Newspaper Page Text
'<% Jteto Count]) ti imts
Tii ■ " '
Corrospunilertco fulicitcd; but to receive at
tention, com'piunicntionH must bo aooompnnie
hy a responsible name —not tor publication
iut as a guarantee nF good faith.
Contributions of news solicited from every
‘quarto- Rejected articles will not bo re
turned unless accompanied by 11 stamp.
rates and estimates given
•on a ppiication.
Bcßsni'pTtON—‘One year, $1.50; nix
Tnonths, 75 cents; three months, 40
All 'totters should bo addressed to’
Trenton, Ga.
*■*- - 1 'T'
ro4 co^oiu:^.
Subject te the Dehiocratic convention,
We are authorized to an
nounce the name of Dr- T
-1- L UMllk'TN, as a, candi
date for Reirresentaiivc-
Wcdre authorized to an
nounce S. C. HALE as
v candidate for liepreseta
ti e are authorized to an
nounce lit HAM SMTTII
as a candidate for Sidle
Senator for the Jfdfth Sena
torial district; composed of
Dade, Walker and Catoesa,
We are authorized, to an
il ounce ll- M- W GL ENN
as a■ Candidate for State
Senator for ihe 44th Sena
torial district; composed of
Dade, Wat her and, Catoosa.
We wf authorized to an
nounce Y- WOOD
as a candidate for State
Senator for the 44th- Sena
tor in district; co n-posed of
Dade, Walker and Ofo°s a -
TOfliEiM Aim ST 20, 1881,
TV Felton iairt favor of snhmitig the
question of Prohibition to a vote in
Bartow County.
1 M >
We clip tl.c following from the
TTesshsoeu fi*ort ihe minutes of the
C’ootta Baptist Association recently jn
New Churches were then Called for
and two were received, Mt. Union and
Clover Dale both, from Dado Comity
and the result of the labor of the
Missionary in that county
L. N. Brock
A new plan of steeling occnrcd the
other day in Broom Town, Walker
county. Two parties rode up to the
stoic, one of them got down and call
ed for sonic tobacco, which neinghand
ed him, he mounted his horse and
both rode of at a rapid rate, leaving
ihe marebaut with the “sack to bold”
Pmna “vankce” magazine is going
in gi<t a boom by employing Grant to
\vrite twonty articles of different bat-
Ges of tbo war. Every body ought to
] now that 03rant has no tact or mind
f< r hterarv production; but stiil move
money can be made on! of fools than
ally other Hass of people.
Onr columns are now open to a dis
mission ot e Liqni r Question. Sonm
cl onr subscribers and h lends wish to
know our position on the Question.
We desire tro.u certain other reasons
to [lace them on record. Int before
\\c do so, it must be discussed by oth
ers i'Ao ciiiu con. Every cue ean waite
that wishes, and say what they please,
but positively y»»nr real name must be
digued nothing lietitions. We will
make one exeepiien: Every part will
Le stricken from all articles on the
subject which may lay the pnhii.-hei
liable to civil action. Our own article
will not appear before the second i r
i bird issue in September, and wliocvm
w rites, we warn jon to stick to the
K Nt, issue and 1 e rule that Aon ns
Mune no position or grounds that are
!i.,l tenaloe, foi M you do, you may
p«*ei to •.•itch ‘blazer- ’A itli ’Wn
i . i.. close,
CEDilt <i Biota,
Editor Times: —ln looking over your
valuable little paper I see many names
that are familiar to me and many com
munications from old correspondents
who used to v/Tite for the Pitooiutss
and GazeTtG. Their communications
arc flitefesting, arid they have always
given their brain and pen to the sup
port of theii county paper. 1 think
the people of Dane sl+ouU be proud of
their paper.
News is scarce in this vicinity; noth
ing but polities and candidates to talk
about Although vre have five candi
dates for Sthte Senator everything
moves along peaceably. They are all
high minded gentlemen and are mak
ing a fair rind honest race. There is
one thing sure some of them will be
disappointed the Ist of Oct., for each
one knows lie elected,
The recent heavy winds and rain
have blown down corn considerably.
