Newspaper Page Text
i'jio I‘ursonlTold tlu> Congregation
!u a rural district of Georgia.
vt hose inhabitants think more
aiicil linrir poultry than iheir pi
et\. 1 found myself, one star lit
nielli, the guest of a quiet house
hold, aninuded al thi,-: time !.•; two
vihii.jug young ladies from Ala
bantu. Modesty and a natural wor
shipful fooling toward the sex for
bid my saying that those sun-kiss
ed maidens were freckled-faced,
pug-uesed, r unable to spell‘hat,’
although this coulu bo proved in
any justice’s court.
1 had simmered nay conversation
down to monosylables—and this
wat- by no means difficult—and was
smoothly discoursing on the rela
tion of an owl to wisdom, when
the violent ringing of a neighbor
tig church bell announced—not
lire as I supposed—but that a good
brother of Primitive persuasion
would edify the people by proof
positive that what is to be will lit.
even if Gabriel’s trumpet launches
time into eternity a million years
before it happens.
Ia having to escort these little
it:non Hits over to hear this process
of lung development, I was like
•Jit man wilh Ihe elephant in not
knowing hosvf o manage my charge,
but very unlike that relic of some
fellow's wit in Ihsl my task was uoi
courted, but compulsory.
Having discussed for half an
hour ‘ the blue tangled wild wood"
which begin our path and it®? rela
tion to love and moonshine, we ar-
rive at. the consecrated spot where
■•Inoil nature's sweet restorer, bal
mv sleep,” was to be exerted in al!
of its midnight serenity.
The house was crowded, the
lamps shining brightly with
washed chimneys, lit up the dusty
ceiling, frescoed with the mazy
webs of tlie industrious spider.
The wild September wind whis
tled cheerily through the mud
chinked walls; the faithful watch
dogs of fanciful masters zealously
guarded the portals, and all save
the pro verbal church baby lent en
couragement to the scene.
The hymn that followed the open
ing prayer was being sung to the
time of a werd-a-miuute as we en
tered and eagerly looked for a pew
in the .row of fashion. Unsuccess
ful, we wended our way, with diffi
culty. to the deacon's comer, where
we were sat el y ensconced after hav
ing made an apology as long as you
can recoiled for unwittingly touch
ing the pet corn ol a choleric gen
tle man in calico pantaloons.
As all things are destined te end.
ilie hymn was finished.
Then a venerable old mao with
alpaca co.ti and sleek velvet trou
ser? which had defied the violence
of a thousand storms, advanced to
a stand v _ eh had ills appearance
of an cm lash toned rabbit
placed o: ; pedestal and received
Iho sacred i -mo of pulpit.
The i Arson wore neither vesf,
cravat nor co mr, bn! to * fire ol
hjs eyes, the curl of his bp, his re
n.rizxled ben: s <"J firm set m .‘Uth.
itokened.. an earnestness which
dial.i'll vd res;ami.
Announcing his text from the
15th chap lor ol Isaiah, ho coin
mu need his sermon with trio evi
dent intention of- P-ausling <w< r.v
lhome in tho Bible, r.o: coniaiiiv l
iii the passum' read.
Beginning with a voice as low
and measured 11l beacii bealinu
waves, his .tune grew louder and
still louder, until the thunders of
binai would have scorned Jiko. the
faint echoes of a squirrel's bark,
when compared foil,
lie viewing the history of the
children of Israel wii,h technical ac
curacy, he gave numberless reasons
why their selection as the chosen
people war. purely arbitrary. Ha
showed that infants are condemn
ed to eternal punishment by the sin
cf Adam, bui are sometimes saved
by faith—not their own, but the
fait!; of Christ, of which they know
Hu then proved that the plan of
redemption includes a favored few.
while the countless many are for
bidden to complain of being dooru
ed to ruiss eternitA r in a brimstone
w *•
lake in accordance with aseheme
preconcerted before ‘lie morning
stars sang together. He declared
that education increases crime, that,
free liquor tends to morality, that
refinement, inculcates to vice, that
it is more important t® wash each
other’s feet than to give bread to
the starving.
