Newspaper Page Text
[Entered at the Summerville postoffice
as second-class matter.]
> Publishers.
JOE W. CAIN, - • • Editor.
Twelve months, (Cash) 11.25
Twelve months, (On Time) 1.5 v
Six months. (Ca>h) G 5
S x months, (On Time) 7[
Three months, (Cash) 35
Three months, (On Time) 4<
The columns of The News arc open
for al! to express their views upon mat
tors of interest to the general public.
All articles recommendin> r 3 : ndividuals
for office will be rhargrd for at local
rates. Communications to receive notice
must be aecomjT.rnied by, the writers
• rm: not for publication unless so de
dr<nl, but as a guarantee of good faith.
No re.jeetcd articles will be returned
unh ss accompanied with postage.
Advertising rates given on appplica
tion. v
All letters should bo.gdkircssed to
'l'llE NEWS,
Summerville, <«a.
Os Oil 10.
Blaine of Maine is home again
In person and sooth; Yet in hi.-
sp h- is said To stay abroad
to truth.
The great steamships which
years ago filled the Mississippi are
fast disappearing. Railroads have
taken their places.
The New York Herald charges
$26,203 for its lowest priced and
SIBI,OOO for Ils highest priced ad
vertising columns per year.
Mr. Wisdom, a citizen of Chat
tanooga, has enjoined that city
from isstteing SIOO,OOO in bonds in
exchange for stock of the C., R. A
C. railroad which by a vote of three
to one it agreed to do.
Right Rev. Samuel S. Harris,
the second Bishop of Michigan,
whose death in London was men
tioned in these columns two weeks
airo, was born in Chattooga county
Sept. 11th, 1811 and graduate!
from the University of Alabama ii
1859. He practiced law live years
in Montgomery, Ala., and thei
drifted mirth, where he entered the
church. Perhaps some of oui
readers remember Mr. Harris or th<
family of which he was a member.
August last was a month of cas
unities which began with the cre
mation of seventeen victims in the
Bower-., N. Y., death-trap and wa
continued by the drowning of near-
Iv one hundred and twenty passen
gers on the steamship Guiser, tin
killing of eleven persons in tin
Marx land cyclone, the drowning of
a. number of Ohioans and Pennsyl
vanians in the Hoods, the loss ol
thirteen lives by the foundering of
the steamship City of Chester, th<
deadly mangling of nearly a score
of people in a paper mill at Nee
nah, Vi'is., and a fatal explosion a
Braddock. Pa., during a grand army
parade. Add to all of this the out
break of tin yellow fever in Fiori
da and it will be seen that Angus:
has been an unusually fatal month.
The opportunity offered Chattoo
ga county to advertise herresoyrces
to the world at the North Georgia
and Alabama Exposition to be hole
in lime in October should by n<
I me; n~ b - neglected. _Sachnchanc
will :at occur again s.* >n and it i
“ of th. greatest imp rtanoe to th<
& p-.•!•• rity of the county that i’
JY si:- ■! l>e taken advantage of. AV<
all know what is needed to mak;
our county the richest ami mo.-’
pr > giorous of any in the State—
and is capital. But capita
comes not uninvited and at a tim<
when every section is strainin;
ever, nerve to secure investors i
is useless to expect to keep pace ii
the grand march onwald withou:
united and intelligent effort. AVitlj>
proper effort Chattooga can lea:*
the van. If l’: Om DO other consid
eratioa county ; ri !e should promp
every man to do his best, and if al
will do this it will be
be-l. ami Ciia'.toog.i's best,-it don
matter in ■■hat field, is the best in
the wo- hi.
The t line is < Imri., but tin n i
don t tn ■ i imtto ?.":; always to do
ft l! i::g r .•• ...: r .. 3 to do i’
. nor docs it take her be-* to win.
She need do hut one llii :g to
the s!.<•'!■> prize o i:i; —U” try
, " XX ■
To Candidates.
We charge $5 for announcing
candidates for office. When a man
announces himself he wants as
many to see it as possible. The pa
per that has the largest circulation
is the one that does the most good.
