The field and fireside. (Marietta, Ga.) 1877-18??, September 04, 1877, Image 2

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The War. August 20. A Vien f s despatch to t Ik* Xnr.s ly-thaf, ceording to a telegram iVoni Qyl ialatz, 7.000 Tnrki-h or I pi iaii iroop- have disembarked at Snlina and art* marching on lo' lu eha. which i* weakly garrisoned. The Turk* from Silistria arc -aid he marching against Tchcrna ’votla and the Itiissiaii' to lie ha telling to Ismail, where reinfon * * -lenlsare expected. A Htieha ,pst despatch to the / inn . -a\ . the 'landing of an hgyptian !>.i „ 'gade near Snlina detains (tenoral 'Zimmerman in the Dolnanl ch.i ‘! with a larger force than was in ''-'ended to In* left there, and how i"'"‘ , e e fleet of holder eoiill*' !> at r.’, '' nstantinoplc. ncur-i, . .* , I the Ae/r w corrc'poninnt .0 A* Si iideni telegraph a follow : • I Jiiderstatnl that for the in In re In* army and iinp<*rial head<|iiar !i.( * ,s "ill remain united, whicli k j h*em* to iniph ihaf the fvnperoi el Btem Hr ~‘K /, J|* ■H i u f l W r ' n i WmSm. . miffiV t\ n. Iml W i' 'till nil in Li. , ■ ~<T ’ ■HOT 111 *d. A --I ream . ! U 'o‘ i- flowing liov leadi trough Konniania. It i that hoi 1 1 I lie 1 . uard and ••'. *-orp 1 1 i I ;-. I!" i , ; •'•■ I-- j.J ill hgiv calculate K‘ * nil i low actual iV""’ on the march the ■ " lft i„y. The next 4 1 '. almnt ■??' "Vvna is meant fo he decisive WM'" i-e the delay for the *ake of |9pTß|||t hiicces'. The l-'oinili ■RH VV Division Ini' been de i’-O" 80 ilide| M ■ 1 : •I. 11l c l- pin p*. ' "I l 1 - [ c.'. BaßraeiisM " <r,imm U 'i :' hc l 1 1 iI, ■ • BjS? ’■’iß - " horoii chia i e and •-1 v ' l ' ■ • By’ "< route iivcl' i lie ' pi is Cell hero that tlii- should "‘•‘AaVe hoon done earlier. Iml if ' , successful now il will till hav‘ *good IVKIllls." TIIO T!)n< s despatfli dated lh Slmmla. Auiin-1 IS. says a June 1 ‘ ’.'l ion ol Niilicman I’a lot with Mo h lieniet Ali mu\ lio rojrardod a~ , " beyond 1 1 < l l *I. r ( The I'hin's military o.urespon (".'"tent at Bucharest -a\' every do <l,,< *!iil of preparations show that llio Russian* liavo made up their * mintls for a lony; war and aru pro 1,1 paring jrival depots ol liro wood. Tin* Roumanian (iovurninout i ,,milso asking lenders lor a sn|>|>l\ “vc,| jii'oal |miniil if ol clothini* J Vnntl stores. The samo enrrespon khn’lent. comment iiiii on tin* sum ‘‘oiiloninjf ol llie Russian liuard lo seal ol' war says the (Juard M 'lwas lonji rolainod near St Rotors burg on account of prohahle ue lion on tin* purl ol England. Its removal theretore i reassuring, tis it gives emphasis to the prom isi* that English interests will not lie teroutoiioil. The Dnihf A cte'. correspondent telegraphs, tinder date ol'Nistova, August 18, a detailed account of the events which caused General (Jottrka's retreat. The account shows that even independently ofa retreat being necessitated by tin* disaster at l’levna. Getter al (Jotirklio's forces were over whelmed by the superior forces of the Turk', and although the Rtt ssititt- gained a brilliant vietn tv at N *tti Saglttit on .1 it 1 \ MU, (Jeiieral (Jourklto was eompelh'd to ret real on the follow ingday. a! though in 'ight of Eski Sagra. where he was obliged to h ave the Bulgarian Legion, who were operating ;t' a separate body, to their fate. (M the Bulgarian f.e gioit, which wa> originally I.(RM) strong, only lour or five hundred managed to reach the Shipka Fuss, KxelusTte ol Ihe Bulgarian loss, (Jenerttl (Jonrkho lost men in the two days' lighting ot the J!otlt :oid .'list ol July. Ihir ing (Jottrklm'' retreat through tin* narrow If&lhkika and ILtinkoi — .. i.l.imH . i: .1 .1 yxjju'li was accomplished . ■"!,!'.. msßwm \ '•'••- and exposure. ;&fs£^sß’^ n 3ffiiWtoke. i B||S||n^' * v<iVb* on t!i .u ' 1 1*'* ! “ I 1 .*** *•'“ ** * I ' •-••••• HPJ, ', 11,1 . H linkui !’