lie contended that millions who
spend their throe score years seek
ing an entrance at Heaven’s gate,
will be at last compelled to
<ji as ii their gums, to weep anu wail
in biirnin’ lako,
While darn’d devils war and yell,
Chlined to a stake,
While a few moth-eaten, con
scienceless souls, will be 'washed,
against their will, in the blood of
tile Lamb, dragged, as it were, by
a self-acting seine from the lag
goons of humanity, made as pdre
as “fresh blown roses dipped in
dew,” and stationed at the right ;
hand of the immaculate Saviour to
bask forever in the glory of His
With ihe volume of an hundred;
muskets and the monotony of as j
many saw mills, that stentorian i
voice placed its emphasis at regu- j
lar intervals, without regard to
sense, sound or construction of sen
tence. Ithadali the discord of a
Chicago on fire, with none of its
sublimity; and added to this was
the most violent action ever seen
outside ot an amphitheater. lla 1
this pale cheeked martyr ot anti
nr.afttd opinion been fighting tiger*
in African jungle, he could not
have moved hia arms more energet
AVitk head thrown back, knee
slightly bent, leiL hand on his hip
and right hand-winginglike a bra
en-hinged gale, .towprds the four
winds, he seemed a perfect piclnre
0/ thunderbolt hurling Jove after a
({iiarrsi with seif-willed Juno.
Words fell from bis lips like rain
du.'ng the flood, while grains of sense
were as to find an twigs helots
the to;ty days were ended. His eyes
•*i ; Lit r 1 •: ■ fcet-v-'ed, great (hope
J ran do /. a bis beard like July
:nt .is.-i'T ovei ihe .‘-idee of a well filled
Hit l 1 av6i ß S
Whether by land or sou, who aro
1’;: .I.- U) lie out nf reai h ilrug si.him
hi.. 1 ito ■:. v. nulil i!o \\ 11 liave. ,v
sa,- 1 ■ i\* of Ayiwo - I'ills at hand. For
tins |,ui|.o i', ilio Fills are put up in toy. as '.'.'.11 as boxes, and may bn
i-otivunioiilly carried in olio’s pocket,.
t>: \ of the most distinguished physicians
of Syracuse, N. V., in giving their joint
testiinoi'.;.' as to tho excellent medical
c(imbniut.ion of Ayer's Fills, malm this
1> .ini Tlicir beautiful coating of gela
tino and sugar is a great advantagi;, in
that it protects them from change by
time or climate, and renders theta pleas
ant and even agreeable to take.”
“ ] luring the t wenty-live years 1 liavo
hived on the frontier,” writes John
MrDownll, of Sweetwater. Col., “Ayer’s
Fills have been my best friend. I have
lived, mostly, where there was no do -
lor within twenty miles, and have been
hard side several times. 1 always kept
Ayer’s medicines on hand, ami with
them, and the Almanac, have pulled
through. I have also doctored others,
and believe I have saved some valuable
lives by the use of Ayci ’s Fills.” *•
Ayer’s Fills,
Prepared by l)r. J. C. Ayer A Cos., Lowell, Maps,
Sold l)y all Dealers in M( dicin' .
■ rgia, minks county: — 1o ah wb>m
i may ronesrn: Mary E. lveislcr, ad-;
mioiptratrix of l.bmry 0. Keisier, de’cil,
has in Hue lonu applied to tho v.ndei
sigae.i for leave to sell the lands be
longing to tin l , estate of said deceased,
and said application will be heard on
the Ist Monday in Sept. next.
This 30 1 ■ ‘ Inly 188 P.
Hill. Ordinary.
.■-•hvi-.ti i' asst ie.
Will I'M sold on the Ist Tuesday in
O Sober next at the court houro in
Unnks county. (Ja., within the legal
hours of sate, to the highest bidder,
tor cash the following pioperty to-v/it:
One fourth interest, undivided, in three
hundred acres of laud in said county,
bounded as follows: adjoining lands oi
W. A. Martin, Samuel Segers, Vv in,
Keesttr. Sttmuol M Her, Mrs. Crump,
Wm, Ward and Wm. Moss, the whole
interest containing three bundled acres.
Said land levied ori as the property of
Parlhena Weils, to satisfy an execu
tion issued from tbe 21st district. g. in,
Franklin county, in favor of J H and
T C Vickory against Partheua Wells.
Levy made an<l returned to me by W.
M Pool. L. 0. This 2G h day oi
Vug. 1889
Vv. A. Scoggins Sheritf 1) C
Publisher’* fee*.' $4 32
As the futy of his .real seemed enL’*
less, ih men, weak disciples that they
were, begun first to nod and then to
snore; and soon the good sisters —ah,
right unbearable! Had followed their
e X Aim ;da.
One of my partners lowered her
head like & man on a dtunk, then hi r
roseate, auburn tresses fell dishevelled
over her fair brow, her dimpled chin
dropped on her snowy bteast—she was
lost in dreamland.
Glancing around, I saw that thoughts
of Moses and the Lamb had been dissi
pated by the god of sleep. The whole
congregation said by their actions:
‘•Farewell, world; Morpheus, receive
otar spirits.
