Newspaper Page Text
Took Lydia E.Pinkham’s Veg¬
etable Compound during
This Critical Time—
Benefited Greatly
Baltimore, Pinkham’s Maryland.-“I took Lydia
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not stop with one bottle, but took it
through the whole critical time and am
now practically daughters a well woman. I have
two whose health was very
bad before they married and I was wor¬
ried about them. I got the Vegetable
Compound after for them and it helped them,
and they married it also helped
them in bearing their babies. This is
plaints a great of and good medicine for all com¬
women, and I recommend it to
all.”—Mrs. L. Gingrich, 1375 N. Gil
mor The St., Baltimore, Maryland.
able medicine Vegetable Compound is a depend¬
for women of middle age.
Let it relieve you of nervousness, that
flashes feeling of strain and those annoying hot
so common at this time.
Baby’s Teething
Now Made Easier
By Doctor Moffett
Teething' has always put a strain
on babies' health, especially during
hot summer months. Even tho
purest foods may be upsetting and
mother must constantly watch out
for Colic. Sourness, Gas, Acidity.
Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea and such
baby ills.
“Rearing little ones through the
hot summer months Is certainly try¬
ing, and I don't know what I would
have dons without Dr, Moffett's
Teethina," writes Mrs. Mary Dotson,
of Dahlonega, Ga. “My baby was
34 months old and had a terrible time
cutting her eight teeth. But as soon as
1 started giving her Teethina pow¬
ders she got all right, has cut those
bad teeth and Is as well and playful
as ever. Also, I want to tell you
bow helpful the advice was in your
Baby Booklet."
Teethina Is a baby doctor’s pre¬
scription. It costs only 30c at any
leading drug store, though millions
of mothers know Its priceless value
in keeping babies well during the hot
summer months.
Builds Better Babies
[f you suffer from stomach
general weakness, blood and
disorders, skin affections,
pellagra, and many other
relieved by Craig’s Mineral helped
Medicine which has
others, send me your name and
dress, and I will send you a
bottle prepaid by mail. If it
you, send me $2.00, if not helped you
me nothing. Send name and address
J. F. CRAIG, Meehan Junction,
Relief From Dullness
“Well, well 1” ejaculated a tourist
ihe Rumpus Ridge region. “What
you going to do with those
coyotes you have there?”
“Weil, I’ll tell you,” replied
Johnson. “I’ve only got fourteen
dren and a mess of dogs, and it’s
durn’ quiet at our house that
took these yur two young wolves
raise along witii a young
Kansas City Star.
Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin
When red, rough and itching, by
baths of Cuticura Soap and touches
Cuticura Ointment. Also make
now and then of that exquisitely
ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum,
one of the indispensable Cuticura
Toilet Trio.—Advertisement.
Cattle and Tuberculosis
Cattle on exposed treeless farms are
more susceptible to tuberculosis than
those that are under shelter, according
to recent tests made in Ireland.
Serbia Railroad to Sea
Work of connecting Serbia with the
Adriatic by rail lias been started.
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Bell-ans Mil,— Sure ouie Relief rteiici
help Change me of through Life the
for and
a broken-down
system. I had been
time complaining and dragging a long
along medicines had tried which other did
not read help in me much. I
the news¬
papers of the Vege¬
table Compound and
after taking a bottle
j George Washington Is Lauded By
Executive As First Lay Citizen Ot
The World For All Time
I Cambridge, Mass.—Near the spot
where George Washington took com¬
i mand of the Continental array, Presi¬
dent Coolidge called on the nations
of Europe to enter into mutual cov¬
enants for their mutual security,
pledging the moral support of the
American government if they do so.
“While our own country should re¬
frain from making political commit¬
ments where it does not have politi¬
cal interests." he declared, “such cov
em&ts would always have the moral
support of our government and could
not fail to have the commendation of
the public opinion of the world.
“Such a course, would be sure to
endow the participating nations with
an abundant material and spiritual
reward. On what other basis can
there be an encouragement for a dis¬
position to attempt to finance a reviv¬
al of Europe,”
The president made brief but gen¬
eral reference to the European sit¬
uation in sn address delivered on his¬
toric Cambridge common. His speech
was, the feature of'the celebration of
the 15th anniversary of the day
Washington assumed command of the
Continental troops under the famed
elm, which formerly stood a stone's
throw from the speaker’s stand.
