Dade County news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1888-1889, November 23, 1888, Image 4

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41IE IHILVTI Vi Ilf,U MU Kntered at THE PogTOHIOE AS Sko oni) Class Matter. BEN. T. BROCK, : Senior Editor. ED. C- CRiSCCM, : Junior Editor "" TRENTON, GA., SEP. 29, 1888? /! IUP . JEN CLERK , We arc autl < lit♦ dto ;; i < ') (>: li < rJ F. «J. Aliitc n, *1 Fum e as a candidate for C uk perior Court. We aro authorized to armour e the name nfS. ti Tbumutn of Trent t. as a candidate for Clerke os Superior Court. S ei Iff. We aje authorized to announce V\ A, BpU, ol Trenton, as a candidate fi re-election as sheriff. We are authorized to announce J. T. Woolbiight, ol Trenton, a.-, a candi date lor sheriff. T ax Collector. We are authorized to announce Job i Slaton, of Rising Fawn, aa a candidate for Tax Collector. Wk are authorized to announce the name of Clayton 'Tatum, of Rising Fawn, as a candidate fcr Tax Collector. Ordinary. We are authorized to announce th name of J. R. Acuff, of Mo ij.i l tilit a candidate for Ordinary. We are authorized to announce the name of J A Cureton, of Tren ton, as a candidate for Ordinary Believing from the expressions of the people of Dade county that they desire my continuance in the - office of Ordinary, and acting from that belief, I formally announce my candidacy for re-election to Said office. If elected, without prejudice toward any, I will en deavor to promote the best interest of the county. J. A. BENNETT. Tax Assessor. We are authorized to announce the name of Geo, W, Hughes, of Egypt, as a candidate for Tax Collector, We are authorized to announce the name of John A. Moreland of Rising Fawn as a candidate for tax collector, We are authorized to announce J. H. Corput, of Trenton, at a candidate for Tax Assessor. We are authorized to announce the name ot T. W. Hardline, as a candidate for tax ascessor. We are authorized to announce the name of S, J. Hale, of Egypt as a candidate for Tax Assessor. w r a are authorized to announce the name of J. R. Bookout of Aior ganville as a candidate for Tax As- sessor. We are authorized to announce ihe name of W. J. McCauley, of Morganville, as a candidate for Tax Assessor. CORONER We ase authorized to anounce the uameof Joe Kiser, of Trenton, a ndidate for Coroner. We are authorized to anuounce the name of A.J, Jelfries, as a candi date for Coroner, We are authorized to announce the name of J. F. Lewis, of Clover dale, as a candidate for Coroner. We are authorize d to announce the name of J, W, Brown of Cole city as a candidate for Coroner, Hon. G, W. M, Tatum informs us that he does not propose pv the local bill to work the public roads eutirely by taxation, but that each man subject to road duty will he compelled to work five dass in the year, and that whatever tax be nec essary to keep up the roach; will be levied for tnat purpose and not L exceed 20 cts. on the hundred. Mr. Tatum says this was the position he took during his canvass, and that he was elected upon that j hit form and that he will pass that bil We cannot blamo AJr. Tatum in the course he enlends to pertqio, nos have we any fight to make upon the passage of such a bill. Wo look the notice inserted in ou r pope as asynopousof what the'bill would be and opposed it as we understood it and not as Mr. Tatunj icfoims it wiil be. Of coins-; or <• argum. pi agai-ist what we natoy suppose ed the bill would bo v.oes not apply to the new aspect the ahV.’r his taken, and we retract all we a-; wo wore laboring under a mi f ppro tuv on as \L-, ( ' qqv qH,. >• • j We "ill ; hake h, pj • : n«, ixu t ip fltfe uf Mr. (i .1. Oliß WASHiNGTNOLETTER. Politicians