The field and fireside. (Marietta, Ga.) 1877-18??, July 03, 1877, Image 4

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VjUotf li a too. ■■ ■ OURSF.LF ii Kit ft; summer < 1;i> 1) "1 (Tly fi\\ ay. sun I it was B'llock. ill** hour- i K, still ion v\ ci i- m.irkc I 1 jßtc- I. ' I lie ■* till iim ITI clanging i'li<* oimiioil it ion led none Western express, line, k l.rled I Illllldelcd tile village. nolle over ult viaduct. Did di-up in id 1 lie V;t-t eijij lie HBS ft 1 i ■ HBber 11 Nh i f I ' \v o 1 1 1 Rio • HH Ikcucd ii. i -1 I passenger -tiil'o H |Ml;y;e -treel crossed Kc loot;.-il ii 11 i lien I<r tin li&k 1 ' 1r i : ' Iff s uF (I (Ton* U ] 'I mly tin- "i .ii IT |Sv(r more llinu i mile t>> lh< ■Kill' I**" lln \ -I i .11 :■!;! fevi'l. I c lit- Util, or W e I. ii dee]) V lit ' by u H .-leih' viaduct, mi l beyond it (111 Veil 111 e IS||k ml II! 01111 1 (■ 11 I|o ii'il le. I i di • [ r i " , Ager -tnlion a li nlered t lie imiiii line, mid I Ilelt ;,s llliglil lie sitj*)mt— H" nvi'i' switch Bey oi ni llu ft'll!:rl > -liltion. on tin* west -Imrt siding ending in ■l tVeight lion e. ;ind direct ly vv ns aunt lu-r idm;.' wit I shed 11 id e< la ! 'ale. A ■PP'ini there w.isjilmi nnollie • over sw ilelt. Witlked on past tin house, .11 it I crussiiiir iln ' <i<l‘ (lin k ft>ll lit 1 ;i hi rye, llill rock liesiile I lie w n.v, ami I here, miller the HtHtlo of ill) aiieieiH apple tree, slit' -;il down Id n.iy (ill her lover should t'uuiw, llt> I'oiiu‘s ! Slio heard, die (lii i lony w lii-t lys 'nllllin • far.. dowji tin' 1 i lii', anil ;i liriy.ll! I,iiii<li iiloillUi'tl (" her fair*- I’liM jjaiu Would stop. Tim! \\ :i t Iff -*iud for tllf lirofln*r iiHiiif out iliV ‘ ,Jr WA:{ lionso, spoilt* ilU;:t'd*uJr : ki’\ ilUil waiKej o,y ? :fr th -will'll ;if iheluud idiity. ’Tin; 1 rack lx* f <>• li**f H,,'#m .• •*’ *#?•* in sbHiib mHulic iti.'ifiiu't> . i'hi> U'iiiii luuT dllered dial -f( ;"u1 and; 'ifc J'oatif ami In* w m iifaii. VfiH* Mi/hv k v lOlf - lllf -3m ltd of sli iurt. riff I'uyuK' jie t do'V Mi'j; js i vouitsiifoVi .dh. Y iW pa t i (*fn , !'*' * ' * lin ** J With ;i ■ 1 1> 1 i ■-1 b<tom\ U^-^MU.IU^.o.U'r: >rfe rolled tV-.V 1 Si " n *i±'* .11 yiuci'r, ktiittiir Jfh■ lUtw. 1 >: * *; ! *Hif <*4if3*tc Uma ]>vo 'co*isiofT i^ u . iiif \ - £< J:* "l.ih Ii -|uwi\' ’kerri'a-'iiiy i firuki'iiii'UXJ'ti'V at w e m ...ujLKtil : ' 1 ' 1 ' bk' i. ■ : 1 &HE&K' 11 ;. <; ■ .. *akt* l!u* phv W' and aliva<l\ Jn> ■j' 1 ',* |„*oijL promoted. Low cli.l || M ' ||,> l(m*l met and lowd Lydia of lu> idloiif". and " < < Hr ' ft*- Hi*, y pioa-ed wit 11 In progre-s. and !!, -y Ii 111 l>. conn I'll nil noil. A grimy, dusty uuiii in tin lovely garments. lull in her miml lie Was nettle tor l.eller things. A lii it■ >0(1 l.esiile liev one eoiilil see in liis clear eves ami sensil.le fin e that lie had, "ood -till! in liim and was worthy of her love. il become- Us not to linger while they talk quietly together beside the track. The train moved slower and slower, till. Ii led ly. it stopped wil h the la-t liir/pi l beyond Ihe switch. I lie iron horse wa- moved on. tin* station nei'ler signalled with