Newspaper Page Text
Closing out my Entire Stock of
convinced. My
and if you want
> great bargains,
ains in Cloaks,
Comforts, TFn-
andlGents’ Silk
TkONT toll toeaU-oa ana 1
jJ want anything In hit lift
good turn-outs, beat attention
guaranteed in ererr luttanco.
peclally invited to fire hta~th
gentlest horaea being kept for I
Additional quarantine Buie.
SDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1888.
PutiUabed Dsliy and Woekly at.
T. e. met a 80», K41tor««ftd Pragrlatora.
Subscription Itataa: DMIy. by maU,ordollvered
by carriers within the city,$4 per annum; Week-
! v II Der annum.
' y |S per annum.
Advertising Batea extremely reasonable, and
nrnln kmutrn nn nnnllMtlMi. \
orndo known on application.
AdrertinemenU foi
Aui Dtauwuviiu for which no definite contract
a made will be publlBhed until ordered out, and
payment exact-'* i-
The Minstrels drew another big
crowd last evening at L’arioso Hall.
Miss Mamie Myddelton and broth
er, Mr.Smith Myddelton, of Valdosta,
are visiting relatives here.
Fresh country eggs at 20c per doz
en, at E*0. Fdtch’s. tf
Miss Lula Stuart left this morning
for her home in Thomasville, carry
ing with her pleasant recollections of
the “city by the sea.”
The “Mum” Party at the Baptist
parsonage last evening was well at
tended. The members say they had
a delightful evening.
, Fresh gard.en seeds and onion sets
at Lloyd A Adams’.
Wish these people up in Dakota
and Montana would keep their bliz
zards to themselves ius'tead of send
ing down slices of it our way.
Col. Hunnicntt, Grand Chancellor
of the
the purpose of inspecting and in
struoting sfime.
To Rent; The store now occupied
by the Marlin Dry Goods Co. Pos
session given March 1,1888. App]-
to M. Michelson.
. One of our huntors recently shot a
deer on Blythe Island, and now
claims that he killed it in “Central
Park of Naval City.” Wonder how
ho found out that it was Central
Park ?
Miss Deverehux, who has been for
several months visiting her sister,
Mrs. Wm. M. Tupper, leaves to-mor
row for her homo in Maine. We do
not envy her a trip to that State at
this season.
Lloyd A Adams are selling their
entire stock of blank books, receipt
books, and everything in the station
ery line,at absolute cost. Call on them
We found two bellowing goats tied
in the B. A W. freight depot this
morning awaiting ownership. The
clerks say they were unloaded from a
freight car this'morning, but without
being billed from anywhere.
Mr. N. Frierson, of Savannah, 1s in
the city to-day looking after his lum
ber interest here. He thinks the
lumber business as low as it can go,
though he says he thought that had
struck bottom quite awhile ago.
Lloyd A Adams.can sell you the
best hair brush in the city for the
least money.
The Brunswick Orchestra is now
preparing for a grand concert to bo
given immediately after Lent. We
can promise our people in advance
some of the finest music they have
listened to in many days.
At the meeting last exening of the
Building and Loan Association, $1,-
700 was sold to the highest bidder.
Scries A was sold at 37, 37-J, 39+ and
40; series B was sold at 57 and 68.—
There seems to be always a demand
for the money, and consequently those
who do not wistMto borrow need not
do so. '
To Rent: A comfortable house
pleasantly located in. Sonthbm por
tion of tbo city. Apply at this of*
a ?
i'.' j.»
We were about to invite some more
barbers to onr city, but Clark A
Shaw have solved the problem by
opening up the Oglethorpe Barber
Shop, on the Southern side of the
hotel. Clark will wield the razor and
strap there whilst Shaw remains at
the old stand.
Wanted, a carrier boy. This office.
Mr. S. Zorn, of^Louisville, a heavy
grain dealer Is in the ci'ty on a' pass
ing visit. He had started to Florida
and stopped over a day by accident.
