The Jesup Georgian. (Jesup, Ga.) 18??-18??, June 12, 1875, Image 2

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<Thf #csup Georgian. jr-ur, Georgia, . - Kitturttaj. June lit, 1875. HIRAM REN NETT, Proprietor. AFTER A RAILROAD. Mac< ii Wants the Macon and BitraE witk Pine- Can a Railroad be Tout w'pP Macou is pretty wtli dcUrnAned t get lurid of Ilia Vlacoa and Brunswick ra'lroud. ;?St that her salvation ■> spends on Leaping that road out of the hands of l’r v i lent VViulley and die Central. It will be remembered that flov. Smith hi 1 the road to at a million dollars, at the sale the other liar. On yesterday, Mayor Hoff, Col. AO. Ilaceii, and Vlr. ilogai.t of Macon, cauie tu I t the Go .eru'or ami make him a bid lor it. We met Motor HuO alter the in ttreiew with theGove.iior andtaxked him what had been done. “Nothing,” he reported. “The Gov ernor la not toady to hateu to uny bid uu -111 he has appointed the three Cutainis- Mouers that the law provides fur. These iVtumiHsiomna are anthoii/ed to tin laaie. Mil, or rent the roud. We arc ready to make him or them a definite and tc luh'.e Rjousproj ositiou tu buy or lease It. vVe are going to control it if we can. Ma con in very wide awake on the subject, and when aha determinei. to do a thing, the in hard to head off. "Your people think that WadUy will mill you, if he gits it, don't they?” •‘They think that ho will try." He will discriminate in favor of Savannah at every poamble lorn. Jinny think Unit he would leatore the monopoly of the Central, even if he bud to at up the iron of the Macon t)d Brunswick railroad to do it If he trie* tin. 1 can tell him. IT WILK TREE Huu HHOT-OCAB THAW WCI AXM to do il Ldo not think he would try thia. hut 1 believe that he would restore the mo nopoly of the OoLral, and iuteiiKlfy it. He might run trams over tb Macon und Brunswick only once a week. That would kill it off us completely as if he w ere to tear It Up. Jf he were to get it iie would find that he could not control the trade of the man hunts of Macon. They would tsLere.'ugc iu the old Murunaud Augusta i “ad again, and ship around t lat way In 1 we aii ileteimiued to control the Hr n wick road ourselves, if we can possibly do so. If wo get that mud, I believe we inu tniike oir own rates from Macon to New York anil l'biladelphia. ' You will return to tbit attack again, then wheu the (.otniuisuioueia are ap pointed'.''* ‘ Yes, air, and in the meantime we are going to keep muddying the water, to make the big fiah cornu to the top.” And eft he went— ii plucky ami merry inan, with aa much vim and talent nml ability In h h taut little body as God ever gsve to any man. Atlunta licinld, Huu •lay. Lynching and Capital Punishment. 'l'l'.e S|iinßlii Id tlepiililii'an, txftlilng to tlit? mficessfiil oicasnres to land Hie pi rpel tutor uf u ncmt lint tilde oiitiajfe In Ihi* Statu In jail without )f itchlug. ajm “(Hir Ideas m o i*2ttliur ui'xail, however, by I lit* fael tl at at tin aaniciinit) the pulplis of Roston me lhi;;iiij{ i!lt drumml* for lynch law lit tow * they attribute mm tier to t'e abolition ol capital punishment. In Uoalint. w Inn e they have capital punish •(.•tit. the rlcrj-y think the fallow* does not Work last oitotigli, and waul to call hi the aid of ti c lamp*) oft.” tire tlilnjf, rcmatks the lia timotc Situ, is certain; It th>'! u arc law* affixing cat I tal punishment for certain crimes, they |'Uj;lil to he elfin i executed or repealed 'Jilt! hoy muiderer if Mae>aehusctts. d4r*(C l'otiirroy. txhose et lines were tilt IMUulleh and lit cruelly and llendUhuess, ha had ids ihjilh sentence entnintit il to imprisonment for llle. Tito xentl titfliitaliMU u biolt necompHshcd thi* re suit has been loilww id h) the lionililc mttt dvr ol a child in a HupU.t oluttch*. the sexton, according' to piddle rumor stid the opinion ot the eornvi'■ jury, helug tile perpetrator It is not olx.mjje that even tiir Roston pulph U losing it, propriety under elicit provocu'iou \\ c only hope that uh*u the elite of the Massschasctts < letgv Blv calling fo: thu' , aldo! the lamp post - ’ to repress crime, they will .xecrrlxe mote charity hncafmr towards exceptional cases .