The Wayne triumph. (Jesup, Ga.) 1875-????, September 11, 1875, Image 4

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<Tlu Wayut pt'CLISHED WEEKLY AT •Tpauj), Wayne County, Georgia. September 11, 1875. SELECTED MATTER How be Had his Name Changed. The other day a young African asked us if it was “agin de law" to change his name. We replied that if he had a good t ame ho had better keep it, as a good name wax the one thing to be desired in this world. Tse got a putty fa’r name,’ he said, "w’et I'se had ever atnee dewar, but it won’t do for din chile any ntoab.' •Why, what's the mutter with it?' we asked. 'Well, you ace, boss, dar's a fool nigger come hyar from CbilHeoffe, an’ ha’s a buz -7.1a around wid u>y name, an’ no two nig fer.t can circutngate in de name town on loss one or de udder ob 'em hab a different procogueni.' •Perhaps you can preraii on him to adopt another name.’ 'ho, sah; I offered him foaff hits an’ a rnhzor to call hissulf somethin' else sides George Wusbin’ton Jones, but do yaller fool won’t doit.’ 'Veilow, is he?' Yes, sah, an’ dal's what makes me so in jurious about it. He says de Jonoes waz ■ie fuatest fnuiilira of Kirginny, an' dat he’s condescended in n direct line from dew, and conseqnenchly darfouh walues de name moah exceedingly dan udder, wise,’ ‘So you propose to off with the old name and on with anew 1’ 'Somethin’ like dat, I s'pose, boss. An’ 1 want to ax yon de favor to sejest some likappropriate name dat’l! do for a online] i usaon ob standing. I dont soshato wid , common, low-class niggers, an’ I wants a name out o' dore uncomprehension what dev can't steal, you know ’ llow'll Benedict Arnold, do?’ In. Arnold am totiish, for suah, hut 1-ir'i. too many linnuys an' Dicks around. Try anudder one, boas.’ •Well, Algernon Hnrtoris how’s that?’ Dat’s superlngant! Algcrneyman Bar tons Arnold dat'd do for some oh do name. I'lease reach for anudder one, i.h. ’ •Why, that's name enough. How much hi you want, for goodnesssuke?’ 'Dorr, you must ‘member dat I’so deek in iu do church an’ prictor ob a house an' lot.’ ‘Oh! yes; well-—let's see—Bill Allen?’ 'Dal’s too common.' ' Abraham Lincoln ?’ Too ordinary, aali. (lit up higher Phil. Sheridan ?’ Higher yet, sail, if you please ' William Teennjsch Sher--' .Stop sah- dal's miff needn’t feel no furtler. Wilyum Oherkumscy- dat sounds tike o)o Kuintiuk- Wilyum Clierkumsey Aigornoynian Kartoris Arnold. Yes sah, .Ist, 11 do no low-class nigger nan get in side o’ dat. Yoti'se tie solumn witness, boss dat dnt’s my name, from Ueucefo'th nu to all precedin’ time. I’se obliged to you, sail.’ As lie walked majestically away, repeat ing the name over to himself; he was the proudest nigger in Brunswick. Aud yet Hhakespearc aaj'R there is nothing ill n vstuo. —[Brunswickor. A Clerk's Slory. ‘Wlien 1 used to tend store the old mint ime n round one day, end sujr he, ‘Hoys, tl i one who sells tbo most between now and ChiiMuiits gets vest pattern, as n present’ Maybe Unit we did not work for the vtat pattern. I tell yott, there were some tall stories in praise of poods about thst time, but tbo tallest talker, and the one who had the most .cheek of any of us was a certain John (luires, who roomed with me. He could talk a dollar out of a man’s pocket when he only intended to spied a six-ponce, and the women—Lord bless you—they just handed over their pocket-boks to bitn and let him lay out "hat be liked for them. One nigltt John wcke cue up with, By Jove, old fellow if you think that ere’* in it, I’ll bring you down the sheep it was out (rom, and make hiui own his own wool. Twon’t wear out either; wore a pair of pants of that stuff for five years, and they are as !0 odes when I first put them pa. Take it at thirty oeuts, and I'll say you didn't ow me anything t.h —too dear? Well, caii it twenty-eight cents. What d'ye aay ? Ail right It’s ft bargaiu.' I could ttei John's he ode playing about the bed . totbes for an instant; then rip, tear, wfnt ennethiug or another, and I bid my head under lUe blankets, perfectly convulsed v ith laughter, and perfectly sure that Tohn had torn the best sheet from top to bottom. When I awoke the next morn ing 1 found the bark of my night-shirt .plit ft om the bottom to the collar-band. I feel very queer! ’’ was the remarks of * corpse” in Chicago, with whom