Newspaper Page Text
Till'] I'll.i.i! AM) FIRESIDE.
\ 01. i. -N o. 40. |
r. (i. rAiiPm.i i.. l:. K. tiooivu.w’,
ahr/idilaiul /irrsidr.
IM id isii i;i r.\
T. rs-
AI (>e I lollai- :i A< : t.
IX i'll I: ul.| PIM.XTI.M'i Oi l'lt E
Building Powder Spring- stri-i-l. M :11 i
< t i.i t d-.irgiii.
wm. r. WINN. Wli.i . .1. WINN.
*¥ r T. .V \Y, \V INN, Mt,.i„.
W „ ill l.itir. Vi :l ivll I.i, 1N77. iv
Xir >I.SESSIONS, \Hiirti--if at Litf.
\\ . ottiic nor! h siilt* tif Pulil ii Si|u:irt‘
in Bbn-kw fit's Building. up -I:<ii -.
Maricfta, (ii-i.,! . i \
nflTt f -----
Jl„ .Uli., „\. n> 1,.
. w ill iirteiiil in all linsi iic.'X|S7 /unll'l I
to Min ill t 'util) ami ;idj:nvMl ii--.
(lulu in Mi t 'lan-lx-y ' f mili n 11
Saifs. Maiii'lta, Maicli IN. | \
Mil' •
11. >l. AI.LKN, !,L „i
/*< iiCt‘l. of more i lian i w cut \
’ fXxir year-;. ( liargt ■> Be asonalili*.
to i hi.— Xoiili -i• 1 1 ■ ol' Ptililii' Square.
Maiii-lia. Mai- h IN. I>-77. ly
I vit. tknnknt, i‘,;i,nri„i,
J f PlijlKii'iiin. (Mlieeiiu (assville SI.
- Resitli'lli'i' oil I'herokee slreef.
Marii'ff.'l, Marelt IN, 1877. Iv
i‘7. *l. SK I ZK, /*h 'j s ii'inii ninl
J P Siiri/; , n1), 'fionliM - Ills Ji rofisssjonal
erv ii'rs in l In- jivai l ici' of Mcil ii i in- ina 11
ft Xil ani'lii" In I In- i'll i/i-ns of Marietta
.i ml sin mu ml in.u,' i-iinnl ry. t lHi-<* al die
Drug Stori* of Vi in. Hoot. m-dilN-tv
¥ x .V T. it. IK WIN, .11 fn/‘/ii‘iis iii
IJ. Lhh■ Will praetiee ill 1 Ik* Blue
Ridge, Itoini-, ami t'mvi-la t ivi uils.
Marietta, Maivli IN, 1878. ly
VV. li. VOW KK. 11. ,M. IIAMMI rr.
I>oui:i;a iiavivikit, . i
iiiifs nt l.iiii\ Mai-ivlta. t• a. Will
pra.-i ivv in tin* <on rls of ( olili aml ail ja
ii-i if i-ounlies. ('ol Ivi-f i iiif a speeialt y. 1 y
V. v. nn\ IN. v. s;. i - 1 . aV.
(ill A V .V llJ>\ IN. . I tlm’ii.i)* 111 Lilli-.
y w ill ailvml to tin- prarlieeor law
in < olili ami adjacent i-onnlivs,
\ II vollvvlions vnlrusteil to tlu-in w ill
bv mvt w ith | >vonijit al lint ion. Office
ovi-r M’< latvliy ’s sloi v. west -ide Pub
liv Square,
Marietta, Vug'iist 7, ls;7. Iv.
Saddle and Harass; Maker
Ma• i* ll a, Go. Matt lt 1.1. 1577. ly
111 STBMKie.
rjMiK il in b*rl conlihHc lii bit i
.A. no f Brick .Makiii“‘. Stniio and
lSi ick 11 11 iIii 11 , and i |rcj)jirod al an\
time in take roiifi acls on lbe nn t 1 <*a
on a Ido toiin , and tooxfa utc tboin in i In*
iiiibf ari larttii s mannor.
H. B. W \ 1445.
Nl I 1 i< II a . \i .11 i’ll l‘i, 1877. In
GREER | RE\ Nnl.lG,
I )l‘lll isls.
vvk a snm. m Tin-: i*i st;i akk
Ktiom- over M’< Tal<*ln*y'< Sloiv.
