Weekly republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1848-1851, June 11, 1850, Page 4, Image 4

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New 2 bvtrii stme nt s. Oj- H. C«x of Cincinnati, writes as follows respecting a remarkable cure efFecvd by the use of Dr. Rogers’. Liverwort of t" Ma. A. L. Scovill —Sir—However reluctant I may have been to attach my name to a certifi cate recommending patent medicines, nostrums, etc., I not only think it my duty to my patrons, but to the community, and all afflicted with die * eased lungs, to stale that I have used Dr. Rogers’s Liverwort and Tar, in several cases with the hap piest effect; and in one care particularly, that of Miss Belt, who appeared to be laboring under the last stage of scrofulous consumption, as pronoun ced by several physicians, who were in attend ance previous to'*my taking charge of her case- By its use she has been entirely restored, is now enjoying the best of health. Very Hiram Cox, M. D. We learn from the Hon. Judge Morse, of Cin cinnati, that Dr.. Cox is a physician of the highest standing. For sale by Haviland, Risley, &. Co., B*«- RITT, Career, &, Co., Augusta, Ga., and by dealers in Medieines throughout the South. je6 KT mt. E. A. MJETCALF~reI respectfully offers his services to the citizens of Grxinx county as Physician and Surgeon. He may always be fouud at his office in Greensboro Aug 28 • _ KTS. S. Ostin, Practicing Physician and Surgeon, Knoxrille, Ga. m 25 ts I?Dr. Brown’* Kemedy for~iiie Piles. is recommended as a specific for Exter nal and Internal PILES. The Buffalo Morning Express says, u We sel fdom notice the nostrums that are presented to the public, but here is a preparaticu which we know ■ to be a specific, and which we commend to the attention and confidence of the afflicted.” Brown’s Pile Ointmeut is put up in Glass Jars, and sold at $2,00 each, by HAVILAND, RISLEY A Co, Druggists, Sole Agents for Augusta. KT Also for sale, as above, Dr. Brown’s Cold Plaster, for the cure of Spinal Affections, Neu ralgia, Rheumatism, etc—Price 50 cenls a box. ra-w.- 85 DENTISTRY. K. KT|O. Munson, M. D., SURGEON DENTIST, Augus to, Georgia. Ail operations warranted elegant and durable. aaricRCNCEs. A? Acgurta —Prof. Paul F. Eve, M. D.; Prof. A. ® Means, M. D.; Prof. H. F. Campbell, M. D.; John Bones, Esq.; DaaA'l Esq.; P. Flem ing, Esq. Athens. —A. Ckurch, D. D.; Prof. Waddell, M ; Prof. LsCente, M. D. Jl-wtf 1 “ PORTRAIT PAINTING. KTG. FULLER has t.ken room No. C, in the Masonic Hall, where he would respect fu Uy invite the public to call and examine his specimens of art, in crayon and oil colors. D 11 1849 KT The heirs of Elihu Ljinttn may learn something to their advantage by in quiring at this office. Lyman lived in Greene county, Goo., in 1792. Refer to Gilbert Loug street. my3o-2tw* KTBowel Complaints.— The beu Medicines in use for this disease can be had at the Botanic Laboratory.J. DENNIS, KT Dr. M. E. Swinney tenders his professional services to the inhabitants of Warren ton and Warren county. He has the experience of eight years in the practice of Medicine. Office Planters’ Hotel. april 13 J. & L. 8 MORGAN’S CHAIR AND FURNITURE MANU FACTORY, DECATURGEO. Every style and variety of Furniture constant ly kept on hand or made to order on the lowest ■■ terms. ap2 ■X ' WASHINGTON HALL, MACON, Ga. By ROGERS <f- MEARA, D 8 Floyd Hmue, MACON, Ga. By BUFORD <f WILLIAMS, D 8 4 THOMAS W. FLEMING, —— ’1 Xj.liWJ* «WV W»i je.'ji * .vT CONTINUES to do business <m Mclntosh street, Augusta, Gkorgia, and solicits con signments of produce. Dll 1 y Eagle Hotel. PERRY, GA. THE undersigned lias opened the above Hotel in Perry, and would be glad to enter tain his friends and the travelling public. His Hume is nearly entirely new, and he is now erect ing Stables, at a convenient distance from the Hotel. He intends to spare no pains to please, and would be thankful lor patronage. April 30—6 m. C. J. STALEY. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, CORNER OS CHURCH AND QUEEN STREETS, CHARLESTON, 8. C. (Formerly kept by Charles H. Miot.) KrJAMES W. LAMKIN and JAMES M. HURST having become tiie Proprietors of the above extensive and well known establishment, solicit the patronage of their friends, and the pub lic generally. ly Aug 11 GLOBE HOTEL, Decatur Georgia. FfIHE PROPRIETOR has made such alter- "" | au..nd additions to the above Hotel as will enable him to entertain all hie old friends and such new ones ns may favor him with their calls. The proximity of Decatur to mineral springs, its convenience of access by Railroad, and its ex emption from epidemics and almost all kinds of diseases, make it a desirable village in which to spend a summer. The proprietor of the Hotel will spate no exertions to render satisfaction to thoee who may favor him with their patronage. E. N. CALHOUN JT Constitutionalist and Charleston Mercury will please copy. a P 2 ~ tf LIVERY 4TIBLES, ROME. GEORGIA. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECT FULLY INFORM THE PUBLIC, That he Ja fully prepared wi Carriages, Buggies, and Saddle and Harness Horses. To accommodate the public ou liberal terms. His Drivers are careful and experienced. Stran gers visiting Rome, if they will only enquire for the Stables of the undersigned, can always be fur nished with" conveyances on the shortest notice His Stables’are in the rear of the Exchange Ho- Lc!. WILLIAM RAMEY. July ts Globe Hotel, LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA. THE undersigned returns his grateful ac knowledgemenls to the public for theirpast generous patronage, and begs leave to announce the fact that he is now making active prepara tion for the approaching summer season. It is his determination that his house shall sustain the high reputation given it by its former proprietor, Mr. Alexander, and that no paius or expense shall be spared to make those, who, anxious to sojourn during the summer s.-uson in a delightful and healthy up country village, favor him with a call. Attached to the Globe Hotel are as good Stables as can be found in the Stale, and they are attended by prompt and careful Ostlers. The proprietor will furnish Houses and Carriages or Buggies to order He would also stale that the water in Lawrenceville is always excellent iu the summer season, and that his Hotel is particular ly designed, from the location and site of the rooms, for the entertainment of families. March 19—wffin V. HOLMES. WASHINGTON HALL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA undersigned having assumed the man- of llie above establishment, will ■i. . ' s’l' ..