.i--, ‘• v ‘*'Tuis‘,4 l M-!iiw of iormi kin iu*n While ritf. ties vial* f'| ia t the railway* fcKSPiF' •■• night reports that one of the piers of railway bridge at Harltoschi has gi\ <*u wav. : ausing gn at de lay. flit* lb lin correspondent of tin* News stab*' that the Rii> - I :in' oilicia!l\ ackinitt ledge the loss oi I -1.1.Vd men killed and wounded up to Attgtisl !), Shi Ml.*,. August la. Tile oil siaus yesterday ctnnp!ctt*d a -e< com I bridge fiver the Danube at I’yrgo- and troop- are now pass im. over. lii- -1 doil i hat a l urk ish reconnoiterinx party found l> ii'lendje evacuated by the Ibis 'ians. llit* Turk: tff'ouoitred in '(■veral direction' from Ktislcnd.jt* without meeting the enemy. I>i iii >.e.i r. A ll gru - 11. < leu era) K*uuii*m*r, wlm comniandt*d at IMe vna, ha- been removed, and is succeeded by (iciieral l.a toll’. I*]ight Turl.i-Ii -learners, in 'eluding monitor . carrying tmops and baggage :ippt*ared oil stunt* Rotimaliian village-- near Olten ilza In dity. After reronnoiter ingliaH’an Imur they withdrew to Salistria. LONDON, August |!t. UelltfT*:- Kr/eroiim despatch and an official telegram IVoin Muktar Faslta say : that on Saturday the Russians, minibering d5.D00 inl'anlry. ten regiment of cavalry and I 10 guns, attacked Muktar along the whole line, extending from Magara.jikli to akiular. The cannonade com mem cd at i in tin morning and at oin the evening the Russians : retreated in good order to their encampment pursued by tin* Turk . Ihe Turk 100 I lift killed ami wounded and the Russians 1 ,200. A Ruder despatch from ('on slant iiioplt* -a;.- that (lie I’orlc is preparing winter clothing for tin* troops and lakingother meas urt's in anticipation of a winter - campaign. A later telegram from Muktar I’aslia gives the Turk ish Itis'es in Sat urtlay's bat 1 It* a- Ido killed ami dd!) wound cd, and the Russian loss as 1.500 killed. in t; VlT.tx ITJ MS. I.omio v, A iign i 20. A eorivs pomlent of the linn. at 'l eni Sagra telegraphs under date of August it!, as follows : -I want wit It l lu* Turkish army on t lie 14th iiist to (Minn Ragltaz. At l.aueli. two hours and a half from the pa-', I saw tin* bodies of 120 persons wlm had been murdered In (dssacks and Bulgarian'. Among the victims were two womt'ii, out* very beautiful and young. She had been killed and throw n naked into a pool of wat or. I aw families, including | chihlivn. who had been throw n in a well. Tin* houses of these people and the handsome, em broidered dresses of tin* women showed that they had been rich. In one house tin* w omen anti young girls had been shut up and subjected during ten days to out rage by ('ossarks anti Bulgarians. Tilt* Bulgarians, when they heard ol the arri\ al of t lie Turkish army •0 Chain Baglias, carried till' the Turkish women anti children from three to thirty years of age and ih'd to tin* Balkans. The vie lims of w hom I spoke above wen* all collected together and mm* dered in sueeessio . Many more* | were butchered, but 1 hav e not had time lo go and see them." A Berlin despatch to tin* A7aw says Germany's representations to tin* l’orte in regard to utroeitics commit *ed by Turkish troops are based tin the < ieitc va t Mm vent ion, which, according to the German view , not only hinds the beliige rents to observe its provisions to wards each otlit*r. but gives tin* neulral et* signatories a right to insist on its faithful observance, derm ally's note w ill lit* com tin mi rated to tin* other powers. \rl \l!