Newspaper Page Text
vmi WSli
fc flflMjbte fig
Mayor—L. G. Cartledge,
v Wardens—J. J. Beck, T. W. Tinsley
L. G. Cartledge' and G. W. Colley.
Clerk—T. W. Tinsley.
Treasurer—8. T. Clayton.
Marshal—E. P. Richardson.
Oiu-Clubbing Rates.
The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬
tution cino year for $1.50.
The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬
tivator one-year for$1.50.
Baptist Church—Bev. Z. T. Weaver,
-pastor. and Saturday Preaching every third Sunday
before. Sunday-school
every Newton, Sunday at 10 o'clock a. m. J. M.
. M. E. Clnr-cli—Rev, F. McCullough,
Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at
11 o’clock a m. Sunday-school every
Sabbath at 3 p m. L. G. Cartledge, Su¬
Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388, F. & A.
M., meets every first and third Saturdays
in each mouth at 8.30 p. ni.
J. T. Stewart, W. M.
Sidney Paul,
New goods are arriving, and down,
down goes tho price on the few sum-
mer goods on hand. Call early.
Mrs. |E. M. Crittenden,
Shell man, Ga.
It threatened a regular September,
1882, storm the first of the week.
Madam Rumor says that “Brownie”
will soon move to Arlington.
Messrs. Thact Oliver and Frank Che¬
ney were in town Sunday.
Col. R. R. Marlin, of Dawson was in the
city yesterday on legal business.
Mr. and Mrs. Seab Mansfield of Dickey
.’were in town shopping Wednesday.
Monday our Ordinary transacted the
nsual business of his monthly court.
Mr. Will Arthur and Miss Belle Den¬
nis spent Sunday in town, the guests of
the Newton.
John II. Mercer of Dawson visited tho
-city Tuesday. The Colonel looks well
and hearty.
Mr. R. J. Sale was in town Monday
W the interest of the popular drug firm
of Sale- Davis of Dawson.
Mrs. Clayton, who has been sick
so long, is convalescing, we are glad
to report.
Owing to the illness of the pastor,Rev.
Frank McCullough, there were no ser¬
vices at the Methodist church Sunday.
For the week ending Wednesday
night the price of cotton in Morgan
has averaged 6 3-8.
Bostwick & Toole are the leaders
in low prices for this section. Seo
for your self.
The county poor farm will be sola
to the highest cash bidder on tho
fi-rst Tuesday in October. See legal
Mr. E. Waxalbaum of Macon visited our
'town the first of tho wook, looking cool
and quite contented, as If had accomplished
all that he came for.
Miss Inez Cheney, accompanied by
Mr. Goorge Graham of Cuthbert, visited
Miss Genie Tins’oy Sunday. Miss Genie
returned with them to Shellman.
Mr. W, B. Farrow has charge of T. J,
Tinsley and Co.’s mills. Mr. Farrow is
a young man, it is true, but thoroughly
understands the mill business.
Very best Checks 5£cts., Fruit of
Loom Bleachings at 7cts. at
Bostwick & Toole’s.
Last Friday Messers. A. >T. Carver and
W. O. Pascal of Dawson met Mr. Thos.
F. Cordray at the office of Col.J. J. Beck
ana closed the trade for the Corday mill
property, paying $1,565 cash, These
clever gentlemen have purchased one of
the finest pieces of water-power property
in the South at a bargain. In this trans¬
action we see a railroad and hoar the
hum of factory machinery,
Mr. E. P. Parkins attended to business
in town Tuesday. Gene says he could
not ask for a better business than he is
doing at his machine shops at Dickey.
Ho has just returned from Blakely, whore
he has been at work overhauling an en¬
gine for G. W. Cherry, Mr. Parkins’s
excellent work and the free use of print¬
er’s ink is building up for him an enviable
Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Trunks
in endless variety and at positively
unmatehable prices at
Bostwick & Toole’s,
Loading merchants for this section.
