Newspaper Page Text
11l M AN’S COl'Gli BALSAH.
This groat romeby, now so widely known
an 1 extensively used, stands without an
iqunl and its sterling merits so well estab
lished as to need no praise to those who have
used it or know of its remarkable cures.
Thousands of sufferers who have fond no ro
lie/ from any other source are willing witness
es to the great Medieiual virtue and remark
able curative power of this Medicine. Many
eertficutes of it* fine effect and expressions of
gretitude for benefit received reach us from
nil sections, it is not claimed that the Bal
sam will euro consumption in its last stages,
bnt that it will effectually check the terrible
disease in its ®ncipiency and pnliatc suffer
ings all through its stages, there can be no
doubt; and for all foJins of Coughs aiising
from colds and bronchial affections trhroat
trouble, it is without parellel. A positive
nnd rapid cure ior Croup, which so often resits
all medical treatment. The medicine is pleas
ant and does not sicken the patient. For
sale by all Druggists, 50 cents per box.
Of all the remidies now before the publie
for tho treatment of the xnrious forms of Liv
<er and Kieney diseases, and the affections
that arise from the unhealthy conditions of
t'-es » orgaus, this medicine stands without an
equal. It is the great preventive of Malari
al t oublee, the sure cure for all forms of
Dyspepsia und Indigestion, the most reliable
ic aedy for the regulation of tho Bowels and
K idneys, nrver failing tj cure constipation.
An absolute remedy for Headaches, Sore
tbroa', Dullness ef Feeling, Want of appe
tite, N ervousnoss, and all such diseases of
the Bowels, Stouiaeb, Kidney and Liver.
Tho best family medicine seld. It ie harmless
and safe, and not unpleasant to take.
Frico, 75 eents.
Old Sores, Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Pim
ples, Frost bits, Chapped hands, Wounds,
hurts, ate. readily relieved by Duncan’s Oint
ment. Price 25cts.
Nasltvillo, Trim.
Fc r sale by
W: 11. & .1. F* JACOWAY
f Will practice in the Cherokee Circuit, and
Fupreme an Federal courts. Prompt, atten
tion to business,
T .J. Lumpkin,
A.’ vAI Law
Trenton, - - Ga,
Will practice in'the enußties of Dado and
W-alker. Will pay stvict attention to all
business entrusted to his care. feb.!7-ly
All’y a! Law.
Will p»y prompt attention to all
business intrusted to niY care.
tchlnpr Piles - -Symptoms and Cure
The symptoms are moisture, likeperspira
ration, intense itching, increased by scratch
ing: cesy distressing, particularly at night:
seems as if sin-worms were crawling in and
about the rectum; the private parts are some
times affected. If allowed to continue very
serious results may fellow. “SWA\ NK’S
f>l NTMENT” is a pleasant, sure enre. A Iso
for Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheum, Pcnld-Hevd,
Erysipelas, Harbors’ Itch, Blotches, sll scaly
erusty Skin Direases. Box by mail, .’diets;
3 for $1.25. Addrels DR WAYNE i SON,
Phila, Pa, Sold by Druggists.
| Crazy \ Patchwork.
■ naving'a largo assortment of rcmcncnts
nnd pieces of handsome brocaded silks, satins
nnd velvets, we arc putting them up in as
sorted bundles nnd furnishing them for
•Crazy Patchwork” Cushions, Mats. Tidies,
&e., Ac. PAokAUK No. I—ls a handsome
bundles of exquisite silks, satins and brocaded
velvets (al) different). Jcst TUB tiiino lor
Sent pospaid for sfi eents in postal note or one
cent stamps. PAokAOR No 2 Containing
Three times as much as No 1. Sent postpaid
forsl. These nrc all of the verry I'INRST
ntirAl.ITT and cannot be equalled et any other
sii-k works in tho U. S. at thrkk timk.s our
prlices. They will please ar.y lady. One or
iler ftlwnvs brings a dozen more. LADIES,
lustrations nnd full instructiir.a for artistic
fancy work, handsomely hound, postpaid, 50
cents. Order now. Address, TiIR IvoCHFs
-I’kr Sink Co., Rochester, N. Y.
t Ladies’ Medical Adviser.
A Complete Medical Work for Women’
hntadsomely boiinil in cloth, nnc* illustrated.
