Newspaper Page Text
Published Every Afternoon During the
Week and on Sunday Morning.
Sintered M the Augunta Pnaioffloe aa
Mail Mailer of the Second-class
* 81 nScSipTJoN RATES:
Dally and Sunday, 1 year sti.aa
Daily nnd Sunday, per week 13
Dally and Sunday, per month 90
Sunday Herald. 1 year 1 <H>
Dusineas Office 297 ! Want ad phone 29*>
Society 2818 I Mans* 1 * Editor 299
News Room . . 299 i Circulation .. . .2033
Tlen.tamln A Kentnor Co. 229 Pifth Ave.,
New York City, ISIS People's Oaa Rulld-
Ing: Adams St , srd Michigan Tllvtl.,
Kllnck nnd W. D M. Owens nre the
nnlv authorised traveling represents I Ives
for The Herald. Pnv no money to others
unless fhev can show wrtten author'®'
from Business Manager of Herald Pub- i
llshlng Co. i
Address all business communications to j
7.19 Broad St, Augusts. On.
No uommuutr tion will be published in
The Herald unless the name of the
" r ! ter ! s signed to the article.
Ti e August.. Herald has a Isrg.-t city j
circulation, anti a larger total clrcula- |
linn than liny other Augusta patter This
Juts 1.-i'll proven by ttie Audit Co., of
1 7:e Herald tluaisntees Advsrllsers 60
pci cent, more Hume Carrier City Clr- J
. uhit on In Augusta than Is given by
iii y other August ! paper.
Thin gunruiilee mil be written In every
< in,tract unrl The Herald will be ready
nnd willing m a I limes In glvs full "«•
c«ss 111 it:- records I * All advertisers |
win wait to Irat the srcurarv of this
. nniie In comparison with the chili ns
< : other Augusta Newspapers.
the south is forging ahead.
Thorp's no reason why one of these
the South shouldn't manufacture
in rly all of its* own cotton crop. It
Is already usinfe as much cotton and a
llttl;" more llihii the rest of Hie mills
in America. Twenty years from now
llu South will ho using twice s« much
cotton as the rest of the mills in
America One of them days we'll
glop shipping so much cotton abroad,
and manufacture most of It In tho
In 18911 southern cotton mills used
7 l.i 818 bales of cotton nnd all other
mills In the United Stales lined
1.687,280 liules. Now note how things
have changed In 20 years In 1913
iho gotllhern mills used 2.960,518
baies and nil other mills 2,825,713
bales. The southern mills Increased
their consumption by nearly 300 per
cent, while the rest of the country
increased less than 70 per cent. Krom
consuming less thnn half as much ns
the other mills used the southern
mills have Increased to sn amount
that not only equals, but exceeds that
of all other mills.
The 'southern mills now use more
than a half of the South's product of
cotton. Till* proportion Is hound to
increase It must Involve a very ac-i
rlous change In soclh] as well ns hi
Industrial conditions. As the cotton
Industry Increases In the South there
goes with It corresponding material j
improvement, better paid and more '<
prosperous people, Increased means!
for f'ducailon nnd social benefits.
The following Kiiggestlnn come* to
The Herald from oiu> of Augusta*
inont earnout and alert cttUena. He
"l mil aucb time hi we will effect
t'omnilKiion Government, would It
not bo well to obliterate Ward l.ln«*
by nutting representation In t'liy
( (Hindi on a different ha* Is than at
present? Suppose It should be on a
burl* of pui ulaliou, uud one member
bo allowed for say each 5.000 papula
lion'.’ This could be easily effected
by rn amendatory act, and would give
the people ilia good wen of ALL. THK
t ITY to draw from A referendum
might be pul ou In the approaching
Hand Election and find how the
votera like the proposition.”
ITUs la worth giving lertoua atten
lion. It tndlcalei for vim thing a
dear reallaatlon that any change
from the present system promises
well. It would perhaps be a more
democratic tort ot government and It
might give a more efficient manage
meat, for the very reaaon our corre
spondent glvea; It would open the
Held to every able and well thought
ot citUcn, regardless of hi* loral haht
At the same time, we cannot give
our allegiance lo any plan that la In
the nature of a compromise upon
Commission Government. It la bet
ter, we think, to limp along under our
present cumbersome and Inadequate
ay stem until the full realisation come*
over all ot u* that a complete change
1* the only answer.
