Newspaper Page Text
You naturally feel secure -when you
know that the medicine you aro about
to take is absolutejy pure and con
tains no harmful or habit producing
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer’s
Swamp Root, the great Kidney, I<lver
and Bladder Remedy.
The same standard of purity,
strength and excellence is maintained
In every bottle of Swamp-Root.
Swamp-Root is scientifically com
pounded from vegetable herb*.
It 1* not a stimulant and is taken In
teaspoonful doses.
It Is not recommended for every
According to a verified testimony It
is nature's great helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and
bladder troubles.
A sworn statement of purity Is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
If you need a medicine, you should
have the best.
If you hto already convinced thal
Swamp-Root Is what you need, you
will find It on sale at all drug storeH
In bottles of two sixes, flfty-cents and
Sample Size Bottle of Swamp-Root.
Enclose ten cents to l)r. Kilmer &
Co., Blnghampton, N. Y.. for a sample
size bottle by Parcels Post— lt should
convince anyone. You will also receive
a booklet of valuable Information, tell
ing all about the kidneys. When writ
ing be sure and mention the Augusta
Daily Herald.
More Money For Bugs
Than Lives of Miners
Washington.—Hearings before tlw
bouse mines committee on the bill In
troduced by Representative Taylor, of
Colorado, which would authorise the
bureau of minsa to create more ex
periment statlona ware oontlnued to
day. In advocating the measure, Wil
liam Green, secretary-treasurer of the
United Mins Workers of America, told
the committee that the government
appropriates more money for the study
of hugs than for the conservation of
the lives of miner*. The men work
ing in the mlnea, Mr. Oreen added,
were depending more and moer on
the bureau of mlnea. since whose ere
atlon the mins casualties bad been
gradually reduced.
Try “Brownatone”
Hair Stain
Th« Fountain of Youth Has at Last
Been Found tn ‘'BroAwnatons"—
The One Perfect Stein thst le
Entirely Harmleee and Sure
to Qlve Beet Results.
You need not tolerate gray, streaked
nr Uded hair another day. It takes
but a few moments to apply “Brown-
guaranteed to contain non* of the
dangerous Ingredients ao often found
In ,7 dyaa "
Trepared In two shades One to
produce golden or medium hrown,
the other, dark brown or black .
We will send absolutely free, for n
abort time only, a trial bottle or
Bit OWN ATON E If you will send un
•your name and addreaa accompanied
by 10c to help pay pogtaßo and pack
tag Thla offer la made fo r vou to
try BROWNATONK Hair Stain, and
find for youraelf Just bow superior
It 1a to all eo-ralled "d.vea,'' conics,
etc. otr.
Sold and guaranteed In Augusta by
tireen A Horsey Pnig t’o,, Froat a
Vhsnnaey and other leading dealers.
The Kenton Pharmacal Company,
512 E. Pika Street, Covington, Ky.
Fleas* aeod me your trial buttle
of BROWN ATONE Hair Stain I
enclose 10 cents, (silver ,or
stamps) to help pay, postage and
Nam* -
Town State
Do you wish golden, medium,
dark brown or black?
State which
Statement! That May Ba Investigated,
Testimony of Augusta Cititana.
V' hm an Augusta clttsen come* to
tha front, lolling hie friend* and
nelghtmr* of hie experience, you can
roly on hla sincerity Tho statement*
of j)oo|>lo residing In far away i.Urcs
«1» not command your confidence
Home ondoraamont I* tho Kind that
hacks Doan's Kidney Bills. Such tea
tlmony la convincing. Investigation
proves It true. Below Is a statement
of an Augusta rwudcnt No atronfrr
proof of merit can he had
John C Smith. 1411 Glover St, Au
gusta, Ga. nays "I am fully aatUfie l
that there ta no other remedy on the
market today, as good as Doan's Kid
ney Pills for kidney complaint. I had
this trouble for a long time and It
looked as If 1 was never going to get
anything that would cure me I hap
pened to hear »r 1 man's Kidney Pill*
and three boxes rid me of the ailment
I have never had any trouble since"
Price 60, at all dealers Don't simp
ly aak for a kidney remedy- -get 1 sum's
Kidney Plil*—tho same that Mr. Smith
had. Foster-Mllburn Co, Props Buf
falo. N. Y.
