The field and fireside. (Marietta, Ga.) 1877-18??, December 11, 1877, Image 3

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black— she has been a'widow ov - er fifty years, converses fluently, and is anxious to move to Texas, llad the small pox a lew year.' a go. iw yon w ill find n superior quality ot Factory Yarn.' at II • I<• > Brniber-. at lowo-t prices. uov27-tf > NEW GOODS:—In aiitlitioii to their largo and cheap stock of Clothing Hie Mi"i '. Kiser an now receiving New Good-. Customer- will tlml llial no lltiMvliiint soil' goods oil belter Ini an-. ii %*: 11: ir % ?b %i: e% i:t*. < OTTOX — 0: !, (7< 10 cent-. It At'()X—('tear Ribbed Sides, 11 Shoulders -3** 7 :! p" S Rlk < Tear Rihlxsl sides *.M , lit Hulk Shoulders, 00 Hams-—Sugar ( ured fan. la I'ORX—White ehoien on MEAL—White, •• no OATS—Yellow and Ru-t I'root 50 HAT—Mixed 1 (10 FT.OFR—Fanny I 25 Family 1 00 I moilv. Extra 00 I.Afilt-Prime l 1 110 l.eaf in limTnt'. 15 MOLASSES —Choice t uh:; 50o;li0 Sugar House, I0( 15 Sorgiihi to Xew Orleans. 75m 100 .SlT*AH —fill i.oal' 15 Fowdi, Crush, and Gran'ii. 15 Ex “C” White, IJ'g -Yellow ( ' 12'., t ’OFFEE—Rio ehoien. 2S •• prime, 25 fair, 22'.. HI TTER—* luiinn Goshen on ('omili v, lm\ 'g 20. selling 25 f MEESE-1 'ino Apple = Extra < ream 20 EGGS. Selling 12 1 ., f AXI Spit 25 TA I.I.OW,(1 ♦living i till REEsW A X .‘Ole 25 FIET.D PEAS 000. 100 PEART. GRITS 5 RICE 10 IRISH POTATOES-- r hit'sh 200 M ACK VAQLh tfv. €0 MATUIES. dozen Jtiivps .•> 05 STERpr | It, nan. per dozen - 1 2-I * 2*ll. ran. •• “ v. - OH,— KEROSEX E. h> Machine, 1 OH l*FAfHfs—peeled—lnlying 50.< S impeded • •'!.('e. x STAIR H—Pear! Glass. l'fo * ommon. 10 S< )A P—!■ amily 7(" 10 Common - 7 SALT—Liverpool j'-aek. I 75 Virginia. j-' “• i 5o SHOT—Hta.paml Hnek. f' >k. 2 75 Tol!A< <A— Ping 50(n 150 / Smoking. 100 s\V EF.'U POTATOES, SO VIX E< j A R—White Wine. 50 WHfSljKY—foil proof 2 00 four years old, 5 00 ZtsTETW LAM) AGENCY. jgjff I HAVE lately become assoeia led with several gentlemen in different parts of Xorfli Georgia for the purpose. •tf inviting immigration and eHeeling the *al* of our *tir|ii§* Lands, We have made arraiigenients witit A gents and Companies in several of ihe Xorthern Slates wliieh. w e think, will -enure S VT.ES OX SATISFA* TORY TERMS. Within a reasonable time. We will advertise these Lands gratui tously, and upon their sale will eharge a reasonable eommissioii. All persons in lliis and adjoining eouulies having IdAID I 085 UJ: will find il lo I heir inp-re,-! to plane the same with n~. APPLY TO A. Vtiti W vcii, At the Marietta Savings Bank. TjfSE’S WRF.AT GAITGRA EXPOSITION' INI) Con it it ss of XovHiics! WILL KMIIIiIT AT HARiGT’I \, I>UF. B*'l'M. Entire change of Programme at F.aeh Performance. Doors Ojien at 1 and 7 P. M. Admission only 50 <'<-111•—Cliil dreti under 10 years, 25 < eui s. noy I foltlt Nlirrifl'V Sale**. TlTfl.L HE SOLI), before Hie < mill \\ House door, in Hie City of Mari etta, < obb county, < leorgia. on 1 lie lir.-i Tuesday in January next. between Hie legal hours of-ale. Hie following properly, to wit: Lots of Land Nos. O!l0. 