Weekly republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1848-1851, November 12, 1850, Page 4, Image 4

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4 “The Right of Secession.” —We are not going to recommend this—nobody need be aiarmed—no treason is meditated—no “ warn ing” or “ resistance” are necessary—no mob need be invoked—for we are only about to , say, that it is amusing to hear certain jour- 1 nals talk so flippantly about the rigut of se cession as identical with revolution. The right of revolution is a natural right. Seces sion is conditional. Revolution is a right, we assert in resisting oppression. Secession is a withdrawal from a compact. The one is always accompanied by an appeal to arms the ultima regum. There is no reason why the other should not be peat able. Two or more parties, for mutual interest, enter into a partnership to endure while it is agreeable and advantageous to the contracting parties, each surrendering to the other certain individ ual rights to be used and enjoyed in common, but retaining certain other rights to be en joyed by themselves individually, and not by the concern. The duration of the partner ship is not specified. Very well. One of the parties after a while perceives that the ad vantages of the concern accrue almost entirely to the others, and that they are even encroach ing upon the rights and interests he speci fically reserved for himself—in a word, that the partnership has ceased to be desirable and may be ruinous to him. He gives notice to his partners that he will withdraw from the concern, and they have no right to pre vent him. He takes his portion of the stock, makes his bow and peaceably retires. This is secession. If he should seize a mus ketrush into the establishment —denounce his associates as a set of scoundrels, tear up the articles, and force them to enter into a new one more agreeable to himself—that would be Revolution. In this homely way we illustrate the difference between them. “ The right of secession is acknowledged by every republican statesman. Virginia, Kentucky, and the south, generally, regard it as a fundamental right incidental to the com mrt of the Union. The federalists always it! Oh, the Solons!”—Louisia na Statesman. Soullivrit Kights Ticket. Lincolnton, Nov. 4th, 1850. Messrs. Editors of the Augusta Republic : —We take great pleasure in authorizing you to announce the names of Alexander Frazier and Aaron Hardy, Esqrs , as candidates to represent the county of Lincoln in the State Convention to assemble on the 10th December. n 7 MANY VOTERS. Messrs. Editors: —You will please an nounce the name of LUCIUS J. GARTRELL, Esq., as a suitable candidate to represent the people of Wilkes County in the approaching State Convention, at the election on the 25th of November, and oblige MANY VOTERS. ♦** Constitutionalist please copy. BANK OF BRUNSWICK, ) Augusta, Oct. 7, 1850. j Dividend No. 14.-— The Board sf Directors have declared a semi-annual Dividend of FIVE DOLLARS per share, payable to the stockholders on demand. Oct 8-ts JNO ®RAI®, Casliiw. ID* Removal."— Dr. J. Dennis has remo ved to the Bridge Bank builduig. °3 CFS. S. Ottiliil, Practicing Physician and Surgeon. Knoxville, Ga m 25 ts ILF Dr. iW. JE. Swinney tenders his professional services to the inhabitantsof Warren ton and Warren county. He has the experience years in the practice of Medicine. Office ' DENTISTRY. 13*0. ffllnuwon, M. D., SURGEON DENTIST, Augusta,Georgia. All operations warranted elegant and durable REFERENCES. Augusta—Prof. Paul F. Evo.M. D.; Prof. A. Means, M. D.; Prof. H F. Campbell, M. D.; John Bones, Esq.; Darnel Hand, Esq.; P. r lem- W Atobnb—A. Church, D. D.; Prof. Waddell, M ; Prof. LeConte, M. D- Copied from the Louisville Courier. (EF We have seen the young bride blooming, as it were, as the bird of paradise and the fair flower of hope, and pride of her father and the joy of her mother, her cheek flushed with anticipation, and her eye beaming with the soft expression of love—the gay dreams of life dancing on hor fancy with the rich and variegated tints of the rainbow promise. We have seen all this changed ay, the wedding garment for a shroud, and the b-idul chamber for the sepulcher of the dead ; and all this from neglecting a common cold. Now, before it is too late, use Dr. Roger’s Liverwort and Tar, which gives immediate relief, as thousands of our most intelligent families now admit of its most extraodinary cures. The gay, the beautiful, and the young speak forth its praise, and will, so long as it makes positive cures, and cheers the despairing family fireside. The genuine Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar, which makes so many wonderful cures, are ITForsaleby D. B. Plumb 4- Co., Haviland, Risley <f-Co.; Barrett, Carter & Co. Augusta, aud by dealers iu Medicines throughout the South._ »ept24 READER, if you uro afflicted with any one of the many forms of Rheumatism ; if it be in its incipient state, or if it be chronic ; no matter in what part of your frame die disease may be loca ted, wo would advise you to lose no time in mak ing application of that justly celebrated article called the Jaw David’s, or Hebrew Plaster. A remedy composed of the most powerful ingredients possessing all the qualities of penetration which the most aggravated form of this painful disease may require. —" vJ.D.SMITHX A SMALL lot of Sharp's Breech Loading and Sell-Capping RIFLES, which can be loaded and tired twelve times per minute with perfect safety. A good assortment of DOUBLE GUNS, COLT S REVOLVERS, Ac. Ac. All kinds of REPAIRING done, and war- | ranted to give satisfaction. Gold Plate and Spiral Springs prepared for j Dentists* 023-ts NEW WHOLESALE ANDRETAIL HAT AND CAP STORE. JOS. TAYLOR A Jg having taken the store occupied at fcjjaSy, <S 'S present by Messrs. Force, Conley & Co., will open in a few days with an entire new and fashionable stock of HATS,CAPS and BON NETS, embracing every variety of style and pattern, selected and manufactured expressly for this market, which will be sold at New York and Charleston paces. Cniieneof Augusta and Hamburg, and Coun try Merchants in particular, are respectfully invi ted to call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere eep7-trwiw2m NEW CARPETINGS, AT J. P. SETZE’S. SCOTCH Double, Ingrain CARPETING; English do do American do do; 2d quality, all wool, do do: Union do do; Best Three PI V '- . do do; Imperial d<> ''.do do; 2d quality do 8b do ; Venitiau Carpeting for stairs, sTLaridiha; 6-4.8-4, 12-4 plain end printed BkTZE; and DROuGETS, for Crumb Carpets ; 4-4. 6-4 Straw MATTING ; Rich Chenille and Tufted Hearth RVGS; Rich Piano and Table COVERS. <Xao 10bales 9-4, 10-4 good Negro BLANKETS, el ft watrwlm BOOTS ANO SHOES. THE SUBSCRIBER is now receiv >Sl lug at hi, stand, opposite the United ’ WL States Hotel, and next door below Mm. CeUia.’ Mitmery eetablishmen-, -* targe and well selected stock of BOOTS, SHOES, Ac.; jalso, a full end hanrWome supply of Ladies Sold low bv ■ •—** PALy Dry Goods for the Millions ! AT BRENNANS. IN addition to our regular supply, we have an overstock of the following Goods, which we will sell off cheap- to make room forothei goods: Plain and fig’d Mouslin DeLaines, 12J to 18} cts per yard; Printed Cashmeres, 25 to 31 cents pr yard ; Plain and fig’d, biack and colored Alpaca, 20 to 25 cts per yard , English Merinos, all colors, 45 to 75 cts pr yard; 500 pieces Calicoes, “ 4to 6} “ Bleached and unb'eached Shirting, 4 to 6} ; Yard wide “ “ 5-4 aud 6-4 “ Sheeting, 10 to 12J; Fine Scotch Ginghams, 124 to 18} cts yer yard; Brown and bleached Hollands, 12J to 15 c ; Irish Linens, 25 to 50 cents a yard; 8-4 Lish Linen Damask Table Diaper, 50 to b2J Scotch Russia Diaper, $1 per piece of 12 yards ; Red and White Flannels, 18} to 25 c pr yard ; Cotton Flannels, JO to 124 cents per yard ; Cotton and Lisle Edge, 1 to 5 c; Fine Bed Blankets, $2.25 to $4.00 per pair; Fashionable Bonnet Ribbons, 124 to 18} pr yard Needle Worked Collars, 6} to 124 each Jaconet Edge and Inserting, 6} to 124 P r y ar “ i Kent ueky Jeans. 20 to 25 cents per yard ; Broad Cloths, $1.50 to $2.00 “ Fine bleached Long Cloth, 134 to 15 cts pr yard; Fine unbleached Shirtings, 6} to 10 “ White and colored Hose, 6} to 124 > Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, 6} to 12 cents. Nov 2 T. BRENNAN &■ CO. ‘ BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! L ALLERSTEDT & WIMBERLY have received a very large stock of Extra heavy Negro Blankets, Superior 10-4,11-4, 12-4, 13-4 Bed Blankets, Georgia Plains and Osnaburgs, Red and White Flannel, Ladies and Gent’s Silk and Merino Vests, Irish Linens and Bird’s F.ye Diaper, Table Damask and Towellings, Furniture Dimity and Fringes, English and American Prints, great variety, Cloth, Cassimeres, and Vestings, Kentucky Jeans and Twpds, Manchester and Earl&UMy-^ Il S'b alllß ’ . r great variety of Seasonable Goods, ’ suitable for family use, to which they invite atten tion. Oct 1 New Goods ! New Goods! TH E subscribers have received a large stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods at their store, corner of Broad and Jackson street, opposite the Mansion House, consisting of a great variety of Ladies Dress Goods, such as Chene, Figured and changeable Silks ; Poplins, Coburgs, Merinos and DeLaines ; Colored, figured and black Silk Alpacas ; Printed Cashmeres and DeLaines ; French, English end American Prints ; French and Scotch Plaid Ginghams; Celored and Black Velvet Visites ; Colored and Back Silk do Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, a great variety. ALSO, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Satinetts and Merinos, Cassimeres for Boy’s wear, together with every article usually found in the Dry Goods line, which they will sell as low as can be found in any market. They respectfully solicit orders from their friends not visiting the city, and will insure every article to please. JAMES MILLER & Co. Nov 2 Camfield’s corner. Ne »ro Goods and Blankets. PLANTERS would do well to examine our large stack of WOOLLEN for Negroes win ter wear, aud BLANKETS, from 50 cts $1.25, before purchasing elsewhere. JAMES MILLER & Co. Nov 2 Camfield’s Corner. NEW CROP MALAGA FRUIT. 1 AU BOXES, I I VVaO half do '• Bunch RAISINS, 50,quarter do. ) 50 Boxes, J 50 }do ) ■ 25 bags soft shell ALMONDS, 25boxes LEMONS. , V i fffll tin'ms FIGS; for sale W. S. & T. 11. ROBER SWEETMEATS, PRESERVES, &.C | 4 | CASKS West India PRESERVES ; I Vrs cases Fruits of the tin boxes; 2 do Guava Jelly, trzpid 4 lb. boxes ; 1 case crystalized fi uitsd j u 2lb boxes, For sa'e by W .S’ & T H ROBET.S’. . oneTfe . --j!-' !■ SUGARS. -g K. Baco S’EGARS; I 10,000 Rio Hondo SEGARS ; 15,000 Fortuna do 10,000 Gen Espartare do 10,000 La Rescrvu do 8,700 Renalia -Protegida’ do For sale by W S & T H ROBERTS, oct 26 . HAMS. ICASK Westphalia HAMS; 5 do Reims’ Sugar cured HAMS; for sale by W S «$• T H ROBERTS. oct 26 npHE UNDERSIGNED hav- ing purchased from Messrs Adams & I* ar go their entire stock of Groceries, will continue lhe business at their old stand, under the name aud style of SeymoHr, Ansley & Co. They invite the attention of planters, city and country merchants to their large and well select ed stock of Bagging, Rope, Twine, St Croix, Porto Rico, Cuba and New Orleans Sugars, Mo lasses, Salt, Iron, and every description of Coffee, Teas, Tobacco and Segura, with a general assort ment of goods adapted to the trade. H. C. SEYMOUR, J. A. ANSLEY, August 1, 1850. JNO. G. MeIIENRY. PBINIZI & CLA.TTON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, np HE undersigned take this method of re- B turning their thanks to the r friends aud customers for the very libera’ patronage bestow ed upon them the past year, and of soliciting a continuance and extension of the same the com ing season. Their entire personal attention will be devoted to the business at their Fire-proof Warehouse on Broad-street. Advances made on cotton and produce in store, when required, and all business entrusted to them shall receive prompt attention. F. PHINIZY, H r EP. CLAYTON. Augusta, August 26th, 1850. tiw’&w4m aug 27 HOWARD &. GARDINER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCE RY MERCHANTS, BROAD STREETAVGUSTA, GEO., Third dour below Phinizy <jj- Clayton’s Ware house, and nearly opposite Z. McCord Co.’s Store, AMT HERE they will keep constantly on hand T YY tt'itii ii'iii gro- I CERIES, consisting, in part, of Jugir'CßUW ; Molasses, Bacon, Salt, Iron, Bagging, Rope, Twine, Segare, Liquors, &c., &.C., all of which they will sell as low, and on as good terms as any house in this city. All Cotton consigned to them, e titer by Wag gon, Railroad or Boat, will be stored in a Fire proof Warehouse; and they flatter themselves i that their long experience in Cotton transactions i will enable them to give general satisfaction to ' their friends No commission cha-ged for selling 1 Cotton. W. H. HOWARD, I aril 3m JAS. T. GARDINER. COPARTNERSHIP. ‘ THE SUBSCRIBERS have formed a copartnership for the transaction of a general > Warehouse and Commission Bu siness. 1 under the firm oi WALKER, BRYSON & CO. i I Their Warehouse is one of the largest in the city, Fire Proof, centrally located, and can store under . cover, upwards of ten thousand bales, having re cently erected two large sheds. They return their sincere thanks to their customers who so li berally patronized them during the past season, and hope by a continuance of strict attention to the interest of chose who may favor them with their custom, to merit and receive a continuation of their favors. Liberal cash advances will continue to be made on produce in store, and all orders for fami ly supplies shall have prompt attention, and pur chased at the lowest market prices. GOLLOTHUN WALKER, HARPERC BRYSON, A. D. STATHAM Augusta 21st Sept-, 1650. We have also established a branch of our House in Charleston, the management of which shall be under our H. C. Bryson for the transaction of a ' general Commission Business, and will feel thank ful to our friends who may ship produce to that market for their patronage. The style of the firm shall be G. M ALKER &10. ILF Office. Frazer A Ca’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C. -e sepc24 M EDICINE CHESTS.