The prospect for corn is fine
Mrs. Charley Jones died this morn
ing of consumption; she has been con
fined to her bed but a short time, she
was a daughter of Mr. N. J. Kell
one of our best respected citizens, and ,
lias'only been marnied about two years
she leaves a husband one child aud a
large number of friends and sedatives
to mourn their loss. May they all be
congenial to the will of lurn that do
eth all things well. Miss Amanda
McreTth, daughter of Ksq. Meredith
is in very feeble health; she has con
Mi ris Ida Goodwill who has been
teaching music here is spending a few
days at her home at your place. May
she'have a pleasant visit. Her patrons
arc pleased with her instructions.
We would, like to hear from C. D.
M.. of Cleveland and T. J. W. of Bir
mingham. So gentlemen please come
to the front with an occasional letter.
As this is my first I will close ere it
lands in the Waste basket.
St 3 Rasa.
Announcement is made of the rapid
completion of a Pictorial work com
prising ihe Lives of tho Presidential
Candidates on the Democratic ticket,
written by tho veteran author, Col.
Frank Triplett, and published by N.
D. Thompson & Co., ISt. Louis, Mo ,
and New York. This work is sold
through agents exclusively. It is de
signed not only to serve the popular
taste and want in giving, exhaustively
the facts in the boyhood and manhood
of the Candidates—their private lives
and Pubic Services—but to have a
more endming interest than the ordi
nary Campaign book. To this end the
publishers have engaged on tho work
a cotps of skilled designed and etigia
eis to elegantly and prolnsely illus
trate the scenes ami incidents in I lie li
ves of these eminent men, now so
prominently before ti e public. Per
sonal anecdotes and reminiscences will
constitute a leading and certainly a
most euterraining and instructibe feat
ure of this timely work.
Col. Triplett lias marked ability,
and enjoys especial distinction as a
Biographical writer. While exhaust
ive in {he recital of facts, his powers
of analysis, ami his keen insight into
tho philosophy of events ami meanres,
give him special prominence among
Aiueiieau writers of personal history.
It is not too much to say that lie is
better prepared for the work in hand
than other American author.
The bopks from his pen of which
several have been published, have
met the popular and been more
{ban ordinarily snccssfnll. They have
given him high rank among American
authors, and the public m«n of t!i#day.
This 1: is given him nusmpassed fix
ities for prueuring all the material for
tlie work now in hand. As a hook of
fascinating interest, heantv and pro
fuseness of illustration, and of compre
hensiveness of fact-, it will commend
itself to every voter.
To the hook agent this rare combi
nation ol authentic histor3', pictorial
illustration ami brilliant authorship,
will at once suggest the universal de
mand it wiil create, and also the ad
vantages in intert st it has over the ot
din ary campaign hook, and the grand
oppoit unity il offers for profitable a
gene v. if iu another
e dnimi.
RY etc, &c.
Fbrft'fi Times: —Tlieie is one prov
eib in Don Quixote that contains all
the high Spanish courtliness in a “nut
shell.” 1 cannot help quoting it to
night. It is this “The counsel of a
woman is not worth much'; but ho who
. . i
does riot take it is worth nothing.”
Of counie I do not believe the first half
of this proverb; but modify the last
clause and 1 will endorse it readily.
For arc not nil tho goo ! women of our
day constantly giving good advice, by
oral and written language. Vet, thoie
are a great many men who still con
tinue tolnnke fieqrient obsei 1 atiotis of
the upper regions through (bottle
shaped) telescopes, and every one who
has acquited tnc habit of drinking in
inspiration from such instrument.; are
J believe invariably profane. Now
every man that is the victim of• such
habits, is going contiary to the dic
tates of his own conscience, and the
counsel of all good women.
ses (J. Adkins we have heard infi
dels swear oaths of all sizes. We have
also seen them enjoy (?) a thunder
storm. Old isn’t it a pitiful sight
to see them wink and dodge at every
vivid flash of lightning, as if they be
lieved the end was near; uo wonder
they tremble like an aspen, to witness
aii “elemental war.” Did.l not believe
that “He holds the winds in Tho hol
low of His hand” tear long since would
have shaken down tins “clay tene
ment” of mine. But I know “lie ru
les in the armies of Heaven,” and that
every discharge made from the cloud
batteries above He directs the liiislcs
to their goal.