We make the assertion that the
News has DOUBLE thc'circulation
of any’ paper in Chattooga county
and our subscription list will show
it to bo true. Our books can be
seen by any one who disputes the
At the court house last Tuesday
a large and enthusiastic meeting of
the citizens of Chattooga county
was held to discuss the advisability
of making a gland county exhibit
at the North Georgia and Alabama
Exposition to be held at Rome, be
ginning on the Ist day of October
and ending on the 13th of the same
The meeting decided unanimously
to make a display, and a display
second to no county in North Geor
gia. Chattooga county can do this.
She has resources, unequalcd by any
county in the state. An earnest
appeal is made to the people to act
in this matter.
A committee was appointed in
each raalitia district of the county
to work up the district and receive
articles from the people to makeup
the county exhibit. The following'
is the committee appointed:
A. J. Lawrence, Chairman.
Committee appointed to solicit
Trion—J). F. Allgood, J. M. F.
Myers and J. E. Hall.
Teloga—C. D. Harper, and R. T.
Alpine—R. Wyatt, A. J. Law
rence, AV. J. Jennings.
Dirtseller—K. R. Foster, B. ().!
Smith, R. AA r . Jones.
Coldwater■-—J. N. Taliaferro, C.
I. Holland, A. A. Strange.
Seminole—J. T. Weaver, Esqr.j
Ragland, A. McLeod, J. I’. John
Dirttown—O. F. Perry, AV. S.
Kilgo, J. T. Roan, R. I). Jones.
Haywood—N. A. Jackson, A. J.
Subligna—Dr. Clements, M. M.
White, AV. A. P. Lowe.
Summerville—C. (’. Cleghorn, J.
I. I’. Henry, C. D. Rivers, Doug
Wheeler, I). T. Espy.
The plan agreed upon is that the
people in the various districts shall
select of their crops, the best sam
ples of their produce, corn and cot
ton either on stalk or gathered.
Wheat, rye, barley, clover, grasses,
peas, potatoes, or any very fine
specimens of iron ore, manganes,
marble or any other minerals the
country may produce. And in
woods of various kinds. They are
requested to bring the best speci
mens to their district committee.
Every man and woman in the
count}- are earnestly requested to
act in this matter. It will cost the
people absolutely nothing. All
they have to do is to furnish those
things to the committee. Then the
committee takes the things
in charge to ship the various arti
cles to the exposition and fit up the
A big item in this display ought
to be made by the ladies of the
county. Premiums are offered for
•verv household article. The best
sewing machine machine work, best
Main sewin, crocheting, best fancy
vork, best preserves, best pickles,
best winos, and last but not least
best babys.
For the girls under 13 years of
ige*-: Premiums for the best home
nadc stocking, best aprons and pin
Missions and quilts. Hasn’t Chat
,ooga county as smart girls as any
•ounty in the Slate? Can’t they
ake these premiums?
Men ami women of Chattooga
:ounty, an earnest appeal ;s made
;o yon, in the name of your love
for your county to rally to the help
if your district committee. The
uterest of your county in in your
lands. You can let the world
know what are the resources of
, our county if you want to. The
Sews earnestly appeals to you to
-to'your duty.
An Efficient Officer.
The following arc extracts a
ettcr of Comptroller AVrigffts ad
dressed to L. R. AVilliaTns„foimkii-.
tax collector of this county:
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 20th, 87.
Deai: Siu:—l shallregVet to lose
you from the list of Tax Collectors
as I have always found you prompt
and efficient. * Your state
ment is one of the neatest I have
received rttid was correct.
Very Resp’tly yours,
AV, A., Comp. Gen.
; „ -
U’"/. " A
I Ctk
I- - *
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Trion News Items.
Mrs. Martin, wife of John Mar
tin who lives in AValker county,
near Cane creek, died Sunday
morning quite suddenly, as was
supposed, of heart disease. She
leaves a husband and six children,
the youngest of which is about ten
days old. She was a sister of Mr.
G. B. Myers of Trion.
Mr. Sam J. Shaw, who has been
a salesman in the store of Trion i
M’f’g. company -for a number of
years has accepted a position as a
salesman iu the store of Mr. R. F.
j Roberson near Trion.
C. J. Hogue and wife left Mon-:
day to visit Mrs. Hogue’s people in
North Carolina. Thcw will proba
bly be absent as much as two weeks. ■
Mr. D. P. Ellis was with us a few
days ago in tae interest of the ■
I Washington Life Insurance Co.
; There will bo very little fodder
| saved this season on account of the
'continued rainy weather.
