Newspaper Page Text
l_lver, Kidney or St<>ma'h trouble
I Sj lib fin if, Hidndis i hjitrvi*, irtTg
jhliir **»ui let-’'iiiiL' i>fi<n« in 1 side
[;rl, aid licii/t. 1 olltw ni'ftie; h«inii'jr. whi*n
.priii■'i'ng. cln V sl«>/»I ■, Imd lot tit in*
Sji-siM- tor W*lrk, ''chirtu? tvvm', irrftnHllity
ivhio.-li tmigiii; dry ftfitrglt, rtiezy lt*hd, with
»*u!l pAinev in buck pHrt, lurk nt ip. ui*>iy», fog
i-y right. l'dr tIICRH trouble! MVAVMH till i.s
Ero ii rare cult!.- Ito*. (80 |till(i)i.y rtiwil 2ft
B't,*.., ft lor (HI. AtWlens DR. fcW'A YNE A
Ij-iON , I’hiltiila Pa. Sold by Dmgoigtr.
- •* f. • ' U > i T
| tchlnjg PHt!S~-Sympto ms nnd Cure
7 Tlio *yinpKiHW tiro m out nr®,' like peropirn-
Irntion, inlenW* itching^inoreiiiM by rfurotch
[iug; rosy iliktroßting, pnrtictiTafly at"night:
keelin' as il '*iii-worni* w*te crawling in and
(about tin; roi tHui; theprivate parte nt-e smite
■ iuiis affected. If allowed to contintib very
her ions results may fellow. “SWAYNK’S
10l NTM K N T** is a pleasant, sure enre. A Iso
for Tetter, ftclr, Salt Rheum, Scald-H‘eud,
rErysipeliis/Rhibers’ Itch, Blotches, sll scaly
era. tv fikit. LOreases. Box hy mail, ftOcfs
-3 ■ A.ldreds DU WAYNE.& SON,
J’hilu. Pa. .Sold by Druggists.
* A - . e .
W: 11. St J. l*' .lAOOWAY
t Will prnd'ide in tho" Cherokee Clitcuit, and
Piipremh art- federal courts, Prompt atten
tion to business.
♦ T .J. Lumpkin,
All’y AI Lnn
Tienton, - - Ga,
'S Will practice in|tho eOUnK'cs of Pndo and
ifiValkcr. Will pay strict 'attentirn to all
Kbu.-iii*ess entrusted to his care. fub.l7-ly
All’y al Law.
i ?
Will pay prompt attention to all
'business intrusted to niY care.
; Nnturc’p great remedy for Jilisviisos iind af
» fections of tho bowola.
Thia aplondid and never.failing medi
feine ia cohipoumiod from lllackberrv and
other Medicinal Root! and Herbs, is thcrc
jfure perfectly harmless. It ia pleasant and
.safe to the most delicate souiach It is the
most speedy and effectual medicine for the
.cure of all forms of Diarrhoea, in children
.or adults, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, and
the various Summer Complaints of the Bow
ens, so prevalent among all classes during
the summer season.... Only one bottle (price
5(1 cents) is sufficient to effect a cure.
lilt. lOr.WS flllLl, TOM If.
You noed not shake or "chill if you will
use this tonic It never fails to stop the
noist aggravated forms of Ohiils and Fever
if taken is directed,* in from three to seven
days, when quinine and all other medicines
fail It will also, if taken regularly, build
and tono np the weak and debilitated sys
tem, and above all, leaves no bad effects be
hind, as do so many other preparations.
The great preventive and cure of all ma
larial diseases and a sure cure for all forms
t-t dispepsia and indigestion It acts direct
ly upon the liver and all the secretory glands
cT the stomach and bowels, it cures the dis
tjease by removing the cause from the system
that produces or brings on the disease; nence
it is unsurpassed for the cure of constipation
,t"ur stomach, heartburu, headache, and all
those symptoms indicating the want of proper
fiction of those glands situated in the stom
ach and bowels. Two or three bottles of Dk.