Anxieto About Americans in
Interior Considerable Less;
800 Entrain For Coast Port
(Continued from Preceding Page.)
to convince General Huerta it
wa* advie&blft to release American**,
and Sir J,ionel Garden, the Britinh
minister was call* rl into the confer
ence. Garden also visiter] Foreign Min
ister Portillo y Rojas
Gen Huerta declared thr*re was no
reason for placing an escort on trie
| refugee trains and anyway hr* did not
rare to assume responsibility of the
'safety of passengers.
It was planned according to Com
mander Tweedle to start three tralnss
from Mexico City last night. It was
estimated by General Huerta th;it
these three trains which were to be
operated by Englishmen would be able
to take out all Americans and other
foreigners who wished to go. This,
however, is regarded here as rJoubtuf,
since there has been growing evidence
that Americans are not the only ones
anxious to escape from the capital.
Keen Disappointment.
Keen disappointment was displayed
here by the wives of the men yet in
the capital and all other members of
broken fumilJes on learning that to
join them the missing ones would be
compelled to make a long and dan
dangerous journey through the trop
ics. The fact that those arrested had
been released was only slight assur
ance to those who know that the re
fugees must now pass through a re
gion In which many have been arrest
ed and taken northward to Cordoba
and Orizaba. It is regarded as un
likely that General Huerta, even If
determined to stop arresting A merl
es ns. will be able to get in touch with
all the little leaders in the south and
hold them off unguarded trains.
No Permission.
No refugees were permitted to come
from Mexico Olty on the train that
brought Commander Tweedle. The
British naval officer brings assuran
ces that the capital is quiet and that
there appears to bo no immediate dan
ger from mobs.
The total number of Americans who
had been imprisoned in Cordoba and
who were brought here yesterday was
1111. Among them were thoso who
earlier yesterday had been reported
Frofn Mexico City comes the report
that one American was killed In fronnt
of the Hotel Isabel by a mob a few
days ago. His name Is not known
Picked Up.
F. W. I-ehmer, n ranch manager
manager from Tuxtepec, whose home
Is In Omaha and who was on his wav
to Vera Crus for a visit, not knowing
the development*, was picked up nt
Tli-rra nianeha by federal soldiers. He
with ten others was placed tn a train
and taken to Cordoba.
While being taken through the
streets of Cordoba a squad of young
volunteers swept down upon them snd
tried to run them down
”1 was hit on the he«d with a flag
staff and a man walking beside ms
was struck on the head with a rock.
His scalp was badly cut," I,ehmer
said. "It was due tn the fine conduct
of the Mexican colonel that w» sver
reached the Palace
Put in Prison,
“We were put In the penitentiary
and for atx days we slept on the stone
flagging. There were two women In
the party, one with a little baby.
“Monday we were placed on a train
and brought down to Holedad
“At about 11 o’clock Tuesday morn
ing. Tweedle’* train arrived. The of
ficers were not going to let tin board
It but Tweedle refused to let the tralrt
go without us. When tv* arrived at
the break in the tracks, hunches of
Mexican soldiers wore lying In the
bushes and they certainly would have
finished up but for Tweedle and the
protection of the British flag which
was carried ahead of us.
On Small Coaster.
Vera Cruz.—Roar Admiral Badger
had been advised that eight more ref
ugee* are proceeding here from Puerto
Mexico on n small coaster but mimes
are not given. In view of the determ
ination of Mexico (Tty to route refu
gee trains to Puerto Mexico hereaf
ter and owing to the * mount of de
struction along the main line to Vera
Urns wrought by General Maas’ men
who are reported to be retiring to the
mpltal, It Is probable (bat the liner
Monterey will be despatched there so
as to bo In readiness to pick up any
who may nrrl\e. So far there has
been no determination to send a war
atone" with
vour comb or
brush, and just
a little ’’touch-j
Ing up” once a
month should
Veep your hslr
the beautiful
shade you most
Results always
the same—al
ways pleasing
Will not rub or
wash off and
(Continued from Preceding PHge.)
ernment to declare an armistice. It
was pointed out by officials bere thnt
In 11 probability the United States
would accept the propoaul notwith
standing the fact that thl* government
has not recognised that a state of war
In Mexico exists Insofar as the opera
tions of the Untied States are con
I leapt te this fact It was believed
that the Washington government
would ntd put any barriers In the
path of the progre*!* of the mediation,
mu tlculurly at such an early ntagu of
the negotiations.
Officials here also believed that
General Huerta would accept the first
Const it ut ionsbsta.
