Newspaper Page Text
Ihe Cleveland
jg^“Obituaries will l>e published ii;
t lii-Coc tisii at 5 cents per line.
('U'.VEI.VM', (In., > h. 1897.
l T-ras— — - a-"-' V.*" • - e
rp 3 1$ * -.
m L
“What’s the matter? Siek?"
“Nope. Lazy.” I
Air'. Lasldey his been quite
ill for the pasi week. j
Mich tv few people come
town tnese days, i
Commissioner j
Kvtle made
trip to Ki nsey last y ,t ul -Jay.
.Tce-is. Cooley 'd l hr slier
spent illl hmir ">• so in town yt’S
tcnl-iv til (Tltiii'd mil sun iv \ . 1 >
Nice fat mullet fish at tlender-j
derson and Littlefields, at
Col. J. \\ . II. Underwood is!
t •
in Dshloiiepot this week at tend¬
ing court. |
Mr. C. II. L inks, venrese:itin
Marshal and Bruce, of Atlanta,
was in town Tuesday, the o-iiest
of the Henderson House. j
Mr. *, u Stephen . 1 Cantrell, ,, , ,, an mred
and respected citizen., died at h s
home iu White ('reel,- dist-riet'lnst j
week. We oiler condolence to j
thebireavCd fauiiiy. |
You Avho haye thd Stone Hem-!
liter that bclonrrs to the count y )
please return it, the eouutV ati-e
Iho I nnesat , and ill ol |.-O thoj ,1 !
, out a: ?
I ,J 1 l(l |
Mr. Coleman Ail.>v, father of
Dr. John Aliev, of Naeooidiee !
dropped Hll\e i ‘tk dead tijiurc at^lis. l) \\ home CfliH'8(J;l near [
r v V. j
We are informed ; t lml Ovdinfiw
h •, and others <^J'>yyd |
reeman a
rtqVHf of fill-re‘fish a-Vl . of h-r !
dainties at the homy*.of M. L. At
.leitoit Hi!' nitrlit (i’f tjr’ 5 1st iiisl A
Mrs. 1L T. Keii'iner rcturn'-d j
today ’-fmin' Maviesv".lie, after a
weeks visit to iler fill her atid-f
mother; Mrs. 1'lora -Toiu^p m—
Memh'is, rqtiirhed wi ll live, mjc
will S|M-iid several n e ks in
pi to Henderson .111 1 I^i 1 lefHd
for \ our’piekles.
. Several people from Cl< ve' 11 1
'id tinned tile Lister on ! i-i I dn
tnelil al la-1 ' ; (|d ■' ,
viz: Mr. O. K. Evnini'" - wi e
end son, Master (J1 v, b si> ,7
Era-uk a lid ChaT/Kf": :il'!. (’ll - ,i'
< 'oiirtciiny, Lv:1nk '< ’ imvil, itnd
(All. l,-:l:i(' L. -Oriki*-',-Ml"!- All-
11 it- ('um ten tv, Kim <•>
mid Anm (likes, They report
11 plecrinnt time.
I’ltif. Bell wid close Ins school
ni Riibmt gup on Frid iy, tfi“;
23rd inst. I’rof. is havmff uni
elab irate entertaiifnient prepared I
Ciipt. Bradivell from the State
Norimil School, is expected to be
here and address the citizens, and
a 1 >0 Rev. (V. A. Simmons, of
Lavoiiiu, whom every one here
loves as their old pastor, will be
here. This school under the
manayement of Prof. Bell, assist¬
ed bv Miss Maifffie Ax'lcv, has
’men a model school, so we hope
to keep the same teachers anoth¬
er term.— Rabun Correspondence
in Southern Record.
A typogritphicul error occurred
l ist weak, which we :ivc very sor¬
ry of. The printer set up Com.
kvtle’-! notice like this: “All
persona desiring to tcnc-h in
White -ounty, or who hold no|
license have expired nre required j
to stand the examination us the:
’a V direct*.” When it should)
. hi read , this ,, All .
vp tvmV. persons
desirinff to teach in W hite coun¬
ty, who hold no license from said
county, or whose license have ex¬
pired ate reduired to stand the
examination as the law directs.’
We hope Mr. Kytle wi'l pardon
u-. this time.
