The field and fireside. (Marietta, Ga.) 1877-18??, February 13, 1879, Image 2

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fflK FIELD l\l FIRESIDE i MARIETTA, FKB., IS, 1870.! jy Tu Marietta Paj>er Manufactur-1 ('ouipanv manufacture* tie* best of 'cwsaiul Wrapping paper, at lowest' S. A Amikhma. Agent. ■ : .*Mv..iiii*.| rn*r*. t i in* id i;< 11-. pjetllii nfMacmnlipv. tu.-li i .•!• i- I lie I' Mi I lit from l> u:.H> 9^Kta-i H*<* I hat v*t ll'*' C*>.-. HH at homo i*<- Virning *ai'L 111 1 M,l t • un-iTe ,0 " imtMiiu-1"-' /" • ■ haired. l>. SHHBBLiiov. . A u'till. that v 111 atom ol e i Imt ' v. AtlanU at Ilf enlarged "aide 'im.i-ta Little. Ten thousand hays, 1,000 horses an<l were employed recent!Hnd aau fiver BBatr tee. The time ih'coining when an' office seeker will consider it an lusuit. to he charged with having 1 belonged In the organized 1 baneracy. Enough ha* been developed in Ihe investigation of the “cipher dispatches” to show, beyond a doubt that the organized demur racy attempted to buy the elec twral vote of South Carolina, Honda ami Louisiana. If the people wish 1* run a government ol'their awn, they will throw i these organized parties overboard Judge W. B. Fleming has been nominated in the first emigres -ional district to dll the unexpir ed term occasioned by the death of Julian Hart ridge. Ike Columbus speaks cheerfully of Columbus aud its growing business. The cotton re ceipta of this year are largely in excess of the last, and slightly surpassed by only two cities in Georgia—Atlanta and Augusta. The factories are running to J their full capacity and Had ready -ales for all their productions,, consuming some 12,000 boles of! cotton and more factories are in process of construction. We welcome among out ev changes *Th Peoples I'kainpiotf published at .Madison, Ga„ bv J. K. Shecut. It is a handsome I •licet but above all we admire it as another offshoot of political independence in Georgia. North Georgia took the lead in freeing the people from the shackles of riug tricksters and it is gratifying . to see so many aide papers in middle Georgia entering the lists against the tyranny >f party eli ijues and combinations. Let the movement go on and the people of Georgia will be free tram cor rupt parly domination in 1880. Hie Dalton Headlight "ha* a table of two frogs, elevated, by climbing over the heads ol* the multitude of frogs, to the branch *■* of a live where they had e\ pry Thing to supply their wants, and where they lived for a long time growing fat and saucy. But. in time, the branches of the tree de cayed-storms came and they fell, and, like Lucifer, they fell -never to rise again.* In vain their ass* •dates gathered around and at tempted to raised them : other frogs were on the perch aud --the sceptre had departed from Indah” Mora]—Lookout for the train when the whistle blows. The Dress. North. Hast. South aud West, pronounce the Vonnti tutioH not inferior, as a newspa jxr, t* the best ideal of the craft. Apart from the fact (hat it is sotua what ring-bound —some what too partisan—it reflects the highest credit upan journalism. Senator Hill itt li is recent speech on the Mltehel ease in the Senate laitl down a platform for the democratic parly; “payment of no war claim*, loyal *r dielov al-no more appropriations, in any , shape, for monopolies; the pay , meat of every dollar of the pub 1 lie debt in good money; honesty , and economy in the administra tion of government,confining it to it*- limited powers and leaving,' the State* to their reserved &>•- c,reign powers." , Mr. Hill mnv very well doubt! * * f t he acceptance of his platform by i the party. The great “organized” i on both sides.kave but one main object in view.