Newspaper Page Text
Vol. I.—No. 38.]
vl. 4t t tMPHM.I., H. li. <;o<>i>.\J A\.
<The Judd and fitrside.
T. O vSe CO.
<)S At One llollai'ii Ve:n\
IX THE Of,l* l*Rl\Tl\<; Oi l K K
Huililiiig. Piuvilim' Sprintjfi Si reef. \l;iri
eM:i Ijporgi:).
\\M. T. WIXX. Wil 1.. .1. WIXX.
\\r T. AAV..I. \X INN, .1
t \ • .A/.*<:. Man'll 13,1877. iy
117 M,SESSIONS, . i //<*/■ •! lit I .do'.
f ▼ • ortiri* north shit* of |*iiMit- Stjiiuiv
in Hl:t kupll’' Biiilitinu. 1111
October I. 1577. I\
mosp* **•. ~1 1 till iirt/ If l
■fJ • will iitliliil*/Sti'liii'iin‘.s
To hi 111 in ('olili T ui{J :|ilj:|ii‘iil i-omiti*-#.
-Office in Builtliug. up
tail-', Muriel til,
I'.. .\l, A ELEN, /.V> til' iif
TrfWitjidk I'raiisi, i*i iiiuiv than i> . miy
' ■* *-T_Tr years. rli;iivi*s Reuxniiultle.
6ihck—Xnrtli Mile or Piililii- Sijiimv.
Marietta, Mim-li 13, 1877. ly
Phiisiriiiii. Ortli-e on < a- villt- sr
—Resilience on Cherokee street.
Marietta, Man li 13,1877. lv
DR. E. J. SUETZE, i‘k-j*icU<n ju<l
s'tirost.?), tender- lii prof* 1 ional
ser\ icq-in the practice of Medicine inall
it# branches to the citizen of Marietta
and ••uwonndino'coiintry. office at liie
Drug Store of Win. Root. inch 13-1 y
Ddi' T • it. I till IX, . i tl> >i /,- lit
• l.nii- Will practice in tin- Blue
Ridge, Rome, and Coweta Circuits,
Marietta. March 13, 1878. ly
XT itei/ti a/ Lair. Marietta, 6a, Will
practice in the Court > of i ’obh and adja
cent conntie-, ( oliecting a specialty, ly
K. A. IKWIX. S. C|.AY.
tiI.AV A IRWIN, . it/oiitrif* uf I.Hir ,
. iv ill atieiid to the piaeiiceof law
in < iibh and adjacent eoimties, v
ill collections entrusted to them w ill
be met with prompt attention, office
over M’t latchy s stoic, west side Pub
lic Square.
Marietta, August 7. 1877. lv.
AVKsT sihE Pl'Bl. li Sijjl \it .
Choice Family Groceries.
Miu'fcrta, Sept.-I, 1877. ly
M. H. Lyon,
4 ild.i (-it or lit ns
A tul druler in
Marietta. Alareli lit, 1877. ly
vi. T. -it Ist.
Saddle and Ins Maker
Marietta,, Uen.. Mareh 1.!, 1877. ly
fJTH E undersigned minimies hi- 1 Hi-i
--1 ness of Brink M:ihi 11 j*'. sione mill
Krii'k Building, mid h | ire |hi ml at any
time to take eoiirrarts on the most reas
onable terms, anil tnexeente them in 1 he
most satlslVietorv manner.
il. It. U A 1.1.15.
Maiiclta. Mii'eli 1.1, 1877. Iv
m M § ‘ f
Ift tin 311)K 111 'fUK h Sol Art.
Rooms over M’l'lutehey 1 - Stor**,
IT gives us pleasure to inform nnr
friends that we have returned from
our Philadelphia trip where we have
been working solely in the iutere-t ol
oio pi ole .. ioli. Again Wl- t*‘ ildl l' mil
services to mir friends and the puhlh
generally, confident that with the hit
/ i appliances ami mo t impiovcd in
struinents, with all otiiei improvement
gathered regard ir ofeypcij-e or trou
ble, we eau do work a- satlefui toriiv
anileffieientlya- ean he done elsewhere.