—FamiIy andPlsn iv JL talien Medicine Chests of several quali ties, for sale by I nov2 P. A- MOISE, Druggist. BEHN &. FOSTER, FACTORS ANO COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Bar-st., Savannah. <Beo. r. a. aans, | rw rorrva jyTtf Warehouse and Commission Business. I V —-—sf Tuk undersigned, E. D. ROBERT-! &. J. R. CROCKER, (of the late firm of Dawson & Crocker,) beg leave to inform their bends and the public generally, that they , have entered into a co-partnership, to take place the Ist day of Sept, next, for the purpose of cur rying on the Warehouse and Commission busi ness? m all its branches, and have taken the. large, commodious, and FIRE PROOF BRICK WAREHOUSE, IateIy occupied by Dawson <J- Crocker, on Reynold, East of Mclntosh street, and Lot next West of the Episcopal church, where one or both can, at all times be found, rea dy to attend to customers and friends. They will be prepared to receive consignments, upon lhe usual terms, and transact all business appertaining to their line ; and respectfully solicit the favors of those disposed to extend them their custom, at the same time, assuring all who do so, that they will spare no efforts or exertions to pro mote the interest and wishes of their patrons to the fullest extent. Liberal cash advances upon produce in store, or in transitu, will be made when desired, and upon the most accommodating terms. All orders from their friends for Bagging, Rope, Groceries, Dry Goods, <j-c., &c., will be attended to with promptness, and filled at the lowest market prices. They will also receive aud forward goods, produce, <f-c, shipped and consigned beyond this city. They beg leave to return their most sincere thanks to the friends and customers of the late concerns of E. D. Robertson and Dawsou <j- Crocker, for the liberal share of patronage here tofore extended to those houses, and solicit a continuance of it; and pledge themselves tomer it it by their unremitting endeavors to please, and exertions for their customer’s interests. E. D. ROBERTSON. J. R. CROCKER. Augusta, Ga., Ist July, 1850. TUB UNDERSIGNED, I INTENDING to retire from the firm of Dawson & Crocker, on the first of Septem ber next, begs have to recommend his own, and the firm’s friends and the public, the ?ohT*;Ar.» iiltisT,~rfm ?; ” np -Tal> n v-, and sa- S it a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon lhe firm of D. <f‘ c july 2 J. C. DAWSON. sept 12 trwfcw-3 m ADAMS, HOPKINS Sl Co., Warehouse & Commission Merchants, AVGUSTA, Ga. AND F. T. WILLIS &. Co. Factors and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, Ga. RETURN thanks to their friends and cus tomers for the liberal patronage bestowed in past years ; and again tender their services in Au gusta, and Savannah, (affording a choice of mar kets) for the storage and sale of Cotton, and all other Produce, purchase of Goods, Receiving aud Forwarding Goods, &c. Liberal Cash Advances will be made on Cot ton and other ai tides when required. Address as above. JOHN M. ADAMS, LAMBETH HOPKINS, FRANCIS T. WILLIS. sept36mw&tw dry goods, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Alexander & wright would respect fully call the attention of merchants and planters 10 their large and complete stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which they offer at low prices and on accommo dating terms. sep!9-tw&w4m A. It KELLAM, | “ * BELL. KELLAM A BELL ATTORN IES AT LAW AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, ATLANTAGEO., Will practice in DeKalb and adjoining counties, and in the Supreme Court at Decatur. It ill also visit any part of the country (or the set tlement of claims, &c., without p-BOUNTY LAND ** Office on Whitehall street, over Dr. Deuny’s Drugstore. 2ra 00 t NEW FALL DRY GOODS. t. wtENWAOTrer'*' HAVE received their supply of FALL uno WINTER,FANCY and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, among which are Watered, Ribbed and Plain Poplins ; Brocade, figured and plain colored Silks ; ** Watered, fig’d aud plain bl’k *• French Merinos and Thibets ; Cashmeres and M. DeLaines , Coburgs and Parrametocs; Plain and figured Alpacas, all colors ; Cheap Cashmeres and M. DeLaines; French, Scotch and German Ginghams; “ English and American Prints; Silk and Velvet Trimmings; Bonnet, Cap, Neck aud Belt Ribbons; Hosiery and Gloves of every style ; Fine Bath, Ribbon bound aud W’hitney Blankets; Red and White Flannels; Welsh and Gauze •* Silk Thread, Lisle aud Linen Edgeing ; Needle worked Collars, Cuff’s and Uudersleeves ; Lace Capes; plain and figured Bobinett; Thibet, Broche, Cashmere and Tartau Long and Square Shawls; Black Mantillas ; Colored Satins ; Florence and Marceline Silk Clotlis, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tweeds, Sattiuets, Kentucky Janes, &.C. Negro Blankets aud Kerseys, Georgia Stripes, Osnaburgs, aud Augusta Shirting and Sheeting, at Factory prices. A few cases of Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots aud Brogans. For sale cheap to close out the lot. Opposite the Mansion House, and next door to Hand 4 Williams’ Grocery store. 023 FRENCH Si BUTLER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA., OPENED on th. Ist of September last, at their new store, on the south side of Broad-street, (one door above Mr. W. K. Kitch en’s Drug Store,) a large and complete stock of Goods, to which they would iuvite the attention of their friends aud the public. ILL. FRENCH, of Oglethorpe. jy!6 D. E. BUTLER,of Wilkes. M . p STOV AL L, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AUGUSTA GEORGIA, CONTINUES the business, / in all its branches at his old stand, (Fire-Proof Warehouse,) ccrnerof Wash ington aud Reynold streets. —jJehoiys, by strict attention to business, to T j merit a eont'nuai9' tofore extended to him. Orders fer Family supplies, Baggiug. &c., promptly and carefully filled, at the lowest mar ket prices. Liberal advances made on produce in store. au2o trw&w3m PEARCE4k SUIfPSOM,““ WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jackson-st Augusta, Gx. THE UNDERSIGNED, thankful for the liberal pat ronage extended them by their friends and the public generally, the past season, would respect fully renew the tender of their services, and hope by rigid attention to all business entrusted to them, to merit a continuance of public favor Liberal cash advances made on Produce in Store when required. All orders for Rope and Bagging, and Family Supplies, furnished at the lowest market rates. J. J. PEARCE. sept!9-twAw6m J- R- SIMPSON. hotkinsTTiudson & co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Office Frazer’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C. fINHE undersigned beg leave to inform their JL friends and the public that they have open ed an office in the citv of Charleston, S. C. for a General Commission Business. Particular attention will be given to the sale ot Cotton and all other country produce, purchase of merchandize, and receiving and forwarding goods. The customary cash advances and facil ities. will be afforded customers. J. R. Hudson and Johm J. Cohkn reside hi Charleston. L. Hotklns continues his residence at Augusta, Ga , engaged in the Commission Bu siness as heretofore, where he may be consulted in relation t» business designed for our house In Charleston. LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta. JOHN R. HUDSON, > r . r . n 5 JOHN J. COHEN, \ Charleston. WAREHOUSE A ND COMM ISSI ON business. DOIGHTY & BEALL CONTINUE to carry on iSUritf WAREHOUSE and MISSOiNBUS INESSS at their old stand, fFtxz-Pxook EriUKNOB,) on Jackson-street, and solicit the continued- patronage of theii friends and the public. P. W DOUGHTY. W. AMOS asf>7-wlm -■ CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE AND TRUNK DEPOT. Broad-st., opposite U. S. Hotel. a- THE subscriber respect- 1 I fully announces to the pub- reAixTyra • Wk- lie that he hasjust rec-ivt-d Yl3 la large and well selected stock of BOOTS, ISHOES, TRUNKS, 4 c -, which will be sold (cheap at wholesale and retail by H. DALY. I N. B. 1,000 pair Plantation Brogans at Man ufacturers prices. H. D. 1 oct 26 2w At’H.mESTON STEAM SUGAR REFWI. JjIHIS establishment being enlarged and undei JL lhe management of an experienced Sugar xJoiler, is now in full operation and able to supply TTje following descriptions: 1 i Double Refined Loaf SUGAR. Do. do. Crushed do., <And Powdered do. \ ALSO, Jplarified White and Yellow SUGAR, and, iugar House SYRUP. Tfrders will be received by the subscriber, to i/Am the agency has been transferred. w 1 J.T. WELSMAN, No. 165 Eastßay. o ? 