717> and 710. in the 10th district and 2d -netion of ( ol.b enmity, containing JO acres cadi more or less: levied on as Hie properly of .1. R. Murdock, principal and defendant, by virtue of live li. fa-, from a ju~ti< e'- 4‘ourl in tavorof Marietta Saving- Hank and A. VanWyek eashier, vs Jaiue- R. Murdock, and .1. X. Alexander. ~e eiirity : also in favor of ti. fa. from a no. tan court in favor of Hut/.ler Bros, vs. James R. Murdock and J. T. Haley <V Cos, now controlled by Marietia Sav ings Hank. A Do. fine Grisi Mill and all the app u tenanee* thereunto belonging' and at tached, and the T.ot of Land, number not known, upon which the -ai ■! Mill i ,.reeled, in tludiiih di- 1 i iei -mi 2d - ■* - tion of Cobb county : levied otl a- the properly of P.. 1. Morris. h\ •. iitu- ot li. fa. from Cobb Superior our:. in fa vor of Pool A Hunt \s. P. .1. Mor:i~. priuei|ial. and L. Hennell. -e.-urit.v.ami eonlrolled by Marietta Saving- Hank. Also, Lot -of Laud Xn*. .512. •>!■>. 27'- 1 . -121. 110. Ml. 112. -t'.Hi. tM and tin:, all In Hie ltith disl riet and 2d -eel ie i >.l I • >•.l> county, each lot containing foilv aen-. more or less; a tb properly Largo and Now Arrivals ! \T H A m AoHlmiffs, li tx/ ( Of //it Pl/hliO Xyno/V. VI. ARC 1! and -elec! stock of lIRY (TOO! *S, embracing evert tiling usual ly found in a first class Dry Goods store, I'he Goods are direct front the Manufacturers and their Agents, and w ill be sold a- low or lower Volt ( ASH ban any -imilar Goods ever brought to thi- market. I mean what I ~a\. ( II md examine fur votir*eives. Our extensive stock of Hoots and Slioos, Hats, Gaps, &e. Vre made at the best Fact..l ie- and lievei fail lo give entire satisfaction. Marietta. Octobers. 1577. 1.. S. XORTIICI I'd’. THE MERCHANTS * AND INSURANCE COMPANY t )!•' meII.MONO, VIKOIMA. ✓ 8 apait)i S’i.liMiOO - - 1125.00(1 in T. S. Bonds deposited in the Treasury ol‘ (ieorgia for fur ther security <>! Policies! m 'SAllls well know u company has paid in thousands of dollars to claimants in .JL Georgia since the w ar. and will maintain it- well earned repulalion for -kill l'll I, conservative, prompt, just dealing. Dwellings, Stoves, .Merchandise, Mills, Oin Houses and conlnul.r*,' usiirod at fair rale-. V*>'ent- at all pt omiueiit point-iii the state, to whom apply, or to BARRING r<>\ dv I \ (^ net 22-1 v Agent. Marietta. (ta. - t I- TANARUS, ill—, ~~I~T i■' -Ji4hlT-| i li i I■! I nai 41411 tm I ~ i II ■ airnigi , of .lame-S. Mnrri; lit virtue of an ai ia li. fa. from Forsytii Superior court in favor of < harles'.l. Jenkins, governor. Ac. vs. 'llinmas IV.Brock, prineipal.and !. X. I(eggie and James S. Morri-, seett rilies: -aid ii. la. eontiadled by Mariet ta Savings banlf. Also. j.T Haley'- one ball' interest in one store house and lot fronting on ( herokee street, in the city oi Mari etta. bounded on tlteeasl )*y ( 'herokee si reel, on non ii and west by propert y of Jtiliu Roberts, and on the soutli by an alley, levied on as the property of Joel T. l'[aloy, and sold subject ton mortgage deed, hv virtue of a ti fa from Cobb Su perior court, in favrtrof Marietta Sav ings Bank. Also, one lull! - interest in a Store jjfrvti'se and Lot, fronting on ( herokee -'(.reet, in the fity nl .Marietta, mid (’obl.i eiitliitv. bounded ok tlie east bv ( bero kee street, %*ah and we~t by tin prop erty of Joint Roberts, and soutli by au* ijli-v : lev i.'cl on .!