Marietta, (7a.. March a 1878
House Building' ami
BA?H. BT IVhS. In MIR, E| \ j || FI *
Lumber ol all liirnl , ainl al (lie
lowest prices. |or tile.
rTMiankfnl t.n llie ftls-nil patronage
.i. hitherto, the-nh criher would tale
that he i fully prepared to l oori.n l foi
KEthe erection of Building . and to exe
t~ in the most ■ ati'faeto
[OP. south 1 jdo I’nhlh
1,1,Mi FI B 1 K„
-- - oi m
eo ami 1 ■ Jm
-•Red String, f
le ( hewim- l’i
“• by
Wholesale Jobbers of
Sewing Machine Needles, Oil and Attachments. • -vj|
In the South that can supply hniuuir Parts at Wholesale or Hetail at less than
Eastern Prices. 4 * *
I he ‘‘Last Out’'
■Jiliit Mdctuue ima jußt t6eu aiapioved.
.■R cuttic • c’liipatty
UjiccLi, iigLt t unning, perfection amt quality uf
ooiknatnßbip and material, beauty ut numb and
.-■cat taring and tbo beat wooa work
•cr put on tbe market every tabic having a deep,
-i ii molding, Sgll* fou e’aoq unli ad below
Ixo I Piaui iableana Drawai |j ?l „<>
■ u.. *, eame, with Panel Cover .. mon
j 3, same as Iso. 2, with Drop Leaf and
.Side Drawers, exactly like cut above 4o oO
We have exclusive control of territory for this
Jin hlUc.
Write ue for coiuplete iiluetratnl catalogues.
Ln cry Agent, Meuler, i 01* Minister should write ns
at onee tor Agencies, Parts, Needles. Attachments or Machines
complete, either wholesale or retail, of any (irsbclass make
V%-W hen you write, state occupation, if you expect trade
I 11 .!'.*!*" , consumers (except ministers anti schottbteaclu'rs)
will he eltargetl lowest cash retail rates.
Itemeinher, we art* no upstarts, hut have twenty“live years’
experience in the business, anti have been located in this place
seven years. FRED. BELL & CO.,
klectrotypcd h> A tlauta Electrotype Kouudrv. 31 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ca
n— - • - --- - 7 y
Imlirtii ( oni and Corn Hi cad.
Tbt tii i transaction ai flic
American In litule KarineC
(■lll b was Ihe loading of a |, ip ( -r
by Mi. Conrad VViTson, Vnf it fed.
“American Corn at Home and
A broad—Economic V alio- of (Join
Hread, of winch fhe iollow iio* i
a \ iiiijcj*
The manffold and ingeiiioii
preparation of Indian com a
food for the (aide eompri r a nil
meron catalogue of di In- all
ditteriu..- trout each other-, vet
each po -e -nui it point olTnei
it and it cl a oi admiri-i In
tl)e grey), late o| thi ccival.
w lien t lie ear- and I*i ml- ai <-
fallv developed but not vet 'da/,
ed and hardened, the tlavm at
tain it- highest perfection. I lie
eai- of the weet varietie being
then smccnlent and juicv. an oni
versallv esteemed a luxury, and
the grain when -buved m grated
from the cob ne -killliilly cor,
verted into a diversity of flitter
cake . picldio;* and pi.- and olh
er muneiou preparation .‘Some
i4\ind ut green crirn are thought
hi-i> many to resemble and iival
WhdLiVor oi the oy• tel a,v<| ale
TTT- .
Marietta, (( h‘orj>in,) Thmsilay, May 9, 1878,
Card . Ah tfiia advertisement in large enough to catch the eye of all readers
of this paper when first opened, we shall not insert it a second time, and respect
fully ask all to either take immediate advantage of it, or sane it for future reference.
S/SfTv ’
US®™; - •
I lie Genuine Stewarl MaiJiiiie,
1 bio Macbiue hub been tile park-iioisd l*ji all
Ciidkeio hi tUiilUtiob .Jibgiii Mi* UiQdß, IlißliV
tuotißADdß having bvui Bold for .Ste wart 8 which were
uover inside the Stewart Factory, we therefore tan-
Uuu all who desire the genuine Stewart io eee to it
mil every machine haa ■ llt nry Stewart zuanufa
U.t-i ,* printed on the top ul the arm and that his
tiade-maik ib hxeti ui* the banc of the ai in As cash
bu>Airfare ready to take every machine this factory
an produce ad faht as ready tor the market they
will be aold foe Cash Only, as below.
