Newspaper Page Text
Absolutely Pure.
of parity,
More eoonomii
kind, tnd
tion with the multitude of low tret,
abort weight, atom or phosphate pow
der*. Hold only In eena. Rom Bax-
mo Pownn Co.. 108 W»U St., N. Y.
the ordii
old in com]
Chief Kewu> has resumed charge
the Macon police.
The Georgia peach crop la not
thought lobe injured.
Fetxer A Pharr, an Atlanta clothing
house. is in trouble.
Small pox has appeared in Luther
ville on the Coweta county line.
The First Presbyterian church in An-
„iiata has called Rev.Dr. J. T. Plunket,
of Detroit Michigan, as tlri-lr pastor.
A magnificent hotel and an Alliance
ootton factory will be .built in Ameri-
The Central Baiiresd from Atlanta
to Macon trill be balanued at si cost of
The Alliance is establishing a great
many co-operative warehouses and
stores in Georgia.
Three negro prisoners assaulted and
overpowered the jailor at Cutbbert,
bat were chased and re-captured.
The ears will be running from
Mac hen to Batonton by the first of
Associate Justice T. J. Simmons of
the Superior Court of Georgia ia <Jown
with the influen
w!*C?Johnson, defaulting
at Macon, is discovered to have two
Dirt hss been broken on the Auguste
and West Florida "Railroad.
Windom hss cut down the surplus to
abont $30,000,000.
' Hon. Sam Bandall has joined the
United Presbyterian Chureh.
Firemen were drowned in, Illinois
while going to a dance.
Chattanooga has had a $20,00( J fire.
Another death from an electric shock
mer, discarded her
r girl. The crowds
_ house, blocked the
street, and straggled to get inside to
view the renMdns. Hundreds were un
ship to do so. Several temperance or
ganizations, together with the six hun
dred operatives of the cordage works,
where Miss Dixon worked, attended.
When the coach containing the father
and sisters of the dead girl was passing
w timer's bouse, the blinds of which
were tightly closed, one of the Dixon
girls gave vent to piercing shrieks, and
tried to throw herself out of the vehi
cle. It was all that her father aud the
bther inmates of- the coach could do to
restrain her, imd finally tW intensity
einotibng cattaedAif
in New York is reported. It waalr ■ » .. ■. i
caused by the swaggingof s.wirc. TIi ■ Th« FrigaffuT Fate of a Little Boy In
Thirteen persons escaped from jail at _ Alabama.
Quincey, Ill., by sawing through the BunuxOTAW, Jan. 81.—[Special.]—
heavy bars. In Henry County, Ala.; last Friday,
Thirty men were wounded .during Ahorowteajiig-hbgkilhngonthe ph»n-
im; r * r
a fight oyer a grave at Wilkesbar
sons, 4,« and IKyeanc otd/ were interes
ted spectators of the process of scalding
hogs.- Wheq the men bad all left the
slaughter pen the older boys decided
they would dip thair little brother in
the tub of water as they bad seen the
hogs dipped. The water was hot and
the little fellow .Was scalded before they
could get him out. He lived only about
r — five minutes aftelPSc was lifted from
George Washington, an |Atlante ne-
[gro, at temped a .brutal assault on his
Something that looks like coal. has
been struck in % Savannah Artesian
Old man Jim Bone, the Atlanta mur
derer, was once trusted and respected
by his associates. His first wife was - a
Miss Busbee, and one of his daughters
married well.
Saturday Mr. B. A. Varnadoe paid to
W .Grady $2,000 on the pol-
I Mrs. Hqprv'
icy which Mr* Grady had in Gate City
Lodge. Knights of Honor.
With the beginning
of a New Year, mer
chants start off with
Lodge, Knights of
A fakir in Americas likens himself
to God, and tells the negroes they must
follow him as their saviour.* The ne
gro women are craty over him.
Judge Falligant, of Savannah, has
decided that insolvent costs are proper
a new clean set of | and must be paid by the/Preasurer.