Tell** how to prevent and cure all disease* of
the Hex, bya treatment at home. Worth its
weight in gold to every lady suffering fum
any a»f
road v . l*o ;t imidoni.V ftO r‘nf . Postal
Nntr Of*2 -cK Stump?. Address
N\IJYPJJj lSi•< i * > , fii U, .if
Sijc gato CcmUij twit cl; hr Uiniis.
t.a hayron\ h<h !{ >r
Wednesday, December 10,183 L
Fifteen days till Christmas.
John P. Jacowav sprained bis ankle
very badly the other clay. lie has
been using crutches,
Mr.!. A. Case has riged himself off
in a stylish hat. We have been asked
several times who he was.
Mrs. Killian, a widow lady at Moi*
ganville, had a mule und horse killed
Monday night by the car. ’
Dr J W Russey is announced as
candidate for Coroner, He means
busincse. •
Capt Renfore and Dr. K. D, Davis
of Cole City, went to Canton, Miss,
lust Saturday evening.
Candidates moveing aiound to see
the ‘‘dear people” promisconsly.
A new and nice lot of boys hats and
caps at J. A. Case & Son.
Last Saturday seemed to be u gencr
el day forgetting drunk in town,
Willes Davis, son ot Dr. Davis at
Cole City was quite sick with fover
last week.
Banyan Guinn has moved hack to
Rising Fawn. He had his trunk stolen
out of the waiting room at Rising Fawn
last gatnrday night.
We are glad to note that Mr Ben
White foimeily of this place, who has
been quite sick for several days is
about up again.
A civil case was tried before the
Justice Court last Saturday at Cole
City, Pettet vs, Cash. It was sued out
on a contract to effect the arrest of
George Smith. Judgement was given
for the Plaintiff in the sum of eighty
five dollars,
The Tally Herald (Jasper Tenn.)
found some exception to a local notice
we published in our last issue. To
publish it would consume to much
space for nothing. Something seemed
to be wrong with the construction, but
we dont think the editorial staff reched
it; though we are awma that wa made
it, to shorten the notice, Jpit convey
the idea.
We passed over some territory of
Dade for onr first time last week.
Egypt is a rough district. The cove
lies in between the mountains with no
epparent outlet. If we were going to
find a place to seclude ourself from the
world it is the place to which we
would go.
Married:- Mr. Wm, Tlogers of Jas
per, 'Penn., to Miss Mollie Kelley, last
Wednesday, 4 P. M., at the residence
ot Mr J. M. Sutton, r'i he bride lias
many friends and acmiKintances in
Dade. We join with them in wishing
her a pleasant and happy wedded life.
Ladle’s Cloak & Jackets-
We will sell Ladie’s Cloaks and
Jackets until Jlhristmas at a reduced
price. Give us a call before buying
elsewhere. J. A. Case & Son.
Cole City is on a boom. The nar
row-gauge railroad is complted to the
top. This makes a complete line, with
the exception of a disconnection at the
coal shoot to the top of Sand mountain
The time may not bo far distant, when
the lina will extend across the moun
tain to Rising Fnwn. Business and
work is progressing lively on top.
Considerable work lias been and is be
ing put np for the purpose of raising
coal tin ongh the shaft recently sunk 1
It seems to be a lively little town,
Would announce to his former
fnonds and patrons, that lie is again
with Wassman & Bro. 719 Market
St. next door to Pylon’s old stand
and can offer great bargains in dry
goo Is. notions, Cloak* Circulars,
Newmarket Dolmans, Boots* Shoes,
aud Clothing. Give him a trial.
Vv illie Nayjor and his sister Mis.
Bagley, leaves for ttiei.i home in Texas.
Willie is ono of those youn ; nuvi tint
one naturally forms au attachment to.
and we regiet verv much that be
leaves its. lie leaves his many ac
quaintance in Dale as Ti ion Ls-
Rev J. L. King, from LaFayett,
will be here some time in this month
He will begin a sc!ro&V about-the first
Monday in January.
Young folks had a very nice enter
taining sociable party last 'Tuesday
night at Mrs. T. 11. B. Cole’s,
Miss Lorena Ilavorn near Shell -
mound, Tenn isjover visiting relatives
neer town.
