The field and fireside. (Marietta, Ga.) 1877-18??, July 24, 1879, Image 2

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Mi<Hiiii J .. m i'acilie < * eoan and shortening thedistante from New Orleans to ten <l;*\ -.ail. Mr. A. 11. Stephens repudiates an aoeusntion while explaining his course ol action in the late congress -'Never have lon any occasion, said that" in the next campaign all ofhet issues on the (leinocartic side would huge to subordinate themselves to one which shall stand pro cm incut—that of State rights. " Mr. S. is a Jcllersonian demo i rat and knows something of the lollies and tendencies of the slate lights democracy of the Honrhon stamp What constitutes a democrat ' 1 lhi the principles ol Jefferson : and Jackson reeoJT zing llioj vc-as the ■ ■' ’ - y /?*%. ‘V'**’ ■< tjt ■■ V".• 'I ’ * iwi : j sy,=3®-5y,=3®- ’ ’ " ij> 1 •>o.. ! .i -■.■•! if: l 1 */& ■"■' • |>| •: - U ! i. ft-W'(.yjiyis-y'.fcMksy&•, >• iJoW svii-',y7_ feWWW - - 1, "• Ik - Hk 111 Jp_,. Wit ■r & ew'fr syif a?_ gstfl. -- * jjj^ w iP** ' * fl&r w t-uly v eals to dy lie too much |atriotisin ot su,-h tor i cordon and his uc w i -tci say -. tin- lude ic mm ■3sr jit . jHHPi . mum jHV JB .. : : r t I( : t% " ~t' 'l ,ll !,,, i. IHHSjK, m<>M i< '• • Jw -• ii* A**- 1 ■r i - . ! .rn •!• I 1 1 ’ _■ 1 1 i !■<■ . 'I ■HBL'-rui! uii.p ' li-i <1 dBMMiMIyI lif |>c(,|ih wi ’ * r. . I hr, . criiMtci t ii u/i ■■organized plnndot WWV,m,\ i ( ‘- that govern ilm'ih .hi.l Km i'll l(J KOWTII'I lieilisel VOly. ..ys i ..I mu which 17. 11 \ Mi•- i . I;!. MBBBBF ..‘"t .]< i in it f 111- 11 I NaUtiiial and, "'nil ified hn< I .*H< I or pf** s 1 dmVifc l: fending ini 11 *•i|> I * * - hi ' ic ffijmlili<-niiv. leaving no issue ► tween them Now tliev me with the tcirildc fact wBSKf 0 11. 1 iieii o\\ I , ..111, .. ivceii the soft and hard fc.rfoMe y democracy, and tin troii is how the tireneh is to lie. -d They ittein]iled it in aftlig Ewing, hi Ohio, a one.v man. Imt it didn't se W in (i reenlineheis. am! how y will heal the breach in Ihe < .invention is an linsolv .. mystery. the republicans axe not mote BSj§Mj§9 l nate It is a* id money with a large pnriinn ..I its ! strength in the democratic ranks. Ilow Ihe republicans are In get these out and how the demo, rats are to gel the greonhaekers in are the questions to tie solved by Ihe w ire pullers. II is now the season when the , average editor hies him to his pigeon holes and produees there I lorn I lie long lullnod at lig atm story, the sea serpent yarn, the human monstrosity business, and I all those good old standby's that help the dull period through Hut 1 the Ohio Ilomoeiatte odd..i, as lie looks over his leader, tn which he proved t.wing i.. he a labor man ! and not a labor man. a soft mon I *\Y man and not a suit money man, a Catholic and not a Oath olio, niarvelleth a little, cusseth much, and regrets that lie i- not 'of the goodly company. \ntion | <r. I ,-r ir. I- ..... During the past lew years the ! greed for gain has grown at a fearful rate. It Inis become an absorbing mission with mane. Men wat eaith. not merely eompetoflee They wish to be millionrures. A moment's rellee tion is sufficient to convince any bonsible person that no man can , earn a million ot dollars <p* the halt or ilie tenth part el it. It one is to become a millionaire lie must by some means get posses sion ol the earnings .u .mite a number ol his fellow mint, who will llttts Jbe deprived of not mi !y the cointorts but some ol the necessaries ol life. Whoevet wishes to become av ry wealtlt\ mao must make up ids mind to be vert selti'h n well as shrewd He must