All the lawpa, save the one behind
the parson, bad shown tliat they were
filled with foolish virgins. The neigh
bating coeks heralded midnight, but
that good brother vriil; hi,? bag-pipe
performance, continued like a sonor
ous fog horn, bfotvn by a never ceas
ing wind.
Mv oiher companion still refused to
surrender, abhough it. was clear that
most of btr body and one of her he;
were fast asleep. *Bur with an adroit
ners worthy ot a patented gymnast,
she swung that nHoping loot ever the
other. Bravo giiil Fabled Minerva
was not rn ire cooragooas.
I looked round arid neiield a fcenc
of i'aradiae lost. Bur the nit nister iietct
out against darknesa and a k lee pi rig
eougregti! ion until the swift whit sing
! -..- of Apollo’s huimuf-d, as
doxology, the annouDeeiuent or the
c.'niirg dawn. Tne night was fin jib
ed. — Claude N. Bt-nutt in Atlanta
A Week’* i nii JVc-td
Sotul yoni name and tbe name and ad
cb'"S“ of five of your neigh hots or
iriea Is <:-u a postal card and get
If,.', inr yourself and each of
them a tyieciniou copy of the
Ciirejut Southern W .
't he a tliißtl a Consist niioit’
>nv tlitoe hnusoi’ou-'. writem, t uc-e
Remu- ‘s v.oid, farnintia sketches of tb a
ptamatiou darkey. Bill A r p‘s hnntot
ur. letteis for tbe home aud hearth
store, ller. v 11 1 rn i 1 ton • k adventures
told in ct'wker dialect,. Aar s : foies,
sketches of ir.avel, news, poems, Urn ad
ventures, the F.uru, the hou-eboid cot
reaponduuct', *a word of instrnctiin and
entertainment. Twelve pages. The
brightest mid best Weekly. Please cv
cry member of the family. Solid <
po.’tal tor a sr.Mcimen copy, tree.
AddiessTut (Jonstituuon, Atlanta Ga.
-j-s uents, Caveats, and Ttade-tnarkt
£“* obtained, and all Patent business
conducted for moderate fees. Our ol
dee is opposite United States Patent
( dice, and we can secure patent in less
time than those remote liotri Wash
in , with description. W e advise it
pel rut a bio ot not, tree of charge. Our
fee not due till patent secured-. A pact
phlet, “liow to obtain Pateirs,” with
names of actual clients in your state,
countv or town, sent free. Address
c A; SNOW & GO-. <
opp. patent office, Washington, JJ. 0,
/Neatly done at this Office at
low i rices. Or me and examine work.
Fetter Beads, Pill Heads, Gar is, 1 ost
ere, Dodger*. Tags, C rcn’ars. ->lort
gage note. Justice Oourt Sitbjx enae,
Ft Fas, Summons, Title Deeds, Etc.
suit for S>ivox*-*<-!
KurilV Florence Shore Libel for Di
vs. ' voice in Hanks
John A. Shore. j Snprv'or ootm
Match r f erm ISS'd.
J t appearing to tne court by ihe re
turn oi ihi* shenlf in the ah ve stated, that the deft, does not reside in
said county, nor in the state, and it
fun her appearing that he dm s not re
tire in this si :C e, and by aU’d.vit that
hg resides in the state ol Mississippi,
it is therefor* < rdered by the court that
service be perfected on the dolt, by the
publication of this order once a month
tor tour months, before the next term
of this court, in the Faimrt Journal,
a newspaper published in Banks e<u:n
tv, ueorgia. This ill day ol Match lfc.VJ.
G W. mown, Libellants Attorney.
Grained, m. l. uutebins, judge s. c.
A tiue extract from minutes ot
Haney superior court, this May 1-1,
1880. 1 L. A. Tmk, clerk,
C-, rf HYr'yAVOßTris^rJ
w AffAC-riMS "
CHpLCu-L. .._y. A TLANTA.E fI CAL -
G. P Boosmjj Famiture Cos Gaines
viiio. Gcuj Si a
jf% I R Wlf 1 j®%
fe-V>••••; - ;u,S s EOi %
® Hi %.
% Y'-*?* y,-
,c\ c-i, c p.— y vA
BJ v'i Vfi L-i-r" M L>. V'!
•- ■ tc M M %-i }
k ... j & Liz Mss#
St' : : T iMrcd CfiTMGcUi
Vi .Jfa'iie b’lo OT. ■•'!••'<( (U* t* art. I-M
Zmiif. Bulbs [ue'lern'is. f- rv r*t>
> eji '■ vy u.Gt m wpiU'-attou.
If* g'' : y.i, ilor'c netrloct writing for tt.