The election ofJustices of the
Peace will come off on the first Satur
day in Januaiy in the? countv and
Stale. County officers will ba elected
Wednesday following. This will
make five oleotions iu Dads in about
the speee of four months,
The entertainment will he given at
theC. P. church houee on Christmas
eve night. The'following committees
have been appointed for the various
purposes as specified:
To procure and set up the Tree—
W. W Pace, E. D. Brock, J. D.
Maxwell and Robert Thnrman. To
select the articles, presets &c. for gen
eral distribution: J. R. Brock, T. A.
Ilavron and Mrs. H. B, Cole. To
arrange the articles and decorate the
Tree: Misses Lizzie McClean, Lizzie
Nicholas, Lenora Pace, Alai lie Brock,
Ibi Killian, Florence Pace, Carrie
Lumpkin, Myra Willis, Lula Case
and Lula Smith. General eomraiH.ce
o raise i ndsFMisses Emma Smith
Laura Oneal, Willie Nicholas and
Nallie Cole. (Beu Brock and Byron
'Tatum on a special committee’ to see
that the girls are all prerent, that is
two of them at least. It is resolved
and requested that every girl put some
present on for Willie Naylor, and
have them sent to him in Texas.
Don’t matter anything about size,
weight Ac., so you don't send yourself'
bnt get him in for a good large bill of
express.— Extra )
The invitation is general; and any
one wishing to put any present or
presents, parents for their children or
otherwise, can do so.
Me thanks his Paper.
Mr. Editor: —l was induced by
reading ynnr good paper to try’ Dr.
Harter’s Iron Tonic for debility, liver
disorder and scrofula, and three bottles
have cured me. Accept my thanks.
Jos. C. Boggs.-Ex.
I'tirs u tuilrd.
We will pay the higest market
price for all good fur skins, enclnd
itig deer-skins.
( Is y wnult'b.
Will pav more than Chattanooga
market for Clay Peas.
J. A. Cask hr Sox.
Wo have had nice weather for pre
paring land fur Spring planting.
Those days recall the past and make
us feel as if we ought to be out tin
ning the soil. All who have changed
the vocation to that of another must
admit that it is lreer from the csie*
ot life, and in consequence, the happi
A. raindroy fortels a storm, so does
a pimple upon the hum an body indi
cate health-destroying virus in the
blood, which can l*e neutralized and
expelled only by Dr. Harter’s iruii
Dade fotmly:
Application will bo made to the Court of
Odinary of Dade county Georgia ar the Jan
uary Term, ISSS. of the Court of .Ordinary
of raid county, for leave to sell the lands be
longing to the estate of Mrs. t. F. Hook,
Thomas Hook and Mary E. Ridley, late of
sai l county, diseased, for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased. This
20th day of A’, vemher, ISSt.
J. K. Patterson, Admin is.t’r.
Bor Salt*
A tract of land lying about 2| miles
South East of l ronton, containing 3 10
acres; about 15 acres in cultivation,
and •».) or 40 acres deniable anb tena
ble; has three good springs; well tim
bered, suitable tor lumber, boards rails
Ac. Cheap for cash: or part cash wijh
ballance well secured. Also, a yoke ol
oxen in good condition and well sized,
and wagon; a lot of farming tools,
house-hold furniture &>*., and a lot of
syrup. Wil 1 sell (’heap. Call on or
address, John W. Widliams,
Trenton, Ga
&TAT 2: NEW*
Entities are reported to he lixely in
! Spaulding. Six or seven catididatas
i tor every office.
There will bo an effort to defeat
Restriction in the town of Eiberton, as
it seems that the county needs the in-
I conic on iiccnse to puy tax interest
on bonds-,
'Two or three mad dogs were killed
neer Snbligna last week.
Three prisoners broke j l il in Blakely
and made their escape the Bid inst.
They had broken open their cells, and
celling to the jailer lot somo water on
his opening the outer door they rushed
out, knock him down and made their
esea pe.
A terrible explosion took place in
Griffin the 2nd inst., in which a ne
gro boy was literally blown to peices,
and another’s head blown off and due
receive!) injuries which may prove fa-,
tal. It is supposed to have oecured
from the water in the boile.i being al
lowed to rnn too low.
A bill is before the legislature vest
ing the appointing of Judges
and Bolicitors-Genera ! in the executive
It will probably pnsL
The CoNsxmrnoN states that over
two hundred negroes passed through
Atlanta within three days bound for
Tho Sheriff of Terrel county records
101 prisoners incarcerated in tha coun
ty jail since the Ist of last January.
