Newspaper Page Text
Dade County Times.
Office of Pum.ictioS Cole
Building, up stairs. Published every
"Wednesday _
Correspondence solicited; but to receive at
tention, communications must be acconipnnie
by a responsible name—not Tor publication
l)iit ns n guarantee of good fnith.
Contributions of news solicited from every
quarte- Rejected articles will not be re
turned unless accompanied by a stamp.
rates and estimates given
Ch application.
SrnsßifTtOK —One year, $1.50; six
months, 75 cents; three months, 40
All letters should bo addressed to
Trenton, Gn.
IS fiUK s
We place our'name, T. A. ITavron,
Eefore the voters of Dade as a candi
date for Ordir.aiy, at next ensuing
January election.
We are anthorizrd to announce G.
M. Crabtree as candidate for Ordi
nary. Electicn first Wdncsdav in
We are authorised to announce Jce
A. Bcnuotte, as candidate for Ordinary
Election first Wednesday in January
ci F.RK
We ate authorized to announce S. j
Jl. Thnrnian as candidate for Clerk of
Superior Cemt, at January elcctirn.
We are authorized to announce J.
S. Allison ns candidate for Clerk of
Dade Superior Court, at next election
w e arc authorized to announce M
Nicholas as candidate for Sheriff for
the county of Dade, t next ensuing
Jannaiy election.
We announce W. A. Byrd
as candidate for Sheriff* at next Jan
uary eldction.
We are authorized to announce T
A. Croper as candidate for sheiiff, at
next January election.
We arc authorized to announce
the name of John Clark as
a candidate for Tax Collector. Elec
tion first Wednesday in January,
We are authorized to announce C.
M Keith as a candidate for Tax Col
ector at the next ensuing election.
We are authorized to announce
Jeremiah Riordan as candidate for
Tax Assessor for Dade, at next ensu
ing January ehetion.
We arc authorized to announce
Sam Half., as candidate for Tax As
sessor, at next January election,
w e are authorized to announce the
name of B. P, Majors as candidate for
county Treasurer at next ensuing elec
W e are authorized to annouce Zacli
ariah O’ncal as candiate lor Treasurer
at next January election.
W e are authorized to announce S.
M. Torbett, as candidate for coroner.
W e are authorized to announce J
W. Brown, as a candidate for coroner
We are authorized to announce J
W. Prestlcv, a candidate for Coroner.
We are authorized to announce Dr
J. W. Rnssey as candidate for coroner
The Republicans in the West show
tlieir indignation against Harper's pe
liolicals, by pledging themselves not
to buy any more from them.
The Memphis estimate of the cot
ton crop for the present year is 5
5G8.800 bales against 5,718,000 of
last year.
Some of the Republicans organs
seem to have a hope of breaking the
solid South. Their next move, it pub
lic sentiment will tolerate in the least
will be the disfranchisement of the
negro. They can use them no longer
to a political advantage, or their sec
tional ends,
The nltra-rcpnldican organs are
making great efforts no proAa and at
trib’t the goneiaj depresion in business
as the results ot the Democratic victo
ry It is w fact though difficult to as
sign the reason, that such ii&s always
followed the election of our National
Executive ticket. It is not reasonable
to suppose that it hasanything to do
with the amount of clothing people
w ill weai; or the euitailing of food
and geneiei supplies.
One thing creditable to Mr. Blaine
is the vote given him by his
and adopted State. Pensylvania. his
native State gaye him eighty thous
and majority. Maine, his adop
ted State, gave him a large majoiity
and a majority in every county,
The Pension Bn loan report shows,
927,922 pension claims filed since 1861
of the.number 549,130 granted- Tbe
total amount paid as pensions since
18G1, $078,346,884. A vast sum with
out a cent going to the Sothcrn Con
federate soldiers his widow ov or
phans, but to the parties who effected
tlip taking of his property in which
had been invested immense sums of
money {without axy consideration
The Washington Monument at oui
National capital is now 520 feet above
the base, and is to reach 25 feet more
It is the highest structure in the world
built py mun. Tbe work was comniMic
ed forty years Wgo. 'I he intention is
to ffnsili it for dedication by the -22nd
oj next February. It contains blocks
of marble and stones with various in
scriptions from many natoins.
