The Farmers journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1888-1889, January 23, 1889, Image 2

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Bruin at Bern®, Every oua immediately asso ciates the mention of Borne. Zwil zorland, with hears, says the Bal timore American. The coal-of cirms consists ot* Ohe of these am mala, and everywhere and on ev erything they appear—in stone and in wool, carved aiul painted, and alive in pits, where they have been maintained at the expense of the government from time imme morial. Fountains are ornament ed with bears; if the fountain it self is not a bruin, one is sure to be found in the vicinity. A statue of Berthoid vonZohringen surmounts a watering trough, and by him stands a small bear, with a sword hanging by its side, and acting the part ot helmet-bearer. Sunday afternoon the entire pop ulace, old and young, dress in gala attire and visit the pits. A double row is formed around tKb railing; each person purchases carrots or bread to throw the pets, whose elephantine-like gambols provoke shouts of laughter from the sur rounding' multitude, They real ly are most musing animals, A deep tank is in the centre of I,ho den, and while we were present a regular wrestling match look place between two hoary old fellows, in •which tho great struggle was to throw one another into tho water. At last one succeeded in giving his opponent a thorough ducking, and then sat on the brink eyeing his defeated adversary, his head on ono side, and rubbing his im mense paws, apparently with the greatest enjoyment. . Ono of the lookevs-ou declared that ho grinn ed and chuckled, but serious doubts may be entertained as to \ the veracity of that statement. Quaint and Curious. Some on is su\s that an cleefr'n cur rent will show whether or not i; horse is snl'Vinij’ fn-ru Inu Ehoes. An 13 .giithtnan uncmly sta'el in court on married at tie ago o' 1G because he was out of mirk. in on- td fi-n Ivulis.ri quasters ir. New \ otk a shrra can now be had for thr.-e cunts. Must Italians wear beaid The greatest number of patetsu is poedbi > v bofoea the war was 4,819. Since 1861 the number issued has reached 21,2 33 in a single year. A Georgia lover, when ?a usstd by b’fi etlu'fd, whipped ones rsZ>r &;id kited off oee of her eats. After litis li'ile affect) 3 a oh a concluded she would L,j-v" him. Erakemen’s Slang, The brakeraan gives the prevail ing tone to the “society” of dis patchers’ lobbies and other loung ing places which-lie freMuente. He originates whatever slang may be deemed r.cce:' o aisy to give spice to the talk of the caboose and round house. lie calls a gravel train a ' Just evpress, 1 ’ and refers to the ■ ■ anp lor compressing air for the rti>w9r*brake as a “wind !cni'.” The fosaic hhvs are lightened j ‘■v being pc'ot'c.-iiv msmioaed as the! uaadlicg of black Gli meeds, ?.rd the mortiScation ef being called iato the ■ ; perintandent's c!;. v to ex id a; c- sortie and( r - iic :ioa of duty ir d?=-tuised fey rj v to the rp : so-> r-' '‘iandnjr oa cures t. M K em arkable Team of I\orses. George Fnrnsworlh of North Brulgton, Me., has a team that is worthy of notice. Mr. Farnsworth teams grain from South Paris to North Bridirton, a distance of fif teen miles, making several trips a week, besides doing other work with his team at home, The fact of interest, about this team is this, Ihe united ages of the three horses are eighty-two years; the leader js thirty-two, and lie has been in pos session of the owner a great many years; the pole horses are each twenty five, and Mr. Farnsworth has had them for the past seven- teen years. They are of Morgan blood, and in the days of their youth few horses could out ride them. The throe are in good con dition, fat as work horses ought to be; are almost free from hiemishes, good eaters, apd seem good for many years of service yet, A Faithful .Servant. A lady living alone in Maryle borne, London, England, with very few, if any, friends or rela tives, was fortunate enough to win the attachment of a servant, who