While the editor, typo and devil of
this office were biting their finger nails
on Thursday and looking lonoso-nely
out of the front window, cogitating on
the uncertainty of human affairs and the
cussedness of times iu general, the devil
saw a bread smile flit across tho editor •
face. Hastily rushing to thefron’t door,
he broke out in good humored parlance,
"She’s coming!” At once a hustle got
on to everything in the office, and, sun-
enough, who Hkould drive up to tin-
door but tho editor’s wife and daughter,
who had been gone all the week. Tn
last seen of the editor ho wa., standing in
the hot sun, bareheaded, making excuses
to the ladies, and—curraiu
I Cri Hjii'i, s,.. ' if n,!<i
wise Arranged ’>y CO /damlle.'
"Good nighl i” she said, and laid her head
And Upon dim's manly breast:
he, accepted, homeward tinned,
His soul with joy possessed.
He fancied still, above his heart
He felt that cheek so fair;
On hanging up his coat he found
Its ghostly imprint there.”
Our editor says he apologizes.
Marshal Richardson says he enj 0 ys(?)
fixing up bridges.
Is the girl who shows two engagement
rings a "two-ringed show?”
A little "courting” scene was enacted
at the court house Sunday afternoon.
Our editor says ho wishes he had as
hue an outfit for printing as Gone
kms has for machine work.
The nights are cool and the M-ovgan
boys enjoy a foot race every Saturday
night, but the contestants generally run
in opposite directions.
It is not good form to say a lady "en¬
tered the room with a bustle.” Bustles
are entirely out of date.
Does a man need a home in order to
be Evilly himself? And is a man ever al¬
together himself except in his home?
Above most men, I would pity
one whose experience suggested to
him,—cold as forgotten kisses after death.
A Miss Matilda Ico was married to a
Mr. Kraemo in Chicago the other day.
No doubt their children will bo called
the Ice-Kraemes,
Our editor’s better half has been on a
visit to Shallman the past week, and his
weight has increased ten pounds or more.
He has been taking his meals at the
Thornton House.
I don’t eat any moro bologna sausage,
if I know it, says the Argus devil. A
rich sausage manufacturer of Chicago is
on tnal for killing his wife and making
iicr into sausage, I lovo woman, but
prefer not to eat her.
If any of my friends contemplate sui¬
cide just read a copy of the Waycross
Journal, Dalton Argue, or a column or
two of Frank Stanton’s “stuff” and you
will change your mind and agree
this is the brightest, prettiest world you
ever lived in.
A complete line of furniture, all
stvleg, such as Lounges, Suits, Dress¬
ers, Springs, Mattresses, Chairs, etc.,
at prices to suit the people at
Bostwick & Toole's.
There are liars and bullies in every
towa whose sole aim in life is to set the
pot of gossip boiling and try to stir np
strife and discontent in an otherwise
peaceful community. Why don't
take a vacation? Society dispense with
their setvicos and a good long rest of
their jaiv might kill them. A wagging
tongue that hangs on a swivel can do
more barm in fifteen minutes than a
skunk in a grave yard. A person who is
addicted to the habit of tattling and tat¬
tling and spreading news is nauseating to
the world and ia an everlasting nuisance.
There is no esense for young men loaf¬
ing about tire streets. If a young man
can’t find employment lie can at least
read. Good books are a young man’s
best friend, and he who spends his time
reading such will certainly not have
wasted it, A young man who is contin¬
ually loafing is soon looked- upon as an
idler, and finds himself thought of and
spoken of in the same manner as the
ldwest class of degraded men are thought
and spok of. Don’t loaf. If you can’t
find work don’t stand ont on the side¬
walks or hang around a store and make
a perfect eyesore of yourself.
In last week’s Monitor the following
paragraphs appeared in the Folks Items:
1. “Truth crushed to the eart will rise
2. Miss Claude Eubanks spent several
days with the Misses Green last weok.
Now, one of the paper’s heretofore
best friends took exceptions atf the quo-
tation and at the word "Green,” and said
some very naughty things to our editor.