Vi noas's Liver and Kidney Medicine is pos
itively recommended to relieve and cure any
■ lit the above diseases if taken as directed,
price 75 cents.
JDuncan’s Worm Syrup
r One bottle of this .S'yrup will completely
■ expol all species of Worms and without in
ijury to the child, as it contains no calomel or
I •tlier injurious substances. Again, it is pleas
[ ant to the taste and acceptable *o tho stom
ach, and, therefore, administered without
[ trouble. Price 25 cents.
Wn»lmll», Team.
Fc r sale by
Crazy Patchwork.
Having a largo assortment of remenents
I anil pieces of handsome I>roe*il©d silks, satins
I ami velvets, we are putting them up in as-
I sorted bundles and furnishing them for
‘Crazy Vatchwork’'Cushions, Mats, lidies,
Ac., See. PankAtJiC No. I—Ts a handsome
bundles of exquisite silks, satins and brocaded
velvets (al| different). JrsT the: nnxu for
,k bi'iit pospaid for .'Hi eents in postal note or one
<enl stamp-. PACk.ttiK No It Containing
three times ns much as No 1. Sent postpaid
lcrsl. These are all of the verry FtNKST
i<jt' A lity and cannot he equalled a t any other
is l lk works in the IT. S. at thrkk timfs our
tlpiiees. They will please any Indy, flneor
fdi r always brings a dozen more. LADIbK,
manual ok fancy y*ukk, with 4<m» it
lustrations and full instructiir.s for artistic
fancy work, handsomely bound, postpaid, fill
cent-. Older now Addrcas. Thk llot’HKs*
ill. Co. Ko. licstcr, \. 1
County Times.
V i;i/sKstMY, At-oi'sT 20, , jKN.J.
• - . .- or A AND j gr w .,
Temperance is on a bocun.
All quiet in regard to the i Ath Sen
atorial race.
.Justice Court last Saturday at Ris
ing Fawn.
Oar merchants are bnvitur their fall
» O
goods -
Geo. W. Dodson commences school
at the academy, Monday.
Wc have seen no-peaches as yet put
on market at this place. Must be
Rea 1 the rules ivc clipped from
tin},COMPANION, ami
, Ben F. Ilavron, of Shellmound,
Temi., v*as in our town this week.
Col. Wells and Martin Renr.ow, of
Cole City, were in onr town yesterday
W, W. and B. L. Pace left our
town the first of the week <Ol Lebanon
Ala. to attend school at that place.
Rev. S. Al Ramsey preached for us
last* Sunday Seivices were also held at
Trenton and vicinity has improved
considerably, in the last few months in
turning out a congregation to preach -
One of our saw-mills left last week
It will locate on Lookout mountain,
near Valley Head, DcKalb county,
Owing to our leaving for the Reun
ion at Collinsville last night we will
be a little short of matter.
Franklin county toent Prohioition
severa hundred majority, wo have
ben told that it was the strongest
“Wet ticket“(?)county in the State.
Rev, T. B. Demoreo delivered the
Temperance lecture, here last Satur
day. His speech seemed to impress
all present favorably. That night lie
organized tLo County Lodge with
about eighteen members.
Franklin county went. Prohibition
by several humlre i majority. We
have been told that it was regarded as
the strongest (?) “wet ticket” cotruty
in the State.
Yon can “put it down” that there
is going to be some warm and
stirring times over the present Repre
senative lace in Dade.
Preston 13. Smith ot - Walker, coun
ty wash) our town last week.
Wc forgot to mention a very appre
ciative favor and treat we received be
fore the issne preceding this. Our lit
tle friend, Master George Acutf pre
sented the Editor with a nice water
Owing to the matter we had to get
np last week it made our paper one
day late, from this on, nothing unex
pected preventing, we will send out
the South bound mail ever Wednesday
With some exceptions onr commu
nity was well represented, at the clear
ing off of tho grave-yard last Saturday
morning. The work was finished
with the efccebtion of the brush dec be
ing left on the grounds. Some tima in
future, some means must be provided
for its removal.
