The Farmers journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1888-1889, May 30, 1889, Image 4

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A Remarkable* Find. A remarkably strange discovery and oiio that is causing Hie thought* I‘ul to ponder over the unwritten past, was made a few days ngo Iry a Frenjli citizen near Gainesville, Tex. Having occasion to sink a well, Mr, Sonina?, the Frenchman in qu*-tion. selected a spot in a val ley near a ravire of great length and whFli, touring heavy rains, is transformed into a raging torrent, deposing in the valley limestone, gravel, mud and other debris. Af ter reaching a depth of four feet, and while in a fonn&tien o 1 lim i stone gravel that had continued almost uuintenq tedly from the sur lace down, Mr, Somms came upon the vertibiio and ribs of ail animal. The ribs wer® about the size of a small pig’s and rapidly tapered. Carefully unearthing the bones to ward the taperi: g end, Mr. Somms came to the rallies, which, when collated, numbeied seventeen, the largest measuring six inches across. Attracted by the strange find, the neighbors ga hered in and tne work of unearthing the monster of other ages was prosecuted with vigor. After br ing bare nineteen teet of the remains ot the monster of other limes, imagine their con sternation at finding the entire skeleton of a man ©f a tremendous stature, in the sl( mach of the skele ton of the snake. The remains ot the man and serpent, so far as the serpent has been exhumed, are as perfect as when first denuded of ilesli, and were doubtless covered by lime and gravt 1 soon after death. Near the bones • f the man’s right hand is a rude stone hatchet which a local geologist of some repute stakes to be sirni ar to the handi work ot a pnlcoli hic man. lie Fought With Fremont. Those small boys who were aware of the fact were greatly ex cited bv the arrir al of the Pluto In dians from Nevada to take part in the Fourth of duly parade. The Graves from the Sagebrush State boarded two carryalls which had been provided P.r them and drove off to Agricultural Park, where i hey selected their camping ground Mid started to t repare their even ing meal, the elements of which Nr. Pucker had thoughtfully pro vided. At midi ight aMercuryre j-resentalive, ;;<•< ompanied by Mr. Pucker, paid th< m a visit. A tire was burning in tie centre of a glade i round which were lying the In dians on straw and wrapped in their blankets. However, at a sig nal from their chief, Capt. Sam, a .'me, stalwart fellow of six feel or , the Eticn arose, fifteen in all, :>nd squatted around the tire. Be si ts the big chief, there are Capt, ii'ison, who sports a peacemak e - medal of silver with the insciip “Johnson Sides, from Stock ton fair, .1887;''' Capt, Bill, Ole Trochee's only surviving sen, who wears a Blaine badge, and the old chicd, Pancho, a man about ninety years old and blind, who wears a Mexican Veteran’s badge engrav ed “Pandro, Guide and Interpreter California Volunteers” It was elicited through Capt Johnson, who acted as interpreter, that the old man had served under Gen. Fremont as scout, being with him for over a year. lie, with two oth er Indiansof his tribe, one of whose names was Ole Truckee, and ten Walla-Walla Indians, remained with the general all throngh his wanderings. Ole Truckee died in Nevada tram erysipelas in ISG3, the other Pinte dying after the treaty at Los Angeles ot consump tion, Panchi did not expect to live long after the campaign, as they had a pretty rough time, hav ing taken part in two battles, the first light taking-place a little this side of Montcry, in which not many men were lost as the light did not last long. Then they pushed down towards Los Angeles, which city had been left in charge et the wo men, as the Mexicans had come out to meet them; but taking the wrong road, Fremont’s troops arrived at Los Angeles, where they stayed two days. But before they got {here a heavy storm overtook them and all their horses and cattle were killed, with the exception of a few Indian ponies. After the storm they were joined by some regular troops who