■■V BBk eSb. ’ be at hand X ViW'eii'!.'' R E KJi E Store, where SlSliS m&uufac <l such pncee SWe Maud S ' B SOUTHERN beer. Augusta Brewery. The Subscriber Would inform his friends iu this city and in the interior, that he is now prepared to fur nish from his Brewery in this city, a good article of SUMMER BEER. As he will generally make to order, what he sends away will be fresh and may be depended on. It being a new enter prise in this part of the country, he expects en couragement, and will use his utmost endeavors to merit it. Competition is the life of Trade and his calculation is to furnish a good and cheap. ar ticle when compared with Northern prices. Or ders addressed to, or left at F. L-m’Aek’s, will meet with prompt attent on. june 6M. FREDERICK. ENDLESS CHAIN PUMFh THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully in form the citizens of Augusta, and the public generally, that he has fitted up on Green-street in the rear of Messrs. Baker &. Hart’s store, one of his--new and improved End less Chain Pumps, which he will take pleasure iu showing to any whs may wish to examine it. These Pumps are superior to any other used, and are generally in use- on the Georgia Railroad. The advantages are their exemption from getting out of order, greater cheapness and facility in using them. The Chain consists of galvanized iron, which resists any effects of the water, which is raised by metal elevators with great ease and in a few moments. The water is always brought up fresh from the bottom of the well. Those who may wish to purchase can call upon the subscriber at Warrenton, or Mr. Rob er> Hi May, of Augusta. All orders attended to promptly, with instructions to put them up. jefi E. HALE. PROSPECTUS OF “TIIE SOLTHERI PRESS.’’ AN ASSOCIATION of sixty-three Members of Congress, Senators and Representatives, have constituted the undersigned a Committee to superintend the establishment of a Southern Press at Washington City, to be devoted to the exposition and defence of Southern Rights and institutions—the dissemination of correct infor mation as to Northern Policy, and the course of Political Affairs generally, without reference <( the old party lines of Whig and Democrat. Ar rangements are now in progress, promptly to en sure the issue of such a paper under the title of “THE SOUTHERN.PRESS,” for the conduct of which, suitable Editors been engaged, who will also receive the aid'd; a number of eminent and able contributors. There will be both a Tri-Weekly and a Week ly issue—the latter to conta n substantially ths same matter as the former, and intended to reach those points of the country whose mail facilities are limited. A Daily issue will be added hereafter, should it be deemed advisable or necessary by the press and people of the Southern Stales. The paper will not be exclusively political, but will embrace on its broad sheet the General News of the day, Domestic aud Foreign, by mail and telegraph ; Commercial aud Agricultural In telligence, Literary Criticisms, Original Essays, Literary and Miscellaneous; and, in short, all those items of general interest, the collected ag gregate of which constitutes the interesting and valuable'Newspaper. Great care will be taken to give full and correct Reports of the Proceed ings and Debates in both Houses of Congress, as well as the action of the local Legislatures on the Southern question. A limited number only of Advertisements will be received—the main object being to furnish a large amount of reading melter- The paper will be printed on a sheet equal in size to those of the other Washington papers, and the material will be procured especially for the purpose. It is confidently hoped that every true friend to the South will aid in procuring subscribers, and forward the names, with the amount subscribed, to some Southern Representative at Washington, forthwith. Postmasters are authored by law to remit sub scriptions free of postage. Tea Mot For Tri-Weekly during the Session of Con gress, and Semi-Weekly during the recess, the price will be, per annum, $5. Weekly paper, $2 50. The price of subscription must be paid invaria bly in advance, and the cash accompany the lame seat. All persons procuriug ten names shall be enti tled to receive a copy gratia for one year.’ A. P. BUTLER, JACKSON MORTON, R. TOOMBS, J.THOMPSON. Washington, May 25, 1850. CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON. OHXTXS, CROUP, ASTH. MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. This truly valuable Remedy for all diseases of the Lunge and Throat, has become the chief re liance of the afflicted as it 1s the most certain cure known for the above complaints. While it is a powerful remedial agent in the most despe rate and almost hopeless cases of Consumption, it is slso, in diminished doses, one of the mildest and most agreeable family medicines for com mon coughs and colds. Read below the opinion ofmenwhoare known to the world, aud the world roopect their opinioiie. FROM PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK. “Jsmee C Ayer—Sjr; I have used your ‘CHERRY PECTORAL,’ in my own case of deep-coated Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical constitution that it « an admirable compound for the relief of Isryngisl and bronchial difficulties. If my opinion as to its superior cha racter can be of any service you are at liberty to use it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, LLD., President of Amherst College From the “LON PON L ANCET.” "AYER’S CHERRY PEC’PQftALis one of the most valuable prepa-atione that has fallen under our notice. After a careful examination, we do not hesitate to say we have a large appre ciation of its merits and the fullest confidence in its usefulness for coughs and lung complaints." Dr. Brewster, of Windham Co., Conn., sends us the following testimony.— Dr. J. C. Ayer—Dear Sir :—I enclose yon a certificate from Mrs. Catharine K- Cady, a highly respectable lady of thia village, wife of -Mr. Seth Cady, Deputy Sheriff, Windham Co., Connect icut- The cure in ber cose was very prompt, and has attracted general attention. W. A. BREWSTER, M D Wist Killinult, Ct., Sept. 1848. Thjemay certify that I was afflicted with a very severe sough in the winter of 4i-8, which threate .eli to terminate in Consumption- I had tried many medicines iu vain, and was gpred by the use of‘AYER'B CHERRY PECTORAL.’ CATHERINE K-CADY. DIRECT EVIDENCE Dr.J.C. Ayer. Lowell—Dear Sjr:—Peeling under obligations to vou for the restoration of my health. I send you a report of my case, which you are at liberty to publish for the benefit of oth ers. Last autumn I took a bad cold, accompani ed by a severe cough, and made use of many me dicines without obTaia : iag rplief- I was obliged to give up business, frequently rawed LloPr), and could get no sleep at night. A friend gave me a bottle of vour CHERRY PECTORAL the use of which I immediately commenced according to directions. I hsve just purchased the fifth bot tle, and am nearly recovered. I now sleep w e H> my cough has ceased, and all by the use of your valuable medicine, E. S. STONE, A. M. Principal Mt. Hope Seminary. From Dr. Bryant, Druggist aud Postmaster, Chicopee Fslls, Mass:— Dr. J. C- Ayes— Dear Sir :—Enclosed please find remittance for all tiie CHERRY FI-CIO RAL |a?t sout me- I can unhesitatingly say, that no medicine we sell gives such satisfaction as your’s does; nor have 1 ever seen a medicine i which cured so many cases of Cough and Lung I Complaints. Our Physicians are using it ex ; leasreaiy in their practice, and with the happiest effects, Trilly U. M. BR\ AN 1 raErxazD by i. c. xrsa, pagMisT, lowku., mass. Sold wholesale and re tad by Kis- utv A Co,, W. K. i Co. Kitchen, Augusta, Gw; Wm. Root, ManeUa; A- Castes, Columbus; S. T Mims, Edgefield C. H. S- C- by druggists sad dealers in Medicine generally throughout the Sure. Wm. Allston Gourdin, FACTOR, No 4, East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C-, IS prepared to make liberal advances on con sigumeuts of Rice, Coltoa, Corn, Sugar, Flour, Gram, Hay, &c- BEFKRENCn, Means. Gourdin, Maith ieson Co. ) GecT??>A. Hopley, > Charleston, Tandy Em V Greenville, S. C, May 7 JOB PRINTING Neully exeeSted at this|Ofttc« ■ WHOLESALE AHI) RETAIL DRUG STORE. Philip A. lifmse, Dealer ih Choice Drugs and Med: Ofes, Chemicals, Surgeons’ Window Glass, Brush. and Agent for all the most Patent Medi cines, at the old stand otDr. Titos. I. Wkav. Metcalf’s Range, Augusta, Ga. Country merchants, Physicians, and Planters are informed, that they will find llie pijars of arti- /Ji cles,at this establishment, as low asuny qj the Southern country. Jan 7 lye , R. R. R. ~ ANEW atd light hyarisen and now .tends high in the dingits goldoiijS-rHof hope » >on pairing minds bed-riddeu andaffKSu with pain, like the MP- rag forth of the rava oftd.e suiuKion dismal frigid rvitera (’■■i- ra|.li H tli. ... Rad way’s An instantaneous avtidote for pains of all kinds, the very instant Radway’s Ready Relief is ap plied, its pain-relieving qualities are realized, it will relieve the most severe pains of Rb*-uina tism, Lumbago, Gout, Paralysis, Tic Dolor-ax, &.C., in a few minutes. I “* l *'4Bt “ — ITS C * IJBK ’ ti’xtmxnt sxd cuar. An Kiieutp tic Pains instantly cured by Rad way’e Reai’y Relief. RMramHism arises from different causes, but mostgguezylly proceeds from Colds, exposure to damf weather, aud sloping in d; — ,p apart- Tnent«. This complaint is divided iuu‘"vo class es ; the first, Inflammatory, so caljpi from Pu swelling and inflau/>nation that aueud the pains ia the parts affected ; second, Chr. nic Rheuma tism, so called from the long continuance'of the disease. It is also known as Lumbago, or pain in the back ; Scia/icia, or pains in the hip or groin ; Anthrodyuia, or pains in die joints. Th* Acute Rheumatism into one of these and becomes a chronic complaint. To relieve your tortures, apply Radway’s Rea dy Relief, on a warffi flannel cloth, previously bathing the parts with warm water, also take 30 or 40 drops of the Belief internally in some mo <as.es twice or thre; times a day ; this will give warmth to the stijiach, and surely relieve you from all Rheumatic pains. It is also speedy and effectual ill its operation in the cure of diseased Spins, Stitch in.the Back, Lameness, Soreness of the Joints, Weakness, aud pain in the side, Nervous Headache, Tic Dolereux ami Tooth Ache, Spasms, Strains, Cramps iuthe Stomach, Piles, Sores, Burns, Scalds, Eruptions of the Skin, Sour Stomach, Heart Bum, Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Reader, if you have the mis fortune to be troubled with either of the above distressing complaints, be thankful that an anti dote for your pains is at hand in Radway’s Ready Relief. It is sure to give you instant sate, and to your joy will ensure you a speedy and perfect cure. See that each bottle has the sac simile sig nature of Radway & Co. upon each label—none other is genuine. A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE. A NEW LABEL—STEEL ENGRAVING. To protect the public against purchasing counterfeits of Radway’s Chinese Medicated Soap, R. G. Radway, the celebrated Chemist of New York, has at a great expense engaged the services of one of the first artists of steel engrav ou the UnU two female figures of heaith and beauty, reclining on a tablet and scroll work, on which are the works “ Radway’s Medicated Soap” in illuminated letters. On the opposite side of the tablet is the sac-simile signature of R. G. Rad way. The design is neat, chaste, artistic, and elegantly executed. The virtues of the Soap are also improved, the high popularity which this excellent soap has attained for its superiority over all others forToilet, Medicinal, and Shaving purposes, has impelled us to strive and improve upon its merits, instead of resting satisfied on its already gained laurels. We have now entered Into arrangement for the importation direct from our correspondent in C>n stantinople in Turkey, and Canton in China, for our several oils, gums, balsams, and extracts of rare medjoiual virtues, which we use In the manufacture of Radway’s Soap, instead of re ceiving them from third parties, so that now we have the satisfaction of knowing that the highly medical and balsamic properties of our Soap are pure and unadulterated As a beautifier of the skin, it surpasses every thing of thp kind ju the world, it removes Red ness, Pimples, Blotches, Tetters, Rash. It cures Salt Rhem, Ring Worm, Sore Heads, Sores, Pustular Eruptions. It imparts heaith to the skin and beauty to the Complexion. As a Nursery and Toilet Soap, it is beyopd the reach of rivalry, and for Shaving purposes it is the beat in use. One cake of Radway’s Scan will last longer than three cakes of the same size of any other Soap in use, therefore it is the cheapest and best Soap in the world. Price 25cants, large cakes in engrav ed wrappers, and the signature of R. G. Radway upon each wrapper. Now through the Harem chambers many lights Os busy shapes proclaim the toilet rights— While some bring balm from Circassia’s fair, Tq dies? and beautify their lovely Hair, Which makes the maids of Circassian sires Within the breasts of Kings pure love inspire. To Dress and Beautify the Hair, Radway’s Circassian Balm is becoming quite popular, in the course of time if will supersede all other pre parations in use, it cures bladuess strengthens the hair, eradicates daudruff, and makis the hair soft, fine, snd glossy. By using the balm as per direc tions, i( w|ll qjake it cyrl beautifully, resembling nature. Price 25 cts. in large bottles. See thst Radway & Co., ieupop each bottle- June 6 9m LAMP WICKS, for Oil orCamphene Lampe, all sizes, for sale by jel PHILIP A. MOISE. Druggist. PURE CHLOROFORM, just received aud for sale by jelfrtllLfp A. MOISE, Druggist. rpA-RRANT’S SELTZER APERIENT, a JL fresh supply, just received arid for sale by jel PHILIP A. Druggist. BATH BRICKS—SOO Bath BRICKS, for cleaning Knives, just received and for sale by jel PHILIPA. MOISE, Drugrist. J^TOTICE. —A fresh