*S IN It! ss| \. A Moscow correspondent writes §f tin* war: In Russia, peasants are being called oil'to join the imperial ai my from all directions. When* ever one goes families an* mourn ing. because either lather or brother i' under orders to star! within perchance only a few In mis. families are broken up on all sides, and w ives are selling house hold furniture. The streets of Moscow are thronged in many place'with household g00d... The price of provisions i„ rising . proportionately. Among the up per elas'Os homes are in the same stale of change. Those who have retired from the artnx or na vy are* m many ca't ' recalled. All will, it is presumed, he sum limited in the course of time. Whilst I write a general call is being made for all to serve in the militia, and notices to this eti'eet have been 'Crvetl on all those re siding in No. I of the s|\ tlivis ions of Moscow. House to house Tlt ]-: F I H LI) AND F IliESIl) F . vi'itatioii- arc also going on rela tive to the number of men set* \ant -and horses kept by every householder. A * i not a ot each must now be parted with for the public service. A substitute on the part of the former is not ac copied. Funds arc rolling in for the sick from all sid<". peasants even urging acceptance of their mite. (’ov'i\vn.Mii*m . Aug. 24. • Su leiman Pasha telegraph'. August 21. that three nThi' brigades a cended the height' of Nhipka Pass, in s|)ite of a shower of Bus sian projectiles, tlrovt* back tin* Russian outposts, ami advanced to wit bin out* hundred yards of the enemy's entrenchments. 'There was desperate tight ing for fourteen hours, anti although tin* 'Turks retained the ground they roiujuered, the enemy 'till held tln*ir Tortilied positions, which were dt*(V-tult*d by fourteen can non and a large force. The tele gram concludes: ••ToQnoi-row we hull bring up our seige guns and renew tin* struggle. Me hope to lie sue CCS'flll." London, Aug. 25. -A dispatch from Schninla states that the Turk' la -t night n Papaskin, af ter a seven* engagement, turned the Russian left wing. The Rtis Mans were repulsed along the whole lint*, and stitiered heavv |I.S. Rti\i‘)N. Aug. 25.—'The 'Turks in strong force violently attacked Shipka Pass 'Thursday on three sides. All tin* oiislaugt- were repulsed. At !> in ilit* evening a rifle corps recnlbivcincn) storm t*d the heights oi the Russian right, and desperate lighting con tinned till midnight, when an e cl ipse of I lit* moon Mopped the lighting. The Russians maintain cd all their positions, notwilh standing the Turkish numerical superiority and cross lire. 'The Russians have now fought four days 11n- whole <>l Sulicman Pa sha’s army, without partaking of rest or warm nourishment. Furt her considerable re-enforce nients art* expected during the night, ’flu* fighting Friday was eonlinetl to a lively cannonade. 'The Turkish rigid wing threaten ing the Russian rear has been driven from it > posit ion. All is tjiiiel at Roßscha ami I Me vna. Suliemitn Pasha telegra])hs, conlirming tin* rejiort oi Wednt*s da \ <ll*'pt *ra 11* lighting without decisive result. Fighting was resumed Thursday. The Russians are completely surrounded. Wt* command their line of retreat to (Jahrova. To morrow a decisive assault w ill be made. As the Russians have not prolited by darkness So re t real. they risk being all eapt tired. London, Aug 2b. Miikldar Pasha telegraphs from <iuedek eler on Saturday as follows; M e have gainetl a great vielo r.v, liavitig carried the heights of Kizt'llept* during the night, and repulsed three Russian attempts to retake, them. Two hundred cannon were brought into action. 'The engagement was a great hat tie. lasting until b o'clock Satur day afternoon. The enemy were routed along the whole line, with a loss of 4.000 killed and wound ed. Me captured an immense quantity of arms and munitions, (tenoral TehoutchmvassoH', com mandiiig tlit* Russian cavalry, was killed. W e lost 1.200 killed and wounded, including several ollifcrs, M\ horse was wounded. London, Aug. 27. A correspon tlent, an iyt* witness of Priday's battle in Shipka |>as-. telegraphs Saturday : Riding backward from Shipka through the right. ! passed mas ses of re enforcements, artillery ami infantry, hurrying toward. I heir st re light ought to secure the safety