You wished for our swearers in lowa
Mr. A., I expect it would be well for
our rising generation it onr blasphe
mers and your infidels were colonized
n some isolated region, where their in
fluence would not fall TTfce a blight on
the young and innocent, for every man
is a missionary for good or for evil
whether lie designs it or not. He may
radiating his dark influence outward
to the very circumference of society or
he may be a blessing spreading bene
dictions over the world; but “a blank
lie cannot be.” Writing of swearing
reminds me of a dear friend of my
youth. One evening years ago she
came into my room white as a spectio
her great bltm eyes filled with unshed
tears, she spoke never a word until she
had seated herself at my feet, then
looking up i to my eyes with an ex
pression of pain 1 will never forget she
said, “Pollie he swears (meaning her
affianced) and now I cannot marry him
caul? Would you?” “Hush Delia”
I sai l “you ought to rejoice now; tha
iu an unguarded moment he has given
yon an insight of his true character.
No man y him never would; for a
God who made, than to take his name
in vain would have far less respect for
one 'd Hiscieatmes—no don’t many
him if you wish to escape a life of mis
ory.” We parted not long after this
conversation; big she mairicd-herpro
fane lover Not many yeaiC ago l
heard of her—pool Delia the wife of L
drunkard, a blasphemer; instead tl'
raising him up as she fondly hoped be
fore marriage; lie ding her down with
him, and now he fiils a dishonored
grave. But I did not intend th touch
Mie subject of swearing when I began
writing, indeed I didn’t. Now Iha ye
no room for what 1 wished to say.
My mind is so erratic, is it any won
de 1 say things I don’t mean some
times? 1 have no more claim on the
limks Mr. Ed. than any other subscri
ber w ho has paid his or her subscrip
tion. Perhaps Ido feel a deeper inter
est in it than any one else ( Et>. excep
ted ) because it is almost my only means
of communicating with the world out
side of my home Am far from
thinking my letters form an important
part ot the make up of out paper. Am
gltd that 1 can now retire and not be
missed, but very little. Ambitidus
1 know I’m not,for long ago I huiicd
ambition all the bright day dreams id
my girl-hood Imurs in one common
grave; now the storms of intervening
years have formed a crust over them
too hard to he broken by the feeble
hand of a hopeless invalid.
Well, howdy Mrs. 'l'. we are strati- 1
geif, yet 1 am very glad to read a few |
lines from yogi [ion once more. Hopei
to read nure soon. Isn’t if reasons-i
Me tc suppose Cain was married before
h<“ w.eit to Nod.
Acs r J' ,j i ] i- .
STATE news
Peach chic. ... a production of Cobb
Franklin county gave prohibition
450 majority.
MnysviHe, in Jackson county, lias
200 inhabitants. Fifteen weddings
are expected within the next two
weeks..- .
In Taylor''county, ‘ast Sunday week,
two negroes fell out while preaching >
arid cut each other’s throats,
Robert E. Jnukin, a ucry exempla
ry Christian young man, aged 20 years
died the oth ins't., in Walker county.
Petition is now in circulation, and
will soon be filed with the Ordinary
praying a submission of the liquor
question to the voter of Dade.
Primus W. Jones’ filst bale of cot
ton was classed in Savanna’ll as good
ordinary, much cut and 'discolored
from being picked green. At auction
it b fog lit fen coils a pound,
Johnathan 11. Bridges, a groceiy
.merchant oil Marietta Steo\ Atlanta
committed suicide a few -’ays ago bv
cutting uis throat from ear to ear with
a razor. Caused by failure of health
and becoming despondent.
Bibb county has forty-two lawyers
forty-four doctors and ten dentists,
there is no actual suffering reported
from any of these gentlemen for want
of practice; but it should be remember
ed that Bibb county coveis a good deal
of territory.
