Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XV, No. 13.]
“Painted Desert”
Reproduced At San Deigo.
Santa Fe Railway Exhibit To Cover Ten
Acres Of This Unexplored Land.
Former exposition have shown
wild men and women from the
Antipodes, but it lias remained for
the San Diego Exposition to find a
whole nation of wild men within
the borders of the United States, a
whole vast area where nothing has
progressed since before the inv ision
of Mexico by Cortez in 1517. This
area is in northeastern Arizona,
and the Santa Fe Railway will
cover ten acres of ground at the
Exposition with as dose a copy of
this country as s possible to pro¬
This locality is, known as the
Painted Desert. Its a land where
no white man has dared attempt
agriculture or mining, where there
is nothing but the Indian, his an¬
cient civilization unaltered, living
in six story houses of 100 rooms
without an outside door, doing the
same things in the same way his
forefathers did for centuries before
white men came to America.
Comparatively few while men
have penetrated this district. None
has remained there. At long in¬
tervals a s eitist lias penetrated
the fastnesses of the red and yellow
hills. Indians emerge from it oc
Ctssionallv but: they invariablly re»
turn. Their homes are the inden
tical buildings erected many cen
tune? Their pottery is t hue
same', used for the same purpose
and in the'same rude manner.
Their customs and tribal laws re¬
main unchanged since when no
man knows to the contrary. They
irrigate small patches of grain just
as did their forefathers. The
country repels even the hardy pros¬
pector. Trees, except those petri¬
fied into stone, arc not seen. No
two hills are of the same color. The
very rocks are variegated in hue.
The pitiless sun scorches all vege¬
tation encouraged by the winter and
spring rains.
Members of tbe Santa Fe explor¬
ing party declare the Painted Des¬
ert rivals the wonderful Grand
Canyon of the Colorado in grand¬
eur and beauty of scenery. A
second party has been sent into it
to gather material for the great ex
hibit the railway will install at the
San Diego Exposition, to contain
every thing possible to bring from
that region, a territory that seems
to have been forgotten by Nature
All who wish to take advantage
of cost, and below cost, on my line
of Shoes. Dry Goods and Notions
and many things I will not men¬
tion. I propose to clear out every¬
thing but. light Groceries and
Farming Tools, for a while only.
This sale will be for Cash or
Produce. No credit.
It is to your interest to come and
see for yourself.
M ill begin Jan. 1, 1914. BROWN.
J. \V.
All who are owe Jackson, Wil¬
liams & Barret, or Jackson & Bar¬
rett, either by note or account, will
please call and settle at once, as we
must raise some money to meet our
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
General Venustiano Carranza, (arrow), the Mexican rebel leader, on his way with a bodyguard and followers to
inspect the mines at Cananea, in the Btate of Sonora.
Rev. D. S. Patterson preached;
an excellent sermon at Mossy Creek !
Miss Maud Cooley has returned 1
home after spending a few weeks j
with her brother at Kennesaw. ! j
Mr. J. B. Reecegave the young
a s.irty y.atl.i day Night
Mr. lohn Warwick we it to
Gainesville Sat unlay to consult
Main. j
Messers. Paul, Charlie, and Miss
Ella Dorsey, Henry and Miss Net-!
tie Allison, Messes Pauline and !
Ruth Kincaid went tojhe singing j
at Mr. Marion Palmer’s Sunday I
eyeing and report a nice time. I
Miss Bessie Christopher is assist- j :
ing Prof. Miller at Mossy Creek.
Airs. Eva Pitman, of Shoal
Creek, was visiting her mother,
Mrs, Bruce Moore, the past week.
Mr. Claude Skelton gave the
young people a sociable Monday
night which was enjoyed by all
Mr. M. L. Allen has moved on
J. P. Evans’ place.
The remains of Airs. Eli Smith
were interred at Chattahoochee
cemetery Tuesday, Rev. D. S. Pat-1 I
terson conducting tne funeral
vices. |
Parcel Post
Rates :
Sometime you |
will want to send
something by par¬
cel post. V/e are
printing today a ta¬ I
ble showing postal
rates which have
just gone into ef¬
fect. Clip it out
and save it for ref¬ !
East Saturdry evening fourteen
members of Ml Yona’h Lodge, No,
105 . I. (). O. K., went to While
Greek to install their offices.Brother
A. G. Quinn, I). G, M,. assisted
by Brother C. 11. Edwards, G. N
Alim, an"1 QMie instil u
fed the dfui'drs add fh3n the' fun
Brothers Edwards,
King and Hauls, of Baldwin
Lodge, made big spaaches. This
was the best meeting f have been to
for a long tivve. I hope the good
word may continue; as we 'can be
of help to all of our brothers arpj
the community at large.
Yonah Lodge will go to Nacoochce
»» January Qth to
install their officers, and we want
di the brethren who can to go with
us. Let us visit and be more
friendly, and act like brothers, and
may the work continue.
Iu urging the farmers thougfiout
to start with the 1914 crop to em¬
brace the face guard of a more di¬
versified scale of agriculture in the
face of the Boll Weevil menace, the
Georgia Chamber of Commerce
uses the following striking array of
st;ltatisticg; Georgfa sen(ls away
for feedstuff and foodstuff every
year the equivalent of the hill for
1912 :
• $58,930,000.00!