There will be a meeting at the
court house on Saturday night
Mav 1st to more tborouyhalty or
jranize the Repubtica^i Lea.ffu
Club, and attend to su'-h busine
H.s m ly by thought pi-optv;.- . ,
A. F. Joh iso:r.
Temporary Presi J -nt,
1 __ ________ __
will make a payment to
teachers of White .ouiify
Saturday the first clay of May.
Very lioptfully,
! G. S, Ivy tie, C. S. C.
Mr. \\ C.oiipliell and Miss
Annie Oastlehen-y were
in ‘matrimony, at the llaptist
j JfiS^d'fviiiisey>(»tiiei;rttiiS-.-A ehureii ; last puddny.'
Unseyoottufiirtin*. • '
IVejoin in the congratulations
and best: wishes that are b ■ 1! 1 CJ
' 1 ” w,v "" d -
n :a> .S--*',Viiu is the differencs
■ fn-s i au ! wall rotted manure?
1 moan hose muon mure available is the
Asssvkr S —Thoroa 'hly decomposed
stable manure is a >-uu 20 per cent mere
soluble than fresh manure—the ammo
u * a and phosphoric acid of the former
being especially available. Another
advantage is that in the process of do
composition and fermentation many
tvoau seeds, which otherwise would
Proroharia ul, are destroyed.
QuasnoN i).—What do you think of
cottonseed meal as a food for cows ?
AaswEiii). — We have used cottonseed
meal c ‘Vib :ne d with hulls and other
feed stuffs, with the greatest advuiifi
f'roru a bulletin of tho Tennessee ex¬
periment station, we find that coU.ju
£ oed meal is the most valuable of ail
fV° feed stuffs, callei it waste Products bo safely used fed »t
can tut
long periods as much as live pounds per 1
day per 1.0311 pounds live weight, iu tiie !
ration for cows giving milk. As th»
cow apnroacres the lime for calving,
theproportu... of cottonseed meulshoW
not exceed throe pounds daiiy.
Wodo«or think it advisnbio to feed
,ut>r “ t!latt pounds of cottonseed
meal daily to milch cows. For butter
making it is not advisable to exceed
t ; roe pounds daily. Many years of
uloso observation elsewhere, as well as
‘OCdtlte recent experiments, in
Writer to believe that it is not
Fa fe lo f,v„t-mtmnseod meal as.thessple,
•’’(Vtliioa to the dully aUpwaucno,.coarse
f<Midora ' *•«»«!»»•** during theyhreo
ptU ^ Ug ^ tiia m0uth afte V
aqd yot'miseed hulls
f^r . oxfceiisivojy used an
l>r„ lue s of the cot
™ fields o. t 10 south-will enable tlm
farmers to .m antain or to restore th.
fertility of their, lands iu the least cost
ot maunres. By th ir proper use it is
eil - sy ;o obtai " ,1 "> highest economic*
v due of t.i ■ c >ar > fo.ldars which are i
00 often mV: >mt to go entirelv to ;
v: y t: >, or it n. .1 ; uii sinreciy pay t\,i
' iuuii diem.
ill: igno-viip; are dafe rations fora
dairy cow of l.oOa pounds livi wai .'ht,
*:»•! sre made up in great part of not
Tjuaced pro<luriR:
1. Fifteon p-mn Is cottonsoed hulls
Svu pound* of cottonseed meal, and six
pounds corn incril.
2. Fifteen puumis cottpusoo.l hulls,
fc-nr ; of cotloil.scod jmml, five
.’rmu Is wheat Pra.fc two pounds of corn
ni ,:1
r hi. roan pounds eorfoo-’eod, cdghl
is clover bay, lira pounds cotton
Bifeil m- al, two pouiitls ifprn meal.
. i. F, m V' c..A, uasoud built, ‘
pbttiijt* CjCjaXidilur, Throe
Miwisced meal, three 'pbu'ids vtujat
5 - Fi:t ' nrl P°»"*^ cottocy-oil hulls,
.igln poau is car.i tops, ft-. 0 pouitlscoi, ,
rrns"Bil.moal. \ i
«■ Fiftoeu pound; cottonseed he.!*
s. clovi r hay, leu pounds of
corn and orits, equal we glita of eacii,
kiiXtvl and groiiu l together.