After all, It la not a question ot
men, so much at measures. There
are enough able and honorable men
to be found In every ward, but it la
the system of a long division »f re
sponsibility that makes efficiency so
difficult and prevent* the public from
knowing where to lay the blame or
the praise for the thing done or left
Our correspondent realties that a
change le needed, but why atop at *o
small a change? Why not keep right
on for Commission Government? It
ha* brought order out or chaos in
other cities and It la to clearly the
beat method that time would be loat
in considering anything short of it.
Besldfa, the people of Augusta have
spoken for It, in a most decisive way
and there la no indication that they
wll; be satisfied with aaythlag abort
of ft.
Every Baby in Augusta and Vicinity to
Profit by “The Shower of Gold ” Which
is to be Given by The Daily Herald
No Baby Can Possibly Lose By Entering the Race For Pop
• ularity Now—HAVE A PHOTO TAKEN FREE—Write,
Phone or Call Shower of Gold Department, 639 Broad
Street—Phone 236.
It Is siiifj now that this gran*]
! Shower of Gold Just opened by the
Dally Herald is going to be the big"-
frost enterprise ever attempted m this
Kftction of the «tate and will continue
to hold to the end. The Interest Jr
going to be more widespread thnn any
thing: heretofore attempted. The en
ihushiKiri which it hna already aroused
would make a political rally look lll&
I a Htald old meeting of the lords. Tbl.t
enthimlasm 1m going to continue with
out flagging through the whole period
of the enterprlae, for In the end Home
sweet little Tot Is going to be declared
the Most Popular Ha by In Augusta or
Vicinity, and the honor lr one for
which every parent 1h going to strive
moat earnestly.
It will always possible to nomi
nate a baby, but It la a very distinct
advantage to the baby to have ItJj
name appear at the very outset, and
the first day of the Hhower Knler
prlae Is to be Monday, May 4th. Don't
delay In thin matter. Send your fa
vorite name now and then get out
among your friends, neighbors and
acquaintances and tell them the baby
1k In the race and ask them to help
you. Many a rare has been lost be
cause one did not get a good start.
Just one hundred and twenty-five
years ago today was the first presi
dential inauguration in the United
Slut** Tin- ceremony took place on the
balrony of Federal 1 InII In Wall street,
New York, which city was then the fed
ernl eupitnf. I>•w nof the Inauguration
day wan greeted with a salve of artil
lery and practically all of the .*IO,OOO in
habitants of New York and many visi
tors Porn other cities thronged the
stieels. The crurch hells were rung
and at noon a troop of horse, two com-
P« riles of grenadiers and Highlanders
in kilts escorted the President-elect In
,i coach of state to the scene of the cere
monies. Livingston, chancellor of New
York state, ndminlef ct e I the oath of of -
flee. Washington’s fervent response was
nut with cheers "Long live Georg*
Washington, President of the United
States.'' from thousands of throats.
From Federal Had, Washington went to
the neighboring St Paul s church to at
tend divine services. Artillery roared
and hells ring throughout the afternoon
and evening. At dusk bon-fires and
fireworks lighted up the streets nnd
gila halls were held, which continued
into the following May day.
Richmond Academy vs. Georgia Military
College Friday and Saturday at
Warren Park
The most Interesting prep games of
the season will l>« staged at Wsrren
Park FYlday Hnd Saturday of Ibis
! week, when the Richmond Acadenu
aggregation slacks up against the
strong Georgia Military Colege team.
To dale the G. M. C. team has an
undisputed title to tile Georgia prep
school championship, which means
that the results Of these games In
Augusta will he watched with great
Interest by all Ihe prep fans of the
exclusive of local games, the Acad
emy team lias played eight games
this season, winning five of Ihe batch,
t'leinson sub varsity. South Carolina
sub varsity, Savannah high and Ath
ens high twice have been defeated,
while G. M C. ami Riverside have
proven ihe victors 'on their own
In the game which he twirled In
Mllledgevllle, l'hllpot allowed the
Monthly Report of Meat and
Milk Inspector Haggerty, Just
Submitted, Shows Also 2,025
Inspections to Restaurants,
Dairies, Meat and Fish Mar
kets, Etc.
