The field and fireside. (Marietta, Ga.) 1877-18??, January 09, 1879, Image 2

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■P& l\!t FIMSIBB. MARIETTA. JAN. 9.1879. {COMMI'MCATED. j W hoa ! January ! FOR MAYOR. EDWARD DKNMEAD. FOR ALDERMEN. . M. Wilson, T. L. Iluut, . .T, Sette, .1. It. (Hover. LSi Anderson. A. Keeter. —Tax* to In* reduced to I >i - rftc. ’I III* equipment <*f i. o**i *■ i • o.uf ..I. §o^• ' '■ B. " i" ■* ;.J *Vt 1 ■:i ■ 1 ■-- 1 '■, '■•- , ■■■■r- -.Mo* ; MsSTviceswl iho Episcopal Oft*.<-■* HTry Sunday night, •(Seeuis as th<kjk)> sevenil •<<>!< 1 Kturdays' were Ini lied loom* npou us Hjgpe same time. a Greer may lor llie ih* otii** io. ■HnHKIi.-rr In- will UI i. •! i*. 'iniiu _ id* ■fn* range hi- lo t* "it * OSaßr TnesdiiY I•• in u -.'ill- < I if. li ;l- MKMa-V Lodge. 1.0 ■H-lv tnt.illi-*l iln* ll "Mi* * •*" lif HHKTcuiug l.i ~t. mii in - * *iiii t 1 1* *n •' . I**' large an<! :i|.|i i * Hnfs 1.. Knot \\ :l s i 11 ' t .111 <* IN. '*.: .1 Hfllmii, jr., V.H.: 11. Reed treasurer, %il .lolm 11. Cooper. secretary. After Hie iii'tallation, n very appropriate dress, suitable to tlie occasion, wa* 1* - lirered liy IV. .1. Hudson, l. I>. (i. M. The adjourned term of Gold* Superior Com it will convene on Mnn dy next. Tlie gill house of Mr. Kus. Face of tills county, was luirneil by in cendiaries lust Tlmrsdui night. A considerable amount of money wit- al so stolen from him. Considerable snow has fallen in Oswego, N. \and the woath er continues boisterous. All the railroads leading from the oily are buried in the snow, and no efforts will he made to open them till lhe storm subsides. Business is nearly ala sland-slill. Official. Ki:i ii\R ni:iym oF M Wall \ND CITY roI'NCII . 1/itnVtlii, ./ell. IS! n. )’ri sunt. hi*. Honor, Kdw. Heniuead, Mayor, and full board of Aldermen. Minute* of last meeting were iv i I and adopted. The eoniiuittee on streets beg leave In report that the I* an* all 111 good fond it ton, and the bridges ami *idc walks also. 1.. lit \cs. eli’n. Tkeasi in .it’s ItM'ORI. Ki. fas. on hand. .lull, tl, 1 sjtt, Ids (Ii ('ash on hand, “ 'fid a' l I .ieeuse one day liir brilj I 0.1 License to .1. Smith I 3 > License to Mansfield LI 7 > License to MeLelhin 20 UO Received line* of.l. Harriot 13 • r > | * *522 03 raid on voucher- 173 FI. fas. on hand on Cush fin hainl 210 .'lit 11. s. amikksox,Trea*r. Slue* your Imhi meeting. 1 have made ttitittm'ii arrest<, rtn'! lni|M*i*<l to the a mouut of *2.' and titty cent.-. f ine* paid by ewntineniowt in guard house fifteen "dollars- fines paid in cash ton dollars and Ml cents,, tor which 1 hold tteMUrcr'a receipt. I tenths 2 w bile 1. colored l. .1. Bvitmi i. t lty Mar. Salary orders pa-wd—K. iKiimoad, mayor, *‘o 00: aldermen .1. M Wil-on 5 00, T. J. Atkinson 5 IK*. T. 1.. Hunt 5 tat. 1.. It lack 5 no. 11. < . W lilte ;> (kt. 11. S. Anderson 5 no: 11. s. \ndcrsnn, treasurer, 12 SO; Winn, clerk. *3l 25; ,1. Barrett, marshal, one month, $33 ;t3; \V. T. Hanks, policeman. for licccin her, *2O 85. Account#pa-ted 11. ~v Anderson tor street ccrtiticatcs, *!*2 •'* l ; Hncde and crecti for attending city clock. *l2 00; Hnuwody lilackwell, room rent for tire eiifciuo. *lO 1.. s. Nortlicutt for twopair blankets, *1 .'at; 1.. llemWtt for one leather tolar. #2 •*0; >'• ' Wilson, merchandise, *3O ft(; Marietta Journal, as |,i bill rendered for printing *ll 00; Bold A Gramling, lilaeksiuitliing, l -"'a; Field ami Fireside, publishing, *7 sft; I". J. Atkinson, merchandise, *l 10. Alderman M ilsou offered a resolution pledging the City authorities not to in terfere with the ground in front of •>. 