supply of that excellent J Y Lamp OIL, at one dollar a gallon, just re ceived and lor eale b. jel • PHILIP A MOISE, Druggist. YEAST POWDERS, at 25 cents perboj. A fresh supply just received and for sale by ;e2 JPHILJP A. MOISE, Druggist. PIAXO FORTES— The continued success with which GEO. A. OATES &. CO. have met in the sale of their PIANO FORTES, has induced them to enlarge their supply, and they are now pleased to inform their frieuds aifd the public generally, that they have at present on hahd, and intend keeping continual ly, different styles and patens of both Rii.ewood aud Mahogany Piano Fortes, from the celebrated manufactories of Messrs. Bacon and Raven,A- H. Gale <J-Co., and Dubois A Seabuyy, New York, varying in prices from $225 to SSOO. They have supplied a great many orders from different sections of the country, and received from purchasers, at a distance, (who bought their Piaiiss, wiHivut fojl seeing them,) voluntary let ters of approval, both as lo’eniea and Thev would also cad attention to their large stock of BOOKS, FANCY ARTICLES and STATfGIs’ a RY, all of which they will sell at publishers’ and notlil-,4 prices. GUITARS. VIOLINS, FLUTES, CLAKIObiBTg, sgil all kmds of Brass and Wood Instruments, snha );!»for Bands, constantly on hand. Also Vio'” l aud Guitar STRINGS of choice quality.’ Their stock of PRINTED MUSJC is the largest in the State. Persons wanting any thing in Ahair into, wfflfind « t 0 llieir «dvantage to give them a triad, as thsy ate dstotntn’ed to spare no pains, iu their effiirt to give enure sag faction to all their customers GEO A. OATES & CO , De£. 13 U Broad street, Augt - la, Ga R. CROSSMAN’S Celebrated Specific, can always be had of the auihorijed agent, jel PfIILIP A. MOISE, Druggist Professional (Sa.riis y ANiyiEW IL 3L D.iwsov Attoosy and CuuNjjr.Li.Oß at Lav, Office on Washington, between Broad anil Rey nold streets, AUGUSTA, G-t. Will practice in the Counties of Richmond Burke, Warren, Columbia, Washington, Jeffer son, Hancock, Taliaferro, Elbert, Lincoln, Ogle thorpe, Morgan, Putnam, DeKalb, Gwiuett, Floyd, Cobb, Upson, Houston and Pike. ;-ud in the Circuit Court of the United States, and in the Supreme Court of Georgia at MilledgeVille and Decatur. (□"Special and prompt attention given to-col lections. Dec. 2f <m. C. PERKIMS, orney at Law, CUTHBERT, (RANDOLHH C 0.,) GA. NovsJ2 ly* DPYAL and NOLAN, ATTOKNIES AT LAW, - april 27McDONOUGH, Ga. LUCUS J. OARTRELL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ga., Practices in all the'Csunties a! the Northern Circuit. ifeb 9 ly T. W. J. Hill, LAW, Anarch.\ Decatur, Ga. A”. W. Alexander, ATTORNEY AT LAW, march 12-ly Lawmlencevillb, Ga. JAMES €i. GOULD, Mr e y at L, aw , AWU' PA, c£c-54Gfl& , TOR JETTS AND CON- ’ M ill {pieties in tk» counties of the Middle Circuit. Office over P. A. Moise’s Drug store. Nov 20 AT7*G<jjr LAVf, ' march r!U Monrob, Ga. €reo. T. ATTORNEY AT LA f • * Monticello? Ga. Reference—Gould & Bulkley, and D’Antig "ua<\ vans, Augusta. ap2 T¥. <»,>& A. G. Foster, ATTORNIES AT LAW, Madison, Ga. Fannin & Wingfield, ATTvRNIES AT LAW, ®p3 Ma»i— x, Ga. J. H. Rakestraw, ATTORNEY AT LAW, a p2 (lovtngton, Ga. E. F. Harris, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Madison, Ga. Practices in the Ocmulgee Circuit. ap2 fiEA.I. L,. PRESCOTT, A TTORNE Y AT LA W, Mill Haven, Ga. Will practice in the Middle Circuit. March 30 R. K. and J. B. limes, ATTORNIES AT LA W, april 30 MACON, Ga. Wm. L. Fletcher, A TTORNEY AT LA W, april 30 GREENVILLE, Ga. IV. Mangum, ATTORNEY AT LFW, april 30 ATLANTA, Ga. MARCLS A. BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, mar 23 ATLANTAGEO. JOHN W, HUDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ml 4 EATON TONGEO. FRED. H. WEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, mar 26 ATLANTA GEO. Peeples and Collier, ATTORNIES AT LAW, Darlino G. Pbeiles, Barnwell C. H., S. C. James G. Collier, Augusta, Ga. (Office over Hand & Fleming’s store.) mar 7 SIMPSON &, WELLS, ATTORNIES AT LAW, u ’ al ' Atlanta ~ . ATTORNIES A T LAW, 4 ap2 Fayettf.vtlte, Ga. T. F. Jones, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ap2 Covington Ga. W. T. TRAMMELL, ATTORNE Y AT LA IV, ROME, Ga. Will practice iu Floyd, Paulding, Cass, Murray, Jan 26-Walker and Chattooga Counties.—ly Ee T. SHEFTALL, Att or ney at Law, DUBLIN, GA. Nov 6 ly R.AHISEY A DEaWDY, All orn ie s at Law, HAMILTON, HARRIS CO., GA. Nov 6 ly R. P. TRIPPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jan 22 FORSYTHGE<). ly A. & J. COCHRAN, A TTORNIES A T LA IV, J 26 IRWINTON, GA ly James F. Wright, A TTORNE Y AT LA IV, June 28 ly Warrenton, Ga. IbANIEE S. PRIMTPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME, GA. Nov 8 wtwly stroubTaTlbiHsc oe , ATTORNIES AT LAW, march 19 Monroe, Ga. zTwortom? attorney at law, march 19 Van Wert, Ga. SAHUEL P Tlll KUO.ND, ATTORNEY at law, march 19 Jefferson, Ga. R . K - II a r rix o ii , ATIORNEY AT LAW, January 3J LUMPKIN. Ga. ly J R <k JI. D. Jones, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WAYS ESBORO’..Georgia. Will practice in the Counties mond, Jefferson, Washington, Emauuil and Scriven. JOS. 1. JONES MALCOM D. JONES. January 3], ]BqQ " “ warn WM BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Crawfordville, Ga. January 10 ly FELIX C MOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Crawfordville, Ga January 10 ly pARNESyiLLp, Ga. Will practice in all the Counties of the Flint Circuit. Dec 18 ly GEO. W. JORDAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jan 26 HAWKINSVILLE, Ga ly THOS. T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jan2K‘ ' ” ly M- ASHURST. ATTORNEY AT EAW. EATONTON, GEORGIA. mys-ly R. M. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jan 26 SPARTA, Ga. ly J. W. Wurreq, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dee 18 COLUMBUS, Ga. ly Chambers and Flewellen, ' A TTdRNIES A T LA W, Dec 15 COLUMBUS, Git. ’ 1 SEWARD <fc LOVE, ATTORNIES AT LAW, Jan 23 THOMASVILLEGEO. ly HOE A NISBET. ATTOBNUES AT LAW, I ~ Mlacon7... Clew., " IT Practices in the counties es Bibb, Twiggs, Jones, Monroe, Pike, Crawford, Houston aud Maeou, aud iu the United States Circuit Conrt . and the Georgia Supreme Court- d 4 JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ap23 THOMASTONGEO. JAMES W GREENE, Attorney at Law, apt'3 THOMASTONGEO. W. .1. LAWTC«. Attorney at Law, nov 24] SYLVANIA, GA. ly C. A. LIGHTFOOT, AIT LAW, WARRENTON.?.GA. Fl 2 WARREN & BUTLER, ttornies at Law, nov 24] STARKVILLE, GA. ly DAWSON A CAIN, A TTORNIES A T LA IV, SPARTA, GA. EF Will practice iu<be Northern and Middle Circuits. ts jgi Oct 4 ELEAZER CUMMING, Attorney at Law, SANDERSVILLE, GA. Will practice in the Middle and Ocmulgee Circuita.ly Oct 20 J. P. K. SAVAGE, Attorney at Law, TALLAHAJSE, Fla. D 8 L. B. SMITH, Attorney at Law, TALBOTTON, Ga. D 8 EILAND A THORNTON, ATTORNIES AT LA W, TUSKEGEE. Ala. D 8 TERHUNE A PERKINS, ATTORNIES AJ LAW, ROME, N°v 8 vvtwly John ’ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dec 18 MACON, Ga. - ly . Robert S. Lanier, A TTORNE Y A T LA IV, .; Dec 18 MACON, Ga. ly LAW NOTICE.