AVilliam L. Landers, who lives
: above Trion has had a severe at-
J tack of fever, and it was thought
for a while that he could not re
-cover, but I learn from Dr. Myers;
; that he is somewhat better now, and
I will with careful nursing recover
his health.
i Air. Gus Stiange moved to Rome
-this week. He and family went
down on the early train Tuesday.
N. 11. Coker.
Resolutions of Condolence.
At a regular meeting of Chat
tooga county Farmers’ Alliance
held August 21th, 1888, the fol
lowing preamble and resolutions
were unanimously adopted : AVhcre
as it has pleased our Heavenly Fa
ther to remove from our midst our
late brother, John J. Barbour, and
whereas the intimate relations held
bv our deceased brother with the
members of this lodge, renders it
proper that we shoul 1 place upon
record our appreciation of hisjger
viccs as a brother and his iqtrits as
1 a man: Therefore be it resolved by,’
this lodge that while we bow with
' humble submission to the’will of
the Most High, wc do not the less
mourn for our brother, who has
been called from his labors to rest.
Resolved that in the death of John
J. B. rbour this lodge s a br< Ti
er who was always ready to succor
' the needy and distressed : one xvho
was wise in council and fearless in
action; an honest and upright man
‘ whose virtues endeared him, not
J only to his brethren of the order,
but to all bis fellow citizens. Re
solved that this lodge tender its
“ heart-felt sympathies to the family
and relatives of our deceased broth
-1 er in this their sad affliction.
’ Resolved that these resolutions be
1 entered upon the minutes of this
' lodge; that the Chattooga News
and the Summerville Gazette be
requested to publish the same and
that a copy of them be sent
1 family of the deceased brother.
J. T. Hendrix, 1
4- Bod “ Sks ’ -Com
i J. A . ,AA, (
Swrnl. )
*’ CarsliMW at Laredo, Texfas, to be
1 erected by the Mexican National
f railway, will cost
, Gale Chilled Plow,
S. AV. McAVSortfr.
AValt Henley is quite sick with
typhoid fever.
' Mrs. John Rush, cf Subligti; .
died last Saturday night.
.’ <'apt. A. J. I.ittle, of'Rome, was
in .town this in the interest of
J the Rome Exposition.
■j! Visiting attorneys.: Solicitor
I Clements, v v. H. Dabne> L. A.
-’Dem, R- A. Denny, Hal AVright,
3 (’. Rowell, J. I. AVright, Seab
AVright, of Rome; 11. P. Lumpkin,
! F. AV. Cg-paland, J. G. Hunt, of La
j Favctte.
There are various subjects that
might be handled that with a prop
er amount and quality of argument i
would advance the interest of ourj
cause, There has been agreatdeal;
said that is lost, because the degen
eracy of a country depends upon
the efforts made to check the disas- ■
trous result of its ignorance, then
why not become informed, why not
use the God gifted authority that
stands at our command, that stands
in sight—yes in reach of every man,
woman and child of the universe?
- Peter Cooper, the great philanthro
. pist of New York, had the most
I discouraging elements in the struc-
■ turs of human success to confront
him,/yet he succeeded. AVhat gave
hinf Success? His iron will. Suc
cessfully intelligent, we can and
will be equal to any obstacle in
cident to the life we live. It is
with us. AVe talk about the ill
used farmers, we talk about mean
men and what they are doing for us
and we say drop the syndicate—
spending our time in such specula
lions, allowing the rising genera- |
J tion, upon whose shoulders the
safety of this government soon
. must rest, to wallow in the green I
' pastures of foolishness which will >
' ever blotch purities shrine. I want
gvery Alliance man to ferret out
cause of all our unpleasant
misunderstanding. Sly holiest
convictions is that if they were con
densed, we would liave to give the
' singular form and say ignorance
, the King.
Now Mr. Editor allow me to
a little on our Duck Creek Alliance
which is at Chattooga church.
Come brother farmer and help
. ’swell the tide, Help us and help
yourselves and families. There j
will be several elections this year
,! ahd let us weigh well before we
' cast our ballot and support men
' who we know arc in sympathy with
; the farming interest. Listen not
to the administrations of politi
. chins, but presurtie to know your
own business and act accordingly.