a party ~f friends were sitting up. This little de -iatiou I rom the general conduct of corpses made the aitUs re-up feel queer too, and they capered out of there, leaving the "body” to S’.t up with itself. If dead bodies are going to act in this tnauner. they will hate sonic trouble iu getting people to sit cp with them. True liberty consists in the privilege of ,-nycying our own rights, not in the de struction of the rights of others mm* ► • • strong minds, like hardy evergreens,are most hardy iu winter, wheu feeble ones, like tender Rummer plants, are leasfless. They give the poor soup iustead of meat on the general theory that beggars -bon’d not be obe irs. BLAKErS EL.KqTfIXC REBIEF 1 , Or TOOTHACHE ANODYNE, FOR THE IMMEDIATE RELIEF OF TOOTHACHE. Toothache is generally produced from exposure of the nerve, by the decay of the tooth. For toothache, from exposed nerve, the Electric Relief is a certain remedy, and will posi tively destroy the nerve of the tooth, without injuring the teeth, at- Creosote and Carbolic Acid generally do. Many a Dentist’s bill can be laved by the timely use of the Electric Re \.\r.v. Toothache takes you unawares, therefore every bouse should have a bottle on hand, in case of necessity. Always use according to directions, and you will not be disappointed. Insert carefully in the hollow of the tooth a plug of cotton d ; pped in the Electric Relief; do not use the fingers; put the cotton on a pointed stick or toothpick when you insert. tr ice LAWRENCE & WEICIISELDAUM, Sole ProprifttoPs^ 2(.jy 158 Congress Street, SAVANNAH, GA. VALUABLE JOURNALS. 1878. AGAIN ! 1878. LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL Continues for the present year its liberal ar rangement, whereby, on the 31stof December, 1875, it will distribute impartially among its subscribers, #IO,OOO In presents,comprising Greenbacks and near ly one thousand useful and beautiful articles. The Courier-Journal is a long-establish ed, live, wide-awake, progrcusivt, newsy, bright and spicy paper. No other paper offers such inducements to subscribers and club-agents. Circulars with full particulars and specimen copies *eut free oil application Terms, $2.00 a year and lib eral offers to clubs. Address, W. 11. HALDEMAN, Pres. Courier-Journal Cos., Louisville, Ky. 184€. 'IIIIUTIWII VEAR. m. THE HOMEJOURNAL, Enlarged and Improved. Tiie Beal Literary auil Society l*l>er lu America. Ils leading departments comprise Edito rials on topics of fresh interest; Brilliant Ro malices and Portraitures of American Life; Editorial Reviews of new events in the world of Belles-Lettres, Painting, Sculpture,Science Music and the Drama; Original essays; Ample Excerpts from the best European Writers; Spicy letters froui Correspondents in all the great Capitals of the World; Copious Extracts from New Books; and racy accounts of sav ings, happenings and doings in the Bi Monde, embracing the very freshest matter interest iu this country and in Europe— whole completely mirroring the wit aud wi doui, the humor and pathos, the news anu sparkling gossip of the times; SUBSCRIPTION. Subscribers will receive the Homo Journal for 1875, tree of postage. The Home Journal alone, I copy, 1 year $3 3 copies one year 6 C copies one year 9 TERMS FOR CLUBS. Tho Home Journal and any $4.00 periodi cal, either Harper’s Magazine, Harner’sWeek ly, Harper’s Bazaar .Atlantic Monthly, Scrib ner’s Monthly, The Galaxy, Lippincott’s Mag azine, Appleton’s Journal, Frank Leslie’s Il lustrated News, Frank Leslie’s Ladies* Jour Rhl, Blackwood’s Magazine, Westminister Re view, or any of the English Quarterlies re published here, will he sent for $5.25, the full price being $7. Bt. Nicholas for $4.50; full rates 6. LitteH’l Living Age lor $8.75. full, price, sll. Subscriptions will take date immediately, or at any time subscribers prefer. Address the proprietors and publishers, MORRIS, PHILLIPS A CO., No. 3 Park Plaoe, New York. MEffiß 1 ‘TRIUMPH,” Jesup, Wayne County, Ga. It Came I I Saw I It Conquered I NI7ORTII A DOLLAR ! Send lnmp for VV Circular, or 10 ots. for sample. Address, 8. C. T. Cos., Box 87, Scottsville, Ky. SAV. ADVERTISEMENTS J. L. MORGAN’S SUGAR SKIMMER ! C 0 0L ER. I useful invention consists in a Strainer which stes on tho boilar ami through which tho boiling juice overflows, is