Penn. ■ % /- i
An Ohio tanner has a hone that
catches and eats every pig that comes
within reach. ,
Mias Caroline Camerer was givetf |13,
000 in a breach of promise suit asaidst
Clemens Muller.
A physician at Washington has been
sent to prison for six months
for rob-
The “Dariites”, the Mormon destroy-
* operations hi Utah,
ers, have resumed
d murdered
prominent gentile
My stock embraces
The department encampment of the
grand array men of Georgia and South
Carolina will be held in Auguste Jan
uary 84.
Major G. M. Bysls, a truck farmer of
Chatham county, makes 185 acres pay
$87,000 per annum. He has 15 acres in
Billings Socrates Ivy was the first
child born in the cite of Atlanta. His
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
ivy, are yet living, twenty miles north
Magdalena Ponsa, who celebrated her
114th year tost Christmas. She is cared
for by her 80 year old daughter.
Mrs. Hirsfieid, one of the society lead
ers Of Helena, Mon., and wife of a tri
ple millionaire, horsewhipped Mr. B
den becadse he persisted in paying * at
tention tp a young tody friend of- hers
Speaker Beed is plnying a high hand
ed game. He fails to see the democrat
ic members and always recognises the
The Senate has nnanimously con-
P.VPTV+.Vlinf** that LIDTI I firmed Locke as postmaster at M aeon.
UlUb Emory Speer filed ch.rges against the
V 1 * • * I -1 V ■# .‘Sw_ —
be desired in
Colonel before* the Post-office commit
tee, hut they were given no heed.
Mr. O’Neil died near Rome from by-
from the same affliction pud are nqt !r,.l sJ
pected to live. . \Z . i I
Aunt Becky Greer. of Henry county,
died las rvreuneidav. she would have
been 101 years old if she had lived until
Fehrnai y. She was married .before the
wak of 1812,; and her husband was in
that wa -. .
'C. A. Sledge, at Waycross, shot and
killed V ’. £. Donalson the other night.
Sledge’* wire bad. been buried a few
days before and Sledge says - he shot
Donalsdp beioause the latter was utter-
8 against the reputationof the
Sledge is in custody.
-year-old son of Albert Brady,
ss near Americus, got hold of
r’s shot gun Saturday and
e contents into the left thigh
i farm hand who was conven-
hand, “just for fun.” The
*1 recover.
Algood, president of the
erne Iron Works, whs shot and instant*
I ly killed by Dr. J. B. S. Holmes, his
— . _ . , J brother-in-law, and one of the most
Inspection Invited.
I Ill Will towards Holmes for sonic buri-
raatter between them, and had
frequently threatened his life. Holmes
bad avoided Allgood for years, and
werit out of town to avoid meeting .him
Blclc Headache and relievo .11 the trouble, [net-*
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
liuxlness. Nausea. Drowsiuoss, Distress after
I cating.Pain In the Side, fic. While their mam
remarkable success has bean shown In curing
Headache, yet Gumma I.rrrL* I.rvwt Pitta
are equally valuable In Cozutfpation. curio?
and proven tins this annoying coin;,taint, while
they also correct all disorders of toe stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels!
Even If they only cured
" —" " imi
Public sympathy is with Holmes.
John A. Faulkner, a young tenner
of Alupaha, come to Americas and got
iutoxicatsd. Officer James W. Kemp
stepped up behind him and laid his
band op his right shoulder. Faulkner
had a murderous' khile in his hand.
The blade was fully, four inches long.