About fity more having given bond.
Tho Democrats of Newton county
have nominated candidates for the res
pectivo county officios.
Agents are reportod to ba secretly
ai work in Athens with the vie.w to
aronse them, and Bet an exodus ot
them to Calafornia and other western
Last Wednesday, near Gaiasville, a
lieai t-rending traged v occurred at the
residence of Mr McNeil. A young
man left a pistol at his house. His
two children age two and lour years,
found it and began to play with it.
The eldest playfully snapped it at his
brother, which g dog oft the ball to J:
effect in She child killing him instantly.
An a acid not similar to the one
which happened to Mr. Colyar of this
county, occnreb near Decatiire, Ga,.
tqe 6tii inst. Two gentleman were
out limiting buds, wheb one of them
shot at a covey and the shot taking
effect in tho others face and left eye
who was concede 1 from his views >n
the dire :tioti the shot w«s fired. He
wil[ probably lose qis eye. Accidents
like this ought to put people on theii
guard. • .
The Beck tragedy has
and sjiengthen 1 the temperance move
ment ground Clayton’
Rev Jas.o. Lamar of Augusta, lias
pattented a cotton chopper. It is
drawn by two mules. By means of a
pedcl and crank the driver has control
of two revolving knife-blades oposite
arcs of weiro'e which cut iino the row
at regulated by machinery.
A tew days since ‘Mrs. Catlett, a
widow lady in Walker county had her
house with all its contents consumed
by fire. It is suppose! to Do the work
of an incendiary and oil used te kindle
the flames.
A shooking tragedy enaoted the night
of the 2nd in Mitchel county where
three persons Mere found with their
heads almost dissevered. The parties
were Mr. Goodwin, his house keeper
and her son. It was done for the pur
pose of robery. The parties escaped,
and suspicion rests on no special in
The Democratic executive commit
tee of DeKalb county (Ga) met recen
tly to consider the nomination of can
didates for county officers. It was de
cided as too late to effect anything-
A number of gEntlemen in Rome
have resolve! to organize a lecture as
sociation in t he city during the win-
Coughs, Colds. Catarrh, Consumption
All thorat, Breast, ami Lung, aff; Cion.;cur
oJ by the ohl-cstiibHshel “SWAYNS \VILa
CHERRY.” The firs, does give relief anD
curo speedly follows. 2A Cts., or sl.ot)d at
Druggists. .
America’s Pride.
True American men and women, by
reason of their strong constitutions
beautiful forms, rich complections ;md
characteristic energy, are envied by all
nations. It is the generrl use ot Dr,
Harter’s Iron Tonic which brings
about these results.
« t k ■■■ i V'. ■7k3 {, »4•• 2 -.1 &i| A
If* £§ 6Si 61$ ,% /&&£.§/ »gi Bpi
a frft a &y«l »&%** a KfeCrti?
Af.rt «u <•«■■.!>(.!< •'•y •»>,,.!av tho M-.-(l in >J.o on Life system hs thro* run*tji«> >•**
-. 'i! Who •.»•«:: take ,* -I each sirght fu’/A Ito IS *«’•«*, *nr y ?»■■ «.»torw to
•i. ■•.'( o-if «!'<•*. to lij-ohSiMf. for Kom.-rfe Compifur.ts tli‘.-M» iTlid hove no •***
. w - Mime for tho nro of 1,1 v:*n a;td KIDNEY rffcetMca. «««*» <v. rtrwh*.v/
r.r mmvl t*y I-. t'.l for :3c. in stumps. Circulars free. I :» .(i illlfSoN' A CO. liiEbrn*. -Vaxi
•’ ~ ■-»! -fc,*, eiji cm 3,'-'t*3 if< ,2 iS’Lf j £VTv I*3 Croon. A* !'!T>s, Cnindil'h. Neuml
r/"*n ;«*i »,*< yi J|'*** 8S ‘M is H Ki.-i, Aiftstos-* »>o-
A* WSJ ! -a y M iS n * *j iii f * I’i.vr .|S'"! , ',,M tjor, : l by,r..i!