■ Wc hope it can be said in the end '
. that no man has been in
fluenced bv a hftitu of barbecued
mutton or a cheap lemonade but
( let .ill as he thinks his best
interest demands, g
The members of Duck ■'Creek'
! Alliance are all in the same
! Haven’t a single contrary one i
, among us. Brethren press on the
i battle. The harder the battle the
Sa eeter the victory. Those no de
men who drew up th'.i declaration
.I of Independence in 1776 for the
. i support of that declaration, pledged
Ito each other their lives, fortune
i and honor. Jf onr leaders who rule
in the government would only quit
being controlled by the capitalist
to get their honor and influence,
we would not have much class < g
j islation. All the gifts arc to the
r , rich, the Bible says he that taKeth
from the poor or giveth to the i ;-Ti
sli.-ill come to poverty. AVe notice
that our senators who are not ciec- i
ted by the people, voting $250,090 I
from the public treasury for them- ;
selves to visit Paris in 1889. We |
see them voting Airs. Garfield .
000 of the peoples money and $5,-
'IOO per annum that now her income!
ts-$25,000.per annum, it is time to,
stop and ask how long before we ;
will have the aristocratic title art-,
ded. You see our congress mem- j
bers will tax the poor and to the j
rich equal rights to all special fa
vors to none is what /Alliance men I
ask of the political officials of ourj
governiiHi:t. H- B. DiCksox.
Married at th§ residence of tliej
brides parents in Chattooga Co. Ga '
Sept. 2nd 1888 by Rev. T. Ifr Thu- j
inons Air. Dawson Al. Strasge to
Miss Maggie Huie.
AVanted —ten hands to work in]
timber pay ever}’ Saturday.
Five weeks now have elapseil
since you hennl from me—live long
! snmnier-j.lav weeks, and no letter
j for Ihe'TlK'vs from this place. Oh ’
i what a pity that the readers of,
I yo-ur valuable paper should be left!
■in ignorance of our visitors and ;
' visiting, the good all-day sing
ings and many other such matters
I of inestimable value and interest to
everybody in this and adjoining
■ counties. Wduld have written
! prior to this time, but have been
! o!f from home for several days.
Since my arrival, two deaths Itti'e
[ occurred here: A little two year
old child of Mr. Cicero llarper’-w
■and one belonging to Mr. Tom Lit-
I tlejohn. Doth died of Hun or,
cholera infantum. The bereaved,
have the sympathies of their many '
friends together with the writer.
The protracted, meetings are |
about all over here. There were
i tolerable good meetings at all the
churches, with some accessions.
Road working and fodder pull-
I ins are the topics of the uiiv with
I the people here.
Cotton has begad®! 0 open. Some
I have begun to piekymd it will soon ■
|be on the markyt anti’ we trust at 1
I a good price.
I There is some, talk of building a ,
I new school house here soon.
| Some sickness still prevailing.
! Our esteemed friend. Walter Gnen
wootl, who has been conftned with '
fever for several clays, we are glad.-
to say, is convalescing.
I Mr. Tom Cannon has two sick I
children. (
Mrs. Pierce Pursley, of whom. I I
made mention in my last, we are |
glad to say, is able to be up again, j
The old gentleman,Elijah Harper
who has bvc-u sutfer'ing with cancer
I for a long time, is very loif. and is i
not expected to live many iiay»...
The Farmer's Alliance is still
progressing finely. It numbers 11
now with some appli a.tions lor
membership. >
Miss Lula McWhorter, a ciiacfc,.
| ing young lady, who has been- vis-J
' iting relatives here for some* timi-f
' returned home a few days ago.
left Several admirers.
Miss Alice 11 n ■livid is at! i ling'
the Walnut Grove High School.
The Macedonia grav-yr.rd lias
■ been inclosed with barbed wire.
Johnnie Brown.
> And Fahy Succeeds by His De- j
ternrined Demolishiaent
of Dig Profits.
Perspiring under the pressure of I
I increasing patronage, dajted with
. the delight of prosperity, driving!
the wheels of trade ovef p. smoth and :
guilded track, commencing the new
' season in a blaze of tering glory
■ Fahv is the guiding star for square!
, and honest dealing. 1 hen i- no
discouraging obstacle in this path 1
to impede the progress of hi- snap
■ ning business. He has made an
-1 I cient methods yield to jgoilcm ■
thrift. He is a live manor t,n
period, a living miici uw bn- more
I business. His st.ica is lig.intic.