In his drunken fury, without knowing
who bad touched him, he turned sud
denly uosaid aed-buned his knife in
the .policeman. The blade entered two
inches above the navel, going its whole
length, and perforated the left lobe of
his liver, -The jaws of the knife were
imprinted on the shirt. Faulkner was
seized by John Drinkwaks and Willis
Watson, colored, and harried off to
S j Mr. Kemp_ was taken home on a
tress. Mf-.IKcmg is of a vigorous
constitution and may survivqhis. terri
ble wound.-
.n.Jan. 20.-
Chloe Lankton die * '
yesterday in her7 v *
born in 1818. At I „ —,
attacked by a malady which has kept
her in bed ever since. She has lived 1
sixty-two years in bed. The sick-room
was cosily arranged, so that she could
help herself to many thing*. Abont
thirty years ago the story of her kfe
was written and publish, d in the Son-
day School Unipn. When her parent*
died she was cared for by friends. She
never complained, and was ever cheer
ful and patient. One of her great I
troubles was the difficulty of Staving [
her bed made. The late Johu G. Smith
of New Haven, invented a littlu der
rick. The patient would have aiitrong
canvas placed beneath her, which wa-- '
attached by a simple tackle to the der-
iier to swoon.
taton of Charles MartiiL His little
rick, *nd she could be swung off from
the bed as if in a hammock. Mr. Smith
also built for her au ingenious cupboard
which was a great comfort to her, as
she made it hold nearly -everything e.lio I
wanted. About a year ago an ait, *
of erysipelas destroyed the sight of 1
ere, and added greatly to her infirtui
ties, but did not affect her sunny dispo-1
sition. Opium in,one form or'1
lias been bur chief medicine.
She wes taken with the grip a wees
ago, which was followed by ]
which resulted fatally.
* H
anytime. Cora o and see me.
Albert L. Mitel
J! fj ‘‘
: w .'Who'rtMlb ted Ketaii
S3 & $2 SHOES
Colored Blood Boiling in Indians.
Chsblkstox, S. C., Jan io.J^Spec-
l.d]—The following is a letter received
here today by the sheriff. It is. post
marked Indianapolis, and is addressed
to the sheriff or mayor of Charleston:
“Yon are a—— —. You. let
negroes be shot , down like dogs. We
as a race hare organized a committee of
,*1.7* shoe for _
Bush’s old Stand, US C3a8tonS*reet,
- DRALKftfl IV
Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye
Stuns, SIssS: ltd Putty,
Fresh supply of LupdroUi's GAUDKN 8KK113,
- HoadquarUrs fnr
Mtmtri Celebrated Bemedles.
Harmony Grovo News.
Habxoxt Gkovk, Ga. Jan! 21.—[Spe
cial.]—“Star” the Chief'of the Chey
enne tribe of Indians, lectured here
has made 8100,000 by bis sermons,
It to announced that the negroes of
Georgia who twenty-five years ago
were slaves now possess 880,000,000
worth of property. last night on the “advancement of mis-
CoUis P, Hunnington/of New- -York, ; lionary wprk Among the Indians at
advises the young men of America to go' Tiresent,” and also on “their customs
to Africa as it is the easiest land iu tnc arid habits, ,their mode of wetshiping
world to get rich in.
Sullivan has repeated his determina
tion not to engage in another 1 prize
fight til! he “gets out of the hands of
the Mississippi authorities.”
The house of fit, - H. B. Fai
wealthy farmer near Spnngfleli .
waa fired by an incendiary and the own
er perished in the llames.
2*Sri£ , ^5?SS r ^fttTt,8tontow-its Merits.
<Yoqr,mayor to not fit for his position 1 The fol'ovying twenty well known
or no one of your officers. Let the, poor L citizens of Athens.are selected from my
white — do as they please, j list of purchasers to wborn.i refer as to
We have got 81,000 in hand now. We I the merits of the Lee Nauge. Consult
tend the Indianapolis Journal'. Answer I the references, see the Bunge and if you
through it. II thare is any more hang- want a flrst-^lass cooking apparatus
— istoi
Urtwiuo, viicii lAiv/tAv yi nuiouii/iu^
the Great Spirit and their Christianity
in general.” His lecture consumed an
hour and a half, and was listened to
with the closest attention by a full,
house. This talk made a very deep, as
well as favorable impression upon all
present, and it was the means of Open
ing the eyes of all the great and grow
ing injustice that is being heaped upon
“the lone Indians,”, especially since the
Republican party came into power.
