Newspaper Page Text
(ThrjFirltlaml ,f beside.
. *iM ftl.lsiiV.n by
2R,. tSs Scxls.
At OncJloHaia l eaf ill advance,
or One Dollar and Fifty <Vnt> if
not paidjn advance.
ihqhling. -liowh’i.' Spring!, ih reel. Mari-
JOHN O. (I ARTRKLL, Atoom-,,
f) "l Lin*, practices in < obi) and adja
• I'lif’eomities. ' Officc'iil .Masonic Huihl
ii iS, up stairs. Marietta, Ocl. 10. 1878.
'. T. WINN. \\ II I . .1. WINN.
T. 4 W. .1. WINN, -l'O'
VV • "($/.". jMunli 13.1877. lv
W f—
iir >I.SESSIONS, Attorney t Lnn\
W • office north sideof Public StitiAie
in Blackwell’s Building, up stairs.
Marietta. October 1, 1877. 1y
li. M. ALLEN, .Hnshb-ul
Ih-ntint; of more than twenty
-cfYIX/ years. ( ’barges Reasonable,
loner —North side of Public Square.
Marietta, March lil, 1877. I,v
DR. G TENNENT, Pn,rt ifiutj
I'll if sir if m . Office on Cassville’St.
ltesidenee on Cherokee street,
March lit, 1877. ly
Dlt. 3E. .1. (MpTZE, /'/o/Wr/uji owl
Sitrijnti, lebdcrs bis professional
■services in the practice of Medicine inall
its branches to the citizens of Marietta
and surrounding country. Office at the
Drug Store of Win. Root. inch 13--1 v
D.V TAIL lICW IN, At tonify* "t
. /.if Will practice in the Blue
Ridge, Rome, and Coweta Circuits.
Marietta, March lit, 1878. ly
T>HILLIPS A: CREW, wholesale
JL and. retail dealers in Books Station
ery, Sheet Music and Musical Instru
ments. 8 WlO Mariettas!. Atlanta, Oa.
VSatzky, Merchant Taylor, under
. .National Hotel, Atlanta Ga.
Air A. Haynes, at Phillips
VV • Crew s.) .low clry, Atlanta 6a.
ITV W. Hart, 30 s. Broad St. Atlan
’ . la. Ca. Sec Advertiscmel in this
INUUIT .TARS—Pints, Quarts and
1 Half Callous: JKI.I.Y (’.LASSES,
extra Jar Caps and Ruhhcrs. Cement
and Sealing Wax, for sale bv
may 23 IVIU.iA.iI ROOT.
william t cm;i:\.
Watchmaker Jewellers.
.MARIETTA, JfeSIL ftliOlttil A.
4 I.SO, dealer ill Clocks of even de-
\ seription. Repairiugof Watches,
♦ 'looks, etc. a specialty. Satisfaction
guaranteed. of Big Watch, west
syle I*ut)llt- Square. net 2
N r KW t'ARRIAQES and Buggies,
Wagons and JL|.-miess on hand.
V 11 * TMneles htiilf or re pair
ed. Work guaranteed. Orders solicit
ed. UK id & gramt.isg.
A V |)
riVIIV, undersigned continues his busi-
L : Brick Making, Stone and
Uriel. Building, and Uprepared at am
rune to take contracts on the most reas
otnddiiterms, titid loexecute them in tin
most safislacttorv manner.
„ „j * D- B. " A Ills.
Marietta, March l.'l, IS,',. I>.
ji) 11 \ U. W 1 \TKIJS. President.
t;. r. IMUXAP, Vice President.
A. WVi Kt a a>ltief .
Notes Discounted.
K.'cehnnge Bought mid Sold.
SAGE’S < AT Al*lt 11 RKMK'DY for
sale hv
sept 1 1!. It. STRONG.
••Appearenees are something with
everyone—everything with some.”—
i Bishop Berk lev.
1897. 1878.
Jio. \\. Meteaif, re<pet (fully in
forms the citizens of Marietta ;ind
vicinity, that he is heifer preparei) than
ever to do anything in the Tailoring
line, guaranteeing his patrons faithful
work at moderate prices. -eidl) 1v
If r.m:iinTi!ii,K!
VfUuta Subset, near Bunk-mith Shop.
•Harictlu, Georgia.
. .I.SMI.MAN haejttst
|y near Barker a mi
Simp, a til'st class Livery Stable, v. !;<*it
the public can he aeeoiimnnttifeil with
title Horses anti elegant Buggies at re
duced prices. ('an always he found
ready to respond to any call, in supply
ing the needs of local or transient pat
rons. Parties hiring are rcsoonsilde
for l Itcm.scJ v,t s ami team s. Good iteeoln
mmlation for Drovers. sjfoyk bought
and Abtd *Afehininis-ii!ii.