. Buyers are always delighted and
i lookers-on sttrpri.-ed when they
| visit his hive of industry. IL- has
immense bargains lor yon in new, i
■ stylish and seasonable gimils. When
in. don’t pass him by.
■ Children will /rccly > Dr.
'■l. Mel.: nn's Tur'W'm- !. .’.nsfß dm ;
! uniike cough syrups, L eout.ims no
I opium, will soothe and heal any d:s-
I ease 'if tile throat or lungs quicker
' Qiaii any omer remedy.
In Chicago 1,000,000 map® are
made each year.
Pedons who lead a life of expo-
I sure -‘.are miOject to rheumatism,
i neurr.Win an i lumbago and will find
1 a valuable remedy in Dr. J. 11. Me-
I Lean’s Volvanic Oil Liniment;-it
wiil'bauish pain and subtine inllam
i mation.
I At Erie, Pa., a well has been hor
ded 3,500 feet deep.
Mrs. Francis Drummond, “Nee”
Henderson, was born July 12th,
ISI3, in Abbeville district, S. (’.
She made a public profession of
faith in Christ in the 20th year of
her age, and united with the Mul
berry Baptist church.
After her marriage to Aaron
Drummond, moved to Chattooga
county in 1815, united with Pleas
ant Grove church —was a member
of that church until 1861 when she
moved to Poplar Spring church of
which she lived a consistent mem
ber until her death on the 2ml day
of September, 1 ' ; 8 •!.
Her d nth was sudden. She ate
a h arty supper, an I went to lied.
Her family was arrous- d by a. call
from her and in a few minutes she
was dead.
She never spoke after she was,
taken so violently ill.
Some time ago she had an attack j
of bronchial trouble, and since that
1 time she has told her family' not to
grieve for her when she was gone,
i for she would be better off.
We grieve for her but not like
i those who have no hope, for our
i loss is her eternal gain.
She leaves a large number of
friends to mourn her loss.
Her onlv child,
Mi.-.. M. A. 'White.
From Dr. \V. P Harrison.
Kas •• . Mu;, ..•.! ■!
ha•. ■■ used Sv. Specific iii my :amily
’■' : :',T f,,’. Vn inip'iritiU‘of
■ h >d. i n my wn c ise, I beiiovo ■
I lice. I hive warded oil a severe attack
..; rheumatism in t!ie shdiilder by a tirae-
Ily resort to this ellc. i; ill remedy, in all
I <’a-< s where a permanent relief is sought
t Ins medicine i! ■>■■! f lor a com
! stitiiiimml treatment that l!mri'l:::blv
er** li -at is th< s >ed t of disease from the
Cancer of the I’.ye Cured.
A : N r.-., February 14, !
! The Swift's Spi ciiie <’<>., .Ml.11:1::. (ia. |
i -leniiemmi: Aii '-it ihi-ea years ago, ■
Jerry lirmii v a com, ed man, had a can-1
j eei-eus s-w-on Ilia face, near the ri/iit
eve. It caused him n crest ce::l of pain !
land lie lost i tie sip l:t oi'tlieeyv, l-nt was)
ti-ially cured of the nicer l>y using'!
! S-.vit't ’.- Spcei lie. 'Til is ease is w'd I k >mw:.
in Wilkes gonnty, <t:-.., w here lie lived.
i near ihmiiurg, and of tiiis ease, I niv-
I self had |. -rsmial knmvlcdve.
T.C. l>.
Afflicted With Boiis.
I Swii <'•»., Ailajit;', G;» Al-l
low ’MP *:» s::;.' S. .S. 11.<s proven to
i ;in :is it is r< t •niini ’Hi d to be.
i Abf’iil six v ursii.uo I w.i-. aPb.-ted with
boils./ Tlirvfl.e-iin in IVhriiiiry and
j coiiluntil fill. My body was rov
i prod with i in-corrn pu d n.:i::I us--d
! s. s. nd ■ ’i '< I .iv that I 'ii''
j not h.’-id n sin-le boil shye. s. s. will
;al W;iys do t Iw* work’. Yon can use this
: (•ortiii ati- lor the l:oo<! it niav do cdliors’.
it. W. IJkook, ,
Priny;?, V-.’.-.sbJipjton Cou’ity.
i 'l’r'.-atis <n HI | and Skin di.-'-;iscs
I innilod fn-e.
