Newspaper Page Text
Daily Advertiser
>AY, OCTOBER 13, 1888.
The New State Capitol.
Atlanta Oonstitntlon.
The new , capital ie steadily ap
proaching completion. The beautL
fill pink marble wainecoting ie be
ing put up around the walls of the
grand corridor* on the first floor, and
the white marble tiling ie being laid
on gjjl three floor*. The marble steps
of the grand stairway in one of the
•great light shafts have been put in
1^1 ace and the iron frame work of the
hlflurawsits toe step*. TheGovera-
tfs private office, in the north end,
Blushed in maple and the adjoin*
in&oflMee in cherry. The exeoptlve
efflcee extend from the north entrance
round the west _ side; taking up all
the rooms on the first floor to ,the
main entrance but' two, which has
tieen ‘assigned to the Secretary of
The doom and door frames open
ing into the corridors are all of oak,
and the inside of the doors is cover
ed with wood to match the finish of
protection!from imposition
Linen damask toi
Yellow Jack may yet get Tom
Stockton—Twenty New Cum
Reported np to Noon.
line of picture (rupee
at the Racket Store.
Leon Brand Collar*
racket prices at the to
Have you seen the
Soeclal to Advertiser-Appeal.
Jacksonville, Oot 13,—Twenty
new cases were reported up to noon.
A Miss Bell died at Panama.PpM
this forenoon. ;
Ton, Stooktan lle*<j$itic*}ly UF^dH
noon,’ having passe* a rtery biff
Most of the ^ick are dojng well, .|
Jacksonville Oct. 12,—The offi
cial bulletin for the twenty-four
hours ending at sis. o’clock to-night
read as follows: . ‘ jm
New cases:.. . .’ 60
Deaths......... .... i.4
Total cases to date. 3,495
Total deaths 308
. . FEVER ROTS. * *
Dr. R. B. Burroughs, brother of,
Diy W. B. Burroughs, of thu city, is
among the new cases at Jacksonville,
but ib pow considered out of danger.
Tho fever seeiqs to ha^B reached
South Jack,sohvine, which has hith
erto escaped, it being 40$dsb the riv-
60c, and 75c. corsets? They are equal
to any $1, and $1.85 of any other
house in town. .RaokOt Stora
The Racket Store hto cut the prices
in dress buttons to less than one half
1 to what our competitors aro selling
! them at
Floor and taiblo oil oioths below
0 ■
,«Xhe people have awakened to-the fact that hitherto misrepresentation
haa plaped sad havoc with their minds and purses, and that they are de^
termtned to have no more of it is a credit to their good judgment, but a saffi
very sad, blow to the proprietors of those establishments where they-arm
never so happy as .when they are making idle boasts of always nhderselling
others. But it will be a very cold day when, th^se parties oome down to
the prices of the , . ♦
fees buttons at
e of our would
et Store,
iow and very
at the Racket
Emporium Hall of J. Michelson
Stafe, ■" m
A new line'ofjff
Racket Store./
For this weuftM
of photo and. aut
r shades at the
A special sale
raph albums at
the Racket Stir
All colorsjnfj
yard, worthyl’
Jerseys, Jer8<
nobby at racket
Btore. - | M , ;
" ^Some-very ha
tea at 08c. per
3 Racket Store,
erscys, new and
at the Racket
le lace curtains
liket Store.
is equal to any
which reaches from-ttaq second floor
through the third acro^| end, is
finished in cherry, and the Wpremo
Court room in tho south fend, is fin
ished in oak. The Senate Chamber
is in oak, and the House of Repre
sentatives with the surrounding cor
rldorsis flnishedfin cheny. v
' It is thought that thefluildiag
be finished in JanasaBF> fad%iat the
Ever realized in Southwestern Georgia. 1
Goods of the latest styles are arriving daily fro
and will offer them at low and astonishing prices.
erfrom Jacksonville proper.
Notwithstanding the fever, the
Sub-Tropjcat Exposition at tfapkson
vjllejs •annoaffeed to open January
15,1880. 'v' *'
Reports from Fernandina show 26
new maps' and/no deaths.; Supplied
areneedefl there badly.
> jrslyehalp at the ]
; ; Our 58c. kid gloj
- $1 glove of our coq
j Store. ’ Jj
* For Hambura-1
broideries of ,aU.i
Backet Stere. .Vi
ititors. Racket
r % ,
gings and em-
ids, go to the
at the Racket
purchaser of TV& DOLLARS WORTH OF GOOBfiL-fbr
give a ticket eatttlipg the holder to a chance in the drawing
ui I <mnfi iWliM'
Elegant set of Walnut Furniture of 10 Pieces,
To tak^plaoe January 10th, 1889.
vkwomtu ram om»rr* tat wit ornci.
. •
Jackson, Miss., has raised her quar
Appling Superior Court
Convened this week, nud almost the
entire week was devoud to the trial
of criminal business.
