Newspaper Page Text
VOL. V.-NO. 11.
Selma, Ala., has sixty artesian wells
Nashville has a total indebtednes of
Six editors will hold seats in the next
Georgia Legislature.
The city tax in Tallahassee, Florada,
is but seven mills on the SIOO.
Gadsden, Alabama, has doubled its
population in the last twelve months.
Georgia’s surplus crop of sweet pota*
toes will reach 400,000 bushels this year.
Wah Hing and Tin Sing, two China
men, have embarked in the grocery bus
iness at Nashville.
Florida is making preparations to re
ceive an unusually large number of new
settlers this winter.
The Georgia prohibitionists have
nominated legislative candidates in
twenty-nine counties.
A meteor fell a few days ago near
Orange City, Florida, killing a colored
women, whom it struck.
The waterworks at Hot Springs,
Arkansas, are completed, and are said
to be the best in the State.
Annie Hubbard, who murdered her
child in Colbert county, Ala., goes to
the penitentiary for ten years.
The Vicksburg Commercial says la
borers were never in such demand in the
valley of the Lower Mississippi as now.
A complaint comes from several por
tions of Florida that the orange crop is
turning out bad, and will be short about
The ashes of a common weed, known
by some in Florida as sickle weed, are
almost pure potash, being as strong as
baking soda.
It is believed that the orange crop of
Flor ida will this year be worth nearly
double that of 1880, which brought over
A V est Indian has purchased ten
acres as ground near Tampa, Fla., which
he will plant in mulberries for the pur
pose of raising silk-worms.
The Vicksburg, Mississippi, papers
complain that, with a population of
from 15,000 to 18,000, they can count
upon but one mail per week.
A cow fell into a pit near Cedar Key,
Fla., and remained there forty'two days
without food or water. When discov
ered the animal presented a pitable pict
ure of pelt and bones, but was still able
to walk.
Dr. W. H Bennett, an eccentric citi
citizen of Meridian, Miss., died a day
*l?™ aDd his e,tate > valued at
$50,000- was left to a negro cook, cut
mg oil his wife and heirs. The will is
10 be contested.
CBrn Crop is the Orgeat
bush i B,j9 ( k and will rea ch 30,000,000
1’ \' e , , e oat cr °P reached 8,000,000
bush?’ n the Wheat Crop 5 - 500 >000
cotton ’ 'll 1 18 th ° Ußht I’oo 1 ’ 000 > 000 bales of
cotton will be raised.
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Prentiss w ’i*i , Bragg ' 18 hl nt&d that
the case . 1 • ** re l«ased on bend, and
a trxai C ° me t 0
4.‘ T "“. twenty
•«» Z*, r,nge trora Un to
i! "l « band J" ’v month ' v " «rS«n
tlu, have l». robjm ' a,,<l th »'
They und ? en gaged in stealing.
< 10 their discovery. They had
aca.eabro. the river wl re Sy dt
Walton SUans.
posited their plunder. These boys are
sons of respected citizens, and had no
object in theiving other than to gratify
a desire for adventure, which they had
formed from reading dime novels, a
number of which were found in their
headquarters—the cave.
A writer in tne Industrial Review
advises the introduction of the bamboo
in the Southern States. Though capa
ble of growing on the uplands, it is said
to be especially suited to and valuable
for low-lying, marshy regions, such
as fringe the South Atlantic and Gulf
States. Its uses are numerous. As a
timber for building and construction
purposes, for tools, implements, etc., it
is well known. As an article of food
its young shoots serve as substitutes for
vegetables, and are pronounced as deli
cious. Bamboo curry and chow-chow
are excellent. The growing plant is
invaluable also as a defense against ma
laria, sweeping fires and cyclones.
Dominie Stimson’s Wit.
Yesterday’s meeting of the Baptist
ministers was opened with prayer by
Father Stimson, of Kansas. Father
Stimson is eighty years old, and has
preached for fifty years. Stories are
told of him in which those who expect
ed to raise a laugh at the old Dominie
found the tables turned against them
selves in the most unexpected manner.
