The field and fireside. (Marietta, Ga.) 1877-18??, July 18, 1878, Image 1

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THE FIELD AM) FIEESIDE. Vol. I.—No. 48.] i. tw ml*iii*:l.l.. h. ii. (;ooi)\i A\'. (Tlu',fid(l,iml fin''ji(lc. I*rI? I. ISII KI > BY j. a. <sc co. At One Hollar a Year in nilvuiiee, or Oiio Dollar and rift'\ fonts if not paid in advanoo. IN I IIE OJ.I> PRINTING OFFK’K liuil<liilie. I'owiler Springs Stivet, Mal i otta Georgia. ■r— t— !■!! I I— I ■ M>. .T... ii H.T..BH 1 Bfc. \VM. T. W!NX. Wil 1.. .1. WINN. \\J T. &YV..I. WISH, Attorney* V\ "I /.oa*. March lit, 1577. ly \\T 31. SESSIONS, Attorney ut Lmr, W • office north side <f Pullin' Square in it Il'Y V, . . will attend to all tnisines ; contided to him in <'olib and ihUVciil enmities. tiFFicK in Mid'latcliey^ r Building, ii|) stairs. .Marietta, March lit, 1877. ly ' to 31. A Ll. EX , ltrslJriil Uni list, of more Ilian twenty years. I harg'es Beasoualde. < IFFII'K —North side of I’ulilie Si|iiare. Marietta, Mareli lit, 1877. ly Dr. g. tennevi\ PIWIiCIHf/ /Vii/siWmi. Office on t'assville SI. Resilience on <'herokee street. Marietta, Mareli 1 it, 1877. Iv. Dll. E. .I. NET/.E, /'/ifviViriu mill Surgeon, tenders his professional cervices in the practice of Medicine i nail its hranehes to the citizens of Marietta and surrounding country. Office at the Drug Store of IVin. Boot. inch 13-1 y D& 'l'. 15. IRWIN. Attorneys at . /.on- Will practice in the Blue Bulge, Koine, and Coweta Circuits. Marietta, March 13, 1878. 1 v W.K. rnwKli. H. M. HAMMETT. pOWEIt & HAMMETT, Mtm _L ne.i/n oi Lum, .Marietta, Oa. Will practice in the Courts of Cobb and adja cent counties. Collecting a specialty. 1 v F. A. lItWIX. A. S. CI.AY. ( tI.AY & IK WIN, Altorneyx Hi /aor, v> will attend to the practice of law in Cobb and adjacent comities, All collections entrusted to them will be met with prompt attention. Office over M’Clatehy’s store, west side Bull lie Square. Marietta, August 7, 1877. ly. n. t. . < 'll KItOKKF STRKKT, Saddle anil Harness Maker . AND REPAIRER. Marietta, Geo., March l!i, 1.577. lv CONTRACTOR AND BIlliDKIi. rpllK 11 m!-rsi ii’inMI continues hishnsi- JL ness of Brick Making, Stone ami Brick Building, and is prepared at any time to take contracts on the most reas onable terms, and to execute then i in t lit* most satisfactory manner. 11. B. \V A 1.1.15. Marietta, March 13, 1 5 77 . - lv GREER f REYNOLDS^ Dentists. WEST SIDE OF THE PUBLIC SIB'A HE Rooms over M.’Clatehey’s Store. IT gives us pleasure to inform our friends that, we have returned from our Philadelphia trip where we have hcen working solely in the interest ot our profession. Again we tender our services to our friends and the public generally, confident that with the lat est, appliances am! most improved in stfoments, w ith all other improvements, gathered regardless of expense or trou ble, we can do work as satisfactorily and elHcient 1 \ as can lie done elsewhere. Marietta, Qa., March 5, 1878 House liiil(liin and Repairing. SASH, BUNDS, DOORS FINISHED TO ORDER. Lumber of all kinds, and :tl Ihe lowest prices, tor sale. f'lAhankful for the ffdieral patronage hitherto, the suliseriher w ould state 1 liar lie is fully prepared to contract for the erection of Buildings, and toexe cc.rc the eon tracts in (lie most satisfacto ry manner. SHOP, south side Pnhlii Square. March, 1877. T EMI ET. BLACK. Manning & Barker. AND REPAIRERS. MARIETTA, GEORGIA, \RK now prepared to tit. nil kinds ot work in their lint* of business as LRcap and as well as it ran he (lone any- ISBfc Bnggie- lid \\ made 1 Bbest material and oti the • 1111 -. I’lantation - k HHloir- ■ ■li'-.-l ]'i 1 lid si -hort - i- 1 :1 * • 1 .11 .11!.rr.- r\r. Ilt.-d it It .!> -- | >:( t■■ 11 . Ml- at our Shops on Atlane. VtlieCi 1 House, and give v, " i!i tnaranto- • -11 ■■ • t Hffoii. ap 3-1 y lie Tobacco ami Cigars.— The Ko. 1” and “Red String,’' tivjf relit il|s fine < Viewing Toh;‘ " -J li. 11. Strong, Successor loti. \Y. W illiams, DRUG ft GIST, A Nil Apothecary. TTTiT.l.emitiuuelittsiues at the Old W Stand iu MA B 1 KT'liA, and w ill keep on hand, and for sale, A OF.SF.IiAI A-.SOIt l .MFN I OF FRESH AM) (JEN FINE Drugs! (liemiiiils! Toilet anti I,‘iiit t lilirhs! Paints and (>ils ! I'iiit- IVrliiimrv. rir. All which will he SOI.I) LOAN 808 CASH. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by an experienced Apotheca ry, AS UFr.F.TOFOitK. B. B. STRONG. Books and Stationery. • School Books and Stalion°ry of all kinds. Also, Musical Note Books for Sunday Schools and Singing Classes. Any book not in stock, either Literary, Scientific or Educational, or any piece of Sheet Music, will be ordered and de livered in Marietta at publisher’s pri ces. B. R. STRONG. Marietta, Feltt 2<i, 1878. The 9)Hril I'ree IMv**. This popular weekly is received regu Lilly, and for sale at five cents per copy, at tlie Drug and Stationery Store of feb 2<> B. B . ST KONG. k. A. \\ rnn:i:s. Iron Founder & Machinist. MANFFAt "IT’RER OF S t o a m E n g inos, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Impi'imtl Sorghum ililL. GRIST MIU. MACHINERY, I> I N XING Gear for Water Wheels, ki of every size and description ; Plans and Specifications for Mill Work furn ished free of charge. Also, Manufactu rer of Gold Mining .Machinery of latest i improvements. Prices to suit 1 lie times. All work lirst class, VXI> lil Alt.lNiF.Kl>. ! And having just built new buildings, and having as good machinery as could he had North, i feel confident that I can defy all compel it ion as to ipiality of work and cheapness of price. Being a practical mechanic of thirty live years experience, I am not afraid of nn abili ty to give satisfaction to all who may tee] disposed to patronize, me. Marietta, March 13, 1577. J. M. Wilson, M AM F VCTCRER OF TIM & SHEET IRON AND Wooden Wares. S- as " ,n s STOVES, HARDWARE, < I T’ lerv, house furnish INC (JOOI)S AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS i..\tjii!A'i\'<; Straw and Feed Cutters, Corn Shellers, Turning Plows, Wheel Barrows, Bakes, Shovels, Hoes, Grass Scythes, Plows, Plow Stocks, Ac. A i so. Syrup Mills, Of a Sll /urior Make. POCKET A TABLE < T’fLERV. AMI <'iirpenter’s Supplies. Many Varieties of Wooden Ware. All tliese and many other valuable ar tieles sold on host possible terms. Marietta, July 3, 1877. lv W. <’. GREEN, Watchmaker & Jeweller, MAKIKTTA, BKOKOI \. i Clocks of every do f. V sewpnon. Repairing of Watches, < "locks ."etc. ;i -peeiatty. Sat i fact ion guaranteed. Sign of Big Watch, wesj side Public Square. -n- - We tire prepared, v.'j.V, new type, new presses, and good workmen, to do all kinds of Job Work, ashpi t notice, and at pri Marietta, ((*eorgia,) Thursday, July 18, 1878. New Firm. - - ' —or., J. J. Northcutt& Soil arc now receiving a well selected slock tip Staple ami Fancy Dry Goods, many lines of which have been bought lower 'than the same yoods were sold early in the season, the benefit of which we propose giving our customers For Cash. As proof of what we say, we otter tor tin* present Lonsdai.k Cotton, til y cents. Fill IT of THK Room, col., | at S;,' “ >* >* 14 “ !I A Rdwahu II vkius Gotten, Androscoooins “ DA The latter we consider the best goods matte tor the money. Ski strand 3 good at 7to S cents. u 4 4 stip'r quality at D to 10 Ai.i.bnoh,i: Hi t: ten JO 4 at 25 Calico, u 5 to 7 Pacific Lawn u I BA C/ORDED •) ACONET, “ IBA Pbqbks *' 71.010 Victory Lawn “ IBA Kid Gi.ovks “ 50 Hamburg Edging u 5 Marietta, April 25, 187S. Pure Citler Vinegar—Received at the Drug Store of B. It. Stiionu. .Fob Printing, the neatest and at lowest (•••ices, done at this office. °-&V S <‘ Ur.. V& y . . &• rf// ’ The Estey Organ, Challenges the World for an equal in power and variety of tone, durabil ity and beauty of workmanship. Ex traordinary manufacturing 1 facilities al low reduced prices. Pianos. Experts, artists and the decree of the Centennial Exhibition place the WEBER above all competition. The HENRY F. MILLER, Incomparable and matchless in tone and action. Are used in the Boston Public Schools, Massachusetts State Normal Schools, and New England Conservatory of Music, exclusively. Also the celebrated GUILD, and other Piano:-;, some of which caa be sold as low as $125.00. If you want bargains, write to Guilford, who is the only practical musician and workman in the music business South. Guilford, who has had twenty-eight years expe * rience in the