cooled, and j again descends into the boiler, leaving the j scum on the top; thereby doing all the work of j SKIMMING AND COOLING, and doing it bettor than it can possible be done by the old mode of Skimming and Cool ing by hand. It skims perfectly—impossible to mako it waste—makes prettier and better Syrup than can bo mode without it; and even the most rapid boiling bos no effect upon it in causing waste. One hand can runja HALF DOZEN BOILERS with more easo than two can mind one boiler without it. Nothing to do but put in the cane juice, keep up the fire and tako the Syrup out when it is done. PRICE LIST: SISKS. PRICK' 30 Gallon Boilers $ 9 00 40 “ “ 10 00 50 “ 11 00 SO * J l2 00 80 “ “ 13 00 J. 1.. MOKt i\n, Patentee, 190 Congress St., Saaannah, Ga. —II-CORNEK OK—O BARNARD AND BUY AN STS., (MARKET SQUARE.) SAVANNAH, GA., A. E. CARR, Proprietor. BOARD TWO DOLLARS I’F.R PAY. Having recently taken charge of this House, thoroughly renovated, re furnished sod re-fit ted up the same, betide* adding all the mod* rrn improvements, such as Telegraph Office. Post Office, Reading room, Billiard room and Barber-shop with bath? in connection, and in fact everything necessarily connected with a first class Hotel f*r the comfort, convenience and amusement of guests, for one-half the money paid at other Hotels where no better aoonmmodations art to be bad, the Proprietor respectfully solicits the patronage of the travel mg public generally, and particularly his old frundsand patrons in Darien and Southeastern 1 Georgia, to give bis House a trial while vifit- I mg the city of Savannah- FOR 1875, SUBSCRIPTION—S 2 00 PER ANNUM, ITS POLITICS WILL BE ✓ STRICTLY DEMOCRATIC, AND ♦ • ITS OPINION OF MEN lI\fI>3Er*EIIVX>3EIWT l AMONG ITS SELECTIONS W ILL APPEAR THE BEST AND PTIDEST TALES, SKETCHES, POEMS, Etc, Is an excellent advertising medium for the business men of Savannah , Brunswick Macon and Atlanta. It contains the Legal Advertising of Charlton, Pierce , and Wayne counties , The people should rally to its support, for every class will be represented. T. B. GOODBREAD, Proprietor LECAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Wayne_County. Sheri IT* Sale, FIRST TUESDA Y IN OCTOBER. QTATE OF GEORGIA—WAYNE COUN- O ty—Will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Jesup, of said county, be tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in October !next, 1875, the following property, to-wit: Two houses and enclosures, and all other improvements in said enclosure, on the west side of the M. A B, R. R., at and near the thirty-one (31) mile-post on said railroad, levied on as'.the property of Samuel W. Johnson, to satisfy afi fa issued from the Justice’s Court, of the 333d Dis trict, G. M., of said county, in favor of Dr. R. B. Harris, for medical services rendered said Samuel W. Johnson’s family. Levy mado and returnod to me by Wm. W'estberry, Levy ing Constable of the 333d District, G. M. Terms of sale—cash; purchaser ,paying for titles. Thi3 September 2, 1875. JOHN N GOODBREAD 8-4 w Dept. Sheriff, W. C, GEORGIA—W ayne* County. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Jesup, of said county, be tweent the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October next, 1875, the following property, to-wit}: One ilot k of land number seventy-five (75), in the Third District of original Appling, now Wayne, levied on as the property of S. C. Lit lefield, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Glynn Superior Court, in tavor of John T. Burns for purchase-money of said lot 75. Property] pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Terms of sale—cash; purchaser paying for titles. This September 2, 1875 JNO. N GOODBItEAD, 8-4 w. Dept’y Sheriff, W. C. STATE OF GEORGIA—WAYNE COUN ty. Will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Jesup, of said county, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October next, 1875, the following property, to-wit: All the stock consisting of Dry Goods Hardware and Groceries, con sisting of one hundred bushels of Corn, five hunhred pounds of Bacon and five sacks of salt; also one Bar-Room and conteuts thereof, levied on as the property of T P. Littlefield, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Ware county, in favor of A. A. Sol omon vs. T. P. Littlefield. