Newspaper Page Text
us.* i.lWfcW
By his Excellency J AM E S
JACK SOM, Governor and
Commander in Chief of the
Army and Navy of this State,
and of the Militia (hereof.
WHEREAS the General
Affemhly of this State,
pafjed nn aH on the fixte r nth day of
February inflan f , entitled “ an aH
u to compel all officers, civil and
“ military, to take and fuhfcrve
“ an oath to fupport the conjhlution
“ thereof," in the words following ,
to wit:
“ Whereas, it is necefjary that
all officers, civil and military, within
this State , f/iould be bound to /up
fort an I maintain the conjhlution
of the fame.
“ Be it therefore enabled, that
all and every officer, civil and mili
tary, holding any office under the
authority of this State, by commif-
Jion or ctherwife, /hall take and
Juhfcribe the fallowing oath, before
the clerk of the fuperwr or inferior
counts, of the county in which he.
may re fide; o r if a fia'e officer ,
before his Excellency the Governor ,
Jor the lime being, to wit: “/, A.
11. do /olemn'y /wear, or a/firm,
[as the cafe may he) tht 1 will
hear true faith and allegiance to the
Stale of Georgia; and to the ut
mofl of my power and ability ,
cbferve, conform to, fupport and
defend the confHtutian thereof ;
without any rrfervation, rr equiv o
cation whaf/oever, and ike eon/li..
tuticn of the United States—.So IvJp
me Goi"
“ And be it further enabled,.
that all officers who are now in'
commi/fi n, civil or mi-1 ifa*v,. ex-cebt
fucji jt itc officers ns have been eleH
ea by the General. aJjfemb.Lv , at this
frefent fe/fw' ?, and have been day
quadfied before, his Excelmcy ike
G ive> nor,/'hell, within live term■ of
fix m y nt!v, take and fubfertbe the
ojorcfvd oath , in manner and form
of 01 (fail, which fkall be made 0/
record by the office* before whom it
is taken ; and in cafe of refu/d or I
negleH of any of finer , his office fh all
be confined null and mid; and his |
Excellency the G vernor, is hereby
authonf d and required, to fill up
Jack v 7 coney, in the f ine manner as
ij it hid been made by death-, refig
nation or removal from the difir iHfi
end in cafe anyJfirrifi, clerk of the
Juptrur cr inferior court, or any
other officer having office or trujfl
under the authority of this fiat:, Jholl
necleH or refufe to take the afore
fa d oa’h, in manner and form
a forefa'd, within the term of fix 1
months . their aH or aHs as they ap
pertain to the jaid office, Jhall be
confi iered null and void."
I have therefore, thought fit , ti
i/fue this. m\ proclamation, notifying
end requiring all officers, civil end
military, within this fiate , compre
hended in the fa id aH, to conform
thereto, by appearing before the pro
per officer and taking the faid oath,
within the period thereby limited,
as they zvi I anfxver the contrary at
then peril.
Given under my hand, and
the Great Seal J the /aid
Stale, at the Stale-Iloufe, \
in Louifviile, this eighteen h
day of February, in the year
of our Lord one thoufand
feven hundred and ninety
nine, and in the twenty
third year oj American
By the Governor,
John Mi lton, Secretary,
God Jave the State .
Executive Department,
Louifviile , Feb. 20, 1799.
ORDER > D, That a concur
red Refolution cf the 1 6th
of February infant, by the General
Afembly, in the words following,
to wit:
11 Refolved, by the Senate and
Iloufe of Rrprefintatives of the
State of Georgia , that the fuflicts
of the Inferi r Courts of the feve
red Counties , Jhall on the firfl Mon
day in April next , meet at the Court
Iloufe, in their refpeHive C ounhe
and nominate two Jaflices of the
Peace, in each Cab'mas DiflriH,
agreeably to the fifth fed ion of ih f
third article of the Lonjlitution a- d
certify and iranfmit the fame to his
Fxceliincy the Governor be pub
li/hed in the louifviile, Savannah
and Angii/la Gaieties, for the infor
mation of the Juft ices of the Infe
rior Courts for th-e feverd Counties,,
and. (J all ether perf m concerned L
Take n from, the Mi nutes,
Atfrfi, Taomas Jo mn-s.o w ,
Secretary <
. Art ills of all Nations attend ?
A Premium for G-eniuu
_ - L
Executive Depart men*, Gewgm,. •
• Lmi/vIUe,. Feb . -23,, 179*9. j.
The AB, entitled m an for
she; iMg the Great Seal of the
State of Georgia./’ palled the- 1
§th day of Fc binary, 1799,,
feeing taken up and eo-ni-kkr*
ed ; it is 0 j
O. R 1 ) E R -E’D ~ T hat & premium
of thirty dollars he given for
| the be ft drawing of the device Jor
tbe Great Seal of this Strh,. vupur- :
fuance of the fecond fcHim of the.