Special Holice.
Owing to roeftiit changes in engage
ment with, the Walker Iron & Coal
Company the undersigned has with
drawn from the general practice of
physic, and in future will confine him
self to the Company practice.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to tlie undersigned will come
forward and make settlement at once
without further notice.
J. W. Ritssey. M. D.
As will he seen elsewhere Mr. S. C.
Hale is announced as a candidate for
Representative. Mr. llale, as every
oui' knows, has represented our county
before, and made an unimpeachable
record. llc is one of the pioneers of
ottr county, and is too well known to
the people to need farther comment.
I\ TlEldlDKtmi.
On the.evening U at twen
ty minutes'6f ten o’cioji'klc, the spirit
of Ml. Nat Connully win.ginl its way
from Lbs earthly luone to a brigter hap
pier Clime He had c»me to make bis
bioiiiej; Air Leo it Coiwially a visit
when liie band id disease was laid up
•,!Ji diLu. and for four days lie bore
with .jmlienee most intense suffering•
lie bad never joined the Church but
always spoke o.u the subject of
Religion with * reverence
and respect, i an A when
taken sick was on bis way to Church.
N ly we hope tint when his loved ono<
reach the Pearly portals his lace ’may
be among the number that will Wel
come them in. 'l o the bereaved rela
tives, we tender our sympathy and
point tliam to the source from which
their giitp came for comfort. May
lie who lias seen lit to aif ict pour
the oil of consolation into their won tid
ed hearts; may they bow with humble
submission to the Divine will, and—
Perhaps as wo sit at the Wnstcr’s feet,
In tbe happy Isy-an<l-by«,
Wo shall seo things as wo emunt now,
Perhaps, wo shall then know why.
Air. Jos. Hajl, Qf Walker, was on
our streets yesterday.
Sotnc oommunications came to late
to appear in this last issue. One from
Sulphur Spring Station will be farther
considered before publication
For tbe next ten days I will take
wheat at one dollar per bushel on ac
counts* Bring me your wheat and
pay up yuur accounts.
T. J. Lumpkin.
Open every Saturday, and Monday
morning. Good and satisfactory work
guaranteed. Taylor Building, Tren
G. W. llioheield, Proprietor.
' 1 -i < •
Dade County.
John Swann )
vs. j" Bill ifcc, in 8u-
The Phcbnjx Ikon ) ns: ior Court.
& Coal Co. et als f
In tliiscause it appealing by aflina
vit of L. A. Dobbs, Attorney, Solici
tor and Agent ot the Complainant in
the above stated ease, that the Pliomix
Iron ifc Coal Co., a corporation, duly
chartered hr the laws of Georgia, has
no public place of doing business, nor
any one in office upon which set vice <>*'
writs, or process may be bad, and the
ordinary process of law cannot lie ser
ved on the said The Pliomix lion &
Coal Co. It is therefore ordered, that
publication be made for three consecu
tive weeks in the Dabe County I'imf.s
a new-papei published in Trenton
Dade County, Ga; requiring said Tho
Phoenix Iron it Coal Co. to be and ap
peal at the next term of the Superior
Conit to be held,in and for said coun
ty on the 3d Monday in Sept, next,
1884, to make defense to said Bill <tc,
or the same will be proceeded with ex
partee as to the said Phoenix lion it
Coal Co. This Aug. 18th. 1884.
S. 11. Thurman, Clerk S. C.
Dado County,
vs \ Bill Ac, in Su-
A Coal Co et al .{
To the Sheriff of said county—
You are hereby commanded to cite or
or summons The Phoenix Iron A Coal
Co., a body corporate under the laws
of Georgia, to he and appear at the
Superior Court for said county to he
held on the 3d Monday in Sept, next,
1 SS4, then and there to answer to and
make defense against a Bill of Com
plaint filed in said Court, fgainst said
Co. and others, by John Swann, and
there make return of this writ of cita
Witness Honorable .foci C. Fain
Judge of said Court. Aug 18th 18S-I.