The folowlng report of !>r. Dagger -
!y. city meal and milk Inspector, just
submitted, shows the amount of food
stuff condemned, and Inspections and
nlayses made during the month under
Itl* personal supervision.
To Dairies r.fl
” Meat Markets 200
" Kish Markets 325
” Restaurants ~ ~ 0:5
“ Fruit Stores 350
Delightful Dinner to Be Served
Promptly on Hour This Even
ing. Honor New Members.
The Minimi banquet for the mem
ber* of the Y M. C. V will be bold
at the association building, corner ot
tlreen and Ninth Street* at 7 o'clock
thl* evening, promptly. The dinner la
I'oing tmderoil In honor of the new
member* recently secure,! in the in
ter-city membership campaign, and it
will bo a moat aumptuoua repast
The banquet will be entirely free
from long speeches and will be over
by 8 p m., on account of the union
revival meeting in the t' £ W t'
freight depot It will be served under
the direction of Ih* ladles Auslllarv
to the Y. M C A Mr* || K l*und.
chairman of the dinner committee, m
Kvery member of the association
has an invitation lo he pioecnt at tue
banquet this evening, an event that
stand* out among the moat enjoyable
of the year at (he Y M C. A.
Do not let thin be Maid in your case,
("all up your frienda ut once and teli
them «t»otjt the race; they will save
votes and help you. A baby can have
ns runny helpers hh they care for and
there 1h no limit to the number Of
babies nominated. This Is everybody m
rnr-e, but it’s going to be* a marathon
of votes, not miles. If you win at
the end nnd your little sweetheart is
crowned the most popular Baby in
Augusta or Vicinity, you are going to
be the proudest parent in this great
land and envied of all the others.
If your Baby does not receive one
of the Big Prizes, bear in mind that
you will be out nothing for your ef
forts. for we have arranged to refund,
to all the babies not winning a prizp,
10 per cent, of all the money turned
In to the Khower of Odd office In
subMcriptions. 'Phis Is generosity on
the part of The Herald, but enables
every baby to be a winner.
Come to the Shower of Hold office
and talk to the manager and be will
give you some valuable "pointers" and
get you started In the race. Bring
your Baby along and he will have its
picture made absolutely free and it
will be published in the paper for ev
eryone to admire.
'today on the steps of the United
States Sub Treasury building, the exact
spot where Washington stood when lie
took the osi t.h of office, stands his bronze
statue, whose legs have ueen worn shin
ny by the urchins of Wai street who
have tried to climb up to touch the
bronze hand of the father of the coun
try. The point today Is called the
monetary n«vvo center of the country.
The trees which shaded the narrow
thoroughfare in Washington's day have
nil gone, and all about nre buildings
whose stony monotony towers several
hundred feet above the scene. The land
where Washington stood sold at $2.76
< H(ju;i re foot at that time; today It is
valued at sf»<> 0a square sot. and Is one
of the most valuable tracts in the world.
The buildings about It are said to repre
sent a real value of $30,0000,000 and in
their vaults there ordinarily reposes
about a sixth of all the money In tho
United States,
A stone's throw away, St. Paul's
church stands with Its hack to Broid
wuy preserved Just hh It was when
Washington knelt there for his first
prayers as IYesldent of the United
heavy hilling <i. M. C. bunch only
three singles, which Is a fewer num
ber than this aggregation has secured
off any pitcher to date. If In condi
tion there la no doubt hut thut this
Menxatlnmil young twlrler can dupli
cate Ihe stunt, which means that,
playing on home grounds, the Acad
emy team will very probably come
out on the big end of the deal.
The batteries for Friday's game will
very probably be Ghcesling and Kill
son for the visitors and l’hllpot and
Rupert for the home boys. The only
change In the Academy line-up will
he the probable Htitmtltutlon of Wilson
for one of the outfielders who lias
been playing regularly.
Tickets are on sale at Sardelle's:
Admission prices are- Grandstand 35
cents, bleachers 25 cents, ladles 15
cents, school hoys (bleachers) 15
cents, school boys (gramfktand) 25
■' Soda Founts 25
Total 2,025
Samples for Analysis.
No samples Milk for analysis.. ~ 25
No, samples Soft Drinks for anlysts 1!)