dispense with the guid none ol conscience and the luxu tv ot benevolence. He must ~s chew friendship save such as t <\ ists among bandits; tot mi'eltish Iriendship costs money and time, ihe chief toads to great wealth in this country ise through gantli liug hell', gold rooms, stock e\ changes,, hoards of trade, and other speculative marts, and these dens aic crowded b\ men ,ts devoid ol holiest prim iplo> as those who travel in the patent, sate game Railway enterprises are being planned constantly l>\ mi'll who have in. othei purpose bur to realise tortum" by ntani pttlaf.inst the stock and Sin emt * matters not to them w hether the country is to lie ben edited or damaged. The only que~ tion is. can vve by any amount ol lying, rtatterv, lobbying, brib ing. or any other species of mod ern business tactics, make a for pi A -mil >■ . ion these ~ Kiudg men* tor. sight. inifustTy. energy, Ml <|hhI t* ies of rniitd and 'noTTv TIV . which success depend Hut whimyl if ever; justice is the I ruling principle in business, the; ! gnuit disparities that now exist j i will disappear Millioniares and ]>aupers are the natural antitheses of each other. They are both symptoma tie ulcers upon the body politic, j indicating-a diseased condition of society. Nation'll View. I'll L sroUIMiK. Dispatches from Memphis to the ('(institution of duly 'Uid are ns follows: Five new cases wet-e reported to the hoard of health this morn ing. Among them was Mrs. How eis, ol ATI Shelhv street, where M til In andon’s shoe shop is local cd Four deaths since last night Ihomas Kernan. llarry Kav. lain is Brnmond and Millie llamorle. The two colored ntili I ary companies—the McClellan (•nurds and Memphis Zouaves-- . litive volunteered to protect the property of the city it the necesi ty should arise. The city nut Inn ities will doubtless select the site to day when* the camp will ho established to which the poor of the city will he removed. I lie Avalanche says that • eve i v tangly that can leave Memphis should do so without delay, i liorc is no good reason why they should remain: a dozen why they should not. There will be n< business until frost comes, and to delay longer may be danger oils, the embarrassments and and obstructions in traveling by rail jvill increase daily. The towns along the railroads will be closed by a.strict shot gun (jttar antine, and we therefore advise every one who can lo leave, prompt Iv " I wo linin' cast's wei e reported to the hoard of health this after uoou both colored. Two addi tional deaths have also oecured Hot) lltompsoi) and Patrick Meath I hi' Howard association held a meeting this atternoon, and de tailed two members loasceitain from the nhy-Ntcians whereTiiirses are required and they will then be turnished. I'he organization a- a whole, will not begin opera 'ions yet . they don't think the situation at present sufficiently alarming. I inter the direction of •I. D. Hlunket, president of the state board ol health,John John son, resident member, to day put into practical operation till the rules and regulations of the na tional board of health. All bag gage will lie disinfected under the supervision of sanitary <>th eiul-. Rules a- appplied to pas sengors.fieight and baggage will be rigidly enforced. The city authorities tin.l it difficult to se led a >iie lor the establishment ot a camp, owing to the fear of the citizens living in the adjacent towns that the persons removed • rnm Memphis will bring the te vet in their midst. The cotton exchange remains open hut all business is suspended. No re ports will be sent in future until business revives. Father Math e\\ ' vamp, under the supervision of Father Welch. !