S. H. Thurman, Clerk S. C.
mis PAPER E&V&
Jlewspnpor Advertising Bureau (10 Sprueo
gjsrig! YORK
be made for il u Itki | W
| For more than a thin! of n ecnturv the
I Sin lean Jtimtaiig Elntmcni Juts linen
I knowu to millions nil over tint w oikl * s
T tlm only safe reliance for tin* relief of
ImcldoutM iiml iiain. It, Is v meillclno
I uhove price nml praise—tin: ln-si or its
#l* h«t* lor every lot in of external pain
| Mnstam? I.ininiont Is withoutan equal.
I It pciteti Rtcs lst .li nml muscle to
title vu-jr i.oiif— making the continu-j
t hui*o of pain nml iiiflumiimtlon imjioh
BHilile. Its effects upon Human Kindi a* * I
t tin-ltriito Creation uro equally woinh r-
Iful. The Mexican
! IJiilnn nt Is needed liy srnneboity In
C rvnry house. Every day brings news or
t Ilic agony of nn «tv fill s. nld or Imni'
J Kiilxlucil, of I'tif liiiinttc martyr? re I
istorod, or a vnluntiln liiii-ri* or ox |
j waved by the healing power ol Ulis
liniment i
I willed sjiondily euros eueli ailments oi l
UiwIIUMAN Kf.liSH ns
! wn fiimatlim, StvrUlngs, BtiiTj
|Joints, Contrnctrd lUusrlf., huiaY
hiul Srnlds, fuld, llruliM and]
Spriilii,, poisonous Hites nml j
WttMKS, MUIWhs. Immcutll, Old!
Mores, t'tcrrs. I'rosltlltci, Chill,la In,, j
Wore nipples, < uNf(i Hrpnst. nent j
Indeed every form of cxtrrunl ttio-j
enso. It tirald uiiliniit icnr*. 1
, For the ItncTß CUKxtiok It. uros r ' I
Sprains, Swlnny, «tI(T Jolttis,{
Founder, Ifarnegs Sort,, Uoof )Hn-j
o«scr, Foot Rot, Strew >Vorm, Scab. I
Hollow Horn, Mcratcixes, f
R*U*i Spavin, Thrnnli, lUnj<bone,S
Old Sores, Poll Evil, Film upon!
Oi® Night nnd crery other nllmcnd
to vrliieh the occupants of the I
Ntable nnd Ntoek Yard arc liable.
The Metlran mustang t.lnimcnt
always cureo amt nuvor dlauppoiuta
and it is, positively,
A trvet of lane containing 24D acroa in De-
Kalb county, Ala, 4 miles West of Valley
ll,ad. good FaBmING lauds; mINQKALS:
iron ore and fiio-jiroof clay. TFIImSj part
cish, ballauec on rcasouahla time. I>r
-I’ROVE.mKNTS Good and valuablo hou.-ts
orehrrde Are. for furthor idlormatiou apply
smith, Dade Co., Ga.
Administrators salk.
Georgia, 7 -adc County
* By virtue *f an order from iho Court of
Ordinary of Dade County, will he ’sold on
the first Tuesday in September, 1884, at the
Court house door in said County, hetwoen the
legal hours of sale: the tract ol land in said
County whereon Alfred Cross resided at the
time of his death, consisting of 2011 acres, more
or less, of lots of land Nos. 82 and 82, of the
tenth district and fourth section. Terms of
salo made kuown on day of salo, this July
28th 1884.