2 watrw3m Crriiw GOODS RECEIVED FOR FALL AND WINTER USE. IM AVE now on hand a full supply of goods, fir Fall and Winter wear, consisting of Cl tldi’ Oassimerae and Vestings, of all colors and *%, which have been selected by myself, and ma(^e t 0 or J er as cheap and as tjshiona ?? i can be had in any establishmeiiLin the hie asr . 1 ’"I country• I ha ve a ' so a ® rst rate sa PP 1 >’ Jle Clothing on hand, comprising; Over i. .jFrock do., Dress de, Sack do., Vests. &.C., oa sm r a f ira t rate assortment of * rnieh such 88 Gloves, illars, ’2’® “nS Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Hosiet etc., „ oc r s: ’Xiich will be sold at the very lowes. prices. allof W | J. A VAN WINKL a k Near Post Office C( net. WAREHOUSE AND MERCHANTS? AUGUSTA, y,jz THE undersigned beg leavers / fee®' 1W to Ba y t 0 t * le ‘ r i’” 6 ®*’ aul * ‘l* B public in Georgia, South Car- olina, Alabama and Tennessee, that they still continue the above business at their Fire-Proof Warehouse, on Mclntosh -street, in all its branch es, aud would respectfully solicit a continuation of the patronage «f their old friends and customers ; and, as ever, they will faithfully perfortn their du ty to them. Their charges will be moderate, and in conformity with other regular Commission Houses in this city. They will make liberal cash advances on produce in store ot trausitute when required. Orders for Merchand se will be promptly and faithfully executed. THOMAS F. GIBBS. au24-tf GEORGE MoCORD. BELCHER & HOLLINGSWORTH, WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL GROCERY MERCHANTS, Augusta,Georgia, HAVE now on band a large aud well select ed stock of GROCERIES, to which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally. All goods purchased from us will be sent to any point in Hamburg that may be de sired, free of charge, and all orderj promptly at tended to. We have removed to our new store on Broad street,next door to Adams & Fargo’s old stand, where we shall be happy at all times to see our frienis. J. M. BELCHER, 012 J. H.HOLLINGSWORTH. FOR NEW YORK. rjXHE New York and Savannah Steam Navi- I gation Company’s steamer FLORIDA, Capt. Lyon, will leave Savannah on Saturday, Oct. 26, and regularly every fortnight thereafter until further notice. r . The steamship ALABAMA, Ca»,t. Ludlow, wl.iish -- in com^A^g|i^MgMbtmii. teiil take her plalj? in the day are about 1400\viis of first class in every particular. Price of Cabin Passage, $25, fiO which, or Freight, a PP'J’*« pADELFORDi fa > & co . Sam’l L. Mitchki-l, I 4„ en t j u Wsew York. 194 Front-street, $ ‘ 6 U Savannah, Ga., Oct. 17, 1800- W F R BAVA NN A ■ THE superior draught “ Steam packet 11. L.C®OK,Capt. Shaw, will hereafter Sa- For Freight or Passage, comnioilutions, apply to the Captain j?i board, or to JEFFERS, COTHRAN Ag’ts. ap 4 FOR SAVASOH. i. THE fine new steam packet OREGON, Capt. T. N. Philpot, will hereafter leave Augusta for , Savannah, every Wednesday Morning at 7 o’clock. For Freight or Passage, having tine accommo dations, apply on board, or to JEFFERS, COTHRAN &CO, Ags FOR SAVANNAH. Toleaveevery TUESDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock. THE new and splendid light draught steamer Hancock, Capt. Murray, built expressly for the Augusta and Savannah trade, will leave Augusta for Sav annah every Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. For freight or passage, having fine accommo eations unequalled by any boat on the river. Apply to the Captain ou board, or to the Agent H. F.-RUSSELL. SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA The Steamboat Company of Georgia, r—» fa IN ADDITION to three steam v. ers formerly composing their line, havereceutly built the very light draught Iron Steamer. David U. Adams, of great ca pacity and power (making her trips iu 24 to 30 hours') thus securing great dispatch and unequal led facilities for the transportation of Goods, at very low rates, to the interior es Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama, in connec tiou with the Georgia. WesteiD. and Atlantic, and Tennessee Railroads. All Goods will be forwarded without commis sions; also, Produce from the Georgia Railroad; expenses on which will be paid and collected at Savannah, from consignees, or from vessels by which shipped, when required. ■ The D. L. Adams will run w ith the Steamships Florida aud Afabama, thus en suring the transmission of GooJrfram New York to Augusta, in five to seven day.-C Bills of Lading should accompany goods by steamships. Particular attention should observed in di recting I ills of lading ; many note direct “Steam boat Agent,” “ Steamboat Con{pany,” &c. and as there are several Companies thiscreates de tention, and much confusion; Shippers by this Company should therefore direct merchandise from the IsTF.KtoR to JOHN B.IIUIEU, Agent, J-Aimnsta.aud from Seaward, *fal^itlsl Lading, SAMUEL M. N. B.—A reduction on freight tariff' has been made to take effect from this *r.e. DUtacTOKS. Savannah —Samuel M. Pond, Andrew Low, Edward Padelford, George W Anderson, Geo. Hall, Charles Green, and Joseph S. Fay. Augusta—J. R. Bulkley, T. 3. Metcalf, James Hope, L. Hopkins, LewisC. ess and E. Sherman. Savannah, July 15, ’s(l—jonl4—July 25—y BUFORD. BEALL A. CO, GROCERY AND WAREHOUSE MERCHANTS, AUGUSTAGEO. THE UNDERSIGNED tender their thanks to their friends and the public generally, for the patrouage so liberally extended to the late firms of Spears'i. Buford, and Sp-ars, Beall & Co., and respectfully inform them that they con tinue business in both branches, (Warehouse and Grocery,) as heretofore done by the late firms, and at the same well known 'Stands. Our stock of Groceries are fresh and well selected, and ev ery exertion shall be used to promote the interest of our friends, both in the sale of their Cotton and in filling their orders. ALL COTTONS consigned to us by Rail Road or otherwise, will be sold FREE OF COM MISSION. Liberal cash advances made on Cotton and other produce in store when required. W. H. BUFORD, W. M- BEALL, J W. L- STOVALL. Augusta, July 1, 1850 jy 1" GLOBE HOTEL, Becatn r Georgia. rpHE PROPRIETOR has made such alter- ■ aliens and additions to the above Hotel as will enable him to entertain all his old friends and such new ones as may favor him with their calls. The proximity of Decatur to mineral springs, its convenience of access by Railroad, and its ex emption from epidemics and almost all kinds oi diseases, make it a desirable village in which to spend a summer. The proprietor of the Hotel will spate no exertions tc render satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. E. N. CALHOUN. rrCoßstitntinnalistai.i Charleston Mercury will please copy.. ap2-tf VWTffi.