No i, Plain Table, flo Cover f m oo
iNw 2, with Coyer, Lock and Drawei . . ao 00
*o. Haffir, with Drop Leal and ‘i Diaw
eiß See cut above yQ
'the wo*id tvuik foi the Stewart ie vet y Hui.erior
. ' ttiyic and tiuirfh. See cut abov .
Wt- have exclusive control ol territory for tl.ia
Write us for complete illustrated catalogues.
immense tipplie ol'lhi fa'varjfe
food that are poured infoonr large
cilie dnriiig the limno-i are al
most incredible, and the prove
ol cannin<■ lljha grown into abn ,
ine s of colossal dime- ion .
bill it i e pecialh in il dale
that Ihe grain ol llii laple crop
meet the varied requirement
of daily consumption In it nil
melon loin, o| hulled lorn
hominy Indian meal mai/cna
•m p and corn , I arch aml in i lie
vai’ion projiai ai ion hv which
the e am rendered a< ■ . pi ible to
evers varielv of late the corn
i iop of on r con 11 1 1 \nal l \ . onl ll b
ute.- lo feed not onl\ nut own pop
illation lull ho l. of con-aimer a
broad. hut perlnp the bc-l fa
miliar ill u t ration of the econo
inic v alue of iriai/. i lo he found
in i lie ample and unpretending
article of .'iin In.-ad which, in ii
numeron form and improved
quality, i now ey< re where givftv
in" in public lav oi A to I In- ii
filify and economy ol uxin • corn
bread a- a tuple food there ha
lievei been any doubt aitliVdigh
it fithei valuable quniifj. have
been compai ativel ■, over lonje-d
linl the pr.-|iidi. eol foi mada v
i now at length melt in:* awav.
and the perfection oi tlavoir im
parted to com bread by lie pro
gre- ne ingenuity of American
cookery. ha- compelled wide re
m xhi'
'{hK£oßH 'V m m fu\W
fi rsigw
| JL'
ySk M // Si
mwm T#- rr-tJ
\M *■ • li
l be tietiuiue Howe Maciiuie is sold b> the o<nn-
as below, foe Cash Only *
No l Plain Table, no Cover $35 Ob
; 6 ® Oover, fjock and Drawer... 4(i Ob
No 3, same, with Drop Leaf and 2 Draw
ers. See cut above . 45 uu
■tt-F Win n any credit is given $lO to sl6 is added
t * these prices.
Write us for complete illustrated catalog aes
Ail the staiuhtrd first-class Machines
now retail at similar rates to above.
We will t)0 nsh priee-lists for all on
i'ngnilion al Inline and abroad and
i u i llll ill *• I In- verdict even*"'of
iho e who are ever low to di cent
in lood lhal i: econoinicul the
till logJici qnalitie of health,
nutrimenl and Ifavot.
In I ~n.i (lie . I///mvet/// !/// // ///
/aii s/ drew the attention of the
Ini inert, and ntln it, to thi abject
by premium ottered for the lies!
ample of corn hread Match in
t'-ie-i wa iakoii in die matt'a
and m.ifU ample and reeipe
were ( iiti it.d for competition,
hut ‘neat proere- ha been tnade
by nur country during thi inter
v and and in (he i apid < onr e of e
vent we rand to day clearly in
advance of f,diner time , not on
ly in the u* il ter of corn bread and
cot n cull lire lint in n\ if y otliei
indit ti'v and mieresi. i.f the na
t ion
lb*- co' l ot coin bit /id lo the
farmer whet, made under the
pi line I lol'lilllla would In- It
I hail I cent pet pound. \V her,
milk. ” liul bui lei are tuclml
ed with the meal the co f should
till he not oyer 2 cent . To < on
uinet in (iiir- the market price
on ht n and to 1..- more than double
the c rale . which would make
the iv| of iln family ration a
hove given u- than 25 cent - pei
dav. In view of the e fact and
It i it not clear tliat no other
food crop is grown on either eon-
ali liinM
- doMhuL
" 111
-mmfc * ■
The Gehuifio Singer, latest style out, is
pu cisely like the Stewart in every particu
lar, except the wood work is plainer, and iH
aold by the Company's Agents fob Cash, an
No. 1, Plain Table, no Cover See
cut above $35 00
No. 2,with Cover, Lock and Drawer 40 00
No. 3, earnr-, with Drop Loaf and
2 Drawers 46 Oo
tfirslo being added to them? price?) win n
credit is given.