- (be properlj of v hi J. Dobbs and sold sftbject toiyp gage deed, by virliu 1 of a li fa Superior court in favor of FeeH'lill & Cos, vs. J.T. I laic v A <‘o.; hear i l rolled bv M ariel la wiving- J,, ri( j _7- Also, J.ot- ot Laud N■ ■ -of 52b, nine acres ~11 of the vf hj |**n Lot V<>. istt, ail in the Hit 'planting 2d -e, l io-mpf I oh!. count ;1 niOtV l lot containipg J<> acre-, m.A . vied on as the property otf IUI dell, for the purchase moi(t\VUlg ail of a li. fa. from < obb Sup. sCOt'cllil favor of Janie- H. IlftM-Uw {l Also, l.ols ul Land No-. Tg . . pans „f Lots No-. I2SO aiiFte 111.) I lt'.th disl riel and 2d seel ioii uyorabl .ty , and ten acre- off the 1 ,] lo! No. :>OI. i*i tii' .17i.1i '77111 ■■ i :illil _’i! section, <*i'> ll l:ii ll iiin 'ill "il l ' hundred mill li‘n acre.*, limn' or less, known ;is the Wright Farm : levied on :i-11 if pro per! v of Isaac Sewell,-and -mill for (lip purchase money. by virlneol a li. tki. from ( Dhb Su porior eon ri in favor ol A. S. Edmund-on. \ I'D. di-lriet ami id .-eel ion of < obb county : levied on a* the property of A. S. At kiiisoii. a-l Mister, by virllie of a li. In. from a notary’s roilrt, in favor o 1 Toli ver Wallis. Also, Lots of i.aml No . .V.i.l alfd oiM. in iln Isi h 1 1isi riel am! 2d section, Cobb : eon iit y. levied on a- I lie o i'l►] ii ilv ol U . j If Howell, by virlneol' aij, fa. from a notary!* court .in favor of A. Van IVy ek, cashier Marietta Saving* hank. Also, Lots of Lands Nos. !>7 ami !k. in ihe llitli dish-iet atld 2d section. ( obb county, levied on as tin* property of Prime Brooks, by virtue of four li. fas. from a .justice's court, one in favor of Marietta Savings Bank, and three in fa vor of.John Sinew. Also, Lots of Land Nos. 7!7, >*<>!. 'J2 I. in I lie hit 1 1 and ist rii t and id seel ion, < 'oldi comity. <ia. levied on as tin* properly of Noah MeAfee, liy virtue of a li. fa. from a justice's court, in favor M' Marietta Savings bank. Also, Lots of Land No*. JJI and iitlti, in the I'.illi di-4riel and 2d section, < obb county. levied on as tlie properly of T. li. Irwin, to satisfy a li. fa. from a nota rv's court in favor of Joint 11. Cooper. W. P. STKPIIFA'S. Shlf. Photograph Gallon ! M.l LACiIKY'S Bl IFDING. *!/!*> I*l h!ii' S<ini/}’•’, llttriefßt. fiiror^’isi. ri'M I F nli.efilter, thankfui for tlie pa 1, t ronago heretofore extended to him. begs leave to stale lhai he is heller pre pared rlian ever to execute Piiotograpliv and Korol t\ pcs in the best *tyleof the art. Also, old Pie to res copied and enlarged in the best manner, and at the lowest prices. nov KI 1y CKO. J. G \LI.L. LOO It II USB:! LAN I) BUYKKS. I AM ollering lor s;de. a neat little Farm, containing 7h acres of good red land, newly settled, w ith a good trained dwciting. kitchen, -table-.erib and all neei --ar\ oiii-hou*e.