The president, accompanied by Mrs.
Coolidge, motored from Swampscort
to take part in the fete, heading a pa¬
rade and reviewing it before deliver¬
ing his speech.
A recapitulation of the virtues of
Washington provided the cure for the
pronouncement, which was the first
formal statement, on the subject to
be voiced on behalf of the adminis¬
tration. After recounting Washing¬
ton’s faith in the principles of democ¬
racy and honesty, Mr. Coolidge con¬
j “The vigor with which he insisted
on the prosecution of war was no
j | less than the vigor with which he in¬
sisted on the observance of peace. He
jherished no resentments, he harbored
ao hatreds, he forgave his enemies.
He felt the same obligation to .execute
the terms of a treaty made for the
benefit of a former foe that he felt
to require the observance of those
made for the benefit of his own coun¬
try. He realized that peace could
be the result only of mutual forbear¬
ance and mutual good faith.
Lee Gave His Life To Aid 'Education
Asheville, N. C.—Speaking of “Lee
the Christian Educator,” Dr. Henry
Louis Smith, president of Washing
on and Lee university, told the South¬
ern Newspaper Publisher’s associa¬
tion, in convention here, that in Gen¬
eral Tree’s matchless character were
distilled and concentrated ail tho
Ideal virtues of Puritan and Cavalier
combined. "His life work after Appo¬
mattox, when al its manifold results
are finally summed up by heaven’s
unerring calculus, will outshine and
far outlast all the more spectacular
glories of his military campaign," Dr.
Smith said.
16 Dead in Boston Dan Hall Debris
Boston, Mass.—With the known
dead at 16 and more than fifty treated
for injuries, policemen, firemen and
volunteers were working in the ruins
of the Pickwick Club, 8 Beach street,
rescuing other injured and recovering
bodies of the dead from the debris of
the building which collapsed when
the fifth fldor caved in, trapping the
merrymakers at a dance. Estimates
of the totgl number of dead still run
as high as seventy-Have
Six Drown In Flood From Cloudburst
Rock Springs, Wyo.—Six persons,
occupants of an automobile, were
drowned in a flood resulting from a
cloudburst at Hay Junction, 12 miles
north of here the other afternoon.
Injunction To Be Asked, Darrow Say*
Chicago.—Announcement of a sud¬
den shift in the plans of the defense
brought about the possibility that
John T. Scopes, principal in the case
to test Tennessee's anti-evolution law,
may never face trial at Dayton, where
his case is docketed. Under the new
plan announced by Darrow, associate
council for Scopes, the case will be
carried directly to the federal courts
either at Knoxville or Chattanooga,
through proceedings seeking to re¬
strain enforcement of the low by the
Tennessee authorities.
Dust Fruit Trees By Plane Method
Corvallis, Oregon.—Dusting of fruit
trees from airplanes on a large com¬
mercial scale is entirely feasible. Of¬
ficials of the United States bureau
of agriculture and officers of the threi
hundred and twenty-first observation
squadron of the ninety-sixth division,
are convinced of possibilities ‘of th >
work after viewing an experiment on j
a 120-ar-re apple orchard here. Trav¬
eling 140 miles an hour, the plane pi¬ )
loted by Lieut. Oakley G. Kelly, fam¬
ous army aviator, “dusted” 60 acreu
n 34 seconds.
News Items Gathered Here And
There From All Sections Of
The State
Key West.—In a letter to Sehator B
U. Fletcher, transmitted by him to
the Key West chamber of commerce,
the secretary of war announces he
will recommend to congress the sale
of such parts of three government res¬
ervation tracts within the city limits
of Key West, ami that the city will
be given first, option to buy. This ac¬
tion comes following the effort of the
local chamber of commerce to have
the government lease or loan to the
city certain parts of the unused res¬
ervations for public park and bathing
beach purposes. One of the reserva¬
tions to be sold is the historic Mar
tello Towers, one of the oldest land
fortifications on the island. All three
of the reservations, part of which will
be sold, are magnificent water front
Miami.—Miami’s accident toll ret
oently in twenty-four hours was four
lives. A fifth was seriously injured.