One runs as follows:
Father Stimson owned a good horse,
but the keeping of the beast was some
what of a drain on the Dominie’s pock
et. and he was in the habit of dropping
a hint to his parishioners once in a
while that a little hay would be accept
able. One day a church member asked
him to bring Mrs. Stimson to dinner.
“Certainly,” said Father Stimson,
“and, as it's haying time, I guess I'll
put some hay on the wagon when I go
back home.”
“All right. Father,” replied the
church member, “but bring a one
horse wagon.”
Father Stimson took his wife to sup
per in a wagon with an ample hay-rick
that would hold a hay-stack.
“ See here,” said the parishioner, as
he helped Mrs. Stimson out of the hay
rick, “you said you were going to
bring a one-horse wagon, and now
you’ve appeared with the most capa
cious hay apparatus I ever saw.”
“Ob, I’ve brought the one-horse
wagon,” said Father Stimson, “ but the
hay-rick—that’s a two-horse hay-rick.”
He drove away after supper with
twenty-two bundled pounds of hay.
Father S’imson was the first to use
Gospel tents in the West. He put them
up himself. A fellow who passed him
one ruornng as he w:v> hard at work on
his tent called to him in a lou I voice:
“ Hullo there! Are you going to have
a circus?”
“ Yes,” said the preacher, continuing
his work without looking up, “ and I'm
looking for a baboon. Don’t you want
to hire yourself for one?”
The preacher was Chaplain in the
Ninth New York Cavalry in the war.
The Colonel was fond of leading the
soldiers through deep puddles at the
regular drill, and the Chaplain one day
roue around the puddle, and thereby
fell Out of the regular order. The Col
onel noticed it, and at the close of the
drill, when the officers came together,
said, with a sneer:
“If Captain Stimson is afraid to ride
through muddy water for fear of soil
ing his clothing, I will carry him across
the puddle myself.'’
“Thank you,” the Chaplain said;
“but as the Government provides
horses, I don't sec any reason why I
should ride on a jackass.”—N. F. Sun.
The Expensiveness of Modern Warfare.
The cost of modern warfare is so
great it probably deters nations from
getting into serious troubles, and for
that reason aids in making arbitration
popular. Some idea of the expensive
ness of the bombardment of Alexandria
in July last may be gathered from the
cost of each round tired by the iron-clad
fleet. Every round tired from the
eighty-ton guns on the In lexible cost
$127.'50 per gun. The twenty-five-ton
guns, of which the Alexandra carries
two, the Monarch four and the leme
raire four, cost $35 per round per gun.
The eighteen-ton guns, of which the
Alexandra carries ten, the Sultan eight,
the Superb sixteen, and the leinerane
four, cost $26.25 per round per gun.
The twelve-ton gun , of which the In
vincible carries ten, the Monarch two,
and the Sultan four, cost $lB per round
per gun. The Penelope, which
carries nine-ton guns, has eight of them,
which were di charged at a cost ot
$13.75 per round per gun. The Mon
arch and the Bittern each fired one six
and one-half-ton gun, the co-t being
$8.85 per round per gun. The Beacon
and the Cygnet have two sixty-tour
pounders each, the cost of discharging
which was $4.50 per round per gun.
The Penelope carries three forty-pound
ers, the Beacon two forty-pounders, ana
the Bittern two forty-pounders, the cost
of discharging which was $3 per round
per gun. In addition to this there is a
sum to be calculated for the firing of
the smaller armaments of the Cygnet,
Condor and Decoy. Besides the dam
age done to public ami private buildings
1 in Alexandria by the bombardment,
Egypt will have an enormous bill to pay
for' missiles and powder expended by
the fleet in causing the destruction or
shore. —Exckunae.
Eight ladies have clerkships in the
Oregon Legislature. ' -
Oscab Wilde has cleared about $15,-
000 out of his lectures alone,
It 13 said that there are one million
more paupers in England than voters.
A crayon portrait of Garfield has
been, by suggestion of the Queen, placed
in Westminster Abbey.