Chief Star received a finished education
at the Osage Mission in'Kansas, arid is
iiiuuumu• a fluent speaker, a foroible logician arid
The oddest woman in Vienna is Frau an orator 6f invariable power.
Being the last of his immediate faintly,
he has deckled to devote his life and
talents in missionary work, so to speak,
among the pale faces, for. the benefit of
his race, and right well to he progress
ing in his noble work.
An Implobable Story.
Vixxxa.' ian. 21—[Special.}—An ex-
traodihary and very sensational version
of the Meyerling’tragedy has been pub-
republicans. His ruliugs are always Itohed in Vienna papers, <s not
to suit bis party. credited in Court circles at the Hof-
Artisian wells sunk in the desert of hiitg- I* to Umt Archdnke Rudolf and
Sahara reached water at a depth of 230 ’lb® young Baroness Vetscra were broth
feet, at which a steady pJmr of 5000 ‘“■‘nd msteri tliat. Emperor Franz Jo-
gallons per minute h&s lieenT obtained. *«f n ia de ( loye to Baroness Vetsera, and
The water is brackish but answers tor ttte , h ® r °‘ n « Meyerling tragedy
irrigition purposes. wa * ^ t0 »!«?«? i, that when the facts
Th« Pension Dpnnrfmenf- - nt w«iw were told to Archduke Rudolf he was
Jnifnn 80 «®ccted by thd revfelationof the ter
1 rible secret thrii he suicfded.
twenty-seven widows of Revolutionary - rhe basis fo - the 8tor y 8e ems tribe a
soldier* who haveT>eep r«gqlarly_paii^ repo,!; that,wi»enCount Hoyos brought
1 the news of their fate to the Emperor,
ravage and Uo9 «' His Majesty exclaimed, “My soli, my
daughter.” The story .has been recall
The ydungest to 71; r ’ ■
Last'Sunday ari effort was made to
close the •ctnennnw
amber flowed with the old time free
dom bnt the pullCB fiffTMTlo find UiC sa
loon open. The theaters were raided
and both managers and’ performers
were arrested. * — '
John Mnllery, of SL Louis, is ptei 30
years of age and recently took dnto
himself his third wife, a wouiaiMrf 40.
He had several sons* antT'daughters,
some of whom areover 60 years-of Age.
His children are now having him tried
for lunacy. ■
The young King of Spain, who h:
been pronounced out of danger, is not a
pretty child He to totally bald and.has
no eyebrows nor eyelashes. He is ner
vous and irritable and inherits an epi
leptic temperament. His tetfaerwas a
dissipated man aud the child shows the
effset of his paternal ancestor’s folly.
After the capture of the American
schooner Justice by officials of the Co
lumbian government the negro soldiers
treated our sailors in a brutal manner
At the sliglicst provocation they would
prick tlieirlloll with their bay.nets,
and would laugh at them when to] * held acoomiab!
for their actions.
ooatoreneo—of-twenty primitive
tiers was held at..
Momitain^lVestern North Carolina,
last week, in which the preachers • de-.
bated on tlip coming of Christ,. on the
end of the world, and finally agreed to;
preach that the world would surely
come to an end daring-tha ’year,--’ The
' ■ ■■
.pie, who be!
jurin^ tue jrcar, rui
ieve itis no use to inaki
any preparations ahead for eropd;
guilty 6f Violating a trade-
MABK * ,, ra* jsjiich-thfe talent
•Luzon J. FjndijkwKo was ifctions from ntimi
Information reached Albany yester
day of'a very diabolical crime at Nahun-
Aehe they would be almost prieekss to thorn
who suffer from tills distressing complaint:
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will And
these Httie pills raluahle in so many ways that
they will not he willing to do without them.
But attar all tick hoad
ter,on the Brurswickand Western rail
way, about ten miles above Brunswick.
,It seems that N. S. Leary, a merchant
and turpentine mill man of Nahnnter,
had a difficulty with a negro on Friday
morning, and battered tlio negro up.