.7. Si’ll,MAN.
Mjjl ipit t, Vug. IS7N. ly
Look I loro!
1 have removed my BOO’l and
yiltlE SHOP to lie- stand he
tween 11 n*k"s and Cooper's
■-(ore. i'neiiig the old Hotel block,
where i will he pleased lo re
eeive lln patronage of anyone
who has work lo do in my Tine.
11l aitlrr* will I't'tciir
IMiPAIHIX<. probably neuter
Call ami give me a trial.
* * -JJt•-peelfully.
%\ . 11. 11l UPHKIt.*.
Yol. ll.]
J. J3- sDlii-E-T-ii
Sot iit sun: oi ini Ptui.u Spr.vtti:.
Marietta. Oeorgia.
VT I am now prejaired to do all kinds
of repairs on Carriages, Buggies and
Wagons: alio, Bfiiel&mithiHg in ail its
liraitclVes. lfoiw-Sfiooiiig and Farm
Work my especial business. Plow s al
ways on hand for sale. Work guaran
teed. Orders solicited.
Marietta, Jan. 10, ’7b. Decatur st.
Warden Seeds!
Onion Sets I
By Measure.
flTMiardenNeeds in Papers nl
IVilliaiii IS out.
Marieita, Ca., Jail. 30tli ls7!i.
'' >8 V,. , jis
Opposite the Kennesaw House.
rpllKliestot' Vehieles, the safest of
.1, Drivers, fa-Uist ofllot-es,
are always readyf rfiglii •'find day. for
hire. No np.ui or woman or cliihl has
given me a call in the past w ho litis been
nor shall any over in the. future, he dis
satisfied with my teams or the men in
my employ. Everything and every
body about me arc a No. 1.
I have cheapened tny charges propor
tionate to the stringe my of the times.
For reference to the truth of Vi hat I say
as to the turn-outs and charges, go to my
friends. Parlies hiring are sH’k-tl.v re
sponsible for the safety of themselves,
vehicles and horses,
dan. 9-1 y. and. A. (i. A N DFItSON .
.1. H. O'Neill A (V
HATE IIEMoV El till Flit S’) oc h OF
Goi i era I Morc*b hn<l ist ‘
To (it > iJAititKTt's old stanil,
Etivf. side of Public Square,
Marieita, Georgia.
W here i he\ w ill kccji a full Hue of choice
Family (iroceries
#;ifturji Kanis, Honour
Boots and Shoes, &c.
All t*f‘ which will he sold low for
cash. IL-J). McCVtciieon will he
pleased to wait oil any, who will
favor thorn with a call. Country
Produce taken in exchangeT on
reasonable terms.
J. li. O’NEILL A CO.
Marietta. 'April 25. 1878. ,l \
mm pi \ nos. m
TITHE undersigned respectfully t*■:i-
X tiers his services to the citizen- of
Marietta and vicinity as tuner and re
pairer of Pianos. Warrants hi- work
in every respect, and will doit ay heap
or cheaper Hum any one. Postal card
dropped in the Post-office, will sci urc
prompt attention. Will sell Pianos or
Organs at the lowest figure-, and upon
as accniiiiuiidaliiig terms, cash, or u
time, togood and reliable parties.
_ julvll-tf JOHN* SEA I*.
JiKjk Elsas.
(Ililtll’T ol Vpihic.
sel l ill AI ia lit ;l pi t
('. 0. I).
Dry Goods,
( ia>i him;.
P,< MG S AN ! Site)Es.
and everything el- in that line.
T- ■ [\|, Q Pet sons indclilml lit
me had he si come til once, pay
tip and sat ■ <•<>>}.
Oid Sland. between ihi Bank atul
J. J. Nortlienit A Son.
Marietta, 1 thy, Id, l6>7y.
Marietta, (Georgia,) Thursday, MiireJi t>, 2879.
J. M. Wilson,
Wooden Wares,
# •■<* ||i
I:M 1J It A'' 1N <
Straw and Feed Putters,
l Y>rn Shellers,
Turning Plows.
Wheel Barro\vß,
Rilkes, Shovels,
I lot's. Grass St yflies.
Plows, Plow Slocks. Ac.
Syrup Mills,
Of' (i Superior .1 To/.v.
I Nil
('itrpentor's Supplies.
Many \ iirieties of \\ ooden Ware.