11. llrumby’s chair factory properly by taking it for a street. Vn agreement to that effect win drawn np. and the may or was authorized to sign the same ofll eially, and that the same be entered on the minutes of Council. Adopted. On motion of Alderman Wilson, the Marietta and North Georgia Hail t oad no exempted from city taxes on depot, maeiiiue shops, Jfcc.. that they may e reet in the city. Council then adjourned. K. DKXMEAD, Mayor. C. ( . Wins, Clerk. Carriagfs! # waits ! Wlnoins! Still Mt the Old Standi ROSWELL STREET. Harirlta, . . . G“©rgin. IMIK subscribers offer Carriages Buggies, Wagons and Har ness of superior material and iin ish. ta tlie most reasonable prices. work Warranted! All kinds of Vehicles built or order. Encourage industry when you run son to expect good I* , price-. V A UtV" 'A*-. 52 .. ' L_ Marietta (p\ Klf V STABLE. ro -' v Jgffifa V/ftfe the Keunesaw House.; riTllKbestof Vehicles, tin* safest of 1 Drivers, and tlie fastest of Horses, an* always ready, night and day, for bin*. No man or woman or child has given me a call i*;i tlie past who lias been, nor shall any ever in the future, ho dis satisfied with iny teams or the men in iny employ. Everything and every body about me are a Vo. ). I have cheapened iny charges propor tionate to the stringency of the limes. For reference to tin* truth of what I say a* to the turn-outs and charges, go to my friends. I’arties hiring are strictly re sponsible for the safety of themselves, vehicles and horses, .lan. Illy. .1. A. ANDERSON. Fertilizers! Fertilizers! Mr. 1L M. GOODMAN hav- ing transferred tu the under signed his interest in the sale of Fertilizers, they have the pleasure of offering to the pub lic at the Old Printing Office Building, and now on hand, those superior brands : The Brighton (l pton) Haw Bone Superphos phate, The .1. ('. Ragsdale Haw Hone Superphosphate, The Sol uble Pacific and Pacific Acid Phosphate. And will have on hand for Sping (Top a number of other brands oflirst class Fer tilizers. GAINES, GOODMAN & Cos. .i. it. PAHIKUi A < O. Wcsl <M of tin' Public Stjuiov. .M AHIETTA . . . CEO BUI A. /ha /rrs in IDx-y Grooms, ( 'alien lit lliflcl'clll killd*, Men's Mint I. ti dies Shinw, Mini's Mint lto\ V Hats, Spool t'ottmi. Sheeting. etc., IA\IV (jltOfilRIEM Meal, Moat, Floor, laud, Soda, Making: Powder, Sugar, t’ntlee.Ton, Hire, Grits, Until'!', Cheese, Crackers, Oysters, Spiro, Pepper, Ginger, Cloves, Starch, Snap, Mining, and also Fancy and Stick t and v. cigars, Tobacco, Snutl', Powder and Shut, and also Sugar, t nlt'c.e, Salt, Tea, Mice, tirits. Kerosene, Ac. Wilt sell cheap for cash. The patronage of the public solicited. J. It. DANIKLL A CO. Marietta, dan. 1, iH7<.). iy Ihit oiii Age Home Imlu-Ov William Spencer, ( IIKHOKKF. sTKEKT, MARI ETTA, GEORGIA. Hl'At.Kit IN Ii E A T H E R of all kinds. Shoe Findings and Hitr ne.-s Mount ing •. I pper Leather, Har- 1 n< , Kiii and Calf skins, Hemlock and Home fan Sole Leather. i-K I have employed as workmen, Mr. G. T. Swann, and’Will carry on a first class Hoot h ml Slhm‘ Shop where we guarantee as good and cheap ■ loots and sluM's made as elsewhere.— spend your money at home and it will come back after a few days. Kucour age lunne industry and you build np the prosperity of your noighlmrhood. Marietta, Ha., March 10, IS?#. 1 v Manning & llurkcr. AND REPAIRERS. MARIETTA, GEORGIA, VRK now prepared to do all kinds of work in their line of business as cheap and a- well as it can lm done any w her- . Buggies and Wagons made or repaired in the lwst style of workman ship. of the best material and on the tno-t reasonable terms. I‘lantation work and repairing done cheaply and at short notice, and in a satisfactory manner. — Biacksmithlng executed with despatch, call and s.