The Jesup Georgian. (Jesup, Ga.) 18??-18??, April 17, 1875, Image 8

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fhr :Hcr-up <ftcovt|iau. H'iw to Use Guano. Mr. A. .1. I'oiiiifl, of Dooly, rdiiled to recently tlifi ipanner by winch he :i:n!c guano pay llitn. lie has dealt in ■nil i/.ers cjuite extensively since the wtr. apd -ay* lip is not satislied that nay have fully paid him any year until .o la-r. He purchased only a small nudity for his cotton crop of 187-1. and -lead of'puttinjf it in thy drill, a- lie .. 1 previously done, he rolled hi- seed it.—usiti" only about twenty-five ids on enough seed for one acre 1 I’cuiid says lie tva- well pb-a-ed the result, niid l-elleves that the HH ere ie'u rued him luoie |.m he used, in tie 1 ii-nai maiiiier. ragS ndrel or p -i, ih” Ve liave dunh: 1 1,at Mr. .is a V”i 1 ' ii' a In” OK ! in. Ii | nano, fur \vliai”v<T otrenytli HB in the I -i liii/i r is bound Ij” re s m df • drV -nniiner. One extreme ' iidly follows another, and if adrutixdit . mild come, it would he veil to have riled -'e.iiiist it as iniicli as |ms-il,> i eiioes-ee papei. giving advice on t ni !”<•!, hays: e (eel UK If we were almost called no lliiougli the country mid be” and tore our tanners to plow deep. \Ve ecd la-l year where, tlu-re had been i P plowing and otherwise proper ml . there were "nod crops of corn and non despite the drought—where the owiti” was shallow there was a fail e. A deep Inrrnw receives the rain and reliillis it as in a reservoii. and ti c nit. is not, diOwned by the flood nor relied by drought. The IJanncr ”iv - eupilal hint in (hue. And the Muuoii Telegraph & .Mes.sen taUlp” up thy name niguineiit,gives i ease to siuduln Its position: A sinall planter eullivalin” mostly ’il” li. sandy soil. Inis, to our know lei lye. u twenty years never one” ,'niissed a talr erop id corn tin ?,n*ii land, among all III” ilroli”hts which have atllcte Uie countrv, simply because Ills furrows wet e about eight inches deep; and the true explanation ut all the droiixiit blnued corn crops in this i egiou is, that tile land was broken scarcely to the depth of three inches, ami the seed h opped in a furrow no deeper. Where i e error ot shallow planting has been oiniaitted. then a free use of tlm hulls ongue while the plant Is yet small will :ive It u better ylianye. to slaiiUt dry ' eat her. ACADEM 7.~ ' v Ainmruvii i.i. \ a G Hceeivo* on nnv <! i\ . IGvords ari l charife? * ,v tin* ni ik. ('liisHili •!i*iio the sumo us h<*r t* t* t*f Priiniirv. inlcrnicilintc. .Irmiomit;. 1 ■>’* ' v'* J‘;:7, sl*. p -i* Quarter ID weeks. A. M. M.*IV I! i;. Principul, J Mr> S. M. M.IVEIL A distant. ( Iw,chers * "■ lui ve. t.' r former 11. the latter 20 years • ■ Jieiienee with boys and girls. Popular Loan! TUK GREAT M riIKUN RAILWAY (’<)., (Consolidated,) nrn:i; nut s*vlk tiikir : Mortgage Land Grant Pre mium Bonds. Ten Pol furs Pit(h . \ ri iiemption ot I mids ami six distribu t . ii sot Pivmiums in I '7•>. Kvrrv Uoiul whfsi redffinod will nuvive u Li'onimn in |laee. * ! inlt-rvid, varying in noutit IV •in SI,OO to $50,000, bv: iU the oi ifg ..nil cost uJf die Ibmd. - .Mid hv Uetrii*tered Li tter, or by I'ost-Ofltee y. uey Order to I'MIL HAAS A CO.. Financial Ap'ntfl, .M 1 V 7! i . .. y. v (jimhl* for sale by .v. • 1 1;. EASTERLING Georgia, in R y^k afe -■jioWj'o- .i; :i /is IJ> FULL !)I:STKim;T>/V. FI3ST GRAND CONCERT. Montpelier Female HUMANE ASSOCIATION, At Alexandria, Va. MARCH 20, 1875. LIST OF GIFTS. t Grand f;oh Gift. SIOO,OOO 1 ( Lio'b Gift 50,000 I a tad Cosb Gift 25,000 lit ( riah (iiftn, $10,00" t.tch 100,000 j.i L,.>n (iifth, o.OtiO fMUih 75,000 50 C i-li < i 100 < ,i.