All these and many other valuable ar
ticles sold on best possible terms.
Marietta, July 3, 1877. ly
iiu WJnte
its Introduction and World-renowned
reputation was the death-blow to high
priced machines.
This is a very important matter, as It Is a well
known and undisputed taut that many o! the so
caked first-class machines which are offered so
c ieop new-a-tiays are those that have been re
possessed (that ts. taken back from customers'
alter use) and rebuilt and put uponlhe market
as new
L. KS.
i LtritEß of th;-: aforesaid machines.
So rot Eu 7 any other before try
ing the WHITE,
Prices and Terms Made Satisfactory.
" ’Hr. Srwinff Machine Cos.,
C. UVtIAND, 0.
Li hern I I mluccmont - nflVre't t<i i-a-li ,
; lm> <‘iM:tv, 2<l, 1878.
.1. !>. A T. F. SMITH.
(/'■nct-itl Agents,
No.-Vi, s. Ifr-.-cii| st. \tl:mi.i. ( ;;i. j
Unit Bond.
1 I M 1-; OF m;t*A t’TI n K
i imtiarm. I
V'l. I. uiglit. pti.-.-.-nger. noftli J. Fi |., in
-Vo. 2. Itlglll |i:l-• eiigi’i . -rilltll 11.52 [I. 111.
No. ilay |as-etigei’. noiili n. m.
Vo. !. day passenger, -oulli 1 a. ,n.
No. .*>, day f'reiglil. norlli 1j.17 a. m.
No. ii, day freight. -outli 1.J2 p. m.
No. 7, night fr’gt, north u.2<i p. ni.
No. !i, way fr'gt.daj north s.Un.i. in.
No. 10, May fr'gr, day. south 2.13 ji in. 1
No. 12. aet'Oin. treighl, -oHtli 3,0) a. in.
It: Alt Height traitis eatiy pa-irii
ger-, ]il'o\ld< .| ihey liave tiekels.
’ June 20, Ia 78. TV. MvKAE. Sup’i.
; tmilll'i’OL A MIMMI’uV
s s; x Mi: i mu* \ \ v.
I . >. Itr.inch A- a t •'.m > HOI Off
Linhiliti— _M9t,7dV "•
Surplii-i<- all thihiiiH-• • .H.7<J8.131 31
T<o it ini-oi .e <•• 18” ■> 7l;! O.V M
•• (■xjie.i ihore- nM>77 !.<>o3,)flTJ 79
'*Mfp!;i- o-i! or 1 -77 -*1,109.112 33*
Aggregati ol 10--e- |,:i hi l,y Hi
(‘onipany ov> r ru.tsio.'l'n)
l'i-k- i:ik*-!i .i' redu> "and lute, of I’remi
iiiii-. Apply tr>,
IVy, l\|N’.. \/i nt.
Mu: in It l, n i. O-.t. 31, ls.'s. Jy
Extract of a Speech delivered
FKBKI’AKY 16. 1876.
Many years of our past history,
especially the last half century
has been signalized by live accu
mulation of vast private fortunes
anti the acquisition of great
wdflih built up in incredibly
short periods of time. These for
tunes'have, however, been con
fined to the few ; while mediocri
ly has been the lot of the many,
and poverty the fate of the great
majority. Now, if we should he
able to trace tlvise rapidly acquir
ed fortunes to the hands of men
or classes of men enjoying pecu
liar privileges of law, and if they
are almost or entirely wanting
among those privilegd by law,
then we must infer that the law
has contributed measurably to
the success or defeat of either
class. There are few who will
venture to deny that the laws
have contributed to the material
prosperity of certain classes in
this country ; and, if thisis true,
as it is, we shouldinvestigate the
j controlling reasons for their en
i actmenl, and. when found, justice
; honesty demands their repeal and
! the banishment of the principle.
Such an injury, however,is too
| extensive 1o he fnllowered out iti
detail at this time. I must there-
fore confine mysell to a . general
statement of the causes and the
effects produced by them, view
ed from my stand-point.
The careful student of our po
litical history, nay, even the most
casual observer of our .national
legislation, beholds in out midst
the various forms of organized
capital building up. its selfish
i pursuits regardless of the weal or
I woe of our common country, its
: directors heeding not the eonse
! <t ueiices of a had law provided it
; contributes lo satisfy their own
greed, or carry out their own sel
fish designs, . .
Organized and disciplined,!hey
go into political contests of the
country and advocate with men
and means those who are .favora
Me to their speculations and
faithful to their interests.