-The office of the un dersigned is on Broad street, third door be low the Post Office corner. He will bq thankful tor patronage 111 ' ' JOHN MILLEDGE TO CAPITALISTS. THE Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church in the City of Augusta, will LEASE, for a term of years, the Western end of the square fronting the Georgia Rail Road .depot, ™tb a front of about 300 feet ou Jackson, andneXttfnding about 220 along Walker and Telfair streets, whereon a WAREHOUSE shall be built; or ou certain conditions, they will build to suit appli cants. Apply to L. CHARLES DUGAS, ) o MARTIN FREDERICK, = m23-lm A. PICQUET, S • FRESH FLOUR. The colemajllgranite flour ing M ILLS, located on the Augusta Ca nal, are now ii) dperotfon ; and Extra Family FLOUR is dally ground, and for sale in bags of 98 and 49 lbs, at the store of t’ B. H. WARREN & CO., mylß ' " 205 Broad-street. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS. No. 296, Broad Street, Augusta. GRAY BROTHERS WOULD invite the attention of the public to their large and well assorted stock of SPRING DRY GOODS, which are now opening, and will continue to re ceive weekly, in their New Store, next Messrs D’Antignac and Barry’s Drug Store, the newest and most fashionable styles, adapted to the pre sent and approching seasons. As an experienced purchaser will remain in the, Northern Markets, in order to have all the facil ities of getting goods cheap by attending to the Auctions, buying for Cash, knocking off all dis counts and selecting the latest styles as they ar rive from foreign markets. We have now in stock— Rich, plain, colored and shaded SILKS; Plain, pink, blue and black BAREGES and TISSUES; Superior extra Crape Shawls; Snow-drop Damask NAPKINS; Superior double DAMASKS; Extra rii QT Piano and Table COVERS; Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIFS; Bleached and brown SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS ; Factory HOMESPUNS; BROAD CLOTHS and CASSMERS; In fact, embracing every article in the Dry Goods line, which will be found one of the largest assortments in this City, and now offer for Cash at prices which they are confident will not fail to insure purchasers. The Goods will be marked in plain figures, from which no abatement can be made, as our object is to sell goods cheap for cash, and have only one price asked. feb23 LADIES’ Writing Desks, Work Boxes and Port Monnies, some very hqndsome. Just received by DUNHAM A BLEAKLEY. jel Con f e c t i o nar ies, Wholesale and Retail, BY A. FREDERICK. Manufacturer Augusta, Ga. BY LONG EXPERIENCE in my business, I can warrant Confectionaries of my own make, to be of superior quality, equal to any ma nufactured in this country, and it is not effected by the weather. Merchants in want will please call and exam ine for themselves, or send their orders, which will meet with prompt attention Boxes from 20 to 100 pounds, assorted in any manner desired. The subscriber has also for sale various other articles in his line, such as French Confectionaries, Foreign and Domestic Green & Dried FRUITS, lecnion and other Syrnps, Cordials, Preserves, Wines, SEG A RS, & c: &. C- April 20 wintw &w3m Augusta Female ACADEMY. r¥IHE exercises of this Institution will be re- JL sumed on the FIRST DAY OF OCTO BER NEXT. Paiticular attention is paid to Reading, .Spell ing, Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Composition, (epistolary and didactic) and Pen manship, as these constitute thv sou i. Nation of a thorough and practical education. Those parents, then, who desire to have their children v’eil grounded in these branches, are invited to giy?? a trial. Early application should be made to L. LATASTE, Principal. Sept 4 th&wtf New work on free~ma«onry. —The Analogy of Ancient Craft Masonry, to natural and revealed Religion, by Charles Scott, A. M., Grand Master of the Grand (xxlge of the State of Mississippi—-! large vol ; price $2. Thia work should be iij the hand of every Mason. Forsa eby DUNHAM & BLEAKLEY, jel Augusta, Geo. WINDOVZ sHa DES — Now opening, a splendid let of Paper Window Shades, of new and cheap patterns. Also, transparent shades with trimmings to match, from §2,50 to $6 each pair ; house paper, anfi bordering to match, from Bto 12} cts. apiece. For sale by jeIDUNHAM & BLE AKLEY. IRE SCREENS, FIRE SCREENS— A beautiful assortment of cheap Fire Soreeiui. For sale by DUNHAM BLEAKLEY. jel Jew David’s, or Hebrew Plaster. ®This popular Plaster has been known to cure Rheu matism permanently in three weeks, and Gout hi half that time, by removing local inflamation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. There is not a family in the puited States that would consent to be without the Plaster a sin gle day if they knew its value. The genuine is for sale by Haviland, Ris ,kt, Al Co., Augusta, Barnett fc po., and by deafers in’ Medicines throughout •he South. je6 OLGATE’S PEARL STARCH—Twenty boxes of this superior Starch, just received and for sale by m 23 PHILJP A. MO|SE, Druggist. I LALLERBTEDT&, WIMBERLY HAVE OPENED a very large stock of th» newest and most superior styles of SPRING noons, AMONG WHICH ARE Superior Paris Alborines and Tissues ; Plain changeable Mousse -DeSoi; I Colored and white dotted Swiss Muslins ; Superior French Jaconets and Muslins ; I Manchester Ginghams and Prints; : Plain and figured Bareges, colored aud black ; I Plain and embroidered Crape Shawls; Real Paris Kid and Twisted Silk Gloves; Silk and Cotton Hose and half hose, large assort ment ; Irish Linen and Table Damask ; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, great variety ; Cloths, Casimeres and Testings ; Bleached and brown Sheetings and Shirtings ; Plain and figured Furniture Dimity ; Marseilles Quilts; Sup. Sup. Table and Piano Covers ; To which we invite attention, at our old stand, corner Globe Hotel. mar 9 New Goods—New Goods. THE subscribers are now opening a Large Stock of Spring and Snmmer Dry Goods, of the newest and most fashionable styles, among which are, AlbaflMes, Hemani and Polka Muslins, Plain and Printed Beregesand Tissues, Rich Colored and Black Figured Silks, Plain Cameliaqffilks, French Printed lsawns and Muslins, Large Plain and Embroidered Crape Shawls, White and Black Twisted Silk Shawls, Richardsons pure Irish Linen, Rich Table Damask and Snow Drop Diaper, “ Damask and Snow Drop and Napkins, . 