business, Guilford, who guarantees lower ju ices and bet ter terms than any other dealer. ITO LOCAL AGENTS. Manufacturers sell, through me, di rcctly to customers, charging only a very small advance on cost. q p GtUiL^ojjj) 5 52 Whitehall St., I l>. O'\till k( V BANK IDAHO ED Til 818 STOCK OF (d'liend MmJuuidise Totits Bamrktt's old stand, Last side of Public Square, Marietta, Georgia. Where they will keep a full line of choice Family Groceries STAPLE DRV GOODS, fattonj Barns, Motions, Boots and Shoes, &c. All of w hich will he sold low for cash. 11. I). McChtchkon will he pleased to wait on any, who will favor them with a call. Country Produce taken in exqfeauge, on reasonable terms. Respect fully, .1. R O’NEILL A GO. Marietta, April 25, 1878. Iv NEW Millinery Goods. Mrs. K. F. Anderson HAS.II'ST RECEIVED VXD IS RE eeit iog the latest steles of new HATS AND HON NETS And Beautiful Ruffs and Ties, and all fancy goods kept in the line of .Milli nery stock, which she will sell at the very lowest price for cash. All orders front abroad and at home promptly at tended to. < all and examine goods. Store north side of pnblie square, ad joining Savings Bank. Mrs. K. F. ANDERSON. April 2d, 1878. Virginia's Agrimltura I Imt list l ies. All Virginia is good for fruit, and from colonial times to this a steady progress has been made in enlargements of her production. Nurseries in (he earlier days were few, but now they are abun dant, and some of them are con j ducted with preat enterprise.— Improved and quick trnnsporta i lion, of course, has much to do with the success, ami where that i is rapid, no step backwards has occurred. Why could not as much he said for ali that has been in vested in vineyards t Beyond the luscious living the grape afiord% and some prolit a few have real ized who can ship the fruit for ta hie use to the larger cities, no permanent advantage, Imt rather loss in the aggregate, is the re sult. Almost every person who | commenced to make wine for market has abandoned the enter | prise. In Warren counlv, a very large establishment where the finest grades of wine and brandy i were produced, has recently sue combed with a wreck of invest inent. The outfit in buildings, j fixtures, vaults and cellars was ! superb. The proprietor is a gen Genian of excellent position and associations, and a worthy repre sent alive of those who make grand and successful schemes, and it is a matter of genaral re gret. that one so deserving and an enterprise so laudable should i even for a while meet, with Iron j tiles and difficulties. In the new tiold of develojt ment in canning fruits anti vege til bios bold and successful efforts have demonstrated that there is much latent wealth for Virginia in it. To work it iij, the coni mcnecment clearly indicates no lack of capital or skill. Below Richmond, in less than an hour's ride on the railroad, the historical Paimmky river is cross ed near the place where General Washington lingered after his in I rod net ion to Mrs. Curtis. Then come the possessions and shall ties of the remnants of the Pa intinky t.rihe of Indians, who still exist, and after that Lest or Ma nor, the largest tomato garden in the South, if not elsewhere. The acres thus in cultivation have long since gone into the hundreds and are annually enlarged. The buildings and fixtures tire com plete and the entire establish meat moves on in good order. I have not at hand statistics of the production ai Lestor Manor nor of t he points to which they tire ship ped, but some lime since they were made in quantities to Eu rope and all parts of the United States. 