>i Ijllcllin* in the South, ;ii .1 not Uo ton hi stigmatizing t very irponed on cvnrcnvr id the hind as the* acts ( Km Kitts. ntal (.'tiling for Hit* inlet let cnee .ftlir Kednal (Jmvcininem. huts or rttr StraiiSMip Ymoo A dispatch lictu Maltha, X. S,, reports tie, on St. I‘tot re Islrnd, id the steamship Virgo (former r (iljing lotei taij port aiij X.w York,! while on bet way from Halifax to St. John X. I'. The pat re tigers and ere nrre saved, tit tbt vessel, which is valued at jdj.OOll nil! he s total loss. The Virgo was 1,112 toui burthen. and aaa hil( at Tuirbarcti in t'* 1 ’ Slid fur many years was a favorite oa tbo Xnt York and Savannah lute, cvn'|irisin£ one if ihe "Murray's L us" ► leemsbips.— Sav. ,Yr„v. I‘rtTuy *!>d tar ('.ovann.unsiiir.—The Us seevtlle A’ag/r thinks raison J-Ylton's shar.ces for tioi ernor good unless the Dcaio sdhere tenaciously tolhnr organ. nation. It is evident to oar minds that the laige nun her rf Von ts*erstio candidates for the pcs tion wjl cause touch trouble, but it socots an itn pi-niblti’v to avoid the diffieu't cs whieb will ► •■ring fro® 'bis circumstance.—Augusta i hl 'ciele. Crop [ ro;.-e.-’> I*l this counte is said is he ••■'Oil Proposed Wholesale Emigration to Lib- ria A pamphlet has bedu lately published by Mi Alexander 0. Mnrrav, of Geor gia. advocating the removal of the whole body of the negroes of the United States to Africa. The wilier, who is a prominent lawyer, and an ardent sup porter of General Grant, takes die groiinU that the negroes are a burthen to the country, being totally deftcicnt in energy, foresight, economy and int-1- lectual capacity. He asserts flint ilie best workers among the old negroes will do no inoic than eixty pe' cent, of Ilie work they did as slaves, ad the young rueu not more than forty per cent, of what they ought to do The loees by s'eullng before the mils of the earth or animal* can be brought to lutntir ty ate so great -liar it discourages tiie raising of vegetables, fowls,or sto< k Mr. Mur ray apprehend* the abject impoverish ment of both white* and black* win n ever i lie latter equals or nearh kjiiiiU the former. To remedy this state of things lie propose* It at a I the negioes should be shipped oil to Af. tea. a coin fry which ‘God made to sn|t ilie neg'o,* where the spontaneous |>i..ductioiis of the earth supply him with hod. and wlteie the climate is so warm the tear l (Mind that Ilie ti un sport id Ii eidnien will have no need to Huy elotlii*. A more Irnpruclicable soggiaiion was lievei mede. i oncediog the desirability of reinovln: the negroes iu the L'nitcd Mates to Afilts. will Mr. Murray inform os In>w it is to be eft.-cted ? be us sup poae. in ilie Hist place, lliar they decline lo go, winch I* a very reasonable sup position. How doc* >tr Mun ay pro pose to deal wji Ii them iu fhut t-voiu ? Is them any power iu Congress to order and compel the depatiUle from the country if any class of its Inhabitants, not to say citizen!*, not convicted ol crime ? We have had the experience ol the long existing o loui/.ullou societies ul the country to p nv In is that hut a limiied number ol ilie colored racehoin it'd reared on lids continent are dis posed toniakelhr venture ol emigration to Africa, either for llicir own or the good of ihe race in general. Whv, then, should it b expected that the negro In this wholesale way v ould warn to go to Allien? What opening is therefor ucli numbers ? Wi.ut business could Ihey engage in? Mipp“ing. that there art 1 inducements iu Afiiea for the emigration of the black rat e from Ibis country, how would they go; at whose expense.and how long would it be he tore they were all gone ? 