Newspaper Page Text
ably she was sot a ml Sister of Charity.
The city i* full of ftaoda. ate
Too take the paper to Items* (ogive
herself s chance. Seo nowf
1 didn’t nee; bat what can too do
when folks are so senoihJ# they cant te
llers anything?
“ Twaaa't like that (tew rim was
and there ate waaaV said L "That's
bow it was."
‘ If it happens again, oosne to me and
rn write too a prescription and -—ir.
Too a present of it,” said tte doctor.
IS Can yon get it cheaper?
weeks went along, and it waa winter, tt , . , . n 1
and a* cold as Greenland, and pasaeu- HaV© YOU tried OUT 011068? 1
gets more botteraasna than I ever knew *
i^ieZ5S^Tto d, iate‘ t S£3i ^ Can’t you get paper to suit you?
old fellow that watered tte team and t
hSrfm^Sa^i£d. far •^ bod y. i Have you seen our new samples? j
•M?You want more style than yon have been !
able to get heretofore in Athens?
’"SSti'.Z- We 0911 give it to you now, and wnen we
to preaerra it. bemny and vitality.
Kewpon your toilet-table a botUa U
Alters Hair Vigor-the only ureoaiag
you require tor tte hah-acd nsea Unte.
•rite# s « Bereral months ago my hair
commenced falling out, -aid In a few
Weeks my bead was almost i-m I
tried many remedies, but they did no
good. I finally bought a bottle of Ayer’s
Ifalr Vigor, and, after using only a part
of the contents, my bead wan covered
with a heavy growth of hair. I recora-
msnd your preparation aa tte beat heir,
restorer in the world.”
“My hair waa faded na«ldry,” write*
Mabel C, Hardy, of Delavan, m ; “bat
after sslng a hotti* of Ayer’s Hair Vigor
H became black and glossy."
Ayer's Hair Vigor.
gold by Drnmsta and ftifstia
D*- OsMasya TeeU i. *>!
by L. D. disdas A On, a* toe and $1 a buttle.
4mIn this M ess fNuc swsy
blf iktWlyy : bvtMM %IM
Bo disfiguring to tte fare, forehead, aad
nock, may be entirely remored by tte
nse of Ayn*e teroaparOla, tte beat aad
safeet Alterative and lilood-Pariflerever
Or. J. c. Ayer It Co., LowM, Mass,
field byDianWs; si; sla WmiaeforH.
right stray.
Huicniwep* Hattawat,
Real Estate Ageote.
Bask lea's Annas halve.
The best 8airr in the world for Cats,
Bruise*. Suras, Utests, Salt Rbtutn, Fever,
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Heads, Chilblains,
Corns, sad all Bun Eruptions aad pos
itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give perfect salWsCtiOB,
or money refunded. Price 35 cents per
box. For sale by John Crawford A Co.,
and L. D. 8 led tte A Co., Wholesale and
Retail Druggists.
Tea, air; I give it to yoa straight, or
rm a Chinaman, Foolin'? No, no: Pm
tot Pm not one to foul; I drove a bob
tailed car too long forthatl What with
tte greenies that pot their fares into tte
kerosene lamp boat and tte crooks that
try to get off without paying at all,
and tte old gents with principles
that make the driver come In and
collect “for their own good, 1 *
tte young ladies that will stop to
kiss each otter on tte platform, and
tte old ladies that are afraid to get
off. and tte boys that hitch on behind,
and tte old gents that are going to write
to tte papers, and tte folks that want
twenty-dollar bills changed, and
folks yoa ran over, and tte wagons ik»
run Into yoo^J tell yoa a bob tail car
driver gets nvago after awhile and don't
feel like foolin’.
1 was savage that day. There were
two folks in (te car—a man and a wo
man—and only one fare in the box. Fd
rung and I’d shouted, hot neither of
them attended to me. I laid tte miming
fare to tte man because of his Ieohs. He
was aboot as poverty stricken as I ever
saw. Not your laboring man’s ooverty.
A laborer oat of work never looked like
that. It waa tramp's rags this fellow
wore, and he had tte hands of a tramp
toot Under their dirt a tramp's
are like the hands of a fine gentleman—
some reason, te don’t work. This man's
hands were clean, and his face wasn’t
bed; bht it was more likely te was try
ing to beat mo out of five cents than that
tte lady was. And if ho was a tramp he
had money enough about him—they al
ways have—and after Td done my best
from outside, I stopped tte car and went
to attend to him. The minate I got in I
saw—what it seemed to me Sort of queer
I hadn’t noticed before—tte lady was a
Sister of Charity. She wore a black bon
net and veil, and a white thing under it
around her forehead and under her chin.