The proposal for an armistice it
go was learned, does not Include any
reference to the constitutionalists in
Mexico, the United Stales and lluerta
merely tielng called upon to cease
active operations pending further me
diation proposals Consideration of
the constitutionalists' position. It was
stated, probably would be'lnvolved tn
the next step taken after an armistice
has been agreed to by the principals to
the present difficulties
Neither Would Peute.
Under the armistice. In accordance
with International proceedings, neither
the Huerta government nor the Unit
ed States would pause In preparations
for war Ulans for position of the
fleet would proceed, but the armistice
would prohibit actual hostilities In the
field and any extension of military
movement l y either side. In Mexico.
1 people would be permitted to go where
they pleased unmolested; It almly
would establish a truce. Attention
was called here to the statement Issued
by President Wilson In accepting the
good offices of the South American
governments In which he expressed
I the hope thst no untoward occuur
j fence should develop pending negotia
tions that might upset hopes for peace.
An armistice, strictly adhered to.
would prevent such a development.
Keen Interest.
Officials expressed keen Interest In
unofficial reports from Berlin thst the
mediators had asked Kuropean powers
to us Influence on President Wilson that
would prevent this government mak
ing conditions of settlement as media
tion progresses w hich wuuld make liu
Naturally the quality isn’t as high, but $4.00 won’t buy
better anywhere. Bring back the hat if you find one at
$4.00 that's any better than ours at a third less.
possible the success of the effort to
bring about peace. At the state de
partment It was stated that nothing
was known of this action on the part
of the envoys.
After his visit to Secretary Bryan.
Ambassador Da (lama returned to the
Argentine legation, where the envoys
resumed their conference. When this
government would make a formal
answer to the armistice proposal was
not Indicated here.
(Continued from Preceding Page.)
Bible information from both American
sml Mexican sources with the aim of
reaching some middle ground from
which they may project their next
move which might Include asking the
Huerta and Washington governments
to net out terms on which they would
proceed to mediation.
Whether Possible or Not.
If that lino were followed It was
suggested, the diplomats speedily
could developp whether solution of the
situation by peaceful means were pos
sible. A report today that Carranza
and Villa, the constitutionalist leaders
had agreed to remain neutral In deal
ings between Huerta and the Ameri
can government "so long as there was
Cruz from the Huerta capital and spe
encouraglng development.
Released and Safe.
News that American Consul B<h
mutz and 110 other Americans, who
had been detained at Agues Callentes
by a federal soldiers had been released
and were safe In Mexico City on their
way to Vera Crus was a relieving fea
ture of a tense situation created by
previous reports that citizens of the
United States had been subjected to
Refugees continued to arrive at Vera
Odus from the Huerta capital and spe
cial trains today were to pick up ad
ditional foreigner* between Mexico
City and the coast. The transport
Hancock was sent from Vera Cruz to
Puerto, Mexico, to take sway refugees
arriving from the Interior by the Te
huantepec railroad.
Refugees Aboard
Reports at the Navy Department to
day stated that Charles F. Simmons
hail been In Mexlro City March IR.
when he Natd he Intended to sail for
the United Htstes early In April. This
was the last Information concerning
the movements of Simmons or fejs as
sociates. A radiogram from the
steamer Oregonian, off Key West, late
last night, staled that she had a num
ber of refugees aboard.
Supplemental reports from Rear Ad
miral Badger today stated that wound
ed marines snd bluejackets on the
hospital ship Solace continued to gain
and thst critical cases appeared hope
ful. Fifty-nine wounded still are un
der treatment.
News of the continued constitution
alists attack on Tampico was received
at the navy department.
No Artillery.
Rear Admiral Mayo staled, however,
that there did not aeein to be any ser
ious attempt to take the city. He said
the number of constitutionalists was
small ami that they did not have any
Admiral Mayo Ims arranged for the
1!0 American refugees now at Cervan
tes to work their way down the river
to l.a Barra, where (hey will find a
haven on the United States war ves
The superdreadnought New York,
flagship of the new special service
squadron, took on coal at Hampton
Hoads yesterday and resumed her run
for Mexican waters today. She car
ried a number of marine*.
A New
Instead of meats, hot biscuit,
griddle cakes, white bread, etc.
for breakfgjt, try some fruit, a
dish of Grape Nuts and cream,
a soft twilled egg and a hot cup
of Post urn.