IT gives us iilt-Ksm-c in int’onn uru-
I'ricinls dint \vc li.-ivcreturned from
our l‘liilatlcl|ilii:i Iri|i where wc have
ficcn workingsolely in die interest ol
our profession. Again we tender our
>ei vii-es lo oiir friends and the jinldie
.generally, ennlidedt that with the lat
est ;i|,|d i a nee-a io I mo-i inijniived in
-1 runn-nI -, wilh aII othei ini|n'oveinenl .
g.ilheretl Iril les- of ex |n*nse or I roll -
ble, weean do work as <al isl'aeloril v
and eltieienll \ as ea o in- done el sew In re.
Alarielta, da.. .March ES7S
Hon so !>iii!<iini> ami
I {(‘pairing.
Lumber ol all kinds, mul it the
lowest prices, lor sale,
rplnnikt'iil fur the patfti:i”<•
J| hit her Id, I lie s||l>~eri her won lit sf.|te
tliat lie i< I'u 11 \ pic-pared In corirract lor
rite erection ol' Ihiihliiig', and to e\e
. lire Hie eoiit r:ie|s jn |he ino-r sal i .t'aelo
rv manner. Sllop. south side f’nMh
March, 1.N77. I.KMI Kl. HI,At l\.
Maiming & Barker.
\\l> IfEpViHKHH.
\I!K liov, |>le|>ari/d to do alj Kinds of
w ork ill llieir lii|t* of Ini-iiiess as
cheap and a- well ail can he done anv-
Wln ir, Hi|ggit's an.l Wagons made or
fepaired in (he iicsl style nf workman
hip, of the best malerial and on the
/ ' terms, I’lanlalinn w ork
'•iiiij'ilonecheapl.i and al short
' yV* :l s.'ltislai lon Inanlier.
it; i'So nleil with ile>piil<-h.
( ■; i\
HBHV' I ‘. .uni •
I. It. Strong,
Success* n* toO, \\ \\
\ Nl)
A |ol luM*;ii*y.
Ii f 11. I. pdiil i tklit" lk‘-■ :j| t i.i 01,1
▼ T SI a i i4l in .\i \ K*l 1. 1T \ :m I\\ ill
k-< I* on 1 1 : • 11 1, :i ioi for 'I It .
\ *F x i.R ' I \Sm iT: r\l* \ • if I
I'IiKSH A\ i (i'KXI IM.
S )nii*s Ii 'bom hols!
Itiiltl ttiiti i'.'tliit
Paints and Oils!
I'iiM- iVi rmiicrt, Hr.
All which will he so I.I) l.o\\ KolJ
< ASM, I *ro-* ri |l ion - cjnefnllN com
poltmic.i h\ Mil C\JM l icilcc.l A | >< *f licc.'l
rv. V ' hi i:i:roi ori .
Ih \l. STKoXo.
Hooks imd Slal ioiu'iA .
Sclmnl Hook- mill Sl.ilioicM V of ;ill
kinds. A l-o, Nose Hook- for
Sunday Schools and Siim'iny < la.r>>c>.
Any hook not in stock, either hiterarx
sci.*nl ilie or Kdiicai ional. or an\ piece
of Sheet Mii<m\ will he 01 dered-nrtd dc
iivered in MarietlM at |H|]dish<r' jni
ces. H. h\ s'l'KO Vi J.
Marietta, Keb 2*, IS VS.
Tli<‘ hr.l tiil I ''vw
I’lli" popular week |y received rey.ll
Inly, and for sale a I live pen I- per cop \
al I In* l)riii and Sialiomr\ Store of
feh Ifli \i. u. S I IH >N 4;.
%. unin ics
Iren Founder S Maohiniot.
M AN! I’ \t I I I!Kli tif
S1 ea in Kn i* ine s,
eiliei I.AR saw AliLl.s,
I iii lro-l tliilx,
OK IST Mill M\‘ 'll I\PR V,
IV’W'IM. ti. aV for \\ att-r Wl.n l
Vt't'vwrx si/v an.l il.-svi ipi ion : Plans
ami SjK-.-itival ion- f.u Mill VT.trl. lurii
i*-hc.| t ree of char**;e. \! n .Mannfaetn
rer ol i*o|.| Minin" Maehinery ol l .re i
im jio\ piniii I
I'livc.s Id still tlu? time. .