No samples Ice Cream for analysis 12
No samples Sausage for analysis. ..2
No. cows tested for T. B ..240
Sausage.,, pounds .. 320
Fork, pounds ..1.109
Reef, pounds 242
Liver, pounds .. 89
Rrains, lauinds joo
Fish pounds .. .. 8,030
Shrimp, bushel i
Oysters, gallons 20
Ramins, do* 542
oranges, do* 49
Celery, hunches 23
Lettuce, hunches ]4
Turnips, hunches s
Rotators bushels. , to
Elect a Librarian. A successor to
tlie late Mr Henry \V. Carr ns llbra
rlnn for the young men's IJbrary As
sociation will be chosen this after
noon at five o'clock at a meeting of the
ts>«rd of director*. It Is understood
that there are several candidates for
the posttton.
Fire Last Night. The home of \V.
H Rrtnkly. a negro living at 1412
Twelfth street, waa damaged about
11.800 by a fire which occurred at lttlO
last night Tin* house next door was
also damaged, but very slightly.
Improve Riifle Range A contract
was let yesterday for additional target
pit at the rifle range, which t» locat
ed some distance from the.
The additional pit will he of a three
target capacity The McKensle Con
struction Company will bufld the tar
get pit for |i..">oo. *
Clears Complexion—Removes Skin
Whv go through life emtvarrassel
and disfigured with pimples. eruption*,
blackheads, red rough skin or suffer
ing the tortures of Kesoma, Itch tet
ter, saltrheum. Just ask your Drug
gist for Dr Hobson's Krrema Olnl
nient. Follow the simple suggestions
and your skin worries sre over. Mild,
soothing, effective. Race!lent for tgi
hlee snd delicate, tender skin. Stop*
Chapping Aiwa vs helps Relief or
money hack. DOe. it your Drugglal.
South Atlantic League.
Augusta at Albany.
Columbia at Columbus.
Havannah at Jacksonville.
Charleston at Macon.
Southern League.
Memphis In Atlanta.
Nashville in Chattanooga.
Mobile In New Orleans.
Birmingham in Montgomery.
American League.
Cleveland in St. Louis.
Chicago In Detroit.
Washington in Philadelphia.
Boston in New York.
National League.
New York in Boston.
Philadelphia in Brooklyn.
Cincinnati in Pittsburgh.
Bt. Louis In Chicago.
Federal League.
Brooklyn In Kansas City.
Buffalo in St. Louis.
Pittsburg In Indianapolis.
Baltimore in Chicago.
Georgia State League.
Cordele in Americas.
Valdosta in Thomasvllle.
Brunswick in Way cross.
College Games.
North Carolina vs. Princeton, in
Virginia vs. Harvard, In Cambridge.
Koutti Carolina vs. Roanoke, in Sa
Texas vs. Wabash, in Crawfordville.
Alabama vs. Kentucky State, in
Georgia vs. V. M. I„ in Lexington.
Clemson vs. S. C. Preds, in Clem-
Vanderbilt vs. Sewanee in Nashville.
Texas A. Ac M. vs. Baylor, in Col
lege Station.
Mississippi vs. Union, In Oxford.
American League.
Cleveland at St. I/ouls; clear.
Boston at New York; cloudy.
Chicago at Detroit; cloudy.
Washington at Philadelphia; cloudy.
National League.
St. Louis at Chicago; clear.
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh; cloudy.
Philadelphia at Brooklyn; cloudy.
New York at Boston; cloudy.
Federal League.
Brooklyn at Kansas City; clear.
Baltimore at Chicago; clear.
Pittsburgh at Indianapolis; clear.
Buffalo at St. I/ouls; clear.
At Valdosta fi. Cordele 3.
At Waycross 7, Brunswick 5.
At Thomasvillc 4, Amerlcus 1.
At Ht. Paul 0, Louisville 3.
At Milwaukee 4, Cleveland 3.
At Kansas City 8, Columbus 20.
At Minneapolls-Tndianapolts, post
poned; col*l.
Standing of Clubs
South Atlantic League.
Clubs. Won. Lost. P. Ct.
