Newspaper Page Text
Social CJossip
—Miss Ida Greene, of Grovetown,
is visiting Miss Jennie May Fiske on
Monte Sano. She will return home
next week, acoompanied by Miss
—After spending seven weeks at
Whflte Surphur Springs, Va., and
some time at Warm Springs, Mrs.
Edward C. Dugas is now visiting
relatives in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Dugas
has been the recipient of many de
lightful attentions front Virginia aud
Baltimore friends during her stay at
the Springs.
—Katherine Caroline is the name
of the dear little blue eyed baby who
arrived recently at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. A. H. McCarroll, at Bath,
S. C.
—Miss Callie T. Baker, who has
spent the summer studying at Cape
Cod, Mass., under the celebrated
artist, Charles W. Hawthorne, has
returned to Augusta and will be
joined here by Miss Helena Heyward
in a couple of w r eeks.
—After spending three months with
Mrs. J. L. Lyerly, in Asheville,
Miss Cieobelie Hogrefe has returned
—Margaret, the small daughter of
Mr. and'Mrs. M. J. Lyons, was the
We wish the public to It now that we have sucuv
ed the Studio of W. H. Strangmau, 842 Broad St.
and after refurnishing and overhauling same,
will open Monday, September 27th, for business.
Yon are invited to call and inspect our many dif
ferent styles of the latest photographs.
Just to advertise we are going to make some
very low prices on high grade work—for a short
time only, you can feel sure of getting pleased'
as our work will be an advertising medium.
Cut out the coupon below and
to the first 50 persons presenting the cou
pons we will xual e 6 of our regular $5-00 per
dozen Cabinet Photos for only $1 75-
Coupon No
Special Advertising Oder No. 2. [lf|
If you will present this coupon on or before
Oct. 15th, 1908 we will make you a half doz.
of our regular $lO-00 per dozen proof fold
ers for only $3-50-
Samples now on display at Studio. The very
thing for Xmas. Remember the above offers
are good for a short time only—unless you
call and make special arrangements.
Coupon No.
The HIGGASON STUDIO, 842 Broad Street
The above prices does not include groups.
Our motto is “Anything Photographic.”
Yours respectfully,
Successors to Strangman
Buy Diamonds
Aside from their beauty and their
desired popularity as ornaments.
Diamonds are a safe and sensible*Jo’-
vestment. They are always stable In
value. Yon can g<-t your money out
of them at a moment's notice l,arg<-
stock for your inspection.
Wm. Schweigert & Co.
central figure last week in a christ
ening party at the St. Patrick's
church, the Rev. Father Hennerse
officiating, and Mrs. John Mugill
and Mr. Carroll Magarahan serving
as god-parents. After the church
ceremony a number of friends were
present at the Lyons home. 912 Tel
fair street, and the health, happiness
and future prosperity of the little
lady was the toast of the occasion.
A number of lovely gifts were sent
little Miss Lyons.
—Miss Callie Smith, who left last
week for Hollins' institute, Virginia,
has been quite ill and has returned
home. —Atlanta Journal.
—Miss Fannie Seward has return
ed from a pleasant visit to Miss Mary
Lou Phinizy in Grovetown.
—Miss Annie G. Wright has re
turned from a delightful visit to
Wythesville, Va.
—Mrs. H. O. Hubert, of Harlem,
spent Friday in the city.
—Dr. aud Mrs. C. C. Williams,
of Mobile, were among the charming
people who were at the Greenbrier
White Sulphur Springs this summer.
—Miss Aliee Von Kamp has return
ed from Atlanta, where she hag been
for several weeks.
Don’t look for the flaws as you go
through life:
And even when you find them
It is wise and kind to be somewhat
And look for the virtues behind
For the cloudiest night has a hint of
Somewhere in its shadows hiding;
It's better by far to hunt a star
Than the spots on the sun abiding.
The current ot life runs ever away
To the bosom of God's great ocean,
Don't set your force 'gainst the riv
er’s course.
And think to alter its morion.
Don't waste a curse on the universe—
Remember it. lt\ed before you;
Don't butt at the storm with your
puny form.