1 here are foui millions of them at least in the United States. In the last titty years nine millions of Europeans have come to this country. This is an enormous influx but it lias be* i siimu lateil by the unheard ol demand for la bor bi le, the vaslness and variety ol nor natural nrsuurcrr. tin: penny ot the Kuri)| can masses ilia attraction' ol I t ee government and t lit indomitable en terprise of the European races. They I'lilite, Ini), at their own expense, spietul over a gieat length of lime. No govern ment oil the face ot the earth could, in a limited per od, have paid (lie cost ol such an exodus even it it had been wail ing to do ait. i lie negroes ol the Uni ed Sti tea have no on uns ol 'their own to emigrate and tile immense expense ol the wholesale emigration would l.ave to ne borne by the general government Does Mr. Murray think till* pi actteable, especially with such a natlonu! debt as we mis have ? It they ate a burden to the country now . when they produce by '.heir labor the moat valuab c ol its ex ports. what would they be if ilie coun try had to pa v their wAy to All ien, es pecially it their places as laborers is not properly supplied ? Making all reason able allowance lot what is stolen, it i- hut a drop In ilie bucket compared with the null uiul wealll wliieh they produce even with tbeir labor in dismguni/.ul condition us al pi vein. There is no eountiy in the world whieb hn* lulior belter adapted to its Mutton or product*, if properly regulated, than the south lias in it* negro population While iln* North uud West me ransacking the asith tor workingmen, the sou b has them in abundance tor the cu liration ol its lead ing staple*. What would heroine of tlns ruUiiaitou if the negro laborer* would lie suddenly diij4*d oft *1 once to Africa? where would tbs' liieu come horn to sup ply their place*? U e look upon all such project* us utopian in the highe-t degree lh negroea will not go; they could not go if thry would, mid i! they would go and could go their plaet* could not be sup plied in many u day to come. Hence the proposition is not only impracticable but undesirable.—Haiti more c>uu. Bkx lliu *s Srctcs. The Nw York World of a recent date says, Ben Hill made au ab.r •pooch at Milledgevitle the other day iu which he e.Hißied that the South Rad been goaded into her infidelity to the union by what sh believed to be the North’# infidelity to the Constitution; that not u line exist# to show the South f#i4hlß# to tiie Union under ihe Constitution. That now. slavery being dead, it remains to rebuild All our greatness upon the solid corner stones of the Union and tlu Constitution. The North, strong in physical power, defies the Union as a fact; the South seeks the ark of hr political safety in the Union a# a principle. We sboud avert death by either division or empire. Gur political life bangs upon a constitutional and a constitutional union. Let the Xort covenant that our union sh*L be constitution al and the South will concur with all its bcatts that our unum shall be eternal. This, says wise Ren Hill, of Ge rgia, i# the easy open door to utter reconciliatiow, perfect re'e. nnd ra* pro*p**Lv GEORGIA MATTERS. hmltn'.ir muifl**r trijl- ti Two of t culprits tfaw beta +eiitrth!eil to bt hciif" ( J i* still lookw? upon by some* im tits • comlii# man” f<t Gov eriior. iio;hilbMundfiix l H decleufion < n d : t *9y% fh?tr slr John >iuitli. of Glyim. rotijmmetl lioiincJ'ie In killing hU wife. V. e tlUbi li.Slepoltia ClfiiuUlid id And Mtr a not tier! Last Satin day a murder wa> coin mil In l in Fa\hi* co.. t\ one Williams who and Lille*! a Mr. >btpbai i \\ InUr ilia di*l putab.e lum-t* in Ksyeivillf** Wine U tiii ili-Mie f*r human blood to end? 'J he Ilinosviiif Gazette i* now refresh ing iu leader* null fearful maw* Glories how ii uuik*** our blood l in|* to i luuk of that nine \ ear old mp lile with ijUdujg rattle* and 10/ked foii'giie. John Siruf, the negro who comas ' t ted sri outrage upoo the p* rwn of .Vliia Adt? iuc Jack son. ffgi iHHeii IroLn the jail iu wh.