Notable among these bloodless
gladiators, rairoads have come
hither ami,departed llushed with
victory and loaded with spoils.
They are still here, hovering over
and hanging around the Capitol,
gathering up the spoils of their
former victories, or .seeking to
fasten deeper in the body-politic
their fatal talons They send
forward on the election days their
armies ol officers and employees
to do bat tle for their causes.
Their capital exerted to every a
vailahle extent often returns here
their stockholders, agents, and
attorneys to guard, protect, and
forward their own financial poli
cies and selfish ends.
They are found in Congress and
out of Congress. They have most
ly created that cess pool of polit
icni corruption called the lobby
in whose slimy atmosphere they
find conditions congenial to their
I growth and contributory to their
power, ;i power now most fatally
wielded against the defenseless
shippers along their lines. Rail
roads are not alone, however, in
this selfish, mercenary war. \V r o
find national banks knocking at
the doors of Congress and receiv
ing admittance. They are creat
ed by the law. and have nourish
ed under the sanction until they
have grown lo such giant propor
tions that they almost defy the
government in its efforts to con
trol them.
How. you ask, are *uch laws
procured ' The answer seems to
me to l>e by the embarking of
capital in elections to the full ex
tent of its availability ; by procu
ring in Congress for men
personally interested in the re
sults of these laws: by their co
operative system upon the lloor
of this Hull; by passing legislation
highly beneficial lo large corpor
ations. But if I hey cannot thus
succeed they go further, and as
s(*Bs each member of their sister
hood to raiso the funds suilicieut
to procure favorable legislation,
which Congress has from time to
tine heaped upon thorn with pro
fuse l><-ituly that makes honesty
l/lush. It is this power for evil.
11 1 i- common interest at the cen
ter of operations at the national
capitol, that should alarm the
thinking man and elicit his aid in
their destruction.
But these are not all the evils
that afflict us. Manufacturers and
inventors, twin sisters in high
privileges and doubtful birth,
have not been slow to see the
benelits of invested capital on e
leetion (lays or in the lobby, and
in many instances they have riv
aletl the fortunes and equaled the
powers of railroads and hanks.
Even these are not all. The
hard worked miners of the great
West have the benelit of laws
providing for scientific,,svjjjvys
and reports and the aids o’, MNmie. :!
to protect their enterprises,
search of the great bonan/,' lt
heard of until modern tii,y
farifl’ has given ample s ,
hundreds ol’nianttl’aetnr iVH
ulafors. and merchants, Jmjm
and llotirisli under the h. -tWllll
of liberal laws; and I ask
candor,is il not among tin,,
shielded classes that
fortunes of our times are
to he found <
And here, if I may be pardon |
ed, I call attention to thegenq s st,. t ,
al advance upon the ballot at> s M
the people of all of these eoih !]
billed classes under the name. AJ
capital. Starting from thqmjdfflfl
fountain of public thouglh r ji . xrc
press, it places before the povjbm
every argument, fair and tint.,,el
ft resorts to calumny and t’al.M *
hood, ridicule and abuse, slando,i
and detrect ion : is everywhere ; it
never tires or sleeps, but is found
pitching its- tents in the shade of
State Capitols and over looking
the ballots for Senators; goes nit
on the hustings and argues in lie
half of its agents; marshals its
hosts in gubernatorial and pres
idential contests, and lil I- the
highest posts in the executive
committees of either party, until
the question who will be the gov
ernor, senator, president, and e
ven Representative, is answered
by the question who has the most
money. Is this no cause of alarm
or have we arrived at that point,
in our advance when, it at any
moment some powerful organiza
tion like the “Loyal League” or
Tammany shall sally forth and of
fer to the highest bidder tin' Pres
idency of the nation, we shall
tainelv submit as did the Romaus
to. the first sale of the consulship
by the’Praetorian Guard,
lie hade them—
('leituge ilte Augs'ii stall ol polit i<-
Of its foal muck of crufts ami Milt-st
and tricks,
Break the base ring, m here i-ommeri-e
reeks .anil rets,
I'urge speculation of Its canker spots,
Vial forward go upon the path
Of highest destinin'.