brought with them stores of ammu nition and food, which they were very badly in need ot, and they all entered Los Angeles together, after which the treaty was signed and there was no more fighting, Pan cho gets a small pension from the United States Government, which is not enough for him to live ou properly, and he thinks they ought to give him more, and also some clothes as he is very shabby. How ever, he and the rest of them like the whiles very well, they say, as Gibson, the Indian agent at the Ne vada reservation, treats them very well. Tie said that when he was leading Fremont the Walla-Walla Indians held a council to bid him farewell, and told him when here turned to Nevada to tell his braves not to steal, iirink or fight, as they bad all united to beat the Mexicans, and they should not quarrel among themselves, as they might be want ed to help beat them again, which, he said with great fervor, ,l W@ are ever ready xml willing to do; and I do not regret my connection with Uncle Bam. Axd, now we are Baited, I want to see my people of San, Jose, and I can die happy.” There are fif teen braves, two squaws and three pap pooses in the party. The Jri;st Wooden Clock. E. A. Fer.n, in the Allegan, Mich., Journal, tays: “About the year 1800, there lived a sort of indolent, thriftless, unpromising young man by the name of Pit Terry. Ilis birthplace vras the same as mine, Plymouth, Ct. Ho sought the ham’ and heart ef Miss Warner, wag bitterly opposed by her ftiends on account of his inability to support her. Mies Warner was either a sister or a cousin of the late Mrs. Friend Ives, an old resident ot Gun Plains, and grandmother of Leon and Fred Okie heater. The Warner-* were solid old Puritan stock ac-d despized laziness, but, act withstanding all op position, they were married, set up housekeeping, and esou destitution and want was shoot all that seemed visible tor iuinre dsys. Eli h’ and no visible mesas of support, The lest Remedy For Dyspepsia is, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Other medicines may Rive temporary relief; but Ayer’s Sarsaparilla makes a positive and permanent cure, as thou sands cau testify all over the country. “My stoma ’’y-cr, and kidneys were in a disordei condition for years," writes It. Wild, of Ilutto, Texas, ‘‘and .1 never found any medicine to relieve me, until I began to take Ayer’s Sarsa parilla. Less than six bottles of this -remedy cured me.” Mrs. Joseph Aubin, of Holyoke, Mass., was for a long time a severe suf ferer from Dyspepsia, trying, in vain, all the usual remedies. At last she began to take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and only three bottles restored her to perfect health. “ I have gone through terrible suffer ing from Dyspepsia and Indigestion,” writes C. J. Bodemer, 145 Columbia st., Cambridgeport, Mass., “ and can truly say Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has cured me.”* Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos., Lowell, Maes. Price ;*)! ; six bottles, $5 ; Worth a bottle. but spent his tion sitting on a stump or block, whittling out a circle he struck with an old compass or sawing off bits of wood from some dead trees, and thus day after day his time was spent, and the general impression was that he was crazy. Want pressed so hard in the h >me that the wif*, by ur gent entreaty of her friends, had about made up her mind to return to her pa rents’ home, when the fruits of Eli’s whittling and sawing materiilized in tho first wooden dock ever made in America, and, I believe, in any coun try. It was readily sold to a neigh bor for £3O and paid for in pork. Hour, potatoes, other family necessities and a little money, with which he bought tools to facilitate h's work ia further prosecution of clock making. A noth . r and another was made that sold readily as soon as coinp'sted. The Vcot lathe and small fircular saws were added, then men were employed, (Jocks more tardily made and eagerly sought after, and E i Terry began to ;ecuEu!ate. In the meantime hs had mad* app'iientiea for letters patent up <*n his clock, and about 1802 cr 