After a week or two on sueji
a diet nature will then tell you
a new- story of comfort.
Grape-Nuts contains all the
nourishment of wheat and bar
ley In crisp, appetizing form
It is so dextrlnlsed by long
baking as to be prompUy di
gested and transformed Into
health and energy for body
and brain
Thousands, wise through ex
perience, know the advantages
of carefully selected food and
Grape -NuLs
* There * a Keaton.”
—sold by Grocers.
The reason we tell you
economical men about our
spick, span, new, spring soft
hats at $3.00, isn’t because
that price represents the
best quality hat we have,
but because the styles are
equal to hats selling for a
dollar more.
(Continued from Preceding Page.)
the mouth of the river will be threat
ened with destruction.
Panic Condition,
There was almost a condition of panic
nninng the Americans last Wednesday
when without an hour's warning the
little squadron of American vessels un
der Rear Admiral Henry T. Mayo steam
ed down the Panuco river, leaving more
than 2,000 Americans defenseless In
Tampico. Since this time, however ell
those who wanted to leave have been
given the opportunity to do so. In ad
dition to the tong list of residents of the
c'ty there are a few Americans In the
district hack of the rver who refuse to
come out.
Not So Violent.
The temper of the Mexican population
toward the Amertcans during the sxodus
was not nearly so violent ns might have
been expected. No attempts were made
to molest Americans. Home excitable
Mexicans Insulted them but none was
assaulted. The mob vented Its energy
In waving Mexican flags, shooting pis
tols. breaking a few windows and shout
ing "viva Mexico," The Americans who
left Tampico Sunday were quartered
aboard the cruiser Des Moines where
they remained until they were trans
ferred to the Canfield, which Is now
taking them to ftalvestnn. The steam
er Montevideo flying the Spanish na
vnl ensign and In charge of officers and
men from the Rpanlsh cruiser Carlos V,
arrived off the port Sunday tn take on
Spanish subjects She left today for
Vera, Cruz with 180 refugees including
four Americans.
i^till In River,
Tampico.—The only American war
ship* off this port today are the gun
boat Dolphin, the cruisers Birming
ham and De* Moines and nine torpedo
boat destroyeds. The Hermtone and
a few foreign merchant vessels still
are tn the river.
As a Jesuit of the exodus of foreign
ers and the disposal of a large part of
native population, business tn Tampi
co Is at a standstill.
While there Is good reason to believe
the rebels Investing Tampico will re
ject nny proposal to ally themselves
with the federals for the purpose of
re»utlng any possinle American ag
gression, there Is some uncertainty as
to what course the federals would pur
pose In such an eventuality. General
Zaragoza, the federal commander, has
announced his determination to defend
Tampico to the last
The American Advance.
On the other hand he Is reported to
have said last Friday that opposition
to the American advance would be
hopeless: that he would only make a
feeble show of defense sufficient to
satisfy the demands of honor and then
evacuate the city. General Zaragoza’s
force Is not believed to exceed 1.000
Considering the federal situation
from the standpoint of rebel attack all
Indication* point to their ability to de
fend Tampico Indefinitely. The fed
erals are well euppplled with artillery
of which the rebels have none.
(Continued from Preceding Paged
raignmant In court said they were Mrs.
RUsabeth Freeman, an Knglish suffra
gette who has one* been In Jail with
Mrs. KmmsUne J’ankhurst, Mrs. Mar
garet Remington Charter, and Mrs. Do
ttle I .let ner. All hsd been arrested on
the sidewalk In front of a 'Jfi Broadway.
Crepe on Arm.
"1 wasn't doing anything but walking
up end down In the street with h piece
of crepe on my arm," said Sinclair. "A
policeman stopped me and said that If T
did not slop walking I would have to go
along with him. 1 told the policeman 1
(lid not ere any reason why I should
stop walking and he promptly placed
ine and my .onmelates under arrest."
With Black Border.
When Mrs. Zllverman loft the office
she also was arrested. In addition to
»n American flag, she carried a large
white flag with a black border and a
red heart 1n the center. She said the
slug meant that “the heart of th«
United Htates was against the work
All the prisoners were charged with
disorderly conduct and In a patrol
wagon were taken to the Tombs police
court, Mrs. l.letner said she was an
artist and that her home was In Geor
Pensacola Delegation
Want Concentration Camp
i Washington.— A delegation of elti-
I sens front Pensacola. Fla., headed by
Mayor Ureenhut and Senator Bryan,
I urged state, war and navy department
I heads todsy to consider the advant
ages of Pensacola sa a concentration
! camp In the event of hoetilltlca «i
Mexico. They pointed out that Pen
aacola has a strategic location on the
Mexican gulf coast, affords an ele
i voted camp site and hns an abundant
supply of pure water.