stayed with her fourteen years. If turned out, when the will was op ened, that the lady had left all she possessed of to the favorite domes tic, fitter her death, on condition, however, that she should visit her grave and spend at least ten min utes in every year during her life. I he fortunate legatee’s friends liv ed in tho North, near Carlisle, and she returned to them. She fulfils the terms of the will, however, by coming up the last night of every second year to London. She goes to the churchyard ten minifies be fore twelve, Her visits to the grave ar® thus made every two years, and yet conditions of the will are kept.—New York Observer. Boy Bullfighters. Itw:b, perhaps, be hardly credited that at San iSebsstian, Spain, bull fighto are arranged between child to -1 readers of 13, 14 and 15 yews old, and bulls of 2 years. Thsso small Spaniards, dressed in pictures que cos tumes, brave death for the cuke of far nislsmg the crowds with an amuse tnetii, and actually prefer the danger ous li;e and applause they receive to wot king at any trade or going to school. It is sickening spectacles wit nessed by thousands of all nations, i *- ded, theie are far more French an! English present at the chiltbeu’s bull fights than there are Spaniards. It is between lour aadflve hundred j eers since coffee began to be cul tivated ia Arabia, nsd for a 1.-ng time is produc.ioa cad. cocsnmptiou were confined to that country aud Per sia. It seems last there ar? now only rJu.b-GO Germans iu Franca, less than hsif the aam bar that iivad there in fers the Franco. Prussian war. .More t' an o o-third of these are quartered ia Parrs. Georgia, haukt, Co.—- J. Carr hiiij >b ino form applied to the under tissue. for Utters of adtruoigtratioo on tfec f- tate of Mary J. Elrndricks. dec’d Kcd 1 will fa-a upon did ?-p plication tin tbo ast. Monday ia Fqlkusip r-.'Xt. G'vee under mv bend and official- sig-- nu.arv I, ]88‘; T. F. Hili, '•' ' 4,r O dicary. Hair Heyleeted Soon becomes dry, harsh, coarse, unit full ol dandruff; it loses vitality ami turns prematurely gray, or falls out rap idly mui threatens early baldness. A careful U cessing daily with Ayer’s llnir Vigor best preparation for the pur pose—-will preserve the hair in all its luxuriance atul beauty to a J?oo<l old age. “ My hair was failed and dry.” writes Mabel Hardy, of Delaware, 111., “hut aficr using only half a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor it. became black anil glossy, 1 cannot express the gratitude I feel.” Frederick P. Coggeshnll. nookseller, M Merrimack St., Lowell, Mass., writes: “Some six or seven years ago my wife had a severe illness, in consequence of which she became almost entirely bald and was compelled to wear a wig. A few months since she began to apply Ayer’s Hair Vigor to the scalp, and, after using three bottles, lias a good growth of hair started all over her head. The hair is now from two to four inches long, and growing freely. The result is a most gratifying proof of the merit of your admirable preparation.” * Ayer’s Hah Vigor, Prepared by Hr. .1. C. Ayer S: Cos. Howell, Mass. t>9ld by Druggists aud Perfumers. hegal Notice*. GPorgia, pinks county: —Whereas J C. Wado and B. E. Lord, executors of James Wade, late of said count}', da ceased, has applied to me in terms of the law for letters of dismission Irnm said administration. Three are there lore to cite and admonish all concern ed to show ctiiise at the regular term of court of ordinary of said county, to ho held on the Ist. Monday in Febru ary next, why said discharge should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature November 2nd. 188S. T. F. Kill, ordinary, 12 w. eherifl sale! There will bo sold before the coutt house floor in the town of Homer, wifi: in tiie legal hours of rale on the first Tuesday iu February 1889, the follow iDg property, to-wit: Oao hunched acres of land more or less, pari of tbe Thomas Mize iraek joining lunls of 13. l fl . Brady and Elizabeth King and others, levied on to aatisfi four fi las. issued from tho justices court of the 1210 distrist G. M , in favor of P. F. M Fair, and against Charley MeMii ian and P. \. McMillan, levy made and returned to me by J. A Sheridan. Wiiten nodes g.voa in terms of the law. ABo at same time and place will he sold twen y four acres more or less, ad j iaitsg lands of Joseph Parsons' i\ B Grilfio audotheis and known as the Parson place and pioporty of the and r ed ant. 