* .N’s'ELKTiTur uriUM-6 do .Ww ins: rSeei' Bfc. d forsaleby Sf Druggist. Burke sheriffs sale.—wuibesoid; before the court house door iu the town of j Waynesboro, Burke county, on the first Tues- i day in December next, between the usual hours of sale, a tract of pine land containing one hun dred and fifteen acres, more or less, adjoining I lands of James F. Godbee, Benjamin Bell and . Samuel Goodwin ; levied on as the property of j William Goodwin under eleven fi fas from the Justices Court of the 68th District, G. M , at the instance of John Brigham vs William Goodwin Levy made and returned by a constable. AUGTSTUS II ROBERTS, Sheriff. November 2, 1850. BURKE SHERIFF’S SALE.—WiII be sold before the court house door in the town of Waynesboro, Burke county, on the first Tues day in December next, between the usual hours of sale, seventy acres of pine laud, on the waters of Jebler creek in said county, and joining lands of Russell Mobley, Isaac Wimberly, Thomas J. Dickson and others. Levied on as the property of Archibald Spears under sundry fi fas issuing from a Justices Court of the 68th District, G. M-, against Mary Spears, administratrix of Archibald Spears. Levy made and returned by a consta ble. AUGUSTUS H. ROBERTS, Sh’ff. October 31, J 850. € GUARDIAN’S SALE.—WiII be sold.be- JT fore the court house door in the town of Waynesboro, Burke county, on the first Tues day in January next, two tracts of land in said comity, lying on the Augusta and Waynesboro Railroad, adjoining lands belonging to M. Thorn, Dr. L. Antony, J. C. Poythress and others, one tract containing (200) two hundred, the other (150) one hundred and fifty acres, belonging to Sarah J. Jones, a minor. Sold under an order sf Court for the benefit of said minor. J. W. CARSWELL, Guardian November 7, 1850. ADMINIST R ATOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold agreeable to an order of the Honorable In ferior Court of Taliaferro county, on the first Tuesday in January, 1851, between the legal hours of sale, before the eourt house door in said rntir shaman— known as the Cleary land*, adjoining lands of auTFoifr' ers, containing ninety-six~(96i acress, more or less. Sold as lhe property of John Cleary, late of Mississippi, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors and heirs. Terms of sale on the day. W r . M. MOORE, Adm’r. November 7,1850. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold at the late residence of Sion Lee, late of the county of Putuam, deceased, on Monday, the 23rd day of December next, all the perisha ble property belonging to the estate of said de ceased, Consisting of horses, cattle, pork hogs, slock hogs, corn, fodder, cotton gin, household aud kitchen furniture,plantation tools and farm ing ut’nsils, together with many other articles not herein enumerated. Sale to continue jilrom day to day until all is sold. Terms o the sale will be made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM G- LEE, Adm’r. November?, 1850. DMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold, by order of the Court of Ordinary of. Richmond county, on the first Tuesday in De cember next, at the lower market house, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, all that parcel of land situated, lying and being iu the county of Richmond, at the foot of the Sand Hills, immediately above Watkinsville or Battle Rott, containing 2J acies, on which there is a small house, being part of the lands belonging to the estate of Richard Wages, deceased, adioin ng lands of Augustine S. Hill, and James aud Wilson Watkins. Sold for division. Tern s at sale. THOMAS SKINNER, Administrator with the will annexed. September 17, 1850. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold on the first Tuesday iu December next, before the court house door in Dahlonega, Lump kin county, Ga , within the usual hours of sale, under an order of the Inferior Court of Taliafer ro county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, a lot of land in Lumpkin county containing 40 acres, in the 4th district of the Ist section, of originally Cherokee, cow Lumpkin county. Sold for the and creditors of Manin Wood deceased. Terms on the day of sale. ■ GEO. W. FLYNT, Adm’r. September 26, 1850. A DMINISTKATd/fS NALE,—WiII bTSSd at the residence ts John J. Brown.deceased, of Burke County, on the sth day of December next, between the usual hours of sale: All the perishable property of the said John .1. Brown, deceased, consisting of Horses, Mules, Hoge,Cat tle, Furniture, Ac., 4 C - Terms made known on day of sale ocl'VlV rifMf lUitOVcHrYH 1, -IU I-* 1 "! 1 UAR DIAN’S SALE.—WiII be sold, on I the first Tuesday in January next, at the] court house door in Waynesboro, Burke county, ' between the usual hours of sale, agreeable to an ; orderoflhe Honorable the Inferior Court of said county, sitting forordiuary purposes, a negro man named Riley, belonging to formerly Mary Hu ke and Eliza Burke, minors, now Mary Lasseter and Eliza Oliver. Sold for Mje purpose of divi sion. Purchasers to pay for/ /S. EVAN C. GLISJ&N, Guardian. October 31", 1850. GUARDIAN'S SALE.—WiII be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, at the courthouse door in Waynesboro, Burke county, between the u-ual houis of sale, agreeable to an order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Burke county, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, a tract of land in said county, containing one hun dred and five acres adjoining lands of Hosea B. Cates and lands ot the estate of Joseph Cates, de ceased. Sold as the property of Samuel Seagur, a minor. JOHN P. ALLEN, Guardian. October3l, 1850. EXECUTOR’S SALE.—The subscriber of fers for sale two plantations in Walker coun ty, one on Pea Vine Creek, containing six hun dred and forty acres, about two hundred and twenty acres of which are now in cultivation ; the other is on middle Chicarnauga, containing eight hundred acres, three hundred of which are at this time in cultivation. Both of the above plantations are as productive and as well watered and timbered as any I ands of the same size in the Cherokee country, and not exceeding eight miles to Ringgold, the nearest depot on the State Kail Road. The roads leading from the plantation to Ringgold are good at all seasons of the year. The above plantations will bo sold privately or publicly for the benefit of the heirs of James K. Daniel, deceased, of Greene county. aug.3, 1850 O.P. DANIEL, Ex’r. ■jNXECUTOR’S SALE—WiII be sold, on Jt_4 the first Tuesday in January next, before the court house door in Sparta, Hancock county, within the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty, belonging to the estate of Seaborn John son, late of said county, deceased : Amanda, a woman, 17 years old, and her child, 6 months old; Caroline, a woman, 16 years old; Maria, a woman, 15 years old, and Reuben, a boy, 15 years old; also, one tract pine land, containing $35 acres, more or less, adjoining- lands of Mrs. Mildred Parker, and others ; also, one tract pine land, containing 122 acres, more or less, adjoiu ug lands of Montgomery S Medlock and others; said property to be sold in pursuance of the will of said deceased. _ BENJAMIN E, UWE, Far ’’ September 21, 1850 ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE.—WiII be sold, on the first Tuesday in December next, before the court house door in Lincolnton, agreea bly to an order passed by the Honorable the Infe rior Court of Lincoln county, whilst sitting for or dinary purposes, the real estate of Hendley Nal ly, late of said county, deceased, coisistingof one tract of land in said county, lying on the wa ters of Soap creek and Savannah river, adjoining lauds of Wm. B. Cantelow, Lewis Parks, Wm. Elam and others, and containing eight hundred acres, more or less. There are on said tract 85 acres of low grounds. There is a dwelling house, gin house, and the necessary out houses for a farm. The land will be sold in a body or in three separate tracts, to suit purchasers. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Terms on the day BENJAMIN M. TUTT, > ... ANTHONY SAMUELLS, j Aa,n ”' September 26,1850. URKE COUNTY, GEORGIATo off concerned: — Be it known that Christian Shultz,an alien, diedin Burke county,intesta'c, in the latter part of the year 1847, seized and possessed of the following property, viz : 1 gold watch, 1 gun, 1 horse, saddle and bri dle, one lot trunks, 1 set blacksmith’s tools, turn ing lath aud too's, carpenter’s and turning tools, 2 grindstones, 1 pair saddle bags, 1 blowing horn, one lot bottles, 1 cross cut and 1 circle saw, 1 lot iron and wire, 110 l lumber, cash and notes amounting in principal, on sundry persons to about seven thousand ($7,000) dollars, one tract (forty acres) land, in Forsyth county, in said Stale, one other lot ot laud m Irwin county, in said State. The birth place of the said Christian Shultz is not known; it is belie ted to have been in some one of the Germanic Stales. The heirs of the said Christian, or those who may claim title un der him, are required to appearand make known their claims, according to law. THOS. H. BLOUNT, Agent Court Ordinary Burke county, and Es cheator of said county. November 5, 1850. m6tn Floyd Hoxxe. MACON, Ga. By BUFORD <fr WILLIAMS. D 8 WASHINGTON HALL, MACON, Ga. By ROGERS 4 MEARA,Di BURKE COUNTY, GEO.:—Whereas Eli zabeth M. Douglass applies for letters of administration, on the estate of William B. Dou glass, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and ci editors of said de ceased, to be and appear before the Justices of the Inferior Court, while siuingas a Court of Or dinary for said county, on lhe first Monday in November next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under our hands at the office of the Clerk of the Court of Ordinary for said county, this 26th day el September, 1850. Attest SAMUEL P. DAVIS, J. I.C. E. Garlick, Deputy Clerk. October 1,1850. OTICE.—AII persons indebted to Sion Lee, -LN late of lhe county of I’utuain, deceased, are hereby required to make payment to me im mediately; and also those having demands against said deceased are required hereby to pre sent them to me properly attested and authenti ca'.'d, within the time by law prescribed, or they will not be paid. >VM. G. LEE, Adm’r. November 7, 1850. jVT o'l ICE.—AII persons indebted to the es -LN tate of John J. Brown, late of Burke coun ty deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate are required to render them in, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. WM. NABWORTHY, Adm’r. October 8,1850. NOTICE. — All persons having demands against the estate of Hugh Henderson, of Linlcoln county, are hereby notified to present them to me, properly attested, within the time pi escribed by law, or they will not be settled, and all persons indebted to said estate a. e hereby re quired to make immediate pavment. B. BENTLY, Adm’r. Oetober 17, 1850. professional (Harils. J ANDREW M. JI. DAWSOA, I _A T T_g It N r, V AND; T L?. W, ( ' Oftic. ouvVusmngfuJMtl tW een ndid streets, AUGUSTA, Ga. Will practice in the Counties of Richmond Burke, Warren, Columbia, Washington, Jeffer son, Hancock, Ta 'aferro, Elbert, Lincoln, Ogle thorpe, Morgan, Jutnam, DeKalb, Gwinett, Floyd, Cobb, Upson, Houston and Pike, and iy. the Circuit Court of the United States, arifljp the Supreme Court of Georgia at aud Decatur. O*Special and prompt attention given to col - lections. Dec. 2. r Morgan Callaway, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice in the several counties of the Northern circuit. Office at Washington, Ga oct 24 y zVM? “<s. r PKKKINS; Attorney at Law, CUTHBERT, (RANDOLHH C 0.,; GA. Nov 22 ]y I). H. W ALKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, march 19 Monrob, Ga. GIDEON rUTNA.M, | JAMES . TH PUTNAM * WRIGHT, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Will practice in all the comities es tl • Northern Circuit, Columbia, Jefferson and Washington of the Middle- Office together in Warrenton. Business entrusted to both or either will receive prompt attention. au3-3m R. P. TRIPPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jau22 FORSYTHGEO. ly A. & J. COCHRAN, ATTORNIES AT LAW, J 26 IRWINTON, GA. ly DANIEIL S. PRINTCP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, zROME, GA. 1 Nov 8 wtwly ■'mlitm. a- mr i» ii or A7'7’OA'A77;.y march It) Monroe, Ga. R. M. JOHNSON, AT’ORNEY AT LAW, Jan SPARTA, Ga. ly T"YHN W, HUDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ml 4 EATON IONGEO. A TTORNE Y A T LA tV, april 89 GREENVILLE. Ga. N. Mangum, I A7’TORNEY AT LA W, ! april 30 ATLANTA, Ga. Ti<iwest & Fuller, ATTORNIES AT LAW, ap2 I’ayettevhzie, Ga T. F. Jones, AT LA W, ap2 Covington Ga. W. T. TRAMMELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME, Ga. Wit! practice in Floyd, Paulding, Casa, Murray, Jan 26—Walker and Chattooga Counties.— ly £• T. SHJEFTALJL, Attorney at Law, DUBLIN, GA. Nov 6 ly RAHSEI & BEMIY, Attor ni e s at Law, HAMILTON, HARRIS CO., GA. Nov 6 ly Thomas D. King, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BARNESVILLE, Ga. Will practice in ail the Counties of the Flint Circuit. ?Dcc 18 ly GEO. W. JORDAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jan 26 HAWKINSVILLE, Ga ly TIIOS. T. LONG, A TTORNE Y A T LA IF, Jan 26 DARIEN, ly N. A.«. Fostci’, ATTORNIES AT LAW, ap2 Madison, Ga. Fannin Wingfield, ATTORNIES AT LAW, ap2 Madison, Ga. J. 11. Rakestraw, A TTORNE Y AT LA W, ap2 Covington, Ga. JAMES W GREENE, Attorney at Law, ap23 THOMASTON.GEO. Vv. STHlawton, Attoxney at Law, j - ■■-.1'..)• »' v I, iiai | C. A. LIGHTFOOT, ATTORNEY AT I, AAV , WARRENTONGA. Fl 2 fredThTwESt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, mar2G ATLANTA . GEO. Peeples and Collier, A TTORNIES A T LA IF, Darling G. Pebi-les, Barnwell C. H., S C Jambs G. Collier, Augusta, Ga. (Office over Hand & Fleming’s store.) tnar7 SIMPSON &, WELLS, ATTOKYIES AT E,AW, rnar7 Atlanta Ga. E,. B. sniTii, Attorney at Law, TALBOTTON, GA. <ia EILAND A THOUVroy ATTORMES AT LA IV, A. EILAND, I B. A. THORNTON, CRAWFORD, ALA. | COLUMBUS, GA. decß B • 1A ■ Harrison, attorney at law, January3l LUMPKIN, Ga. ly- WM BELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Crawfordville, Ga January 10 JAMES M. SMITH, ATTORNE Y A T LA W, ■ ap23 CULLODENGEO. E. I . Harris, j attorney at law, Madisox, Ga. Practices in the Ocmulgee Circuit. ap2 TEBHEYE A I’llßKl V. attornies at law, ROME, GA. Nov 8 wtwly John J. Jones, attorney at law, Dec 18 MACON, Ga. ly Robert S. Lanier, attorney at law, Dm 18 MACON, G«. ly POE dk NISBET, ATTORNIES AT LAW, iUncoiiOe<>., B-J" Practices in the counties of Bibb, Twiggs, ! Jones, Monroe, Pike, Crawford, Houston aud ; Macon, and in the United States Circuit Court i and the Georgia Supreme Court. d 4 ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sylvania, Ga. Will