Rut to return; how huve these
Jaws thus procured bent their
force against the unorganized
and unsuspecting but numerous
hosts of husbandmen and labor
ers ( Do I need any facts or fig
ures to hear me out in the asser
tion that in the same proportion
that these classes of laws have
made others rich they have made
them poor i No man, I venture
to say, can call to his memory u
solitary producing farmer depen
ding alone upon the proceeds of
his farm who has wibin the last
decade made any advance on the
load to fortune and prosperity;
but he can recall at the same
time dozens r/f others who have
gradually gone down until they
have reached the point where
life is a mere struggle for exist
ence. This needs no amplification,
il figures, however, are uecessa
ry they are abundant and -utli
cieutly cogent to -urtnin this
What, then, iit that ini- al
lowed this Important branch [’
our industries to constantly go
down under the splendid fortune-,
which we everywhere else lie
hold ? It can be nothing else
than that ali of our pursuits have
laws to guard (hem w tile the
producers lias none. He is a
consumer as well as a producer,
and as such pave largely our im
port duties and the advanced
price of the hundreds of manul’ac
lured articles incident to these
duties. His productions pay the
heavy freights of railroads on for
eign and domestic articles, and
had 1 space l could produce an
almost endless list of wrongs in
which he is the sufferer; the ten
denev <*f all which brings a- to
the old piojiSiliott, ’ tjliS(]w
true, that the burdens fastened
upon any people by dafetelegtoda
liau uuisL be botue-JUy—puo
tion. . ~ . .
The agriculturist of this
try—who, by the way, far
numerically all other cl as .
professions combined,
suit is in fact the I'numkrtiSgSl
all calling- having
lowed political ('imiliii'iiinH
have trampleil under
ered principle of the
good to tin' greatest nq/
I bus,in elleef .have dri),,
eel’s from llioe
upon them and inmU-f
ing the dead corji'-cf.,)
tlic vultures Itred jfIHHHH
I>\ corrupt ’
W liai I
1 u r iiio ; .
t/tiiv - A*7 f /' FAV..'; j
ul •'f.jrjJ-'^
' • 'r s’ L- m.V. h ••
v ' •; •'
[No. 29.
MHm ap i ~c‘ it
* I'!a .oiH9bHß|
• i a; 11 ■
'ililp 111 ; iit'cc
Mlllr: ""'"""s
I ■' :
I uni 1 1 0111 eight
I pa;; the
\ it-cd In-tween the
ail i\ .-ml i"‘i W I
-(li- 1
cJRB 11 ■ : ■ | “ 1 1 1 s; iol i ■
i !.iigi
' I ,\ -o 1 * I
• • *• -va >DiiDi
vail at the polls. 11l i I
who pledges .not himseltd SH[
to avoid fm tire legislalim.
them. Imt hound by’ theoftlViN’jiv
ties of hi- - honor to agit
and labor for the repeal <pHH|
whole system of .°Ppi™H§
laws. The cities from vUl
nal m e are against him, andfl|
their combination-.
etipitul. and the management
railroads they control his mark*
and wrong alike the product
and the consumer. The
teiest extorted by tlie hanks mil) j
tales against, them. The tariff is a
gainst them. Them internal rete,
nue,come almost exclusively fro> t I
them, and 1 say, but with no dis’
I’espect, the laws mainly cnactq, i
by Gongross of the I 'nited States'
are against them and ever will
be until t hey sound the trump ol
defeat in the ears of overy man
who labors not at home and a
bread for them.
This Government is theirs, by
reason of their numhers, their
services, their title, and their
ownership, and they only are to
blame should they longer environ
their arms and stand coldly anti
idly by while their opponents,
insignficant in point of numbers
but powerful in combination,con
f mue to oppress them.
Mr. Speaker, 1 may have dream
etl too intently upon this theme,
but i trust 1 have kept within
the limits of soberness and truth.
The reasons I may have mistaken,
but the facts are plain. The three
fourths of the people of the Unit
cd Slates, more or less, in pursuit
of farm life, having more power
at the polls was it utilized Ilian
(he others combined, are virtual
ly excluded from Congress and
are powerless in the councils of
the nation. Ido not underrate
the vast and important interests
attached to every branch of our
commercial and industrial pur
suits, and I envy them not their
prosperity or owe them ill will.
I feel a common interest in our
great national achievements ami
rejoice in their, success hut i
protest against th\ unfair dis
crimination made in their favor.
I have only sought to aid, if aid
1 can. the downtrodden condition
of that class of men whose bonds 1
have felt and whose prosperity 1
.should hail with delight’. Sent
hero by their sovereign will, I
would,whatever might he my own
choice be less than a man it 1
spok** not for them.
\ Now Antidote for the Potato
Anew antidote has been found
forthe potato-bug in tlie residum
of matter used in manufacturing
Prussian blue. It Ih claimed to
be a* effective as green at
les* than one lialftlie cost.
Tom a toe* are shipped from
t’uU country to London wrapped
in ti-siie paper like oranges.
They are picked and packed
while green.