-b .*>*)(> each 50,000 J.fji u r..-h Gift.*, 1 of# < j' i> 100,000 1,000 C:t-!t Gifti*, 50 **;t< h 50,000 2u,*id C ush and ill.-. I'Orcach 400,000 22,178 Cush Gifts, amounting to...?,.000,000 NUMRLIt OF TfCKKTS, 100,000. I'ltia; of Tic K i.; > Whole tickets S2O 00 Halves 10 00 Quarter* 5 00 K'ghths or coupon* 2 50 5} Tickets for 100 00 The Montpelier Femnb* Hu inane Associa tion, chartered by the L* gi-!ature of Virginia ami the Circuit Court of Orange county, pr*> pofo a by a Grand Gift Concert to <.-tubii.-h find endow i “lioine for the O'd, In firm, and 1 )*•-!iruic Ludir* of V irginia,” at Montpelier, tbe lunner residence of Pre idciA Jaim:.j Mad ison. Govrn v ron*.‘; Opfir;:, ) Richmond, July *}, l. v . 74. [ ft affords me pleasure i>/ say that I am well ac'juaintv i with a large, majority of the oHi eers of the Montpelier Female Humane Asso ciation, who reside in the vicinity of my home, and I nttcfft their ittelligencc and their worth and high reputition as gentlemen, as well as the puoJic confidence, influence, and substan tial means liberally represented among them. JAMES L. KEMPER, Governor of Virginia. Ai.kxaVi>Rfa, Va., July S, 1874. * ■■ I nd them as gcntluncn of honor and integrity, and fully <-a;itled to the confidence of tiiu public. ;:i ; It. W. HUGHES, l . S. JndgM L ist’n Hist, of Va. Furtln r rcfcreiifes l>y perinisHion : ilis Ex eelleney Gilbcrt C. Walker, Ex-Governor of Va.: Hon. Robt. Ih WiMieis, f.ieut. Gov. of \’a. arid U. S. Senator elect; Senators and Members of Congress from Va. Remittances for tickets may be made by ex pre- pn paid, post office money order on Wash ington, I>. ( or by registered letter. For fu l particular!!, testimonials, etc., send for circulni. Ad'lress liiH, JAMES r.\rroi;r, Pre.g’t M. ]■’. 11. A., Alexandria, Va. IS liable agents wanted everywhere 21* It Dr. 2. Van Pifeter & Go,, Proprietors of the famous Charleston, 111., Infirmary, are endorsed in the lust issue of the ‘•Nation’s Journal of Health,” by men ot prominence South and North. Also by fifty ministers of Jiiferent denominations. An op portunity is now offered to obtain a thorough examination and treatment without having to visit the infirmary. Address at oneo Hit. S. VAN M L'l 1111 CO., 1' f w Charleston, HI. RnOT GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLSgKEYOLVEK ... Of nny und every kind Send stamp |. t ? iv, Cos ■! .. A.litriW't WcfttoNi 3** fluud k'lmlu a Work ~ §• H it' %' OD-JJkl Ci Mi. gA. ** The DIAMOND COTTON CHOPPER imhkovcd&warrantco r i-. 1 eN V'. V < *i *mi Pill liter i f -\ .j-v* / M 1M1.,1,,1 oi-trll.i;t..r.!'i- •*!•! V, ’ rT*\. ' *h' ;' \ ' i Cora V ,V,‘' • 1 Planter v' I '. * *5 / ">: I iillltv!. A cent 8 A£s ~V )3y t s\Jl& v M. .Is. i. i fnrlHiwtrnt* RCtlAtitr//' Ccheap w “ r, ““"“ I W'. ItIN'sDAT.E, S**r., PwyeUcvlllu, N.l\, or to Locttl Agt. poit coughs, conns, hoarseness and ALL THROAT DISEASES, Wells’ Carbolic Tablet 1*1!T l'l’ ONbV IN HI,UK BOXES. I TIHI'.II VM) S5 iii: Ht;tn.l)V. HoM l>v I>ru-”lsls ””iicrully, anJ FI I.l.Kit A FUbbKR, Chicago, 111. ' At! W . .1. U llintVKK, Boot, Shoe, and Harness Maker And R-epairev, Jcsup <’!>. V l.b IV OR K IV A lilt AN 1T1I) TO iHVM j V Mitisfaetion. 