-.n he vrn& incareiTatf and, by a luasked mob and huclml. iI *• p!i •u ‘i have been creuiaU-d rijfiit M*eD anil there; tbat'fl ihe kind oi a man rre are! “Every haa again pat in an up parai|e. Ii \thh re*useitated ad piared up on its feet last week in r.itn f * diminutive lorm; lioiTever, “it haa come to Stav. and noth in, but old age will ver ki*ep it wni.” Pur rah nay wc, fur lirutber Ilunter, tong may he wave \' Th h time it is tin* Athmta Constitution thnt • lon t ike p ugainsui. She is aimuit at a while in Cons*-rjuern-r of It/a 11 * r;ld plug ir iz iig woihething. .-he accuses tin* )!• raid of Jiuceny tb;t ir, borrowing without obaerviug the u*u.ii courtesies, etc. fco lcn p'lumuge ;* what ihe Constitution calls it. Look i ights brother. Great damage was Hoi e lo crops, fences, liouaek. etc , y a t* i r tie win 1 storm which through sou* jWiitern Ge<rgia last week. You g cotion f it h said, wassoeff-c --lually kii cvl that it the aj prurance of having ifcen burnt w.tb fire. Tlier** still remains an unwholesome num ber ol thieves in Darien, as witness the ‘‘Ga zetteer ‘‘Kleptomauiu seems to be ail the rage in this couu'y at present. On last Xbursdav night someone entered the bed rootn of Mr, aid relieved that gentleman of his gold watch and several other at tides of value." those midnight uiii'uudets of Mclrdbsh Bet In to be Ihe luckiest fell* w we know of id thus p irts, f<r tb**y always pursue their rupae ous ca ling with perf ct success and without fear detection. Where's y <ur police ? Horriblt- (lutroge. The Atlauta Constitution of the 11th iust.. says: Au outrage, which almost de ties the power of language to appropriate ly describe, was perpetrated is * * Knib county lust Monday night, and has filled the entire neighborhood with horror. A negro man brutally lavished two young white girls und aimers. The strangest part of this tearful imitative ol crime is that u brother, aged eighteen years, was in the house at the time, mid yet the deed was eonsumunitid. The family are named Johnson. The mother is a widow , but lias a broihcr liv ing in this eounty. and in good eir.uui htain es. Mi* Johnson ives in ileKulli county, a few miles from IDoravilie hh bus two danghteia, the eldest named Vlar tlia. aged about 22 or 23 years, and th* other is several years younger. A broth er aged 18 }•■ erst, but very small for his age. lives with them. The family have always borne a most excellent repu nliun, and were esteemed by a large number ot iriemls iu toe neighborhood. A warrant was taken out for the sup pose I murderer. It he ts the tight man, u is one ease where the death penalty seeuis entirely inadequate. l or w aul of spuco we are tumble to pub lish particulars. A Lucky Man. t'spt. Hi own. ol the schooner J. f. , Hi tivi din Not lid* Va .on June lltli, safe uftbe United I step inhn of war ( 'uiuberlaitd. whieb was tun into mill sunk in t'ainpion Hoad by the eoiitedet ate ram Virginia hi 1 >tij Divers tiad been at work on ibe deck for tell ye#s, in view of llte teeoVery of Ibis sale, t lie lucky himn hud only been at the wreck 48 hours when In-Tumid llte sale bin tied in three oi lour feet ol mud. T'lie water at ilia! place is 78 feel deep, liy tlie explos ion ol a torpedo the sale was > r eked and t wa> hoisted on (leek, a few p etes of gold coin dropped on;. It i> gciiei- • lly hHu vtd Ihr Miln CuiituitiK bt*l\>rt*n >:xiy amlot.t* liiimlu il tluu>antJ duHais ii wold, jhh in for the imiml und -Irani -lii|> San Juritiio liotu CL. 1 vc.-ion to Liv tlpool It i- csliinuUd that more than UO,OOO 10.-t by d.lf lent panic- iu iry ini: Iu rccui cr f hls Uca-tiltu The safe ud irvit* fc tielonw to Ctipr. Drown and O. K. .Mullby, (>lll i* cjiy und Her* br; 1-tinih pf ItoU'uit. Mich While ( apt. Blown us* scurebinif the \\ rerk , lie t ume uri u.-s x pet rilled huoian body in :i sui It was unhurt by crub- m fl-h u>d tb Cc.