—the control of 1 the government—and neither of them at this stage of the gutaeis going to hamper iuelf with polit ical crotchets that may endanger success. Eaolt will frame a plat form to suit the occasion ;ns well i ■ as it can judge. His objection to the payment of war claims, if on the ground that there are thousands in the South who opposed secession and were net disloyal, entitled to payment, most of whom will never apply to congress and many are not able to apply, it is unjust to tax these, who aratpaor, to pay those who are nbletahnve their claims passed through con gress. One of the objections urged by the representatives of Califor nia to Chinese immigration was that they are pagans and would not assimilate with Christians. Another objection was that they can live on less and labor for less than would sustain the most hum ble American laborer. Such ob jections have weight, but are not without answer; the only ob jection to which there can be no answer, in a republic considering ♦ heir influx, is the fact, that they remain devoted to their own Em pire and can never a stimulate, politically with other systems of government , aud CncU Stun lias no desire to see California an ap pondage of the’Chinese Empire. Matt Carpenter hud a brilliant, popular reception in Washington recently, but a writer thinks it was significant only of “the man mi horseback*’ to whose fortunes Carpenter is devoted. The writer says: •*Jt was noticeable, too, tha* all those who figured prominently in to-night's demonstration were Grant men. In the hotel lobby the Maine of the -old man,” as lie is endearingly called here, was on many lips. It was like wise noticeable that not a single member of the Wiucoitsiu dele gallon in congress honored the blow-out with his presence. As a whole the demonstrtaion was to say the least flattering to some- , body ; but whether Carpenter or (•rant was meant to be the hero of the occasion, those who foot the bills can only tell. To still further boost “the man on horse back." there is a movement, brewing to give Chandler astuu ning reception oh his arrival here with his Senatorial Corn mission. It will far eclipse tonight's effort,; will lie more elaborate and bang up, interspersed with more chin ning about the necessity of a , strong government, etc. Logan ! will also be handsomely treated, and of course all those sponta neous eruptions mean one for those who receive them and a dozen for the silent man. The teal Crant mevment has begun in Washington, and the furor is to be kapt up by using some con venient itroxv until “the old man.’* iu his own good time, re turns to bis native healh.” The Fret Ert*t speaking ol the prospective candidates for Gv ernor of Georgia says: It may be (Ten. Toombs. Gen. Wofford, Judge A. It. Wright; or it may be Judge Johnson, or Gen. Gartrell if lie is brave enough to put himself outside of the ring rule ami autocratic democracy. We think the people are alnml determined to think and act Im themselves. Once aroused, we know they will do both. That is i true ami genuine democracy. It ! is only the democracy left worth I contending for. It i# the only line TilK FIRM) AM FIRESIDE—MARIETTA. (GA.) 1111 RSDAV, EEBIU ARY DL D>7tb of principles that will perpetuate truly democratic government, h in ths only democracy that tri- Qinphauty succeeds in behalf of free government, ft i* the demo cracy of the people. The go-called “organized" de mocracy, with its rings and cli quea, combinations and shyster ing, iias ceased to impress honest minds with the semblance of true democracy'. It has become a vast machinery propelled by many the people—in tiie interest, of t he few. It has established a parti sn aristocracy, and none can cu ter the sanctum, sanctorum unless capable j#f whispering the shib boleth tftihe faithful few who are admitted to close communion; or in other words, undertstand the true meaning of “you tickle me and I’ll tickle you !” That sort of democracy* however, has been ‘weighed in the balance and found wanting.” So we repeat, the true democ I racy—we mean the rank and Jilt* of the people—will fix the (jues ! tion as to who will be the next ! governor of Georgia. H i* true i the newspapers, as a whole, will be arrayed against the people in 1 this great struggle of establishing ■ true democracy against ring rule; i but we hope there will be enough 5 of them sufficiently' independent i to act for and with the people on I the line of genuine and true ! democracy. >So we do not yet know who w ill ibe our next governor. We don't | care so he is a true representative ;of popular interests and of the people. London, February 8. Quarantine \ against the plague lias been order ed in all Spanish ports. A dispatch to the Times from Vienna states that from fifteen to twenty fresh cases of a disease resembling the plague occur daily iat Xonthia, Thessaly, and there I is a great mortality from the same : cause at Raslog. I IIOTV THK PL AO l’K OIUOI.N ATKIt. London, Feb. 3.