Gen, Grant has given it out at
Philadelphia again that he has no inter
est in politics or in the present cam
It is said that the Rev. Joseph Cook
is to be the editor of the new Congrega
tionalist paper which is to be started in
The engagement is announced of Miss
Mabel Bayard, daughter of Senator
Bayard, to Mr. Samuel D. Warren, of
Miss Norton, the young American
prima donna, is meeting with a great and
increasing success at the Grand Opera
house, Paris.
Matthew Arnold has discovered that
the great want of the French is moral
ity ; of the Germans civil courage, and
of the English lucidity.
It is said that the invention and sub
sequent improvements of the American
plow made a saving on last year’s crop in
this country of $90,000,000.
Some one has suggested that Saturday
replace Thursday as Thanksgiving Day.
The idea is not a bad one, as the combi
nation of two holidays would be a satis
factory combination to most people.
Mr. Henry Villard, President of
the Northern Pacific Railroad, has of
fered to endow Oregon University with
$50,000 if the State will increase its’an
nual legislative allowance from $2,500 to
The steam yacht for Jay Gould, to be
completed by spring, will be constructed
of iron and steel, and have steel boilers.
It will be 210 feet long, 27 feet beam,
and 16 feet deep, and will have 1,500 in
dicated horse power.
The fastest long run by railway ever
made west of Chicago was that by the
Burlington special train which brought
the Vanderbilt party from Burlington
-207 miies—at the average rate of fifty
nine miles per honr.
By the death of Sir George Gray, Mr.
Gladstone now sits at the Privy Council
as the senior commoner, having ‘ ‘ kissed
hands on his appointment forty-one
years ago last September, when the
queen had been only four years on the
■ The late Daniel Cook, of San Fran
cisco, left a fortune of about $1,500,000.
He was as poor as poverty itself in 1858,
but between that time and’his death, at
the age of forty-five years, acquired
from books an education, and from mines
piles of gold.
Mr. Tilden is described by the
Yonkers Gazette as greatly enjoying the
newspaper reports of his feebleness,
while he takes two carriage drives a day,
usually an hour’s walk, and frequently a
ride of some distance. His eye is bright,
and his mind clear and quick.
The wampum belt which Wm. Penn
gave the Indians in part payment for the
territory now known as Pennsylvania,
afterward reclaimed'and held as an heir
loom in the Penn family in England
until 1856, is in the museum of the His
torical Society of Pennsylvania.
Abdul Kerim Pasha El-Zahab, who
is shortly coming to this country to
make arrangements for the of
certain of Arabi Bey’s followers, is one
of the most noted Oriental scholars. He
Was graduated at Cambridge University,
England, and he has translated Homer
Into Arabic. -
An English artist has come over to
make studies for a painting of the battle
in Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864—Far
ragut’s great victory. The painting is a
private commission, but, when com
pleted, an engravingjwill be published at
London, and the work itself may be ex
hibited in America. —.
Estimates of the damage done at
Alexandria during and after the bombard
ment vary widely. Claims made by the
owners foot up to nearly $17,500,000;
but it is said that an eminent authority
has expressed a willingness to rebuild
and refurnish the entire property de
stroyed for $6, 250, O< >0-
A villain, who claims to be an officer 1
in the British army that invaded Egypt,
made a cold-blooded confession to the
London Vanity Fair. ‘ ‘ After some
Egyptian wounded fired on our men,”
he says, “I ordered every wounded man
to be bayoneted. No end of officers and
men were killed in that way.”
Alexander H. Stephens declared in
a recent speech at Macon, Ga., that the
rheumatism which has disabled him
from walking for the past twelve years,
was contracted during his imprisonment
in Fort Warren after the war. “ I was
put in a dungeon low down,” he says,
“damp, dripping with water ; walls five
feet thick. I was there three months.
That,” he added, “is a part of my war
Anna Dickinson writes to the Phila
delphia Press to say that she has been
slandered by the report that she had
declared against woman’s suffrage. “No
one but a fool would believe the story,”
she adds. She may have remarked that
there was too much voting, but if venal
men have the right, venal women should
enjoy the same privilege. The life com
panions of male brutes “should have on
hand a staff of protection and defense.”