'The proprietor is John B. Davis, of Richmond ; he is a brother of the West Virginia Uni ted States Senator. Mr. Dtivis is front Maryland, but came to Vir ginia when a youth. He worked hard, and by his industry became a capitalist. Away ti|> in the valley in Bote tourt county it similar enterprise to that at Lestor Manor grew into large proportions before the peo ple round about knew much as to its existence. When the Scotch Irish came up the valley in colo nial.times, fixing their habitations and laying out the towns, some two of the nationality which pitched their dwellings on Man liattan island came along, and an other Amsterdam was founded up here in the mountains which still possesses its time honored identi ty As in Rockingham and |>arls of Augusta, so Botetourt county had, as well as Franklin, ils set tlenient of Dnnkards, a qniet, frit gal, industrions population. Eve ry good thing that, can come from honest, (oiling labor and husban dry is certain to be rewarded to them, as where they abound the courts anti lax collectors have lit tie trouble. A young man of this persuasion, the son of a well to do gentleman, who is versed in the ecclesiastical departments of the association, planted large or chardtt of peaches with a view of canning the fruit, which lie lias done for several years with good profit. This year he has planted many acres with the right kind of corn for canning purposes. Mr. Mooman is also engaged in a stock company with Mr. Willard of Ro [Subscription, SI Chester, N. Y.; Allison &i sonuijvcalthy firm of Ri<| who deal in seeds and !( ■ and Franklin Davis, <4f 111 city, in an extensivjeqfear r in Surrey county. The Strawberry Fungus, Ai^H The subject of the of strawberries on small was brought before t he Ncwjfl Farmers chit* at the the alien, of the a let icr I roil; . , .ink I 'lain lie hi. \. .1 . u IkiHH ••II |> > uuly a 111 Ile u\ejHHHBH fcH. and aiv al I berries picked mostly before and after business ImtH in the city, in this he said lie had op l>> (lie lime of dune 21, picked from ibis sB,-J over one hundred quart.- oI'BBH herries, and had -<>m<* -till the vines. Thcmelhod lias found most profitable is follows: Early in the spring nil spreads on the ground intendecl for the plants three inches of well rotted manure, in with Ihc soil and immediaiß planted peas, beans, lettuce, oH| which were till taken oil' in to prepare the soil again for the, strawberry plants. This prepari ation consisted ol run in I u idl. apply ing J * chini” l l lu cuver llii' -md|§f||| it wdl tin 1 111 n ■ it \\ i 111 e duly. lie cl inilW||gj|j|||£f9 I 'jriiu a in pul ur t ' ;i hail of earth) at finishing about the Ist of lemhcr. Keeping I In* tween Ihc plants clear and with a hue until cold I lien cuvered llic grunnd bet the plants one inch deep cut straw (any short material would do as well), and when the weather became colder gave them a covering of in ches deep. This lasi cd in I lie piiii v, lea \ mg*- haw ui i I lie g run in I lu plant -and keep the ■ Alter till 1111 1 Lilly wa ccpi I u Water Hie J with 1 1< |uid manure a lari, and keep Ihe ruuiß'*'- ‘ J Mr. N eiles’s expi-rieiiGBHHI gard In coverings has most any coarse material is piTr eralde to leaves, as these last mat and smother the plant 4 thereby injuring them greoplvl He has perceived no difi'erypei in the growth and yield of plank carefully and separately struck and taken up with a boil-of earth and the potted ones, excepting, perhaps, that the latter are morjf convenient. J Mr. Halley said that the bel results are oftenest obtained i* small farms, which receive personal supervision of the Hpj cr and greater care I civei, in ,i I arc IT aeI'e.TSHHQH '! in - S.■ 1 ■ t. 11 \li:l strawberries the tie Grande variety. Regaining this kind Mr. Halley said that, while they may not perhaps pos sess an equal flavor with some, lie hud found them a hardy and prolific; plant, doing well on both light and heavy soils. Cultivat ing this variety side by side with WHm's wife is, In: thinks J both variiJ 1; 11 1 > 1 i1 a u ries; then <s more flavor tinnately in small than in 1.-n- J berries. Fruit one inch in eter In- considered it size ; smaller than this is some to handle, and when much larger it loses flavor. Mr. Halit *,v said that a high pric. ed variety having size and beautj of appearand, blit lacking in vor, i inik Ii improved in res'peel by growing it beside®! small, sweet common kind. In® j> 1 y to the i| nest ion asked if ing the to|is of plants back late crop was advisable Mr. Hat ley answered that with back two crops can be gaiimfl bill he would nol recommemnß as a general thing, it being bes for the plant to be allowed U fruit in its natural season. 1 It is stated that in the distribu tion of awards at i* in will uhi.iiii 11ig!feSl|S§|ppQ .‘.Hi 111. ' rTWirtiin irtW ' *' aty’ :