of all important positions. The same correspondent tele graphs from Bucharest Sunday: Ritling hueward from Shipka Information follows me that the lighting at the pass is still ra ging, having been again renewed to day, hut Radctxky continues to hold his own. It i' now a question of entltir atiee; but I adhere to my impres 'ion tiiat Shipka pa'- i' sate, and tiuless Suleiman l’;is!i;i can run a column through another pa" lit* will w reck his force hy thus dash ing it continually against Shipka. flic correspondent explains that Suipkit p.i" consi'is mere I \ ol a section of the Balkans, lower than the surrounding heights. It is im pass properly, but merely a track over this lower section, a bridge which is extremely broken. London. Aug. 27. The 'l imes' Therapia dispatch says tin* (Jov enters of Adrianople and Philip oppoli- telegraphed iluii Sulie man Dasha ini' taken Shiftka Da". No news of this lias i-oitie direct from Suleiman Dasha. % S?re:itlTul K:iili*o:ul I*l.l Mil.. I)K' Moix;.'. low a.. Aug. 2D. tin* details of a railroad accident •in Mo* (Miicago, Rock Island iV Ditcilie raiiro;id at the east'branch of Four milt* creek, seven mill's from tin’s city, are beginning I'* arrive. The number of the killed is estimated at from ten to lit vy. All the trains but tin* sleeping ear went down into the stream. The engine is completely out of sight. Barniim's show car w ith the rest, anti it is said all ot tin* eleven occupants hut one were killed. A special dispatch to the State Register, from the wreck, says there are sixteen killed so far as known. Twelve bodies art* out on the hanks. Four deatl bodies are still seen in the wreck, but cannot be got out al present. L.\TKK.—Out* more body has been recovered, that ofqnite an old man, with tilt* name old. S. Ferguson in his hat. In a car not yet uncovered several more bodies can lx* seen. 'The car on top of this is now being lifted oil xx i 11 1 ropes and pulleys. 'The bo dies so far recovered are now lx* ing loaded on ears to he sent to Des Moines. It is thought that several bodies have floated down the stream, the water in the channel of which B over twenty Teel deep. The wounded and in j ured have all been taken to Al toona. The f iitliniim. Ben. Biblxm and his command had a hard light with tin* Xez For ces on the Dili August, near the mouth of Big Hole pass, killing a large* number of the Indians, ami ! losing many of his own men. 'flit* killed art* ('aptain Logan, Limits. Bradley and Bost wick, and seven teen men and live citizens. The wounded art* (Jon. (Jihhou, ('apt. M illiauis. Limits. ('oolidge.M ood nil! and Knglish, (the latter se rimisly,) besides thirty-live men ■ and four t it izens. The following was received at the M ar Department in M ashing ton on t lie 281 ii : llki.kna, Montana. Aug. 28th.— .lii't back from Benton, and show all well. I’iit* Indians have got aero's the 7 ellowsfone, below the lake, and above the bills, killing Two parlies of visitors to Ihe (Juy sers, but sparing the women. Ben. Howard has replenished his si ores and is in pursuit. Other parties watch their issue out of the moun lains. ! will start west Tor Mis souri lake day alter tomorrow, and continue to W alla Walla, Imt the garrison there is so small I lint it will have Ijtlle escort. Biblxm should be reinforced, and the 1 bird infantry seems most available. If Sheridan applies, ami the secre tary of war opposes, you may or der it to Ogden, l-tali, thence . to march north to Montana. After this all'air is over. Howard w ill re turn again, leaving (Jihhou here too weak. I set* no signs of dan ger from the north that is appre hended here. W. T. Servian. ’There was another light between l nited States troops and the In dians on i lie Staked Dlains in ’Tex as. in which there were two olli cersnnd twenty 'i\ soldiers killed. 