The field and fireside. (Marietta, Ga.) 1877-18??, July 31, 1879, Image 2

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11 11 111 t Kearney, Mary Burns and Hinn ies M'ilmui Al a meeting ol tli<‘ IUmU'I association this after HHP lim it , ' 'Hi |**i> ■ftp'll abroad In attend To the PPnparal i\elx lew fast's mi 11,., ilioii charge, with heartfelt t hanks to niHiiy who tia ip a I remit kindly tendered tht'ii s.-rx ices ami who will la* gratefully re mcmhcred. Wo xvouhl mhl lhat itmlor no citYumstnuee s will set vices of imaecliuiato I poisons ho hoioalioi aoooptt'd. I'xxo colored ; military companies xvonl into oamp loiiax on tho hluli's, umlor orders ol ('olouel .Inltit I t'amo ron. o| lho novo nine's -t all I'lo polioo and lire department haxo amt the a tiouMi-'” ('amps lor iho i Hi poor people will pos Hbjcb ho established to ntorroxx " I '' a ' : ' I ! " " 1 '‘.;l!i oi ■ liom. ■ I'A n. 1 ork xxoia> sunken xxith alttM^ion. “ Mr. Mi'll is, .1 nix •,** I'hiee now ouses xx ore leportod lo the hoard health Ibis morning \o deaths Ktaxo ooetiifoil. A detail ol txxen .lx tixe men trotua colored mili Itarx company It is boon made todo molice dul x in Iho dux a' the on *••'** Mronglh ol iho regular police lorce has been assigned to night service. Ii im- heen raining steadily simv day light. |>r. >anmeUl l'u\ <>i Knnis, leva-, a nixed lure this morning lie will ho sent out ol the eitx to •tight hjj onlel ol dohn dohllson. superintendent ol the i|iiai)intitie Its he has n‘>vei- had lever and the inspectors at the i|ituiantiiie sta I toil luixo boon iiiMnicted noi to iunaied people io oilx jolt cases xxero rx* portedhn the hoard ot health this allernoon i\ ihom colored. Iwo deaths Horn yellow lever ha\o oceuiled. <>ne iioxvex.-r he vouti the city limit'. The special policemen engaged in taking census ot the city completed the li't to dux. Ihercsuli shovxsthe population ot Mx'niphis to he Ik. 110; namely, xx hues. . ,„| # |ro*l. 11.>27; adults, lO.tial ; 4 ju. xtt tho total :ii ■'( , i“cl‘ll 111 [i liiil a mail ft • Id llijl Ik ! L L'heatPifi I i tf‘ xx oi l h BA- ilteir names and inf Ihe xx hole case ol (irogon BA i• and pn Hkftj.iseil with her I'm i\ I' oin i F s * *>* {<;:. * iilv 27 f‘ n 1111 cc ii Vie repot leit to Ihe faith lo day. Among rommoni me Miles ilson and .1 aines tile . Hfl \\ : I ‘art liesii' . Mrs \V 11 ain - -—j,■—j, nun.) ., !* , t ia ,<. jj K . I leaving T.dtiT susceptible in (], t . ! >i ii*e I’lliling to secure (ran- ! fcjgfej* u * ; hc '-iit* *• locked lui |||||®t ! 'b-b’, : . Hi (lit- eyainina lim 1,,, Marnetl Mini . ami llm afternoon in ixuliiiliiusi witnesses for llm Mate f \ The defence introduced but two itup fn ♦o'JO p in. onrl adjourned to !t ,t. in. to nionow >am lic it testified as follows : I w i • line of t lie party in the dif li'iiln la>l. iloudny Colonel Grastv ami lather. were in (’iiisty'n room I arrived (lien- A I went into till* room they were lightitig ; heard a shot a I opened the door: he ashed wlia! Iliad I o do wil li Ihe matter I told him I had much to do with it. ilia! n was a family affair • loss t xamiusd I tmrrowed a pistol from V|i Tucker, Imi it was not loaded and afterwards returned ii to him alter the difficulty It le had loaned me u loaded pistol things would have been diUorenl, li Hugh \es|>ilt was then called foi the defense who lt-s (died a-follows; I was walking down the iuilroad track and saw Colonel tJrasty's room in the Sledge house brightly lighted: -aw Colonel tjrasty in his shirt sieves, the door being open, coming round a bed amt meet two other men. A scuttle ensued: heard a blow, and a heavy fall saw the elder Ueid heat some thing with a stick. About this time I heard a pistol shot follow ed with the cry of murder. I’lie old gentleman lumped out the door immediatelly thereafter. Alter him another man, unknow u to me. jumped out and ran off crying murder. Mrs Sledge was then called, ami before her tes timony was completed, court ad jouruod. XX K . Itooi . .1 ..I,tt I \ ,l 1!. I’ll :t • Iti.'D'M . Dealer In. .It DRUGS It CHEMICALS. I’aint* and Oils, GLASS, YAHNIKIIKS, i!*N*k\ f .vtithmm. MET ARTICLES, Bl I’ivm i iptionts i'ji*t‘- t’ulK prepared >it all hours. da> or night. M%%|; l|.M l> MK M twk MIHI gfUlllUf .lull, Ml II H Ml* Ei:u lor || ir *'| l‘ I *7l. W. k. BOOT. Marietta, Ga., July lt ISTv. nit; mill uii mmi r . ' / Is published every Thurs day morning at the Old printing Office Building Marietta, Georgia. m'■ -''X s * Sobriitioi, line Dollar | IN ADVANCE. N ADVERTISING At Reduced Rates. JOB PRINTING Of all kinds in the most approved style and at re duced prices. # WITH THE WEST Of material and doing our on ii labor, we offer our selves as candidates for a share of the public favor. Respectfully, S. M. Goodman & Sons. OTEI) TO AI'LTU RE, HL NEWS PfELLANY, ■ eW -W* I V V OO'-C W ! :& W I 1.5 %'■, jj r J? ■' ’ North side ol estate, next door to Cherokee Corner. ,- . Dealers In, ■ IDxz 7 " C&ood.©, □HEa/t©., X3cot3, S&i.©©© and O iroqjpiri©©.. Mari,lla, tfa.. Feb., ft. T-*. jy &' XX lot XsT X T XX JEL JEH 1 vy* CHEAPEST HEARER A IKE W ' lllsicl* Malnid ifitsduti ( aMAtuils. B iff! tlarhlr, fo Piece**, *.-*►. t mtagr Niil* s*AO. The IScsf Shirlor lii The Vfjirket l'r Tine VBsncy. Walnut || n reaii %%’Hh kla**. S> I ft. (ilooil ITmimoii ih-ilstraii*. £*, Iml a I'hif bine Of Oilier I'tirnilurr i itfaper i kau Any House In The Male. TVs sis- Hl’ictEy Cadi i% i:.** a i isHti %v 42 it 14 Nvlure Hull Srreßf. Atlanta, ~t. ng. *22. 'j>. Lirgp jukS INVw Arriviils L. S. KIRTHCUTT & SON, Eolith West Coiner ol iii** l/üblit* Smiare* A LAIxt.E and select Stock ol Bks - s *oiis. embracing every “**■ thing usually JVmnd in a first da Dry Hoods store. The Hoods are direct from tho Manufacturer-' ami their Agents, and will he sold as loxx or lower foil HASH Ihan any similar Hoods evel hiought to this market. I mean xxlial Isa\ r . Hall nnd exaiuim or yuursdve Our extensive ■ lock of mikl Sln^" Cap, iVc. :i>■'.<• i lo satisfaction. y X< I Marietta. 't. HAKjMKdTHERS, nobth-ea Marietta, (dUMirgia. October, 1. 1 577. j v Marietta hpr Manufacturir.? Copy, or Fist-Class Fool:, Hows M Wrappise Paper. WXO\ A. A>DERM^ K ent,