First-elaas cook stove for ooal, wood ot
lurmul j?as.
It ha« nickel and Lite ornamentation, eve*
,n lf and kicker; tin lined oven doors, extra
heavy, ventilated, sectional fire-back aud freni j i
^rate and large ash pan. j
Size of oven 18 x 30 inches.
TV i %ht 825 pounds.
Tts baking qualities are ungurpassed
It fs durable and uses fuel economically,
\i\t your dealei or write to
FxiWFIaGy otove COi) _ j
Manufacturer*and Deafer*
flfood Mantels and Hearth Tiles,
furnaces, HcfWater Heaters.
(kt*r* s oe Work ar«r< Caf Ctones,
Scieniifio Amerkar. t 1
a,..c, ao* ,;
\ •>-c f
;if* ”Kks,
<3t FYR j CHT 8, ett/
For intonnat o^ i md f» »e e ■* > Handbook Handbook write write to
MU.% >' A CO VT Bun, -Ltl r r pWAT, ywAT, u HEW NEff YORK York,
Oldetit Bureau 10 *\'U*T,Je i.k patents In Aioer ^
ery paten by da is brougl-t bei q
tbe public b; •y s **oti. Niv Drt o L qnarjre ir. t .*
f nentua
tST eLduM Tze WoeluyirtetirUv-a-■
can <'n/nr-ir.
; v < '■x X nmntbs n AJI'>'N & CO
Lroi dw^- /, /%'ew Y3 tk Ci* »•
All. who are indebted to
either by note or account,
J onus in at once Rospeettully, and settle
I u d>
A. ii. ilend uson.
j .JUssssss*
j t\ ' i : ■fee
live sometimes when
nearly around. Nature
labors to repair damage,
after a time, the wounded
faces are nicely healed.
persons live and fully recover,
ever, after consumption
made cavities m the lungs.
In this struggle we can great
ly aid nature by giving Scott’S
Fm Hcion of Cod-liver Oil
with Hypophosphitcs. The
oil supplies needed fat, and
the hypophosphitcs tone up
the nerves. The decline in
weight peases. A positive gain
begins, and once again there is
promise- of life and health. It
is never too late to fry.
P*r»u?sion l rs h'fti en.-fflrst/f by tk*
rt^itcal . ...... t<> (t/r*!xut jot tu rn.y ■II:y _yr.trt. (/.sk t xi* your your doc- .
° ' Ebis if brea aiisr it is al-u <v< pp/at.tbh’ -nlwavs
ahui vs contain* the purest bioi xutfiaH Cod
nhd i‘i HypophospbU/s, $1.00 small
f o emt au.i stfrx. ‘The sife
may be rttvufh to cureynur rough or help your baity.
That’s tiie whole secret in &
word. \ e. can cure no disease
•-a'.::s we .can up the pa
t:*Ei’s strength: An 4 there’s
only cv-a. -vay to do that—feed
h ‘ . B :t if the system refuses
feed? Then use SCOTT’S
EMlfeoJ.CN of Ccd liver Oil
V'T' ’ V-.A' o-vhn s. It goes
| Sti'.mcmt si th to the blood,
,-s wtwt-ag, rekfa-.J ; es |,f
t :e . ita' i-?. # i.-ahes new flesh
and s-< renders a hc">f.fii1 fight r
pc .le avail.jt AIT/ c r-:a::. j ,
L\xc : dly is thh so in hfon- '|A
ch :-i : - i __j [ ur ,y f-oubles, in the I
relief a": of which Scphfs t'l
: vA ;o h *t 'voh t: rr;t;a- '1
cion. A. ah about h .ree. • i
Tu / no.Von is r.c -nystrrffljij
aUx;«w., i it yUateid j n->p ta-vvafi
ir.g !>.-■ ' I,ifjm'fely yr Arabk *0 the
phir> oil. Tlw gcarirw hju our ttadc- j,
mirk cm aunmn-COlurtb wrapper. Gel
'.he genuine.