Jacksonville 14 5 .737
Savannah 13 8 .619
Columbia 12 9 .571
Charleston 11 10 '.624
Macon 11 11 .500
Albany .. ..9 10 .474
Columbus.. 6 14 .300
Augusta 6 15 .286
Georgia State League,
Clu’s. Won. Lost F. C.
Waycrot-s 8 3 .727
Thoinasvllle 8 3 .727
Americas 6 6 .500
ValdostH 6 6 .600
Cnrdele 4 g .33:;
Brunswick 2 8 .200
Southern League.
Clubs. Won. Lost. P. Ct.
New Orleans 11 3 .7x6
Chattanooga 9 4 .690
Atlanta 9 5 .643
Mobile. 7 6 .538
Nashville 7 7 .500
Montgomery 6 10 .375
Birmingham 5 10 .333
Memphis 3 12 .200
American League.
Clubs. Won. Lost. P. Ct.
Detroit 9 4 .690
New York 5 4 .556
Washington 6 5 .545
Chicago 7 6 .538
Philadelphia 5 R ,srto
St. Louis 6 6 .500
Boston 4 6 .400
Cleveland 3 9 .250
National League.
Clubs. • Won Lost. P. CL
Pittsburgh 10 2 .835
Philadelphia 6 3 .667
Brooklyn 5 3 .625
Cincinnati 7 6 .538
New York 4 4 ,500
Chicago 4 s .333
St. lands 3 9 .308
Boston 2 7 .222
Federal League.
Club* Won. Lost. P. CL
St. lands 9 1 .900
Baltimore fi 4 .556
Chicago 6 6 .545
Indianapolis 6 6 .odd
Buffalo 3 4 .429
Kansas City.. 5 7 .417
Brooklyn 3 5 !575
Pittsburgh 2 5 .286
With a supporting company of some
little ability. Hal Johnson, a former
Milwaukee hoy. ts appearing at the
Bijou in o Look Who's Here, doing fe
male Impersonation. Johnson lias all
the tricks of Ids specialty well learn
«il. he knows how to walk like a girl,
pitch his voice high, dress to look slim
and graceful, ar.d how to slip in the
little mannerism* now and then that
Loth Inprove the Impersonation and
furnish the necessary comedy.
He has * company with him who
fill In all the details for a musical
von edy. Alice Hamilton and Arthur
Rowland have the other leads. an»f
there ts a chorua a* good looking and
well dressed as many one see* In high
Drived performances.
The New Neck
wear is Gorgeous
in Coloring
But you note the dif
ference in Dorr Neck
wear, for no matter
how daringly bril
liant the colorings
may he, the exquisite
harmony of shades
and designs in Dorr
Cravats r e 1 i eves
them of any suspicion
of loudness.
Good Taste Apparel
V. --- SJ
Magnetos recharged,
price $3.00. Special price
to dealers.
Reliable Auto Co.
Mattings, Shades. Pictures
T. 6. Bailie A Co
712 broad Street.
Augusta Herald
The circulation of the Dally and Run
dny Herald for the month of Marr.i
1914. was as follows:
Mar. 1 ....10.265 | Mar. 16 ... If.SO)
Mar. 2 10.279 Mar. 17 ....10-17?
Mar. 3 10,321 Mar. 18 10 492
Mar. 4 ....10.382 Mar 19 10,394
Mar. 6 10.414 Mar. 10 ... 10.38*
Mar. 6 ....16,394 Mar. 21 .’O.fS*
Mar. 7 ....10,978 Mar. 22 ....70.133
Mar. 8 10,401 Mar. 23 ....10.181
Mar. 9 10,386 Mar. 24 ... 10,311
Mar. 10 10.392 Mar. 25 ... .10.151
Mar. 11 ....10,437 Mar 25 10,41(.
Mar. 12 10.419 Mar 27 13,459
Mar. 13 10.532 Mar. 28 11.0)1
Mar. 14 ....11,374 Mar. 29 10,495
Mar. 16 ....10,412 Mar. 30 10,474
March 31 10.41!
The Augusta Herald. Daily nnd Sun
day. has a circulation In Augusta *p
proxlmately twice as large as that ttl
any other Augusta newspaper. Adver
tisers and agencies Invited to test th(
aeeuracy of these figures In eompt rlatM
with the claims ol any other Augusts
One acre fronting on "Summer
Hill Boulevard,” Just beyond
Hampton Terrace, North Augusta,
S. C. Get my cash price.
Five acres, near above, on easy
One acre, neat four room cot
tage, Belvedere, S. C.., about $1,250
Rea! Estate & Insurance.