hi' arms in a curious fashion, and each ol ! lie lour l.rakeiiieu re peated the motion in turn. White puli' of steam rose hi“h ■ini lie air from t lie furl lu-r cud fee th O' A curious, ratt ling -prc:td through the train. hist hacked down. ' ■ ael I " 1 ■' m i. car by the /■‘Way. tin' [make chain is broken and vmi ; litd l>eiter drop the ear at the repair shop', ’file IVeiaht can lie {thrown out w ithout leaving the car." So -aying. the stationmaster went on into tlm freight house, j followed I >y the rattling and Lriimbling ear', They gradually |i,l their -peed, and t hen came ™o a 't op. wit It t lie end of I lie | train lost in the dark cavern ol the freiirhl house. Tlu*re was a ! shout from Ihe building. and then one of t lie hrakenien he | "an to move his arms as a signal 10 go on. Anaiit ilm white pu 11 df steam shot up in the distance. and vv il h a .jar and i| iii ver the | l rain si arled aita in. t ar allot * ar rolled pa I them. There were hurried whispers, a warm hand -hike and perhaps a kis-, and i hen lin ymina. man 'U imi . forward, grasped the lad der on the la' i car. climlied (jiiickl.v to the (op and sal down. She stood auxina, after hint as he 1 was drawn aw ay from her. and smiled and waved farewell to him with her handkerchief. 11 ere. I,y dia. you must help me." ii washer brother who stood be-idc her with a Imuch of keys in his hand. ■•The passenger train follows ihis at once, and I must go to the j station. Will you please (dose I I lie ' w i 1 ell a tier I llelll i" She took the keys mechanical ly. and then ttimed attain to gaze upon her lover, sealed on the last car of the retreating train. 11 had passed mil of I lie switch and was crossing the "real via j duet and movj*i’g more and more , s\\ in | v *n\ ay . J <**%.> lock the switch -.rviU'it^ , r diiliciili mir danger „dus, and sfm yirjeljy walked on WovtuT I h,a- • ml,,oHlie siding til! she tTitv- switch post. Here she leaned against the wooden-tt'anie for a little spaces f diaduft' iy.u‘ eyes from the jpi v/h Imr hand and w at(Tdie I rain. * I •:.* had run around <he 'vnHeva'nJ w a*- t timing ■ icV ; './.!■ that creU'* iii"ti Leningrad!* .*v , ' * In* >'J- / . 1,.;,, - V c l. s/y . 1.1 *TD2;-, ft /'■"S' 1 ,"v !*. * - f ff' a ij/ Uj*' ■ >X-i'.wt,i#uMk . so a- -1v f ' (i'.nve i (or (fat -•K k d.iWti^Uie iraucsiadj4?uer,.' fliy ji• I lie kratieli.. ayd W p.iTlink, ■'?. *' S'.'" /‘.•lisehiinjjT ‘A -ill ‘paKsi'J>ff< , i traiiL Rfitnud le altev,‘yi *0 f<dh>w a freight t rain su elo4'ly. ’ •'HaJ eimineeriu," a> this ar rainieniont was, it was not mi >e riott,'a> ik seemed, for tiiis pa' 'eiiyer train did not follow tiny lrei;du except for. iluve milo*. .dieii it ruitclietlThe of it*s tripi Mintl wa' lumen tiJl upon a siditi". She turned once more to after the retreatiipif train. It w;s in tTiil view, climliiii" the .crude-tin theyureut enrve. • put Up lint h hands to shaeK' lu'reves ;uul katned lfir ward on frame. \\ hat lii!- Happened . of 'team rose from the eimitic. It 'Wits fTu‘ si"ty<! to strip. Ah!