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Terms of sale cash; purchaser paying for titles. This Sep tember 2. 1875. JNO. N. GOODBREAD, 8-4rv. Dept’y. Sheriff. W. C. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wayne County. WILL be sold before the Court House Door in the town of Jesup, of said county, be tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in Oct. next, 1875, the following property to-wit: 12 head of mules and three timber carts and harness thereto attached. Levied on as the property of Ifooker and Gray to sat isfy a mortgage li fa, issued from tho Superior Court of said county in favor of T. W Dexter vs. Hooker and Gray. Property pointed o*j in mortgage ti fa. Terms of sale—cash. Pur chaser paying for titles. This Aug. 2d, 1875. JNO. N. GOODBREAD, aug.<-Bw. Dept’y. Sheriff, W. C. WAYNE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Martha Harris applies to the undersigned for letters of guardianship of the person and property of the minor heirs of Jno. W. Harris, Sr., deceased. These are therefore to require all persons concerned to file in my office on or before the first Monday in August next their objections if any they have to said appointment, otherwise said Letters of Guard ianship will be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature this 6th day of July 1875. J. R. ROBERSON, aug. 7-4 w. Ordinary, W. C. QTATE OF GEORGIA—WAYNE COUN IO ty. —Ordinary’s Office of said county. Whereas James A. Coson, Guardian of L. H. Highsmith, having filed his petition to be dis charged from said trust. All persons con cerned are requested within the time fixed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said applicant should not be discharged according to law. This the 6th day of July, 1875. J. R. ROBERSON, Ordinary, W. C. STATE OF GEOItGIA—WAYNE COUN ty.—To all whom it may concern. Where as Benjamin 0. Middleton, having in proper form, applied to mo for promanent letters of addministration de bonis non on the estate of Moses S. Harris, deseased. This is to cite all and singular, kindred and creditors of said deseased. to be and appear at my office in the town of Jesup, within the time prescrib ed by law, to show cause if any they have why permanent letters should not be grant ed said applicant. This July 6th, ISfo. J. R. ROBERSON, * Ordinary, W. C. Charlton County, GEORGlA—Charlton Couhty. To all whom it may concern. Whereas E. B. Jones, having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of Administration on the estate of John Ivy, deceased, this is to cite all and singular, kindred and creditors, of said deceased, to be and appear at my of fice in the town of Trader's Hill, within the time perscribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why permanent letters should not be granted said applicant. This August 14th, 1875. J. M. MATTOX, Aug. 21-4 w-t Ordinary, C. C. Administrators’ Notice. NOTICE TO DEE TOES <t CEE DITOES. STATE OF GEORGIA—CHARLTON County. Notice is hereby given to all persons having demands against Edward Buck, late of said County deceased, to pre sent them to me properly made out within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount. And all per- j sons indebted to said deceased are hereby re quired to make immediate payment. This July 1. 1575. E. A. BUCK, Administrator of EDWARD BUCK. ATLANTIC dt GTJLFR.B. CQ. SAVANNAH, GA., June 14. 1875. The second edition of circular containing a description of lands for sale on line of this Road, will soon be issued by this Cos. per- ! sons having lands (not town lots) for sale, &r ! requested to send me a description of same, witb price and location, and they will be gra- ; uitously published in circular. Special ad vertisements will be inserted at reasonable figures Address Jxo. Evxxs, Qen'l Tioket A gen* Change o t Selied.ulej GENERAL SUPT’S OFFICE, ) Atlantic axd Gulf Railroad Cos,, v Savannah, May 1, 1875. ) ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAY 26 trains on this road will run as follows: BI3HT EXPRESS (DAILY). Leave Savannah at 4:00 p x Arrive at Jesup ...7:10 p x Bainbridge • 7:45 a x Albany 9:20 ax Live 0ak......: 2:55 A x Jacksonville.,..; 9:10 a x Leave Jacksonville 4:00 p x Live Oak ....10:05 p u Albany i 4:16 p x Bainbridge 5:15 p x Jesup 5:25 ax Arrive at Savannah 8:50 A x Connect at Live Oak with train arriving at Tallehassee at 6.15 p it, and leaving Tallahas see at 10.30 A mt Sleeping car runß through to Jacksonville. Passengers for Brunswick take this train ar riving at Brunswick (Sundays excepted) at 10.30 p. m. Leave Brunswick (Sundays ex cepted) at 2.00 a. m, Arrive at Savannah (Sundays excepted) at 8.50 A. x. Passengers from Macon by M. & B. 8.15 a. m. train connect at Jesup with train for Flori da (Sundays excepted.)