We assure the venerable gentleman that
the paper means no harm or wishes to
"cut” at anyone’- by occasionally making
an inexplicable mistake or publishing
our correspondents’s Items, or sometimes
giving our correspondents a complimen¬
tary notice. In justice to the gentleman
we correct the personal by striking out
the word “Green” in the second line of
the second paragraph, and inserting in
lieu thereof the word "Stewart.” Our
editor ordered this correction ami apolo-
gy, and says he hopes it will satisfy all
Miss Jeddie Bock was tendered a
sociable by Mrs. Mattie Thornton, tho
clover hostess of the Thornton House,
Tuesday evening. Miss Jeddied and
her little friends enjoyed the enter-
tain men t very much, and, perhaps,
this will bo tho last time for several
months that sho will be able to meet
her playmates, as sho will leave
morow for Saudersville, where
will enter school.
Certainly ^^T^Tto suffer with
dyspepsia, Glo-.v constipation, and sick headache,
- .skin lost.; of app-tite. You
have never tried DaWitt’s Little Early
Risers for these complaints or you would
have been cured. They iro small pills
but moat regulators. Mrs. 8. T.
Morgan, P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Tur-
ner, Edison.
Our readers could not do better
than trade with the merchants who
advertise in this paper. If you can’t
get what yeu want from one, go to
another. They are all fair-dealing
people, and will treat their customers
right every time.
Bring Us Your Cotton.
The cotton season is upon us, and
if you desiro tho highost prices for
vour cottor) bnng }t to us. We are
p ay i ng higher prices than any one
you can conveniently ;, roach, and pay
cas h f or the cottoll e buy _
I'o Onr Debtors.
W ° ha " 0 ^
„ tne year, have sold you goods at close
figures on long time, and now we
" ,ar 'i . you to , come and , settle ,,,
account. If you have but otic bale
ojt v- br5n along- 1
Heavy Stock of Goods.
Our store is loaded to the muzzle
o '“V ^iay n l ton
Fi'oni Our Neighbor Leary.
Mrs, A. J. Dixon left Tuesday
j Louisville, Lv., intending to extend
j visit Mrs. to New York, on buaincs. lias
, W. H. O. Cofiuinghhra been
having ft round with the chills this week.
We miss her very much from our l-auks.
Miss Bessie Bray boarded the cars
Tuesday for Lotiisvillo, where sho will
spend some time on business.
Sheriff Davis was in the city on route
to Albany Monday.
Dr. W. R. Terry paid home folks in
Webster county a visit this week.
P. C. Colley was with us last week from
Dawson, looking- after his farming inter-
There was a little excitement last
Thursday, caused by a runaway Texas
pony. It looked like he wanted to stand
iu with SO me of the neighbors from the
I way ho tried to get into the crowd.
i Mrs. N. B. Johnson returned to her
j home in Macon Thursdry, accompanied
by Mrs. T. B. Jordan. They will go from
Macon to Indian Springs, wliero they
will spend a week or ten days,
Wo have moro bachelors on hand this
week than we can name.
Miss Bessie Bull, one of Baker’s pret¬
tiest young ladies, was in Leary Tuesday.
Mr. Sam Wight, Albany’s popular in¬
surance agent, paid our town a visit
Mrs. F. P. Griffin has been quite sick
for the past week, but glad to say she is
Mr. M. A. Bunch went to Shellman
Sunday to visit his daughter,Mrs. Arthur’
and old friend John.
T. R. Jordan paid Holt Station a visit
Sunday, while W. H, 0, Cunningham
took in Albany.
4-4 Waymanville Sheetings at
Bbstwick & Toole’s,
10-tf. Arlington.
Mr. John R. Bridegs of Benevo-
. lence calle(1 on this Tuesday.
j Ml \,r ' p Bnd • i S es came do •» ^ n to , make . ar '
rangements, as administrator, to sell
the effects of Mr. J. E. Bridges, do-
Woolen Dressgoods in all styles
Sets, up at Bostwiek & Todies,
j Trimmings to match, 10-tf.