12-4 Barnesley’s heavy Linen Sheetings, ** 9-8 and 5-4 Pillow Case Linens, French, English and American Prints, Plain, Chambra and Plaid Ginghams, English Hosiery, extra sizes. ALSO, Angola White Flannels; a new article for sum mer wear, which washes 4NI and costs very little ;"a good stocLof Lwns anirCottonades, for men’s and boy’s wear ; together with a great variety of other Goods. They respectfully solicit the attention of their friends, antLcprsolis visiting the city, to their largt stockg^bds,as they will sellvery the adv<fi,ce irt the f&iee of 'Wv ton. JAMES MILLER & CO , Corner opposite the Mansion House. March 16 yc P A raboTF andumbrelms. XT. BRENNAN &. CO., have received a supply of Rich Brocade Silk PARASOLS $5 to $lO each. Rich white Damask PARA.SOLS; Rich green Ture Salin Do.; Rich black aud second ’■‘ijprning PARASOLS; Plain scolloped ~^fik;S red Do.; from 75c, to $2.25, each; Extra Size PARASOLS and Ladies UM BR ELLAS; Gentlemen’s Siik, Lawn and Gingham Do., May 9 w&ty 1 w. Rich Dress Goods, For Ladies’ Spring and Summer Wear. SNOWDEN &. SHEAR RESPECTFULLY inform their friends in the city mid country, that they have nojr received tli«ir full Spring and Sjnnmer supplies, embracing a Very large and splendid assortment of Ladies’ Dress Goods, among wlych are, Ladies' rich white and black Luce Mantillas, of the latest Paris styles, Ladies’ 8-4 black Lace She wls, of splendid styles and patterns, Ladies’ whitecfoj,fod Swiss Muslin Mantillas, and Napoleon of the Iq&est styles, Real and Cufis, and Ladies’ ricWveck and Bonnet Ribbons. Rich Foulard and smalt checked Ladies’ Sum mer Silks, of superibr’slyles, Extra rich black figured Silks, and plain black Bareges, ' White dotted Swiss Muslins, of beautiful styles for Ladies’ Dresses, Rich French printed Jaconets, and Embroidered Swiss Muslins, White embroidered Jaconets, a new article for Ladies’ Dresses, French Linen Cambrics, aud plain Swiss Mus lins, at very low prices, Thread Lace Edgings and Insertings, and Swiss and Jaconet Edgings aud Insertings, Ladies’ fancy Silk aud Lisle Thread Gloves, of beautifulstyles, Plain pink, blue, green, and buff colored Bare ges, for Ladies’ Dresses, Fancy colored Poplins (warranted silk aud lineu) for Ladies’ Dresses, Plain buff, blue, and pink Chambrays, of superior Frinia; <rf the latest patterns, With a large supply of STAPLE ARTICLES for Family and Plantation use, and all of whfohT will be sold at the lowest prices. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine the as sortment. Ajirii 13 3m FOR SALE—-A first rate Family HORSE, eight years old, perfectly gentle in harness, moves wall under the saddle, and warrented sound. Apply to E. C. TINSLEY. April 18 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. rpilE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale the I lot and improvements on the south side of Broad-street, near the lower maiket, at present occupied by Wm. T. Page, Esq., running half way through to Ellis-street. Also, one lot immediately in the rear of the above mentioned lot, fronting on Ellis-street, running half way through to Broad street, with a comfortable dwelling, suitable for a small family, with all necessary outbuildings. I also offer a very desirable residence on Green street, containing 95 feet on Green-street with a large two story dwelling with all necessary out buildings, dining-room, kitchen, servant rooms, smoke house, stable, and a large carriage house. The buildings are all new and built of the best of materials. The premises are at present occupied by Edmond Glascock. Esq. I also offer my farm for sale, formerly the resi dence of Gov. Schley. It is one of the most desi rable residences in Richmond county, six miles from Augusta, on the Louisville road, containing five or six hundred acres of land with a large comfortable dwelling, with all necessary out buildings, with an excellent well of pure water, from five to six acres in an orchard of choice fruit trees; about one hundred and fifty acres cleared, the balance in wood land Tne Waynesboro Railroad will run in half mile of my residence. Terms easy. L. T. SHOPP. my 30 linw Belair Train. A SPECIAL TRAIN will be run between Augusta and Belair, during the ensuing summer, commencing on Saturday evening Ist June. The train will leave Belair daily at 7} A. M., and Augusta at 5} P. M. Rates of Fare— Season Tickets $20,00 — Tickets for one month $5,00 —Single tickets 25 cents—Bo Tickets for SIO,O0 —32 Tickets for $5,00. Transportation Offi. G.R.R. &. B.C. May 25, ’SO. To Young Physicians. ANY young Phygipiqn, Wishing to purchase a splendid location for a low price, would do well to apply at this office. The practice is equal to that of any point in the State. March 21 $2 SEW SPRING GOOIkS, T BRENNAN &, CO., are now receiving •their Stock of Spring and Summer Dry Goods, Amongst which are— Rich colored Silks, plain and figured, Black Gros D’Rhine and poult Bareges, Tissues, Alborines, &c.; Printed and Eiribroided Jaconet, Swiss, and Organdie Muslins and Lawns; Linen Lustres and Plain and Embroidered Crape Snawls ; A large supply ofCalicoes and Ginghams; Jaconet, Swiss, Mull and Nansook Muslins; Irish Linen and Linen Sheeting; Table Damasks, Napkins and Doylas; Linen Cambric, and fine Lhien Lawns; Plain, Hemstitched and Corded border L. C. Handkerchiefs; Lace Capes, Needle worked Collars, Cuf&, Ac; Kid, Lisle, Silg arid Thread Gloves and Pic Nic Bonnet, Cap and Neck Ribbons; Linen Thread, Lisle and cotton Lace; Silk Moravian and Cotton Hojcy, Plain and figured Boobinett, black and white; Bleached and unbleached Sheetings and Shirt ings; Long Cloths, and a full supply es Domestic Goods. Also, Drab D’Etes, Cassimsrs, CashmeretU, Lineu Drills, Cottoned®# o 1 " 1 piker styles, for peiits aud Boys' Spring and Summer wear; with almost every article usually kept iu a Dry Good's Store. All of which we will sell at a small ad vance on the cost, aud to which we respectfully invite the attention of the Public T. BRENNAN A CO-, Next door to Ijaud A Williams’s Grocery Store. mh26 Citation*. Georgia, Hicinnond county Whereas Wm. A. Walton, administrator on the estate of U. B. Clark, deceased, late of Barnwell District, South Carolina, applies for letters disrnissory from said estate: These are hereby to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ; ed,to be and appear at myoflice, within the time • prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. LEON P. DUGAS, Clk. C. O. R. C. i May 11, 1860. A 1 EORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY— I VJTWhereas John C. Carmichael, execukr of I the will of John Carmichael, deceased, applies W me-for letters disrnissory : These are therefore to cite and admonish, N and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be aud appear at my office, wilhin the time prescribed by law, toshew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office at LEON P. DUGAS, Clerk. January 29 6m TCHMOND COUNTY, Georgia—Where as Louisa E. Hattier, Administratrix on the estate of William H. Hatti*r, applies to me far Letters disrnissory from the estate of the said de ceased, These are therefore to cits and admonish aM and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be