[From the correspondent of the Times]
Washington, Dec. 5, 1884.
Nothing of national importance
has ever yet been done hy Congress,
and it is not likely onythihg will be
doue’untii after the holidays. It is
pretty general understood that a suc
cession of recesses will he taken from
about Friday the 12th inst . nntill
Monday,January 5, 1885 when nil the
committees will ho abent ready to re
port and appropriation bills will then
be put through as speedily as possible,
and the ballance of the session will be
devoted to bills of a minor eliaiac ter.
It is not believed that much busi
ness of importance will be transacted,
but it will be the of tlie Denic
cratic party to go slow until Presi
dent Cleveland shall come in and have
time to look over the field and lot the
new Congress that conios in with
him shape the policy of the party for
the next four
It is evident that the party has confi
dence in. President C’cveland’s wisdom
and ability to shape his own policy,
and it is clearly apparent that lie does
not propose to submit to much dic
tation. Republicans are a]so coining
to look npon President Cleveland as
anything but a bad man, and from
members of the Senate whom your
correspondent has conversed, he learns
that ther will be no faetions opposition
but on the contrary a disposition to
acqniesce in all good measures he may
propose and to promptly confirm nil
nominations he may make, unless he
should he misled into sending in the
names of j fsitvelv odnoxit us persons
t The National Committee is at work
preparing ] lans for the inanguiAtion,
and have expressed a determination to
mako the uffair in evory sense Nation
al to its cnaracter, and to strip it as
far as possible ortho cnaraeteiy of a
merely partiznn demonstration. Of
comse it will he controlled hugely by
Democrats, but others will be invited
participate and will be tendered posi
tions of importance, and regardless of
partizan bias, all citizens will bo cor
dially invited to participate.
Already it is clearly established that will he more people present in the
city on the 4th of March than ever be
fore, and the most extensive arrange
ments will be made to give all who
may come a hearts welcome and to pro
vide for them comfortable Headquar
ters are established at the cornor of
Pensylvania Avenue and 9th St., and
they will be kept openTlay and night
nntill after the inauguraflbn.
As we have alreudy inf rooted yonr
readers in one or two of our previous
letters, it is altogether likely that Pres
ident elect Cleveland will call benetor
Garland of Arkansas to his Cabinet.
The people of the Southwest irrespec
tive of party, are urging that he made
Attorney-General of the new adminis
tration and the Electoral College of
his State after casting its ballot for
Cleveland Hendricks unanimously pe
titioned Mr. Cleveland to select Mr
Garland to the event of his taking any
one from that State as one of his duel
counsellors. Mr.Gorland is one ot the
brightest and most conservative and
progressive statesman of the South.
He is a well learned in the law as any
man in our country and is a clcai
headed :#hc is cleau-haudcd and up
Attempts wore'early made to build
locomotives so that they would run
upon oldii. ary roads. These machines,
unsuccessful of their cost of
running them over an uneven country,
were called toad, or traction engines.
They v ote strangeland even frightful
in appearatice/and when in motion
frequently frightened those who had
never seen one before, while they drove
horses almost f.iantic.
One night, a venerable clergyman
was walking in a lane, near which an
inventor was experimenting with a
road-engine. Just as he stepped off to
see about some derangement oftlic ma
chinery, the engine started and went
thundering down the lane,
The clergyman turned and saw' a
monster glowing witli internal fire and
panting for breath, approaching him
at a furious iate of speed. His hair
stood on end and he shrieked for help,
thinking some firey monster of] hades
was about size him. !*,• Fortunately the
inAentor "appeared and allayed 4 the
good man’s fears.