A Connecticut thread manufacturing
company had planned to exhibit at the
Boston fair the old fashioned way of
spinning and weaving cotton in the
South, but have struck an unlocked for
snag. Their Georgia agent writes them :
“I had arranged with one negro man
and four negro women to go to the Bos
ton fair to spin and weave, and should
have been there now, but some fool
circulated a story that they would be
sold when I got them to Boston, and all
thunder couldn’t convince them to the
In several provincial districts of Fin
land a religious sect has appeared, based
upon the fundamental principal of “fe
male supremacy and male subjection.”
Husbands and lovers bind themselves
by oath to wear whatever yoke their part
ners choose to place upon them, and
furthermore to make unrserved
confession once a week of all delinquen
cies. A woman who has been chosen by
her sister rulers to exercise unlimited
authority within the community, allots
the penalties, which are promptly in
flicted by resolute matrons.
Fruit Juices.
There is often a decided objection to
the use of our coarsest fruits, especially
in sickness, or when the stomach or
bowels may be in a sensitive state, on
account of the irritation of the angular
and sharp seeds, and peel or skin. Like
the hull of the wheat —or halls, as
there are five different layers, which
should be removed, in most if not all
cases, from the flour—these seeds and
rinds are often sources of irritation to
the sensitive coats of the stomach, caus
ing many forms of disease, particularly
in the hot weather. It is exceedingly
fortunate that these juices do not re
quire digestion like the solids, but, like
water, enter the system unchanged,
there to he assimilated, of course afford
ing nutrition, with no use of the digest
ive apparatus, or but slight effort, that
of absorption. (If desirable, these
juices may be prepared at this season,
thoroughly scalded, canned like fruit,
kept from the air and in a cool place,
and used in the following spring, when
such are exceedingly valuable, especially
for those having debilitated digestion.)
It is very plain that if they demand
no digestion, still containing all of the
nourishment of the berry, securing rest
for the stomach, the dyspeptic, etc.,
may well use this juice as a substitute
for solids, for such a part of the time
as will allow rest, time for the digestive
organs to recuperate and become suffi
ciently strong to perform their usual
amount of labor.
I will here remark that their use all
the time, instead of at the last meal, or
when the appetite may be particularly
imperfect,|would tend to debilitate the
stomach, since, like all unused organs,
the time would come when it would lose
the power of action. As a general
principle, the substitution of these for
solids for one or two meals at most,
using the simplest form of solids, as the
raw egg, or boiled rice, would be as
much as would be advisable, save in.
extreme cases, when such nourishment
for a week or less would be a choice of
Milk should not be regarded as of this
class, since it is solidified before diges
tion. It is not a proper drink between
meals, since it requires digestion like
solids. When there is much feverish
ness, with some appetite, the more acid
juices, like that of the strawberry or the
currant, may prove of great valne with
out sugar, for that is a “heater.” These
tend to reduce feverishness, though, if
too acid, they may irritate the stomach,
producing the canker.
The fresh juice of the apple—not fer
mented juice, or cider—is very appro
priate and useful, the apple containing
more nourishment than the potato.
These juices may be used with great
propriety when the appetite seems wan
ing, or when but little food i- indicated,
for nourishment is obtained without
labor.—Golden Ilule.
u HEN we asked our gill to marry us /
she said she didn’t mind—and have
since found out that she didn L lolcdo I
Profitable Investments.
The safest and most profitable invest
ment that can anywhere be found at
this time for money, the use of which is
not needed for a few years, is in the
purchase of well selected real estate.
This general fact probably no intelligent
man would dispute, though some men
deny the application to particular cases
when it does not suit their interests. It
is well recognized that real estate falls
faster, as a rule, and further when times
are good, than any other kind of prop
erty of real and solid value. The in
trinsic value changes with the
growth of a community or State, or the
improvement of means of communication;
so that for production or use in residence
or in commerce the value may increase
rapidly and greatly, but can decrease
slowly and moderately. But the price,
on the contrary, depends upon a market
that is more variable than almost any
other. At times real estate is wholly
unsaleable, no matter what its rea
value or its price may be. At other
times it is the object of the wildest
speculation, with a very little reference
to the present legitimate demand. As a
consequence when real estate is not
wanted, it sells for a jsong or not at al!;
but when it is wanted, there is scarcely
any limit to its price. Hence, long
headed men are always on the alert to
get possession of real estate after < ven
period of great depression; to such
shrewd purchases the whole or great part
of almost every colossal fortune may be
traced. We are just emerging from a
period of unexampled prostration. '1 be
price of real estate has fallen, as it
usually does at such times, in greater
ratio than that of almost any other class
of property of substantial character. Now,
if ever, the purchase of real estate may
be considered certain to yield excep
tionally large profits, if the property is
judiciously selected.