practice in the Middle Circuit. March 30 11. K. and J. B. Hines, A TTORNIES A T LA W, april 30 MACON, Ga. J ■ O. Jones, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, WAYNESBORO’.Georgia Will practice in the Counties of Burke, Rich mond, Jefferson, Washington, Emanujl an' Scriven. JOS. B. JONES. MALCOM D. JONES. January 31, 1850 w3m rz. nobtoN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, march 19 Van Wert, Ga. EEC I IS J. GARTRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W*asMngton, da., Practices in all the Counties of the Northern Circuit. Ifeb9 ly JAMES R. WOULD, .Attorney at Law, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. OOMMISSIONER FOR MASSACHUSETTS AND CON NECTICUT. Will practice in the several counties of the Middle Circuit. Office over P. A. Moise’s Diug stora. Nov 20 SAMUEL P. THIJRiTIOA Jl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, march 19 Jkffbrson, Ga. *'■■■' ■JHIYAL and NOLAN, ' ATFORikIES AT LAHL —McDONUwAfLIA T. ’W. J. Hill, ATTORNEY AT LAW, march 12-,ly Decatur, Ga. > W. Alexander, attorney at law, march 12-ly Lawrenceville, Ga. WARIREM &~81 TLEII, Attornies at Law, nov24] STARKVILLE, GA. ly DAWSON At CAIM, ATTORNIES AT LAW, SPARTA,GA. ETWill practice in the Northern and Middle Circuits. ts Oct 4 ELEAZER CVMMIHCI, Attorney at Law, SANDERSVILLE, GA. Will practice in the Middle and Ocmulgee Circuita. ly Oct 20 Geo. T. Bartlett, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Monticello, Ga. Reference—Geuld & Bulkley, aud D’Antig nac &. Evans. Augusta. ap2 Chambers and Flewellen, ATTORNIES AT LAW, Dec 15 COLUMBUS, Ga. 1 SEWARD & LOVE, ATTORNIES AT LAW, Jan 22 THOMASVILLEGEO. ly J. W. Warren, A TTORNE Y A T LA W. Dee 18 COLUMBUS, Ga. ly WIM. F WRIG HT, Attorney at Law, Franklin Heard Co., Ga. sf»pl4 ly LAW NOTICE.— The office of the un dersigned is on Broad street, third door be j) ost Office corner. He_will be thankful tor patronago >-• ’ - T** 1 111 J?_ HN M4LLEDGE JOHN L. HARRIS, | H. WEST. HARRIS WEST, Attorn i 9 • at Law, Atlantaßuo. hiMp»ffpsLllil!Ji.(| ii.i i i.niLsri, , Hiijl turn thanks to his friends fop past favors, ■““andsay to them that the Frapklin Hotel is still open and in good order for the reception of steady and transient boarders. The proprietor has added to the establishment a large fine Bur and Sitting Room for the comfort and conveni ence of his guests. The doors are kept open un til the arrival of the Georgia cars. The friendi of the house may rest assured that all things shall be done up brown, and the proprietor chal lenges comparison for good eating and a plenty of it for 365 days in the year, iu this or any other place South of New York C ty. Terms moderate. D. B. RAMSEY, Proprietor. A. Berry, of Sparta, I AHsistau(B . C. Stribling, ) References —Rev. B. Sanders, Penfield, Ga.; Col. A. Coulter, Rome ; L. Greene. Esq., Pen field ; S. Lawrence, C. J. Burk, Esq., Greene county, Ga.; Col. Johu Banks, CSlumbus; Col. Thomas J. Heard, F. G. Edwards, Elbert coun ty ; W. A. Swift, R. Hester, Esq., Elberton ; J. McCason. Hancock county; W. S. Lawson, Greenville, Ga. ;Col. Mathew Whitfield, Jasper county, Ga. To Cotton Planters. rpHE subsctiberrespectfully informs the Cet | ton Planters of Georgia that h» is manufac turing Cotton Gins of very superior quality, hav ng lately introduced a Box for Gins superior to any now in use. It is a complete Fire Proof Box, being constructed so as to oil tho bearings of the cylinders by filling the oil box with oil every five or six days. It is also constructed as to be proof against carelessness on lhe part of the ginner. I will warrant my gins to make cotton equal to any gins now used, and also wan ant those of 60 saws to gin from 1500 to 1800 pounds clean cotton per day ; smaller gins to give in proportion to the number of saws. They will be made of the best materials, aud warranted to perform well in every respect. , , . Gins will be delivered at the purchaser’s resi dence, free of charge for delivery, at $2,00 per saw. Orders respectfully solicited, and promptly attended to. As to certificates I could give a host of them in favor of my former success, (if requir ed,) but deem it unnecessary, as the warrant will be sufficient for the purchasers of iny gins. J. D. HAMMACK. Crawfordville, Ga., Maich Ist, 1850—m7 wtw ENDLESS CHAIN PUMP. THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully in form the citizens of Augusta, and the public generally, that he has fitted up on Green-street in the rear of Messrs. Baker &. Hart’s store, one of his new aud improved End less Chiu Pumps, which he will take pleasure in ahnwi'-.g to any who may wish to examine it. —1... iu nil are Jerally in use on the Georgia Railroad. are their exemption from getting out of order, greater cheapness and facility iu rising them. The Chain consists of galvanized iron, which resists any effects of the water, which is raised by metal elevators with great ease and in a few moments. The water is always brought up fresh from ths bottom of the well. Those who may wish to purchase can call upon the subscriber at Warrenton, or Mr. Rob ert 11. May, of Augusta. All orders attended to promptly, with instructions to put them up. je6 E HALE. ENDLESS CHAIN PUMP.—The subscri ber takes pleasure in informing the people generally that he is now prepared to furnish them with Chain Pumps, which are considered so great a convenience by all those who have used them. They are very durable, and so convenient that any child ol six years old can draw with them with he greatest safely, always bringing water from the bottom of the well. I have an experi enced hand engaged, who is constantly preparing and fitting in those Pumps. Any person wishing a Pump can be promptly supplied by application to the subscriber at M nr rentou, John Robinson, at Madison, or R. Grant, at Athens. ISAAC BLOOMINGDALE. jy2o trw<J-wtf FOR SALE, ONE of the best locations for a Physician in the middle region of Georgia, in a pleasant country village, with two Churches and an Acad emy, surrounded by a dense and wealthy popula tion, and an area of twenty or twenty-five miles square, with but one competitor in the practice. The improvements comprise two acres of ground as neatly, tastefully, conveniently and comforta bly improved as any person or family could de sire, and within a few miles of the Augusta Rail Road. A bargain may be had by tddressing the Editors, post paid, and particulars given. sep!4 if HXBK BRUSHES. —b doz straw Clothes Brushes, just received and for sale by oct 31 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. WE take pleasure in recommending Messrs. Seymour, Ansley &■ Co. to the confi dence and patronage of our friends and the public geuerallv. ADAMS A. FARGO. •nl 6«a BOUNTY LANM e I- ’ 1 I I .f l;. - I -K.. iint.-1.-,:.- he v. Il Ms 1 - I " |. , I ■ ill- "'1 wS. ■' mil-', . ■■ \ th t.r at I'r I.d 1, in a'.\ <-f th- liidl.iu Wa.s ; also. th,- M.-x I- 111 ar i : i" lh-at.lv I <l. e. ii. <l'l Aimni-y al Law. BOUNTY jKgfeg BY an actol the la'e Cnitgrt-cs, LA N DS have been granted t.j the and Widows of Soldiers who served in war With Great Britain in 1812, or in any Indian wars since 1790 ; also to commissMNH officers of the Mexican War. ' ■ Having formed an association with legal geitr B tiemen in Washington city, I will soon be prajM pared with the necessary forms and requireAW meats of the act, to proceed in behalf of alt\l those interested therein ; also to prosecute claims V of every description against the Government. fl Office on Jackson, between Reynold and Broadj streets. 