-. all Guilt in the last three year-: a ynimgoivhard of l.’iU choice fruit tr*r-. I'iii- land pro dttees everything raised iijjJu* country . There will bem I'opa':fiu'llrtjj'Vd for several \ ars : t \veniy-Hvo*|i f of open land, nearly half fre-h land..lrono worn out. I'm- further particulars, applv to ilie undersigned on l-lio plm e, six mile west of Marietta, on 11 yi S.-uult.own road, nov Id-It . ASA DAI!BY. I). V. M i lATf HKY, WIN! -1! >I: ITBI.It styl \i:f. .MARIK'fTA. cFoRCIA ni.M.i.:: t\ i:vi:i:y vmin:i i or Choice Family Of >c ■ .Marietta. Sept, t, 1*77 1 y I'-fi ' ILvt i t lii oini :.- are t;||i-:ing every variety of T amil' t,i .hj,i jc- m I lie he-t ot tc i hi-. I'll u L/eff* T 1 i li! V I ELD AN i) FI KES I1 ) E. Something New! MILLENEin AN!) FANCY'GOODS 0 J LS I' REcF.I V, ED, for Fall and-' <*| ter. at Mrs. E. !■'. A N I>ERSr Millinery Sion 1 , wTien*. iln* (mhi/o inviiMl 1 rail and >•<** hri' STtH’K OV U< Wrtiml (>/ ct'ert/ ('oiin 1 1 Dial tl if LudieG li-rfdAs early in 1 Til's i e i s0 that it n uutVF.s. i't: T he lock i 'ted tor Ibis I Now is (T 1 v siore norit .Hu If I 1 l ;tav:— : rc\ jTs Ac. At hi'li I hey :if off: ring a: price- b >-n i: Ihe Ttadiug public—cheaper than the clicape-l-iy\t liiiit.a not excepted. We aiso have ■Kjargo and full sirpfvly of n.vmnvAm*:! ( * UOCTIIU HS, '&(*. &(\ I lull ca it be had a 1 1-1 ic low os I cash price.-. In fact, we keep every thing that is need ed by tlie t niiling public. ('all. exam ine ami price our good- and von will be satisfied. N. B.—All pci .-on- indebted lo us must come forward and settle b\ the (list of Nov ember—delays arc dan ■.'cr on.-. • W. .1, K ISi;i! a CO. i lei ober 2d, 1877. Nothing HHIor! For Wiieatr K w ill furnish at the lowest cadi W price-, for the Wheal crop, the RUIHUTON ./ i/i/OA lATiin /nit nos/: SrPKKIMIOSIMLVrK. .)/e/c ml udble than Dhut I hint. R. ,M. HODDMAN A CO. Alarietta, <)H. I. ! 577. J. M. Wilson. MA N I FAt I l 'll Hit OF TI N k SllllliT I HON AND Wowlon Wiiros. T_ l |jj! INII I*l At t j: t> f3i" <OT STOCKS. 11A I! [>\V A Kl*;. Cl T it;ry. hoi si; ki icN'isn INO GOODS AM) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS UMliliA' im; Straw tiini iced ('tillers. ('urn Shollers. Turning I'lnsv*. \VJi<**! Harrow-, Hakes. Situ\ el-. Hoc -. < iras Sc ytjjc-. Flow s. I'low Slock*. iVe. Syrup Mills, Oy <t Sn/trrior Mol.r. I*()(’l\K’J A I’AIU.i; Cl TI.KIJY. l\ll ('arpenter's Supplies. .Many \ arielie. of Wuuden Ware, All these and many other valuable .ar ticles sold Oil best possible terms. Mi rietta, July 1*77. 1 v w in.- wriiiDbl. for sale :tl 1 lii Oilier get a- apply. w. I* \mm M'L WAUEIIoi /i Sciil j| Vi cst ( AiTKM 1 tll i J ' (■tin‘at In BR OF < 01*1* AAI* UIJIMhI.M* <O3 1 Saving jnsl coniplt'K'il our now \\ arfdiniiso -ilualoil iimnodi; r.'l m lit.' Kuilfoml. \\ t* are* proppivd It> Innnllo goods lo ludlor l:i'2o Hum over. \\V Inly in largo iol- and 'exclusively lor • Wo Loop on hand the' largest and most rompleio STOCK ef iwo | General iMercliaiidispv-l ho AY MAIt IF TTA. u largo .lot of 1 tagging and B i’B AM)SHOKSOS| .VMin.oTH HI- ALL KINI >s. A crop Wo an cash pri g Lor KAOS. HIDES, (>l.O i.EA 1 t.rind col NTIA W I)l iJiVfd' : a| kjTul-. Come ant prii-o our'roods and <eo lor/chea AMj 01 -on indohtod lo n- nni-f'' .ill. a a account - are duo. m thev will have oxiGa cost.