30 ly lsTti.Ti[llfflCTll VCAR. bll. THE HOME JOURNAL, Enlarged and Improved. J’lio Rof Uirrary and Society ! f aper in tin erica Its leading departments comprise Edito rials on topic- of fresh interest; Rrilliant Ro mances and PortraituiTs of American L t : Editorial Reviews ot new events in the world ot 10-lles Retires, Painting, Sculpture, Science Music and the Drama; Original essays: Ample Excerpts from the host European Writers; Spicy letters from Correspondents in all the great Capitals of the World: Copious Extracts fr*:u New Rooks: and raev accounts of say ings. happenings and doings in the Rcau Monde, embracivg the very freshest matters of interest in this country and in Europe—the whole completely mirroring the wit and wis dom, the humor and pathos, the news and j sparkling gossip of the times; SUESCRIPTIGN. Sub' 'rib r< willr*<'ei\c the Home Journal i for 1 ' 7c, tree of postage. [ The Home Journal alone, l copy, 1 year s■’ . espies one year and > ev.piea one year 0 TERMS FOR CLUES. The Home J arnal and any SI.OO periodi ca’. • Harper’s Maga Harper’s Week . S ■ ■ FiS \ , tt'i Max none. opU-t-.-n’s Journal, Frank Leslie’s 11- iuslrattd Se\.s. Frank Leslie's Ladies’Jour • nal, Riae-kwood's Magazine, Westminister Re ! \ien. or any of the English Quarterlies re ; puL'o.shed here, will be sent for $7 .27), the full price being $7. St. Nicholas for s..*•'. full : rates t*. Litteli's Living Age for s>.77*. full i price, SH. .Subscriptions will take date itnmeclia-elv. or ii: y time sub'er.hcrs p:a;Vr. Adi TOSS the 1 proprietors and publishers, morri.s. rim.lies ; c>.. No. and Park Place. Now York. gdk'. and --Ba k c ry Bread ft-'. ...1^ j ,A77 4 ■/. a3l]!i.3SJ€3 , Oo‘X : l.2:C3 HELtKSF, Or TOOTHACHE 1 \(>/> YXE, FOR ffilE IMMEDIATE RELIEF OF TOOTHACHE. T .tbachc is generally pro ’ ; , r- exposure of the nerve, by the decay of the tooth. For toothache, trorn exposed nerve, the Electric Relief is a certain remedy, and will post tiw v destroy the nerve of • • r, rieg the teeth, as Creosote and Carbolic Acid generally do. Many a Dentist’s bill can be saved by the timely use of the Electric R.:- i Toothache tat • i yar hereby.e ev< rv h - 1 should have a bottle on hand, in case of nrcessity. Always use according to directions, and you will not be disappointed. 1 • : earef-d yin the i.oiiow i- h plug of cotton and pped in the Electric Relief :do not use the lingers; put the cotton on a pointed stick or voothpic when you insert. Price 27. cts. per bottle. LAWRENCE & WEICHSELBAUM, Sole Proprietors, 2!-iy 158 Congress Street, SAVANNAH, GA. THE JESIJP GEOR I AN, ENLARGED —FOR .i IS SENT I'" 8 2,1010 <>l'’' POSTAGE | TO t Every Subscriber. IT S V OLI TICS WILL HE sTii 1C T f?Y 1> it MO 1 ' KAT J( \ AND BTS OPINION OF EV9EN . X2MfX>36J3e > 3E3XJ3O3SX)fir‘3?‘ I AMONG ITS SELECTIONS WILL APPEAR THE BEST AXJ) PUREST TALES, SKETCHES, POEMS, Etc. nn u p JL JljL *Ag4 GEORGIAN • s (tii c.rc( Uaif (Kfvertisi nt/ medium for the * business men of Sarannah, Urunsteich. Mueon and Atlanta. It contains the Legal Advertising of Appling,, Charlton , Pierce, Tattnall and lVagne counties. The people should railg to its support, for ererg class trill be represented. SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER ANNUM, and that ultra gs in ad ranee. Postage paid bg the proprietors • HAINES & CARTER, Proprietors. AFI c Ideal - _ ~ raar-f. i biti • l WILSON OTT-TTir? t* Sewing Mm |/“‘fS iroFL 50 Dollars ! S FARMERS, MERCHANTS, . MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned vm§@]f MliMgllW Tin: BESTIN’ HE WORLD! i I > ;-oml:iiii was tuvardcil to it at VIEdSTiST^V; Ohio Sliiio Fair; Northern Ohio Fair; Amar. last it ate, X. V.J Cincinnati Lx’iosition ; iasliuiiajiolis Exjositsoa; St. Louis Fair; Louisiana Staio Fair; 3lississiiii>i S,‘a!(‘ Fair; "anti Georgia .State Fair; FOR BEING THE BEST [MQ.HINES, and doing: (he largest and licst rantre of iv.irk. Ail other Machines ii ti: ■ .llariici? vrere i:i direct COMPETITION !! For Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching , Cording, Bi tiding, Braid, ing, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or he, 7/ goods it is unsurpassed. Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named above, at the nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. Naedlss for ali Sawing Ma chines for Sale. ; Old Machines taken in Exchange. Send for Circulars, Price List, Sec., and Copy cf the Wilson Reflector, one of the best Periodicals of the day, devoted to Sewing Ma chines, Fashions, General News and Miscellany. Agents Wanted ADD3ES&, Wilsos Semi Machine Cos. C LEVEL END, OHIO. MARSHALL HOUSE, Savannah, (in. * A. S. LUCE, Proprietor. Board py dav, 's£SmEiot FOR 20 YEARS THE Standard of Escsllencs THROUGHOUT TIIE WORLD. Over* 000,000 100.GUO more than of any other kind. TIIE NEW Wheeler & Wilson Received in 1873 : The highest awards at the Vienna Exposi tion. The Gold Medal of the Maryland Institute Fair. The Four Highest. Premiums (including two medals) at Georgia State Fair. Best of All,; The Wheeler & Wilson has the approval ef millions of Ladies who have used this well tried machine. Physicians certify that it is THE ONLY LOCK-STITCH SEWING MA CHINE FIT FOR FAMILY USE. Its light and easy motion does not fatigue invalids. Irs rapid execution of work recommends it to all who sew for a living. It is the most eco nomical because the most durable. Cottage Color Paints, ij 1 to $1.50 per Gallon, ENGLISH ROOF PAINT, Ground in Oil, 00 sen's per gallon. LIQUID SLATE ROOF PAINT, Fire proof, si.2a per gallon. PATENT,;. PETROLEUM LINSEED OIL, Works in allmpair,ts as Roiled Linseed, only all cents per gallon. I MACHINERY OILS. K. G. K fly’s Patent rperm Oil, :?1. Engine Oil, 7ae. Filtered Reel; Lubricating Oil, (10c. Sojul lor cards of colors and circulars. NEW YORK CITY 'OIL CO., Sole A gen rs, 1 11(1 Mtidcn Laue. New York. B. T. Babbitt’s PURE Coneantrated Potash,, Or, Of double the strength of any other SAPONiFYiNG SUBSTANCE. I have recently perfected anew method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now packing it only in Balls, the coating of which will saponify, and does not injure the Soap. It is packed in boxes containing 24 and -IS one pound balls, and in no other way. Hi rections in English and German for making hard and soft soup with this Potash accoiu-. panying each package. B. T. BABBITT, ifi 4t (U to S4 Washington St., N. Y. HAVE YOU TRIED JUEUBEBA. ARE YOU Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated ? A RE YOU SO LANGUID THAT ANY XX exertion requires more of an effort than you fee! capable of making? Then try Juru beba, the wonderful tonic and invigorator. which acts so beneficially on the secretive or gans as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimu lates for a short time only to let the sufferer fa’l to a lower depth of misery, but it is a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and spleen. It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole system as to soon make the invalid feci like a new person. Its operation is not violent, but is charae torized by great gentleness; the patient ex periences no sudden change, no marked re sults, but gradually, his troubles “ Fold their tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away,” Brick. Brick. Brick. John G. Smith, Jesup, C.a., Manufacturer and Dealer irii-st-Clnss BRICK. BRICK. Orders from town and from the surround- < ing vountrv Filled on Short Notice. and at Reason able Terms. Give ine a call before PI RCUXSWU ELSEWHERE. 31 6m Subscription Books Choice and elegantly illus trate 1. Great inducements to agent?. For terms and circulars I ircss NEW WORLD PUBLI.-lItNG CO.. Philaddnbia Pa. '