The following are common place
enough, hut wo can assure our readers
mat if-they will observe every one of
the rules, they will be anything but
common place men and women:
Don t stop to toil stories iu business
If yen have a place of business, be
found there when wanted.
No man can get rich sitting around
rtoies and v dooms.
Have order, system, regularity, and
also promptness.
Do not meddle with business you
know nothing of.
A man of honor respects his word
as he doits his bond.
Help others, but never give what
you cannot afford to, just is
I ishionble to give.
* Learn to think and act for yourself.
- To—
Tickets on sale August the 23, 24
2b tit L'koatcr, Ala. Good for
thirty days, Apply to or address,
J. M- Sutton,
Chattaooga. Tonn.
lilh I tents Wanted!
E«>r the only gemtino PICTORIAL Iliog
rajdiies of ibu Ch sistM t'alic s‘;m
-ditiji <t?M lor President and Vice-Pres
ident. Authentic and exhaustive in
fact, profuse and artistic tn illustration
conscientious, forcible, brilliant in au
thorship. The fttmadard Cam
paign History. 1% iG horizr
Rich in matter hut low in IPi'icc--
$52. The agents harvest. SemloOtts
for outfit and our special, practical in
structions in tlio best methods of sell
ing it. ***tiC4*t*M.Ti and l.’U'S'e pt’Ul
list ensured Act Hi OI3IT. The
Gampaign will be slmrt, but jhi’it*-
3i;ual ;sii»! piojitaclc to a
gvsst*. Address
St. Louts, Mo., or Xi:w Vohk Cir.t.
W'rra Ixdspsndust siiei.vf.s An tvstablb to Pooks
Of AMY 11KI :.!T.
s: 'TT_
Lawyers, p*4 Teaciiero,
Clergymen, ft mwri 3 Merchants,
„ M :3 T j
Physicians, ft LjftkJf Students
0 psißiH*? 2s
Editors, g 4 and ali. who
Hankers, ft read books.
Made of iron, beautifully ornamented. Car
not wnrp nor Hlirimt. Durable .m t convert. -nt.
A novel an l linn Isorm* article of furullur.)
Shotvos tr> inches square, c;.‘ ii will hold u ■ f
Applclons’ Cyclop e Ua. T.vo size* fur table,
throe sizes lor it. - >r.
Holds more books in less sp.-ire than any other
dovioe—rotate:' at a tiuger’o touch. Rend fordes.
crlptivo price list.
Address, II I’tMK. I’tSVTT «Y Ctl.,
School FnmNtw mi coalers Jn cvtuytliiiiir m thv
Book iuitl St t.oi'ci.v lit* '.
S'.l fJ«n ? n;„ >*'iV iiHit,
• ■ .’t -t: ,\. t,;
wi •• • v* . I.' , vii-i •>; gUucuUQaIXI
Um‘XUi '".flit ; . s .
A Pfrnous Boon Jo Womni;.
Words of Praise.
i most enincst'.y entreat every ft-tnnlo about
to be confined to use Mother’s Pel of. o\>up
lcil with this uatrriity J will add that through
a long obstetric il practice (tnrty-fuur vpurs),
1 hove never known it to fail to product) a
safe :'.nd quick delivery.
It. J. TIOt MTS, M. J>.
A lady from one of the counties of Middle
(ieotgia who has been acting midwife fo.
many years, writes: “I have disposed of ajl
the Mothers Friend-you sent me, and I am
delighted with it,. In every ir.sUuieo where
it (i;is ;been;u ml, its eSe ts, have beer if-.1l that
i could a,sk. I consider it a great blocsing.
A gentleman writes: “My wifo used your
Mother’s Friend at, her. fonrth c-cv.finement.
and her testimony is that . he passed through
it with,ono haJf the suffering • f either of her
former confinements and recovered. from its, ninch toss time. She ai.«< roeomcn
dedit to a.lady friend, who was about to be
for the first time, and she sayP- ha ■ no- -
er seen any one pas.-; througli Mi?-great trial
with so muoli ease and so little sufferin'*.