Ail work first class,
AM* iii VI; \\ t i l l*.
\nd haviii*** jn>t Iniilt new Imit.liny-,
and liavinjva.'- !i’wd machinery a-' •••mill
be had North, I led enntident I bar i t an
dcly all eom petit ion a- to tjnaliiv <• i
work and eheapne* of priee. Kciny; a
pr.-n tical mechanic of ihiriv • iv*• ycai
experience I am not at'raidot m\ al*ili
t \ to ;i\p sat i fact ion to all win* may
feel disposed palroni/e me.
Marietta. .Marehh‘l, 1577.
J. M. Wilson.
MAM I At I I If!•:t: Ol
Wooden W ares.
IH ' N| * l,l vll,: IN
i.i-a;v, uoi si-; it kms ll
l.\<; <;<><>i>s and
•Straw ami FeeT < ‘nl h-i ,
I (itit Sltelh is,
\\ heel Hat t tiM N,
lln Shovel .
llot-s. <ll .v- Si vI he .
Plow-, Plow Slock-,. Ac.
Syrup M ills,
f>/ il An (iirhir Mlll.r.
I*< M M l A I A lil.l. i 'l'l 1.1.i:V.
< 'arpentei's Sit|i|)fies,
.Manx \ tiriel ir- ol Wooden Ware.
XII these and many ol her t a Ina hie a i
tleles sold oil liesl possible term--.
Marietta, .Inly .'t, 1N77. 1 t
Watchmaker & Jeweller,
■M.Xr.ll. I I V. it i. | o|;i, | \.
\I.SO. deajer in ( lock- of even de
sel'j|ltjo||. Itepairtllf'of XX all-ties,
t link'. e|i . a speeialty, Si lil a. l ion
e'l :a ran teed. Sign of Hi” XX'aleh, wi t
ide I'll* jy’ Sipia re. net .!
iTine' " I'l' l'-'i' and. s.xutli
'I give
p .lie. 1 [^HyWaii
an-'! It
Miirivlhi, ((.(-ors-iii,) Thursday, ,\Lir •>:{, 1878.
New Firm.
J J Northcutt& Son ;m !lu\N
ii‘rt |\ tity ;i \\cl! : t icricd situ k nl
Staple and I'am v Dry GoOllS
mail\ lines o| \\ liicll 1 1:1 \ e lievn
hoii*fhl iowet than the SiTillO
IJOOtIS Weft- sold vai!\ in the
SetlSotl, the hendit ol which
Me |il'OpO: t‘ uix ilte, (UM enstomei'S
For Cash- -Ns prool ot what
\\e sti\ , \\(‘oiler lov the present
I.onsi) u.k ('ol ton. at '* vents.
Flit IT 01-' lilt. I.iiiitl, vot., - al S;
-II -- ill
iaiw vhn II utms t 'ollon. •• s
A MiitoscncciNs -- ‘ * A
The hitler we consider the lies!
L-tnids made for the motiev.
Si-as ll A\n ifood ill i lo S eeiil -.
•• 1 I snp'r (jiialilv ;it !l to hi
A i.i.i:\ua i.i: Pi.i: veil 10 I at
<' vi.ico, ,T io T
Pai il'ic I.vwn I'd.i,
CoKm-:i) .1 vcoxt r, •• l:M
PtNii t:s Tlolu
NTerottv Lwvx |o\
Ivin (ii.ovt.s •- Mi
II V M lit 111 j FlnliXo •• 5
Alni it-i la. A pri I -5, 1 S7x.
-J. ll.O:\filivV (V
ii \\ i: im:Movi-'.i in i:ii; sn>< knr
< oaieral Merchandise
To <<i (i 15Ai:i:t i l's old stand.
Fas I side ol Pnldic Stjimre.
Al a riel la. < Icm via.