. . .23,680,000.00;
Oats......... • ••39'33 < L OO0 -o°:
Aliscellaneous Foods.. 3,556,000.00 ,
It is stated from a reliable source I
that Georgia sends away each
more money for pork than we
spend at home on education and re- j
igion. This condition needs :
====- .... .
Intelligent people realize that.
common colds should be treated.
promply. If their is sneezing and
chilliness with hoarseness, tickling
throat and coughing, begin prompt-,
ly the use of Foley’s Honey and
Far Compound. It is effective, j
pleasant to take, checks a cold, and
stops the cough which causes loss of
sleep and lowers the vital resist-!
Norton & Ash i
To all who might be interested.
The following real estate and per
sonai property "for sale :
.My entire farm, known as the
Tip McKinney old home place,and
filler known ns the Allison W,
Smith place, containing 115 acres
mo#£ in orgies-, cultivation, will)' witfi about fi-nVm fourty )urt
acres a
dwelling and out-buildings, a large
store building and shop building,
and 3 tenant houses. 'Phis is the
best location for a mercantile busi¬
ness, blacksmith shop,, corn mill,
crusher and suction gin. At this
place there is already a general
doing a ten thousand dollar
business, a custom blacksmith shop,
and a prosperous Oddfellow lodge.
Price $30.00 per acre, terms one
third cash, balance Ded. 15, 1914.
Also I have a complete sawmill
outfit, consisting of fifteen horse
Peerless engine, a No. 1 Gainesville
mill with three headblocks and ad¬
justable knees, cable feed, chain
dust remover and steel railing for
lumber trucks, hydraulic ram to
supply water to the engine, a dray
and cart, a cross-cut saw every
other necessary tool, in fact a com¬
plete outfit. Price $iooo.oo,Terms
one-third cash, one-third June 30th,
one-third Dec. 15. 1914. ?
Also I have one of the best pairs
of black mare mules, age 6 years,
weighing 2400 pounds, with not a
pimple on either of them. Also a
new $60.00 Chattanooga wagon
and a new $65.00. buggy made by
t he Blount Buggy Co. Mules,
wagon and harness, and buggy
$700.00 Terms one-half cash,
balance Dec. 15, 1 y 14.
If you are contemplating going
into business, this is your oppor
< unity. For futher particulars see
or write me at once.
A. F. Kknimkk.
Ga., R, 2.
For Sore Feet, Childlains, Frost
Bite, Sore Nibbles, Chafing, Cuts,
Galls, Burns, Sores or Scalds,
FLUID is a marvelcus remedy.
It relieves inflamed conditions heals
the flesh and eases pain. Taken in
ternally for Cramps or Dysentery it
corrects the disorder at once. Price
per bottle. Sold by Norton
Baptists Will Build
$100,000,00 Hospital.
Great Movement will Be A Boon To
The Sick and Suffering.
J'he month of February will be¬
gin a campaign for raising
$ to build a great Bap¬
tist hospital for the purpose of
help. Every member of ottr de¬
nomination in Georgia, is asked to
contribute through his or bet
church, whatever sum they are able
to give, whether it, be large or
small. The object is to have a
place thqse that are not able to pay
for an operation or to be cared for
an operation or to be cared for in
sickness, can go and be cared for,
• it small or no cost at all. It is
therefore an opportunity for every
Baptist to play the part of “The
Good Samaritan,” by. providing a
place where the sick can be cared
Ask your jxistor about the hos¬
pital. Write to J. S. AicLemore,
1009 Candler building, Atlanta,
Ga., for information. Send any
cash or subscriptions to Dr. J. (.
Bennett, 1009 Candler building,
Atlanta, Git. If all do their part,
we will have the $100,000.00,given
in cash and subscriptions, in the
month of .February. It will be a
great victory for the cause of
Christ. May we not count on
every Baptist to clo his duly? May
the suffering have your help and
may you have 11 i s blessings.
We come in 11 is name,
J. S. McLiiMOHE,
Financial Secretary.
Air. Barney Hooper gave the
young people a corn shucking one
day hist week.
Aliss Mary Skelton delightfully
entertained her friends last Wed¬
nesday night at her birthday party
Mr. Homer Wofford had a corn
shucking last Saturday night.
Air. Joe Glaze and wife spent
one night last week with Mr. V.
Skelton and family.
Air. Henry Alexander made a
business trip lo Gainesville one day
last week.
Mr, Claud Skelton was amongst
those who visited Gainesville front
this part last week.
Air. J. II. Glaze moved back
from Oak wood to his old home
place last Saturday.
Airs. Joel Alexander who has
been very sick at this writing,
Air. Andrew Iloopcr is all
smiles. It’s a girl.
Mr. Newt. Hulsey had one of
his eyes seriously injured one day
last week, but is improving at this
Mr. James- Palmer and family
and Air. Ed. Palmer and family
spent Saturday night witli Mr.
John Palmer and family.
A man’s working day is S hours.
11 is body organs must work per¬
fectly 24 hours to keep him fit for
8 hours work. Weak, sore, itactive
kidneys can not do it. They must
be sound and healthily active all
the time. Foley Kidney Pills will
make them so. You cannot take
them into your system without
good results following.
Norton & Ask