-li v\ extreme ly bajd—cilsiKM GoustiliKi n. Drowned. W© see by th Sav. Xein of the 15th in it., 'hat Mr. Frank O'Discroll and Charles Jukn son, residents ot Savannah, were drowired a tew days mce whi st on an excursion to Coach Hammock. Mr. Frank O'Driscoll was th- sen of W. C. o’Driscoll, who is one of the oldest citii; n# and merchants of that citv. Mr. t buries Johnson, a son rf Capt. J. R. Johnson, audaboof Savannah, is represented as Liit'n g been an exs*cdi*iglv 'pr. uiis mg young man uf 16 or 17 y*ars of age. Their imitimely end has cast a gloom ever the entire oommwnity in which they lived as well as u tdd sorrow and grief upon tuc r mush loved f li L, it*deed a sad calamity- A Paraiiiin vvwnr* Attached to his the glass eye] of bis? dc* i'f'ict| jr;:i:ln*iMiicr. Icdiens as Fa.mers. Tlie Sioux Indians have peculiar notions about farming, nnd what they know about it could lie compressed into a very dimin utive volume. It is re ated by one of the parties accompanying the chiefs now iu Washington, fo show the drJßcalty >f in ducing them to live like the whites, that ia t rear one of the Sionx concluded to be come a real fanner after the manner of tbe pale faces With this intent he pre empted a spot about as large as an ord na ry room beside a small stream, inclosed it with a > ale trust fence, and digging it up planted it all hi pumpkins. The seed soon took toot, end iu a few weeks his • fatal” was covered with the running vines. Delighted with the success of his experiment he frequently brought other Indians to inspect bis work, but strar ge to sny, ail of them shook their heteK sus piciously and went away. The Indinn farmer’* operations at last excited so mu b comment, that a council oi the Indians oo thesui-je t was held and a committee ap pointed to wait on the farmer and. tell him that be must abandon his farm at once, as tho earth was not made by the Great Spir it to he hacked and vexed with iron im plement*. Of course thia command bad to be obeyed, and tbs enterpriainv red skin relapsed into an unadulterated Indian once more. Death of Judge 8. J Saffold, We notice frnta telegraphic reports to the Constitution, the death of S J. Saffold, pr* ai dem of the S'ate Prc-s Association for several years, and also editor of the Daily Times. The Diifebence. — -What's the price of blackberries.” said a lady in the mar ket yesterday, t n highly intelligent ward of the nation, who hailed from Pliinltollo wny. “Eight cent o quart, my misses," was the answer, delivered in the most persuasive tones. “Why," said tire lady. "I can buy strawberries cheaper than that.” “Yes, misses,” answered the mer chant, 'but lie nint good for dumpiin same like blackberry.” Crushed with the signififattceof this suggestion, tbe lady at once made a purchase. We didn’t buy the Macon and Erucs wirk Railroad, for the reason that the Governor w s not willing to receive the endorsed bonds of the Htate at par, in pay ment lor thy road. He was only willipg to receive them at New York quotations, and we could not sea it in that light.— brtmswick Appdni. The Atlanta Herald says at the exami nation of applicants tor teachers’ places tn tlie public Schools of Fultou county outside ot Atlanta, one of the negro aspi rants, in enumerating the natural curiosi ties ot Geoigia, headed the list with Ni agaia Falls ad the Holly bpring*. The announcement that the Centennial Commissioners had selected Hon. L. Q. C. bamar as on* of the orators of the occa sion, and Gan. Joseph E, Johnston Mas tin' of Ceremonies was premature. No se lection has been made, but there seems to be no doubt that repse-.entative South erners will have places of honor at the celebration. It seems that the patient silence of the impertnbub e angior has been just eo much stillness wasted. The old notion that you can’t catch a fish tin'ess you keep quiet must now go dowu to oblivion along with that odist time worn de ! usion, the Lelict that on the bait makes fish uite better. Seth Green, who knows n great deal about fishes, and has spent much time in studdyirg their habits, thinks they cannot hear. He once asked a baud ot music to range themselves an mid a tank ot fish, and at a given sig nal to blow iheir loudest blast. This they did, but not a lisle stirred. They are, however, v.ry sensitive to jars, and a slight tap on the bottom of one of the tanks made every fish dart oil like a flash. The Kniohts of l'XTims. —Some time ago, Mol! w ho kept a