Richard Trevithick, a Cornish in
ventor, and Vivian, his assistant, were
once rilling on a road engine. It was
dark’ and’ battered 'down *a
gentleman’s garden-fenco, they saw
the closed toll-bar of the turnpike.
‘ ( Btop her!’’shouted Yivain to his
employe!, and the engine halted close
by the gace, just as the gateman flung
it. back with?lightinh speed.
‘ What have we got to pay?” asked
Vivian of frightened keeqer.
“Na-na-na!” stammered the trem
bling man, chattering as it shaken
by an ague-fit. “Nothing to pay!
My de dear Mr. Devil, do drive on as
fast as you can! Nothimr to pay!”*
—Youth’s Companion.
TSse 18.-!lt'd Buzzard
From the Jonesboro, Ga. News]
Some twenty years ago a number c f
jolly boys caught a* buzzard in Au
guste Ga., and helled him. Shortly
afterwards” the identicabhuzzard was
seen in New York' city, and he has
been turning up ever since, at differ
ent times in different places, and we are
not sure but be lias visited Switzerland
and otbei forcignjllands during tbe past
twenty yews A short while ago the
said buzzard was seen to fly over
Home and one day last week!,he paid a
visit to'tlie'farm of Mr. Jack Ham
rick, a few miles fioni town. He was,
still carrying his hell with 9 him, and
filled the aii' with music as be swiftly
sped on bis way. Ho say the neigh
bors, and we have no right to disbe
lieve them. The question wlbcli arises
in our qynd is, “How long ip the av-
life o af buzzard?”
“AsIeep in Jesils, blessodisleep,
From which none ever wake to weep”
Mrs. Elmira aged seventy
two yeais, at the residence Jlf James
Day, in Walker county, G®., on the
morning of November the 20*li, (1884)
closed her eyes to all things earthly;
leaving with those about her a full
assui a nee of waking where pain and
sorrow are no more. Mrs. Ilays was
the mother of twelve children: seven of
them survive her; and her last words
were a petition to the throne of God
for those of them who are yet out of
the Ark of Safaty. She had been for
twenty years a consistant member of
tlie Bajrtist Church. Her extreme age
and suffering for fcveral years past has
given ample opovtunity to try her
faith. When suffering seemed to he
most severe and trials beset her on ev
ery hand, with a calmness only to he
had from perfect faith, she would say
•‘1 am just waiting, it will soon be
over and I shall be happy”. Both
Church and fiiends feel that their loss
has been her gain; and all thank God
for t ie evidence she left of the Chris
tians home in glory. A Frif.iid.
It is desired that the Messenger
copy and publish the above.
It is said that nothvvithstanding the
unanmiiy of the Departement'clerks n
'ew weeks ago for Blaine, qliat the vote
taken now would show many ardent
Cleveland men.
Parties indebted to us bv note or
account arc requested and expected to
come Toward at once and settle them
oil. J. A. Ca-l & Hon.
T^I L W!
v— T « -<$
mw OMI
p^JiacMl 0
v® |r
~; j| §g
No eqUA>-
o*' C/, <?o *5 LA/ V&
i ■■■■ii i.— —— ■ . . —..■..^■.■.ii— mmmmi
A Refiablc Ht ak r
New Home S. M. Co,
Atlanta, Ga.
W O m A N!
Grack tVas in All Ilitr. steps,
Heaven in her eye,
In every gesture dignity and love.
So appeared Mother Eve, and so
may shine her fai-i deccndants, with
the exorcise of common sense, care
and proper treatment. An enor
mous number of female complain*?
are directly eansed by disturbance
or suppression of the Menstrual
Function. In every suoh cast that
sterling and unfailing specific,
LA TO It, will effect relief and euro.
It is from the recipe of the most
distinguished physician. It is com
posed strictly of officinal ingredi
ents, Whoso happy oombinatin?
has never been surpassed. It is
prepared with scientific skill from
the finest materials. It bears the
palm for bonstrncy of strength cer
tainty of cff.-ct, elegance of prepar
ation, beauty of appearance and
relative cheapness. The testimony
in its favor is genuine. It never
fails when fairly tried.