Annual Meeting of Board of
Directors Held Today. Secre
tary and Directors Chosen,
At the annual meeting of the Board
of Directors of the Slblev Manufac
turing Company today Mr Rawortß
wss re-elected i resident
The following were elected direo
tors: H. K low re y. Dr. Thomas R.
Wright, P E May, Cecil Cochrane.
Boykin W right and Wm Schwelgert
Mr H. C. Cbeffea wea made sacra
tarv for the cneulng year
Otherwlee U was e routine meeting
merely, with nothing out of the w^.
Marie Ford, a young woman from
the restricted district of the city, now
lies at the city hospital recovering
from the effects of morphine tablets,
she swallowed last night in her room
at 1232 Jones street, In an attempt to
end her liga. Despondency is given as
the reason^
The victim would likely have accom
plished her end, had it not been for the
prompt action of the police depart
ment in rushing her to the hospital in
the auto patrol Immediately upon re
ceipt of the news. Only seven tablets
are said to have been taken, but this
was sufficient to cause death if she
had not been given medical attention
right away.
After reaching the hospital she is
said to have pleaded with the surgeons
not to do anything to save her life, as
she wanted to die, she said.
Her home it is learned is In Barn
well, 8. C.
It will be necessary to go back to
the beginning for an understanding of
this case.
There is a negro named Jim Smith,
alias “Greasy," who used to work for
the Ellis Ice Company, and In whom,
as said the judge, the Truth Is Not.
In the autumn of last year a negro
ted Miller attempted to make an
indentation in his head with a twelve
pound monkev-wrencli, which attempt
had two results. It ended the life of
the wrench, and so strained the rela
tions between Greasy and Miller that
Greasy left the Ice plant and got a
job with Mr. O’Kief for whom he still
But Greasy, they say. has never
forgotten the wrench episode and it
has led to many and diverse conse
quences. It is said (this is merely a
rumor) that It led to a fight in a
dance hall out of the city limits some
months ago, ir. which Greasy got a
good whaling from a boy named An
drew, with whom he 'has been wait-
Proved a Blessing to This
Gonzales Lady, and She Has
Cause to be Thankful.
Gonzales, Texas.—ln referring to her
recent trouble, Mrs. H. L. Threadgill,
of this place, says: "Cardul, the wo
man's tonic, Is certainly a most won
derful medicine. I had womanly trou
bles terribly, and my back would hurt
so bad, at times, I could hardly stand
Finally, my mother-in-law Insisted
on my trying Cardui, the woman's
tonic, and I am certainly thankful I
did, as it did me so much good, and
my old trouble has never returned.
I am now able to do all of my house
work, and even help out doors, some,
which Is more than I was able to do
do for several years before I took Car
! am so thankful fpr the benefit
Cardui has been to me, and you may
publish this, as it might be of inter
est to some other lady."
For over BO years Cardui has been
building up the strength of weak, ner
vous, worn-out women, as well as re
lieving the most serious symptoms of
womanly trouble.
Such symptoms as headache, hack
ache, pains In side, dragging down
pains, irregularities, sleeplessness, loss
of appetite, etc., show that you need
Cardul, the woman's tonic.
A fair trial will prove to you Its
Try Cardui today.
“Pharmacology has not provided
any drug which acts directly upon the
sugar forming processes of the liver
Opium exert* an Influence . . . but
there arc ao many drawback* Its use
I* restricted.” —Dr. Van N our den. Vien
na Authority. us face this issue squarely—the
ability of Fulton’s Diabetic Compound
to reduce sugar In many cases Of Dia
betes In people over fifty Is a FACT
IN PHYSICS, to prove which we will
send augur formula that will disclose
the percentage from week to week.
Chemistry knows no favorites. The
presence of sugar Is a fact and It*
disappearance Is a fact. Theory plays
no pert. How can there be a question
about the reality of a FACT IN PHY
SICS that ta being demonstrated daily i
by thy weights and measure* of analy- r
ucal chemistry?