Per sale &l 50 ete. and ilJSO by tU
v s£i.3oa»i^:..jsoer. ja:'C£.~onuL
aoy to Take
asy to
Arc features peculiar to Hood's P'dls. Small
"ft- “ rnUi ‘* M ' thuW ^ / a mn
raid: *• You never know yon Pi!
have taken a pill till it is all
over.” 25c. C I. Rood & On., *
Jpropfletora. Lowell. Mass. 18 k* ■ N %
The only pills to take with Hood’s
. vi .
Aik i
>X l vv-- J .
O 2>72'J L-'LOYS
R-'.-./; ’•••• n-e TntoS *•>« r**n1*» -whea
Syrup <>f F is ts' *:i; it iap'ftu.o
n.d T. freku.tig to l!,» UaW, 1
jently Liver vet jiromntly on tlm JZUasys,
an;! Bowels, cloeuuws tii
ache* teia cfT»:-tUttIiy, »'i(l eisntls and void.), head
fevvra currs
eoi)stij.k'.!oa. o- rup 1if Fijra h
ducod, only remedy pletuing ot iU th» kind #r*r pro
to Usto *uu &'
ceptal.’e to th« rtowinch, prompt
"ts action and truly beuaficial in
“fleet*, prepared only from the
healthy end pryre»&t)!* cualitie* Ev.b»taj®e*», eommend Hr
rziij exce.liewt i
c ail and La vs mada it til* m«
popular remedy cf Fiy* kcowp. for sale la
Byrup *1 b<.ttl«« k all Lading
vod by
sisti. A».y Lsv* wlktift hand druggist wilt
.nay not it on pro
'“‘ £«£V r f il f ^ D r f » T “J °"7 ««
r »4v ntA»eis&o^C
■ ",' rnwr-At
flight in Ssgnt
Sure Saving Shown
We’ll send you --ur General
logue and Buyers in Guide, if
send us 15 cents stamps.
pays part postage or expressage,
keeps off idlers.
it’s a Dictionary of Honest
Lull of important information
matter wheio you ouy. joo l
z- “0 fflustTMtions: tells of right price of each.
pro&t - only ' ’ between ■ maker and '
Get ft.
f;r.u6 A.>«i”an .kvs.. Chi
Only Standard One
Yo« tnd we may dlfftr ti to y.
mane-/- standard* aid cut d ;
oUt vtry &it d'ff:ereneei g-ced may J
come, ws won’t differ ei
to the merit* of o >e s*jxA*t'd
emission of cod liver UL
won and held it* way for
naatiy 25 years in the wo rid U
mediiinc until to-iiy h L al¬
most at much the St r d Xi' i in
all cases of lung trouble, and
every .condition cf wa.3tsng
whether fa child or adult a*
quinine is in malarial fevers.
Differ on the money ques¬
tion if you will, but when it
comes to a question cf health,
perhaps of life and death, get
the standard.
Your drtiggiet mS* Paott’a Emuttoo.
Two tiu-v, £0 ctx. aud $JjOO
.oe world has
'•ever known
«ueh vaiua iop
Mcttue ( s whu- cou.eimo.i the htgi-est iartkwl*i wholesale for tuer
Co you;
k3J6». branuletei) Sug*r.
6 IBs. .toaster! Rio Cafioe.. [ Quality guaranteed
Ml il)S, K«ii »s............
il> lbs. Collinrnio Pruros.. ALL FCff
■ > lb.-c«n baking Powder. $5
3 !(>«. Best Gr'k bis Ptvpor
1 lb% Sai.rolo MieoC lea.;,
ill Kis. Curvilnn Rice./
- IBs. Eoii ad Cues.....
3 S-nr.bcttla Sba. Inar dry Vauilla starch jeirneli fSualltygurantcea
cIS*!?' 11 saT# you money, not only on
• ? * e „ili f? ai fc0 ; V ? y n 0f owev oar » from w “Bonk this adFertiaa. of Aloner
guide •?»yj a n « w.T iin do ,. ^ sent offlcia.1 rree wholesale (ready prtc®
4 t0 °“ sDortly).
Department r 0rtlcr
tmrestJwSsas?* * raonw
A. M. Rothschild & Co.
Steto »ni Van Buran-ats., Chicago.
pa^outa. iVot , Leoal il01,ortel - !i wma for
| Eft YEAKS*
| EXP. : .K1EMCE.
fjuiutti/a-.durfc&U, A7ryom 6«n<1lH£? a sketch whether and description muj true, Cotmuuulcivtlons mi invention is
confidential. pHloutnUe OJd'- strictly
st uyency for securing patents
In America. W* hav.i a Washington ofllce.