The bruised darkey threatened Leary’s
life, and,securing a pi-tol. After night
fall he concealed nimself under a shed
and layd in wait for his intended vic
tim. For sonic cause or other Claude,
tlie ten-year-old son of Mr. Leary, went
out of tne store and tlie negro shot him
through. It is thought that he mistook
the son for the father. The hoy’s, con
dition. when last heard from, was so
critical‘as not to allow a hope of bis re
covery. Tlie negro effected his escape,
and up to last accounts had not been
arrested. ... . . .. ,
i i *. 3m
' W M
Is the bane of ao many lives that here la where
we make our great boast. Our pill: cure It
while others do not.
Cum'l Lima Liver Piu* are very unall
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
• dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In rials at SS cents;
five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mall.
uim uMcan cc„ »e» ia
Saturday night there was a row at
West Point in which one negro was
killed and several whites and blacks
dangerously wounded. A negro wo
man plunged a knife into Mr. George
Burdcll’s back. That night some three
or four white boys, under tlie influence
of liquor, became involved in a light
with some negroes at a negro house on
the outskirts of the town, and, it seems,
got the worst of it. Returning to town,
theyjnrmed themselves,and taking some
of their friends with them, returned to
the scene of the difficulty and searched
the house for the negroes but they had
kit' (Continuing their search they
'7 v:-'V* 1
d other distinctive marks of the
gtomifie Carter’s Little Liver Pills,
pleaded guilty yesterday before Record
erSmyth in the Court of Gen ~* "
written recommendation of the District--
Attorney aud on tlie cartiticates by t' “
coinpliiinants that the defendant* h
-mark and
ceased to violate tli
had surrendered the materials used in
imitating tlie complainant’s trade
mark, he would suspend sentence. He
The complainant in the case utiites
with the District Attorney in request
ing that judgment should be suspended
upon you. It is the mere suspension
of judgment. If you are again finin'
violating this trademark you wiil b
brought here arid sentenced to the Ion
est term the court can Impose upon this
conviction. You understand you stand
here now convicted of a misdemeanor.
There will be no trial. Yon can be
sentenced on this conviction at anytime
tfte court choose-to. pass sentence upon
you. If you engage iu this business of
violating the complainant’s trade-mark
just as yon stum] there and 1 happen to
be here you. will be sentenced to tlie
penitentiary, You cau go for the pres
ent. .f.uUCu Ji/itJjJi
. I a lost,
tlie colored woman who pic-ked
up tlie memorandum account book near
McKie’s warehouse please return to
Grr & Hunter and get rewarded,
i -r. i -- j 20-3 til
Fresh Fish arid oysters received daily
At Booth Bros.;;; tf
ed and has renewed much gossip.
W<'make a spednlty in prep
Merritt’s Cleanvinp; Powder,
, * “ Hoof Liiinlil.
“ Favorite Liniment.
Physician’s Prescriptions
Accurately Compounded, Da; or Hl&bt. .
HT* Having mn-based Until’* Prescription
me, oeu duplicate Preourintiuns ailed by Mm.
Jan. 1!) —d&wsmip
ing of negroes you will bear from
We will come down there. Answe
Answer to
208 North Cheney street.
The sheriff sent a letter to the com
mittee, care of the Indianapolis Jour
nal, saying that no negroes or whites
would be banged in Charleston for
years to come.
Baby One Solid Rash
Ugly, painful, blotched, mEtieioat. No rest 1>y
day, no peace by night. Doctors and all [.Thomas Fleming
remedies failsd. Triad Cutlcura. Effect
marvelous. Saved bto Ufa. ' ■
Cured by Cuticura
Our oldest child, hour mx you* old, when an
infsnt six niantUs old was attseked with a V
ulent, mnllgnsnt vkld disease. All ordlna
remedies failing, ’
who att
•iioet ini
you are my cust
Dr SCBencdic]. A H Hodgson
F B Lucas . Casper Morris.
H;N Taylor Wm Ware
Prof H C White M B McGiuty
Prof E G Branson- C D Flanigen
Julius Cohen Mrs Blackwell
I H Allen Mts Olive
J BToomer ■ Mrs Lucy Mathews
Industrial Home E R Brumby
A D Mathews.