A distinguished physician of Missis:;. ,|
writes: K cry on.o expecting to bo confined
shou d ysc tlie Mothers Friend, for during a
long obstetric practice I have never known
; t t<> fail to jiruditoo a quick and -safe deliv
Tins remedy is one al out which we cannot
publish certificates, but it is a most wonder,
'fut liniment to be used’after the first two
three months.
Send for our trur.'iso on*the health and
Happiness of Woman, mailed free, which
gives af! particulars.
Thk Bits atr::i,i) Ri-uur.AT.iit. Co ,
Box 20, Atlanta, On
/j 7) Attend Uiejn //7
JmsiMJA (ji&gc
Cf Kcr>‘uoSrV University, Lexington, Ry.
T rv.< to comj ii tc tin Vult C.'fr** tf, „e J© wwkn T'M
Cost, ti'ri.iitis 1 !i*»to*i. HuoUn; .Wifi -..pry, fl-wird. •ir., i
♦S». i eli- 'n ( *:;y ft K(..*cii!ty T»:tsr:»ry Oonrfcc /or cue yritr ;t
J-sire tf fr« r. y Kf» fr»-m 21 Rla'.T UM jv *t VuOO
fluccpmf.t. A'rvluai« Shtiiiii.v ScssF-fj now o;*«n.
StudeuM cm *t an. tlma j, i.o vacation. FaM •osslnn
».vgi:ij Scjilt’Hibcf iOth. F«.r fu il canton lac*, !re*»s
W.£l. 32UITT?J-T, t.crtngton, Xy
Tt, dfsecMS of the tSMOtfinj WeiSSitrwii” siSjf
JTupct Or r ,r!e Claw.-,**.. (-,.1.,; .. , j
’t -.-r,r..,l Sfejlkm,., safe m.d
'’•■H'ri.utie, Cf 1 rrvr.l,. f. r list <.f
jut. i»*‘.'.ns wert i . Ity f*y r.t !:y iac:‘.
■t .Vr»nn* «,i iTi-Hn.*f-iwi l'.:ptii«.»l.«uM»i>uil th.lrai!Sr*- . t
;» n ’ l*-nn» ito tlicl,- hilvmilavp. II . ipm ,f
p.o. M IHc't.AS'.rsr. Tn UHiilr. 3*o L«ml ,i S' l -n> w*
vncctMoi to Dr. ilatL'iosisjuiioy. t.-aihUoScU So 1.5,, .
U T R ft ft fillip
EJi 1 e lAj \3 11 iLLi 11 43
At the Trade Palace. *
hioittg x'avvn, ... Oeorgiii.
Invites everybody and his wife to come and
see him. The Mamoth Spring Stock
of goods liuvo arrived.
What ws Can’t self we
Away. We have everything in the dry
goixis line, from a halo of Domestic to
a Satin Ribbon.
Everything in dress goods, from a Ja
panees to Cotton plaid Everything in
Clothing from French worsted to a white
necktie. Everything in groceries from a
cask of bacon to a pound of rice. Every
tbu W 1!l . - iats fi‘(»iu a genuine Stetson to a
teal. Everything in crockery and glass
ware from a wash bowl to a China cap. All
iac drugs known to Materia Medica. Every.
".n;i;g in 3 i arc ward from a iog-ehaiu to a
sowing needle. Everything in' boots and
shoestrom a brogan boottoan infantsslipper.
And an cndtes >1 tin; a volume
won id not enumerate what, we have in
hosiery, novelties and notions.
Mant all the barter you bring from
an anvil block to a whetstone. You will fine
incur tiie !miojutaiii.e Tom (i'kay at thd
store at any hour day or night.. If you want
|° s . av, ‘ i'Kiney come to see us We mean
ty tr or-i x«i> v , •. . *
riti'.rp cf-iiivtt-:
a. . ar <' ‘lf Ml Oh Ifu U-Ulifu!