Write ua for complete illustrated caU
liuenf lhal is capalile of produc
ing ec.uiwinii aI n uli o widely
beneficent or o imporlaul lo the
world a tin.- corn crop of Anteri
ca t
ij( donel Edwin Henry, of
11reen vilie, I'enn., being present,
remarked : - I am well aquainl
ed with the uhjecl of corn
I live in a country where
hread and pork are among ''•H
principal lapl< I'm food. \ U<*-
lew people know how corn hoti/e, 1
he ground to make corn meal
lit for cooking purpose I have
a inill on my place and grind my
own meal and also for my neigh
hors. The meal should bn ground
coarse, like that you ti-' in (lie
North for feed. 1 consider our
corn make betlei bread than
tlie corn rai ed at the Vortli ;it
contain more saccharine. Corn
bread i cooked by the team
generated in the bread in the o
veil. If the meal i around fine
fhe bread, become soggy hut if
roar i! tin- team pa -a- around
and through it and makes a
healthy article. Corn meal can
l>e made into a number of healthy
article 1 - of food and I hope our
representatives at fhe Haris Ex
position will ee that they have a
restaurant in which this article
i served in all mannei of ways,
o that the people vi-iting the Ex
po ition may have an opportuni-
l> ol ta-l illg
Tiie StMipperroH
iCSrly in the piyM
the Seuppernong**
covered in North 1
lake Sminnernong. j
11 1 " v y 1
tin- 1 ii* -i uSiwn iiW^HH
in.iun in the
about ! gallons uf ji
w I ice.* '
./ ■
l"" in..]-'
ii 11 • < • i 1 ' wBSm
glmvare pj
ni<i i'-'H
'r I"- MmS.
r "
I i- •I!^^!®,'^}!!;
' 'II I '•' I \l' i' I -rT| 11 |-;| |
ii. 11 JBSM
II" il'M Cl up i >
ui"-! |*l ll ;11* -.
I'l'ci' ■ n■! <*i I lin i H
\ I’eoria I III.) in,in
inn. '-looked with MMiO*'UW*‘3j:'
nu salmon and 20.000 liroo.^^H
Cabbages weighing twenty j
Iwenly three and one thM
pounds are on exhibition at Stock
lon, (California.
At a ale of Hereford
Australia, out of a weli-Jinofe
herd, an average of nearly 9
each was realized. -
//,* -
A i Seaiorlh, Out., a societyT .
been iorined lor the proper y'A
leclion of fish, jjaijifi^-wsSeti*
10| is birds and fur-bearing af*
in a Is. I
*>l the (arms in i'ennsylvpjl
* I per cent, are cultivated 1
Iheir owners, 20 per cent, um
fanned on hares and 9 per eg£
ore rented. J
Hie report from Texas is tlufi
they have a full peach crop. TliJ
Iniil begins to ripen there in M*
and continue' l , to ripen till Oetdl
ber. J
l ln- while oil u
11 i '
• lie .in
Ihe ino*-t produeti,, "jm
world. ” M
sm tier are said to be pounfl
. into Kansas and Nebraska by tB
of thousands. A large propor' V
iof them are from Illinois, \\J
cousin and lowa. jfl
In March, 1877, corn
jChicago for 27/ cents per bn B
price during the 'fl
it < cents M
'' n" I'Cllts.
'i - ' ' S
’ ' the lann^^HH
-'is,' i- -1 1 >ll ut Kent
in's. JHBHH
\ t'l-.uji.i ] ■ 11 ijjr
l.u-hcl nf cow P''■ y*in
on an acre and Itirneii ~ -hs M
ninty days will la- equal to
tv iwo hor-c loads of stab'fl^
In 1,. VH
h./j.t in all our I'lforl-'
the condition of the wonuoSQHi
that we can only do a verv~bsMl
ci'ii'd that it i> important
that little.
I Hi. "n.iliii haste is
reel io error. ■
< • reel; i- the language fot JHS
1 1 f.x ■ I Tern'll for love and
lot hand organ melody, bwßf
man with a -I,iit
in ue. k. i- the -a
m in ,u. /MB/ScvKSih