photographic gallery in King street, near Liberty, went to .liontgotnery, where be committed suicide by taking l.iudauum, under the influence oi a private grief. The Knights of Mont gomery eu learning that he was a mem ber of their order in this State, gave his remains decent burial, uud provided his widow with the means of reaching this city, ihe ivmgti s here were no less prompt and kum 10 her than their breth ren Isewhere, and gave her the money to pay her wav to New York. Mrs. Moil w'us so mni’b distressed when here that he attempted to take her iile in the same way her husband did. The Parisians nay that they have had enough nf the high heel ho t fashion for lailies. They assert that it flings them too much forward, hurts the spine and re i uces the size of the calf. The doctors recommend the reverse fashion, very low heels indeed, and high soles, for a time, so as to fling the body backward from the hips upward. is®_Murray oounty Keutue-y,has a bright individual. Ho built a bogsbeid in his bouse about four times as large as the door, and in st-ad of taking the hog-head to pieces to get it out, he knocked out one side of bis house. The New Noth Sun s responsible for this joke, which Mr. Bnrnttm himsell "ill laugh at: "The lP'ilection of Wm. II Ihmtttiii in Connecticut to Congress proves the wisdom of being particular in th" chi tcc of one's associates. He carefully abstained Irom attending the late Congress. Tbe t'l.Lousn l'.(ust. smith, the colored cad*t whom they wouldn’t permit to grrduate at W ,t Poiut, has been appointed lr.spe:or of Mi ilia in Sou’h Carolina, w th the rank of Brigadier general. Yen can’t fasten ger.iits to tre ground, even though yen nail it with a ton of iron spilos and pile Pehcn on Ossa upon it. It will rise cod soar away to fame >e Sj,--e n*-<Sm lee V gSp-.-lieridati's B liidc has thus been I done into poetry: The tirsr that 'he | General saw was the groups of vved ding’"tiests. then Ilie presents in troops. • What was done, wliat to do. lie knew like a bunk, then seizing her band with a lovingest look, lie marched down the room mid stroMier***! huzzas, am! tin* friend* on each side held their breath tin n. because the words that the prir*t spoke compelled the nto pause- With lace and with silk Ihe fair lady was gay; by the Sas-h of Iter eye und Iter fan’s nervous play, she seemed to the whole smiling country to say. '‘lll6 cottquerer's conquered, don't you see, lo! here sum nders to me! ' A Fkioutfcl Example: Fust de gree. lemonade wit It a stick in it; sec ond degree, brandy smash an 1 port wine; third degree, Bonrlaru wldskev. old ale and gin; fourth degree. Bour bon. hi undy. old ale. gin. rntn. and ap ple jack ; lift It degree, ail kinds every rime; never* say no. A Celestial attended prayer meeting at one ol the churches the other night, and sat directly in Ii out ol several small boys. John wa* o served to suddenly ri.-e and move out, wealing a very grave coanteu nee. Somebody at the door asked him was the matter, and Hichcd the reply: " Too tmichee piuehee. heap needle, hell, damn.” A woman rag picker of Indianapolis, who has always lived in the utmost squalor, and was suppos and to be v. ry poor, died tbe oth er day, and is now found to have been worth ne rly SIOO,OOO. BUTCH & MILLER, Geueral Dealers In DRY GOODs, GROCERIES, PROVISION'S, WINER, LIQUORS and CIG ARS. attention given t country consignments. No.-. 186 k 188 Congress, and 181 k 153 .-t. Julian Sts., SAVANNAH, GA. A-ly uiayl FOR COUGHS. CGI.DS, HOARSENESS AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, usz Wells’ Carbolic Tablet PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXEv A TRIED AND SIRE REMEDY. Sold by Dru 'gists generally, and FULLER .t FULLER, Chicago, Hi 38 G H. MILLER,„Agent‘ (Successor to S. 8. Miller.) Dealer in Mahogany, Walnut, ancl Pine Ft; Ri> ITURE, VTO 171 BItOb'OIITON STREET tNEX’’ 1\ t Weeds Cornwell), Savannah, Ge* r .'ia. Agents for the United States Spring lied, the best bed ever slept upon. 32 I y JNO EASTERLING Jesup, Georgia, DEALER IN Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes Ilats , Caps, Hard ivare, Notions, &c. Highest market price paid for all kinds <d Country Produce. 