•** h1 ’ e " ,,: t - v. »*•
.> tone ever mudt-.l lo y
ti* * :: jb7r?6-jIFitSl have the retrkratol
r _ a (iHimiatiloswliiili
, id *!•:<• tii.ll i. inunj !'•*
’! ‘iiVviTvi’’ ’ -Jnjji* *| T«i 'c,and Jv
. •* *»etaveH v/'iUd'muii« I
,n Per feet Jmrmony
Vrltli Hie re* •ln,ahJ thrir
<ler*r!fyin«. V.-A
---J' ’ CRAKfON
•.. v. tt It cft »•::; -V !M .* r.
* : ’ ioi.lil*:, f’OXCJ tt
•;>, v::.<pm, rFNTB.SMMU * Hult:--*
).{ ' :»- STUION’ OIJWK-s. • trAI Kl., r.t*
ftoi t !-! • i*' -M i f - c h.1:0;.
-iti .t, tr-ttt \ i>. t Mi*l-O' -| ri-iieht Hue.
in in<) ri ttll’Y •( V»H’sN<* vi'h'Kruni
... of (one; Miltublo A TA If t.OJI or
•i i in tl. .jsv. 1
Sane b TAirror Ton - - v- .■ ■fit!,,,.. 'Jtht
> \ » i*i i•« -*l*lo V ’ fc^Tr ‘rf tTil
. v. i§:i
rffi > . ' * ♦ yMI
:t r 11 ?. v irj ni s! ?j: (j
■'* li'.Ai'K aSsC.^PMa
V, .M.NCT, rad re
i 11•, Me itilko ./-•• alls.*
•uf ily of tt.’in f|j|u •*
•-erf.-.-r .1.-- -laubar.. loUtj kA
'i•: : i.' yi-.
MCA*’ : f ‘IOJ.iTIaA “'A.
i i '.l. c s i*i tioltr r In«itPiiTn''T»i: at 9
i » • kcr Im»o in th 4V .
i\fti.. t h/n, ;e, Tourb.V.eiM
oMoi iblpni rruriiM'lt* Ct Hprimnei-.*. Wnrd
re <i f-rr SI.V YJC.tIIK. S Kvtreine
ly i.-fiv/', - ,!. I octal loir i, in rrJ
■ --* HConut lo tmehr
’ " " ' ; - -. •I;ir <!*.■, etc. At.KXTtt WANTED.
."..-C'- .i Mid let IH tu i< Tnule, Ill'll lr*l.A
IM. . ,"T * - . intieit, S: eoml-'hei!*: I'bnioN <V
e-rrin..' ;;.f CAT “.AK( AINs. Sheet .Mu.lo
r. I*‘:lt Fro-**; :.ei.w, nt 5 eert u riij-e. •
iiU.tfii-l WATJ-IIJM * .iftmPrs. ntui
.. 4»J 14»S« Miuot, N SW Vorfs
! ■ - t- .
FT. v-j , '
4VV'- -J..; A JIKW 800 14.
on the Horse.
“IPs history. Mructure, use*
*nd treatment. Ato giving a le-.r if t!io most
Irr-pOrtont JSfifoctivo Itemodiea
f i the cute of the Jisja-ies of the hors*. f
f ~d“ Valuable to every owner and lover of th*
f-Jvttthcd by tiie £OS2K3H WACOM CO., CUsla.
v., and sent, postage paid, to any address, on
receipt of Tin;::;- -cit.t STami-S.
- ] ' ~ . =S3
• t •—Or— lf—Pm
©P Vv 9
* • > *)•
! ■ *•• , ' . '*»• r. K. I-'I Kjuuia*
- stfv - C'n liimus 11. UaIL
> brash* ■ i*. t:’.\ *. heavy plate paper, contain*,
‘-'*K < ‘v*v ui tic. t.J .• ; ami detail:; f r t?*o above hotisef
.il’.o ho-) 1 ,; of ) ]>.• , ; ivi»»(TsjKn i fie. tt ions*
iiu.iti. ; ».<• :.1 1, : c«>uU;u:t inva-uaM« lo" every*
triwnter r*r f» rtv as a guide in
r.i. kn*n I'id-; 01 (!v.»\viug contract!;.
IVicc S-.ut I y limit, on rcceietul
pi ICC
11. E. WALTON, *
3SO W. Nißlt St, Cincinnati.