Her hands were crossed in ter lap. She
was as holy and pure to look at as if
she’d been an angeL I looked at her, and
CARL KOHN, TPres. Union National Bank.
At tht Astmuny of MaOs,Jtsw Orleans, ffas»-
For lame hack, side or chest, oie Shiloh's
Platter. Price SB cents. For sale by
John Crawford A Co.
Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Shi
loh’s Cote. For sale by John Crawford &
nerd for Constipation, Loss of Appetite,
Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale
by John Crawford A Go.
SHILOH’S COUGH and Consumption
Cure is sold by ux on a guarantee. It cures
Consumption. For sals by John Crawford
tt PRIZES or i,ooo are.
100 PRIZES or mo are.
too PRIZES or sooara.
too prizes or soars.
100 Prises of tsoo sis
AT OlloiO to Mil tlis
Apart, most Com
ets, Authentic,
mSMIr llln'ratad,
tton desired, write legibly to the undersigned,
delivery will be assured by your enclosing an
Envelope bearing your full address.
Address U. A. DAUPHIN,
Mew Orleans, Ds.
ortt. A. UAurmK,
warning too, u. u..
Dr ordinary letter, containing Money Order*
waned by aU sxprow -Companies, New York
Exchange Draft or Postal Notes.
Titlmadge Bros.’ are headquarters and
factory agents for T. C. Williams <fc Co.’«
Lucy Hinton. Maliaponi, Jay Bud and
Panther tobaccos. They are always relia
ble. uniform, and best on earth, fur prices
at which they arc sold. Try them.
The best taxors and the best pocket-
knives, at ibe lowest prices, at Talmage A
Brigbtwell’s. dec7tf
CoslsseMiBlsrt Disease*.
Unlcers, sores, pimples, itch, salt rheum, etc»
are evidences ol coats goous blood disease. It
is manifestly a duty to eradiaats blood poison
from the system by a nse ol B. B. B. (Batanie
Blood Balm) thns enabling tbe sore places to
beat, and t lereby removing aU posaibilitiy of
other members of tbe family becoming like
wise afilcted. Bend to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta,
Go., for book that will convince.
J. H. Outlaw, Mt. Olive, N. C., writes: “ .
had running sores on my shoulders and arms!
One bottle 6. B. B. cured me entireljnP
L. Johnson, Belmont station, Hiss., rites:
“B. B. B. bas worked on me like aebarm. My
head and body were covered with sores.and my
bair came out, B. B. B. healed me quickly.”
W. J. Kinnin, Halebea, lexas, writes: "B.
B. B. bas cured my wile of a large nleer on
her leg, that doctors aad all other medicine
could not cure.”
M. J.Rossmaa, a prominent merchant of
Greensbjro, Ga., writes: “I know of several
cases of Blood disease speedily cared by B. B.
B. Two bottles eared a lady of ugly acrofn-
W. C. Birehmora A Co., of llaxey, Ga..
writes: “B. B. B. in earing Mr. Robert Ward
of blood poison, effected one of tbs m at won
derful cures tbat ever cams to oar knowl
When tbe san comet oat these days, the
daughters ere certain to follow.
Sufferers from Headache of twenty yean
standing cured by Bradyerotine.
Tbe proprietor of e gamgling house should
asver abase his betters.
How Lost! How Regained,
uusteed by FOUR NATIONAL
IKS of New Orleans, and the tickets are
ed by the President of an Institution whose
terod rights are recognized in tho highest
rts: therefore, beware of any Imitations or
rymons schemes.
rn dollar Is the prloe of the smallest part or
lion of ajdoket Issued by us In any drawing,
thing in our name offered tor less than a
iris a swindle. wed&sun-d-w.
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise
ea the Errors of Youth,Premstaro Decline, Nervous
tad Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood.
Georgia Railroad Co
Stone 'Mountain Route.
! V 'A?.'KS.t5X,fS:CS,.}
then I said to the naan:
*tl want your fare."
He looked at mo—hungry eyes te hod
—and says te:
“I paid five cents into year box—Isnl
that right, driver?"
’•AU right, if yoa did It,” said L
Then I went down toward tte lady. It
waa my duty, bat I found it hard to da
I stood before her feeling ms queer as
evep I did in all my life, and all I «n*iM
■ay was:
“Madam, aliall I take your fare?”
She did not answer me, but pointed to
a paper somebody ted left upon tte seat
—a common newspaper.
“Give it to him," I seemed to see her
say with ter lips—and by “him" I saw
ate meant tte tramp.