'The remnant of the party emit in ue 1 its march, after having sutler ed this loss.and lias since reached Fori Condor, with an additional loss of live privates and 40 horses and mules. ’The unforllimitecom mand was w ithout water for eigh ty six hours, and t he siilTm ing they endured in consequence was very terrible. Death f * Itrighaiis Young. s\i r Laki. Cm . Aug 2b.—For several weeks Brigham Young lias been confined to his bed wit * * wind tin* (Jmitiles declared to lx* a fatal illness, lull the Mormons held out that it was only a slight indisposition. Ii was only yes terday that the members of the family gave out that the prophet was in no danger, and would soon he at hi' post again. IJc was however, slithering excruciating pain from cholera morbus and in thimation of the bowels, and to day breathed his last. Tin* death of Brigham causes great interest in (hi' city. As heat I of the Mormon church, In* amassed an inimt*ns<> fortune, ;•,! held the entire savings of his dupes in trust. The settlement of hi> affair' will he a disturbing element, and there is no telling the dissentioii' that will ensue from it. ’The succession to the prophet's chair will aDo occasion much wrangling. Tor it is 100 rich a prize to go begging Tor 't*ekers. I). H. St rollu, to <. \\ . \S illiauis, Onuhiiof # Jp Jpotbrcani. \( ’ i 1,1. continue iuisiiics' .-it l in- <> I, I \\ ST ANI) in \i A t:t K I TA.ainl will kccji on liaiitl. .-mil Cur - lit*, i m \i:f! \i. a -.sol: iMi \ i til /•'ccs/i <nnt (irniii!>’■ Drills! C'liDiiiimls! FAINTS AND OILS; TOl LET & FANCY ARTICLES. ' FINK DKRFDMKHY. Ac. iot:i no t: W I 111 v shick of School Books . A N J> STATION ETIY. All wliicii will Im- sul.ti Low !'<lt{ (ASH. I*i es*-ri |,t ions carefully com- Itoiindctl ly Air. ,1. 11. SIAICSON, as 111: i: i i< > ii: I . Marietta. .Inly 1577. ly Notice! lirK :m* now ottering to sell nnr K\- y\ tiki-; stock ..i Iln liiomb anil ItJiwcrics, VI I.OW I’IMCKS, for easli or in good |>i*oiii|>r )miving ens loiners, Vo lie paid by I lie li rst of Xovem- Imt. Wo haven full line of Dry (iootls ami (i roeeries anti It ant ware, just pur chased amt Vo arrive. We must and will sell, if w e cannot get our price, w e musl take yours. Ami those that owe us on Holes and aeeonnts for the last two.and three years, if they do not fall and set tle them, they need not he surprised to lint! them in the hands of an ottieer for colleetion. Wethink two or ttiree years is long enough for any man to have that intends to pay for what lie pureliased. U e iitn-1 dost* up our business. W. .). KISER it t o. Marietta, April 20, 1.577. ft, A. WITHERS. hrmiirSMaliil MAM I’Al ft ItElf UE S 1 (';t m Kni* i lies, CIRCFLAR SAM MILLS, liii|iiTm*<! Hoß'gliuni Hills, (ilt IST .Mll.l, VI A' II IN KID . I>t N X INC (tear for Water W heels, k of every size and deseripl ion ; I’lans and Specification' for Mill Work furn ished freeofcltarge. Also, Manufactii rer of (told Mining Alaehinerv of latest improvements. Brices to suit the times. All work lirst class, \wi oi ia vnn i l). And having just built new buildings, and having as good machinery as could be had North, 1 fed confident that lean defy all competition as to i|iialily of w ork and cheapness of price. Being a practical mechanic of thirty live years experience, I am not afraid of my abili ty to give satisfaction to all who may feel disposed to patronize me. Marietta, March Id. 1577. REMOVED! Removed! 11l A VH changed my place of business next to Marietta Saving's Bank, and will he thankful to welcome all inv old friends and patrons at my new stand. I will sell of Vtliintn ITices, C. O. I). I >ry < iootls ! Not ions ! 1 bits ! ('rockery ! ('lot hing! \N I > BOOT'S AND Silo Ks ! And every thing else kept in a Dry < roods tlllsillC". J3f X. B.