aud appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters sh«nld not be grafted. Given under my hand at office at Angusta. LEON P. DL’GAS, Clerk. February 2 6m ICHMOND COUNTY. GeoZ-Wlrereas Sarah T. Greenwood, guardian of John H., George M., Frances R., and Elizabeth H. Rud dle, minors, applies for Letters Dism.ssory from said Guardianship. These are therefore to cite anil admonish all and singular the heirs and creditors sf said deceas ed. to be aud appear|Stoy office, within the tlijio prescribed by law, tFrehow causs, if any thsjfc have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this sth Marsh 1850. LEON P. DUGAS, Clerk. County?Georgia! Whereas Johu L. Tinley, Executor omths estate of David Tinley, deceased, applies to we for letters of dismission from said estate. These are hereby to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, whyr’kid-tetters should not be granted. Given undefNny hand and seal at sffice. LEON P. DUGAS, Cl’k. C. O. R. C. January 17, 1850. ICHHOMD County, Georgia. Whereas, Jason Watkins, administrator on tiie estate of Hightower Davis, deceased, applies to me (or letters of dismission from said estate : These arq tlrerefore to cite aud admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta LEON P. DUf AS, Clerk. January 26, 1850. J* ' icimo.vik County, Gcorgfa? Whereas Jimen W. Davies, administrator on the estate of David Wardlaw, late cf South Carolina, deceased, applies for letters disrnissory These are, therefore, to cite and admonish *H and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shfew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Augusta. LEON P.’ DUGAS, Cl’k C. O. R. O. November 13,1849. R~IC1IMON1) County, Georgia. Whereas James W. Davies, administrator (with the will annexed) on the estate of James Wardlaw, late of South Carolina, deceased, ap plies for letters disrnissory. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Augusta. LEON P. DUGAS, Cl’k. C. O. R. C. November 13, 1849. RICHIVIOIVB County, Georgia. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins applies te me for letters of administration (de bonis non, with the will annexed,) on the estate of Mrs. Hannah Longstreet, late of said county, de ceased. These are therefore to cite a.id admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they said letters should not be granted. G’ EORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY— Whereas, Elias C. Tinsley applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Tho mas Wise, late of said county, deceased; These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors, of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Qiven under my hand at office in Augusta. LEON P. DUGAS, Clerk. June 4, 1850. Georgia, Richmond county— Whereas, Aaron H.Cook applies tome for letters of administration on the estate of Clark J. Cook,late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite aud admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors es said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, withiu the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be gran ed. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. LEON P. DUGAS, Clerk. June 4. 1850. iNCdLICOiiif Y,' Georgia.— Whereas, Benjamjn P. O’Neal, guardian, for Drucilla Wright, minor of Samuel Wright, dec’d apply to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship: ' These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature this 29th day of April. 1850. may 2 B. F. TATOM, Clk. C. O. LINCOLN COUNTY, Georgia—Whereas Elizabeth Reed applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of John Reed, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite, summon and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Lincolnton, this 11th day of March, 1850. March 14 R. F. I ATUM, Clk C.O. LINCOLN COUNTY, Georgia^.Whereas Nicholas C. Ware, administrator on the es tate of Robert Ware, deceased, applies to mo lor letters dismissory from said estqtp, These are therefore to cite and admonish, r1! qt|d singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and ap ear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grafted. Given under my hand at effioe in Li llc( dntoH. Jan 15, 1850. 0. F. TATUM, Clerk T INUOEN CoUMty, Georgia.-a- J-J vV’hervae, Isaiah Cullers, Gqardiau of the minors of Thomas Gallis, deceased, applies to me for letters of diaiuissiou from the Guardianship of A»ll R. Dailis,now Ann R. Sistrunk: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, withiu the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said luttere should not he granted. Giv?w under my h a t>d and official signature, this 14th January, 1850. BENJAMIN F.TATOM.CI'k C O. January 17, 18JW- BURKE COUNTY, GEORGIA:— Where as, William Wood. Executorof the last will and testament of Thomas Wood, deceased, ap | plies to me for letters disrnissory : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de. ' ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the I time prescribed by law, to show cause, il any they have, why said l;>Usrs should not be granted. Givyii uud?r rev hand at office iu Waynesboro. EDWARD GARLICK, D. Clerk- March 9, 1850. BURKE BOUNTY, GEORGlA:—Where as, Itohert B. Mcßride, administrator with the will annexed on the estate of Ezekiel Hull, i deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the : time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any | they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro. EDWARD GARUCK, D Clerk. March 9, 1850, . ■> ■ ■ IMPORTANT, A LOT OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER, genuine, just received by I mariK D B PLUMB A CO. Burke sheriff sale— wm be sold before the court house door in the town of Waynesboro, Burke county, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday ia July next, all that tract or parcel of land lying in Buck head creek, and containing acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Henry Lewis and A. J. Lawson and others; levied on as the property of John McKinne, to satisfy two fi. fas , one issuing frem the Inferior Court iu favor of W. 8. &. T. 11. Roberts vs. John McKinne, and the other from the Superior Conrt vs. the same. AUGUSTUS H. ROBERTS, Sh'ff. F3OUR MONTHS afterdate, application wil ■- be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, while silting for ordi nC. y purposes, for leave to sell a negro man nam ed Bob, belonging to the estate of Rebecca B. Wright, late of said county, deceased. AMOS W. HAMMOND, Adm’r. May 30,1850. • Four months after date application will be made the honorable the Inferior Court of Burke county, for leave to sell four ne groes belonging to the estate of Matthew Cars well, late of said county, dec'd. may 2 ’ J. W. CARSWELL, Adm’r. MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lincoln county, when sitting so. ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the real estate of Austin Moncrief, late of said county, deceased HIRAM MONCRIEF, j may 9 Adm’r with the "will ■tIOUR MONTHS after date, T be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Burke county, when for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a trac ’of land in Burke county, containing 105 acres, adjoining lands of the minor heirs of Joseph Cates, deceas ed, belonging to Samuel Seegar, a minor. JOHN F. ALLEN, Guardian. March 9, 1850. FOUR MONTHS after date, will be made to the Honorable the Inferier Court of Warren county, when sitting afi a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell a negro woman, Vi cy, about thirty-five years of age, belonging to the est-tle of William Davis, late of said county, deceased. ' WM. J. WILCHER, Adm’r. March 5, 1850. j MONTHS after dale application will . be madeoqh the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Richmond county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real estate of Robert McNair, deceased. ROWELL ADAMS, Admr. February 2 Georgia—Richmond County. FOUR MONTHS afterdate, application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of frie Inferior Court of said county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real estate of William S. Dewar, deceased. WM. A. WALTON, Administrator, with the will annexed. January 17, 1850. I 3O UR MONTHS from date application will be made to the Honorable Inferior court of Taliaferro county, when sitting for Ordinary Xypirposes, for leave to sell all of the real estate of Cleary, late of Mississippi, deceased. May 3, 1850 W. M. MOORE, Admr. NOTICE —Four mouths afier date applica tion will he made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Taliaferro county, when sitting for Or dinary purposes, for leave to s II the real estate of F. r. Moore, late of said county, deceased. JWay 3, 1850 J A.MES W. MOORE, Admr. I|3OU R MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Lincoln county, while silting for Ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the real estate of Hendley Nally, late of said county, deceased. BENJAMIN M.TUTT, ANTHONY SAMUELLS, February 21 Administrators. N OTICE—FOUR MONTll’slfter daua shall apply to the Inferior Court of Scriven county, sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate of Andrew J. Williams and Theophilus Williams, minors, and orphans of the late Theophilus Willrams, of Scriven county, for the benefit of said minors. BERRIEN WILLIAMS, Guardian. Jan 5 Jan 8 4m NOTICE. —Fourmonths after date, applica tion will be made to the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, when sitting as a Court of ' Ordinary, for leave to sell the real estate belong ing to the estate of L’erry Mathews, deceased. May 18, 1850. ’I. H. MATHEWS, Ex’r. STATE OF GEORGIA, WARREN CO RULE NlSl—Superior Court, April term, 1850. Present the E. H. Baxter, Judge of said Court. . to annexed,) and that Samuel Hall of the original as propounder, and afterwards aa administrator in said petition mentioned, and that said original will has been lost, and he, the said SAmuel Hall, Sen., praying the establishment of the said copy will in lieu of the original so lost; It is therefore oidered, that the legatees under said will, and the heirs at law, of said estate, show cause, if any they have, by the first day of the next term of this Court, why the said copy will should not be established. It is further or dered, that a copy of this Rule be served person ally on said legatees and heirs, il to be found within the State, and if not, that it be published in the Augusta Republic lour months previous to the next term of said Court. True extract from the minutes of the Supe rior Court, April Term, 1850. GEORGE W. DICKSON, Clerk. May 14, 1850, > ALL persons having demands against Juo. Cleary, late of Mississippi, deceased, will please present them within the terms of the law. May 14, 1850—3 m—W. M. MOORE, Admr: ALL persons having d-inands against F. T- Moore, late of Taliaferro county, deceased', will present them wilhin the terms of the law. Those indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. May 14, 1850 JAMES W. MOORE, Adm NOTICE. WROUGHT to Jail, on the 21st of May, a negro GIRL, about 18 years, old, dark coniplection. about five feet five ’ySjfr or six inches high, quick spoken, and has two scars under the eye, which seems to have been caused by a whip. She says she belongs to Amos Bell of Augusta. Owner is requested to prove property, pay Jail fees, and take her away. A. H. ROBERTS, Sheriff. Waynesboro, May 29th, 1850. KT The Chronicle & Sentinel and Constitu tionalist are requested to eopy. jel Brought to Richmond Co. Jstil ON the 18th of January last, a negro Jfv* about 21 years of age, 5 feel 4 inches high, weighs about 125 pounds, dark cop per color. He calls himself Lewis Jones Ha says he is free, and lives in Knoxville, Craw ford county, Ga He says Thomas J. Jones is his Guardian. Guardian or owner will come for ward, prove property, pay expenses, and take him away. JOHN W. HEARD, Jailor R. C. . Augusta, April 18,1850 NEW TJ. COSGROVE A CO. are receiving , their Spring supplies of new and I'ashionable Dry Goods, and would invite the atteutiou of purchasers. Having established their name for selling good and cheap goods, they think it unnecessary to give an explanation how they manage to sell .-it-> such very low prices. Their purchases this spring have been on an unusually large scale, and the dress goods very rich and desirable. They have now in store Plain Cameleon Silks, Narrow striped do., Brocade and Damask Silks, Lining Silks, all colors, French Chinta Muslins, very beautiful styles, Small figured and plain Jaconet, Satin striped and figured do., Low priced Muslins, from 124 cents, New pattern Bareges, all colors. Rich Damas de Venice, new article. New Tissues and Bayounes, Printed Alborines and Grenadines, Solid Check Ginghams, large assortment, Linen Lustres and Chambray Ginghams, A splendid lot of white Crape Shawls, Hosiery, and Kid and Pie Nic Gloves, Embroidered and Homstiched L. C. Hdkfs., Linen and Cotton Diapersand Towelings, Calicoes, Muslins and Homespuns, Factory Goods, Blue Homespuns. And all other articles necessary for (he seasoa, T. J. COSGROVE A CO., april 2 202 Broad street. ROB E R T H .~M A Y , COACH MAK E iC Comer of J ack ton and Hllis-strs., in tear of the Globe Hotel. KEEPS always on hind a good assortment of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Ac., to which he would call the attention of those wish ing such articles, as he is determined to sell on as accommodating terms as any other establish ment in the city. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Ac. made to or der with despatch, in a workmanlike manner. REPAIRING done at short notice and on th* most reasonable terms. mhß—s26-ly