We have a letter before us from a
physician whom the Medical Register
shows to be a Professor In an Eastern
Medical College. He writes as fol
lows: ”1 have used it in two cases
(Diabetes) In my practice with prac
tically complete result*. . and have
recommended It to fetlow practition
ers who have also been successful"
The thirst often begins to abate and
strength to increase before the sugar
shows much decline: thus patient*
often know the case la responding be
fore the teats vhow It. Formula for
sugar reagent and literature mailed
on request. John J. Fulton Co. San
Francisco. Green A Horsey Drug Co.
are local) agents. Ask for pamphlet. I
Distinctively Individual
'^ i M£s2s&Lk>
ing to get even ever since.
So, about a month ago, one Satur
day night, Greasy ilew to the police
with a pitiful tale of having been at
tacked, bitten, punched and stabbed
by Andrew. He gave every detail
and named four witnesses. Andrew
was arrested and the four witnesses
summonsed, but when the case was
on Monday there was no Greasy. He
had vanished. Mr. Sharky got An
drew out on bond and the police have
had a rule out Tor Greasy ever since.
Yesterday Officer Pender saw him
on a bicycle and nailed him. And so
the case came up at last today.
To begin with Greasy was fined $1
or two days for not having appeared
when the case was first called.
He thereupon told the Judge about
the stabbing. He had everything Pat
to the minutest detail. He had been
assailed by all four witnesses, who
has held him while Andrew stabbed
Put the judge said:
“Greasy, vour reputation for verac
ity is not the best in the world.”
“I know it Boss,” he said, “but
tain’ no use killin’ me jes ’cause I got
a bad reputation.”
His story held water so well, how
ever, that it looked as if all four wit
nesses. besides the defendant, would
get ninety days each. Greasy told
Have You Thought of This Fact?
The advantage to you in trading with us, is that you are buy
ing from .McCarrel, who has, himself, been a very large consumer
of everything in the line of Building Materials, Paints, etc., for
the past Twelve Years. McCarrel has been through all the experi
ences of the Consumer, and he can take your view.
Everything from us is under the Original Label of the Manu
facturer, and we represent the very best.
We do not manufacture, remix or dope.
We take care of you in small retail or car lots.
Entire Stock of
Better come early as there is still a good
selection to choose from.
$20.00 buys a $40.00 Suit,
SIO.OO buys a $20.00 Suit, etc.
Cash, No approval. Alteration extra.
We want every man who i* Buffering from any Chronic or
Acute disease or condition to come and have a social chat with us
and we will explain to him a system of treatment which we origi
nated and have developed aa the result of our whole llfe’e experience
In treating diseases of men. This system is baaed on a eclentiflc
knowledge. If you will call and se©us we will give you free of c “ a JS*
an honest opinion of your case. If we find your condition Is Incurable
we will tell you so If. on the other hand we find your case curable,
we will Insure your complete recovery.
p e r m a n enttv
cured. Ko pain
or loss of time.
end skin dis
eases success
fully treated by
the neewst and
Is pest methods
cured in a few
dsys. No cut
ting or deten
tion from bust
under our system of treatment show signs of Improvement at once
We treat diseases of a nature which moat people dislike to
consult their family doctor. All treatment confidential. Eruptions or
contracted troubles cured. Permanent reeults. We also successfully
treat such diseases as Stomach and Liver Troubles, Rheumatism, Piles
and all Chronic diseases of Men and 'Women. Everything etrictly con
fidential. Consultation free Call or write. Hours: 9a. m to 7 p iu.
Sunday, 10 to 2 only. \
Drs. Groover & Register 504 - 7 dj , «' Building. Augusta, oa..
Distinctively fitting
for all occasions .
Fatima Coupons can be exchanged fyr distinctiveXxife
the story quite convincingly. He is
very talented.
But when it came time for the wit
nesses’ statements, it came out that
only one of them had ever seen
Greasy before, only two of them had
ever seen each other before, and that
Andrew, the defendant, was three
miles out in the country at the time
of the stabbing. They were all very
much amused at being called up.
Greasy hieanwhile squirmed and pro
tested against the base falsity of their
Everybody was dismissed except
Greasy who had to pay his dollar.
He must have known he would
never get away with the case when
he tried to escape by hiding out for
the last month.
Is permanently
cured by our
■yatrm of treat
We care rfbt of
how long stand
ing We usual
ly cure them In
a short time.
Erysipelas or
any eruptive
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skin promptly