[aid afl—-the device bung as
to wit: •
. On the one fide, a view of the
[ea fore, with a Jiff bearing the
flag of the United States, riding at
anchor near a wharf, receiving on
board hogjheads of toharco, and
bales oj cotton, emblematic ej' th*
exports of this State—at a fmall
dtfiance a boat landing f rom the in
terior cf the Slate, with hogjheads,
i3c. onboard, reprefenting her in
ternal traffic —in the bad part of
the fame Jule, a man in the aH of
I ploughing, and at a fmall diftance
a flock of /keep in different poftures,
finded by a flourijhing tree—the
motto on this tide agriculture and
commerce, 1799 —that the ether
fide conain three pillars , fop porting
an arch, with the zvoid conjhiution
engraven within the fame, emble
matic of the c njhtution, fippoited \
by the three d partments of the go- : {
vernment, viz. the Ifgijlaiive, judi- ' 1
dal and executive —the firfl pillar
to have engraven on its haje wijdom %
the fecond jvjlice, and the third mo
deration ; on the right of the la/l
pillar a man Jlanding with a drawn
fword, reprt/enting the aid of the
military , in defence of the confu
tation—the motto State of Georgia ,
1799” —Provided fuck drawing
be lodged in the Executive Ofjic, at
Lou’/viUe, on or before the twen ieth
day of April next ; the fize of the
feal two inches and one quarter in
diameter ; and it is f urther
Ordered, that prcpo/als he re
ceived at the fame cffce i until th f
fid twentieth day of April t for
forming , making and engraving
the fmagreeably to fich device
aid diawvg, in a inoflerly and
workmanlike ma y ner , on or before
the third dav of July next. Bnd
and fair it v to be given /- r the due
performance of the work , within
the time Inn’ted t in the /urn of two
thoufand do lavs. The prop fall
will he ft Id {.p y addrrfftd to the
executive, end marked pr epofats fey
\ forming , maki g and engraving
the Great Seal of the State of Geor
gia, Ihe drawings will alfo be
fated up , adarejff'ed in Ike manner ,
and mark'd drawings for the device
of the Great S al , and W'l he ex
amined the twen ieth of April aj ore
fail ■
7he cafh will he paid Jor ike
drawing, the r,i ment it is decided 1
on as the heji dejign, and for the
■Seal immediately it is comp’gated
and delvei ed if ap died for.
Taken from the Minutes *
Atlefly lut) m \ s J-o vi ssj w*
I S-eciday.
y »
ly ihh fws hi > F> en Is Fi Jiatinu/a-r,
|, tiaJ the pifhtic in gemnti that he- ha* lately r-e
-'• ■cein.d J*>omC\ar,eJh,n
I- • Dry Goods and Gioceiics, |
tyhich venders hnpiefent Ajfo't-m-rt as
as offered f° r ia^e h re and which iic wli seal
•h w )or Cnjb o" Produce', the following sir •
tiefa form part of hm Pjfjrtmc-nt i
SUP. RF,& J£ S<*ce.nd afid alktr B-i O-ad
. Glmbs
Kt rft) mere* a«d S •.va-ndowu.
j K.ia ft i e Glwihs a-i-ul C 111 i.crc*
! Kfrgto t,l tk and Fiai hcli r . .
€rc-w* a»i-d U1 v e Vel vcncM
D--) -do, C«i> ! drrw)S-
A ba°n-dfu»e Afio-rt-i-' en-' of ‘TSiuflih**
.'6i r. d-izv-B i-f- Muflln H h len chiefs
: A- IvaßdlaiMfr Afl jrune i o' Gali-ee&jc
F o w-r pi <?ecs ft £ Gm 11 i-n €.a4 i.e at*
Fwe l-v»e p‘irec°s o*f Lin-e-n-
S;x pi-C" of Humhu m s
Si-x* pi-fter* o«f a-lloriffd DurawtP*
;T.v® pkccs e-f Bilb Gautiag.
Brown H*ol'l and . * .
Wo.rA.ed a»nd G ft ana H n fr
.Clouded and Striped Na-rltc-CB*
Mfiwfoi-11-es;, Di maty a*nd J-ca-n- WaTfleoa*
1 P'a-t t e pea-
S'ilfc, Twift and Th-pead** a-ff tied*
Tapes- and Ferret tings
A general AfT>; tracnt pf R bbonii
Ladies Kidikin an<]• S-i k Giovc-s.
Worfted do. do.
Four dozen cf Mens Fine Fat*
Four dozen of Ladies Fine do,
S’x dozen of Mens Stocking*
Three d z:n of Ladies do,
Three dozen of Ladies Botine1 1 •
I wo dozen of Mens Cravat*
Six groce of fmall Buttons
Two do zen of la. ge flue Men* Shoe*
Tin Ced; zen i f Ivory Combs
Thret dozen of Blanket*
Four lbs. of colored Tin cad
Four lbs. of fine do.