M. Nacri, interior decorator, was
thrown through the windshield of an
automobile in a collision with another
car and died several hours later, his
jugular vein having been cut and his
skull fractured.
Sanford.—Chambers of commerce of
the different towns of Seminole coun¬
ty are planning an appeal to the hoard
of county commissioners requesting
that they pass a one or two-mill pub¬
licity tax. The appeal will stress the
need of the tax for publicity and will
point out the advanatges that such
tax has afforded other counties.
St. Petersburg.—Apprehending B. P.
Latimer, local motorcycle patrolman
and former deputy sheriff, son of Wil¬
liam I. Latimer, of this city, as a de¬
serter from the United States navy,
Pinellas county deputy sheriffs took
the officer into custody. He was
taken to the county jail at Clearwater
and government officials were noti¬
fied ot his arrest.
Tampa.—The Tampa Morning Tri¬
bune. founded 32 years ago by Colonel
W. F. Stovall, has been sold to a syn¬
dicate of 12 Tampa mari. The consid¬
eration was said to be $1,200,000. M.
L. Lloyd, secretary of the new oper¬
ating company, gave Mr. Stovall a
check for $900,000 as first payment.
The purchase does not include the
building occupied by the plant or the
new addition recently erected.
White Springs.—An important real
estate deal was closed here through
Bullock & Cate, local realty firm,
whon the Suwannee River bank build¬
ing and the adjoining brick building
was sold to Mr. Otto Wettstein, Jr„ of
Leesburg, well known owner and op¬
erator of 33 telephone exchanges In
this state. The exact purchase price
of this property was not given out,
thought it is said to involve a sum be¬
tween $25,000 and $30,000.
Tallahassee.—The state government
has started a new year of business op¬
erations, under provisions of an act
of the 1925 legislature changing the
fiscal year to make it run from July 1
to June 30, Instead of following the
calendar year. Effective at the same
time will be the general appropriation
act placing in the hands of the state
officials more than $10,000,000 with
which to operate the various depart¬
ments and institutions.
Fort Pierce.—Carload movement of
pineapples from St. Lucie county for
the season has come to an end, the
total number shipped from the county
having been approximately 50 cars.
Altogether the season was quite satis¬
factory. The fruit was of unusually
large sized and excellent in quality,
and good prices were realized. Most
of the output was handled through the
Florida Pineapple Growers’ associa¬
tion, which w,as able to place the fruit
advantageously to its members.
Fort Myers.—Hard surfacing of the
Tamiami Trail between the city Ifm
its of Fort Myers and the Collier coun¬
ty line has been started under the di¬
rection of County Engineer E. N. Stan¬
ley. For a distance of 22 1-2 miles
the trail will be covered with a two
and one-half inch surface of crushed
limestone and asphalt. The engineer
estimates that the trail will be opened
in Lee county for straight away traf¬
fic about the first of next April. It
was announced that the road will he
closed to traffic in secitons during the
surfacing and numerous detours will
be necessary.
Green Cove Springs.—The bond is
sue for $515,000 for roads and bridges
in Clay county was carried here by a
vote of 20 to 1, and work will be start
ed on the improvements as soon as the
necessary formalities can be com¬
Orlando.—Building permits for Or
lando amounted to $532,575 for the
month of June, according to figures
compiled by the department of build
ing here. This is more than totals ol
the years 1917 and 1918 combined am
eclipses the highest previous month o
1925 by more than $100,000
SmdaySchool ' Lesson T
'By REV, P. B. F1TZWATER, D.D.. Dea.
of the Evening School, Moody Bible In-'
etttute of Chicago.)
f(c\ 1025. Western Newspaper Union.)
Lesson for July 12
LESSON TEXT—Acts 13:13-52.
GOLDEN TEXT—“Behold, 1 have
Riven him tor a witness to the peoples,
a leader a^nd commander to the peo¬
ples.”—Isa. 55:4.
PRIMARY TOPIC—Telling St'angers
About Jesus.