3$ ly BAR ROOM, Ilazlehurst, Ga. Always supplied with the b- at Wine. Bran dy, Whhky nnd tigaia. Also Fancy Gro ceries. 50 dm N. WEATHERLY, Trop’r. Brick. Brick. Brick, John G. Smith, Jesup, Ca., Manufacturer and Dialer First-Class BRICK. BRICK. Orders from town and from the sur und ■ ng country Filled on Short Notice. and at Reasonable Terms. Give ms a call before PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. 31 6iu WILLIAM S HOTELS REIDS VILLE, GA. Accommodations first-clats. Charger moderate. T J WILLIAMS, Proprietor. CAY & KNELLER, Produce Commission MERCHANTS And General Purchasing Agents, IT3 Bryan etreet, and Market Square, SA VANS AH, GA. Closest attention given to r n*igrtnot* srd T'rerrr'* re*nrn JP, if LECAL ADVERTISEMENTS. IS’A YSE SHERIFFS SALE. /GEORGIA—Wayne County.—Will bo sold Vj betoro the > rurt House door, in tho town of Jesnp, in said county, within tho legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in July next, 1873, the following p-operty, to wit— Fifty seres of land and improvements, lying in the southeast corner of lot 436, lying is the fourth and strict of originally Appling, now Wayne county. Levied rn as the property of Matthew A. Dennett to satisfy a fi fa issaed from the Justice Court of the 683d district, G Al, for the porebuse money of said landjin favor of Jasper N. Highsmith vs Sletthew A Dennett. Levy made nnd returned to ma by constab'e. Terms of sate cash, purchasar pay ing for titles. This, Alay 30th, IS7S. ALSO, At tha same time and place, 130 .acres of Isnd in the southeast cornet of lot 238, ip the third ilist icr of Wayne. Levied oo as the proper ty of Jacob Campbell to satisfy a tax 11 fa is sued from the Tax Colieotor of said countr for Isis State and county taxes for the year 1574. Levy made and returned to tne by con .-tabte. Terms of sale cash, purchaser paving for titles. This, May 3Ut u , 1875. ALSO. At tho same time and piact. th-T following property to wit: One lot of land iri the town of jeaup, of said county, bounded ES follows: Wist by James Hall's, south by Thopias IL Hooker’s land. Levied on as the property of Win McDowell, to satisfy a fi fa issued ft out the Justice Court cf the 126Jth district, 0 M, in favor of W C Remshart. Property point ed out by plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by Constable. Term? of sale cash,‘-pwr c user paying for tit'es. This, Slav 38th, IcTS. ALSO, At the asms time anu place, the following property, to'w t—Two lot* and improvements thermo, in the iown-of Jeeuo, -of said county; one lot and store house or , the coiner of l'ium and Broad streets, and one lot and improve ments, known as the Roberson lldtel, or. the corner of t berry nnd Broad streets. Levied on as the property cf Jacob R Roberson, to Satisfy four fi tas issued from the Justice Court of th,- 1265th disttict. U *f; two in favor of A Cos. vs Jacob R Roherwon, and' two in favor of J P Smith A Serif Cos. ve Jacob I’. Roberson. I.ovy made end returned to me by t'onstabie. Property- pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Terms of sale cash, pur. chaser paying tor titles; This, May .T 0; 1875 ALSO, At tbe same tim* and place, tbe following property, to-wici-Onc-scveath of ;he undi vided lands of the late Alexander Buraev, as the interest of James Popvre.ll. Levied on as the property of James popwell, to satisfy afi fa issued ftotn tbe Justice Court of the 3?.3J district, G M, in favor of J W Popwell- va James I’opweH. Property, pointed our by par ties in possession. Levy made and returned to me by Constable. Terms of sale each, pur chaser p iying lor titles. This, June3, 1875> JOHN N. GOODBRE.4D, 83-tJ Dtp. .Sheriff W C. CONSTABLE'S SALE. OTATE OF GEORGIA WAYNfi WU.V- Oty.