Now, a paper left in thecar belonged
to me, and Pm a man with a temper,
and at my wages the -price of a paper
was something; so, what doyou think,
then, of my going and h«r«Un e that
paper over to that tramp, as manir an
“Hera,” says I, poking it toward him
The following schedule will be operated un*
til further notice:
>112 a m
9.20 a m
10.00 a in
10.29 a m
10.52 am
11.22 a m
11.35 a m
Ar. Union Pt
No. 4 Bui
orders for
Lv. Union Pt.
Ar. Angusta.
12.17 p m
8.35 p m
2.20 pm
constipation,can be eared in less time, with
less-medicine, and for less uiousy, by using
Oerter’s Little Liver Pills, than any otoer
Their Business Booming,
Probably no cos thing bas caussd such a
general revival of trade at John Crawford Oo.
■ -nd L. D. Sledge Co Wholesale tad Retail
| Dreg Stores as their giving away to their ' cus-
I toeiers of so maay free tnal bottles of Dr.
I King's New Discovery for Coo sumption.
^ Their trade is simply enormous in this very
iriV 1>: i
But my eyes were on tte sister aU the
“Tbe lady says yoa must faA« it,”
An amusing story is being told that
concerns the late emperor of BmxO.
When tte novelist Anthony Trollope
was an official at (hqgeneral poafaffioe
Dorn Pedro desired to inspect the build
ing, and Trollope was deputed to show
him over. Be did so, and plumed him
self upon tte fact that be had carried
cut his task with remarkable tact and
discretion. Dom Pedro apparently was
of tte same opinion, for, after taking
his seat in his carriage, he sent an
equerry at top speed back to Trollope.
The latter, thinking it was some one do-
siring to say farewell, held out his hand
for a cordial shake, and then found to
his horror that two half crowns had
been^dropped into his palm.—Toronto
Stranger—Is tho cashier in?
Janitor (emphatically)—Yes, sir!
Stranger—Can I see him?
Janitor—Yes, dr! Visiting hours at
the jail from 2 to 4 every afternoon.—
Lowell Mail.
says L
Now, die hadn’t said anything; «*m»
had only lifted ter hand.
“What lady?” said tte
tho paper.
“Tbe sister there,” said L
11.4# p
yataable article from the fact that it always
cures tad disappoints. Cough, Cold, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Croup sad aU throat and lung dis
eases quickly cured. Yon can tart it baton
Sf “
It isn’t fair to call college oars mu a sen III oa
Bradyerotine eared Headsebe lor W.RBrown
Ft, Valley G*.
A looks as if Baby Loksr might have to got
. Antioch.. 10.48am 3.21
Crawford.. 11.04am 4.0S
JKSfc# SStS ill
Then all of a sudden, while I looked
at her, tte aeat tte lady had been dtting
on was empty! She hadn’t got up on
v* .uw«sumu R vu uuu jiiaw aUMDIUUWlD fill OUD. VYAAA LfU OUUb AJTUOa
postage prepaid, to every annual subscriber after November 1.18S9.
j*‘" u TEHH6: ' IP kY':'.?' fci.i:'/
The Weekly. Republic, with Premium Picture, St a Year.
rff Sample copy aad premium sheet, sent free to any address. Usual commission allowed
ter feetor-moved. 8te just wasn’t there
any more, and I got out to my hones
again as quick as I could. Men do go
out of their heads from overwork. I’m
told, and I began to think I was going
out of mine. I did not dare to look back
into the car until the man inside pulled
back tho slide and spoke.
"Driver,” be said, “give me your
name and residence.”
“What for?” Tasked.
“No harm,” said ha
“Do you mean to try to get me into
trouble?" I asked, knowing that there
were “spotters" about and making up
my mind that this was one in disguise.
“I tried my best to get that lady's fare,
but I couldn’t be rough to a sister.”
“I saw no lady.' What do I care about
tte fares?” said tho man. “If you- give
mo your name you’ll not be aorry for it,
I think.”
He spoke like a gentleman, far all his
“Oh, well, Fm not ashamed of my
name—it's Jim Brown. This car Is No.
—, and if you want me you can find
“All right,” he said; and I saw that he
had folded the paper square and waa
fastening it up in his coat, pinning it
Leave Athena*
Arrive Union Point..
Lea/e Union Point*.
Arrive Athena
*Exoept Sunday.
_SL. mu mimn mm
Arrive at riiloum
Arrive at White Plains.
Leave White Plains...
Arrive at SUo&m
Arrive at Union Point.
