 5e kind for 4e per yard. Ch**ck« at
3 1 -2c per yard. Dress Goods will be reduced in price nil along the
The 5 1-2 pound Green Coffee I will sell now S pounds to tin
dollar—as good as am body 's 5 pound C< fee Brown Sugar 25 lb
to the dollar, and lhoJi5 per bid'Flo ir will lie sold at 4.80.
BIG LOT’ A l TO l V C,>
One of the last thing in the house t, a lot of -tOo To ha »•«*«» that I
hive, ju-t closed out bargain, "ithja North will Cfit’ *eii i it i u factory. long 1 dosed it'lasts theii
lol ; 1 gel it al a and now as as at
80c per pound.
W est Side Public Squ ire Gutne'iv G*.
Saved His Life
"When my adopt- 0
ed sou was seven o
years of age, he had °
as severe a cough 0
as I ever knew any- o
one to suiter from. O
flu coiigliod luces
sairtly. and spit up o
blood. 1 t ried every- O
thing I could thing ®
of. taut ho constant- o
]y grew worse, and °
I feared the poor o
little fellow would surely die. At last. 1 O
gave him Ayer's pherry Pectoral, being Q
recommended to do so by the physician, o
Tills medicine gave tho child speedy re- °
Mrs. M. E. Dkuat, Liberty, o
Texas. o
Ayer’s Cherry o l
Received Highest Awards
wm uTiurs
i*j£2'$£ ' A GrmnJ f rt..l>rc fiONATY, -
- ——* -
*$***$*■ “ 1 Uiu>siugvtlV crpiUV' ^ *
fe ' ■ ~ ‘l
FiOfuilati <* A
Hi T'. v ov’v. ‘
@ j .’ Ill: Mb r. rl„v :
m i t' J>rC*Tv( OLlG C.LH
; tfVLrSy aU tj-e •
mk o«»]vo«\ -1. ,
V v am ly v ?r v
m*. f ^ T I'l tiexl i uv twin r »»* t
«f Sl-Ii*
I oiler ti i
S.’>i a!nu^ x.Uh- ^ $
ou? .'UU-Lir.
A C v'lego rreefdeitt te-rites: ** Tor S
wHIj wFkli tYo rye f m' •. xL<* \
worci f >r fetarar s . <_.H
“eating Si>r cffcctfvft mrtltctly i i ^
itwt»r»Btia{I«n, f - trig* y< > *
i M coirrpnBlicnriri) * talc r** ate. i't f.u * . \
a*td fur |>\’aetleti| nr< a* : rm. ^
tli«rflottory, * Wrbtdrr’s lot* r».v. i i... ’ x
©Scc'Ij r.ny i n v* :. •'.c.”
The Or £ rr.U r ? / *jv
oxvi Snprnmcrt*ur’,wrir« I 0MYS11*; Hon. acthorh,, vill »v P. -I >• Tvip'.c ii .** Prr. t-he .» fc.l .i o* 'p, il* - • v if.'.-J * .a T> OLO f : , ■ I f - i * 'i r.
, y-aiYr i inoro tTnu r.»<w:ph <*
t« Cia P«Tctv?ec r-IW ft copy of the lr*er 1
| ym to wi hoi.i i. /
' 0. Pn hUshers,
t, i .&. a.
rrQ ^ or ’****'" -w.
, nLtions.
f iV.Ue.LLtS •Omi l L -
i ?• g?f
UPP5A!. BKaS.. TThole^le
Prop. k*or«, Floe> flk.TMin?h. (*»
m :.kir is • bv-ujtr
istic isuc v,f «f llooJ’s Hao-l s I
even after other preptrilicti iiZ.
Hood’s aud ONLY MOS-S?*.
Six?edlly Cured by
44 My wilo wm
snSferLig from a
frar/ul cough,
YrUich tho J>o«t
motlteal Hkill pro
rurablo wm uuif
k bl« bo relievo. We
UJd not expect
1/ that she could long
so vive; hut Mr.