-e us at our .Shops on At lane, street, near the CVn't llonse, and give us a trial, auJ we will tjuanuitoe parted -iti station. ap 3-ly , THE FIELD AND FIRESIDE—MARIETTA, (GA.) THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1879. NEW FURNITURE STORE!! S5 Whitehall and 92 Broad Street's, Atlanta. Ga. A JLR new amt i're.-h goods at low price*. ( It Js useless to quote them.) Call and examine my goods, you will see that they areas cheap if not cheaper than those of any other dealer in the city My stock is complete, consisting of all varieties, from low price to the finest in the City. Satisfaction promptly delivered. Please give me a call. Remember the place ; 85 White, hall and 92 Broad Street’s, between Hunter and Mitchell. Atlanta, Ga., August 29,1878. JOll\fl>. NTPC'KE i?. ILT. O-- G-igiaillisut, NORTH SIDE OK THE PI'BJJC SQUARE. DEALER IN Dry Goods and Notions, Boots, Shoos, Hats, Clothing, Crockery and Glass Ware. GROCERIES: ! Coffee, Sugar, Mustard, Pepper, Syrup, Meat: Spice, Ginger, Lard, Flour, Soda, Starch, Hams, Mackerel, Tea, Blueing, Tobacco, Soap, Indigo, Blackipg. Candles. Matches, Sardines. Flavoring Extracts. ALSO, HAR D W A K E. ; Swell as Axes, Haines, Trace Chains, Nails, Cutlery, both pocket and table. Scissors and Sheep Shears. I will sell at the very lowest prices for CASH for the next sixty days. Persons wishing to buy will do well to call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere. N.G. GIGNILLIAT. Marietta, Ga., Feb. 12, 1878. ly FTJRNITTTREI CTTTHAN TTY /CHEAPEST HEAPER 1 IHE W ■Hack Walnut DresNing Case Suits, Full tlarlilr, 19 Piece*, #.TO. lottage Nnits 820. The Best Parlor Goods In The Jlarket For The .Honey, Walnut Bu reau With Glass, 810. Good Common Bedsteads, 82. And a Full Line Ol* Other Furniture Cheaper Than Any House In The Mfale. Terms Ktrietly Fash IYK*A THOMAS. ! 42 A 41 Whin* Hall Street, Atlanta, (la. Aug. 22, '7B William Hoot, HAS AT HIS OLD STAND, .1 haunt Huy t/ii 111/ ten at nt in flint line of hnninenn. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH. White Lead, in kegs and cans. Heady mixed Paints, in cans. OILS. FAINT*. Linseed, i Lamp Flack. Train, Drop Black, Machine, Venetian Red, Lard, Blue Paint, N’’s Fool. Green Paint, Sweet, Yellow Paint, Castor, Ac. Brown Paint, Ac. I)YK STUFFS. WINDOW GLASS & PETTY. All at moderate prices. lULET BROTHERS. (DEALERS IN)- GROCERIES^ HARDWARE, NORTH-EAST CORNER PCRIJO SQUARE, Marietta Georgia. October, 1, 1877. ly THE MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS INSURANCE COMPANY OF RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. ( tilth Capilal - - Fa*li s*lt 1 *I.OOO. $25,000 in P. S. Bonds deposited in the Treasure of Georgia lor fur ther security of Policies! riAHIS w ell known company has paid in thousand- of dollars to claimant' in ! Georgia since the w ar. and will maintain its well earned reputation for skill ful, eonservative, prompt, just dealing. Dwelling's, Shinsi, MerHiamlise, Mills, Gin Houses and content* insured at fair rates. ?y Agents at all prominent points in the State, to v\ horn apply, or to bakbimgTon king, out 23-ly Agent, Mr"fettaGa Drug-8 and Medicines! And Building Hardware! I HAVE ON HAND A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF LOCKS For Dwellings, Store Doors, Clots ots. Trunks, Smoke Mouses. A. c. PAD LOCKS. -Nails. 