•Except Sundagl
Geo. C.Tbohas. Jko. J. Stbicki.aN’
Atng • - 1 i.-u ‘ • geougia
Fast train 1 Sleeping cars between Atlanta
Augusta and Charleston. Night express:
Sleeping cars between Charleston and Atlanta,
Augusta and Atlanta, Augusta and Macon.
- , Trains No. 27 and 28 will stop at and receive,
passengers to and from the following stations
only: Grovutown, Harlem, bearing, Thomson,
Norwood, Barnett, Crawfordville, u'nion Point
Greeresboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle
Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, Stone Moun
tain and Decatur.
Trains to and from Athens connect with
trains 27, 2d, 1 and 2.
• Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass.. Agt,
JOE W. WHITB. Trav. Pass. Agt.
health, for the use of th e Great Alterative and
Tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of
Kidneys, Liver, Stomach of long or short
standing you will sorely Hod relief bynso of
Electric Bitters. Sold at 60s. tad«l. per bot
tle at. John Crawford Co. or L. D. Sledge
Co. Wholesale and Retail Druggist.
Look out pickpockets, and they will look for
They make one feel aa though life was worth
livings Take one of Carter’s Little liver Pills ot
ter eating: it will relieve dyspepsia,-aid diges
tion, give tono and vigor to the system.
1 Brunswick is to have a largo rice mill. A
convenient site on the bay front has been so-
I keep on hands a good supply of
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by
taking Hall's Catarrh Core.
F. J. Cheney A Co.. Props., Toledo. O.
We the undersigned, have known P.J^Chen-
ey for the last 15 years, and bel eve him per
fects honorable in all business transactions,
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm.
West ATruax, Wholesale Druggist, Tolado, 0
Walding.Kinnan Marvin, Wholesale
Toledo, Ohio
E. H. Van Hoesen, Cashier Toledo
Cor. College' Avenue and Clayton Sc.
Bas always on hand
A^D-i-o ’ rJi vi-‘V
Has Received a Full Assortment of
Toys,, such as Dolls, Bedroom
Parlor, Kitohen, Toilet Wash
Sets, Carriages, Drums,
Horns. Jumping Jacks, Clowns, Toy
Carts and Wagons, Drawing Slates
Velocipedes, Decorated Cups
Saiicers and Mugs.
Atoens, ----- Ga.
DsUWtoH Wl Ml
yri.nly tyO
Livery and Feed Stables
Lexington, Georgia.
’ , % L‘ '
Horses. Buggies, Hi
Gentle lloroos, Sa
e-1 Day or Night.
Beet of Attention.
, National
Ba- k, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act-
; —430 TO—
’s Hair Vigor improves the beauty of
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of tbe system. Frice75c‘perbottle,Sold
by all Druggists.
It has become a common thing to ask ’diav-
If yon are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter’s
Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia makes von nerv
ous, and nervousness makes you dyspeptic;
either one renders you miserable, and these
II.*1 til- k/Ot.
the hair and promotes its growth. It pevents
the accumulation ot dandrntigsleanses tho scalp
and restoresa natural color to gray hair. Have
veil received Ayer’s Almanac for the new year.
with a black beaded pin.
At the next corner ho got off.
That night I went to Dr. , as kind
a man as ever lived. I knew ho wouldn't
charge mo for an opinion. 1 told him
my story.
“Now; doctor, 1
oat with it!”
no, .Jim,
men have optical illusions now and
“I don't want any more of 'em,” said
L Collecting fares of optical illusions
don’t neiv ”
House and Sign Painting
Paper Hanging, Etc.
—430 TO—
: for
.. . py.
Fancy aud Family Groceries
E. Maxwell, Prop’r.
I said, “if rm looney.
Cayton Street, Athens, Ga.
The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of new York
ssuts tha mc*t LIBERAL CONTRACT of ill Life Companies
n anted utouce tor bile irntl ltcun-
Aniaceucos »f .)eff«r»on Davis. Edited by Jus
tice Lamar,U. 8. Supreme Court. Part cf pro
ceeds given to erect a monument to Mr. Davis.
Coranfote outllt 81. Address
R. 11. WO< IDWA.RD A CO., Baltimore. MiL
gij^.Afew geacfiJ ugeuis Mtwtcd. 4-janj
Advice To Mother*.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup should al-
ways be used for children teething. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all pain
cures wind colicsnd is tbs best roor.edy lo,
^iarrti9«s vweoiy Ut« ««ts « battle,
Phenix Insurance Com
pany of Brooklyn, New York.
Grant & Willcox, Agents.
There’* do lack cf fiery eloquence now,
Exhausted Vitality
^•Untold Miseries