The field and fireside. (Marietta, Ga.) 1877-18??, January 02, 1879, Image 2

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pll IMI FIRRNIHR. EIAKiETTA. JAN. 2,1870. • Bailiff.— Wp an- authorized to ltameof fKO. D.UAMP BBtlcaildhUti- tor < •oiiMm'olp "■ HHufeS/i I>idri-i at'ih-rl in .l:i ■ !'■"■• _M\ I • HjHEtu.Com. <> ' i" I I'l'ii * "ti<■ • • l' ! "- I'" '" yBBBBB^?\-.u\ . 11. svm r . c k i . - ' . I,*l :! i ' - rWiOfi. I '' "i-" • " ■ ' Hp--> , *• " I Mi ' ■, I Ii ■ 'sfeViSjoVrllli - it Nii'li"! II I! v M i:i:i i\ld tin- 1 I- 1 • ■ I’" HHHHb\ i!■ mI . 1111'• 111■ • liir-miuir. o-i Ksmonip and musical Artists, LfrM.t V SISTBRS, Ai.k k, ( i.a- Mil l 1 , tin- ri-ati--t mil anil inn-1 l *•■ iT, --i * -111 1- < •111• ■.I -v in III'- " m ill Vil mi "I HI a 11 1 .h 1 is. jll "-j in ;'" illii-11l- lii ' i ( tiilil K-- ii k- l- Inr -all- ill tin n-in 1 9Hr* 111 a -11 ;il 7.* loi 111 hai•■ at s. Wo indobted to J. T. Mr- Seen Oil \ . ml -11 HK-t of thr S:l \ 111111 111 .1 ••< k<-\ I ini'. rom-HHtndcin-c tnuu \ ■H^Vri-rciveil Ini, laM- liw ilii- i"ii" Hwt'C.ill attention to thendver Bf-ntenl of •!. It. Daniel V < .in 'hi r James R. Brown, of A (-worth, is dead ; died December2<*. I s 7s, Mold anl full of day*.” A* tin- setting sun itli lil l l Fades slowly from the view. So with the Christmas Inst good night. The farewell fond adieu. A Fihi.m*. We aro pleased to act* N\. t McLellau hack to his obi place in charjtc of tiic I-hitun Department of L. MvLeUau, ami that the stock of pure old Liquors will be kept up to tin* *1 < I atnu and aril. March ok the Choi.era. In San Francisco movements are on foot for quarantining all vessels from Hong Kong. The Chronicle says there is very litt lt* doubt, from the tone and language of our latest newspaper tiles from Japan, that Asiatic cholera exists in an epidemic form at Hong Kong and in some other cities in China, and is causing alarm at .Yokohama and Tokio. It will le [kept a secret as long as possible ■or the reason that as soon as it Kshall be known commercial inter bourse and local business will ■ffiMUnfu* I*. bullock llui' \i-w York l ' : future i't i-r-t t. >n tin' ■HA immiug to be reali/ed tha! abundance of railing coal almost in the very with a superior climate and superabundance of that class of people who make the most of Itieient mill operatives, renders the central South the most fa vored seetiou for the successful operation of cotton mills. The ills iu Georgia, South Carolina id Alabama have been uniform profitable. A Sanguine Grant Man. —Col. Moehv,on leaving Washington Thursday night, oh route for his Chinese eonsulate.sent a message Llo the correspondent of the Bal timore Sun that he would return Bo Washington on the fourth of Bfarch, 1881, to be presout at the inauguration of Gen. Grant as kPresident for a third term. [ March ok the Cholera. —ln Francisco movements are un Boot for quarantining all vessels from Hong Kong. The Chroni 1 d<‘ says there is-very little -doubt from the tone and language of our latest newspaper fil*s from Japan, that Asiatic cholera exitls in an epidemic form at Hong Kong and in some other cities of China, and is causing alarm at Yokohama and Tokio. It will he kept a secret as long as possible, for the reason that as soon as it shall be known commercial inter course and will suiTer. Mr. Rufus B. Bullock thus Mfegtcs to the New York Tribune future of cotton that •' •■a n i pSH 1 W ' :n ' lid jHHHHHfi^Liid.iii^^fiha! rlafi -most . 