Cartersrille, Ga.
This will certify that fwo mem
bers of my iinmediato family, after
having suffered many years from
menstrual irregularity, tint! having
been treated without benefit by va
rious medical doctors were at length
| completely cured by one bottle of
Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Kegula
tor. Its effect in such castes is tru
ly wonderful, and well may the
remeby be called “Woman's Best
Yours Respectfully,
• Send for book on the Health and
Happiness of Woman.” Mailed free
Bkadfirld Regulator Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
A o i .?. pi K. x\ A is w e s?
HUMBUG by one month's usage of L)r.
Goulard's Celebrated FIT POWD ER S.
To con vincc sufferers that these powders will
do all we claim for them wo will send them
by mail, post poid, a krkk trial box. As
Hr. Goulard is the only Physician that has
ever made this disease a special study, and
as to our knowledge thousands have been per
manently cured by the use of these powders
wo will guarantee a permanent cure in every
case, or refund yon all money expended. AH
sufierejs should give those powders an early
trial and be convinced of their curative pow
Price for largo box, $3.00, or 4 boxes for
SIO.OO. .Vent by mail to any part of the U
nited States or Canada, on receipt of prico,
or by express C. 0. D.
36QFulton St., nrccklyn, X. Y
'he Johnson r.s”OLm T a book case.
With IXDEruSiMST Situ. a r s amustable to Books
of axv liKiuu r.
Mado of iron, beautifully ornamented. Can.
oft warp nor shrink. Durable and convenient.
A novel and hail Isome article of furniture
shelves 10 indhes square, each will hold a sot of
Alpletons’ Cyclopt? lia. Two sizes for table,
Uileo sizes for ll'Kir.
Holds more books In loss siiaco than any other
rlo-ioo—rorarcs at a finger's touch. Send fordes.
crLtivo price list,
Address. IS.YE.EII, I»IiATX & fit.,
Vheot Vi— > ' '"s. and dealers lu everything in the
B»«k am! St .t.oi uiy liuu. _
lit lifltxl St,, {few York,
S-nd do cr •:(- f >r mir N« w Illustrated Cata-
Infln' vvih o'.'.-r itst lliiwU’avi‘..n9ot cducati lu4
uu< uaeiul articles.
■ ARE van
With a')v di-ease peculiar to
your gentle sex’llf so, to you v.e'biing’' tid
ings ol comfort and great joy. You can a
iind rostorcti tii periect heaftir by using] J-
It is a special remedy for all diseases per
taining to tbo wontd, and any intelligent
woman can euro herself by folloing the di
rections. It is cspeainllv efficacious in eases
of suppressed or painful menstruation, in
whijes and partial prolapsus. If “affords]im
modiate re! of and permanently restores the
manstrual function As a r.nncdy to bo used
during that oriticiil'purl<)d,known ns “Clivn(3k
ok t.iKK,” this invaluable preperntion'has no
rivaj •
Saved Her Llfei
Kidle, mc'Tntosf. Co., Ga.
Tin. .1. BitADfiELt)—Dear Sir: I Jhave taken
several: bottles of vour Female Regulator for
falling of the womb and other diseases com
bined, of sixteen years standing, and I really
believe I am cured entirely, for which please
accept my heart-felt thanks and] most pro
found gratitude. I know your medicine sav
ed my so you see I cannot speak‘to
higly in its favor. I have* recoin inendcdjit to
of iiiyjricnds who were suffering as I was.
Yours very respectively,
Our Treatise on tha “Health and „Happi.
ness of Woman” mailed free.’ • *,
Bbadfiki.u Regulator Cg., Atlanta, Ga.
All sufferers from this disease that are anx
ious to bc'ctired fshould try nr. Kissnf.r’s
Celebrated consumption powders. These
Powders arc the on|y preparation known that
will cure Consumption and all diseases of the
throat and lungs—indeed so strong is our
faith ini them, and also to convince vou that
theycare no humbug, twe will forward'to ev
ery sufferer by mail, post paid, a free trial
We don’t want your money untill you are
perfcctlv]sntisfied of their .curative “powers.