- (o pav. AIALe/Md L l< yr IL AXUEUSON A sttV.^et ; ( lUM'Min vUs AM) MBS JjlvfeM BY, * oomu’i a/ /fit S,/Hu ft . notf feKOe (reo3\D). iho it i-noitrl a. Iro-di and genu ino Slot k <d ;‘S wiMw\ Goodsj ■ Boot, I Is OTd-TfISTA N. I). ihn/>. / //ii// %/tJjtf, innihil in (hat !i ttrf/ Ifnsint'ss. FVI NT's..( ►] | s \NI * V \ liNISII. H bite I, kegs and cans. Heady mixed Ihiinls, in cans. *.*>>. E*AB.\TK. I .iusei"d, j I simp Black. Train, j I >rop Black, Maeliine. j VTuietiatl Red, Lard, j Blue Faint, Neal V I 'out. j G reen l’uiut, Sweet. | Yellow Faint, ( astor, Ac. | Brown Faint, Ac. DYE STEEPS. YYiirhOW CLASS & PETTY. All at moderate prices. IL R. STKONG, Stiecessor to <•. W. W illiams, I )niggistiw A |>ot hc(*ary. \l I 1.1. c. ml i mie bn i ne.-- at the OIA> ST AN I > in \l AI! I 1.l I \ I will kc.-p u nu hand, ami lor-ale, \ ia viam \ -oicimi x i m H MON IT. AND OKNIINK Drugs! CluMiiicnls! Paints unci Oils! ToilH :tnd fl’aini Arliclc**! I'inr IVrluuurt *D*. School Hooks and Stationery! % All w liicli will be SOLD LOW FOB < AMI. I’re-cidpi ion- , aiefulD pounded by sin experienced \potheeary. \s niau ioiom . Matdetta, Oef, I. 1877. jp *;|'j‘(i\(, (DEALERS IN) - (J /IOC /HUES, HAM* WAIIK, xoitTii-kastyonxr:it ensue %a*iJ J i a 8 AS oriel 1 a ( o*oi*iT}i.,.,f O tho eotill prib( i. J, J ’ ■ ° <• ,st.a I II AYE ON II AX D /\ good vssoir i >n.x ro: ... LOCKS L nr l)\vullings, S’tnre Door.-, ( T> els*Triints, Smoke House Ac. I*AI) LOCKS. Nail . 2(1 In (iOd. I .m'L and i'.i ad llame Hinkle < iopper lxivcls, SiVSh i’uliie ; , I illI*, 1 *, I lingi's, I *ii• | nee Ny] , Slrap Hinges, lira* 'l’ull 1 I looks and Si aple >, I>ntls, ilicit 1o (ixd. Wagon Nail , Wardi'idm Hooks, Hash Cord. < iitrden I locs, (oirden I’aki . Spade Forks, Manure Fork.-, <'arriage Roll -. Door Roll Sand I'aper. (JI no.' Ae. him: un, I’lie larges! assortmen! in Imm. WILLIAM I’l()T. ; . .Ma riel la. (tcloher I, |s, /. diirnt ys til idrtf. (( - SIT ill a I lend lot he prael ice of |;,\i , i TV ( ohb and adjacent coil til 1 Ml colli c|ion culruslcil lo*Q)Y'lTnfH e heiiici with prompl allenllon. Ollicri. >.ver MX lab liv ■' -lore, we- I -Me .I’uliT I ic Sipmre. . Ma riel la, .Vi: ; 111 7, 1-777- "* ICY MARIETTA SAVINGS BANK,.', • n 111 \ i,*. | f OKS, I’rc-idenl’ Ol' 1 B 1 f’X A I’, \ ice Fee-idem. I 1 * \ AX WY< K, Ca-liier. |/ Notes Discounted. . Bt* reieliange Rbugld and Sold.-Tp T. J. ATKINSON, fa r idf of im iti i* s(,n \iti; \!.\ RIF/JTA, (JKO. ih au.i: in Ciioirt* sl'Nimiil> Gnterrir* ! ' COIFN'I RY I'RODICK i iKi-N ox in i. most run a:\i, i Kinr-, IL M. lioiinu iv. F. \. lOn-uu.i i M. muii i to. DFALFIIS IN PKKTI.LIZERS, iia \ i: on ii \\r>, r ijip. Old Printing Office Building, DJfIGII TON'S rniiiMvriiii riu hum: Supi'i-phosjihate. .MADE 15 V George Upton, Boston, Mass. AND •c f. so ALr:s AMMOXTATFD J DiSSOLV HI) RON IT, PHOSPHATE. ’ ■noth iso ia;ma; rim Tl liMI’S 1)11 H UE IT. Mill- 111. oi.p ns Tin inu.'f -iiii’uhralv (mu* for cash '• ;i lrllx ~ - ■ Mjmning & Hnrkoi> .. 'X ’ BLACK- ml Aj r 'eome • TBS. ntng -pri AM) RLFAJD MAR Ilf I TA. - l>l /^iison. A \ '. <•)•)- ! 1 - D) plant tl I’Tora slioult that the soil sin. -l v ritdt and deep; a . it. . 4 t.• • 4