M Icuv llc y w ill 1, I . :t full line >.f .-Icijc
riiiiiily <rort‘i*it‘s
'T A PJ.F I>IPV Coons.
tdtliuii Darns. Dlilions,
Bouts anil Shoes, &c.
All of which will be -old low l‘m
va li. 11. I . Ab ('i i. III.nS’ will he
plea ed lo wad on any, who will
lavor them with a call. Coiintiv
Prod nee taken in exchanr-e, on
rea- onabh- terms.
Re pi'el i'll II V ,
.! li, I >'\ I.i I.i. ,V (‘i l.
Ajarietta, April To, Is7s, 1\
Cliei llilikK Emlii'lia
Will i.i iii Njidtcer,
iiKM.ta: in
it i: a r n k i{
*l ;i! I kind-, Sinn* I ind i it".' and liar
nc M*nnliii“ I ppi I .cal her, liar
tics'-. Kip and < alf Skin Hemlock ami
i I oim* ’! an S|c I .<*a I her.
iL n I have employed a* workmen.
Mr. G. i‘. Swan and Win. 11 mu phi ic-.
and w ill earn on a lir-l class
lino I and Shoe 1 Shop
w here we *•;n.iraii; ee a- e;o<al and cheap
l^oo| s and Shoes made a- elsew here.
Spend \ our iinmev al home and il will
eomc hack altera few day-*, kiinuir
aye Imme indiisl t \ and you luiild up
llie prosper it v ol your
.Marietta, (i.a.. M uch |!l. |S7S, |\
l f holo“rap!i (hdlerv !
I I- ; l \ I Its.
M. < l \< HI V’s lit li.lilM;.
>..(///. H‘, s! >fi I’tlLln' Si/Hili'r,
INN Isll to inform my trieml and the
pithliethal I ha ve rallied tin* l*hoto
a I apll Gallerv of Geo. .1 . Gallic, W here
I u ill lx* I'ottM'J ;il all hums n| ih<* l:i\
fv.uh tu r\ocut<* all kil l <(- ol pi i u !*••- in
lln l‘IIOTO(;|{ XIMI ;tnil l l lx'u
TV Hi: lii m • in I In* in a I <•-1 u!' 'lyh*.
11 in ill" i|i*\ ut i*d uia ii y \al* n| in \ Ji I*
milii lui-iiirss, I think I *• in - il’rly *:i \
tha! I <an -al isfat lion lo Ilu-
I111I ii*. \ll hll*ill •* s iiuiall\ il<.in in a
lir*t i liK- v r- jm*i I fulls -olirif
*ml h\ ilk* -iihsi riht*r.aml will Ih-prom|l
and (nilliliili\ aini aJ l i<lii*all\ o\Tn
-I***l. \il i a-k i- a l rial ami I will **'ii;ir
anl* in( i! • >al isl'.i* I ion. Old !'*•! 11 r•
|d*‘*l. aml i*n largi*.l in Ih * * mo-i arf i—
f i* * maim* r.
mar I 1 \\ . I . WII A I 1.1. V.
I X I ltd: 111 ft l:| It ',(,!( XHK.
Ai AIM I-: I I A. UKO.
11l Mil: IN I Will I
Family Groceries.
t Ol \ i i;v I-lioUl <1
VIAKLN ON I ML MOST Limit;.'.!. TTIiM-..
Ueiuii l iiiviil of Am iciillnrv.
A 11. \\l A, <iA. , .M;iv 111. Is7s.
Corn. liiv rv-pturls from nil
pulls ol flu* Sl.tie -t-wopling
, Muhlli 1 >’ cni't/tit- show ail in
oivnsi-iii tht*iiron plnnled in corn,
owr llmt of Insl yt-nr, nmoimlin
in Mn-Sfiite, tothivv per cent.
Tlie prepiirntion of ihe soil was
-;i\ percent, better tlinn last year,
and |.he stiiml four per cent, better
t ban tiver*f*e.
llavine, bad an unusually early
spring, and la vor;ible seasons, the
farmer has reason to hope for an
almndant liarvt-st of this most
iinportaut crop.