-the tram has parted i Faint ami far away came the short sharp dancer Whistle. A sinsrie ear had hroken loose from the train and had keen left be hind. It was stuipiiiig alone on the track. No. It wa- moviti" backward. and i ..illrlil! o| . vear ago he Tll 1*: !•’ I i<: LI) AX I) FI 1! E SID K. It was bo"inniii'-; to rail m-wn the crude. It was movinc fa.- and la.-ter. I here w a a ie n upon it—her lover. involuntarily >he -plead out her arm- and let them fall 1o her side three or four times in -lie ees'iou the i"nul to put on t he brakes. ••Mow fooli'h ! lie cannot -er me, and ' She leaned acainsl the 'Witch frame and -!ioo!-. Willi fear and a,"ony. flic bra ke wa' bn >kei i Swift and -wilier rolled Ihe disabled ear. Ii wa: coniine, down Ihe track, eainini' spinal at every rod. She 'prune tothe middle ol the t rack and I l ied to 'houl to the en"ima‘r of the lrain al the ta lion. She made the motion' to back down out of dancer. Her tonenc ( love In tlitC root oj her moiil h and her cry became an in aiticulate nioau. OnWiird eame the car. S]ie could see her lover iijmii it It'.int ically w a vine hi- itrms . icht to left. \\ hat di(l it mean . 1 let brain seemed to be on lire. She could do not hin." Ftll ,caze mi Ihe advancinc car in dumb horror. Ah ! The piissenti'crs '. < 'mild she not -live t hem ! With a violent wrench she o penod the switch acaiuttud stofnl hohliu" t lie liar in both hand Holler so better one life lost than a dozen. Her feet seemed bolted to the "round. She must stay and see him killed and by her ow n hand. The rail s becan lo mm met with the t read of I lie ad v a ncinc ear now rnshinc furiously on to dest ruel ion. Ah ! why had -he not tliounhl of it before i Ihe cro" o vet switch! t'mild she reach it in tini>- lie iniuht save him. She snatched the key from t lie -witch and ran wii h frantic -pood up the line. She never know Imw she opened that switch. Wit h moan ■ and cries -lie I brew herself a< r<the line uni b um t o run down the ot her side, t'ould she reach that witch be fore the car { Il roarina rally in her ears. I ’ant hi", vv il h al most hurst in" Imsotn. she reached the switch, opened it. ami -toed elinciu" to it as Ihe ear came t lmnderina over the v iaduct. She looked U]) al he! inWl' up oil (lie car. Ile had -ecu and understood the chance ■" Hie switches. His car, helpless. I houc'h il was, would cro-- over lhe down I rack and roll harmless ly i*Uiii" Ihe level line till it iorct* was sjhuil. lie wa- -aved, and by her ready w it and skill. 1 lie passell"'ers in the train were also sav ed. Mm had saved him ! Lo#e had been It er inspiration. ttreat heavens! wind's tlial ( I lie (‘xpres-! I’hedown exjiress v\ as cmiiin " ! All was in' /*::. She \v as lost. She saw him jjjpow up his arms in despair. The very plan she ha-1 devised to save him would he his destruction. Hotter far to have thrown him oil upon ihe sidin.c Us she had intended. Now he would meed ;i more dreadful denlJt. and the dest rue: ion would 'include scores of Jives instead ol ■a drtjjen. , All this hashed throuch her .limidi^-ke as li"htnine. Sin felt "ive vvaiy beneath her. PlVTsfio dune to the switch in Ttiupair. She -hut her ey - ro hide the coiiiin.c dis;i-tei'. 