, Tn . W! i-i’ Co.. Drawer
i Albinin, < J' i;’.
Cli Roles!
! The regm:ir price of llciford's Maga-
: zi:.-. is .pJ..‘'J. Il M ,o or • :;p!i:y i’.-mo-
i ci ip.i- ■.•!!. ! ■•■n■ •h i • ■ r'’adi*ir. Each
. ninnli-. r Isis a < novi i by a pop-
■ a.«ith V» ‘- v. ill son-.l it ali.l tile
I 'i'h. Y • 'fork AVorl'i . n-i
i will both be sent o.a- yar for Th.
"' : ! ? i” yoliti-s and
I <’-jpt'.pi!L-. Hl I{l |I JC ncWSt ;|
'*• novel ! >-. ~ . t ..,,11., ;i -
i'-idth week. ‘ yf ‘
. Any-’ii • w.wiiin j, c-t icl ■ -
i n' or the V, <i;dd v. it?'.::w~
h-.-iii ivniii tA’-’) for the f’Tiycr <>;•>. lor
>: ho latter and i h.-\ ■' ii i I-nt. \-’d! ■ s:
V THE '■ !:Y S,
J SuninierviH's H i.
.- 1 v.:l! !■■■ m .■■ •’ '•■■i-- 1 lie-soil til'
{ b,M S ... ’!' • ••. to’ i !:<• y-iryoso of
. i.l-.c .h: : • aiM <■■;.*■ y taxes I
forth ’ v;:ir 1•.
\ S .. ■. h.'ov.-'nb-’F I, a m anu ■
' *p ..L ; ya, . I.'.th, ?w:v. 1 *p in and i ’<•<•. !
< ;ihv:'-th’s Mill, Xov-lC.b.’.' h.
M- lilo, ( i i. i am, ?<o 1 a . I
Dc<-cnibcr hli a 1.1.
Alo’., Oct /’.or h'- •* n* P
• lb
j '".Tm-T : .(>■■'. I- h, Nov. Sih a m and
| 'T;'".'' o-id'" .V ■ ■md.-r .-..a :-m.
Hidlaml v S! .re, Oct. 11‘lii mm ?<ov. Uli:
i end liee. m a m.
HenlWsyiil!, <>ci. 1-ih e, m, Aov. Ifta
I mid 1 ' ■■■■ T l .:>.
I Now JI. . • Omm'i, f':.l. am.
j VVoalhi -, ■' F '■ !• r m . ,
I l-.-die-i! Irins., near I l'..•■u'.rl■dl:■.
i• 11.... r lli I: m.
I I'Jite.i'.iie .1. Ind m’s. Nor. it p r.i
T .ii ma im la-, . l.sih p m.
' ''ip.■ 'P ’ ;
. a: r. A: I in ■' N o . .1.-1 j> m.
m.idi.'m:., C-l. anil. 22m. and
In.- mH-:- JiiUi.
/ Xi .XPhYmi-l.m.d
’?■ i ll; . n.l I. :h.
■' SSSSuf-.
XATFtmn.'i.'i:!’ .
;nei Xoib dah >•. iio !i-.diu*; every
ii’dwv i.i (••!•)' r, aud.lT-
- o’, runts Uic-ah. T \p-'•<■«:! will
. -V-. a< t-.-’iks for their
-■■p T ■:■ YP.PyiPb:
I i,. h.'m ••••.' F. '■ "m t 'wiil be
I be ( Pe. cr.ibcr -JCtn. r.,.d 1; 1/s :s
--siu-J. as t! :«i’ r< puircs.
V.\ M. J •••UNS’. •>:,
Ta x <oi t :t J oi:-’ . Co.
Thfolowli- the nimmut of
ph-.' ro-.m live fuels in the County
: Treasum, Sep. 1-t, 1838:
! MpPri'l'l'umt '2t7.2-
' Jail fund ■"•■.FJ
I Tot . ' ' ...’ 4i,2fd.:;i
I ■ s
It is that impurity in the blood, which, ac
cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro,
duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which
causes painful running sores on the arms,
legs, or feet; which devclopes ulcers in the
eyes, cars, or nose, often causing blindness or
deafness; which is the Origin of i'im|des, can
cerous growths, or the niany other manifesta
tions usually ascribed to “humorS: ” which,
fastening upon the kings, causes consumption ■
and death. Being tlic racst ancient; it is the .
most general (fall diseases or affections, lor
very few persons are entirely free from it.
By taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which, by
the remarkable cures it has accomplished,
of: -n when other medicines have failed, has
proven itself to be a potent and peculiar
I medicine for this Son# of these
cures are really wonderful. If yoirsuffer from
i scrofula, be sure to try Hood's
“ Every spring my wife and children have
been troubled with scrofula, sores breaking
out on them in various places. M*y little boy,
j three years old, has been a terrible -sufferer.
, Last spring he was one mass of sores from head
I to feet. I was advised to use Hood’s Sarsapa
' rilla, and wc have all taken it. The result
i is that all have been cured of the scrofula,
my little boy being entirely free from sores,
and all four of my children look bright and
healthy.” W. B. Atherton, Passaic City, N.
Head’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists, fI; six forgS. Prcpnrcdonlv
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, ’
100 Doses On© Dollar
Legal Advertisements.
Year’s Support.
HEOIDHA, CliPttooga county:
'l'.) all wl’.-hj; it may <-(»ncern: (*. L.
llaiuey, wid ;w ofW. N. Kainpy Into of
said <-<’;.‘nty, dveopsed, has .ippiied to the
uib-. i i ii-d ibr yo.'-rs suop-u i for her
self and live minor eliihlren from the
I'-i.ii;- (;fs; id deceased. This is to notify
all ji’-'-som; interested; (‘'-editors anil
hpa’. in <d said deceased, the rc
tui n of th*’;?j>!irai>ers setting apart the
i sumo, will be- passed upon at my o.Gice
<m the first Monday in Ocb./b' r next.
This Aug. 31st. isss.
Year’s Support.
> 111O1U HA, Chattooga County:
I'o all it may concern: M. A.
Mosley, widow of John Mosley late of
' said county, has applied to the under-*
1 s'gncd for year’s support from the es
! tali 1 of said d(<-ea;-ed, for hi rseif aii'l
three minor children. This is to
notify all persons interested, next of
kin and creditors of said dcceas-.d, that
the appraisement and return <>l' year's
: support lias been made to this otllce and
that the same will he passed upon at
this ollico on th(‘first Monday in (><-to
; next. This Amxust .’list, 1-ss.
JOHN' MA’l 'BOX, O. <’. C.
Road Notice.
<l' EDIT ■ I *\, ('hattooga County:
To ail whom it may concern: All per
‘ sons interested are hereby notified that,
if no good cause be shown to the cotitra
ry, an order will be granted by the un
l del-signed, on the 4th day of Oct., ISSS,
making a change of road by leaving the
read running from Gilreath's mill by
Watt diison’s house, about one quarter
I of a mile from said Ellison’s house turn
ing to the left through t lie lands of A. lb
; Jones, Watt Ellison, Will Henry and
i Marion Orear intcrsc'ctiiig a tanbark
; ro:,d b-.-idiiig from George Davis’to Vai- ,
i i- i y Hc.ul pear the (’reek of Teloga (list.
Tiiis th. ISSS. I
-B'lN MATTOX, Ordinary. J
Road Notice.
GE iRG IA, C!i;;'. t'-» go County:
To all whom it may concern: All pcr-
s.ens interesied are hereby notified that,
■if no good ca'.isc l>e shown to the < ontra
; r . an order will be granted by the un-
:d‘ i lon tie i'h day of Oct., ISSS,
estl .limbing a new road as marked out
| by road siq.c-i visor appointed for that
I p:i rpo.-.e, com mi nengat th*’ Droomtown
r<> ti m ar B. Cn i< rw<»od’s shop, running
j t to Shinl-ono ridge; thence south
west through the lands of Wil! i larper,
; John S. Martin, J. Martin, John
I A; .'Hgomei-y. David Murdock. J. Lp.s
--o-r. \. J. Seymore and A. J. Ee.wrence,
Inter.- eting the'Papp f'l:i]>road n ar J.
i T. Mai -r’s si-.op. This Aug. 2<th. ISSS.