'Wtiten nonce gira i'*a eefand aat in terras of th® law, sal sold to satiety a fi fa against tke *l#femiaut ad ia favor i p . s’.p'arr. Lew made a ad, returned to by L. P. Hardy, T. 0 This Dan t'.* >► iKt IS. 35 svv. F. fel. hfmt.l v.C. Georgia, Tanks Oc.—Pur**at t* ao ordisref tt k onrt • ordinary *i sard eok sty, vdil be m>A i Ist. lue.-i.iy ia IfVi I*s% tu i it* < #art ho-rse door in sifij souwiy ..the legal hours o! salt?, tie belt; <- itig to tbac6tit of V. F. A A4 ah, ae tot or t;at It-ui i.r tid ebß, Ituovcr- as No. 1, tSo>tti*i 125 rates on which ietho dwelling Ki;d Lite u-ei dtiico of said deceased, adjoining lauds of A . L. Giifiiu as.l D. 11. Messor; I y *ot No. % containing sixty acres ad joining lauds of Chambers' and A. L Griffin. known as the Brown house and lot, lot So. 3. <fc>ntiuiag 113 urn* and j rir.-iog Iyds of Win. Bowliug nod D. F Seales, lot no. 4, co attaining 114 rcros. a (joining lands of J. li. Rcb and Win. Biwling. Lot no. 5, c< and • aining 43 seres abj -ioiug land.-, of JD 11. and the esta e' o‘ F. F. A I'i-eh. Lot no 6 containing 30 acres j adjoining lands i E <J Ildt-y and .1. j h,. iircb, said iar-.d to be sold as the pi ope tty of the estate of ¥. p. A Rich, I dcfe.ifc-ed. Terms eu-h. This Jars.. 2, ISSO. J. H. Brooks,bdra’r. 35 SV. ATstarehus of Saicos maintained,' 260 B. (J,, that toe earth turned on its own axis and revolfad about the s\jn, which doctrine was held by his coa tcmpoi-aties a> so absurd toot the fiiiil osepbet nearly lost bis life. A Wes'lt’H Sitpttii cjg lFr<*e! FOK BIX GOOD FAaSiLIISE- Seud yonr name and the eaten* and ad dress ot five of yoer neighbottt tr friends or* a postal eero and pet Jrco for yotmelt and each of them a epeoiraea copy of tho CJrent Woeltly, ’5 li* Atlautub'otiKiituiiou! our three bntnoruua wtitors, Uncle Rernti.'s word, fawicn* sketches of the plantation darkey. 1111 A’p's humo ewa fitters for the heme and hearth stone. Betsy Hamilton’s adventures told in cracker dialect. War sioiies. sketches of travel, Dews, poems, tun ao’ ventures, the Farm, the household COT respomfince, a word of instructijd ami entertainment. Twelv a pages. The brightest and best Weekly. Please ev ery member of the family. Send i postal lor a specimen copy, free. Addioss The Constitution. Atlanta G. JOB PRINTING sßs* Neatly done at this Office at low {rices. Come and examine work Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Cards, Pose ere, Dodgers, Tags, Circulars, Moit gage note. Justice Court Subptenas, Fi Fas, Summons, Titlo Deeds, Etc Banks Observer, '1 lioroughly Mensocracic. ONLY FIFTY CEf*ST PEft _— YF AR- __ CHEaPt ® WEfiMU' Paper BUJ THE state. Tho Keproseiatativo aad Only Pa Jjer in tho Countj--iPii'bl’Jslled a,* tAi County Cit;c-Bcvnt£>fl to tho Locs* A.gTlcßXt'R.rn:! and Mvracral Zutex-est OF TEE COUNTY AKB IJEIOMSSOiI TAG SFCTIOMS. AC2KJEKAI. COIL ftES?OA]DEPrOiE 18 SGLICIAEZk IK EVaaY SECTION- OHWAaD j?-aocaassivEis the aiorro or ’*•3*2 OBSmVFß~Adrt*oatJna rigM A Hid wseng. bfit 8 <OB S"iTE3TEDfi E fe 0y SElDVllteld CATALOGUE Bulbs ImnleefTta. fc ROo SJ V? KT by nail .n unplicalton. a u% su boa't neglect wrlUng tor it. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER. N. y, difiCAGO, ILL *23-325 E. lti‘,3 St 10-14 £. OUrk St £• V if are a manfwjivMff If you arc? a tir of business,weak- Wjkriw man of let- D ened by the strain of tor* toiiincr over xnicL and your duties avoid v*/ night work, to res -9 stimulants and use tore brain nerve and | Hop Bitters® waste., tue Hop B# | If you ere 3"vwj? and |fo from any ?n --| discretion or disHijia ;-v t tion ; if you arc mar | ried or single, old or fcrf young, ralfering from 1 poor health or languish Eg in*? on a bed of sick j ness, rely on Hop tu Sitters* ] Whoever you are. Thousands (lie s*i j whenever you leel h v; l ;<} nuailyfrom eca^ | that your system Mf*.. J form of KI and n *3\ needs cleansing, ton- disease that might, inff or stimulating, HftjMJ hvo been prevented without intoxicating, fAk: ■ i by a timely use of B°ittere? P Hopßlttere C.C plaint, disease jiliUlj R?w absolute , of the stomach, Im* 7T irresLsta- ] bowels, blooci. [*] J I Bjblocure for Uver cr nerves /flijlii BjdrunkQxmeaa, ggiis l sii^PsP^ ItTouarealn-i-; .4 j "** *-*-L>- j Sold'.-ydmg fow cpC-ltcCTry • ! # NEVER | Ciltuka-. r j 8 nV 9 U ?'t ”/i |j I HOP nrrnas life, tt hae 1 j j[_ t-i n ’ 7 ’° *■. f paved taivi '.! P Kwtwjtar,n.t. E e * , ort. { mnsfa. Pond far oca. It wM fill too wih astonishment and <Fgh* E if Vim ILV h nYCAU? Y^i 5 (TwiSn'y'Y SSSRSS& WORLD I’F’G CO. 122 Nassau Street, New YorJ ■ ~~~~ . ''it m Ms ‘ s ? 'A • f'-i ‘ \6., ’ ' p ' bio i a f Theifevr O f§ I 3 k n fiDmil American HULL t.H Ula 53Mil is operated similar to the finest French Music Boses and VIjAYX 260 TUNES, from a valla to a hymn, with perfect tune mid iimt*. Gives better satisfaction thai A HUMORED DOLLAR PARLOR ORGAN and fen tunes more pleasure. This Organ Is the per 100 tion of musical instruments and tbo grandest and motr marvellous instrument ever prc- Q A P f) CTI Rf j |OIP sen ted to the public. It play* OMO J J L U lvtUOiOi MARCHES, WALTZES, FOLKAS, JiSS f REELS, Opora Selections, Popular Songs, Church music, as wet as any organ. Nothing grander, or combining so mac; features can he found in French or Swiss Music Boxes, cost ire SKO. WE WANT A 81’ECIAI, A OK NT. EITHER SEX. INEVERY T,OKA ElTY.anc OFFER SIJKH INDUCEMENTS THAT EARNEST WORKERS (A NNOT FA 11, TO MAKE SIOO TO sauu I>ER MONTH. Whet merit got Special Terms ; Price Only Six Ooilars, CHI 6 AC3 © GOTYAGi ‘ omm Efts rtf'tinea a rrfcandar4 of erc*o.'.lc:-:co rrhiofo fcidibit.i *>£ nocciporior. It cuftteiiia every iixspvovvternb u\vcrJ,Sv9 fioiilvic, tklll cAid LiCiaoy ten prod lice. * *. • N Trr-V‘i . EV4d-:4 :! V-; f*:-}f, tv •? • , ‘ij 4 IT'.A, 4 -1 fi r • - v ' . • ■■ - • * ' • : 'jr V . i V 3, ''if: ' t sand G XTS, ATT 13 Sit) fV’*" S-L. _W w .U.ii These Crgsua rjrs celab/aitir! t voS ntno, quality nX '-01:0, yaict variaty ■ cotaJUn&tion, lu-tistie <tvaign, tn.M-.ijr 1,1 fcujtfe, pc;- teetoosataaKiM >, crrJ x'nm the : Attrcer ivo, omiwuaifnl i::at docio-liift organa icr hosxt, Eaboc.Vj., etivirobes, . coolotieu, ct-:; btawat?tEr.'i> issiro&fc'pi©:?, B2?SQ:SjAIjKI> V'(V ITk.SITra, jsxsoijfoca Y.', 2.::sv cocenii'-o, itastss tcio wrrw ’r./vstry r w r<~' r \ tn* 'a v.i ihii POl U.4ii£i QiiuAli Issb'assflf.l SaoFa y-i fEtis SfCirb. Caftalosni-a and Prti-c il.'vj, t nsaS t-:i.<uAcd ■■ai.i t.. *. liib-.ii titf. 128 SLUE ISLAND AVE-, C-lffC/.Se, ILL. ■ v ’i / ‘ ' * - ■ , A -.j ’w& k. 'Mks '5 Eii hi MoGt of the diseases whjc!i afiiict j,i-.nMnd fire om -.- Li V : >' , j For aS complaints of this kind, s-io.ii te l<.r>idity j rile Liver, Bii oosnosa, N-erroos Jjjspcpriv. iu.iijp:!. ! tion, Irre*n’.3rity of the Bov-ojs, Constipr.tion, [ !wncy, Eraetatipn* s.ud of tli3 S.—.. .. 'sometimes eaßod Heart! mrn) Minrma, Mhl-n ~ fi-xly Sins, Chills tnd F*v, Broakbcno fV? Eihaustion before or after '£avers, Climuic rises*. Loss of AspetJ!#, Hwdsehk F-vil Bv’rc-.. Irrejcol.-'jitiws inoidontoi f o Feioaloß Roariiis-dov.p Pains. Beet- PVS ftip rt: ••• : t ache, Ac , As, OlM’ilhCil?? Pj=g £!? jj. 1 is inv.-.itirifjle. it is not n psniux-r il l'; f r.l- ■■ ) ■ , b “* s"r Ah'S’S? Kii <jJirc3oejoftiie lsvs;;-, teiJ&gia STCf-^ACr!sadSSOIVELJ?. •i tho complexion fieri a waxy, yelie-,; t-o a ruddy, hoolt Ay color. It eiitiroiy - orr < Gloomy spirits. It is ono of tbe> kj EST AL TEf R -\TI7.~S a:ic PUKIFIERS’ OF TPC OI.OCO, and Is A VAe.UAuLS TOKW. MRrisrni STADIGEK’S AURAIKTI! r® SPto tv nil DrcsvdKta. Price 3 J .CO s'-sr trttli •su.-r-.crxr?, 'IIX-csmi C.P.3TASISZR, Proprietor, MO SC. PROfJT ST., PifUaOiilohSsj, CACfitAV WA2- & unr.'B roB sirvf.