*t L Koyaf dep
/ aurveyol, hnp
oed to be stop>
ping with us over right, and having a
hottio oi Ayer's Cherry Peetor il with
hUn, induced tnytxffe to try this remedy.
TK& lesuit was so beneficial, that the
Kept on taking it, till she Tvns cured.
She Is now enjoying excellent health,
aud weighs 160 pounds.*’—R, S. Humfh
aiiss, SaiLssy, Gu.
dyer’s Cherry Fedora!
Received Highest A irds
m&2Sl23°°23°°°,S.3. ^
• u(
•JIJO^ ‘J33JIS 09
‘ OD Z13ia ’3 d
'Do st *** ‘epetm^ jo
'S fl ^ £« o»‘ptwS»jd iqSv»J) ’u
•**«*|«*p moA jc *«l» mitho iwuuv ’ x-i JJ
^ no< 3*i3 pt» aJyrap jtw* -ptm
ypooH jsaq Xj»a aqj *«<*«.( ucdn >stsai RcA ji
uoein *>*} |f*« »- ’arJo;ne» «»
jo »«e>vn no.4 >3^9
or »q pp*-^
2M. ts.qM OJ pat ppAq
o* icq* .. tpooS „
fo iC’UTiirj tnouuoaa at
ys rv?, as \\
m Ajjnn
»«IIOKTt HI 9°
005TM A4 ’aolvrtjxxie*
DipUirteX 3AI* !rb» pot
Qts ■ pmo*. »vdM9
Rwmiii tf? srenaos #«>
1 apivjuu as; mo^ p*i*l
n»N pot in aq «*r* tj
tvs' ’ yttav 07
pat j» op 'ifxBtl
Xaiajnq-tt* iay atqj ,
»«t*n »«>« ni^ u
•tt'd^ud 3^-.;us'3t
Oc *ptia tl*JA
-»o«ni «| ptrt j|rep
Jtjno., J«J tjopijat
*t »t p*k»jie »i >|
aiiooaa DNINIHS V ffVH
duiBq P 3 JTS 2 *°N
Send 4ct*. In stamps
to the
44 0#orffla*» Oreat
•Home Paper,*'
for their a *xmple copy Sun o#
day description Edition, and a
ot i3
(«•( from
2 *X) to 4t*0 paxes each; abit>
mat iuteW t-hey give
free to every
li Tdditif'r. to the
copy ./ the H ekai.d
A Betetulful Work at
Art la (9 Color*
•uiUbia for framing,
and that seiU in store*
for halt a dollar, will he sent tree to every one
eho sends 5cents for thesan.pie copy Im.n i»
\Adr«*», Ssnccription Dept.,
Hb'CAJ.n. Allan**,
Is about as near perfection as 50 years
of Lamp-Making can attain to. * it
burns kerosene. *nd gives a powerful,
clear, white light, and will neither blow
nor jar out. When out driving with
it the darkness easily keeps about two
hundred feet ahead of ycur smartest
horse. When you want the very best
Driving Lamp to be had. ask your
’ dealer for the •• Dietz."
We issue a special Catalogue oi this
Lamp, and. if you ever prow! around
after night-fall, it will interest you.
'Tis mailed free.
R. E. DIETS CO., 1 i
60 Laight St., N ew Ycrjk.
Established is 1840.
noiisdnsuo,-) ■osnp v [[|(J ano '
Jot jeara
wn*d tnuoi v s*.nd
j 9 MS
I5TE2 L S5T.
fob sxyt pr ! j
A tfwreughiy Ksensjtjr
ren all
TUi f.nsd «t»*4ar4 wi«e*g. nmf> It ■ l gas ln * Ua VC.I b asj
B.t . . . »
<Lriring w!th*Ht o*t
fr«n thesyettm effects. It i yy t’k^ t
iajurious eui^rstifcioa, * *ot E»t iv jwsjtcx *»
neraaee »r
i 93*se &u4 u tk*r«iivk kv-tsil
Minca twiM ’
bnihaxig-*!* t»J
in its auftlFsif *1 heftlfk-ep via? >rofwt*> it
f8 aU*lutftiy tdtered e**aj»ari5oa ti* yubhe. witk \%y
reutedy ev»r t# It is a
>iinac*& f»r idkjw.tred vitality uad aH ills w
saitiag irom i«*>ure and ia^»verisr«d
ScrofM^ Moail-tba . -w. e» ----- nr Q f } ife;
ant: Sladdfr 3»la«a5KM,
Ncrvcatn etc.