irj & ••» p? i’i la., j 18 Sx/i M*-» iU& zl MS* f.«) will i:i .ium.tiie..u»ly relieve n.< ?«r* (
• ft HphS H |i.-% Ctj ;-3 ’3 <llSi;r.( S, all.'. >ll t*l<* iVI • .CM IV. lUIIC «»»«#.
it f~5 "< HP M F**t C 5 pl 7* PI 4 out oft.'ll. lritir.i.iuon thru w.ji save n: \v
W*JPS fa ;m M ra L; e! fl «Mit trr<*l.vihnrt. W» T tltiaj atUMncnts
*■'“ -c. *« 'VjuTficNT ‘l' ••:•* lnf.HPn».». V.loorio’. .it <!)•• f.irnff'
"'"f? rifrovowf rotes. : n-„, -.ffrv. Puolew M...l.t:>V lyitlpf y l bathes, Aiuf
t£L ' S- JQ»fWs A CO.. BowoOjMfr,
Jt is aw-ri: known f,t.-? rittt movt.tftiia MOS H PSB P?'© 9 S \ j
ih.rsr a, ,1 ( o.tle - f'4 : j fe.’ *1 }’i 1- 4 iS 7. “ B? ,V A?
..1 is corn.:. tliilt S:, tin » < <•:• .1. :ii » w r,| A.., ... , kjg vV S 1 1 (fll
•foihio;, <jtf i rrth rt ilt t.inki h-'.it K !•’iA fJ 4 3 6 i WT* I-i VIB
jL , l:*v. .* ; i»ri «.*nV<'«'•» • »'»i* <'«»'•■■- s»j «J il «! •* Ul *2 ft. V.
$Z‘ it Xut'su.l cure I H.*Cbolera,*c. SpMuvervwi.t-re.oraemfcymailfw»j- 0
c tf A t.-mp-i. Kisrnishcd in i:»r.*V« ni»s,pric«*sl.oo; by mail. $1
Ci9Sdik.-rf CHOLbKA, I'VtrctaartlAc: 1. 8. JOUtiaott ACVvfcwwn.Jkta«e.
ITcnsy ll«tfielil* I)an' A mlt'rsrtiV and
Fiank Lofianl. all eoltned, weVft’ ai
rested on a warrant, charging them
with ‘'larceny from tlie hofise”, and
brought before the Court of Inquiry
at Dising Fawn to-day. Ilatficld wa s
committed to jail in defarrlt of a bond
of .$500; the otlirr two in default of
$250 —all lodged in jail this evening
to await (he action of the Grand-Jury
It apfdars that a system of stealing
of dry goods &c, from the merchants at
Rising F awnmd the Furnace, had
been going on tor a long time, with
out their being able to detet and effect
the arrert of any of the parties till ves
terda3 r . The Walker Iron and Coal
Company tookthe matter into hands,
which resulted as At the
c unmittifig trial a lot of dry goods, in
cluding hats, 'dioes, shirts and dress
patterns, found in posession of some of
the parties, were indentifiod by Mr.
R:ese r of the Company store. Jas
Ilolt. an accomplice, made his escape.
We presume there is hardly a lady
to be found in our broad land who, if
she does not already possess a sewing
machine, exdects some day to become
the owner id one.
But after the mind has been fully
made up to purchase one of these in
dispensable articles, tire question arises
as to what kind of a machine to buy.
It should le so simbly constructed
that the most experienced can success
fully operate it. The other points
mainly to pe considered, and which
are the most desirable, are dwrapility,
rapidfty, capacity for work, ease of
operation, regularity of motion, trni
| fortuity of teniion, and silence while
fn operation.
The “Light-Ronnfug New Home” %
fills the above repuinnents, and is said
to combine the good poiirtsjd all sew
ing machines, with the addition of
many new improvements and labor
saving devices.
The price is no higher than that of
other machines, and every lady who
is tiro happy possessor of one may test
assured she has indeed a treasure.
H r-.i: advbvrnskMent .