1833 built :t small shop and commenced im proving on bis clock jnd construction of machinery an! tools and the founda tiou ef a vast fortune vras made which materialized in after years. Notwith standing his unbounded benevokncs, he became very r’.eb. Ha died about 18-15, at the advanced age of 85 years, beloved and respected by all who knew him, leaving a large family, of grown-up hoy* and a number of grandsons, all very wealthy, and all living at Tarryville, Ct., controlling nearly all the wealth of the place, whioh was invested in largo manufac tories for clocks and locks. It is wor thy of note that not ©ns Terry is left in that region and all tbeir interests a<d investments have scattered or gone into other hands. administrators sn!e, Georgia, Banks County.—To all whom it may concern: W. J. Murry, adm’r. of William Murry, dec’d., has in due form applied to the undersign ed for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of said dec’d., and said application will be heard on the Ist Monday in July next. May 27, ’B9 TANARUS, If. Hill, Ordinary. Georgia, Banks County.—To all whom it may concern: A. H. Crump, : dministratix of F. G- Crump, deo’d., has in due fona applied to the under signed for leave to sell the lands ba it. aging lothe estate of said dec’d., an and g"id application wi 1 be heard ob the Lt Monday in July next. May 27 th, 1889. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. By the plague which visited London ii 1665, no less than 68,596 persons are raid to have perished. A Wock'i RcadiaG 8- FOE BIX GOOD FAMILITSS- Sond your name and tho name and ad dress of five of your neighbors or friends on a postal caret and get tree for yourself aud each i t thorn a specimen copy of tha Great Sotuhern Weekly, ’I lie Atlanta Coaatii tiihni! our thiee humorous writers, Uncle Remus's word, famions sketches of the plantation darkey. Hill Aqj‘s humor cus letters for the home and hearth Btone. Betsy Hamilton's adventures told in cracker dialect. War stories, sketches of travel, news, poems, fun ad ventures, the Farm, the household cor respondence, a word of instruction and entertainment. Twelve pages. The brightest and best Weekly. Please ev cry member of the family. Send i postal for a specimen copy, free. Address The Constitution, Atlanta Ga. Patents, Caveats, aud Trade-marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for moderate fees. Onr ot ace is opposite United States Patent office, aud we can secure patent in las.* time than those remote from Wash imgtoo. Bond cdel, drawing or pho to., with description. We advise if patentable or Pot, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent secured. A pain phlet, ‘‘How to obtain Patents,” with names of actual clients in yonr state county, or town, sent free. Address ' C A- SNOW & CO opp. patent offic-*, Washington, 1). C, JOB PRINTING £S~ Neatly done at this Office a’ low [rices. Come and examine work Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Cards, P:>st ers, Dodgers, Tags, Circulars, Most gage note, Justice Court Subpoenas, Fi Fas, Sammons, Title Deeds, Etc. Not ace. Notice is hereby gives to the citi zens of Banks and Jackson ecuntier, that a bill will be introdued in the next Legislature, entitled, “A bill to prohibit the sale, manufacture and de livery of any spiritous, vinous or malt Liquors within three miles of Mt. Bctbul Methodist Church, Banks conu ta, Georgia. 2 8w Notice is hereby given to the c’ti z-ens ot Banks county that a bill will be introduced in the neJtt kgislature, entitled, “A bill to pr -htbit the sale, manufacture aud delivery ot any epir itous, miaous or malt liquors, within two miles of Grove Loyel Baptist Church, situated in Banks county. Ga. SIBLEY’S S#TESTED*|fI| iEDo SENO'*“'!!lutntil CATALOGUE Vegetable Vlo iei\ *fiel<i gy fey Plants, Bulbs Implem’ta. vGS kw &u> nor w? *“ sra r“ by .call in application. E" Sn! Li. Don’t neglect writing for tt HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL 522-32S E. Bala St. 12-14 S. Olatk R. ...- If you are a in.'