Joel Harper knocked Jerry Graves,
his step son, down and kicked him
about pretty severely Wednesday
morning. The difficulty happened
on the Clayton place, two miles south
of Morgan, and was caused by Har-
per aud his wife separating. All
j parties are colored,
Small precautions often prevent great
effective smalfpllls in slz^b^arc^nolt
• in preventing the most serious
f°rms of liver and lung troubles. They
StethT^bowete 0 " h 8Jr?CtayKK
; Mre.
gau; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner,
PIA A If 11 FIT'
Tm r -' A AvW' [A T
J u
y x A
’fA if■ 7
l si /A m
; Itrvgrj /
d / V \ ii V. B
& i
f & 57*
TO THE PEOPLE to rounding OF CALHOUN few counties words in and wo plain wish sur¬
business say a a
way. It we talk to you in high sounding phrases you
would language laugh at us, but when we come right down to every¬
Now day you will understand that, we mean business.
what we have to say to you is as follows, and it will pay you to listen
To What We Have to Sc
with new.goods, and moro on the
road, and tho man is certainly hard
to please who can’t supply his wants
at our house in the way of Drygoods,
Dressgoods, Clothing, Provisions,
Tinware Wooden ware, Cutlery, ote.
Wo ha vo
Slaughtered Prices,
And are determined to lead the trade
in this section. Now, bring in your
cotton, whether you owe us or not,
and you will bo surprisod at tho fig¬
ures vto handle it at, as well as the
unheard of prices at which wc sell
Yours, to command,
Abtanuton, Gv, Sept. 1, 1897.
Dear fc5iu; As an inducement \vc offer
from now until tlia 15tli of this rnontli
one-fourth of a cent per pound advance,
on all "cotton notes due October 1st, 1897.
Now figure this, and you will see the
saving to you exceeds 3 per cent per
month, or 3G per cent per annum. All
business men will take advantage of this
offer at onoe.
For all money notes we will give 1 per¬
cent discount up to September 15, 1897.
Hoping you will see fit to take advantage
of the abovo offer, we remain,
Yours truly,
Abmnoton Oil an d Fertilizer Co.
Our board of commissioners met
Tuesday. A full board was present,
and after the labors of the day' we
learned that the tax rate for 1897 is
7.29, which, added to the State tax,
makes a total rate of $12-50 that our
people will have to pay this year.
This is made necessary by the fact
that the county is $1,049.26 in debt
already. Peruaps the Monitor is
wrong in saying [so, but wo believe
that if the property of the county had
been given in at a fair valuation onr
county would have made a better
financial showing.
The “Bicyclist’s Best Friend" is a fami¬
liar name for Do Witt’s Witch llazle Salve,
always ready for immergoneles. While
a specific for piles, it also instantly rolievos
and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema
andall affections of the slitn. It never fails.
Ma-s. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd,
Leary; Henry Turner, Edison.
Mrs. Bid Mays, who is visiting her
sister, Mrs. S. N. McGuirt, aud who
has been very sick for several days,
was reported some better when the
paper went to press. Mr. Mays ar-
rived here from their homo afc Mo¬
Donou g ] V Ga ’’ about 5 0 ’ clock yes-
tordiiy 7 iqqttiv\&
Mr. W. J. Ragan received a letter
from his daughter, Mrs. Blanche
Kenney, Wednesday night stating
that Mr. Kenney was convalescing,
and if nothing hapenod he would bo
up in a few days.
HvcrvhoCy Says 8.V.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas¬
ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently
and cleansing positively the on entire kidneys, liver dispel and bowels, colda,
headache, fever, system, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try Sold ra box
of U. C. C. to-day; 10, 35, 50 cents. and
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
Selma Davis with Miss Cullie Nel¬
son, Walter Beck with Missos Wick
Nelson and Susie Davis spent yes¬
terday very pleasantly at the hospi¬
table country home of Mr. C. J. Mc¬
Plant an advertisement it the peo¬
ple’s paper—the MONITOR.
Nice Turnouts—Day or Night—at
Reasonable Prices.
Take your stock to my
St ablos to be cared for.
‘..-'; 6'8, ”3'9 @@§'% 1:” (33‘ 36,. ,, a g“ - E5? "5 3. g Ki}. 3 _,, 5% '3‘»: " “=?- 43 ,
I am now selling my summer Stock of Millinery at. greatly reduced
prices to make room for my fall and winter stock. If you want real
® 2:: '2 2 .., fl? 95%: W E
Can on me while in Morgan. I carry a fifll line of Millinery, and can
give you prices on this class of goods, especialiy Hats, never dr amad of.
ftiJsffi s
S.N. McGuirt.