here express tho hope that the next House will be Repub lican, and that the Republicans will have the organization of it, so that the reins of the Government will be entirely in Republican hands. The Republicans have loudly promised so much in the way of reform—thriving business throughout the country, better wages to workingmen, and other cheering prospects. Let us see if they will be verified. The calm and dignified manner 1 n which president Cleveland takes his defeat is characteristic of the man. Reday as the Old Roman to yield their personal ambition to the will of the people; perfectly will ing, as good Democrats and patri ots to blow to the popular will. If protection is the desire of the American people, let it be carried to itspogical sequence. If in the face of sound theory nothing but ex perience will teach the lesson, then the sooner the lesson is taught the better will it bo for laborer and capitalist, rich or poor. We have favored a tariff reform —a revenue for tariff only—and still believe that these principles eventually, like the eternal truth, must prevail, and Gover rment of ficials now at the helm of state are confident that in waiting these princibles will finally be asserted in face of sophistry and falsehood, elomor and ignorence. The wedding of lion. Joseph Chamberlain and Miss Endicott passed off quietly Thursday. The President and wife, the Cabinett officers and wives, and noted and celebrated persons, principle rela tives and foreign representatives witnessed the ceremony. Mr, and Mrs. will take up their future residence in London. Joy go with them. MTS. __ President Harrison is elected. But we are going to publish one of the best weekly Journals in Ameri ca. Entitled the Banner, to be publsfhed at LaFay ette, Ga., on the first week in Feb. next. It will be a weekly Journal containing 3 pages and will visit you for one dollar per year. Tho Chicamauga Banner will soon be Ihe leading Journrl of the South. It will give you news from all over the U. S., and also the news from your State and county for the sum of o e dollar per year. Our books are filling up with new subscribers every day. Try tho Banner one your and be happy. Send in your subscription at once and bo sure and get your na me ii\ the pot*, Address all orders to,, C. R, Jonos Chestnut Flat, Walker Co„ Ga. On the 22nd of December 1888, at the town of Wildwood GA-, will be offered for®.sale to the highest bidder, one fourth pwid down. The balhtnce on twelve monrha credit note and approved seoui ity. Six mules. One pair marc males id hands high & splendid team, One pair mare mules 14 hands b.igh well broke, suit any farmer, One pair three year old oolts in the spring Urge and fine, But not broke, J, E, Patterson, Wkst Virginia steps proudly to ihe front with a smail Democratic majority, for the National ticket and on a joint ballot her Legish . turc will be Democratic. ' of Indiana and some good man from Now York to tail the ticket would win a glorious victory for the Democratic party in 18.J2- A A *>'i'fc4 .4 At ’• Austins. Cue steer about I years old, .White wilh r< d spo , r «)j» and sj.ii! .?i ael, ear, br;Mided o h'li i.i luh.eii lays the appear- L . <t y . LUMPKIN & BROCK. ATTOR NEYSAT LA VV TRENTON, Ga. Will practice in all the courts. JOHN (L"HALE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. RISING FAWN, GEORGIA. Special attention given to all legal business in the Superior and Supreme courts. W. U, & J. P. JACOWAY. ATTO R N E YS AT LA W Trenton, Ga. Special attention given to all legal business in the Superior and Supreme courts. A. T. FRICKS. PHYSICIAN : & ; S CN Rising Fdwm, Ga Will practice in the town and surrounding