SitfBti ci f»r far »*f Frvc <Wf «£ TskSsAaSL®
tof«tb*r veitk a H kidbi-ft’.
array array «f of ••rs*fi«at«a af • t reuarkabis reaiarkabiu «ai«i,
trim U*m th» tl w*»iaet f A* *->«t rijaibat kad taiiii. »li
case, , afi«r a ail all kaa^a e»**» raaawtas «’•»
Tbttsa t eartiftavtas - *a ataaic i testify k^tify Blwad witfc w ritk Balai >• a aw: Uiu
aaiad, tftAt
ST tie wend. It fcexeUfia
•dy ly «ver «ver feaa-va ta U
Hr*iu tho hast dve*.
hattU; far « bat* to.
U. B. B. PHI* ara a mild i aad efecUv*
aurRativf aad Liver *a*p|lai*r. |laiar. 0®a Piii la 4
a desc. ^rja^, U ate- i*r d«x.
si tartar
f saras, hmras. .
liana, etc. Priaa. « ate. . jrar ; laax.
U. B. B- »•«*; t*x*»!la*t far *»
Urrh. ate. 9r\—tt aw. ^#r has, TW kaiaaio a.k 7
he ased, vraea aaacaeary, wl%h
aiv^Tufc; wmWo*. **n*UB«y %*■?!
___l 4teak, W *?
luMte of h —tei kr WSJ^ aif«ara*yf «c b
*» HO«£.
Rev Ksit town Nic\i« C®.
Si* ftuUKasOO.CAI- An.-»S,d i.
Jt. '1 ..... - it but..
t 3
A strlWly h>g)i*fmdr Tf^ntiiy ^wiB|f
*U mouem
ii.NprDv&ffiO' i8.
"BASRSrEEj ES' T91!iE ItSl
I*ric%»» vDTy rraftoni\*>1 r- Obtain G.\oia
frcm >our dcwHT ami
com port MrnK.
will cooh an^hing’ iu wood any way as
well as the best coal cr stove.
On it you can l>oi!,. Broil,
without arul Bike, \v!i!iout Roast, heating si Fry, , ' up , ' v ' r * your r. fr idc ho.: sir.e cr n “' i
I>rau"!it.i of air > p.ot affect f
hu.ninj, nor ma! h rrnoke. i
CDfC*** <Jm 1u\sM repr Vi8L
- —
For the pu ,i in' -O'
everywliere, we ■ ~ . < ; * ■
at our r.go.iar v-b•*.■; '• .• i • ' -
deliver oi c! r.. - I -
j:r:ce of above . - i \
a . I b.v-'.'.er, C 7- >?*-'- -i V* ic '
now $ .0.20, de!ivcrc 1.
The stove is rrv:vie- of cast ?-'* r •
with gal .- iiici iro i oil f , \ -
wiU i ist f o n te i t; tv. my y^ars.
Oil (>uni hol ls one gallon of oil,
which will burn ten hours.
Seni Or book * V*.z~.)
R. E. Dio', r CoV->dfiy,
f 0 V> CstsiOshcd 5340
C? XliE : KIX.
The intense it h:r>r and .^martins: in cl¬
ient to eeseiua, t* * « Htlt-rhfftnn. awd r*’ her
ii&eascs f -«.te -« ; «f* -"lv aiiayctf and «vkin by
tpplying U * s Lye have E
Hntcrenf. -»■ y IkuJ c.iw<¥
.•ermanetTy ccrw-l by in .vixT K ; -X
for ttdhins nil'-*
for -«!•»: v » ■ Ul
f an 1 »*rrr eres.
tfi at 1 & * x.
Try dTjTr they
jut ■ neeibt ndi
* ”tr:is». gew