Ik LVi St. IMiiT.C. frF.
* and %I? aff /Av
- ■ m
-- p . ADjr, .' 'V '
■■ f i^dy’/y
.' > 'l-iSfS'. '= ,li;
Si 8 £| &M’? |
of thf iliw'Wi which aillit b ir.nnkina
iilly c.vjcd wriditl- nof 11 •LfV ?' •
For 01 complftintH of tiiis kind, h i’-rj.* i.;
ID i ivor, Biliout nces, Norvous TANARUS)
ti *ll. lr:ntibrit.v ;f tho Ihmvilj?, C -A.-tv-o*. • ;
hncy. EriiCtiitions aurt Burning ,% f tht -
• . ,od • citU ' 2:2 rtl am), Mi n$
>•. .<.jy Fhix, Chilh-. •trv.! l ov r. IH'. ' lylm' •. •.
Kxh:ia*ti(m befnro *.r afror Vov.m-. Ohv'.. -
rh.ibi. £(••• of AnpotitP, Hi’.’vdnH. o, \ '• --
i. v g . ■ ■ ' I < ‘
l>it ?k s® i**’ 1 ;Hf difleasett of :no t.i v' ?
\,iii n** stomach > Mows .
tf chiiißN tho fr t.i :• ... xy * -i
tin,t -.1 rmi iy, healthy 1. •norel r r
low, (gloomy si-i-irs. It- is tnc .f fh f-iE'il A*-*
ST A DSC E R I S A 'C R A N 7'
For eaJo by ailDregr-daos. Pric* $! .OO per . .
cmrA** w s-> mtm— • -
C. F.STADiCEft, Propristo r .
140 S3. FRONT ST,, Pa.
- American ROLLER 0 R Li A N
w: - ffi'.'M'. -s --- tsv o* is r.ucrateil similar tr> the finest French Music IN'iCs and
®S, M. ' j>j \ VS v(iO TANARUS( V BS t from n wait* to ft hymn, with
- pi-rini mm mu! •.■■• • •: ipUi
* V‘ * 1 >ij> ffc A HUNOREO OCULAR PARLOR OflCAh
k :• T vl \ ;• - '.'W'am: rsrsa V.: T;;:.vr,;nTA,
tv- v v'ffi- ‘ S I ; . . SACRED MUSICj
f&St&ri ET>J ll •' FA - >/£•■■ - ' “L-* . -sS-'"'---C Opera F.U-ctims, I'optilnr Bmgs, Church nu.-i.-, r, ; , wl
Xyj ■ y :: , SL>G-'Xcihi;.;. f r#i.Jer, or comlpmi..-r so mens
**■ -apl-o ‘ -i~ia fcui ' r : If ■ n*-li ~r .-wi- >no L'.'tf
■ .-IV.- e-iffcr*'?-'. -MO wk wwi * scpriv i agint.
MOo'iAU,--- v k^- , <S?e-VO'soo - a-SWSffSS Ms* Oiiir Si Collars,
J t-b so ... !n UEAUTIVVT.TiY CARVKI* CAKES Witt g,-rul for on.' It will fill yon etfh aon!shmM> anfi m-gu. I-' y-o. w rn! ir e C.O.U. send " ,en j■
<s*s> ($ *1 Gj ff%. jf\
K# H § v A m v
aatt fit f+s
|f% %fk I ts
H. 13 attained n. standard of exeolleneo -n-hi(£i
admits ot no-Biicoriov.
It r-oniaius t-vory improvemeut t-liat mventj©.,’
gonina, skill and mcnoy cun produc;-.
Mil.l I II "•'■Si
oua w7Euy -
imiM&tm war
-13 -vbr-n-..- ..vA-:.raivtkd
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combifiaiioid.. -.vti a. >, bc-utiiy in Cm oh, por
te'et istmcfcio . ■ h 1 tb ost atti 1
i VO, ( *iT; iD'iCtl tL: ii „Iml 'J.C Aiftlb’O OV.2JIHS fol' UCA^USji
EchoolK, churcL. -ii. lodges, QOHictl. vie.
ESiTAß>.?.*•;:<.7.v:KEii : - .''i'ATlU'-S,
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•;> •.*.
coirr.r-’.: and, l: .*22Xb
w.iw pnpytt, K P ’rr> fr *y.
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Cfitalc;’!.-'.,.... ucd PriceX.:si„, ?:i ■/ . I; ...'L ’. :
vi’r -.f.ri fir v, •'<! m? •’! />,'
Oa-i'd.:'.! u-ifi :!in- i/.'v'i’.-s vJi
831 as. a ic-LAfiD a;e.,
f ILL.