In the Country:
Dr Watkins, Sandy Cross
WO Flukor, Union Point
[ Mr. Stovall, Oconee county
i»ry j J W Arnold, W ilkes county
g.wtcnpedonrfkmPypfivHcianl Andrew & Glenn.Oglethorpe county
-* I J M Brisertdim, : “ 4
James Young,
Bottom Prices,
Geo. R. Lombard & (o.
Foundry, Hesliine, Boiler and. Qin
and Supply Honan,
Mch7 d*
— 1
feet waa Blmply inarvelons In three or four
weeks sromplete euro won wrought, lecringthe
little fellow’s perwn as white end healthy Ss
though ho had never been attacked. In*my
opinion pour Valuable remedies aaved his -tile,
and today ho is a strong, healthy child,perfectly
well, no repetition ol the disease having ever
occurred. GKO. It. SinTb,
Attorney at law and cx-proaecuting attorney,
Ashland, Ohio.
T A Hanie.
J R Shields, Jackson county.
Woods.Ashford, Watkinsville
James Freeman, Antioch - !
G A Potter, Supt. Ga. Factory.
Mr Card, Supt. Barnett Shoals.
Niagara Fire Insurance
Company, of New York.
Grant & Willcox, Agents.
in addition to the
Boy Covered With Scabs.
all liU > l&e wii
pea red alio
yearn, liae been troubled
a very had bunior, which ap
his body in small red blotches,
with a dry white ecsb oo them. Last year he
was Worse than ever, being covered with Jscabs
from the top' bf the head to Ms feet, and cotuin-
I keep the best and largest selected stock
sm happy to say they did all that I could wish,
bslogtheinr• ** —*— - 4
UsioEtfiem according to dlrec ion*, the humor
ttvpldlv disappeared,^leaving the skin -fair and
Stoves and Goods
my Line
A call v.flil
OraslA Willcox.
Otar readers will probably liave no-
ticed that Grant A "Willcox are patron-
izing our advertising columns very
freely. They are wide-awake business
men and understand the art of calling
attention to their,, business. They are
agents fpr the celebrated Mutual*Life
Insurance Company.and also represent
a number of tue best insurance compa
nies. Their* Smith Premier type writer
has improvements possessed by no other
type-writing machine; arid they, are
pushing it for all it is worth. Howeyer,
a leading feature of th'e business trans
acted by them to that of merchandise
broker, and being agents for the largest
and best knos^n houses the North
and West. their trade in .this line is con
siderable. Give them* a call aud you
will receive courteous and prompt at
tention; *>’ ~
SSSS.lSd^fSmi^alKteate The Of any house in this city.
(utlcura ltemedie-i are all you el uim for them. I convince.
Tney are wonh their weight in gold. ' |
E.E. J0NE3 209 Broad St
ruey are worth their woight in gold.
Ho. Andover. Mass.
Cuticura Resolvent.
Jefferaon Jottings.
i ^l.-rJustice
court for tnis’district toin session now
and It takdFoiHhe dignity, almost of a
Superior court. It usually takes-from
two to three days to get tlirough..
Cal. R. S. Howard, of Athens, is here.
He has a number <ff cases . before this
’ '- l ■” •» •._ ^
■Jackson Superior cotirt cOnVenes two
weeks from ifio-day and tHere kill be a
two weeks* picnic for the lawyers.
School: is stitl«o a boom and will
neb two hundred this week.
MRS. SCijYT^lbbONS. ..
One:of tbe ficheittreats of the season
ill be thq drama'ic recitals, of Mrs;
tott-SIddons, at % new opera house,
sevcral months ago forvin|stinu*fiW Siddrins is too WriR known tothe Amer-
as an actress, -or is a dramatic rriaher.