W. D. Cross.
Georgia Dado County—
William McGill Guardian of William
McCommick and Mary MeOommivk, nSI
Mary Cagle having applied to the Court of
Ordinary of said County, fora discharge from
his Guardianship of said William and Mary
McCommiek. q his is therefore to cite all per
sons concerned to show cause why tho said
William McGill should ..ot he dismissed from
his Guardianship of William and Mary Mc-
I'oumiick, and receive the usual letters <>f dis
mission at the September Term next of said
Given under my hand and 'oflieiat signa
ture 1 , this July 28th 188-A
--• Ik M. CuAtrkk,
■ Ordinary.
AdmimsV-ator’s Sark.
Georgia Dado County
By virtue of an order from tho Court of
Ordinary of Dado County, will bo sold, on the
first Tucsdaj in September 1881, at the Court
house door in said County, between the legal
hours of sale, the tract of land whereon l*ar
thena K illian resided at /he tiino of her death;
containing 70 acres, more or less, of lot of
land No. 7 ir. the 18th district and 4th section.
Terms of sale msde known On day of sale.
July 28th 1884.
Andrew Brown,
State of Goorgia Dado County—
Will he sold on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember next, at the Court house door, in said
County, Aiithin the legal hours of sale to the
highest bidder, for cash the following prop
erty, to wit: — Lots of land Nos. fo:ty nine
(4‘.t) fifty Lin- (59) and sixty (60) all in the
tenth (1*1) district and fourth (4) section Dade
County Georgia, containing four hundred and
eighty (4SO) acres, more or less. It being the
plaec whore the defendant now resides. Said
land levied as the property of Jesse It. Cra
vens to satisfy an exeeuti m issued from the
Superior Court of said County in favor of
Hall, Hooper .V Mitchell against said Jesse
K. Cravens. Tenant in possession notified.
This July 30th 18S4.
W. A. Bvkd,
Augusta, Ga.
Du. J. llhinFini.w: Dear Sir—l havo hand
led your Female Regulator in my business
during tho past several years with perfect sat
isfaction to myself auh customers. I havo
found it very saleable.
Yours trnly,
W. li. 15Arrdtr, Wholesale Druggist.
Tro itiso on the Health and happiness of
Woman mailed free.
Bkadfiklc Rkcci.ator Co.,
liox 28, Atlanta, Ga.
Coughs. CoUls. Catan h, Consumption
All thorat. Breast, and Lung, affections cur
ed by the old-established “SWAYNS M ILD
Cil Kltlt Y." The firs, does give relief and a
euro spccdly follows. 2-> Cts ,or >1 .HO at
And will completely the blood In tho entire system In thren nionihf). Any
person who w ill tuko 1 Pill eaeh night from 1 to 12 weeks, nuty tie restored to sound
health. If such a tiring he possible. For Female Complaints these Fills have no equal.
Physicians rise them for the cure of LIVER and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere,
or sent by mail for 250. In stamps. Circular** freo. I. S JOHNSON & co.,Jinst»n, Mass.
S Jfi Croup, Asthma, Front hills* Ncural-
LI S T SsLJL I LfYvj $~*Q jjgL' fe« S’* will iii.iniilnmß relievedie*e tefriblo
.jp> f 3 *Yrx; LzfJll f' r ; ■ "k. rty*. K? iy tliaruse?. nml will pfesiivulv «'iir** nine eu»l
M k<i 91 ft) F 3 9SQ*ti|Vl oat of ten. Infnniuillon ttiht will save m*ny
uB | y H M B fll t lives soul ffee liy mail. Isai'l delay a moiueut.
JOHNSON’S 7\NOf>YN£ I.INIMciNT CUKKS Inmionzs. Rleedl'n: at tho Ijinm Hoarso
ness'lla ™ln"('mirti, Whoopinit Cnuah, ('inonie IHarrlnea. pysenlcrr. Ptiolcra Morbus. Kidney 1 rouble*, sod
Diseases of Lha Spimi. Bold everywliere. Circulars free. I. B. JOHNSON X CO., Ituktoa, Mass.