He says he was perfectly surprised
to find here what ho does, and now
wonders why he never heard of Bruns
wick before.
Our stock of patent medicines, per
fumery and toilet articles is now.
complete. We can save you money
on everything we sell.
Lloyd A Adams.
Old Bruin must have heard «omo
oftheJekyl Island Club read the
article in the Advertiser-Appeal
about the big hunt being fixed up
with himself as the chief performer,
for lie has suddenly disappeared from
the Island. His tracks were seen
every day rcgulary uni il our notice
appeared, arid since then nothing has
been seen of him.
Boarders Wanted.—Rooms large
and comfortable. First-class fare.
Terms moderate. Apply to Mrs. J.
A. Bell, corner Gloucester street, op
posite Episcopal church.
Hinesville Gazette: Mr. Glenn
Farmer of this town left last Thurs
day night for Brunswick where he
expects to engage in business. Mr.
er li t reliable, .ein
e Mallory
ihouse this
By the New
Passing through
Steamship Lino’s W
morning, we discovered r great pile
of goods marked “Am picas, Ga.,”
and upon inquiry found that it came
down by steamship ft*0
and would go hence by
Tar Heel, and over the
R. Day b
'lyfifwif ‘
gret to lose him from Hinesville
where he is highly esteemed. But
we wish him the best success in his
new home.
A Scene from Beal Life.
Time: Last trip of the Cracker
Buy. Place: Deck of said craft.
Dramatis personae: Captain Clubb,
and father and son from the “Way-
back District,” passengers.
Father: ( pointing to anchor) “Bud,
what’s that ’ere thing fur?”
Son: (with a knowing look) “That
must be what they ketch gaters
Father: To be shure.
The son to be sure of bis position,
hunts up the Captain. Say, Mister,
ain’t that ’ar hook what you ketch
gaters with?
Captain: Yes.
Son: (with triumphant air) There,
Dad, didn’t I tell your so?
Father: (toCapt.) You must ketch
some powerful long gaters with that
’ar hook?
Captain: Oh, yes, we get them 30
and 40 feet long.
Father: Doo tell. How' I should
like to help pull in one of them fel
lers. What do you use flir bait ?
Cap.: We use large fish.
Father: You don’t say!
Boat proceeds on her way, and at
the next landing several large stur
geon are put on board.
Father: Is them the bait you use,
Captain: Yes, that’s it
Father: (delighted) And now will
wo ketch some er them gaters?
Capt: (who sees he is caught)
Well, we oan’t fish for them now. We
can only catch them on ‘the flood
tide. • „
Father: To bo shure.
There are men who shudder at the
thought of breaking a new year res
olution, but spend most of their time
leaking more or less of the ten com
I have removed my tin and general
repair shop to my residence, opposite
the ice factory, where I will be pleas
ed to receive any orders.
Chas. A. Hovt.
Some Slight, but
Mr. Charley Moln
day evening b
of the Etolzendorf b
Bay. He was unro
stopped back too far.
A colored, man was
at Sterling Station las
left for dead, but Mr.
who was near at hand,
stimulants and he soo
was sent home.
Butler and Ford,
a row yesterday even
suited in Butler’s cut
a knife.
0 Proved
tho roof
on the
o tin and
ked. do'
day and
him some
tved and
got into
vhich rc-
ord with
es’ Marsh
rday and
A negro axeman at
was chopping wood
split his foot in two.
Mr. Robt Moody,
Moody, of this conn
yesterday by the leve
cart. The lever-came
whilst sitting on th(
split his head open, ki bg him in
stantly. He probablj never knew
what hit him.
New York,
he Bteamer
ijt A L. R,
the work very long—several will be
necessary, in fact, we understand,
four are now being built.
A Bill Which Should Pass.
Representative Cox, of- New York,
has introduced a bill in Congress
providing for the classification of
postoffice clerks, for first-class offices
on the same plan as that governing
the classification in all of the other
departments of the government.