—Would call tin- attain ion of all who arc indebted tome, to come at once for settlement, and save cost. .IDSEI*I! Et.SAS. Marietta,- March Id, 1577. Iv DRUGS AN I < BSlodlicines ! WiMinin Boot, ll \s .vr Ills OLD STAND, Almost unit fhi ill/ irmiteil in that tint- of bn si mss. I* A I NT’s. DIES AND VA RN ISH. W hit.- l ead, iii kegs and cans. Ready mixed Faint's, in cans. OIE*. PA 1 ATM. Lin'' cd. i.amp Itiack. Train, Drop Black. Macitine, Venetian Red, bard. | Blue l*aint, Xeat ■' l 001. II; reen I’atlll, Sweet, j Yellow I‘aiiit. * u'tor. Ac. j Brown I'aiiit. Ac, DYE STI FFS. WINDOW BLASS & FI TTY. All at moderate prices. Marietta. March Id. 1577. ly It. M . I iIHIOMAX. K. N. BlliillAl.K, l M. GOODMAN l CO. DEALERS IN rKBTILIZKBS, IIA V E DN HAND. \i iin: Old Printing Office Building. IIMIITEII Kl\! hum: Siij)(‘r[)lios|)!uil(‘. MADE BY George Upton. Boston. Mass. AND ./. r. it tasn ii vs AMMON MATED IIIBBOLV HI) BON 15 RHOSBHATE. \o'mn(;%m'i-:ii Hill fl IlMS’.'i III; VHB.IT. win. m: soi.n ox //ii mos/ moijevatc Umax tm‘ i'a.s/i. Experiment of Simeon Smith,of ! >eKal!> i*oii nty . extending tiirough 187-1-75. to determine the effect of Fertilizers on tin* crop of the second year . I rtillll Jb ■suits. Son .—An old field taken into cull na tion in 187-!: thin. gray, sandy land, A never fertilized till IS7-K In IX7-1. No. 1 w as not fertilized. Nos. ■J, and ! and 5 were fertilized with 8(50 Ihs. per acre, of Ragsdale and Fpton. In IS7.">, the same row s were planted, Nos. 2and 5 being again fertilized at the rate of 200 pounds per acre, and Nos. I. and and I planted without Fertilizers: Seed cotton IS7 E per acre. No. I, no manure, produced 211 lie. No. 2, Ragsdale, *■ 1,01 ft “ No. and. Ragsdale. •• 1,01 and *- No. -1. t 'pton, •• 1,028 “ No. I pion. ■ • 1,02s *• 1875. No. I. lio guano, produced 00 lb-, NX). 2, Ragsdale, •• 1,110 No. and, not mauureil this year, 005 *• No. t, not maiinrei! this year, 720 ** No. 5. Fpton, produced 1.14.4 *• l 'col/).ov'/iVc I,‘■‘.suits. zj z. For Is 77. 7 3 Not 1 nano 005 210 Wilcox, (J. A < 'o. $7 81 I.dOO 210 McrryimmA t o. 7 1! 1,242 210 t 'pton, 0 SO 1,420 210 Ragsdale, 080 1,100 120 Wi'lcox, <>. A Cos. 15 02 1,540 Mcrrynian At o. || -_‘s 1.5dl I‘ptou. Id (it 1,408 Ragsdale. Id til 1,210 Wilcox, D. A Cos. 2d -Id 1,47.8 Odd Mcrrynian A Cos. 21 12 1,540 OdO Fpton, 20 41 l,dS2 odd Ragsdale, 20 H 1.40S sin Wilcox, c. At o. :;i 21 I ,:;oo 840 Mi'rrxnian A Cos. 28 50 i,785 840 I'pto'n, 27 22 1.802 810 Ragsdale, 27 22 1,007 1,050 Wilcox, (i. A Cos, dit 05 1,700 1,050 .Mcrrynian A Cos. d5 07 1,785 1,050 Fpton, d-i 02 1,000 1,050 Ragsdale, and! 02 1,080 Mariet ta, .1 uly and, 1877. ! v MARIETTA SAVINGS BANK •IDIIN t;. W INTERS. I‘rcsideni. . !>l |{\ A !*, Viet 1 I*r(*sitlt*iii. \ . \ A \ UY( K. ( :isliicr. 1 n { <hL Exciiangi* Bought ami 'Sold. Hanlwaiv! iVC. ckC. I HAVE DN HAND A (;<)()! ASSORTMENT OF LOCKS For Dwellings, Store Doors, Clos ets. Trunks, Smoke Houses, Are. BAD LOCK'S. Nails. 2d tutiod. Tacks ;tml Brad' Harness Buckles. Copper Rivets. Sash Fit]lies, Files, Hinges. Diet tire Nails. St rap 1 litiges. Brass But Is. A <■. Hunks and Stajtles. Butts, inch to UxtJ, M ar !to lie I fooks, B,ish Cord. Wagon Nails. < Jaiilen i lues, (J::fill*it Rakes, Spatle T'tirks. Manure Forks, ('atriage Bolls. Door Bolts, Sami Fa per. Glue, iVc. M REYI 8, The largest assortment in town. WiIMMAM ROOf. Marictia. Marcti Id, 1577. GREEN Manning Harkor. m A< K AC --s'S M ITIIS. AND REFAIRERS. MARIETTA, GEORG \A, VI! E now prepared to d<> all kind - cl work in their line of business u elteap and as w ell as it e.*tu lx* dotx* am wliS'e. Buggies and Wagons made, or repaired in the best style of wnrkmaii siiip, of Hu* best material and on fin* most reasonable terms. I’hnitnlion work and repairing done clu-apty and at sliort notice, and in a satisfactory manner.— Black-ini thing exeeitled with despatcli. Call and see us at our Shops on Atlanta -t reel. near i lie Court llon-c. and give to a trial, and u e will guarantee perfect satisfaction. apd-ly