\> a
f ft v //
A t.
vr-G> 9^ c
.A*? -:
Where I got for cash.—
9 pounds good coffee for 81.00
7 pounds Arbuolrle coffee, 1.00
18 lbs. white sugar, 1.00
181 lbs. good rice, 1.00
50 lbs. pearl grits, 1.00
Best White Label Lard, f>J eta.
Best white meat, by the side, 7jcfe.
Sheeting Ladies aud checks, per yd, 5ot.s.
aud gents slippers, 75c. to 1.50
Ladies aud gents shoes, 75o. to 1.85
Best flour, per bbt., 5.40
Mcooboy Giant snuff, per pound, 45c
Gooseneck potash, 16 boxes for 1.00
D. & H. Scovil Hoc3, 30o
hoes, Nos. 1 and 2,
40 and 45cts.
Globe Fruit Jars, per doz., 75c
Meal and corn, per bnshel, 65c
“Wild Rose” toilet soap, per doz., 45c
Highest market price paid for eggs.
Bring me all you have for sale.
I am yours, thanliing you for your
patronage in the past and wishing to
have it in the future,
S. N. HcOVlBT.
Life! HERE,
a -=«=• ^
r:: I r?- n- -
A Thorough Investigation
Manufactured by Mr. V. T. ELDER
in tire best on tho market. All designs
of him Ladies’ S. X. and CLAYTON’S Gents’ Jewelry. Call on
at and inspect
his fine assoi iruont, the goods are sure to
sell, Come to see me.
bsafee-.. 7
J #
To get, and if you want 8 lbs coffee
for $1.00 don’t go to him for it. But
if you want the best BOILER.
FEEDBS on the market or any
of the following goods he can furnish.,
them to you at prices that will as¬
tonish you-. Drop him a card and he
will do the rest.
Brass Goods.
Brass goods in stock for every va¬
riety of service, such as Globe Valvs,
Cheek Valves, Angle Valves, Cylin¬
der Coclis, Pot Cocks, Drip Cocks,
Air Cocks, Pop Valves, Lubricators,
Steam Guages, Engine Oilcups,
Gnago Cocks,Glrtss Guages complete,
Steam Cocks, Jet Pumps, Inspira¬
tors, Engine Trimmings of every
description, etc., etc.
In stock for repairs 6n engines from
4 to 60-horse power, as follows: Pis¬
ton heads, Follower heads, Piston
rings, Eccentric and Straps, Glands
for stuffing boxes, both brass and
Calhoun County.'; XIICKIE-ST, C3--A..
• »
tel IV-
Ii Jl£il M v;‘. ’ “I : ’
A lazy man will not look after his' interests, and this “willful waste
brings woeful want.” Now if you are on the alert and seek to do tho best
you dollar can f or yourself and those committed to your care you will not spend
a of your money till you seo our stock and got our prices.
Change of Schedule.
Wo will adopt tho SPOP CASH
system on September 1st, and will
sell goods lower than ever. Don’t
fail to call on us when you want to
buy anything for tho house, kitchen
or farm. Wo will save you money.
J. B. PAYNE & CO..
SXiBL-ILTwdiA.lsr, O-A..
I- -
to.4 \uf3EPi Wafa ALL
»'♦ iiO'* DRU5G&X5
■—iifoaamir —mmm .....CASC’AItET8
CANO? like trusto (rood. 39nt them
candy. bud They ro-
lu ovu any
CATHARTIC In the mouth, leaving
tin i breath sweet aud
l)orftimed, it In a
2 # real ploasuro to take
fteauug liquids tllOJU lilHtOatl Of IIIIU-
or ouunm-bal! pills.