— On the nineteenth day June um, between the biwful hours of sale, will bp. sold before the Court House door in the 583d Dirt. G .M, a curtain Pole Car. Levied on as the property nttfie M. it B. RtnlroaifCniapiny t satisfy afi f: issued from tha Justice’* CbK °f the 583d Di-t., (i M, in favor of Jacob if Moody, Guardian oi Manley Touch atone, -a minor, against the M. fc L. Kailrond Compa ny. This, May 2Jtb, 1875. J M WIUE/TRY , ConstMe. Utah; of kjty. Ordinary‘n i.ffiee. Aaron. Moody, administrator tn the estafe of Jeei Moody, deot'Hsed, prays peritioorr to bp <!i. charged fr* in his adinini>4rtorsbip. AH per'- sona concerned * \her hundred or cr*iftoia rf >aid deceased, nr* rq* withir# the tim* fxrd by low, fo shew if any ther bare, why foe ani>l A.iron Afoodv should no* he dis missed according I bis, ril'-djy of June, 1376. J U T CLUB SOX. if Ordinary W (T. OTATE OF GEORGIA—WAYNE TOUN-. kj tr.—To nil whom it in.iy coactm- Where •r, S R Harris nnd Martha Jlarria baring i proper form npplied to me for permanent let ers of ad . inistrntion on tie (State .f J W Harris, Sen., late of said county, drtrfut'td, this is therefore to cite all and rirgwlsr, tb kindred and creditors of the said dtxeared to v *e and oppeirat my office, in the town rf Jesup, within the tune prescribed by Utr, to show cause, ifanr they hare, why i erir.fitient 'etters of administrati*n shotPd not be grahr,- od to said applicant. This. June the HA, 1875. J. R. ROBERSOV. Ordinary- YT, C. QTATE OF GEORGIA—PIERCE COUN IO tv.— Perry Youtnans has applied for oi empt'on rf personalty and setting apart and valuation of homc<-? C ad f and I will pass upon the same at mv office, at ten o’clock in rha forenoon, on the 12th day of June next. Wit ness the Honorable Joseph Dickeon, Ordionry May 29th, 1875. L* 11, GREEK LEAF, . Deputy Clerk of Ordinary. PIERCE SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA —Pierce bounty.—Will be sold before the Court House Door in the town of Blaokshear, Pierce County, Ga., between the legitl hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July next, the following property to wit: One lot of land, number on© hundred nnd thirty one. said land lying in the ninth District of Pieroo county, Georgia, said' property levied on to satisfy, a fl. fa. Issued from the Corporation Court r ,f the town of Blackshear, in favor of 6. 11. Wade 9b Cos., vs Adnm A. Dixon, property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Terms cash. This, JunV 2nd, 1875. a. l. dAuvergne, sheriff p t GEORGIA — harlton County.—To all whom it may concern. E A Buck having i H proper form applied to me for permanent let tere of administration on the estate of Edward Buck, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next of kin of Edward Buck, to be and appear at iny office within the time prescribed by law, sod show cause, if any they can, why permanent letter* of administration should not be granted to E A Buck; on Edtrard Ruck's estate. May Atb, J M MATTOX, Ordinurr. a fATE OF~GEORGIA—CharttonCounty- OTo all whom it may concern. 51ary Groomcs having in proper form applied to in’a for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Peter £. Groomer, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular tta creditors and next of kin of Peter S. Groomcs to be and appear at iny office within tbc time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent letters should not ha graatedto Vary Groomcs on PctcrS. Groome’e estate. Witness n y hand and officiul £i' n tore. March 23d. 1875. J. 31: MATTOX, Ordinary. AYU V made by rellinx Teas JIUALI at I.MPORTER’SPRICES or getting up c übe in towns and country for the ©id*si Tea Company in America. Great est inducement#, oena for circular. CANTON Tea Compaav, 148 Chamber# street, N. Y. Dr. S. Van Meter&lcto, Proprietors of the fd&oud Charleston, TIL, lufirmary, uc endorsed in the Dot isiue of the ••Xation’d Jounsal u* Health," by uaeo of prominence South and Xurtu. * Also by fifty miniitcrßof diffurect denominationr. An op portunity is bow ofiered to ifctain a thorough ex ikiuation and treatment without, havisg trv visit tbo infirmary. Address at once Vs. *. VAK 'TFTER A CO., 4 !w Char!ettß. TV