1 i fj-i!'i"i -'ln In" ’ iaV O l mills. The mills in Carolina, and !ab;iu^^^^H^^em|^kiitrnily A visitor at Rahlonega writes to the Atlanta Pott a boat min ingin that region as follows: “The gold mining of this region would be more properly describ ed as ‘gold washing,’ for, although the work is not placer washing hut the crushing of gold bearing material found in deposits and veins in the hill sides and through the masses of the hills, it is all worked in open cuts and washed, or, as the local term has it, Hood ed,’ by means of water artificially taken to the hill tops from the cuts to the floors of the respec tive mills. Another peculiarity of this gold washing is that poor material is crushed here which would probably not be worked elsewhere, and that rich material, which is here in abundance, and would he worked elsewhere, is entirely ignored. All that is worked here is stutf containing ‘free’ gold, and labor here is so cheap that it pays to work ore containing even a dollar a ton, while sulphurets, of which there are many veins which have as sayed ii)> to two hundred and fif ty and three hundred dollars a ton, are not worked because there are as vet no reduction works in I he entire licit. " Fertilizers! Fertilizers! Mr. It. M. GOODMAN hav ing transferred to the under signed his interest in the sale of Fertilizers, they have the pleasure ol offering to the pub lic at the Old Printing Office building, and now on hand, those superior brands: The Brighton (Upton) Haw Hone Superphos phate, The J. t\ Kagsdale Raw Rone Superphosphate, The Sol uble Pacific and Pacific Acid Phosphate. And will have on hand for Sping Crop a number of other brands of first class Fer tilizers. GAIN HS. QOOl) M A N&0O. .1. K. II WITiLli & CO. West side of the Public Square. MARIETTA . . . GEORGIA. Healers la JDx-y G-oods, t'alien of different kinds, Men's amt ba ilies Stioes Men's anil Bov’s Hats, Spool Cotton, Sheeting, etc., IAXY (.iKOCERIEK Meat. Meal, Flour, Lard, Soda, Raking Powder. Sugar, Coffee,Tea. Riee, Grits, Butter, Cheese, trackers. Oysters, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Gloves, Starch, Soap. Bluing, and also Fancy and St iek Candy, Cigars, Tolmeoo, Snuff, Powder and Shot, and also Sugar, t'ofl'ee, Salt, Tea, Riee, Grits. Kerosene, Ac. Will sell clMnp for cash. The patronage of the piiolie solicited. ,1. R. DANIKLL A CO. Marietta, Jan. I. iß7t>. ly M mining & Barker. Hb\GK- juft 3E?I|S M I T II s.-***■s**®*' AND REPAIRERS. MAHIETTA, GEORGIA, VRK now prepared to and. all kinds of work in their line of business as cheap ami as w ell as it can Ik* done any where. Buggies and Wagons made or repaired in the best stylo of workman ship, of the best material and on the most reasonable terms. Plantation w ork and repairing done cheaply and at short notice, and in a satisfactory manner.— Blacksmithing executed with despatch. Call and see us at our Shops on Atlaue. street, near (he Ceo*t House, and give us a trial, an 1 we will guarantee perfect satisfatinu. ap 3-1 y I*I:itFUMFitY. —Tetlow's supe rtor Extracts for the hankerohief, equal to any made, on band at the Drug Store of jtineiS7 B. It. STRONG, THE FIELD AND FIRESIDE —MARIETTA, (GA.) THURSDAY. JANUARY 2, 1879. ¥EW FURNITURE STORE!! Ho Whitehall and 12 Broad Street's, Atlanta, Ga. ALL sow and fresh goods at low prices. (It 6 is useless to quote them.) Call and examine my goods, you will see that they are as cheap if not cheaper than those of any other dealer in the city My stock is complete, consisting of all varieties, from low price to