Althriugh successful na tbs tormeV, she
prefere the latter for ninny -reasons, p It
her a wider scope for her many
it relieves-her fronrtlie'riner-
arautif if ia-i in
s P t;
Mtddling npljmds, 5 5-8 jMMdUng, Orleans:
'Ssiea jt,CC0.' . , . Tone 1 Kt.
es of maiiagemeiit;' it is'lh ev
il more satisfactory, I giving
ore time for the- enjoyihent of the
and quiet -of hpme life, which is
more grateful, than the flash of
flights, or the praise of the peo-
‘TO RENT.—A well located store on
Broad street, can be- rented-, at a bar-
K*in l»y.. calling- on w dRlins pobeik at
once.i , .
-Fine fish and select oyster* all times
at Booth Brosalvio?. **•*» .-*■» * •
For extra fine meat call at Booth Bro
and you wil get just what you call for
Both Bros, understand tlio business.
Do You Waht.-Chkaf Boaed.—Ap
ply to 281 Dougherty stret. Jan5-Im
Mr. H. C. qiarke, or tills City, Gets $20,000
from the Louisiana State Lottery. *7
“Is it actually triie that you imve re
ceived a part of the capital* prize in the
last drawing of the Louisiana State
Lottery?” asked a reporter for tho
Star-Sayings Of Mr. H. C. Clarke, a
young-lithographer employed at Aii-
DistGi m *” •
gust Gust’s a ml-residing at No. 712 N.
Conipton avenue. “Yes,” said he, I
have received $30,000 in cash. The
money was paid to me In’ the Conti
nental Nat, Bank, of St. Louis, to now-
in niv possession, and a part of it will
go into an elegant little home for my- ■
self and my family. My ticket was tS’jsn.S
number03.”—St. Lotus (Mo) Star-j atw-katgU(,'~S
Sayings, Nov. 23.•
The nfw
greatdtln- .
vita skin puriller, extertuOly, «voe-lily, perma
nently and economically enres in early Ilia itch
ing, burning, bleeding, scaly, truatfel; pimply,
arrofulous and hereditary humors Wll b . loan Qf
hair,thus avobllng years of torture and dic'lgu-
rathin- raronte, rcineinber this:cures in child-
bikxl are ]<ermanent.
I $l,00»0ne Year fot Ona DoIIar.-$1.0O.
Wc have just ojieiied up the largest
stock of garden seeds ever brought to
this city, consisting in part of 60,000
papers Buist{s Prize medal stock. 60
busaels beans and peas, 50 bushels
choice onion sets.
Our prices are the lowest at whole
sale and retail.
Special prices to market gardeners.
John Crawkobd A Co.,
Wholesale and Retail’Druggist.
Athens, Ga.
Call and get one of Butot’s Garden
Manuels for 1890.
are |www»ia.
id everywhere. Price, Cuticura. BOc: Soap,
Sc; Resolvent. $1. Prepared by the Forrgii
Dnvo and Chemical Cobi oration, Boot
(Sgr-Send for -How to Cure Skin Diseases
41 page.-, 6 - illustration* aud 100 teetimouials.
Forjsso will be as much better than the Week
ly Prcjs-for 1S8D as- w» can make it. tVltli every
Issue during the new vein- it will be
Each of the liftv-two number* will contain
ten pager, or eighty columns, with a total for
»h* yenr of R5»pages, Or4lS0 c-olnmns. Thus, it
will be “os big ar a book,” as the Maying is.
Not billy will It be as big as a book, but It, will:
Queen Insurance Com
pany of Liverpool, England.
Grant Willcox, Agents.
- | be a paper ot quality as well nr of quantity. It
DJDVK! Skin and scalp preserved and beauti. will coutaiu tiic pick of eveiything good.
DSDl O fled by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure. 1 * d* o«n> m,v,T.imw
How My Side Aches!
Aching rides and backAlpAiilney and
terine pains, rbeumatlo, sciatic, neu
ralgic, sharp and shooting pains reliev-
tn one mutate by .the Cuticura Anti.
Athens Cotton Exchange.
Athens, Ga. January 21.—Tonis of
the Market, .firm.