Another fact, which, as a general one
no intelligent man will deny, is that the
advance in the price, as a rule, is certain
to be greater in Western than in Eastern
real estate. Western States and cities
are growing rapidly; Eastern slowly.
Every man knows the fact, and immense
volumes of statistics could be given to
prove or illustrate it; and yet there are
some men who refuse to admit the
obvious consequence. New York City is
growing in population at the rate of
seven per cent, in five years, and the
State at the rate of 7.2 per cent., while
Chicago or St. Louis gains 50 or 60 per
cent., and Kansas 100 per cent., and yet
some persons refuse to see that the
value of property in the Western city or
State is certain to increase in the long
run, and, as a rule, more rapidly than
the Eastern. New railroads and greater
reduction in the rates of freight are con
stantly adding enormously to the value
of Western property, and as yet so potent
are interested motives in blinding men,
that there are some who still insist that
real estate loans in Western cities and
States, as a rule, are less safe than loans
on Eastern property, where multiplication
of roads is slow, and tends mainly to
divert residents and industries from
cities that are already over-crowded.—
New York Public.
Slobbering Horses.
Some horses will slobber nearly all
they eat; others when they eat certain
plants, usually in early summer, and
others are never known to do so.
Horses thus affected will, when their,
diet is much restricted, sometimes cease :
the habit.' Clean timothy and red-top
hay, and clean oats fed in the straw
(clean meaning free from weeds or oth
er plants,) will usually cause a con
firmed case of slobbering to stop tem
porarily. A little clover, clover hay,
rag-weed in the oats, and many other
weeds, are liable to start it again, in
fact, will be quite sure to do so. Thus
it is clear that the tendency is constitu
tional in the animal, that a cause that
would excite slobbering in one animal
will not affect another, and that it is
excited by different plants which the
horse u es for food, either in the green
or dry state. Besides, the habit is said
to come from partial paralysis of tire
nerves of the face, or of one side of the
face. Usually, however, it comes from
some article of food, and it is more
often caused by the second growth
clover than anything else. Veterinarians
have recommended astringents to be
employed in solution, the mouth being
washed with a decoction of oakbark,
witchhazel, alum, etc., but no perma
nent benefit comes from these applica
tions. Partial relief has been experi
enced by confining the horse to a diet of
clover, as this excites the salivary secre
tion most violently. After a few days a
return is made to different food, with
the hope that this sudden change would
stop the e • • si ve secretion of saliva,
which it ii' 11 ways does for a while.
—Aqrici'l J
The Fork.
In the ancient world the fork for cat
mg was unknown, and the well-bied
sought to display as much delicacy as
possible in the operation of conveying
food to the mouth with the fingers. It
was a thousand years ago when the first
mention of the forch tta was made in
Italian literature, and it was then spoken
o' as introduced into Venice by a Byzan
tine princes-. It was at first notfavora
hl v received, and for two cent tines came
lifile in o use, either in Italy or th- rest
of Europe. No mention of a fork a ■
m,dl K» f
—An exchange asks: “WhatisPe
troiaum?” It is a very eaay method of
getting rid of fire-kindling servants.—
MaraWion Independent. ,
—A Baltimore beße has married a
Eoficeman. His beat was in front of
er house for over a year, and she no
ticed that he never snored. —Philadel
phia News.
—ln 1869 eleven cars managed to
ehip all the peach crop of Delaware that
was sent outside o( the State by rail.
To-day it takes sixteen engines, 400 cars
and ninety-six men.