It is a well-known fact that most of the t£l [8 CT B M jiffl fi VI f]& 34 S Q BO Jf
Ilnr-f and ('attie Vowrler sold in lla* * ain- gf e'i!] j , ~li 2kJ M H U
try is worthless; that Sheridan - * Condition Lift 1.. fc,rJ! ij.. % n fin W
Powder is absolutely (Hire and r-cryvaluatilo. Q|JB rt m ift ep pcAVS“* sSt-Yj '“sA H Sw 9
JNnthiiiK «n Earth w ill imikn heirs jcMei ’g.lQ M LIS ft Id E.l SI M |t* B
lay like Sheridan's Condition Porv- js t; >J ti tft fSSH Hi EK23 n ffi w prjß A I
der. Dose, one-t®a»iK>oiifiil to each pint e*f ,
f.sxl. It will also positively prevent and euro I llogt'tioierfl.Ac. Soldeveiywherc.orscntbynmilfor'2sc.B
ass. aa a if a*? mi ft'"’ Pis iT I stmupß. Ftiriilshcd In larye eaiis,prioesl.Uo; hy mnil.tlßt
CHECKsiINI CHwLbiitiA, I wtcJLnt**. I* a joufsow & CO., Mm.
for tlic
Dade County Weekly Times
A 24-Column Newspaper Published at
s}f)o Per annum in advance. We
give you one of the best country pa
pers in North Gcrgia.
Send In Your Names
Every Farmer,
And Laborer.
In Dade County slioud take and re 1 1 the
Published Every Wednesday
AH Letters on business should be addressed
to The Times,
Trenton, Georgia.
Of Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.
Students can Gogin any work day in tho year. No vacation.
Tint" to complete tho Full Diploma Husino** Course about li)
wooks. Average Total Cost, including Tuition, Set of Kook* anti
Iltaird iu a family, $&). Telegraphy a B|»ocialty. Literary C ourse
Cro* l . Ladiws received. 5,0*10 sueecsHful graduates. Over 500
pupils last year froiu 15 to *5 years of ago. from 22 States. Ii»
struction is practically autl individual! v imparted bv 10 teachers.
Special oourNes for Teacher* and Buriuoss Mon.’ University
Diploma presented to it* graduate. Thlt beautiful eltv is noted
for it* healthful Dean and society, and Is on Lading Railroads.
Fall Setnon beyins Sept. &4h. For circulars ami full particulars,
■ddic Iw Kresidout,.W■ It. SMITH, Lexington, Ky.
Q Fim
Known to Win of Fame *no Science for Removino
Aciaowlcieel i QrarJ, Plouant, i:i Ifflctont C zto f:r
rriMOTIDATtnU stress »t stool, bad breath.
LUWO I IrH I lun, dull fuco, heaviness.
nVQPPPQIA known by irregular nrpe- j
U I Orc.rolf4, pqhj. belching, weight
and tenderness at pit of stomach, despondency.
I l\iz D Complaint. Ritinnlnoss. Malaria, Chills and
toll L.II Yejir. in Lack mei side
also bottom of rib™wearinesß, Irritability,
tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cold sen
sations.eyesdull,dry cough .stilled and obstruct
ed feeling, irregular pulse, bud colored sto<da
apnpi eyv Epllep*y,P»rnlyßl*,dlm
nrurLLA »tubrht. sound in ears, giddiness,
confusion in head, nervousness, flashes of light
before evos, toss of memory. Diseases of bladder and
j/inyryc urine dark or light,red deposit;
rvmii t- « o, burning, stinging, bearing down
sensations, frequent desire to urinate, uneasiness,
inflamed eves, dark cireles, thirst Dlsenses *>t
lira OT severe pains. fluttering or weight uear
rl Lnil I , heart, more so on moving quiukiy and
when lying on loft side : out of breath on exertion. ,
MPADAPMP <I«H or el)ar l> l® ins in templet,
ntHUHbne.,,,,, or head, faintness, nausea.
l)ro|isi la caused by watery fluid. Hlieti»»is»-
ttain, iVe., by uric acid in blood. Houel l>la
orders bv corrupt matter. Worms by the pests
within. Folds hv choking of the secretiona
SWAYME'N 1*11.1.5, by gentle action, remove*
the itiise, making a permanent cur" Sent by mad ton
25 cents box of 30 Pills: 5 buns. Jl nil. (In poata**-
stainps ) Address. 11 it. NWAYHE A NON,
Piiiludeliililtt, Pa. Sold Ly btuggists.