No. 218 Dyer Building.
•ne Block Weit of Broadway
■ k£ ,O *S ,B . w holes»le nn<l Ritiil
■ siopfrn Kbsoia teilt rmißoor
500 Rooms (200 with Bath)
, Excellent Knanui an* Case.
I v > Moderate Price-•.
I Be*s fer froa lllaatrated Guide and
lk M m
Will cure your Rhenmalisiu
Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps,
Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and
Burns. Old Sores, Stings of Insects
Etc. Aatiseptic Anodyne, used in
ternally and externally, rrice 25c.
"Sir, can t sell you a fine talking
machine warranted not to run down?"
"I'm already sold on that proposi
tion. I'm married.—Baltimore Amer
"He looks like a fool!" "Rut. papa,
he has a*ked m,- to marry hint." "He
has Well, don't ever tell me t can't
wine up people."—Houston Dost.
In Effect Sunday, May 3rd, 1914
nzz via—
Leave Augusta 12:30 p. m., City Time.
Arrive Atlanta 4:30 p. m.
Parlor Broiler Car-Pullman Sleeper Augusta to Chicago.
First-Class Day Coaches.
Three other trains dally to Atlanta.
Three trains daily to Macon. ?;•'
Three trains daily to Athens.
Direct connection at Atlanta for all principal cities West, North
and Northwest.
Ask the Ticket Agent for details.
A. G. P. A. Q. p. A.
TH» best ear tor its prico—and nona better at any price. That’s whet
we claim for the Ford. And more than four hundred and Fifty thousand
Fords in world-wide service bear out our contention. Buy your* today.
Lombard Foundry, Machine & Boiler Works & Supply Store
p> r~> | Red and Buff, Dry Pressed
Georgfia-Carolina Brick Co.
Write for Prices. Howard H. Stafford, President. Augusta, Ga.
\aNDER_BILT T}ofef
I oThirtiJryburth Street east at dffiirk Ca/fi'emue, V)Qa 7ork
An Ideal Hotel with an Ideal Situation
vs. f[ f I ) I' if /J
\V\ rVT V 4 '-s3^
We are serving the most delicious Pineapple
and Orange Sherbert, plain or tipped with Vanilla,
Chocolate or Strawberry Ice Cr«am,
5 Cents
744 Broad St.
Just a little notice to tell you of Tennis Rackets,
Balls, Nets, etc., Base Balls, Gloves, Bats and all.
Croquet, the lawn game.
Bocietv Stationery in boxes and by the pound,
envelopes to match. Pads, Ink, Pens, Pencils.
Richards Stationery Co.
Song Boor Coupon
|fThe Auqusta Herald, April 3C,
'—'A/ explained below
Entitle the bearer to a choice of either ol
the beautiful tong hooks described below
vhn eccompeuied by «ke eipe.e » mount .1 »»p»dtl the dyk ••ImU*. wMck
cover* the itama of tke coat $1 packing, eaprnat lhs factory, cheeking. clerk
k»re. and other ntcamry npanif it*OM
A grand collection of all the old favorite songs compiled and selected
with the utmost care by the most competent authorities, illustrated with
a rare galaxy of 6o wonderful portraits of the world's greatest vocal artists,
m*nr in lavontr co.tumei This hie book contain. long* ®f Home and Loti; Patriotic.
Si-red and College >ongs; Operatic and National .on fa SEVEN compute ran books
in ONE volume. Pre.ent SIX coupons to show you are a reader ol thia paper and
79c for the beautiful heavy English cloth binding: paper binding. 4» cents.
We etnmet* recommend tke hooey cloth Mad me. ae it to a book that will loot foe ever.
MAIL ORDERS—E ther hcik 9y parcel pmt include E?CTR A ) cents within in miles;
to cent* t«o to joo mile*; for treater dittanee* a»k po*»manter amount to include lor 3 Iba.
- . A-i tvi. |
Trunks! Leather Goods!
We guarantee the w fc ar ot the
Trunk* we sell. Prices the lovpst.
Opposite Monument