Good Middling 10 3-8 to 10 1-2
' Sti-iet Middling 10 1,4
Middling 10 1-8 , :
Strict Low Middling 10
Lofw Middling 9 7-8
Strict good ordintey 9 3-4
Tinges 9 5-8 to 9 7-8
Stains 8 1-2 to 91-2 ;
I l New Ymr{
• tone- Finn.,,, i
‘Fmayes. , ,,j j
Felouary - __
March lu j-
4^*' ■ ■
Middling 1013-M
0 Ii5
The Idea is that Tho Weekly Press shall be
both clean and wideawnfce. It -will discuss »U
(subjects of public interest anil importance. The
writer, on its list include : Julia Ward Howe,
E. Lynn Linton, Prof. Jf. S. it-Ualcr, Louis Pas
teur, William Black, Edmund Gosse, Edgar W.
Nye,OphtP. Reed, nnd. Indeed,'almost every
popular writer of note in this country and quite
a number of distinguished writers abroad. In
Action, an attraction of the-year will be “Es
ther,” by -H. Rider Haggard ; another serial
•torv, already engaged, will be “Come Forth,”
by Elizabeth Scuart,Phelps. .
l^beb^.-oud^eted agricultural page In Amer-
•The “.Women’spage”cf.ThoWeekly Prowls
alone wprth the siibqcriptlnnnrice. Its lUnstra-
tioss «m attracting attention everywhere.
The special department for children is
addressed to the school children and school
teacher, of America. Let the Children join the
new Rainbow Club just started. Let
Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Corefl
H can be gluen in l cup of coffeo or tea. or In ar.
Hclss of fotek without 0w knowledge of the per-
ton taking It; it *- * — 3 * —
ton taking It; it is absolutely harinltee and will
thepatlmit Is a moderate drinker or an aioohotlo
a complete cure in eTo^instauce. «S page boox
Addrew In copb.donce,_
SPECIFIC CO-135 Race $1. Cincinnati.».
peto for the prizes—Ml "in bright, wholesome,
instructive books.
I Is clean, relia-
' ble, indepen.
dent, b right.
Th9 best news-
paper for the
Subscription 50 cents a month, postage paid.
intMj k
Siree journals i n connect
Piem at such low rates a» vii
great family paper FREE to til
copies furnished free upon application.
' By mail, postage free in the United States and
' Aetna Insurance Company
of Hartford, Conn. Grant
& Willcox, Agents.
[including Sunday), one year..:...:
(incledtngSimday;, ohe month..’/.'
7 SO
tvrs«4a,,0D« year,.,.. l to
’ s, Checks, and other Remittaooes should
i payable to the oider of
Another Splendid Gift.
An Elegant Work of Art
(10 Pages.)*
' -t% -* 101 Will soon receive Her - - : !
In the meantime she offers
taorder to make room for the new goeds.'
———- “ The Scotch Raid/'
Jon. 16—dtlstap.
Receipts or AilU- S. Ports.
Manufacturer* of
Laches’ and Gents’ Underwear.
Fine Dres -- Shirts to Order a Specialty.
1TJ King Street,.. ,. HABLBSTON,8. C.
- r. 1
good mules and horses for sale
Orr & Huxtkk.
by *
■ jl7-wlt-dlw
LOAItlJ.—^ix or ei^lit hoarders can
get aceommod.ition, comor Wasliingtou
;ind Thomas streets. janl5-0td
For fresh fish and oysters call on
Bopth J}ro», tf
To every new subscriber or renewal f« -r the
Tlio Beautiful Engraving,
companion pmsm
FAIIL” which was, uiiti: re ently, the premium
with lie Weekly (J obe-Democrat.
JST-The i rice oi the WEEKLY GLORE DEV.
u< H.ti) one year.
SCOTCH RAID,” s only
Subscribers desiring both pictures can have
“THE HORSE FAIR”for25c. extr .
Fostmasters ami news dealers v% ill take sub
scriptions, or remit direct 10 tee
Globe Printing Co.
^ sample copy of paper,