—The British Medical Journal publishes the following: The Vienna Medico j cherwiqical Ventral Watt, of Jan nary 24tli, states the origin of the i pestilence in Russia as follows: • A Cossack, returning from war to Wetlianka, brought his lady love a shawl, which was probab ly a part of his spoil. The girl were it two days and sickened with all symptoms of the plague and died. During the following four days, the other members of her family sickened and died. | The disease spread rapidly, but j the local authorities did not pay any attention to it till half the in I habitants of the village had died, j and those remaining alive were I unable to bury the victims. The j epidemic had assumed Serious I dimensions by the2sth of Novem ber, but the Government wie only informed of it officially mi the 11 tli of December. Ten day s further time elapsed before any systematic or energetic means ! were taken for prevontiusr its I spreading further. The authorities have since then : exerted themselves to the utmost !to make up for lost time. As | the only way of arresting the disease is to prevent all commu nications between the district s where it reigns and others which are healthy, a double cordon is being formed, firstly, in the towns and villages shutting off the streets where the plague reigns from the rest *f the pla e. and, secondly, by siuroumling the places with the troops, so that nobedy is allowed to pass in or out. Quarantines are also being instituted on the borders of tlie infected governments and are strictly watched. The population is said to take an active part in p venting the crossing of the salary line, which begins at fiamvanwsk and runs upwards on both borders of the Volga to Batagnaska. Four quarantine have been founded in Sarepta. lrwaitowka, Otrada and Zaritzin. A great drawback is the want of medical men. Hie panic in Russia is almost incredible. Every class and sta i lion in lite have petitioned for the eutire cessation of all inter course, even postal cotnimtuica 1 tiou, between the rest of Russia and the V’olga. Letters sent from Astrachan and Lcaritzin are not received by the persons to whom they are addressed. .Smite people even refuse te take paper money. . fearing the germ of the infection might be com muni cat ml through it. M‘*Ht VKK‘ ,\l TION London, Feb. B—The / an t correspondent at Berlin, say -: The Russian railway cars no long er are admitted to German Ter ritory. The export of grain for Poland will suiter severely' from this restriction. The Roumanian : Government are discussing the expediency' of prohibiting the i transit of Russian provisions ; sent to victual the Balkan army. The Ru-'iah >anitary commission ha* proposed to shut off the Volga line from all intercourse with ; Western Russia, and permit com- 1 munication only under quaran tine.— Columbus Eng. Sun. Jisepli Elsas. Change of Venue. sell at Atlanta pii- ‘ ('. <).[). Dry Goods. NOTIONS. HATS, CLOTHING, HOOTS AND SHOES, and everything else in that lino. £*aP'N. B. Persons indebted to me had best come at once, pay up and save cost. JOSEPH ELSAS. Old Stand, between the Bank and J. J. Northcutt At .Son, Marietta, Feby, lii, 1870. ll il tmiiat IDZEUSTTIST. Sol 111 SIUKOI TilK Pl'Ul.K StJt'AliK, Marietta Georgia. (1 KX ERAL REPAIR SHOP. X I am now prepared to do all kinds ol‘ repairs on ( arriages, Buggies and Wagons; al*o, Blaeksmithing in all its branches. Horse-shoeing and Farm Work my especial business. Plows al ways on band for sale. Work guaran teed. Orders solicited. P. P. MANNING. Marietta, Jan. 10. '7b. Decatur st. Garden Seeds! I NEW i KOI* ITT GREAT VARIETY. ' A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. Onion Sets I EARLY POTATOES! GI! VSS A XI) 0L( IV ER SE EI >! I’EAS AM) BEANS! B.v Measure. farden Needs in Papers at. W liolesale. William Knot. Marietta, Ga., .lan. JtOtli IS7H. wH NO MORE JB| Sfficw??s>A ** SURE CUREi “ Only Eliminator oi tne poisonon- IKK ACID in the BLOOD. Eiii’o lion ii Stilici/iic Mt‘ih‘i‘fue Paris amt Leipsig. Adress WASII- Bl'ltX iV < •>., Sole Agent'. Only Importers’ Depot. 