But bend and let it go o'er vou.
I'he world wilt never adjust itself
To suit your whims to the letter.
Some things must go wrong your
whole life long,
And the sooner you know it the
It is folly to fight with the tuflulta.
And go under at last in me wres
The wiser man shapes into O' -
As water shapes into a vessel.
—Ella Wheeler' Wilcox.
—The extreme illness of Dr. S.
C. Durban is the occasion of deep
sorrow to his numerous friends. Dr.
Durban’s sister. Miss Addle Durban,
of Havana, Cuba, and his son. Mr.
Daniel Plumb Durban, of Hlrmittg
ham. Ala., have arrived to "be with
him, and Mr. Turner, of Columbus,
Ga., a brother of Mrs. Durban, is
also here.
—Mrs. Howard Royal has moved
to 522 Ellis street.
—Mrs. George Bosnian has return
ed home after spending the summer
at various points of interest in Vir
ginia. It is a matter of genuine re
gret to her many friends and ad
mirers that Miss Decile Bosnian will
be at school at. Beuna Vista, Va. I his
—Mr. Walter Jackson, Jr, bus re
turned from Yemassee. S. C. where
he has been on a hunting trip.
—Mr. E. J. Costello ami his Inter
esting little family will be with Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Schley after the first.
—Mrs. VV. W. Tommins is down
from Atlanta, visiting her mother,
Mrs. j. M. Stoy.
—Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Blount and
Miss Annie Male Blount have return
ed from St. Louis and Memphis.
—Mrs. H. T. Davison has returned
from Thomson.
—Miss Mary G. Gibbes has returned
from Atlanta.
Prominent among the Southerners
who are guests of the Hotel Gotham
in New York city are: Mr. William
McGeddes of Athens, Ga.; Mr. and
Mrs. J. M Light of New Orleans,;
Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Kennedy of
Austin, Texas., and Mrs. Amelia
Wood of Atlanta.
While here. Mrs. Wood gave out
an interview upon a subject of surh
I national interest :hat I thought it like
ly you would like to copy ft in your
columns, and so I an: enclosing a
clipping about it.
—Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Smith left
today for Wadley, Ga , to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Amor? Smith.
—Mrs. Elizabeth Hubert and her
charming family will leave tomorrow
afternoon for their future home In At
lanta where they are attended by tlie
sincere good wishes of their count
less friends.
—Mrs. W A. Latimer has as her
guest her niece, Mrs. Bulloch of Abbe
ville, S. C., who is pleasantly known
to her Augusta friends as Alisa Mng
gie Latimer.
—Miss Mary Virginia Saxon will re
turn on Friday from New York where
she has been for several weeks with
Mrs. Joseph Plunkett.
—Friends of Mias Joe Summers
will be deeply grieved to learn of the
sad and serious accident which she
sustained on yesterday, when Bhe
pierced one of her eyes with a Span
ish bayonet Miss Summers is at the
hospital and. while every attention is
being given her, her family and
friends are most apprehensive.
—Mr Frank Carswell is spending
today in Hephzlbah.
—Mr. Edward ftlemsner and Mr.
Douglass Oonacher will leave tomor
row for Atlanta and the Georgia
Mt. and Mrs. Will Fuller are
receiving congratulations upon the
arrival at (heir home on lower Broad
street of a fine son.
—Friends of Mrs. Meyers Frank
lyn and .Miss Desiree Franklyn will
regret to learn th: t they x\ill not
he with them this winter, but will
leave the last of the week for Now
York, where they will remain for
,e\eral months with Mr. George
Franklyn, who has been located thei
witli one of the large New York firms
for several years.
Mrs. Reuben Clarke arrived from
Savannah last nlglb and will be with
Mr. James IJ. Jackson for a few
days before returning to bavannab,
where she will be for the winter.
—Miss Nannie Mullarky left last
week for Heston where she Is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Joseph Deveney
—The many friends of Mrs. Al
pheus Traylor will regret to learn of
her indisposition.
—Mrs. Scott Tyler and Mr. Stan
ley Hulls are spending today in Mil
ieu .