—A correspondent wants to know
“how we pronounce Ras-el-Tin?” We
don’t pronounce it at all; we only write
it. Do you suppose we read the
Sapers to the subscribers?— Courier
—The Egyptian war wjll give about a
hundred paragraphers the opportunity
to say that the Bedouins are no great
sheiks, and that no matter how thtfy arc
treated they will always Be-do-in some
thing atrocious and inexcusable. War
is, indeed, agreatevil.—2'eo«s Siftings.
—A Chicago lady who had gone into
tire country at the invitation of some
relatives, wrote to her husband: “Dear
Charley—When I left home I forgot to
bring nay slippers with me. Send them
at once.” She received a telegram the
next day to the following effect: “Ex
press companies can’t spare the room
to transport them. Buy a new pair.”—
Brooklyn Bugle.
—Courage.—“Suffering sisters,” ex
claimed the speaker, energetically
shaking the hair pins from her head in
her excitement, "women will never ob
tain their rights until they display more
courage. Let me say to you, in the
words of a famous French orator,
‘Courage! courage! couragel’ " At this
stage of the proceedings somebody
threw a box of caterpillars upon the
platform and the meeting broke up in
great terror and confusion.— N. Y. Post.
—A nouveau riche had his house
robbed of several valuable pictures. He
appreciated them because they cost him
a great deal of money, and when he
made his appearance in an art-shop he
was in a very excited state. “I want
you to get my pictures for me,” he
said. “What do you mean?" replied
the polite attendant. “Why, I was
robbed of them the other night, and I
come to you for satisfaction,” was the
answer. “But, my dear sir, we are not
receivers of stolen goods, nor are we
detective officers,” said the dealer.
“ Then,” shouted the indignant million
aire, “you had better take in your
sign, ‘Oil-paintingsrestored.’ Boston
—Prof. Storer, a blind musician of
North Adams, Mass., has been appoint
ed a teacher in the Royal College for
the Blind at London.
—Wilkie Collins is paying the pen
alty for trespassing upon the capacity
of that most abused organ of the hu
man anatomy —the eye. His sight is
failing, and he can no longer read or
write. He is dependent upon an aman
uensis.— N. Y. Independent.
—Ex-Governor Horatio Seymour, of
New York, insists that he is an old man,
i and it is true that he sutlers from physi
cal weakness in his legs, which disables
i him seriously in walking; but he retains
' his old simplicity of manner and con
versation. as well as vigor of m
; Chicago Journal.
—Mr. and Mrs. Squibbs, of Suv
County, Tennessee, were married an ~
two years ago, and now seven lit
Squibbses make it interesting so i
fond parents. Three of
born about a year ago, and th.,
tets are but a week or two old
squib is the eighth.
—WilliamS. Jett, the man who j*
the soldiers to the hiding place ,
W'ilkes Booth after the assassination i x
President Lincoln, and who, for his
connection with the capture of Booth
and Harold, has been immortalized in
history, was a few days ago sent to the
Maryland State Insane Asylum a raving
lunatic.— N. Y. Herald.
—One of the most noted women in
New York journalism is Miss Middy
I Morgan, who does the cattle reports for
four New York papers, among them the
Tribune and Times. She has acquired
a fund of knowledge of cattle and
horses, both on the farm and turf, which
may be envied by the most experienced
male sportsmen.
—Mr. Mudford, who controls the Lon
don Standard, is sometimes called the
•‘irresponsible editor. Thoug
owns no share In the paper, the late
proprietor’s confidence in him was so
great that he provided m his will that
Mr. Mudford should have sole conti ol
of the paper while he lived, or as long
as he might see fit to retain it.
—lt is not generally known, says the
t Philadelphia Eress, that Mr. Joseph
(1 Sailer, who has recently retired from
IS the financial editorship of t , «
, delphia Ledger, was not only the oldest
. print a money article.
. -In a little red .cottage on the shore
, O s a lake called the Bowl, nem
Mass., Hawthorne.wrote; Mo Hom,
' ° f out to him there
and he handed * * b :lc . k nlI - big
Fields.” said he; J* the house -sn «
eaoujZ’h tc hold it*