23 t' Sr.. Vkw Yoisk, l'. S. A. For sale hy Druggists, Perfumery and Fancy Good- Dealers, and for s.-dehv Will. Boot. Mariett Da., .1. K. imELL .V (O. West side of the Public Square. MARIETTA . . . GEORGIA. Dealers in Dr 37“ Grcods, Calico of different kinds. Men’s and Da ilies Shoes, Men's and Boy’s Ifats, Spool ( otton, Sheeting,etc., IAMV LIttMLKIIA Meat. Meal, Flour, Lard, Soda, Baking Powder. Sugar. < 'offoe. Tea, Kit e, Grit-, Butter, Cheese. Crackers, Oysters, Spice, Pepper. Ginger, Cloves, Starch, Soap. Bluing, and also Fancy and Stick Candy. Cigars. Tobacco, Snuff, Powder and Shot, and also Sugar. Coffee, Salt, Tea, Klee, Grits. Kerosene, etc. " ill -cl! cheap for cash. The patronage of the public solicited. .1. It. DA N I ELI. * CO. Marietta, .tan. 1. IS7l*. ly Marietta L 1 \ i: B Y STABLE. (Opi Hi'lte ttie Kenncsaw House.. rpHK he-i of Vehicles, the safest of .X-Drivers, and the fastest of Horses, are always ready, night and day, for tiire. No man or woman or child lias given me a call in the past who lias been nor shall any ever in the future, he dis. satisfied w ith my teams or the men in my employ. Everything and every body altout me are \ No. 1. I have cheapened my charge- propor tionate to the -triugeiicy of the time-. For reference to the truth of what I -ay as to tlie turn-outs and charge.-, go to my friends. Parties hiring are ,-i'ivtly re -ponsilde for tlie safety of thcin-eive-. vehicles and hor-es. Jan. 9-1 v. J. A. G. ANDEBSOX. FORTIETH YEAR ! ! f DRUGS / MEDICINES, FA.I3NTTS A.3NTXD OILS, —Hnildinir Hardware. — WILLIAM RO*(H\ Hus nt his Old Stand, almost everything usually called for iu a FIRST CLASS Drug Stove. QUININE, MORPHINE. CASTOR OIL. EPSOM SALTS, SULPHIR, Patent Medicines, in great variety, Fltti‘l Extracts and Elisors. Maltine and other Medicines • Too tedious to mention. Building Hardware, IsLH SR RKil ■■ Latches Nails, Ac., Ac.. Window Glass and Putty. Varnishes* Brushes, Ac.. Ac.. Stationery. Ac., A., Physicians Prescriptions carefully prepared. Terms, cash Il r i■■ii sr hi ICotftl. Marietta, (in.. Feb. 13, 1879. NEW FURNITURE'STORE !! 85 Whitehall ami 92 Broad SfrooTs, Atlanta, Ga. ALL new and fresh goods at low prices. (It is useless to quote “A them.) (’all and examine my goods, yon will see that they areas cheap if not cheaper than those of .any other dealer in the city My stock i- complete, consisting of all varieties, from low price to the finest in the City. Satisfaction guaranteed. Goods promptly delivered. Please give me a call. Remember the place; 85 White, hall and 9“ Broad Street's, between limiter and Mitchell. Atlanta.(ia.. August 29. [B7B. ,IOH\ i. NTI’KEH. F TJ I t tjreT CmHAN /CHEAPEST. HEAPER 1 AHE w Hlark Walnut Oressin; Case Sitils, l ull llarltle, !• I'iftfk, ISO. Cottage Niiits 820. Tlie Best Parlor booth In Tlie Jlaekel Foe The Honey. Walnut Bw reaii \\itli Glass. $lO. Good Common Bribli ath, 09. And a Full Line Of* Other Furniture Cheaper Than Any House lu The State. Terms Mrietli Fasli IVIIBA THORAN. 42 A It White Halt Street, Atlanta, Ga. ,\tig. 22, Ti HfLET BROTHERS. (DEALERS IN) GROCERIES, HARDWARE, NORTH-CASTCOHNKI! ITRUC SQI'ARK. Marietta Georgia. October, 1, 1877. ly THE MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS INSURANCE COMPANY OK RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. ( adt Capital 82.->O.O<MI - - Cadi Assets *3fil,o. $25,000 in L. S. Bonds deposited in Ihe Treasury of Georgia for fur ther security of Policies! rrMIIS well known company ha- paiil in thou-ands of dollars to claiuniuU iu X Georgia -iut-e the war, ami will mai ndii it-well eavneil-eputation for skitl ful, conservative, prompt, ju-t dealing. Dwellings, Store-; Merchandise tills. Gill Houses and eontenl insured at fair rates. HTAg ents at all prominent |M>iut iu Ihe Mate, to w hotn applv, or to BAKRIXGTON KiNt>, oct 23-1 y Agent, Marietta t*a. WHITE LEAD, READY MIXED PAINTS, LINSEED OIL, TANNERS OIL, MACHINE OIL. SEEDS