~mO r FREE! -
LSSS A favorite* prescription of on** of tbe
id Oat noted and wirc«*K*ful .specialists in thr I . H.
now nil rod » forth*-run* of Xvrvou* tirbititv
l,o*t !tlunho<.nl, If «'aA»*#*«* *nd tSon f .
DplHln wealed envelope/>*«**. till it,
Address DR WARD & CO., Louisiana, Me.
only trob
Dr. Harter's bon Tom
It Trill pn. ,fy and enrich the BLOOD, regulate
the LIVER and KIDNEYS, and Restore thb
HEALTH nnd VIGOR nf YOUTH! In »H thjfo
diseases requiring aceriainand effloleß IONIC,
especially Dyspepsia, Want of Appetite, Indigos
lion, Lack of Strength, etc., Us use Is marked
with Immediate and wondcrml resulis. Hones,
muscles and nerves receive new force. Juillvena
the ujind and supplies Drain V iwrr.
» A suffering from all complaints
Lll tnCl peeulinr to their sex will find iu
DR. HARTER S IRON TONIC a safe and spt e<tf
cure. It gives a clear and healthy complexion.
Tho strongest testimony to the value of Dit.
II AHTEII’S Iron Tonic is that frequent attempts
at counterfeiting have only added to thepopmar
tty of the original. Jf you earnestiy desire nealttt
do not experiment —get the Ohiginal and Best
a Send your address to Tho Dr. Harter Med
m St. Louis, Mo., for our “DREAM BOiOK.” I
cf strange and useful inf jrmation, free. W
Qh. Harter’s Iron Tonic is for Sale by AU
Druggists and Dealers Everywhere*
iilThl'l'rlTlTii vii l'iniaM
JSr organic weakness and d>
fl cij 401 numerous ah
__ . __ M IB ft a 6-uro diseases. baffllafl
ff A B TQ“ BS f skillful phya dans, rnutl
■i M nsiitliJ BLg w from youth!il ludiwr#
ianiaa vm tious, too free tolulgwea,
m*# and over brain work. Da
T\ \ •"V\ Dot temporize while such
VCVOA\ V\ VJ. euemieß lurk In your ar«
tern Avoid balng Imposed
no bv pretentious 'Maims *#
A 9.»Alsal Cura Other cm-lies tor U.-s»
A W tat w troubles. Uct onr fr-e o.res
FOB lar and trial package and
thonssndn, *d<l ♦’oes n**t H*-
■ ter ft* re with attention*obusl-
ImrUitllvst ness or ct«M psin or InenD*
ven<onc«. Fouudcd on
7 . T ri . k entifle medical 'rinciptee,
torovo o o ro wing lu favor r«|«it»
ears by uso In tbOU* tlon. Direct application to ikD
a # na.iAfi seat of di-easo makes Its up*
Dado of caoo*. c tfV; influ* nee felt witbeul
d r lay. The natural fuse*
?_ |SI tioDB of tbe human ort»-
m | Ml I. in are restored. Tha
W m animating elements flf
TRIAL f m ife which have hWD
PLCK AG£* m i K e-a*t«d are fi*«o
PACIW r JltMi pet tent *****
* PggJjMchcerfwl and gala*
SEND ADDRESS Vpf -"-“d l *
1*177:3 REMEDY CO.. M’fg ChemW*.
SCKSS North 10th ftt.. St. I on!',
Cat Month # Treatment, $3; 2 ; 3 wnths, P.