The Blouse Wiie , *s Favorile
4Vo will send ’ FKEE for oNE ENTIRE
YEAR, to.every lady who will send ns at
oxen tlie names of ten married ladies, at,the
same address, and,l2 two-ct. stamps for post
age, oil- handsome, entertaining ar.d instruc
tive Jonrncl devoted to Fashions, Faucy
Work, Decorating, Cooking and Household
matters. Regular price, SI.OO. Fexp today
and secure the next nun her. Addres,
f):i<Se Sheriffs Sale
AVill be sol lon the first Tucsda in'Do
comber n xt, at the Court nouse dooa in said
ei unty, within the legal hours of sale, to tho
highest bidder for cash, the fallowing proper
ty, to wit: One Lot of land No.' 150 in the
19rh District and 4th Section. Dade county,
Ga., containing ot.edmndred and ’sixty acres
more or less; said land levied on as the prop
etry of Larkin Payne to satisfy :.n execution
issued from the Superior Court of said county
in favor of C. A. Bryant - Tennant in poses
siou notified. This. October the 29th, 1884.
W. A. By an, Sheriff.
Liver, Kidney or Stomach tronble
Symptoms; Impure, constive bowels, irreg
ular appetite, sour belching, pains, in side
back and head, yellow urine, burning when
urinating, clay colored stools, bad breth, no
desire for work, chills, fevor, irritability
whitish tonga#, dry cough, diziy head, with
pull painesfin back part, loss of memory, fog
gy sight •For these troubles swaynus pn.Ls
aro a sure cure. Box. (30 pills)by mail 25
Cts., 5 for $1 -00. Address DR. SWAYNE A
SON., Philada Pd. Sold by Drugoists.
God Sored Dr* Brad,field, In
The Sale Of His .Yever-Fail
ing Fe talc Regulator!
From the editor of the Gainsviile
Eagle: “I consider I> rad field's Female
Regulator the best medicine ever com
pounded and offered to the public for
the diseases tor which it is recommend
ed. I am well acquainted with a la
dv who never had any health until she
commenced using it. It gave her im
mediate relief, and from lhat time until
now she has enjoyed the lies: of health
I cau oav with hearty good will, ‘God
speed Dr. Rradfield in the sale of his
never tailing Female Regulator!”
Trreatiso on the health and happiness of
i woman mailed free to any address.
ilm Bkauuki.d Rkuti-ator Co ,
Box 28, Atlanta, Ga,
Knows to Mm of F*wt and Bc;«CE'foif Rfuavmo
AchncwMeoi a OrawS. Plcaaiat, aid EScUat Caro far
HVCPFPQiA known by irfrjnilar nppe
if i oruroin, titc, roitr boiohiUK, winghr
cn-t tcndeniessat pitot stomach.despondency^
I llip* p Complaint. Uitionanca.. Mul.-iria, Chills 9ft(T
Fever, cauvirg Jorenese irt bark end m'4e.'
nl>o txittom of rib«; weariribss, irritahilfty,
tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cold sen-'
rbuions oyesdull.dry cough.stifledaridobstnict-'
dd feeling, irregular r.ulse, bad colr.retl stools.
fIPfIPI FYV r.pilepsy.Pnrolyila.(Mra !
round in ears giddlnewE:
C6iifusioti inhend, nervousness, flashe* of light
bcf. f.’ vv > I, at memory. .Dieensei of Bladller and’
gl.'jMCyC urine dark or light,red deposit;
iviuiit, u, burning, stinging,bearingdown k
•cnsatTiiiT: frt.-(n«Mf desire to urinate, uiieaaineee... ,
lutlame.l cyßa, dark' droits/ tbir}t. liiarak* «r *
ora DT severe pains, flutteriutrob wui*Wt Bear
ULMtI I , heart, more »o on moviug qdiffltiysad
when lying on Isft side; out of breath on exertion. ,
WeiIUrSJF 't' lll or sharp jiaius in terngt-v
nEHUrtbriL, gves or head- ftiintiisss, nausea.
l>r»|»M,v is caused by watery fluid: HtiensnA-'
likin. »Vc., by Uric acid in'lfldod'. flow el DIM*
nnirr. bv oerruyr matter. H’nrnis by the i-osef
within Cold, by choking of dte sccretuvhai
(iff ATSK'S r*l M,*y by gentto action. remoTtw
r1.,1 cause, making a i.crmaai'pt cure. Sent by muil ft*
25 cent’s box of .lit Fills; s‘boxes. SI.OO. (In poetatm*'
ftamua ) Address, DR. SWAVXF. A BtOSk
!*liila(iid[>hra, l*n. Sold by Uraegiata.
Sr, Harter’s 2?gs Mi
It Will pu..fy and enrich the BLOOD, regtilatM’
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