•> to be estab li-hcd at once. A requisition Ini' been made for one hundred tents which will be furnished soon. It is anticipated that tout hundred people will by thi' means be re moved from the city. I'he steam cr Hard ('ash. which lelt this evening for Si l.otps luol a till! H'l o! passengers. Tin* Louisville an i Nashville railroad today re iiised halt rales to the authorities* to points beyond McKenzie the fever is unquestionably ! sproadii g ami already embraces, nearly' every / portion of the city. North Memphis and Chelsea are alone exempt. I he ntyxiel v of citizens to leave city is daily . i , r ■' . H K B K X Bk fr ' n i..(jsc who ‘an not or those who re main in an tv .palion of receiving free rations. Perhaps a wooden box will be their share. Die women who eloped with a couple of convicts in (iwinnett county have been heard from in (fordon county. An attempt was made to arrest them, but the men escaped. Albany Nans: The storm king seems to have spite against our section. Over and over again has that .swill, awful and terri ble monster of the elements, a cyclone visited different neigh I borhoods of southwest (leorgia. i The last visitation was on Mon [day, when it came down on Mr. O. W. Arnold’s place, near Duck er’s station. The wind struck just in front of the dwelling and store house,pasing between them on to two cribs and the gin house, lev cling all three, and then down half a mile of fence,when it went up and disappeared, doing no further damage as far as we can learn. Mr. Arnold estimates his loss ;l t I, 200. if 1 , ufx.. iivwm, .'i /zmiXKY sr inh\ Mlj, •• South Shlo Puhlh* S(|ii;irf*. M \ HIKTTA (;Ko|{(,| \ VV . h Hoof. .! .1. Hi \i, .tu, Pli.ii umci'-i Dealer In. ftDRUGSff CHEMICALS. I’aints and Oils, GLASS. / VARTX’ISII FX I‘lHlkv \TITIII\HI\. TOILET ARTICLES, Etc. Pn'scriptions tiilly pr<‘par((l at all hours, <ln} or iii^ht. h io: iiao ii\ ktoki: fresh and genuine .tocL ol Tl ICMP si: | for (he e‘o| ol ( W. K. ROOT. MarirtlH, (<a.,.lulv Ist IS. Turnip Swml ! u:w ( HOP fun I **7H. FARIA FLAT DI TCH, FARIA FLAT RFD TOP. FARIA RFD Top OLoBF. LAROF WHITE (iLoHL. 1 EI.LOW ABERDEEN LONCI row HORN. AMBER OLOBE. (i ARDEN RITA HAD A LATE i AKHAOE. BEETS SPINACH. Ml STAR!). KALE. R A PISHES. HERMAN (.KEENS. I nrmp Seed in |iii|ei' mv *• the (MMiml. nliwle.^le ••• telail. J Wm. Root. '! .( Uj Gu.. -Itiis la, 15*7''. AN VOM'] atil (*v**r yhoil \ wish-- |H| ijiir jo have thdr r• < fll •* - aiol har no" made or n paired. neat j and ( ht*a}*. Pall on flic at j > r. f. A. H liidcrMMr- -ta'oi** and ir**t 1 hi* pri;**s. I). Loom a. | \F if 1 *rrt fia..lnly lo 70. Iv. j Home l and Favorable I 'i’oniis for Boardot >. Jg{ HOUSE. % JL\ Fast Wall Str(‘(*t. Opposite* Passpnufer Oopot. tVini H / .‘tf l /V/ - Ihi tf ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Ml tilfi MM! KFD.I'CFD PRICES! V• J-mta Strof't. ticai Black-oiitli shop. Gpory-ia. >iop. a fust cla— Lively Stable, wltore Iho public. <an la* av<‘ouiinodatod mv irli lino Ifot-o-and olpraut Busies at ro diiood prices. Can always bo found ready to respond to any call, in supply ing the needs of local or Iransion! jat ron-. ibirlios hiring aro rosponsiblo for f bonoolvos and teams. (iood aoooin niodation for Drover s *. Stovk bou-bt and -old on commission. J. SPiLMAN \l;ui"lta, .Vug. 8. IS7S. ly J. M. Wilson, .VI A\ ( l Al TURKR OF TIN k SHEET IKON, AM) Wooden Wares. *M) CKaI.I.K IN' >— STOVES, HARDWARE, (JITI LERY, HOUSE FURNISH i INO OOODS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS KMBHACIXO Straw and Feed (’utters, (Torn Shellers. Turning Plows. Wheel Harrows. Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, (irass Si ytlies. Plows, plow Stocks. vVc. A I SO. Syrup Mills, Of a Su/trrior Mtil.r. POCKET A TABLE CUTLERY. IVD t'(ii |ieiit('i''.i Sti|i|ilica. Many \ aricties j>f AVooden Ware. ] All these and many other valuable ar ticles sold on best possible terms. Marietta, .Inly 3, 1577. t v WESTERN A- ATLANTK TIMK OF DEPAKTI lit FROM MARIETTA. I’ASSKXIiKRS S(H Til. No. 4 11.17. a in ■2 HU 2. |j. m Fa hioirrs. Accom. ... 7.J.3. a. m Nc. 10. . . I Jis. j). in. t> 4.40. ji. in. " 2.47 a. tii. PassFX'okHS NoliTli No. J. ... 0.00. a. m u 1 -LIT p. in. Far;tun is ■No. 5. .... . i.2s. a. m. ! L ■ 7.07. a. in. Accom 0.00. ji. ni. No. 7 s, 12. ]i. in. No. 1. 2. H. L 9. It). and Accomodation tiaiii'. stop at Marietta. t,\ i l WFI-;K iiiyom own n>vv ii. ■ and no capital risked. You ml||| can give the Inisine— a trial ■■III vvitlimu expense. The liest op portunitv ever (dVered lor those willing to work You should tryti tiling else until you see fV • voitrself what you can do at tlie busi ness we offer. Xo room to explain lie re. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women, make as much as men. Send for special private tonus and par ticulars which we mail free. $.~ Outfit free. Don't complain of hard times w hile you have such a chance. Address 11. II VI.LETT AML Fort land, Maine. FULTON HOUSE Corner lUH'ittill* and Iv> Street* One Block from the l nion I*.--*nvi* I hpot b o*.s7- < ’la .s*,s* . t fCI)iUIOI)ll U t /H/'s at IjU'nHj l*nri s. Transient Custom SI.OO per Day. MRS. E. A. TILLMAN Pi opt id ss ATLANTA, . OEoKDIA. Joseph Elsas. Change of Venue. W ILL sell at Atlanta pri ('. 0. D. Dry Goods, NO I K NS. HATS. CI.OI IliNO. BOOTS AND SHOES, and everything else in that line. <*"• N. B Persons indebted to me hud best come at mice, pav up and save cost. JOSEPH ELSA'- thi Maud, between the Hank and I. J N<>r!licitll A Son. Mat ielta. Kch.V. Id. IS7S* WILSON HOUSE. Cor. Ylahatun X’ Pryor stf 4TLANTA. - - - tiFORHIA. It/ MS J’t / ./ ' 'Si.oft Sr:/ 1 .1/* < A ■>/ I. .V(/t,ry. a . L KKt m. Prop F~/^\ # ’ - / J ■ and I’. Linilley. VV . 1,, li.irm-s. barneo North Side of Square, next door to Cherokee Corner. Dealers In, * HDr-rr Cr-oocfLc, ZHleuts, 531n.06c G roceries. Mniit tin. (In., Fob.. (>, ? 7tL Iv FUR3STITUBEI Cm HAN rjr CHEAPEST HEAPER A AHE U ItLicl. Ih-tsyiii; f;rt' Nitit<., i'liil tSarhtc. IO l*i-ct's. t't)tlis,'(‘ Suits S*-SO. Hie Sics! l*nrlor ("tux*' iea Ilif ?l 'trl.rt l'’r (lie (limey. 4% siluiii Kn i‘4‘3i(i W ith tklass, !j(0. (dioti t oitijittm llrdsfrads, stift. Ai(S a CsilS Line IN' (Hlsci* Ftintitiirc ('iH-apcr Tlian Aii ibuisc in '2lst stale, B'cnii)> NfiiHK Cash i % ■% icon %s. 12 A 41 White H ill Street. A ilania. < .a. .\u'. 22. ’7s Large min! Nlw Arrivals L S. SORTHEDTT 4 SON, South \\ ('urner ol tlio l*n I>!ic Squaro* 4 LAIGiK siiid -elect Slock ol |{i|*% ((khl. cmliracing every -**- thing usually found in a lir-! class Dry Ooods store, lhe (mods tire direct tvom the Manufacturers and their Agents, and will be sold as low’or low( i I-OK('.\Sll than any similar Ooods evel brought to this market. I mean what 1 say. (bill nnd exaininr or your .elves, t till'ext ciisiy e stock oi Boots ami Hots, (Japs, kv. at the i>(norK ? uni never fail to give entire sat is fa\ i N. NoKl'lK’l 14 9. ND 1 N .) ms. - HA Itb WARE, and <;i;n k isa i. mkiwiiandj si:. NOR'! 1! IvAS L COKXHU Pi HUC SQUARE, AhirieltH, i jleor^ia. ((ctolier, 1, 1 877. ] \ Marietta Paper Masumcturijig Oampany, Pist-Cla:: Besk, I;w; And Wranping Paper. W*L* > - \ —U. a %AIA X % 4|u(,