_ Jf)l! N M A'l’ TOX, <). (
’ s Support.
GEollGlA. Ghaiioog , ..... >>Uv ,
'i’o :i<l wl-om if mav • oricern M .% ..
!' v, of if::. :f•! I llmiley dccca-t <l,
i._ ■. ■ ;< • ! ii:', a year’s support set
a; . : .'.-j - i :!> t . ->f said deceased
• al I and singti-
. lar, n< \t <•: bin ar I creditors of said
Tiilf.-nl ib.-t’.l; to be ami appear at my
. on tii first M-milay in ('ctober
I aii 1 siio’.v cruse, if any they can,
w li\ ■;e s ine- simtiM not be app’oved
‘ an.i imble t In* Judgement of this court.
I Th : ■ .‘.IP 11‘ l the lUt b, I’-'S.
JOHN M AT VOX, O. C. iO’j fcr Guardianship.
i iei' lmr Wiiii) «<f J<! eobiity has ap-
■ :>:•■ i t . til :-Ji to Li-aplH'inli d
zm.: !i.e . f i’a : n and property of
A «a- I/.-. id a mi! ! or under fourlecn
! ve.i; - f : .• , reshibnt of said county:
1;. ! >!■ >. : ,'all persons concerned
foi e tin •: oiir! of Oi-dinm '• at lids offp
•„n J e Mm d.Yv i’l Oet-J -r 1
This Aug. !7tb, D-S.
. ■; \TTOX, O. C.C.
T; X l.c'.y.
<>,. i.. >f i 'ii .. 1-oil 'it v,
: "■ ■ I iw:
l( i< "i ii-u-ii I \ tile loiiirt that 17 < <ntH
. 11: ,,> i.dlls i.n t'lio one bundl ed ilollnrs
<■.• .■■ . .■■■! n’lie t lie taxable
. ■..- fort! r 'be mid i- lieri--
' !. , k tax for said war, dis-
tributed as follows:
■ : i:t.i r geiicrid contit;’fll'.xl.
T. .r . for ".Hiper fund.
10 tier iiiit. for |<til fund.
I'• it is till "'i.r. d llu.i a laxol->
11,.- tax of s.ii.i eouidy .
' . ; . . ...rd fund of s: :I i oßnty.
si| v. I’u- Ji- i I- ■.•oil'.' led llie pn seut
. ye;,,-. .101 l N M.VI Ttl.X, <>■ I'. ('•
Letters of Dismission.
I I .'iFORGI.v, Chattooga t'ounty:
! Wh' .ew, V W Cheney and J A Cbo-
I and ■! li Carver, i.du.uns ira.qi s oi I:
i M C'i< nev, ic-present to ' court in t.ien
■ ■ '' ' a J.lit v tiled, that tin •' !i : w Illi '.v
' i VlUgist; ><d I M ( ii ii' V’.- : B" s
tliei'. forc to vite ad •.u rcor.s • oneei'lei..
i !.< i. s <r< i'.i ' i-. t" ' eause, d
. ' ...;■. lb: . .-ill.. V ir. said ad nun Ist r it. .rs
•, ge.Md be discharged from tin ir au
. I i.,i'i.-.t ial Jin and t ■■ ■ !•>' letters of <lis
; I.I,.:; t! e Moi'.'!.:;, in IR'cin-
1 ! ” r " !
Letters cf A.dministration.
■ (JEi.iK'.il A, Challooga cv. iity:
To all whom it may , i,: ■ ’,Jgi
.■ most.,; lu'.ving in proper ij ' ■;!•! ;<'
to me for nei nim"‘i>i 1t ■' 11 r
!to be crimt'si lheclerk ot <he su-
- >, ■!■■ ,•v-n , f s.ii.iemintyorsomeother
! 5 WX'"-rs-m ui M the estate of
„ ... deceased: This is therefore
‘ dYmid singular, the next "t km
v -T. di'ers of A. J‘»- ?: ' st “ n E'\V‘ 5
;lt m.-oill'em: the first ?.fo.> lay
. <■ next ami • h ?w cause, ii
t ' th’. v V.ltv pernime.'nt letters of
•I ■ dh" istrati'm sll ml ! >."t I"', granted as
;i '' >'r in I ■ lition mi sum A. Jolia-
■ JOHN MATTOX, O. C. C.. * •