the finest in the City. Satisfaction guaranteed. ,Goods promptly delivered. Please give me a call. Remember the place ; 85 White, hall and 92 Broad Street’s, between Hunter and Mitchell. Atlanta, Ga., August 29,1878, ,IOHi\(P. STWKEIL ILnT. Or. G-ig'n.HliaLt, NORTH SIDE OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE. DKALKR IN Dry Good%and Notions, Shoes, Hatsk Clothing, Crockery and GlflfcWare. GROCERIES: Coffee, Sugar, Mustard, Pepper, Syrup, Meat, \ Spice, Ginger, Lard, Flour, Soda, Starch, Hams, Mackerel, Tea, Blueing, Tobacco, Soap, Indigo, Black big, Candles, Matches, Sardines, Flavoring Extracts. ALSO, HARDWARE, Such as Axes, llames, Trace Chains, Nails, Cutlery, both pocket and table, Scissors and Sheep Shears. 1 will sell at the very lowest prices for CASH for the next sixty days. Persons wishing to buy will do well to call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere. N. G. GIGNILLIAT. Marietta, Ga., Feb. 12, 1878. lv FUiUTITUREI C TTY HAN TTY /CHEAPEST HEAPER A IHE W Black Walnut DrrNMing Cane Mtiiin, Full Barbie, 1® Pieces, #.!©. Collage Knit* S2O. The Best Parlor Goods In The Market For The Money. Walnut Bti rean With twins*, 810. Good Common Bedstead*, $2. And a Full Line Of*Other Furniture Cheaper Thau Any House In Tlic Mate. Terms Strictly Cash IVUSA THOMAS. 42 A 44 White Hall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 22, ’73 William Hoot, HAS AT HIS OLD STAND, Almost any thiny iranteri in that line of business. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH. White bead, ill kegs and cans. Ready mixed Paints, in cans. OILS. PAINTS. Linseed, Lamp Black, Train, Drop Black, Machine, Venetian Red, Lard, Blue Paint, Neat’s Foot, Green Paint, Sweet, Yellow Paint, Castor, &e. Brown Paint, Ac. DYE STUFFS. WINDOW GLASS & PUTTY. All at moderate prices. HUEY BROTHERS. (DEALERS IN) GROCERIES, HARD WARE , XORTII-KAST CORNER PUBLIC SQUARE, Marietta Georgia. October, 1, 1877. ly THE MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS INSURANCE COMPANY OF RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. (Yjiah Capital $‘2.10.000 - - Cnnh Aawetn SSIIiMMIO. o $35,000 in U. 8. Bonds deposited in the Treasury of Georgia for fur ther security of Policies! rpHIS well known company has paid in thousands of dollars to claimants in I Georgia since the war, and w ill maintain its well earned reputation for skill ful, conservative, prompt, just dealing. Dwellings, Stores, Merchandise, Mills. <lin Houses md contents insured at fair rates. ty Agents at all prominent point* In the State, to whom apply, or to BARRINGTON KING, o<*t W-ly Agent. MV'tetta Drugs and Medicines! And Building Hardware! I HAVE ON HAND A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF LOCKS For Dwellings, Store Doors, Olos ets. Trunks, Smoke Houses, fec. PAD LOCKS. Nails, 2d to 60d. Tacks and Brads Harness Buckles, Copper Rivets, Sash Pollies. Files, Hinges, Picture Nails. St raj) Hinges, Brass Butts, Hooks and St aples, Butts, inch to 6x6, Wagon Nails. Wardrobe Hooks, Sash Cord. Garden Hoes, Garden Rakes. Spade Forks, Manure Forks, Carriage Bolts, Door Bolts. Sami Paper, Glue, <fcc. SCREWS, The largest assortment in town. WILLIAM ROOT. Marietta, October 1, 1877. WOOL JEANS!. 