country. E. B. KETCHERSIDE. Pi-iYS IGIAN : & : SURGEON TRENTON GEORGIA. Will practice in the town and surrounding country. LEGAL NOTICES. GEORGIA — Dade County, Will be sold on the fir t Tu; sday in Dec. 1888, .at the court house door in the town of Trenton, coun ty of Dade, State of Georgiy, lx - tween the legal hours of sale ':o the highest bidder for cash the follow ing property to wit: Lot of land number 119th, in the 10th district and 4th',section; the same lying in said county of Pade. Said prop erty levied on as thep roperty of W. D Cross and Diadana Cross to sat isfy an execution issued from the justice Court of the 974th Dist. G. M., of said county in favor of B. L. Smith against W. D. Cross and Diadana Cross. Levy made by W. J. Townsend, L. C. and turned over to me. Property pointed out by de fendants. This Aug 30th 1888. W. A. Byrd, Sheiitf. NOTICE. There well be introduced iu tho next General Assembly of Georgia A Bill to be entitled an act to repe al an act to amend an act to incor porate the towm of Rising Fawn, in the county of Dade, .by repealing so much of seid act as allows the Commissioners the right to regu late the !sale of spirtous liquors, approved Oct. 24th, 1887, and for other purposes. This 29th day of Oct.,. Thqrowillbe introduced in the next General assembly of Georgia a bill to be entitled an act to es tablish an act to establish a road law, for the county of Dade, to pro vide for the levying of a tax not exceeding twenty cents on the hnnared dollars for road purposes, There will be introduced in tip next General Assembly of Georgia a bill entitled an act to establish a county court in the county of Dade, To provide for the appnoting of a jndge, to prescribe bis powers and cUPiea and fox other purposes, This Oct, 29th, , NIX & FQU^Sr, Dealers in —- Fine Boots and Shoes. CUSTO W WORK AND PE PAIRING A SPECI ALTY. 824 MARKET STREET. «- It %TTA *«!<»<• A THAO. T. H. LUMPKIN Dealer in Groceries, Tobacco and Cigars. A Now Steele and Complete Line of Goo ds lust Received FINE POCKET CUTLERY. 5 NOVELTSfck 1 „ ~ H CiaiSTWAi eo.-A.-t iiiKi.n, H./urja. b.^uw, 1 i - ’-'t '.' f* v\s!;Y*;! . ... - u. j ".’43 fc 'Wt triHhb, lif u.vt | " 1i- ' ■ - f.‘ ft* r. ’ » ■■ < i - i J . \7 , '■■■ •* tu.:.. i. f H ... 4 j ■ Jf;'i v. If k S-jjO.ertj *iit» tj. • ■ ma in, |HE*I ron mniiP SB.(M! pe* El £»■* hL Mil li Er J»ny IM-Olit Boiling our E& aW! Hr ffw i * a ALBUMS. We beat the trfi tf.4) Rw fi W ■ worl<l_for loKjprioiM. A nun i-usu pitoiiMiiaru tMtrw. B,H i UK Embossf-l padded sides, gold edges, exten sion clasp, holding 311 pages of Cabinet and CnrJ pictures, sent for SI.OO, retails for $2.29; bound a j In Japaneese Morocco. Illustrated circulars I’tIJSE of the above and I’l NEB g\ Jt BWR m■> m m tOK NT VI. UN Of P. | gj V%m2 P liirsher A Wen.ihlw.gA £ f » Kfflg A I'iai'lnnntl, Ohio. W,[A* Sj/J B¥J double their money il t US* £ 3U SB 'lins our BRASS 9 l£jrUN C w Finished Corrugated EFLSCTIKG SAFETY LAMP. iu be sold in every family. Gives ore light than three ordinary lamps, ill sized Lamp sent by Express for irty cents- We also have the best selling CofFee Pot in the U. S. Send for illustrated circulars to FORSHEE& MctldAXlN,Cincinnati^ ITHATFIGHT m Tho Original Wins. C. I’’. Simmons, St. Louis, Prop’r j M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, Est’d B IS4O, in the U. S. Court defeats J. fl 11. Eeilin, Prop'r A. Q. Simmons Liv- LpL J er Regulator, Est’d by Zeilin IS6B. L' m] M. A. S. L. M. has for 47 years . ff HM cured Indigestion, RilioJsness, 8 DvsrapsiA.SiCK Headache,Lost a/ g-'Y Appetite, Sour Stomach, Etc. * *\ Rev. T 11, Reams. Pastor M, El. lb o“1 Church, Adams, Tcnn., writes: “I % „«\ think 1 should