010 JOHN MILLEDGE. J 801 YI ¥ LAXDS GUARANTEED AND 1 ENSURED. ? rjVHE subscriber, who was Surgeon in Col. J JL Reuben Nash’s Regiment of South Caro-” lina Volunteers, iu the war against tho Creek In I dians, winter, spring and summer, 1814; aud in Col. Ignatius A. Few’s Regiment, Georgia Mili tia, iu cantonment at Camp Jack, Camp Cov ington, near Savannah, and a detachment at Da rien in the autumn, winter aud spri>.g, 1815, tilt after peace was made with Britain ; ai d who was also Hospital Surgeon's Mate to the 6th Mil itary Diet., United States Army, and attached to Gen. Pinckney’s Staff, winter and spring, 1815 ; having the commissions of such service from the proper officers, now’ in his possession, and believ ing that he can identity by his own oath every soldi* in Nash’s and Few’s Regiipeuts, and a men kk‘,4l of these companies and wars neiire, the above advan ages, he has d bountns soW e was an »~ h i i. r,. • n succeeded W r services in the ,P o< i ur,n K had failed, B ercey even " War ’ ■ by lhe Bl ’ ! <l'liid where the case was “cm'Zf'd there, andleiMr’ s having- served Iwa t or heirship. Iv-ing scarcely any proofs or laws on the ®[ n addition to these h . | ' riot’s ManifesWnbject, thc Secreta’rv of IK “i 4 of rervtce, entire hi s decision upoj?h » he I ‘ , W all lhe neces«al tl . mel , t how P l J« «» of identifying Vy forms, conies of„ .f dead, hi»widol he orjgiua P ; o |dL r 0 i ad ’ r S ’-7 et, '<=.] other papei s Dw, orphan nr ntlmc i * ‘ • Heisalsoin cort» cegi f to and a/® of the Interior , "-es P o n de llcc wilh this matter, and j 8 mle ar n it he ! • will be imphcitly rllo9e inßUuct . ( r Judge) iM Ce He begs his fell Ohe > ediu identification is m, w aoldiers ■ in lhe testimony, a, of the remember ihatH able to swear to the d CoUße qiie ll( |v hX?i’- Z lteil ' lB vor which they can r - - hat| usbeingH and they will see th d ad vantage to engage f ‘' J 8 uU ‘er Agent .-M several applications Kervic s are on their way, or o^ ture b ouiltil^ e '”«»■ bounties will soon be , ’ d . s °meM above basis to predict., , < ere thw, upon to obtain their boc h(j M .J™’ Wlt h the fl in these tours of war s.? “7,. I " ‘I? a S er >tfl will obtain their - ' °' le «Aiiades,fl Wa^ Urt ' d ’ that Isl Agent, and upon thed (;| ‘‘^ 8 'orthemfl bounty fer them, 1 «’lncir>| B tld " r I oLher ■ I ask non. till they t ecJ obtain no ■ with their (postage paid) at this o^H irect lheir )p ‘ ™ county, Ga.,) wntingoW, (Powell IJa , Bounty Lands, to disWe outside of u, e I and slate the highest prie», l , jsh fronj I ensure their bounties, payuW (| Jev w ;ii, • '""b 1 the warrant, and their k,tt<l le immediately, und,il necewA, t / I j e I ges, sales, or any other claim, 'roin toiiehm K ui”"-! recovering out of them till they are issued and 1 held by the owner. A felicitous provision! 1 Wheu these bounties are received by the soldier, ■ I will (if be wishes it done) locate it for him on I the most fertile public lands, us I shall then be in 1 possession (as lam now) of the most satisfacto- fl ry information with regard to these lands. The I soldiers should not be too sanguine of a speedy fl realization of this long-deserved boon, as there | are between 2 aud 300,000 bounties to be issued; | it requires time, trouble and labor to collect the I testimony, to examine aud approbate it, aud no a less to issue the bounties. But the most tmpor- ? tant Steps in this business are early selection of fl an intelligent and experienced Agent, bis early I collection of the testimony, and its speedy pre- j sentation to the Secretary of the Interior, as he is will issue the bounties seriatim— first applird for, t first issued, as the Mexican bounties also.- the testimony will occasionally be rejected ail'd ~ require to be retaken, as with some of the Mexi can claims. And now, permit me my old fellow officers and soldiers, to hie us to a reminiscence of those long gone bye and lonely nights when we were wont to steep our souls in reverie, and cheer our heal ts with lhe recollections of far ab sent “ wife, children and fiends;” but anou, we were worshipping at the shrine of their probation, the Mecca of patriotism—our country's honor ! All necessary instruction will be furnished to ap- * piicunts by letter what they are to do on their part to ensure success. All other soldiers in any ■ of the other wars since the year 1790, such Floyd's old soldiers. Gen. Jackson’s, Col. IfaA: Intosh's, PoarsonV North Carolina Col. Milton’s, Newnan’s, and all Gen. United States soldiers, Col. Snodgrass’, of Jaflßk son county, Ala., aud others of the Florida war® who may apply by letter, pottage paid, shalU ; have their claims utteuded to immediately sb above specified. “ Readers will oblige lhe. sjldis.n, widow-and ornhans, bv communicating this information to them.” DAVID Powelton, Hancock eo., Ga., N0v,2,1850. g Gratuitous, Editors Republic. novs fl dj- The editors of the following named papers fi will give the above two, three, or four insertions, ■ and as many of them as may not deem suoli labor U too great a boon, or gratuity to the timeworn, I dectepidsoldier, bereaved widow and destitute ■ orphan, will forward tin ir accounts to me aud E they shall be paid I will thank each editor to ® send me his paper containing its firsj .red I’..i.stn utii.ii >-is:, An Mg . 1 l .-tl-i .- I 'r.-1.-glupll, Macon: 10,- . I ■- l>i'"t>,-r. ,'t * t ~■ <. < M : : 11 j • perance B inner and Index, Visitor, Madison, Georgia ; Carolinian aud graph, Columbia ; Advertiser Edgefield, S. eni Christian Advocate, Charleston ; Mountains eer, Greenville; Journal, Hamburg, South olina; Star, Raleigh, North Carolina Atlas Advertiser. Montgomery ; Kopublican,TuskogMß Gazette, Florence, Alabama. D. <•', TREDEGAR IRON WORKtIY®/, ROLLING JIILL.FOI.WRV AND.«; CHINE SHOPS, Mg RICHMOND VIRGINIJ«| undersigned to manufacture at his Works in this Bar Iron of ever y description, embracing Squares, Flats, Bands, Boiler Plate, Plough Axe Iron, Rail Road and Locomotive Axles Tires, Locomotive Frames, Spikes and Iron (’hairs for confining the ends of Rails, indeed every description of Iron usually factored, all of which he warrants equal to made in the country. I He also manufactures at his Foundry and Ma-1 chine Shope, every description of Rail Road work; i say, Locomotives, Rai! Road Wheels and Axles, ’ complete and ready for the Road, Rail Road Cart Chains, &c. &c. Also, Marine and Stationary Engines, all sizes, Sugar Milla and Engines, Horse Mills, and every kind of machinery required for the operations of the country. He has paid particular attention to getting u» Machinery, &c., for Gold Mine Operations, and| those in want of such work, might find it to advantage to give him a call. JOSEPH R. ANDERSON. Richmond, Va., Sept. 10, 1850. References.—Dr. Wm. C Daniell, Savau i nah, Ga.; Messrs. McCvnichie & Donnell, New I Orleans; Judge Joshua Baker, Franklin, La.. Bishop Leonidas Polk, Thibodeux, La.; H. D- Bird E>qr. Pres’t. Petersburg Rail Road Co., Pe i tersburg, Va.; Col. Janies Gadsden, CharlesUm, S. C. sep!7* 3m OLD AND SILVER LEAF.—A supply <»f the best Gold and Jdver Leaf, jutt re- I ceived and for sale by 029 P. A . MO TSE, Druggiti, W,O(M)Sy SAFETY ™" t 093-wl« E. C. TIN6LKT,