JUNIOR TOPIC—Barnabas and Paul
in Antioch, Pisidia.
IC—Early Victories of Foreign Mis¬
IC—Paul's Preaching and Us Effects.
I. In the Synagogue at Antibch if
Pisidia (vv. 13-16).
From Paphos Paul and Barnabas,
with tlieir companion Mark, went
northward to Perga. Ilere Mark, foi
some reason, perhaps because of hard
ships, went back. He was ready to
go again when they started on their
second journey, but Paul would not
give his consent (Acts 15:3S-39). Be¬
fore Paul’s death he testified In Mark's
favor for he had found him profitable
unto him for the ministry (II Tim.
4:11). From Perga they went to
Antioch in Pisidia, and here they en¬
tered the synagogue on the Sabbath
day. From tills we see that though
Paul was sent to the Gentiles, lie die
not depart from the order of begin¬
ning with the Jews.
II. Paul’s First Recorded Sermor
(vv. 17-41).
Tin's sermon Is worthy of careful
study. In Its analysis we find four
1. Historical (vv. 17-23).
In this section we see how Paul,
in a conciliatory way, led them gradu¬
ally through a series of changes in
which God had dealt graciously vvitt
them, finally giving them Jesus, His
(1) God chose and exalted the
people (v. 17).
(2) He delivered them from Egyp¬
tian bondage, and led them through
tlie terrible wilderness (vv. 17-18).
(3) He destroyed the Canannitish
nations, giving their lands to the Is¬
raelites (v. 10).
(4) He gave them judges ns tlieir
deliverers when distressed by sur
rounding nations (v. 20).
(5) After they had selfishly chosen
a king, He rejected the dynasty of
Saul, and chose David, a man aftei
His own heart (vv. 21-22).
(0) Finally it was God who from
David’s seed raised up unto Israel a
Savior, Jesus. This demanded proof,
which is given in the next section.
2. Apologetic-id (vv. 24-37).
That this Jesus is the seed of Da¬
vid and therefore the promised Mes¬
siah, lie proves by three lines of argu¬
ment :
(1) The testimony of Jomi the Bap¬
tist (vv. 24-25).
John disclaimed all power as their
deliverer, and pointed to Jesus as such.
(2) The prophecies of Scripture
were fulfilled in their rejection and
crucifixion of Jesus (vv. 20-29).
(3) By His resurrection from the
dead (vv. 30-37).
Having proved Jesus to be the seed
of David, he proceeds to follow the
doctrinal teachings growing out of
such proof.
3. Doctrinal (vv. 38-39).
The great doctrine derived from tills
proof is justification by faith, the very
marrow of the gospel.
(1) The ground of justification Is by
Jesus. He took our place as a sinner
that we might have His place as sons
(II Cor. 5:21).
(2) Who are justified? Those who
believe in Him.
(3) From what is one justified? All
sins. The one who believes In Jesus
Is freely forgiven. His sins are all
blotted out. This is the missionary
message for ail times. May we strive
to get our pupils to believe on Him.
(4) Practical (vv, 40-41).
The application of this sermon was
a warning lest the judgment spofeen of
by Habakkuk should fall upon them.
III. The Effect of the Sermon (vv.
1. Many of the Jews and proselytes
asked to hear these words again (vv.
Almost tlie whole city came to hear
the Word of God tlie next Sabbath,
rids great crowd incited the jealousy
sf the Jews.
2. Open Opposition (vv, 50-52).
Tills jealousy could not long be re¬
drained. It broke out In open oppo¬
sition. The persecution became so
violent that Paul and Barnabas were
axpelied from the city. Tills persecu¬
tion was answered by Paul’s rejection
of the Jews and his turning to the
S. Tiie disciples were filled with
'oy and the Holy Ghost (v. 52).
Jean Paul Richter Said:
“The life of Christ concerns Him.
;vho being the hoiiest among the
mighty, and tlie mightiest among tlie
iioly, lifted with His pierced hands
•mpires off their hinges, and turned
the’ stream of centuries out of its
thannel, and still governs the ages."