-Mr. Robert Young left today
for Wrens, Ga., to visit fcls pa>-nts
—Mrs. C. McMlllen, of Harlem,
i was in the city yesterday.
I —Mrs. Oilb- Docihi te aid her
[bright little fiaughn . Kat'e
i rived from Spartanburg 'oday to visit
I her mother, Mrs. Wrlcht, on D An
il;.: .it a. reel
The many friends of Mr. G-o
Riildowgi.i will regret i» learn of h:-
IniilspoMii lori.
—Miss Mary Connelly, who has
been with her aunt, I.adv Ang'esey
In France Is now visiting her sister,
Madanu- Huge Gregorlnl, In Italy
who Is iilesssntly recalled as Mist
Grace Conm-ly of this city.
- Mr. Oscar Maker will leave to
i da*- for Columbia, 8. C.
Scalp Specialists
Use and Recommend
NeWBRO’S Herpicide
Hundreds of lady scalp specialists and hair dressers use ami recommend Newbro’s ITorplelde,
instead of products of their own manufacture upon which a much larger profit could be made. They
claim that Herpicide makes friends for them and gives much better satisfaction. Some hair
dressers use Herpicide for obstinate cases only, but why not use the best first?
Herpicide is a delightful dressing that can be used when there is no disease of tho hair or
scalp, and as an actual remedy for'dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair it stands in a class sin
gularly iis own.
Many ladies object to a gummy and sticky hair dressing, or one that is full of sedimentary
chemicals intended to dye the hair. The marked preference for a clean and dainty preparation, par
ticularly one that overcomes excessive oillness anil leaves the hair light and fluffy, is reflected in
the enormous sale of Newbro’s Herpidldo. Discriminating ladles become enthusiastic over ils re
freshing quality and exquisite fragrance. It stops itching of tho scalp almost. Instantly.
Two sizes. 50c and sl.oo—At Drug Stores—Send 10 cents in stamps to The Herpicide Co., Dept
N„ Detroit, Michigan, for a sample. Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 30 19Q8. Serial
No. 915.
Entertainment at Hcphzibah
HEPHZIbAH, Ga—The following
musical program was enjoyed Friday
Sonata Op. 2(1. Beethoven, theme
with variations. Scherzo, Marche.
Fnnnebre, Ollegro, Mrs. Freeman, di
rector of music in the high school.
Recitation, "A Nightmare,” Master
Jo. Fisher Freeman.
(tv) Waltz, (b) Prelude, Chopin,
Monologue, Miss Anna Kennedy
"Roses of Bohemln,” Kowalski. Mrs.
Recitation. "Little Jack Horner,”
Master Jo. Fisher Freeman.
Recitation. "The Trials of House
keeping," Miss Anna Kennedy Free
Rhapsodic Hongroiae, Liszt, Mrs
Mrs. Freeman’s Interpretations
made a hit with the music loving peo
ple of Hephzibab.
Mrs. ,1. M. Featherstone, of Danville,
Va., is spending some time in the vil
Supt .1 A White was quite 111 Fri
day, but is much hotter; thanks to
the ladies at the hotel, whom Dr Mor
ris pronounced as good nurses.
We Will be Looking: for the Merry Widows Monday
As Much as the Merry Widows Will be
Looking: for Their New Bonnets.
Wc wish to announce to the ladies while shop
ping or visiting the different millinery opening
to make this corner their resting place as usual,
and wc also extend to all the use of our phone
tables—in other words to feel free here at all times
We aprcciate your patronage—hue we apreciate
your presence just as much.
Delicious Ice Creams,
Pure Coca Cola,
Pure Soda Waters,
All syrups made by our
Mr. Howard.
”1 am sending you my photograph to show what kew
bro’s Herpicide has doue for me.
“Since 1 first tried Herpicide upon my hair I have
used it exclusively in giving scalp treatments to others,
and 1 would not think of trying to get along without
2807 Archer Ave„ Chicago, 111.
Dr. W. W. Duffle spent Wednesday
in till' village.
Mr. Mollershamp, of Edgefield,
must like our town, as ho is back.