1 lark ! J'he whi-tle on tlie ex pt'e-s. I’hey laid seen the inimi .•tent collision, and were doina f lie-ljo avert it. 'itte-1 d<> -ovietbin". % V> illf a bound ‘he -prana to the 'iif'xpv" ilelt, tore it open and * to'dd pant me aud irtoaninc be side ft .ini the bar in her hand. *he luti-t -uVe The train, even it ’-lie huiiedT.t r under the -plinAered w cVk of the ear. Dn\v*trd caine theeai'.tliuiKler in^4*vm' the viaduct, and .ju-! Js*ad of the Train. It turned fpnickh at the switch, crossed over and shot past her into the sidiii"s. lie had one look at her upjmned face. It *,as full of love and helpless mi-cry. She was scndiMiThim to certain -de struetion. to save the express t rant. The instant tin’car pa—ed, she closed the -witch, and -prana back acattt to. the; .other -witch and closed it ju-t iii'tnue to -ee theexpre— safety. / v In an instant the car ran into the frepaid lu^t.-( i with an awful, -piinjp l iim era-h. The exjiress pulled up oppo-ite the station, and in'a moun itj a el*ovvd of people m nothin tin" and frant ic tiji the i ffti . Some of them 41 had (. 11 i !i(- h(nc ;.ci aiimaiK ;■ and knew \vuut it meant, but for tno ma jonly </i i-iem n wa- a tnt"ie nr, -t.-rv. I hey lon ml J .ydi a ujion 1 lie Croumi by the switch, and with Hie key - 'ill clutched in in-r hand. U iia 1 had -In done What had happened to her ' She emihi no; an-vver. Xaiiire had iii. reifnliy taken away her -en-es. 1 lie.v to-.:l. her up lender l.v amt carried her to the station house and laid her upon a se.,t in the wail ill" room. The pa-.-eip "er- ol the two trains crowded tin room and ollercd ev< rv aid. lor in ome vayue manner they becan to undei'-ta.nd that -he Was ihe creditor to |he vaiue of all I heir lives. She had paid for i heir fal’ety wit h cost ly sacrili( ■ file li'ei"hl train backed down to the eross over switch, and the engineers of the three train- mat and becan to examine tile posi tions of the ‘witches. A num ber ot men also came Irom the express train, ant! amo.u" them was one who sectned in authority. He too, examined the line care fully.; and the engineers explain ed the mattar to him. and listen ed to his remarks with becoming' deference-. The little room in i In' st at ion was packed wrh people-, idlers ami others, and they could with dilliciilty biiac him in. ■•No." said one ol tin* ladies vvlto were try inn to restore the girl. :iJk -may he too creat a shuck for her. She must not see him yet." --.Malm way there, ecut Iciuen. The Superintendent ot ilk* road i- Imre." The crowd moved b bit ly. and the Superintendent advanced in to the rn<in . IK look oil’ ki hat and spoke ijuici iy to tin* popple near, ami then he -looped over the neonsciotis cirl and -oltly kissed her like a- a fat her. ••She -a vei I nil our live,, and 1 fear -he think- -lie paid dearly for them." Suddenly he opened her eye.