PURELY are and purely vegetable
contain no mor*
cerlal SI. other min-
VEGETABLE enil poison. Thoy
are iiind-t of the lat¬
est remedies disco?-
________ _ t? ored and are a Helen*
7*****®* before put togutlior 1 ti in Uc any CO ill form. b 1 n tt tt o n
i »c e . .....CASCARKT0
; nmm
toon bowolaundHtlmuliiio tin*Mtotiittch and
uvea the lav.y liver, muk-
STIMULF.HT !u« it work. They
loo, thy
action a..u uutaruJ. making
^Don’t )«. i - SJASG£51ETS by other medicines you have tried. They
arc new, unlike anything else that's sold, and infinitely superior,
11'- v- ■> Try a 10c box to-day, Larger if boxes, not pleased get
- , i ow?no. X sample otiS WonevbackL and booklet mailed 25c Address or 50c 3
iP v, h . rj \ ■vt ifee«
Q failt.'l iotta I CTEflUtlO REMEDY CO.,CHICAQOi momtre,L, CAN.i NEW YORK. 238
© 'j*. »■»**•*'• *e. e ee
0 , 1 K * t* S»Mv i ± . S * oun.s Tobacco Habit or money retundoO. Makes weak nteti
B '» 9 a strong. SoM »nd Boarantood by all druitglsts. Oet booklot.
Altomsy at Lav and Juliet Feace,
Will pradlco anywhere. Prompt at
tontloh given to all busluosa e.’itruBtod to
hi,-i care. l-17-tf
SHOES. Harness, Ac. repaired in neat,
and workman-like manner. charges
reasonable. Shop North-went cornor pub¬
lic KqiMi-o. Shoos made to order. I also
repair uV kinds of tin ware.
8 . M. LASH.
Office a.vh J?H-,rr*r;vt t Noirrtr of Court
H ot .si! on Public Suuare.
1-17 tf
iron, Steamehest covers, Cylinder
heads, Flange Couplings for shaftinjf
and for wooden wheels, and many
other castings too numerous to m eu-
Brass Castings,
Stick brass, round, hexagon, etc., otft.
Rod brass to any drawing desired,
planed and bored perfectly true.
Asbestos packing, Gum sheet pack¬
ing, Pistonrod packing, etc.
Boiler stoel, Boiler rivets, patch
bolts, stay bolts. Boilers repaired
and tested by hydrawlic pressure to
insure safety. Round machine steel
from one-fourth of an inch to three
inehos in diameter. Piping for same
from ono foqv-tb to three inches in
Key ways all cut by machinery—
Keyseats all cut hy machinery', in¬
suring accurate fitting, etc.
All orders by mail receive prompt
Bee J. B. Payne & Co.. Shellman,
Ga , when you want hardware, Ma¬
chine Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Linseed
Oil, Paints, Axes, Guns, Tinware',
Pistols, Saws, Ammunition, etc., etc'.
They also have a full assortment of
Caskets and Coffins. Call on theiA
and save monoy.
.....CABCA.UETS Increase *
tho How of &
SIBOON by tho niotiiertuakas FOB
Savyl'nWHSIBl H
butcoriHln MOTHERS
tho efleet on #
baby, tlie only a -------- - ... .... »»»»■ A .
sale laxative lor tho bahe-la-arma.
u’reUKod bfS®™ ■! \
dren. They <lo taste I $ fill FLcAdC I"fl©I* S J \
icooa wind-colic find good. f tf K
8top SK'wlirSlISSil and
nil p: li' u ‘jr- THE CHILDREN S 4
sit ■ ^u - « II! „|, 1 -n, l M I ,
bowels of the crowing child.
tn ken iintlontly, jior-
Blntexitly.aroguaraii- teod mi
to cure any case
of con&tipatlo t, no
ma Uor how old aud GU1M7EEB
chane obstinate, o.bfl or will p«r-
money bo V
cheerfully refunded *
hy your own druggist.
.... CASCARETS drug-i «
are ho id by all
glHtu for lOc, 9<Sc, A nLMLlIB yiHfli TU T, A
SOc a box, A W.
box Ifig to will fil/.O. A their 1 «>»: f H CftC* ifi , OCMTC
and prove run IU vCHId A
merit put you on | # W \
the right rood to per* i
feet mid sis'*** _ arriMMrwn _ _
permanent 'Bus*
health. Don’t rh* delay.
Rksiiisnoh South of Public Squauc.
1-17 tf
elsewhere. Practices in tho Courts of the State nnri
flirenit; Practices &c in the Courts oi the -i.ff-Yc iiibav^