If your life is worth saving dent delay in giv
ing these powders a trial,‘as they will surely
cure you-
Price for largo box, $3.00, or 4 boxes for
SIO.OO. Kent to any part of. the United Sta
tes or Conada, on receipt oj price. Acdrcss,
360 Fulfon Sf.,’.Brooklyn. N, i Y.
BE A I; I V E* tl E * El 6 V E B> j
Dealers In General Merchandise.
Trenton : : : : Georgur
We are receiving a full line of
Tiie latest and most elegant styles; con
sisting of ladle’s Cloaks, Skirts, Jerseys, vests
net all-wool breakfast Shawls, wool Hose,
Cashmeres and wool Delanes; children’s net
Jackets, Misses Goats; Ladies’ willow bas
kets, and fall and winter Hats: Boots and
Shoes; in fact everything kept in the line o
general merchandise.
Men and hoy’s
A Speciality.
Our Pit ICES are the lowest; we mean
what we say; call and see for yourself. We
a vc the GOODS, and must and will sell
J. A. Case & Sox,
We have receive ! from Richard
Saalfiehl 12 Bible House, N, Y., the
following pieces of music :
“With Cleveland we shall win the day,” a
veritable “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” melo
dy, by J. Ifkelley, which should carry the
New York Governor to the White House.
“Cleveland and Hendricks” Grand Victo
ry Muren by J . J. Freeman.
Whether this morch carries the democratic
candidate to victory or not the uiusie is very
pleasing br.iQTnkmgv - Z......
“You Ask Me to Foigivo*the Past," by Ed.
Greene a very taking little sontimentnijbal
lad, full of melody, which will surely find its
way to the heartsjof ali.
‘•Better Luck To-morrow,” by
Martin. A new uiottoe Song; full of
good cheer and downright sensible thought.
Music very good,.words excellent.
Amatori Waltzes, by Frank Conway.
A set of waltzes by no means new, but for
the first time brought to notice in those col
umns. When the publishers claim over 100,-
000 copies have been printed, and that the de
mand is steadily increasing, it joes without
saving that the waltzes are very good. In
fact the movements are more than ordinarily
pretty, and the melodies very catching.
Thu above pieces retail at music stores for
from 30 to Ml cents t ach. The five would
cost $2.10. Tbs publisher, however, offers to
send the lot post tree on receipt of $!.
Address B. A. SAALFIEKD,
14 Bible House, N. Y.
A MEW boom.
cn the Horse.
His history, structure, use*
»nd treatment. Also giving a few of the most
Important and Effective Remedies
for the cure of the diseases of the horse.
t ?T' Valuable to every owner and lover of ih.
Published by the 802EW0H V7A3OM CS., Ciscla*
Mti, C., and sent, postage paid, to any address, on
receipt of tiirlbU-cent stamps.
Porch jptivtirr.
j£l&SEfcvrY vC. Liams Loom 11. lialU toom *^
Thrc-o sheets, 10x01, heavy plnte paper, contain*
sng elevations. plans and retails f ftheabove house?
also book of *. ) pa~c*. j iviugupccilicMlion*, itemized
estimate a» . ’* form of c -mriict—invaluable to every
c irpenter or p irty pi*o]>o*ing building, as a guido in
making bid; or drawing contracts.
Price £U.O‘, Sent! y mail, postpaid, on rccei/tof
11. B. WALTON,
ToO W. Ninth St. Cincinnati. O
London Hair Rpajorcr-Grea, English
Toilet Article. Restores growth, color, gloss
and softness. Ren ores dandruff. Aristocrat
ic families of Great Britain endorse it. Flo
gant dressing. F.iagrontly perfumed. The
favorite of fashion. At Druggists 3s lj£d,
or 73Cts. in U. 8. niuney.