10L TWEEDS! Wool Rolls. Also Wool Linscys, chock andjplain, AT THE LAUREL MILLS. Roswell, Ga. rpIIESE Mills are exchanging their goods for WOOL, with farmers and oth -1 ers, on the most liberal terms, (our motto is live and let live) or we will manufacture wool for our custom, by the yard, into any of the above line of goods at a reasonable price; say, Jeans at 25 cents, Tweeds at 20cents and Lin sevs at 15 cents. Will make a discount on large lots of wool. Those living in the vicinity of Marietta and wishing their wool carded into rolls, or exchanged for goods, can leave the wool at Haley Brothers, north side public square. Roll carding 10 cents per pound. Will take wool and return rolls or goods once a week free of charge. We will make it to the interest of merchants to buy their goods direct from the factory. We pay freight on all wool shipped to us. All communications should lie addressed to LAUREL MILLS M’F’G COMPANY, Roswell, Ga. .5. S. WOOD, Pkksioknt. CHEAPEST Furniture House in Georgia. A LITERAL AND ABSOLUTE FACT. I have just received a large and handsome assortment of Chamber and Parlor Furniture which 1 am selling at astonishingly low prices. Beautiful Dressing Case sets, 10 pieces, SOS. Beautiful Cottage sets, only $36. Parlor sets, all colors, SOS. Parlor sets, hair cloth, S3O. Walnut Bureaus with glass, $lO. Walnut Bedsteads, $7. Cane Seat Chairs, sets, $5. Cane seat and hack Rockers, each $2. Common Beds, $2.50. Cotton top Mattress, $2.50. — Wardrobes, llat Racks, Side Boards, What Nets, Marble and Extension Tables, Book Cases, etc., in endless variety. .Also the celebrated Woven Wire Mattress, the most delightful spring bed in use. Send your orders to P. H. SNOOK, corner Marietta and Broad Streets, Atlanta, Ga. june 27 F. W. HARTr~ Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DOORS, BLINDS, SASH, GLAZED SASH, MOULDINGS, STAIR RAILING, NEWEL POSTS,BALUSTERS, WINDOW G-LASS, Bl 30 Broad Street Atlanta, Ga WILCOX WHITE. F. L. FREY Eli, GENERAL, AGENT FOR THE SOUTH. RAPIDITY OF ACTION! VOLUME!! PURITY!!! AND Sweetness of Tone !!! 1 INVITE a critical examination of every portion of the In struments. They must be seen to be appreciated. Agents AVantodJThronghoiit <a., *. f,, Ala., and Fla KIRAAISriCIEC& BACH. C. L. Gorham & Cos. Unrivalied Pianos! f. D/BVasc & t'o. Square “andfflUpright Piano—the best medium priced. Avoid being •• taken in" on cheap and worth less Instruments, or by “roaming agents.” As general 'Southern Agent, and buying only for casii, I can sell you at strictly.“whole sale prices,” and save you $25 to SIOO on every instrument, giving you the benefit of the agent's commission if you buy from "me|jdi reet. Every Instrument fully warranted for five years. gW* I will put up any Instrument on trial at your house, and if it does not prove perfectly satisfactory, will take it away again, without any expense, risk or trouble to you. PIANOS AND ORGANS rented, tuned and repaired, and s$ Refaction guaranteed. Illustrated Catalogues, fully describing and showing the extern nal appearance of each style of Instruments, mailed free on appli cation. All orders by mail, or left at the “ News Depot,” will meet with prompt attention. OFFICE and WAREROOMS, opposite the Journal'offiee, Ma rietta, and No. 28, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Be sure to write or see me before purchasing'else where, if you want to get the best Instrument for the least money, cash or on time. Satisfaction fullv guaranteed. SATISFACTION FULLY GUARANTEED . Marietta, Aug. 29, 1878. F. L. FREYER. M. 11. Lyon, CHEROKEE STREET, FAMILY GROCERIES Am! dealer in COEXTRY PRODUCE. Marietta. Mareli 13,157 T. ly n. T. tWRIST, CHEROKEE STREET, iki aai Harness Maker AND REPAIRER. Marietta. Geo., M in-ii 13, IST". ly