The bill, if passed, will benefit not
only the clerks .interested, but will
prove of much greater service to the
public in insuring a greater degree
of certainty and thoroughness in the
work of the postoffice. The bill pro
vides that all clerks in first-class of
fices, heads of departments excepted,
shall be classified in six classes, the
salaries ranging from $600 per an
num for the first, to $1,400 for the
sixth; and further, that promotions
in all classes be made regularly.
Postofflce clerks are worked hard
er and receives less pay than the em
ployes of any 'other of the depart
ments of the government, all of which
except the postofflce, have the eight
hour law.
Allbany News: The Session of the
Presbyterian church of this city con
cluded, on Sunday Iasi, to have
pr eaching twice a month instead of
once a month and extended a chll to
the Rev. I. W. Waddell accordingly.
Mr. Waddell now gives two Sabbaths
a month, to the Guthbcrtchurcb, one
to the Leesburg church, and one to
the church in this city, but it is un
derstood that he will ask the Lees-
I am
At a Reduction of 20
I do this in order to make
Spring Stock. I mean
and ask you to call and he
goods are offered at prices that are in
reach of ail. Life is short, and if
to enjoy it, call and see the
I will give special bargains in
Flannels, Blankets, Bed
derwear, Corsets, Ladies’
A gentleman living near WJnter-
ville broke the knob off one of his
doors and for the want of something
better put a coffin handle on tbe door
and now there is not a negro in the
county who will open the door. ,*
A forty pound crocodile covered
with wooly hair has been discovered
in Florida. The theory is advanced
that it had inadvertently lunched on
a firkin of steamboat butter.
There is an endeavor being made
to introduce paper dishes for table
use. The man whose wife is in the
habit of throwing plates at him will
be in favor of this. - ♦
New Advertisements.
burg church to get another “supply”
so that he can divide his time equal
ly between Cuthbert and Albany.
Only One More Week.
The Marlin Dry Goods Company
will offer “Bargains” only one more
week before dosing the establish
ment, and there is a probability of
closing np before Wednesday night.
In view of these facts we wonld ad
vise all who intend calling, but who
- ‘ yed 1 " ‘ * * *
have ddayed their movements to do
so at dnee and get tbe benefit of buy
ing at actual coat. Dbnt wal% for the
last minute.
Marlin Dry Goods Co.
iHE undersigned. John C. Ruthc-ford, Au-
jl gustos O. Uncon nnd W. Mailer Wimberly,
nil o. Uncon, Bibb county Ga., hereby Rive notice
ns required by law, that tboy.navo formed n rail
road company, to bo Incorporated »nd known ns
the “Jacksonville nnd Enst Tennessee Uni rand
Company." The object nnd purpono of which la
to construct, mnlnlnln nnd operate a railioad for
the transportation of freight and passengers, be
ginning at a poiift in Wayne county Ga.,on tj.e
Altamaha river, opposlto to the mouth of Beard's
creek, and extending through and into the coun
ties of Wayne, Glynn, Camden and Chariton to a
point in Mill county of Charlton, or county of
Camdon, on the line dividing the State, .f Geor
gia and Florida, said point to be that at which a
"-"-oad to be projected and bnllt northwardly
I Jacksonville, lathe State of Florida to con-
with uld railroad shall tonch .aid State
of'said company aid of procni?ng a charter for
the same, thoundi
mu Biuuo. uio undersigned have made and signed
articles of association as required by law, and
will at tbe proper time apply for a charter for
Mid oomoany pursuant to this no.ico and uld
article, of •"OcUUon.^ UUTHEBFORD,
February 14.1888.
Hard Coal
Just received by schooner, and now unloading,
• cargo of
Call at once and leave your order, for bard
ooftl U scarce.
nj£u3.<d. Sale*
— ■/ ' ‘ 1 i \
. m. _ . ■*»
,’ ■ *•- _ - 1 . «
Nothing Second-Hand or .
loco '•». •
All Orders'for