Alfred Hall, a white/nan, was con
victed of burglary, and Richard Gol
den, the fiegro who was captured in
Darien last week, was convicted for
a complicity in a murder committed
about two years ago, and will goto
the penitentiary for life. But the
most important case tried was that
of Horace Bee, who it will be remem
bered was convicted at the last term
of Appling court, for the murder of
Lucius Grant, committed on last
Christmas feve, and was sentenced to
be hung in July, but was granted a
new trial because of newly discover
ed evidence, and on the trial this
week'he was acquitted. The case
was a remarkable one from the fact
the killing occurred in the presence
ofabont fifteen persons at night, and
alter the shooting was done, Bee
was Bnd to be cut in half a dozen
different places all over his body,
and yqt no one can tell who cut him
He claims that the dead man cut
him, and that he shot him to save
bis own life. w
The Fruit Steamer.
We are pleased to announce that
arrangements are now complete for
putting on a steamer between Bruns
’wick and Jamaica to handle tropical
fruits. She is of the Louden, Colvil
Line, of GBlscow, Scotland, and will
make two trips a month.
To the Ladies
Who do faaoy work, I have a large
assortmentof materials and patterns
and at the lowest prices Just receiv
ed. Call and see them. My fall class
in fancy wprk has Just commenced.
Mas. W. E. Porter, Gloucester at,
near Newcastle s6
Cell at J. MiohoIioR’s fbr your
matting sad rugs.
bo in perfect order by the time the
summer session of the Legislature
begins. *.
A baby born in Kensington, a su
burb of Philadelphia, the other day
is supposed by the people in that lo
cality to be the devil. It is a boy
baby, with a black face, two horns
and a cloven foot. The people in the
house decided to kill the monster,
but the child astounded them by
running about the room and defying
them to touch him. As the story
goes, bis mother objected to having
a crucifix in the house saying that
she would rather have the devil.
When the baby was born the neigh
bors all said that it was the devil
sent as a punishment for the woman’s
Now that the railroad companies
have forbidden 'the use of their
bridges by lynching, parties in the
almost treeless State of Nebraska,
the interest in the forest, culture has
revived among its citizens.
One of tho greatest curiosities in
America is in Pittsburg. It is a po
liceman who actually offered to re
sign shortly (after his appointment
on tho street. An inquiry into his
sanity will doubtless be held.
An act to incorporate the “Cordele,
Waynesville and South Brunswick
Railroad Company,” and to grant
certain powers and privileges to the
same, and to provide for the building
of Its line of railroad from a point in
Waynesville, Wayne county, State of
Georgia, into Cordele, Dooly county,
said State, passing through the coun
ties of Wayne. Pierce, Appling, Cof
fee, Irwin, Wilcox and Dooly, and
authorizes said railroad company to
connect its road with the South
Brunswick Terminal Railroad Com
pany at Waynesville, Ga., and for
other purposes.
We shall apply to the next Gener
al Assembly of the Bute of Georgia
for the passage of an act, of which
the foregoing ie toe title. This Oct
lltb, 1888. W. F. Pexxikan,
Mallory P. Kino,
Hemet R. Simons,
the Racket Store.
Our 25c. and 35c. all wool jersey
gloves beat any 50c. and 75c. glove
you buy of our would be competitors.
Backet Store. . •
All shoes, ladies gents or Misses
are warranted ub represented at the
Racket Store.
Embroidericd shoulder scarfs, the
very thing you want at this season of
the year, at the Racket Store.
Tea sets, ginner sots, wash sets,
and crockery, china and glass ware
of every description at racket prices
at the Racket Store.
Syrup of Figs
Natures own true laxative. It is
the most easily takfen, and the most
effective remedy known to cleanse the
system when billious or costive; to
dispel headaches, colds and fevers;
to cure habitual constipation, indi
gestion, piles, etc. Manufactured on
iy by tho California Fig Syrup Com
pany, San Francisco, Cal. For sale
by Lloyd & Adams.
GEORGIA—Glynn County.
T) Y virtue of a power of sale, conferred upon it
JL> in the several mortgages hereinafter referred
i o by It. W. Thtot, the Mechnnioa’ Building and
Loan Association, a corporation doing bnsiness
in said State and county, will, between the hours
of ten ■ and twelve o’clock in the forenoon, on
next, at the Court Housodoor in said oonntv, sell
at publio outcry, to tho highest bidder, all that
parcel of land in tho city of Brunswick, In said
State and county, and bounded as foUows: Upon
tho oast by Egmont street, eonth by lot number
three hundred anti thirteen (818), west by the
three hundred s -■*
other one-haif of lot number
dred and eleven (311)—tho same being the eastern
ono-haU of that lot, lying in what is known as
the “Old Town” portion or laid city, and desig
nated upon tho map thereof, as made by Ur
nated upon the map thereof, as made by George
R. Baldwin, surveyor, A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-sveen, as lot number three
hundred and twelve (811), and belngthepremis-
cs now owned and occupied by said B. w.Thiot,
and whereon he now resides.
Such sale being made by vlrtna of the power
aforesaid, and to satisfy the principal, interest
Loan Association aforesaid, and upon which
mortgages said Thiot haa made default for more
than three successive months, whereby the right
to make this sale has accrued to this Association.
Warranty title will be made to the purehaaer at
• AssnrlATIOX. -
Twvaty years practical
This Space belongs to
The Live Newcastle Street Grocer.
A.nd. Oyster Saloon. •
Meals He Best tie Met iiris, Semi ii First-Class Stile
reasonable prices.