2d to UOd. lacks and Brads Harness Buckles, Copper Rivets. Sash Pullies. Files, Hinges. Picture Nails, Strap Hinges, Brass Butts. Hooks and Staples, Butts, inch to oxo. Wagon Nails* Wardrobe llooks, Sash Cord, Garden Hoes, Garden Hakes. Spade Forks, Manure Forks, < 'arriage Bolts. Door Bolts. Sand Paper, Glue, Arc. SCREW*, The largest assortment in town. WILLIAM BOOT. Marietta, October 1. 1577. Large and New Arrivals AT L. S. Northcutt* 9 s 9 South W est Corner of the Public Square* A LARGE aiid select Stock of Bry fotoiU, embracing every thing usually found in a first class Dry Goods store. The Goods are direct from tlie Manufacturers and their Agents, and will be sold as low or lower FOR CASH thafn any similar Goods ever brought to this market. I mean what T sav. Call nnd examine for yourselves. (iur extensive -lock of Roots nnd Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. Are made at the best Factories and never fail to give entire satisfaction. 1,. S. NORTHCUTT. Marietta, Jan.. 9, ’79. WOOL JEANS! WOOL TWEEDS! A A I) Who! Molls. Also Wool Linscvs, cheek and plain, AT THE LAUREL MILLS. Roswell, Ga. rpUKSK Mill*arc exchanging their goods for WOOL, with farmer, and oth _L ers, on the most liberal terms, (onr motto is live and let live) or we will manufacture wool for our custom, by the yard, into any of the above line of goods at a reasonable price: say. .lean* at 25 cents. Tweeds at 20cents amt seys at 15 cents. Will make a discount on large lots of wool. Those living in the vicinity of Marietta and wishing their wool carded into rolls, or exchanged for goods, can leave the wool at Haley Brothers, north side public square. Roll carding 10 cents per pound. Will take wool and return rolls or goods once a. week free of charge.. We will make it to tiie interest of merchants to buy their goods direct from tin* factory. We pay freight on all wool shipped tons. All communications should lie addressed to I.ACREL M ILLS M'F'G COMPANY. Roswell. Ga. ,T. S. WOOD, President. F. W. HART.’ 'Wholesale ami Retail Dealer in DOORS, BLINDS, SASH, GLAZED SASH, MOULDINGS. STAIR RAILING. NEWEL POSTS, BALUSTERS, G-LASS, nt lEßEli'tt 19Afum tlta: elr. 30 Broad Street Atlanta, Ga WILCOX <Sc WHITE. F. L. FREY HR, GKNEKAL VGKNT FOIt THE SOI Til. RAPIDMA OF ACTION! VOLUME!! PURITY!!! A Nil *n eetnes* of Tom*!!! 1 INVITE a critical examination of every portion of the In struments.tgjFrhey must be seen to lie appreciated. Agent* Wauled Throughout Ga., ( .. Ala., ami Fla BACH. C. L. Gorham & Cos. Tiirivalled Pianos! C. A. 40. Sip ia re ®;mdf||l’ plight Piano—the best medium priced. Avoid being “taken in" on cheap and worth less Instruments, or by ••roaming agents.” As general Southern Agent, and buying only for cash, I can sell you at strictly “whole sale prices." and save you $25 to SIOO on every instrument, giving ymethe benefit of the agent's commission if you buy from me di rect. Every Instrument fully warranted for five years. IMF I will put up any Instrument on trial at your house, and ii it does not prove perfectly satisfactory, will take it away again, without any expense, risk or trouble to you. PIANOS AND ORGANS rented, tuned and repaired, and sa tisfaetion guaranteed. Illustrated Catalogues, fully describing and showing the exter nal appearance of each style of Instruments, mailed free on appli cation. All orders by mail, or left at the •• News Depot,” will meet with prompt attention. OFFICE and WARKROOMS. opposite the Journal office. Ma rietta. and No. 2'. Whitehall street, Atlanta, (la. Be sure to write or see me before purchasing elsewhere, if you want to get the best Instrument for the least money, cash or on time. .Satisfaction fullv guaranteed. SA TISFA CflOX FFLL Y 01 A UASTEED. Marietta, Aug. 29. 1878. F. L. FREIEB.