Twenty lbs, of Sh c Thread
fhiee dozen of Shells
Two dozen of Cotton Cards, of the bed
Fiftv lbs. of Powder and Shot
Sad le Tacks Snuff
fei ives and Forks
Mallard Snuff Boxes
4air Powder and Pi >ymg Card*
Mens Saddles a d Bridle*
Appies a d Onion*
Sugar, Cotte- and Chucolalf#
'j[uriuu’j J* t
Cheap for
ROSE and London Duifii l Linker*
Bjih Cl ating
hcj Fiam'eis
a<>u ed, Striped ar.d Yellow Nankeens
Th ckfer*
Black, Blueand Fink Durants
Calicoes and Chintzes
Tamboured, Sprjgped rod Striped P aic
conct and Bo< k Muflin 1
Villin Handkerchief*
Pocket Handkerchiefs
R bbands, Sew ing Silk and Twift
'Vliiie and Cidouied Thread
I i/li Linen 4-4 wide
Hn mbumi
Ozna • utgs
Vico and YutV* Cotton and Worftcd Hofe
federal Keadv Reckoner*
0 eliii.g Ho, k*
A v Tiery . f ( m;i u Hiftoriei and Song Book*.
Looking G'afl *
!3 clbng Ci mb*
P:n K. ives
Knives and Fork*
Table Spoons
Bii 1c Bits !
Cotton Cards Kn, 10 •
J m ica and Weft India Rua
Apple B r andy
H'-fon Tea
Chocolate ’
( oflfeC
Pc, per and Sp*c& •
Copp?- as
i Sruff ;
Beil Riffle Gun Powdet
Shot alerted
8 It
P >< nd Pins-
Writing Paper.
Alfo. a large aflortment rf to*
gc.hc>r viih a variety of orh-r articles.
. • John Blair.
Fcbr-u-aff-r- ji&. • ,
rr; T 4 : *>
Ch'ap jet Cajh , • .
LO' D’OP! D- ffl B!a-n ns • *
White, hlu- aim Gic-Mi= .P^aifl# 1 •
1 Vv hi e and Red Flannel-* *
j Ra h G a.ii' gs
1 Superfine Br- »-d dat-k)
j Seco d do, do. ,
j HHrfc B 1 f*F and Grey Cafflrrw’rftT
.F. O-ii "it-b e S \*v andowa a-nd Guilt-mwc Veil
j Sha m
I Marl - Me*, J>apt and J ea-nct dot.
Clouded a'd Sk'k N mkee-n*- * * ,
Royal Ribbi ami De imm.s-
Velverets, Ci rduroyiar.d Thifk-firt*-
Bat k, Bu “ rvnri Pink Du-ra-nts
CaJi-i® s and Chintzes
Ta mb.-red, f, rigged, ftriped a-ni} pW® I
1 and Book Muflin
Mubin Mi ,w s apid Ha-ndkerehiefSc 1
- wikvi viuvi>ii
* Kick a-» I Jj‘Cnv,et
C avnrs ami Got ton Camb-rkks
1 B a<rk Silk Httulkerchie-fs-
Ribbons and Ferretings-
S< wing Siik fcH 1 Tw-iit
M-*ns Dear i.kin Gloves
{; fh Linen, 3-4 and 4-4 wid*e
l.iie an I Brown Sheetings-
Oz >aburgs
Mens., W mens and- Youths Cotton -M$
W orftfd Hofe
Mens, Women* and Youths Shoes-
Ladics Morocco Sandals
M-ens and VVomens coar fie and fine Hats
Hiblrs-, Tcflaments and Spelling Rooks i
Federal Ready Reckoners
. R-iCtionarics, and a variety of final 1 Hi 11 a*
ri rs j
I ik Powder., and kc-ft Dutch Quill*
Looking G ladles ]
Ivory Combs
Razors and Cafes . 1
Gilt and Plated Button*. • *. 1
Large and final! do., •
Pen Knives
Knives and Forks*
Tab e Spoon-s-
Trunk and Cheft Locks
Saddle and Bridle Buckles- . .
Stirrup Irons and Bridle Bits
Shoe Knives, Ta ks, Awl Blade*
Pi cers and Gimblets
Cotton Cards, No, 10
Jamaica and Wcft-lndia Rum
Cogniac and Peach 1 randy
TencrifFe ana Malaga Wines
Holland Gin
Bohea Tea
Pet per and Spice
B-.imftoncand Copperas
4d. 61- 8-1. and 10 I. Nail*
B«ft RiHe Gll n powder |
Bar Lead and Shot aflerted
An Allotment of PATENT MEDICIK*
and QUEENS-WaRE, together wi h »
variety of other articles, too numerous t 9
J anuarj •*«