* Passengers from Florrida by this train con nect at Jesup with train arriving iu Macon at 4.40 p. u. (Sundays excepted.) DAY PASSENGER—[SUNDAYS EXCEPTED] Leave Savannah 8.00 a x Arrive at Jesup 10.38 a k Tebeauvilie..... 12.42 p x Live Oak 4.25 p x Jacksonville 9.15 p x Leave Jacksonville..: 7.40 A u Live Oak 12.25 p k TebeauviUe 4.10 p m Jesup 6.35 p x Arrive at Savannah 9.15 P x ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont [Sundays excepted]...7 05 A m Arrive at Valdosta 9 00 A x Quitman 10 15 A x Thomasville 2 35 p a Albany 7 50 p x Leave Albany 7 50 a x Thomasville 1 45 p a Quitman 3 48 p m Valdosta 5 10 p x Arrive at Dupont 7 10 p a Connect at Albany wiih Night Train on the Southwestern Railroad. Leaving Albany Sun day, Tuesday and Thursday, aud arriving at Albany Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mail Steamer leaves Bainbridge for Apa lachicola every Sunday evening. Accommodation Train with Passenger Car attached will leave Savannah Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 6 am, running to Du pont, and arrive at Savannah Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, at 5 15 p m. H. S. HAINES-, General Superintendent. B. & A. RAILROAD CO, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) Brunswick, Ga,, Nov. 23, 1874. f ON and after December Ist, 1874, passenger trains on this road will run as follows : Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday* from Brunswick to Albany. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from Albany to Brunswick. PASSENGER TRAINS FROM BRUNSWICK. Leave Brunswick „..8 40 a hi Hazlehnrst*. *9 33 44 Jamaica, 949 44 Waynesville ~10 17 41 Satilla 10 49 “ Randolph 12 00 Pi Arrive. I Junction, A&■ G Railroad-. 12 40 41 Leave i Dinner House. * 110 44 Waresboro 1 45 14 Millwood 239 u Pearson 334 “ Kirkland 350 “ Willacoochee 4 22 " Alapaha 506 44 Brookfield .5 42 “ Riverside 6 30 44 Ty Ty 7 06 “ Isabella 7 42 tx Davis 8 2? * 4 Arrive at Junction S G A F R R, Al bany , 8 52 44 Connects with A a G Passenger Train go ing Westward ar.d Southward, leaving Te beauvilie at 1 02 p.m.. for Stations on the A a G Railroad, and for Thomasville, Bainbridge, Live Oak, Fcrnandina, Tallehassee, Quincy. PASSENGER TRAIN FROM ALBANY'. Leave Junction S G 4 F R R 8 26 A Ja Davis 9 02 44 Isabella...., v ,..9 40 u Ty Ty 10 11 Riverside ~..10 63 ** Brockfieid 11 29 Alapaha 12 06 “ Willacoochee 12 46 “ Kirkland 1 15 p m Arrive Pearson (Dinner House) 129 ** Leave Pearson 1 59 u Millwood 233 44 Waresboro 317 tf Arrive June. A t G RR, Teheauville.3 45 “ Leave Junction 4 15 u Randolph 4 55 44 Satilla 6 07 44 Waynesville 639 u Jamaica 7 09 Hazlehurst 7 22 >u Arrive Brunswick 8 15 11 Connects at Tebeauvilie with Passenger Train for Savannah, which leaves at 4 10 p m, arriving in Savannah at 9 45 p m. CHAS .L. SCHLATTER, General Superintendent. ACADEMY, Reidsville, Georgia A first-class school in every particular, and in a very healthy location. Rates of tuition: 5,6, 7 and 9 dollars. Good board at reasona ble rates. For further particulars, address, C J JENKINS, Jr, Principal Court Calendar—Brunswick Circuit, John L. Harris, Judge. Simon W Hitch Solicitor General. Pierce. —First Mondays in March and Sep tember. Wayne.—Second Mondays in March and September. Appling.--Third Mondays in March and September. Ware. —Fourth Mondays in March and September. Coffee.—First Tuesdays in April and Oc tober. Clinch.—Second Tuesdays in April and October. Echols. —Third Mondays in April and Oc tober. Camden.—Tuesdays after fourth Mondays in April and October. Chap.lton.—?rsondays after Camden Court. Glynn.—Tuesdays after fourth Mondays in May and November. Glynn Court may be continued until the business is disposed of. Liberty.—Tuesdays after third Mondays May and November. MARSHALL” HOUSE, Savannah. Cin. A. E. LUCE Propritor. Jay. £3 00