(Li/x. The increase in the urea
devoted to oats, is eij*'M per cent,
over last year. Ihe w inter has
been of steady, uniform tejnpera
lure, and there are no reports of
wilder killing. Fifty four per
cent; of the area is fall sew n, and
eiehle.-n per cent. fertilized.
Some corresponfleuls express the
opiniwn that fertilizers /hit/ belt if
on oats limn on any other crop.
I’lie averatfe prospect is ninety
seven per cent, for Ihe State at
Ia rife. -
II hint. by the re
markable yield of ls7T. farmers
have sown n largely increased
area amounting to eighteen per
cent, over last year. The priuei
pill increase i-- in Smith ii'ent thue
ijiii. ill which section Ihe area
sown is forty six percent greater.
Tlu-re are some serious com
plaints ol' rust—especially in
A oi /h (li ni’ijntf and tin- prospect
is eleven per cent, below Ihe nv
ernge. 'flu- comities reporting
Ihe lowest average prospect are:
Ra rtow. ('at oosa, ('herokee, I hide,
I >u w son, < iwinnett and Whitfield,
e jiecially the last named, in
w lii eh Iherusl has reduced the
prospective yield to less than
one lonrlh of an average crop.
I’lie reports from the other
eel im-i:, ol the Slate generally
agree in staling that the fungus
i- confined lo the blades.
I In- meteorologicol conditions
during llu-month of April high
temperature and unusual moist
ure were Ia vora Me tolhe de vel
opmeuf of rust ; but tlie cool
weather during the earlier pari
of the present month will, it is
hoped, . Imck its liirlhei progress.
The prospective yield, for Ihe
whole Stale, is ninety live per
cent, of an average.
Cotton,-- -The urea in cotton is
one per cent, grcnler, prepuration
ol ioi three per cent, belter, and
flit- time nf plaiding earlier Ilian
la I year.
Six percent, mure commercial
f eft i li/.ei s were apptide to col 1011,
and the condition of the plant is
t-(|iiii 1 lo an a v erage.
It vv;e hoped that tin* experi
•nice of he I year's large crop and
low prices would lead to a mate
rial decrease in Ihe cotton crop,
and a corresponding increase in
provision crops ; bid t best* ex pec
lations have been only partially
realized. Many of the farmers
ol (Georgia have not yet been
i'll 11 v con y ineed of 1 lie fo| i y <dT <‘
I villi! op (he eolloil eroji lor I lie
Ultra ns wliel'exx il Ii lo sli ppleloenl
llieil’ i lisll llieie li | (dot I el'Olis.
Iliei'c seems to lie still n linger
ing hope ol high prices lor coifon,
and t*itiis(‘t| netl l ly plenty ol' nion
ey. I’nsl e\perience deiiionslra
tes the folly ol’ itch hopes. In
.lead of indulging them, il xvefe
far heller to adjust plans and
areas lhal cotlott may he an al
I oi!c I I ter mi i'J>/ i/s iioji. prof iI a hie.
even al prcsenl prices,
//nr. I liis grain i> beginning lo
iceeixc more nlfenlion in<ieorgia.
I lie area has increased seven per
cent. Il is no longer a i|iie.stion
wind her l ice can he successfully
grown in favorable location'
throughuul I lie Stale.
fll lll lit\ deyelopes the fact that
il may lie prodiieeil,even on the
hill lands of Middle and .North
(ieorgia. (hi sneli lands more
rain i- reipiired than for ordinary
cereal crops; hula fair, yield may
he' secured, xxilh good seasons,
and x\ lien sown on moist land
even oti that which is two xvel for
ordinary crops- a yield of (iffy
bushels per acre may he easily
It Ini' been remarked, in previ
on report' lhal lhe iliMiih-ratum
in highland rice production, was
a cheap domestic machine I'm
cleaning the rough lice. Sm hii
machine has not vet been intro
dnced;hnt small custom mills
have been made, and are now in
use in several counties, which
j seem to answer 1 lie purpose and
: give sal is fact ion. Those mills are
ennstruelod to meet tin- wauls of
llu- inland cm nlry where rice
- is not vel grow n as a staple crop.