Patent* taken the through Munn & Co receive
i special notice in
hoantffuJlr enfclflc III Journal, nut pilot), fnrpnst.^circuhitlcn of
anv-. Jl.ausix months, specimen weekly,terms$3.00 copies a 11 year;
Uuoxv Patents and an o
o;-f s.out fr«». Addr^a,
901 llvouHvv."v. Hew ycrk.'f-
1 iortii Georgia
IdriOiilUirgi Goileos
Sprlns Ter*, 3e*lns F!rv. Monday in F-lbri-irr.
Fill Term Eejins f irst Hoaiiy in S.ftcn’icr.
With aaple terps o! Teaclcrs.
Under a U. S. Army Olflcsr dcttlNd
by Sccrtt .ry ol War.
.‘sn.nansinp, Music and firt
Under competent end thorough Inetrnctore.
VOUNO f.ADltS bate cqael *4vtattrc&.
«r Catalogues and full Information, address Secretary
orTreasnrer of Ocard Trustees,
r Kerrlblo KeatCaones
XR€Va&T7m vwsx
Ba d eted by
“t Aral
(hero ever wa* so
g»wl a m.Mte
m Ar«r s Cat)nr
»: ruts. TH?
•at nui th«o m
«d'f**B n>r>r».
»jjr• s WL6b i e*vu-*' J
: j( »*•
Oam haaA U Ve'/j. 1 it g Wo at oj 0 >
these gtlls !e Jt tht TwJlohu r to
ert me it^bl *tsU. r jr titcj O? ^
never fafl. I l.svr V-,,. a A rt 1 ter
gibie headaehee. acU a. . scab teiuii! c*
gorthirs to -*i .—% M.«m to (ir'-skly as
A o--r't PITs, biuee X b»,T»n taXlag this pj o|
o-ittina, the anaok* ka re Wen loss amt
b»s frequent, uqijl, at ;-.:«je:A. moatbs
bnva jwiasvA slne« I have had on*,”—c. ° a
y. Kxststaw. Deg Fg«r, T. Va.
* A - V v- feK b jo b ,
I r w
| Brit* »!edat at World's Fair 0
gj.oc oc ?o°QOV_<?OQOOQ_t.ooof,
.# - ^..<SS^nfsAusW»a*>t-. Plain Jlr. r^ B» HA
Appurpp.t. lumpnerifl does lot
moke u i«ui 1 suvin”' of Uiuut >r
rr J 1
-ii •. Vyi'.r
E ..I
A 4?^, K
' ■SS
'-’■0 SI
s °9
S5 _o
E A k.
and only cheapness
Hioh Quajutt At fair price*
i’eu! mid i».ily economy.
'Ihe Domestic hns> alwav* been
Tilts Bo«tMacbin»
Li < von- souse of th?it term—
BKS r Tor the agent to sell, as it, gives
aim the most p olit for the least trouble.
BlsST lor oiircliasers because it gives
ism fie most s.-itisfaetion in use.
mi." AUKNTS WANTK11. .mt
P EP i's 1 K x 8. S®"Send for catu
Ogur -
mim ms cc.
KIGiniOM), V A.
Mines and-Mining Lands.
Farms and Faming Lands
Timber ’and Wild Lands .
Correspondence Invited.
................' ........ j ......
Heart Mil QoWy Cured.
A CuuvinetnR ITesUmonlaS.
Bliss Ella Kueixz.
"For ID years I f. offered from heart troll
0, during that time * wa3 treated by
o differoDt pliyd* i. ns. All of them
1 aimed that I cCutd not be cured. I w s
rcatly troubled with shortness of breath,
aipltation and. pain in the side. If I bo
line excited, or exerted myself in the least,
he pain in iuy Side became very severe. At
;mus it seemed as though nccdlce v crcekoot
ng through my Ride. Sometime in the month
November last, t commenced taking
}R. i«in.L3’ HEART CURE
■ lid since then I have improved steadily
can nowslecp'on rny leftside,soxuothing I never been able to 1o before. I can
valk without being fatiguod, and am in
nuch belter health than ever before, I would
ecommend ail sufferers from heart trouble
‘.o try Dr. Miles' invaluable remedy without
618 Wright. 9t., Milwaukee, Wis.
V r . Miles Hoart Cure. Is sold on a, positive
Tuarantco that t oo first bottle will benefit
.11 *3 ruff gists anil it at 91, u bottles for of 85, or
t wlllbosent the Dr. Miles prepaid, Medical on Co., receipt ifilahart, price Ind.