- and -at up bow ildered. ••\y Imre i: he J I he much hurt ' (>li ! I Vrhap- lm i ‘Let me alone, I tell you,' i cried a bi". boh! voice in the ■ crowd,-•! mat c<i io imr. lie e-caped from 1l;o-e who vv< ill Id dot ai ii him. and m a mo meni he wa- be- f i,* imr. Some of tin* people lauclmd in Irioii -ii joy, i a liei-• cried The more delicate and sensible were -ileni.lor tin* meeting was not lor words or de-m i pi ion. \lier a s! icai t pause ihi Su periiilendeul said to the young man : ■•i eotiirraiulate y*n. -ir. Von were on t im car S' ••Ves sir. 1 was <m the car. and I saved myself at tiie la-t mo ment by jumping olf. 1 lauded on a pile m line coal and got a rough t umlik'— and 1 hat vv as all. The car i- a heap of splinter-." ’! hen the Superintendent called tin 1 young man nearer to him and -poke to ium privately, and pre-- ently they both sheok hands as if greatly pleased over -omet hing. fhe young man sat down beside llm girl and whispered in her ear. ■•I Vc got Hie place. I.'.alia. We’re all right now." Then the bells rang, and the people began to disper-e toward their trains. As they departed, a small creature —probably a stockholder---objected to the proceeding -and remarked to the Superintendent Unit -it wa- not best to give fat oiih s ’ to brake men for doing nothing." l'teci-ely, -aid ;he Miperin tendeut. '■Hut 11*.- woman did something, and il you w i-ii to know tin- full uma-ure of her splendid deed, go put yoUl'sell in her place." J’h' 1C *<••• HaiiidH'. The river Danube ha- iigured largely in history for two llmti and year.-, and ;l again becomes the object to vvlfleh t he eyes ot the world are turned. It iitriii-hed a highway for the-.Turksvbt the six teentit and sevetiteemii cenjyuies to penetrate Eurojie as far a- Vi enna. and in tlie days ol the era -ade it hee.fme an outlet for .the religious enthusiasm of Europe to ilovv to the Holy Land. TheJd-ui übe. from il- -otuvi .- in Haib-e < > the Flack Sea, is miles long, ami it drains, with it- trjbu.tarie, ,<n area of over three, Jtttndred thousand sijtiare miles. It pia-se tlimugh Uavaria. Au-tija, Uon"a ry, forms the boundary between lluiigary end Servia, to the Car lig !le:*U 11'iO tiitaili-. i. iI" I C T.sCi' arat • Houmaniii and Hul garia. and passes into the Hlack Sea (hiough sevi ral monilts. the pi-in ■ ijial mm being 1 ha! < f Sulina. 1 !:(• 1 >.III<! ‘ •(• i ■ tl:: Vi g ;.! ii( T* •; -team (- i's a ■ Ia r i- I im. iii H.a van.-t. .VI Nil-epulis, in lie- f.'Ulllei it'll cell tui'v. diif iimidre'i th<>u-aiid Chris tian- wen-driven by; the Turks in to tlm Danulm and in the lifiei illh cut ury m ill-.' 11.:> 11 -: 111 (i i'urk.- were -!:iiu shores at the -cige (a IJeigradi . .Vi iXi-.-iii has devote*l a day to ia-lillg ill id priycig with ;i view fo ridding hersell of the plague of locust-. Opinion in the North Star State was not entirely favor able to such a course-., many men holding 1 hat it would have been wiser mill more praetical to have issued a proclamation urging uni ted eiloi't throughout the common wealth on a given day, with a view to i he extermination of the grass hoppers. If tiie fervent prayers oi her righteous population do not avail Minnesota may still lie possible to claim that the praying wa.