.:, i 1 you are a V*RN’ p of Dusinesa,-¥.eak- \Axbjf man of let ecofl by the 3train of fcifaS terstoilmffovorm.d -your duties avoid niglit work, to res; Ftinrulants and us 8 |W tore brainnerveano Hop Sitters. §1 waste, use Hop B. If you are your: fir end ® suffering from any !n --dlscrotion or dfasipa M| tion ; if you are mar ried or rinsie, old or Kg younft, suffering from poor health or iansuieh K InK on a bed of sink aefifi, rely a hop® Eitterc. WTiopvof you are, Thousands dio 9^ feel a nuallynom BOV that your system ,3 form °f .tt id n.eV rf- r, da cleansing, ton- disease that miKht. iun or etlmuiating, e have been prevented vi’thnutfcdosrfoa4# ! Hbya ueeof take Hop Hopßittere Bitters. / ; N : , _-sr Have you dys- / A'f, , M pn>3ln, kidneygffag&ss&spid D. I. C.l ornnioMieoKvKS “HBlfs an absolute sc: r ttry art, M. and irresista o. the,l (j. fu f s SA L|bloearo for ' o't.s, 610a,j. jT Pdrunlretnese , ‘ ' :cr 01 ntr.’vjs .11 ■ ueo c v opium, You will bet® UJTTr'nCiK tobacco, or e -rod if you use md!, ilii f Liil'ii nareotica. flop Bittersjas- ft!! if n,)| II you sim-r.y U* St Ll-li ; Boldbydm?- *rlv -,,-e ak andi,,&■ l(r\'rtr kieoi. finirdfor iowsi,'kittd,tTy|<ffl: NiVuit Circular. jt 1 - r.uayiiiy’ r- . ■ Horßirrmss er.vcd hun-Lp.a , Bocbo-ttr, z. v. CJ;‘tusi '*s*4 — —<k Toronto, Oat. Moot of the discaeofl which Afflict mankind wvo o' in aUycausikl by a disordered condition of tho L.SV '\\ For all complaints of thin kind, wnch ao Torpidity the Liver, Biliouauei'S, Nortons Dyspepsia, indiges tion, Irrosularity of tho lionals, Constipation, Flat i - Eructations and Luroizift of the {Stomach 'sometimes called Heartburn), Miasma, Mniari... iloody Flux, Chills and EVroa, Breakbon® Exhaustion befor® or after Fevers, Chronic Diar rhoea, Loss of Appetite, fcfeadacho, Foul Breath, Irregularities inoiilenUl to Female, Boaring-down smmuiiß is Invaluable. It in not * pane con .h*r tJI Cl but 0518357 all dlooaeof the kSV£R, um STOMACHandSOIVELS.. if changes the complexion from a witty, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely reraovta love, gloomy spirits. It fa one of tho iMIIiT AL TERATIVES and PURIF3ERS OF TUX BLOOD, and ia A VALUABLE TOWIC. at ■zasnnmgr. 140a ao Jt STAESIG ER’3 'AURANT!! Fat Bale by at! Druggists. Price Si .00 per i.-o Ufa. ■BtMmeuxvtcwiDAflsaßM C. F.STADiCEK, PropriGtcr, !4Q so. FRONT 5T.. Pi-Uadalphla, PlMltMffiiwl rn 'OO MI 010 A ,o.C nstjiV OP’r.S P aos tt’O'D )ua* 5! I ll ®- 41 noi il nqSIOP yua JU3BJHS|UOJSII gtwu uo.f [gj giar jj -eao ioj paeg -o|sma rn* sasva aaAiiva A'l'iuaixavaa u —-rr-, - n ‘SJBiiGfl xis Ai'JO aoud -tujsvujopjo noi! # *>m *ll2*olß a.T OXOOI3 BMVIB f ikiAiva jASMSVi) saIMHOM xsafims £.B Bvtix sx.vawamMiNi h >is utaao o “*AXi'iv.)o r i mi *xas taanx 14 ’XS39V IVIiMUH V XKVAV 3A\ *o>tS SS-OD ‘saxoa otsnj< swt*y ** uj panoj sq two sJn|wj SEfe&g'y* lawn os ufuiqu:o .*9 ‘aeputua £uiq)o£ s y''•*£*££ ;•*.* eb ‘oismn qoxnqa ‘sSaog aiado t i ‘saojioaps 'oisnwQ3yovs *01(1 JI rwuiuajtq snonoAjrw Iq. \ • orw pun oqi VH *ju.->ninj(oT( poivtim jo aorj w JL. *.*; osjjodompi u2jo 8ll lX 'Mflowid worn MU’.ll noi ptie vv> y* r :1 Vi q 7 bi;> u>>);<bjk||B9 jenoq coAif) ’OUiTlpnaouhi jOfRJod -'ft. • L’T- ■ qifM ‘anilq o; n;t:Ai moij ftOC fiAVl*! A, fc, fZ-v-vCN\v'V r \* r^ ptro owniq qauojj; fseuy t>\ *Yq mm mim CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Haa attained a standard ot excellence vrineh fedmits of no superior. It contains evory inaprovomont that in rent! v a gonins, skill and money can produce. ca mnzs.Tr SB BAXTT32Q so fivb EXCSZ mxmscmFKffaLßT /'.A v }— ’ • 1 - 1 *’ v^ur^rz. These raoellont Orrcais sire oeiebrited fen- vol ume, quality of quick response, variety c? combination, srtlstio design, beauty in finish, *-••-• ?- font construction, making them the most attruev ive, ornamental and desirable organa for ht®iau echocls, cliurchcß, lodgsE, societies, eio. EISTAr.IiIS SEErt RE PUTATIOJi, msSiiZfAS.Eli' FACIMTEES, ©IiSXaXZi: WOKSiDISST, 1: .A.-.'A .vs A'.’s'l*..*.. A-, courar;,u;ri, maiib nans fHI POPOLIR OSSIS SsSjTflcßen Escks and Plana Stools. ahd Price Lists, on a.pp!icntioE, VT.SG. CIH€ASO GOTTABE OB6AfJ 09. S3! SLUE ISLAND AVE., CIiiCAEQ, ILL.