Miss Edna Layton is visiting In Su
van null.
Masters Andrew and Charles Kil
patrick. of Augusta, are enjoying a
stay with their grandmother, Mrs.
Mrs. Garland Embry, of Atlanta, la
expected next week.
Mrs. Carrie Huynlo spent Thurs
day at Keysvllle witli her mother,
Mrs. M. A. Parker, who was ill.
Miss Lonnergmi, who Inis been a
guest of Mrs Cal Lamar and Mrs
Earnest Morris, leaves this week for
her home In Jackson vile.
Miss Paula and Master Hamm on
Connally returned home after a long
ami delightfui visit to Mrs. Cal La
Mr. Calvin Morgan, of Edgefield,
was a guest at the home of Mr. W.
Weathers bee Hits week.
Agency for Whitman’s
Chocolates and Confcc*
Glimmerings From Grovetown
Tho many frlonds and acquaint an cos
of Mr. LJjie Jordan are glnd to welcome
him bark to tho village again after Uni
prolonged absence.
Misses Clam and Inula Mungum are
spending sometime with friends and re
latives In Haluda.
Miss ICnmm (Ji- .n haa returned after
upending sometime with Miss Jonntn
May Fluke in Augusta.
Miss Ida Qroon Is spending aometlcie
with Augusta friends.
Mr. and Mrs. (\ J. Clifford two of our
most popular citizens leti.v* on Monday
week for Atlanta, to attend the w illing
of their niece Miss Paulino llendeiso'i
*« Mr. O. r | Hark well of l llrm Ingham,
Ala. hhe wedding Is to bo sol •.n.u/. d u'
the home of the bride. No. -pm Uuirtlaml
street, October BcV.-nth at eight o’clock.
Miss Henderson Is pi a*antly n> Member
efl Win* for the p is» two seasonal mis
been the greatly admired guest of her
aunt. Mrs. < has. Clifford. After tin*
wedding trip to Wa rd igton, J). New
York and other points of Intercut they
will return to liirmlnglmin, Ala., where
the groom, to be has filled up it lovely
home for Ids fair bride.
This charming young couple shall be
While waiting with us inspect our stock in the
rear, here we are receiving; new goods daily.
Playing Cards,
Pocket Knives,
Gillette Razors,
Gillette Extra Blades,
Razor Strops,
Shaving Mugs,
Shaving Brushes,
Shaving Soaps,
Toilet Soaps, ,
Tooth Brushes,
dollghtod If they will pass throqght,'
Grovetown on their return, and l*t ua 1
renew our acquaintance with one pf th*
prettiest and brightest young girl*, whx»
Inis of hi to ycurrt boon our gucMßt, and
her (Icseruedly popular huvband.
Hduoatlonnl Interest* nr« Indeed lolt«
lug up in Grovetown. When Prof, Wilson
opens school for the fall term, ho will
be most ably ussltod by Mr*. Webster,
who 1* a. lady of much oharm and cul
ture. Hho bus many friends In tho vil
lage and is already gaining tho Interest
of the brightest of the young people here.
In a rtcllgthful little literary circle. It*
meet lugs promises great pleasure for tho
Fall and Winter. The second of tho*o
meeting* took place on Friday, and waa
a. most plosant and agreeable one, tho
subject being "Longfellow/' The follow
ing was a program of the lout meeting^
Holl Cull, responded to by quotation
from Longfellow.
Longfellow* family connections, his
boyhood, and his opportunity for gaining
an education, by Mrs. C. Wilson.
Title of ten of Longfellow’s poems, by
Mrs. it. r. Jordan.
Clin.‘inter I/.cd Longfellow ns a man
and a poet, by Mrs. C. King.
Plano 8010, Miss Lucille llurrli.
Mis Hailey Is on a visit to friends In
the tillage.
Hair Brushes, ’
Bath Towels,
Bath Mitts,
Wash Cloths,
Rubber Sponges,
Bath Sptmgt K,
Toilet Powders,
Toilet Chamoise,
Alcohol Stoves,
Whisk Brooms.