- not general enough or good enough, or that in the mysterious order of Providence it was not thought advisable loan svver the prayer, though it was heard. It is. however, a pity that a prayer-le-t after Tyndall's own heart was not adopted, and. the eomparitive ellicary of supplieu lion and grass-burning as an in secticide del-ei mined by ex peri nient in adjacent couniie- or tow n sliiji- pimpled re-jieelively by be lii'Vers and niatth'ialisls. 'l'lye iuo-i sensibje ((inclusion is probably that vvhiel l .Mahommed arrived al when lm advised hi- companion to tether his as- and commit it to the care ot ( bid. .V. ) . Worhi. Savs an exchange: •• A •10-ai many jieojili* arc git ting’ to be 1 ifv < that there was no (harden o! Jvlen and no An.wi ami Evi-:." l hi'ii a great fnaiiy peo]de are getting to lie a puck of block .heads. \\ by, llii'ie are discover ers w im can take y ou and -how you (he ver,-.* pot vv In-re tin garden was, vv il hgovv -p f ‘dahlias, ! avk spur. Imi ly lioiTD and loiich me 11ots - till growing there, and Ihe st limp (it that identical lorbiddiai tree, tiie moi'tal taste of whose iruii bi'oiighl deitth into the world, w ith los: <,f Eden, and all j our woe. As for Ai>.\m and Liu. ' -to doiilit tiiat tlcij (HH't' exi-ted is simply lo believe that, instead of being born, we all merely ; “came up the river on a raft."— ! Make I’aradi-e Lo-T'.a more lie iitioiis romance, yud all the mon ey ever spent itr-ending red tlan nel shirts to c<] imi in i.a! Africa wa as good as i hi'ov, n away.— ('aitrirr tin i( i'Htll A Kt J.ia; who iipjioints any man to nil otliee. when lliei'e is. in his i dominion . i mill r mail better i|tiaiilied im it. sin- ;igain-t (hid and against the State.— l\>nurn. I nl. A 1 Tito!i of -■ i lome. sweet home." never had a home: and (ieoi'gv M Donald, who hits eleven cl iiidiv n. is tin* ait Choi of --A nivals of a quiet neigltborhood." (iKutaii: FuANctsTi: ux has join ed. no doubt with a view to lead, the crusade against lawyer-, lie thus splutters his redundant go nuuts : •• Life, property, honor, e oral < ollege, ■ 'ongress. iiiiance, railways, legislation, everything, is in Hie hands of lawyers. Two thirds of all < abinets.conventions, congresses, are lawyer-. The : ctir-e i- universal. I lornei-, jin- 1 tato biic-. gra.-shopper-, in every city ! i Hlira. spitz, mocca-in. boa in ( oiigiT -- ! -.1, hyena, polo cat in til legislation! vil iish, and Hraiiley in umju're ic turning lin.ird-! And the griait osl ol' all is Hiadley !" i ni;i:i: i.- a .-T'hutbO tomb in the j < irei'iiwood ei'iuotorv. s\ stone mason made it. In the outskirts ; of the city a pauper lie- under a rose lui.ii. (iod made it.—-j Dan : hi fry New-. J That sort of argu- j nient will never hang together. < b up made the i-lriiq. l/til lo made tlm toiu-’ma-c.n. Icyi. he -ides furiiMting Mil li.e.* lotlc' fi ; j the ‘ f % i'llkv *vv I one of the fl-at* tii4(iaii. \ 1.. eiogi'( gatiinjs was i:u; :iw i:i‘ ryeut ■<ry .ii L!nc ■- ini biv.iug tjm ■ pei.iug iiigiyi i voice from iffW'dlffig, | exektinmg ; •' ’..Vy . v* 4 re'- tin* hail- .' an‘nyr . .ice In t lit Milt’u fiTVI,. \o.*l!”—: 7 * it .. -m ' > ()ru y, un . -aa- At e.