Jr. rjles’ Heart Cure ***B3 tt
A U£.\t s i &£'C Sv
Fully Afert<tt»C wIMi 71m* #.
' w
r ih«* Yal.JIy jhiionl, ej 1 ftofeei-ioiiul LihrarV
'Alia - Tor?lie Webster’* Uua
Y „r -icT-t-ry, *J cr aai H*? t-r th
»>'? I- *’. vie *, ’ 4 3 ’cN, oV yz.i;zL-**■
i.<r *wr .y <yl ia no*
* T - rr-virfevti d and Jtn lWrped
• i title. to»K
* p » v ci “'A AWlteri l£t«r&<<
■r<s, , uZutjrj.
A * **. -^r l X*.•*.«;* t%in rov.'dion
A/t* * ) :■ \vm ifpVK.M for v "b>r
r ■>■: » • it: *;%<i* >i tknn O: K- . -
i..-:- . y.\i-4k
i c. <•, '<yt- 11 ;>(»* ft#
J'/r,. : it . l 4 ^
V :«T> ■ il /St i i*p.j
2t ' U X
C * Y.'fcif v -wffk hus/ 'rih*
Dir.tioB uijiHl ritibdc C* .
<i. S V MKRKIAK. & at., f’ttWist-iv
J*f*r«oVm ft*. F*r**., th s. A. t
'MJ.n I’xf.I. * «,a, Slft-tr !<smfhlrt|r-^
st ifi-itvJbvSU.. -VTY ii
Is remedy of sterltog value. It op
a positively
curca «H Ikorichl&J AfSectka*, Gcu$h, Cold, Croup.
5.3, BtOiscisltBi aH^TSfipse. You can always rely on IL
DR. ftULL»5 anJOH SYRUP b indi^naabie to
every family. Price as cto. Shun a lt substituted*
e*wr 1 wars Fi.uai.rae Awtxucun ****>».«*, m * ©».. a»s»jsi I
« ^oMONEY tn
m 'oEk-L (Mb am Benieace: trti) cuie may xrv.akc hare, no ci»*b a chance cly ivcw to muioe ofovr to the oar laissiixg g-jhnvri'bcra. word Hi in
“taenuss assist as is nmsarar •- J
tS fitKE 2BS EtFIST,"
ll ti q»o*e<f ftctn a (rrwnincnt witter upon economic stihje.ffti
M NMicfl*g p#f If Is not nocettcary to write oat t’i-J full
■ ■■ o i Mtply wriioi "Mjr fucM Iw tuliKlii^ word lu M,<RCH
rimimm at atlakia, g a.,
a m.mrm kith m
.mstr?.. $Wl—^
And Bend ynrar gotm wUSt ft, and we will forward oil for yod and (krai
+4 toe a C3sag!w8 to SSake Good SJioney. tx>*
THE CONflnrmmON Ih-t ftw) (.in.Mint al the award
wtU naf he Hat thaa to Ceih, «wd il may t»e as ssxch aa
It wdl be w per wait o< ail subscriptions Gist we, and aiftba
•dier chsbtHit^ papers with The Convtitutioa, secure for the months at
Janaery and Pebrisacj’. If the #uh*cnpUom keep up with die record of
kst yeas, the sum to be *fv*o will.Exceed Jx.oik* cash. Ii the ssh
ecHpikuw uw dowMod, a* they were in January, just pact The Con*th
tutfeawid pay oet about {In cash premiums in this contest. H
More than one pessoa hatiac the prcvjxr word, the amount will be “ 1 *'
tMdul botween them.
9 tS» ZosfcJy k Ht? & 8-impmar ta
with a circWetKin of l §6,000. It covers the whole world Iq its
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