Mr. .1. R. <human, ol i'nllmllon,
has one in operation, and. in an
jswor to impiirics, stales that
where the power lo run it is al
ready available, a mill, capable
jof cleaning 7.7 Io 100 bushels of
rough rice per day, may In- at
t aclu-d, ala cost of $S0() |i j|t 1,000,
and that one sixlh /,,// will yield
in very satisfactory profit.
The product is represented lo
lie lull lit Ile inferior to I hat of the
•Savannah and (Tiarh-ston mills,
from rough rice of same Duality.
Such mills are in operation in
Rrooks, Dooly, Karl.v, Alaemi,
(Quitman, Kmamu-I, Rryan, Ap
pling. While ami Muscogee. A
cwrrespomienl from Appling
county says: “There arc three
i t<T I’lt’ittier,it on I In- low <-r c<ige ol
Appling, Ware and (Ydlee conn
ties,which ha ve given a great im
pel us to rice- cull me. Result s
as a moiiev crop, il sorjiasses col
lon, with iis. and should In- i-ii
cop raged."
'file object of t hese remarks i?.
lositggest t In* erect ion of these
mills, m* cleaners, I lirouglnnit Ihe
Shite, and (Inis i* neon rage I In- <• x
tension of rice culture. .Mr. <!or
man will dnuhlless take |)h-asnre
in giving any infnrmation in his
Son/h nin. -A rea decreased lil
<v*en per cent, uwing to low
prices the syrup command- in
('/m'ei‘. I'his crop is conlined
almost exclusively lo Ynt/h amt
nttthlle tiem’i/in. Its area has in
creased tvvo per cent., and it
condition is etpial to average.
Irish / ‘iilnfoes. t his crop i
cultivated lor market aside from
vicinity ot market towns in a lew
countie- only in \nrth ttenri/n/.
The condition i three per cent,
above average.
(ieiino/1 Mi Ih I. A a Image
crop growing in lavor in North
and Middle (Jeor-da, with imueas
ed area, bid i not -o ]iopnlar in
ot her sect ions. The complain! is,
that il requires rich oil or high
manuring. This object ion is, pei
Imps, not a reasonable one, iiiri
d applies with force to other
crop which are admitted lo lie
profitable I r., sugar cane, cat
tail millet, I m nips, etc.
('hofits, the reports are al
mod unanimous in stating that
this, a- a hog crop, i- growing in
lavor. Some corrcspAndcnls are
entinisiaslie in its praise. There
are some writers who till con
found (In* eh nI a grass mil with
Ihe mil grass, Tln-y are some
what alike in appearance, bid al
together dilb-rent in habit ol
growth and in value. The clnila
is hardly more difficult to exter
niinatc from tin- oil Ilian gioiiml
pea- in fact, il gives m> Double
whatever while I In- mil gi a- i
only worthless, lod exceedingly
difficult lo eradicate when once in
possession of I In- -mi I
(h'hnei/s. ’flu- peach crop ha
universally escaped frost, and
I here i a prospect of a v ery huge
yield. Apples promise less than
average, and pear- still less.
I here ha been all ineica- eol ix
teen per eenl. lo the area in or
chards chiefly in apples and
ih it'iml I'liiil. It is m.l 100
early to call attention lo the ini
port mice of saving the ttrplns
crop of peaches, and apph hy
drying cither hy din or lm nam e
I trying frame- can he easily
and cheaply made l.y slrelehing
thin cotton eh.lll lightly over
light frame of wood Iwo ami a
half l.y six feel in dimension.
They are far superior to hoards.
If it is desired Inoperate on a
larger scale, it is advisable lo con
si mi nr procure a drying; furnace
and appliances. They may he
had mow ;tl a reasonable price.
Neighbors might club together
and purchase, or an eneigel ie man
operate one for a neighborhood,
charging 101 l or I lie fresh
frail and selling the dried pro
duels hy wholesale.
St oil.. <-'at tie and work lock
gre generally in good condition,
| Subscript ion, SI.J
,iii-l tlie slock ol hogs- all
• even pei - renter Iha^K^yj
' - - , ifl[|
/■]//;;; /- . N i
per cell! .IIIOI'T cS'nnJiVf'liCi.ial itllH V|
zersh.ivc been purclni t-d
veal*, and I went \ live per cent.
those purchased were compostei*
l.nbni hiitjiji/ii :.. Iln- average
wage- per ni^c-W-jtJbH
and North
-1; -.s' iGt‘ ""i4- 1 ' ’A
mK, <ud - -
I. o , ■, Cil
bold i\\-' !I 1 \
i;i--l year. Fifty six
Vim e purchased are on credit.