have been dead but L l ior your Genuine M. A. Sim- Br~~ —K mens Liver Medicine. I have ilklfiD/JO. Aomctimee had to substitute ; l™| “Zeilin’s stuff” for your Medi ly/CfiU/jf*/ cine, but it don’t answer the I /*>*«» j l ,ur P°sc-” / tJOPLtI Dr. J. R. Graves, Editor Tit Bc.pti;:t , Memphis,Tenn. says: I « I received a package of your Liver IH, A Medicine, and have used half of it. fit $ It works like a charm. I want no S|£ il better Liver Regulator and cer - - -—S- « ™qqughs,crou? AUO * f l#4 i “’SWEET MULLEIN. Tho Rweet gum, ns gntir'rcil from r. treo of lfc6 same name, growing eloi.g tho small streams In the Southern State*, contains a stimulating ex. Seetorant principle that loosens the pbiegip pro. pclfig the early morning cough, and stimulates .ho Qhild to tlirowolf the false n. njhrano In croup nnu When coml-liied with the ben Hug mucilnpin ./us principle in the mullein plant of the old Reids, presents in Tavt.oi:'* fUEROKEE REV. SDV OK 1 P'VEET GU.'I AI D MI L lein the ilnest known reujedy forCoughu. Croup, WhoouLig-oough and eon- aruption; mid so pala* fabla, any child is pl ( ".i- to take it. Ask yout druggist for it. Price p.nd SfA.dC/, ,c f) WAJATLE A.TA VLOki.V.tluu V Ew Bast. Cough Syruji. Tastoa grod. Uso fj? Cm in time. Soi.l by cirntgirte. gfl I believe Pisa’s Cure || j£ for Consumption saved g fl my life.—A. 11. DowuAp, foj p Editor Enquirer Eden- Ss ton, N. C., April 23, 1387. g Jpiso! P The Coil ah Modi- |j H cine i. Pxso’s C'uiif for M Consumption. Cbildren R ■2 take it witliout objection. M 3 By all druggists. 25c. fl bbbeemmjsbbbA CURES WHERE ALL tLit FAILS. P2P JOS Best Cough Eyrup. Tastes good. Use KS d n. ggls ts. (Pm*™ A WISE WOMAN Bought the Splendid HIGH ARM JUNE SINGER SEWING MACHINE BECAUSE IT WAS THE BBSTf n> nr iu wut it For It does sack beautiful work. Sampls Biachlus 3= Factory Priso. EVERY MACHINE »stfEr FOR 5 YEARS. Agents Wanted it Unoecupied Territory. JUNE MANDFACfimiNS CO., BELVIDERE ILL' J SIM PSO N. • CLOThIERT 3 las the Best Lighte Store in th<» Citv • ’J •••••••« ••••••••• ••••</•!• j When making an i. >.pstinent you • . want ali the light can got. All Goods Mail ed in Plain Figures. m t H.a sells for light prices, light profits. He treats you in such a manner that your heart will be light with satisfaction ; and clothe you in away tha you will be light in society. If you have a light pocket book, and want to gm all that is possible for your means, call on TOO Si rapson, - fttxl 2d Rational ? Fishing Tacie INCORPORATED. Carter, Magill & Ewing, Successors to JR. Warner Co* Chattanooga, Tennessee. r \ r ~~~~ ' \ Guns & Powder, Double Shoveid, m 1 ■—ll ■mwn ■inMiißiiii—i 11 n -v. V —— -a. - -- - - WASsmm * bro., 717 and 719 'Masked Street % Have Bedueed all Suits on the First Floor to the Unifo i m Price of 3psr SUIT LB »Ov j SUI’P Thesis just about 50 cents on the did It of eost. We intend to close out every su in the house before our fall goods arrive, an for this reason we offer our suits at ha price CALL AT THE Golden Eagle Clothing: He Chattanooga. Tenn. Hughes Bros Will return one dollar to the luckey cus tomer j who happens to spend the 25th dollar with us. Will Pay lJfds cash for eggs Mondays and Tuesdays Good vHces given for chickens Will sell standard Prints, Tcts Indigo Blue, 7iets Bleeehing I for 6lets, Bicts, 10, and 121 Sheeting lyard wide, 71 3 yards good J cans for $ 1.00 EVERY TS2LVG EQ(JA L T« CHATTJVOOGA PRICES fa Full Line of Family Grocerie § REm l T l IF rc CREDIT BOOK-KEEPING, SHORT-HAND, TELEGRAPHY, PENMANSHIP, Etc. Wfic desires to better his or her condition in life, should write for the Calaiocjuji of BRYANT & STRATTON PUSINESS COLLfcSE RO. +£i- ST&fET, LOUIS*' i-E,