-st-gy lilt* ahifll -j, jf*. ■-1 i it; ,-h jet'jo’in righl ii s*l\F rgnev Dmre i- dw.i*- imm H'An -.rto v al' .1” :/<*'*(To<slfr.! r cn b mV .ji*fV?dL :- . ,g w * v v ■ ‘di > A * ■•.-' ■ IMII’T #M'>; j *i V : m cc-cm(’ey ieeilv.' Ih*- * t- v v ( -- ” -x. 2 • . HOOK. AND .IDH Mw o MaMineil! lowi*!-:t; si’Rixi; stkket. MARIETTA, GEO, !1. lX M 1.1. V IMJKI'AIU-:!) WITH m & nipiiiiii'iimiiiffiiis, V. iiti 1 iie latest slvlesof (Tij|ic. Sorters.- ORNAMENTS, AC. I JtrfjHl l'4'tl to EVERY DES(’RIITK4\ Book A Jo!) rt’inting*, i v \ xi: vr m \\ \ ii; ■ Stlell a- Rills of Far.'. Programmes, Dniy Tiekets, Picnic and Rail T ickets, Auction Bills, Hand Bills, (■'ire til ars, Deeds. In voices, HIVE I Bill Heads, 1 A I Headings, |TRT\L| * BaientTags, Bills Lading', Druggist’s Labels Promissory Notes, (birds. Bank ('hecks, (Dialogues Envelopes, Mortgager, (-out met * AN I > EVERY VARIETY OF BLANKS. I ‘osiers, Street Bills, I ‘rograinines, Dodgers lor Shows, Ac. l>(>\ I! IX : A SUPER IOK STYLE. AXI) At the very Lowest Rates! <) rde rs by Mail promptly at - tended to, and estimates liir v\arded, on application to J. O. CAMPBELL & CO. V I’ALEIi l ot; THE PEOPLE. The Louisville COURIER-JOURNAL. I'it/‘f/t sV, Ilvxt it ju! C '/-ettpesi Fami ’// I‘n2>cr in tin F/iiti i/ -Stitti x. Kill I lip l)V lieurt VlatlciMiii. rjlii E < oui iei'-.loiiniat is a coiiiliina- JL lion nmde in I SOS hi three old Louisville papers, viz : tlk- Journal, es latiiisiicd i;i ts.'ii): tliC <\nirier, in lst.'i; and lii*• ilcniocrat, in ISTI. Its rcputil ficii i- iialioiml.a- well a- jl- circulation, and it is pronounced one of the aides!, spiciest, wittiest, strongest iiiyd best ar ia!.gait papers in tin* world, ir- matter being especially adapted to The Vlcr < 1 1. -i ni. the I 'ariii" r, I.a die- and ('liitdivii. 'The Weekly ('iiurk'l'-douriial is not a mere hasty hotch-potch thrown togefli *-i 11 "in dig daily edition, Iml a complete, able, spicy, family newspaper, carefully and intelligently edited in every column and paragraph". dy MiE.vr.- vxii i id b.s. I! x i laordi nary iiiducclticius in the 1 way •>: cash cou.imi.-sious aml-.valimlilc prcmiuiiis arc (ill-red to Agents amt Clubs. ( itoietyi n-*t( g>o siie lard hook- or any one of tin 1 lea*liny Magazine- or Illus trated Periodical- ,t tiie d.ty . tnrni-dicd hi eolirniiialidli with the Weekly, tor a mere piltauee in tnlditioil to die prieent I In' * 'oil riel'-.I oiiriui f dioiic. Mjt Aamvi edition of Prentice's Poems, “iJFUat&T''. I*l rnlfl and liolllLd, and III" ' leny .'v-o llial one year for -n'tnil. ' * ■> ■' A Sjdciiiiiii Map ot the South. Size, 2>>4, \:r* incites, hamb/fiinTy "fthioij cd. yar.ii'lied and Imiig on roHers, u t.lli pritA- mailed l.cei.J po-tage :IK*i the VVet kii t <airicr—idnrual. one vear, !" TERMS <*l Si; USt l;l);Tl(./,. Ji.iiiy (. oiuii y-'h!'•><-, Hit *-o' y i ourier-AJi hilt ' i% jfi Or i •■fox. jfW?' S' 6 Icn fU iW'lpryi • yH ■g -: y VI f*-' ■m t fl.nlt ‘esefl— P, fa ('►'Tl„ ' A** A 7‘i tLpai.l fjy ! oorTa 1/jTA • ‘ - ', r,-'Tgr- ii I'dthe >•( nynP ! ' ■* lipiTTV ( iicniai's, | ll*- •*. *ll :ty‘ l i at ion. L. tty..^lioxlll T if )’ -x'! ll>J.iiE.vf, j. l‘i. iv-nt ( ~orb—-Journal viile. ly.