Rural brevities.
They are introducing hor
into Texas. TTA
< 'olor.ulo eO % ' Gme eattlffl
last year I Ii • , ™KT*lbiv.
Millet is from to 1
eight vv e< ■ k * A ii w j n a,
A ii unusual bread I b vyill
-More than half l
lan<l in Scotland is Io the
grow I h ol o;ds. O' ( ‘
< Tops throng Im if?
.• 11.>11.-.I - AMI
ii-'.ii in-1 „ ' jfi
-1 - - - --1 ( jhL ...
-I ■ > K.'
I wo thousand innm
will devote lllemselve- lit Tarm
iug, landevl in Kansas in
week lately.
<)f the lai nm in I’ennsy lvania 'f'll
percent are cultivated by theini
; owners. 20 percent, are farmed
on shares, and 0 per cent, are
Vegetation was more advanced
mi Ihe Ist of May this year than
ever before known al that date
within tin- memory of that high
aid Imril v, “I In - oldest in ha hi I ant.’
t 'ompl.iinl ale lie?'.'Milling' to
lie made limn 11 1 <- South of (lain
agt• In I Ilf t nlmcco crop from tilt*
lly. \\ Ill'll I lli ina'in ill I III' hit'll *
lltt-y ‘ln>Li It I In* showered with
i wltitlf nil 11r i .11 Inti it* snaii sinks,
I’l'f caul inn airainst inserts ft
! nil kinds slum Ic l In* adopted early
in llif M'lt iiii, liffan t* when they
i are allowt-d tn In- dfvtdnped to
matiirily llicy propagate egg: in
mli ;i Ihi n l;t ii i 't ■ Unit it i' almost'
i 111 | in: i I til* In keep tllflll
l lif do: 1 1 aid inn of one early lirioth
i a far lieller preventive than
killnii* aliiimi I n 1 1 i aliM'|)illur: .
I Jond, sweet, yellow, ha)'tl Imt
tel i a nin it I thing to have. It
ret|iiire si,ill lo make il. Il also
ii'tjiiires all necessary eonvenienc
es, I till few are sit||ilietl with
these ftmveiiieiii't's. (!tint*(|uerit
ly the great mm of butlerj^
I ' a I met linn Id -ee I h:, f
1 .tijjSH
Mr. S. .1. Woo ley, writing rue'
< Jenna plow n Telegraph about de
stining rats, ay The lie I way
11 1 ; 1 1 I have ever ItniiiiJ In kill
Ihem is In get some gnml fresh
plaster ol I'iitis, anti |ml one part
nl |hi wiili 1 liree pari ol <m n
meal nr hall' nl' ear It. \II the rat
that fill nl thi are lire to die,
The ,k that is tie-
M' I*** 1 *** > mire evei'V'S 1
,i en -pt
Vale I llt-nJti| .nonwel I nr Inn loilfll (
It vain want big crop cultivated i(
nllen II you want poor tie ‘
give tin- mm .<>rniiml a In k ai4illd
piumi .• ami ymi will I*. . u>U( f n<J
' *sl
t )le til't lie chit'll fit'll It'll Is that
hasten the ceiling of plants i a
scant siippl >'nl i'nntl. The growth
of the ealiliage, lor instaiife in it r
leal'v -.late, i only prnlraeletl 4 j t f
;< liheral :i I low a nee of maii n re. je m
tleeillhe abnormal ilppl vnl ffcjj j,j
tliiil vegel a hie obtain in their,j
flllti V.aleil enm lil ii m i lilt nrinci
pal inHin• 11 <-t• which alters their
iniliits nl grow I li, I,ihe in I manor
ing, anti a soil nf gnml
capacity, are well know n In have
t he elled of prnl racl ing t lie peri nil
nf Inilhing in turnips • w hile the
nppn- ite cnmlitittn light
ing ami a dry oil. „cause the
plants to tiower. "