God Must Lead
Water is the greatest necessity of
ife, though God must lead us into
:he wilderness before wo understand
t.—Evangelical Teaches
Castoria is a pleasant, harm¬
less Substitute for Castor Oil,
Paregoric, Teething Drops
and Soothing Syrups, espe¬
cially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signat^e of
Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it
Large Beaver Fur Sate
Tlie largest beaver fur sale by the
government game guardian’*
for some years past was
through a few years ago, when 21(5
were sold to Alberta dealers.
average price realized was $12.73,
the top price in the lot was $100
three particularly fine skins.
National highways in Panama are
improved and an Increase in
number of automobiles already is
Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years..
Accept only “Bayer" package -
which contains proven directions.
Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablet*
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggist*.
Aspirin le the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Xlonoacetleaclilcster of EallcyllcaciJ
As Many aWoman Knows
Ordinary exercise, even the hardest kind of housework, is often insuffi¬
cient to relieve constipation. Now comes “inside exercise,” the new¬
est thing in medicine.
Feen&nmt ® Ohe Chewing Gum
is put in chewing gum form because by thorough mixture with saliva
its laxative ingredient surpasses any results pill, tablet or liquid can
produce. You’ll love its fine mint flavor.
At druggists, 15c and 25c
Ancient Dispensary
About 4600 B. C. a public dispen¬
sary was established in Egypt, tlie
medical attendant for which received
tiie equivalent of $500 a year for his
services. This was at that time about
times the amount received by *
Says the Deacon
Money isn’t all; but is comes so near
being all that we’re not disposed
find much fault with it.—Atlanta
Faint heart often wins fair lady—
a little nrtful assistance on her
for burns ready
the cuts. painful It quickly throbbing stops
and hastens healing
Guaranteed strictly highest quality 1925 manufacture—
invariably analyzes mere than 41 Co arsenic pentoxide.
less than % of one per cent water soluble arsenic and
more than 90 in density.
Recommended as highest quality obtainable by Georgia
State Board of Entomology, who purchase from us years
ly by contract several millions of pounds. ^
You Take No Chances With DELTA BRANDI
* Wire or Write for Particulars ±
MEMPHIS, TENN. (Southeast Office. Atlanta. G«.>
Island Population Density
England, Japan and Java are the
three most densely populated large is¬
lands in tlie world, and Java, prac-i
ticnlly the same size as Cuba, hasj
over ten times as many people.-Sci-l
ence Service.
No matter how careful you arc. your sys¬
tem needs a laxative occasionally. Wright’s
Indian Vegetable Pills help nature gently,
but surely. 372 Pearl St., N. Y. Adv.
Insomnia is responsible for much of;
ihe imagination and eloquence of the
Boils There's quick, positive,
relief in
At All Dra$gistA~w-Mon*y back Guarantee
LETS, chicks and eggs. Write for prices.
Nichols Farms. Box 1919, Atlanta, Georgia.
Do You Want to Earn Money
in Your Spare Time?
We require men and women to sell
higrh-class, Underwear low-priced line of Rayon
and Pure Silk Hosiery, di¬
rect to will wearer. buy. Big commissions, All
women Excellent proposition.
145 W. 30th St., New York City, N. Y#
Agents Wanted to Sell Necktie* by malj
from mill direct to wearer. J. P. Quinland
Co., Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
Pint Tm-Blu Writing ting Ink; SeU-Tbreadlos
needles; time Pack Package _
save and eyes. eyes. either,
dime. Liberal agents' agents' proposition, proposition. Val. . preml- ]
ums. Investigate. Teasdale Co.. 8a nuh, Ga,
er3 for acreage nge in in Florida. Florida. List List yours with
us today. today. SOUTHERN REALTY ft INV.
CO., 805^ Tampa St., Tampa, Florida.
Sell Spanish Lace Shawls, Scarfs—Newest
colon* from manufacturer. Big opportunity,
substantial profits or commissions. Kraus
Textile Co., 352 4th Ave., New York City.
Agents Sell 50 Gasoline Govern nor» on single
demonstration. monstratlon. Cuts Cuts car operating expense
over nr half. Free sample to agents. L. F. Kel
ley, , Ft. Scott, Kane. Money Back Guarantee.
N. U, ATLANTA, NO 28-1925.